Subido por almera14ak

Career Exploration Worksheet: Professions & Qualities

NAME: ............................................................................................
MARK: _____________
1. Look at the list of professions. Write them down into three groups.
• a journalist • a teacher • a computer programmer •a designer • an engineer • a manager • a politician • a
mechanic • a librarian • a cook a nurse • a hairdresser • a worker • a musician • an artist • a shop assistant •
an actor • a driver • a pilot • an accountant • a scientist • a businessman • a doctor • an economist • a farmer •
a painter • a fisherman • a gardener • a lawyer
Working with people
Art Professions
Working with Machines
2. Answer some of these important questions.
- What are you fond of? _____________________________________________________________________
-Can your hobby help in your future profession?________________________________________________
-Are you going to follow your parent’s footsteps?________________________________________________
-What are you good at?_____________________________________________________________________
-What will your future profession be connected with?____________________________________________
3. What qualities are important for a successful career? Make a list of adjectives.