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Design Thinking & Ideation: UXD/IXD Introduction

UXD / IXD #1 – DesignThinking &
In Smart Mobile we work with these leaflets that each
present a special topic that fits in a master working process
called ‘designthinking’.
Important Warning: Dealing with uncertainty required
An important part of product, service, application and brand
development is design. Whether this applies to cars, games, apps,
phones, applications, interfaces and what have you. All succesfull
brands incorporate some form of design, designthinking and
ideation. What is design? And what is designthinking? What is
ideation? That is what this leaflet is about. This is the heart of your
User Experience Design (UXD) course for Mobile.
Smart Mobile says: Adopt another way of looking at -and of
interacting with the man-made world, man’s products,
services, brands and applications. By doing so adopt another
way of looking at design and how it is made. Design is more
than skindeep.
Smart Mobile doctrine: We think of Design as a natural activity!
From the outset , around ten years ago, the ‘founding fathers’ of Smart Mobile
put User Experience at the heart of it. Meaning that ‘by Design’ we make
technology serve people and not the other way around. This also implies that we
value design as more fundamental and essential than technology as such. First a
plan, ideas, a concept, and only then the accompanying and enabling technology.
User Experience Design and Interaction Design have been a deliberate integral
part of Smart Mobile not for nothing. We don’t believe in technocracy. Which
does not mean we do not believe in technology! We do. But Smart Mobile and
Design is about respect for and emphathy with people and society first. Besides if
brands, products, services, applications do not put people’s needs, limitations,
wishes and such at the core of their brand and product development they can
and will not be succesful as these people are their customers. So, like when
building a house, first we need a concept and a design. An intelligent plan. These
plans evolve. For that you need a design way of working and a design philosophy.
An understanding of people’s needs, wishes , aspirations, limitations etcetera; in
other words knowledge and understanding about human psychology as a species
and as individuals.
Apple - Design Thinking – Think different – Mohammed Ali 1942 – 2016
(boxing champion)
Free Design methods, platforms and websites:
Besides the info on this leaflet these below methods and platforms provide
general information and hands on methods to work on your project’s design.
Explore yourself and/or consult your teacher.
(you will find these on every leaflet we will use)
-Design Method Toolkit
(Browse to find your topic / see leaflet on DMT cards and-or ask your teacher)
-DOT framework / CMD method
-IDEO Designkit
-Google Material Design
Free background information online
Among others we use these websites for background information
Purpose and take-away: Questions involved
You should be able to answer the following questions:
-What is design?
-What is design not?
-What is DesignThinking?
-What is the process of design thinking?
-What are the basic concepts in this process?
-What activity goes with what part / phase of the designthinking process?
-Am I able to structure and develop my project along these lines without a
-What phases of the designthinking process are there and with what knowledge
and activity are they fullfilled?
-What is ideation?
-What is the purpose of ideation?
-What is the role of ideation in Design thinking?
-Can you define creativity?
-What is the essence of creativity?
-What is an iterative way of working?
-What is the role of designthinking and ideation in succesful companies?
-Why is creativity important for society and economy?
-Is creativity solely an artistic endeavour?
-What is brainstorming? What are its principles?
-How many brainstorming methods are there? What do they have in common?
-Can i make up my own methods?
-What is meant by quality through quantity?
-Is a method doing the work for you?
-Is the method creative itself? Can it be?
-In what phase of design and development is ideation and brainstorming of
-What is a iteration? What is iterative way of working?
-Is ideation and creativity only for developing concepts?
-Can i be creative and innovative on UI level as well?
-What is mindmapping?
-What methods are there for ideation , concepting and brainstorming?
-Under what circumstances can they be succesful?
-What are the conditions for ideation to be succesful?
-What is considered a non-linear process?
-What is divergent thinking?
-What is convergent thinking?
-What is the (double) diamond of creative processes?
-Am I able to set up a fruitful brainstorm sessions?
-Is brainstorming best done with a group or individually?
-What tools can i use?
-What is more important the method or the attitude?
-What is more important; talent or method?
Use this leaflet to fullfil Concrete UX Learning goals.
In short:
Problem definition/concepting:
You show you can convert a problem or opportunity into multiple smart mobile
concepts based on thorough analysis and creativity.
Mobile User Experience / Interaction Design:
You translate concepts into user friendly designs and validate these designs through
user tested iterations.
Professional Skills:
You demonstrate your professional development as a mobile developer in the form of
authentic, professional IT tasks in which both the process and the result are visible.
More elaborate description:
Problem Definition / Concept
You show you can convert a problem or opportunity into multiple smart mobile
concepts based on thorough analysis.
-Analysis: You use common research methods to analyse a problem, trends in
the market and relevant stakeholder interests.
-Convert: Generate ideas using ideation methods and crystallize them into
appealing and engaging mobile challenges and solutions (products, services,
applications etc).
-Mobile Concepts: A crystallized idea based on a problem description with a
distinguishable research component.
Mobile User Experience / Interaction Design
You translate concepts into user friendly designs and validate
these designs through user tested iterations.
-Translate: Using design theory and methodology, you are capable of designing
engaging solutions,
-User friendly: The designs meets usability and UCD (User Centered Design)
quality standards.
-Designs: Products that ‘describe’ and ‘show’ the problem, the target audience,
the interaction narrative and the user interface.
Topics in this leaflet
Since this is the mother of all leaflets you will encounter,
here is an overview of topics and the order of
1. Designthinking / Design; Thoughts on Design.
2. Design (Thinking) – Thoughts on Creativity!
3. Design (Thinking) – 5 Steps
4. Design Thinking – Articles and videos: Introduction and methodology
5. Designthinking & Ideation – Articles and videos:
6. Design Thinking – Introduction by illustrations.
7. Design Thinking – Human Centered Design illustration.
8. DesignProcess: Revolution & Evolution. Thoughts on Design.
9. Designthinking & Ideation – Brainstorming Principles and Methods.
10. Designthinking & Ideation – Last but not least; Concept Validation.
There is no page numbering deliberately. This is not a document.
1. Designthinking. What is Design? What is
Design not?
A couple of statements
Design = a product
Design = a service
Design = an idea
Design = a process
Design = a plan / having a plan
Design = a concept
Design = organisation
Design = science and artistry combined
Design = proposing more alternatives
Design = a natural (intelligent) activity
Design = simplicity = solved complexity
Design = structure
Design = creating order and meaning out of chaos
Design = a natural activity. Design of functional tools.
Design is developing a plan(s) or model(s) as part of the process of making
something in the most intelligent way possible. As products, services,
applications and brands are used by people, design incorporates people’s
needs , desires, limitations, possibilities, wishes and so forth. In short the
design / plan takes into account functional but also emotional and
psychological circumstances of individuals and mankind at large. Next of
course to the means of technology (production and distribution of the design)
and means of marketing and business, these ‘human factors’ are of utmost
importance for the product’s success in society and economy.
Design is not: Design when done right is not just pouring some trendy sauce
over a product or service. It is also not about eliteness or elite products. Next;
Good design is more than skindeep. It is not about adding flashyness, trendyness
or slickyness to what ever you are making and developing. It should not be
superficial but intelligent. It is not to be confused or equated with styling! It is
about how things work, how things are structured and therefore how form is
shaped by the designer based on that. Yes there is the element of esthetics
(beauty) in design but beauty is also more than just skindeep even at the User
Interface level . The surface of design is an outcome of the plan that is
Bill Moggridge – Founder of IDEO, Coined the term ‘Interaction Design’.
Design terminology in Smart Mobile – Design principles
and methods overview
Design - Ways of working (how to get to a design):
1. DT = Design Thinking (DT is not a generally used abbreviation)
2. HCD = Human Centered Design
3. UCD = User Centered Design
Design - Ways of working and design disciplines:
4. UXD = User Experience Design
5. IXD = Interaction Design
6. BD = Behavioral Design (BD is not a generally used abbreviation)
-The first three constitute design processes (how to make / do design)
-The fourth and the fifth are design disciplines and deliverables
-The sixth is psychology and theory of human goals, motivations and behavior.
Today behavioral sciences influences aspects of society; behavioral economics
for instance. And also behavioral design. A striking example is the design of
social media.
Basically they all (apart form behavioral design) have the same principles as
approach to design for people (and technology and business) is concerned. They
all offer more or less structured processes of making the design so it suits
people, business and technology. Besides they all have a form of creativity at
their heart.
2. Design (Thinking) – Introduction Thoughts on Creativity!
Creatvity plays out on every level of design(thinking)
and engineering. From idea and concept to shape and
appearence. From function to form. They all encompass
creative activity. What do we mean by creativity?
Smart Mobile says: Creativity is genius. Creativity is also a way of life.
If you are not a genius or only partly a genius, (applied) creativity is
also a methodology and a way of working. A process. A method. A
structure. A plan.
Mastering the process of designthinking and ideation is what you
should achieve. This is what you will be judged on. Please note that
creativity is not artistic creativity only or perse. It is about
problemsolving, seeing new possibilities, new concepts, other ways of
understanding etcetera. Not the ability to draw interesting pictures.
Note: Everybody is creative.
Leonardo DaVinci (1452 – 1519) The epitome of the curious and creative genius
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist
Other Quotes by Einstein that encompass creativity and
1. ‘Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will get you
2. ‘You cannot solve the problems of tomorrow using the
methods and frame of mind of today or yesterday’
3. ‘I am not particularly intelligent or creative. I am only
wildly curious.’
Edward de Bono (1933) – Psychologist. we are creatures of thought patterns –
people, society economy are full of thought patterns. Creativity involves breaking
out of the established patterns. Think different.
John Updike (1932 - 2009) - Writer. An Important quote:
Creativity is merely a plus name for regular activity. Any activity
becomes creative when the do-er cares about doing it right, or better.
In other words: creativity involves effort and urgency.
Thomas Edison - inventor (1847- 1931) This is a famous quote. Besides
creative genius, design is hard work.
Henry Ford (1847- 1931) and his famous quote on innovation.
3. Design Thinking – Introduction,
methodology and examples.
Read at least the first 2 of the following articles
Design Thinking – The three main factors involved and the ‘sweetspot’ of
design and designthinking
Design of Apple car – solved complexity
Video - designthinking at Apple:
4. Design Thinking – 5 Steps
5. Designthinking & IDEATION –
Introduction, methodology and examples
Read at least 4 of the following articles:
6. Design Thinking – Introduction and
illustration 1
Try to see the similarity and overlap in the different proposed schematics.
We deliberately gathered a lot of illustrations / schemes; and there is a lot more
out there. We want you to be able to look through the apparant /superficial
diffferences to see the essence and communality behind them.
Several schematics explaining and portraying Design Thinking and it’s tenets.
They might differ somewhat but basically they all state the same.
Important is to discern and understand the phases of the process, the divergent
and convergent dynamic and the iterative and non-linear way of working. Every
schematic emphasizes different aspects sometimes with different names for the
distincitve phases; together they complete the picture.
Designthinking – working iteratively and in a non-linear fashion – study this schematic
Designthinking – working iteratively and in a non-linear fashion – study this schematic. Note
that the schematic shows one iteration while a project goes through several of these iterations.
Design Thinking – Introduction and illustration 2
Try to see the similarity and overlap in the different proposed schematics.
Several schematics explaining and portraying Design Thinking and it’s tenets.
They might differ somewhat but basically they all state the same.
Important is to discern and understand the phases of the process, the divergent
and convergent dynamic and the iterative and non-linear way of working. Every
schematic emphasizes different aspects sometimes with different names for the
distincitve phases; together they complete the picture.
Designthinking – working iteratively and in a non-linear fashion
Designthinking – 5 phases (with other names than in the previous illustrations; check the
similarity) and the corresponding process of (the oscillation of) ‘diverging’ and ‘converging’.
Together with a iterative and non-linear way of working this is essential. – study this schematic
Designthinking – double diamond model with four phases – ‘divergent’ and ‘convergent’
Design Thinking – Introduction and illustration 3
Try to see the similarity and overlap in the different proposed schematics.
Several schematics explaining and portraying Design Thinking and it’s tenets.
They might differ somewhat but basically they all state the same.
Important is to discern and understand the phases of the process, the divergent
and convergent dynamic and the iterative and non-linear way of working. Every
schematic emphasizes different aspects sometimes with different names for the
distincitve phases; together they complete the picture.
Designthinking – today’s chaos is tomorrow’s next new order – Note: creativity and ideation is
also about dealing with exploration and with the adventure of it or uncertainty of it. A very rough
but also essential picture of a design / creative process. What is divergent and what is
Designthinking – working iteratively and in a non-linear fashion.
Empathy is?
Divergent (thinking) is?
Convergent (thinking) is?
Iterative way of working is?
Non-linear way of working is?
Look up essential words if you don’t know their meaning
Design Thinking – Human Centered Design illustration 4
Try to see the similarity and overlap in the different proposed schematics.
Several schematics explaining and portraying Design Thinking and it’s tenets.
They might differ somewhat but basically they all state the same.
Important is to discern and understand the phases of the process, the divergent
and convergent dynamic and the iterative and non-linear way of working. Every
schematic emphasizes different aspects sometimes with different names for the
distincitve phases; together they complete the picture.
Designthinking / Human Centerd Design process – Split into 3 phases and illustrating the
corresponding (the oscillation of) diverging and converging dynamic. Note the different activities
on the horizontal axis.
Designthinking / Human Centered Design – working iteratively and in a non-linear fashion.
Designthinking / Human Dentered Design – start with the human factor and what is desirble
and valuable to humasn, persons, people before you think of anything else
7. Designthinking and ideation - Process:
Revolution. & Evolution. Thoughts on design.
Products, services, applications can have revolutionary ideas at their
core but before they are mature they need to evolve. They don’t
appear on the market by falling from the sky. The design process is
iterative. An iteration in the design process is in a way like a
generation in biological evolution. What you see on the market is a
product of a process of creativity, science, method, creativity, blood
sweat and tears in which a lot of ideas and work, and alternative
proposals and designs have gone overboard to reach for the final
product that goes to market.
Herbert Simon – 1916 -2001 – Psychlogist and Sociologist – One of the
founding fathers of the field of Artificial Intelligence and of Designthinking.
IDEO Design - Concepts for self driving cars and the future of mobility – a big
idea with a lot of sub-ideas and solutions (by IDEO) click for more examples of
their future of mobility study. (take a look)
Buckminster Fuller (1895 – 1983) Architect / futurologist / designer. He
envisioned mew ways of living and working. He is most famous for the Bucky
Ball (which is a molecular structure) and his geodesic-domes which he saw as an
important new way of constructing and achitecture.
Buckminster Fuller – Design is a plan and design is producing alternatives,
different proposals and solutions - variety and explorations are key.
Buckminster Fuller – Dymaxion Car (1933!) A concept / prototpye for a car –
Design as concept and Design as productdevelopment.
8. Designthinking and ideation - Process:
Revolution. & Evolution. Thoughts on design.
Products, services, applications can have revolutionary ideas at the
core but before they are mature they need to evolve. They don’t
appear on the market by falling from the sky. The design process is
iterative. An iteration in the design process is in a way like a
generation in biological evolution. What you see on the market is a
product of a process of creativity, science, method, creativity, blood
sweat and tears in which a lot of ideas and work, and alternative
proposals and designs have gone overboard to reach for the final
product that goes to market.
Nautilus Shell. Life will find a way. Like design Nature has a plan. It evolved.
While nature produces generations to realize or that result in evolution. Design
produces iterations to realize the evolution of design / the design.
Birdplan / bird skeleton. Life will find a way. Like design, nature has a plan. It
evolved. While nature produces generations to realize that result in or through
evolution, design produces iterations to realize (the evolution of) design. Also
note that the world sets an enormous amount of limitations and
problemstatements to be solved and for nature to be creative within those
boundaries. Design = ‘solved complexity’ does not imply that a level of
complexity still remains.
Orson Welles – Movie Director (1915 – 1985)
9. Designthinking and Ideation –
Brainstorming Principles and Methods
Design Method Toolkit
Designmethod Toolkit - A Brainstorming method for Designthinking / User
centered Design.
The toolkit contains methods for a complete designthnking process but
For brainstorming and ideation the following apply.:
‘Research cards’ for brainstorming / Ideation
Research collage / Literature review / Cognitive map / Future workshop
Boundary Shifting
‘Create cards’ for brainstorming / ideation
Sensorial / Brain writing / The KJ method / Moodboard / Lotus Blossom
Vip Design / Collage / Mind map / Problem tree
9. Designthinking and Ideation –
Brainstorming Principles and Methods
IDEO - Designkit
Designkit by leading design firm IDEO - A method for Designthinking / Human
centered Design. Icluding brainstorming and ideation.
Videos: Tim Brown of IDEO – IDEO is a leading designfirm that was constituted
on Interaction Design. It developed in a global design firm that
Specialises in not only IXD but Design Thinking. Watch a least number 1.
Tim Brown of famous and leading Design firm IDEO – Urges people to think big
Tim Brown of famous and leading Design firm IDEO - Tales of creativity and play
Tim Brown of famous and leading Design firm IDEO – Talks at Google on Design
principles to solve major problems.
9. Designthinking and Ideation –
Brainstorming Principles and Methods
How to set up, engage in and conclude braimstorming sessions?
Brainstroming is not just throwing some thoughts on the table. It should be done
with a specific goal(s) in minds and it has to be prepared and set up right for
actual result. In this setting up the framing o the problem, the goal of the session,
but also limitations and constraints play a vital role. Only within limitations you
have to be creative.
‘Today’s chaos is tomorrow’s next new order’ (and vice
Bill Buxton (1949) First generation UX Designer
Bill Buxton: ‘Ideation and Brainstorming is like mining.
You have to move a lot of rock and dirt for just one or
two nuggets of gold’
Bill Buxton - Difference between a linear and a non-linear process – What
you see in shops and on the market is the final result. What you don’t see is the
generated alternatives and the iterations that makes the desing arrive at it’s final
destination. You don’t see in the final result the paths that have been abandoned;
that turned out not to be the optimal path.
Apology for the weak quality of the image; the essence however stands
Game controller ‘study’ – What you see in shops and on the market is the final
result. What you don’t see is the generated alternatives and the iterations that
makes the design arrive at it’s final destination and to the market.
9. Designthinking and Ideation –
Brainstorming Principles and Methods
Edward de Bono’s special brainstorming and ideation
method of 6 thinking perspectives (6 thinking hats)
Looking at it superficially the De Bono method might look a bit childish. Yet it is a
proven method and when done right it has proven to be very powerful. Each
perspective of the six is a mode of thinking that can be applied to a creative
process and-or project as to improve on it by looking at it from different angles
and with differnet attitudes.
Edward de Bono (1933)
10. Designthinking and Ideation – Concept
Read / study at least the first article / presentation. Last but not least. Below
links help you to frame our project / concept more critically.
Unconventional thought – breaking out of existing pattterns - would this be a
viable concept / solution?
Unconventional thought – breaking out of existing pattterns - would this be a
viable concept / solution?
Unconventional thought – breaking out of existing pattterns - would this be a
viable concept / solution?