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English 3 Activity Guide: My Hidden Talent

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación
Course: English 3
Code: 90121
Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Task 2 My hidden talent
1. Activity Description
Type of activity: Collaborative
Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1
Highest score of the activity: 90 points
The activity starts on: Thursday,
The activity ends on: Wednesday, March
February 22, 2024
20, 2024
With this activity, you are expected to achieve the following learning
You will be able to express your hidden talent to your audience (e-classmates and
tutor); for that, you must describe your experience by explaining coherent and
cohesive ideas to create a whole description. Also, you will be able to interact, give
opinion, argue or give feedback to your partners’ hidden talents.
The activity consists of:
Step 1: Check vocabulary (individual work)
Find and match these phrases in bold with the pictures:
1. Make…
2. Letter
1 a speech in front of more than fifty people.
2 a meal for more than eight people.
3 a phone call in a foreign language.
4 A decision that changed your life for the better.
5 a project with a big team.
6 Business in another language.
7 Well/badly in an exam.
8 your homework on the way to school.
Figure 1: Talents that people have
Source: Google Image
In this chart, match the pictures with the sentences.
Now, write, at least, 5 talents ort skills you have.
Example: I have talked to a hundred-people audience, because I am good at showing
off my points of view.
NOTE: After doing this step, you must share your answers in the forum.
Step 2: let’s listen (individual work)
Look at the pictures and listen to an interview with Mario, the boy in the story. As you
listen, answer the three questions. Click on the link to listen the interview
1. Now, answer these questions:
Figure 2: Mario's talent
- What was Mario’s hidden talent?
- When did he start to use his talent?
- How did he use his talent to change his
Source: Google Image
2. Listen again and complete the extracts.
1. I’ve always __________ cooking.
2. Then in my twenties I started to _______ melas for my friends.
3. I had the idea to ______ my food at work.
4. I wanted to _____ something more interesting.
5. ______ you ever thought, ‘Oh, I prefer my old office job’?
6. It’s the best decision I’ve ever _____.
NOTE: After doing this step, you must share your answers in the forum.
Step 3: Take a look! (collaborative work)
For this step, after doing the activities below, you must attend to one STT session with
your tutor and together, you are going to check your answers, then, he/she is going
to give you tips and recommendations to develop the rest of this worksheet’s steps.
The date and hour of the session, it will be provided by your tutor at the beginning of
this task.
1. Correcting mistakes:
Read the paragraph below. Fine nine mistakes and correct them. For identifying the
mistake, you must use these symbols:
GR= grammar mistake P= punctuation SP= Spelling
Figure 3: My hidden talent
Source: Google Image
My hidden talent
My talent is that I can sing really well.
I’ve always like music I sing all kinds of
songs, including rock, pop and classical
music I first discovered this ability when
I was young. I often listened to music
and sand at the same time. I’ve doing it
many times at parties, in front of my
friends, and in karaoke bars. There is no
magic secret I just listen carefully and
am practicing on my own.
1.1. In the STT session, you were asked about these questions:
Which is your hidden talent?
When did you discover it?
Who knows about it?
2. Complete the chart with the past participle of the following verbs.
1. Present
2. Past
3. Present
4. Past
2.1 Using the past participle of the verbs above, create 6 Have you ever…? questions
to do to your tutor or classmates in the STT session. You can use in the box to help
Have you ever bought clothes on Internet?
Have you ever caught a fly with your hands?
3. Do a list of 5 talents or achievements you have done, then, share it to your tutor
and classmates.
I have done cycling for 5 years and I have never fallen down.
When in my house something is broken, I have fixed them up.
STEP 4: Describing your hidden talent (individual work)
For this step, after doing this activity, you must attend to one STT session with your
tutor and together, you are going to check your answers, then, he/she is going to give
you tips and recommendations to develop the rest of this worksheet’s steps. The date
and hour of the session, it will be provided by your tutor at the beginning of this task.
1. Describe your talent:
Now, choose one of the talents you wrote in point 3 Step 3. In a paragraph (between
100 and 120 words) describe your talent by giving descriptions using Present Perfect
tense. For that, you can consider these questions to create your text:
When did you discovered that talent?
How have you taken advantage of that?
Do people know about this talent? Why?
Do you feel your talent has been useful?
2. Show us your talent:
In a short video (no more than 2 minutes), show and explain how you do your talent.
For this, consider the following:
You must show your face in the video.
You must explain step by step how you perform it.
The video must be recorded in vertical frame.
You must speak English to explain your talent.
You must use these structures: I have done… I am good at… I am talented at…
It is not allowed the aloud reading or playback-lip-sync (hacer mímica)
You can guide yourself by watching these two examples: ,
When you finish your video, you must upload it on Youtube or your Cloud service of
your preference. Then, paste the link on the final paper you hand in.
Step 5: Self-evaluation (individual work)
In this step, you must check your performance during the time this task is developed.
For that, you must answer the following questions in a scale from 0 to 2. You can
answer the questions within the chart is given. This step must appear in the
consolidation step. These are the questions:
1. Did I follow accurately the steps according to what the worksheet requires?
2. Did I attend and participate in the STT (synchronous meeting) that the task
3. Did I take into account tutor’s recommendations on the forum?
4. Did I record the video according to all the indications in the worksheet?
5. Did I consolidate all the steps in the final document to be posted on the
Evaluation Environment?
Step 6: Consolidation (individual work)
After doing the possible corrections and receiving the positive feedback form your tutor
about the steps you developed. You must consolidate the following items in a .doc
or.PDF file:
- Step 4: Describing your hidden talent. (Youtube or Google drive link).
- Step 5: Self-evaluation (you must share the chart with the corresponding points).
After that, you must upload it in the Evaluation environment.
For the development of the activity consider that:
In the Initial Information Environment, you must:
- Revise the course agenda to be informed about the initial and closing dates of
this task.
In the Learning Environment, you must:
- Look at the grammar topics and activities in modules 5 to 8 from the eBook.
- Participate in the collaborative forum of this task by posting your contribution
in every single step on time.
In the Evaluation Environment, you must:
- Consolidate and submit your final document to the Evaluation Environment.
Evidences of individual work:
The individual evidence to be submitted is:
A document with the following information:
Step 4: Describing your hidden talent. (Youtube or Google drive link)
Step 5: Self-evaluation (you must share the chart with the corresponding
Evidences of collaborative work:
No collaborative evidence is required in this activity.
2. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidences to Submit
For Individual evidence, consider the following:
You must take part in the forum within the dates stablished in the course
Before submitting the final paper, you must check that it carries out
all the requirements related on this activity worksheet.
You must feedback or comment to any of your e-classmates’ contributions to
improve and enrich as your contributions as theirs.
You must submit your own final product document in a .DOC or .PDF file on
the Evaluation Environment.
Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.
Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must
comply with APA style.
In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism. You
can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found in the virtual campus.
Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your own
work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention carried out by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of references, or it includes
citations where there is no match between these and the reference and paragraph f)
To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of research products,
which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 - 13 de diciembre de
2013, artículo 99)
The academic penalties students will face are:
a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the academic work or evaluation, the
score obtained will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature, the score obtained
will be zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures being derived.
3. Evaluation Rubric Template
Type of activity: Individual
Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1
The highest score in this activity is 90 points
First evaluation
participation and
This criterion
represents 16
points of the total
of 90 points of the
High level: Participates by posting the steps of the worksheet
and interacts among her/his e-classmates’ contributions on
the forum according to the worksheet requirements within the
dates established in the agenda.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 13
pointsand 16 points.
Average level: Participates by posting the steps of the
worksheet and interacts among his/her e-classmates’
contributions belatedly during the last three days of the task.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 5
pointsand 12 points.
Low level: Does not participate or interact in the forum or
her/his participation was not meaningful towards task’s aims.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 4 points.
Second evaluation High level: Makes an appropriate use of different grammatical
structures (Past Simple, Present Simple and Present Perfect) to
describe your hidden talent(s).
Grammar use
If your work is at this level, you can get between 13
This criterion
pointsand 16 points.
represents 16
points of the total Average level: The text has some grammar structures
of 90 points of the according to the level (Past Simple, Present simple and Present
Perfect) and makes minor errors on verbs conjugation.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 5
pointsand 12 points.
Low level: Makes many grammar mistakes, which make the
text difficult to understand. It is very evident the use of online
translators in the composition. The activity was not carried out
to evidence this item.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
pointsand 4 points.
Cohesion and
This criterion
represents 16
points of the total
of 90 points of the
High level: The ideas are organized in a logical order. The
paragraphs are connected using linking words effectively,
which allows the reader to effectively comprehend its idea.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 13
pointsand 16 points.
Average level: Some ideas are not clearly organized. Linking
words are needed to connect paragraphs coherently to give a
clear idea.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 5
pointsand 12 points.
Low level: The ideas are not in a logical order. The text is
unclear which makes the reader confused. It is very evident
the use of online translators in the composition. The activity
was notcarried out.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 4 points.
Fourth evaluation
High level: Story’s lexicon is in accordance with the
descriptions you use in your descriptions that allows its
If your work is at this level, you can get between 13
pointsand 16 points.
This criterion
represents 16
points of the total
of 100 points of
the activity.
Average level: Sometimes the chosen vocabulary conveys
the idea clearly, but they seem stilted or repetitive in your
If your work is at this level, you can get between 5
pointsand 12 points.
Low level: The text uses a very limited vocabulary with many
mistakes in spelling and accuracy, the words don’t fit the
context, or they are misspelt. It is very evident the use of
online translators in the composition. The activity was not
carried out.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 4 points.
Fifth evaluation
This criterion
represents 16
points of the
total of 90
points of the
High level: The ideas are organized in a logical order. The
ideas in your speech are connected using linking words
effectively, which allow the reader to effectively comprehend
its idea.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 13
pointsand 16 points.
Average level: Some ideas are not clearly organized. Linking
words are needed to connect ideas coherently to give a clear
If your work is at this level, you can get between 5
pointsand 12 points.
Low level: The ideas are not in a logical order. The speech is
unclear which makes the listener confused. It is very evident
the use of online translators in the composition. The activity
was notcarried out.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 4 points.
High level: all the activities and steps in the task are done
successfully and during the time the activity was set.
Sixth evaluation
If your work is at this level, you can get between 7
pointsand 10 points.
Average level: some activities and steps are done at the last
week of the task. The steps partially carry out the purpose of
the task.
This criterion
represents 10
If your work is at this level, you can get between 3
points of the total pointsand 6 points.
of 90 points of the
Low level: the activities and steps in the task are developed
in a wrong way. There is no evidence of developing thewhole
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
pointsand 2 points.