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Deep below the Deepwater Horizon oil
For the first time, scientists gathered oil
and gas directly as it escaped from a
deep ocean wellhead — that of the
damaged Deepwater Horizon oil rig.
What they found allows a better
understanding of how pollution is
partitioned and transported in the depths
of the Gulf of Mexico and permits
superior estimation of the environmental
impact of escaping oil, allowing for a
more precise evaluation of previously
estimated repercussions on seafloor life
in the future.
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The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig in April 2010
was both a human and an environmental catastrophe.
Getting the spill under control was an enormous
challenge. The main problem was the depth of the well,
nearly 1,500 meters below the sea surface. It was a
configuration that had never been tried before, and the
pollution it unleashed after methane gas shot to the
surface and ignited in a fiery explosion is also
unequalled. Much research has been done since the
spill on the effects on marine life at the ocean’s surface
and in coastal regions. Now, École Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) professor Samuel Arey
and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute reveal in
the advance online edition of Proceedings of the
national Academy of Sciences how escaped crude oil
and gas behave in the deep water environment.
Into the deep
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of a
remotely operated vehicle (ROV), Woods Hole scientists
reached the base of the rig and gathered samples
directly from the wellhead using a robotic arm. The
oceanographers also made more than 200 other
measurements at various water depths over a 30kilometer area. These samples were then analyzed with
the help of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration and the dissolution of hydrocarbons was
modeled at EPFL. This model showed how the
properties of hydrocarbons are important in
understanding the wellhead structure and pollution
diffusion—how pollution spreads out—in the depths.
From the ROV to the lab
Lab analysis led the scientists to describe for the first
time the physical basis for the deep sea trajectories of
light-weight, water-soluble hydrocarbons such as
methane, benzene, and naphthalene released from the
base of the rig. The researchers observed, for example,
that at a little more than 1,000 meters below the surface,
a large plume spread out from the original gusher,
moving horizontally in a southwest direction with
prevailing currents. Unlike a surface spill, from which
these volatile compounds evaporate into the
atmosphere, in the deep water under pressure, light
hydrocarbon components predominantly dissolve or
form hydrates, compounds containing water molecules.
And depending on its properties, the resulting complex
mixture can rise, sink, or even remain suspended in the
water, and possibly go on to cause damage to seafloor
life far from the original spill.
By comparing the oil and gas escaping from the well
with the mixture at the surface, EPFL’s Samuel Arey,
head of Environmental Chemistry Modeling Laboratory,
and colleagues were able to show that the composition
of the deep sea plumes could be explained by
significant dissolution of light hydrocarbons at 1
kilometer depth. In other words, an important part of the
oil spreads out in underwater plumes, so we need a
more precise evaluation of previously estimated
repercussions on seafloor life in the future. Arey’s
methodology offers a better estimation of how pollution
travels and the potential deep sea consequences of
“Modeling the environmental fate of hydrocarbons in
deep water ecosystems required a new approach, with a
global view, in order to correctly understand the impact
of the pollution,” explains Arey. This research will have a
significant impact on assessments of the environmental
impact of deep water oil spills.
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Author: Mediacom
Source: EPFL
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