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Alstom Wind
Empresas que diseñan el futuro
Jordi Puigcorbé - David Soler
Madrid, 28 Octubre 2014
93,000 empleados en 100 países
Africa and
Asia and Pacific
Alstom Wind - 29/10/2014 – P 2
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Evolución tecnológica: Hitos
1888: James Blyth (Escocia) y Charles Brush (EEUU)
construyen los primeros aerogeneradores. El modelo de
Brush tenía un diám. de 17 m y una potencia de 12 kW
1890s: Poul la Cour (Dinamarca) desarrolla los primeros
aerogeneradores con baja solidez (i.e. pocas palas)
1931: Primer aerogenerador conectado a la red. Fue en
Yalta (Rusia) y la potencia era de P = 100 KW.
A partir de 1970: Desarrollo de programas de I+D a raíz
de la crisis del petróleo en 1973. Este hecho propició la
aparición de los primeros aerogeneradores comerciales
con diseños conceptuales parecidos a los actuales.
Alstom Wind - 29/10/2014 – P 3
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Evolución tecnológica: Hitos Alstom Wind
• Un largo recorrido:
Potencia: x 200
Diámetro del rotor: x 10
6000 kW
2700/3000 kW
3000 kW
3000 kW
ECO 122
ECO 110
ECO 100
1670 kW
1670 kW
ECO 86
ECO 80
1670 kW
ECO 74
1250 kW
750 kW
ECO 62
ECO 48
640 kW
225 kW
30 kW
150 kW
Alstom Wind: 30 años desarrollando tecnología eólica
Alstom Wind - 29/10/2014 – P 4
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Evolución tecnológica: Integración en la red
• La madurez ha conllevado unos requisitos cada vez más exigentes:
− PASADO: Desconexión
− PRESENTE: soporte a la red (control potencia activa, reactiva, huecos)
• Los parques eólicos actúan ahora como fuentes tradicionales, aportando
energía predecible, controlable y apoyando a la estabilidad
Low Voltage Ride Through
Voltage (pu) MV Transformer
of wind turbine
Time (s)
Sp ain
Po la nd
Swe de n
Be lg iu m
Ke nya
Wind - 29/10/2014
– P 5 Initials - dd mmm yyyy - P 5
Title - Presenters
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
F in lan d
E CO1 00/1 10
Ch ile
Fran ce
Gree ce
No rwa y
Tu rkey 1
E scan dina via
Irela nd
T urkey 2
¿Es cara la energía eólica?
82 $/MWh
Fuente: Bloomberg New Energy Finance
Las inversiones en I+D y el desarrollo tecnológico han convertido a la
energía eólica onshore en una fuente de electricidad competitiva
Alstom Wind - 29/10/2014 – P 6
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
La eólica en el mix eléctrico: Mundo, Europa…
• Crecimiento global
Fuente: GWEC
Fuente: GWEC
Fuente: EWEA
Alstom Wind - 29/10/2014 – P 7
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
… y España
9 Noviembre 2009
Marzo 2011
Alstom Wind - 29/10/2014 – P 8
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
La historia continúa
Algunos Retos:
• NIMBY: Impacto Visual, Ruido
• Los aerogeneradores son
muy, muy grandes
Alstom Wind - 29/10/2014 – P 9
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
• ¿Se nos acaba el espacio?
• Costes (offshore)
Retos: Coste (offshore)
Fuente: Bloomberg New Energy Finance
Onshore: Aero es el principal driver de coste
Offshore: 33% (coste asociado al aero)
Evolución tecnológica requerida en áreas como
métodos de instalación, embarcaciones, transporte,
accesibilidad, operación y mantenimiento,
infraestructura eléctrica, fiabilidad, monitoring
Alstom Wind - 29/10/2014 – P 10
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Evolución del mercado
Alstom Wind - 29/10/2014 – P 11
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Evolución del mercado
Alstom Wind - 29/10/2014 – P 12
© ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on
that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without
liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Muchas Gracias
Dr. Jordi Puigcorbé
Dr. David Soler
Alstom Wind