Subido por Jose Fernández

Reading Comprehension Test Practice

Memory isn't like any part of your body . It's a way of organizing information in your brain.
(1)___, to improve your memory you need to re-organize the way you (2)___and this will
help you. Dr Moulin (3)_____these tips for your memory. (4)___ are entering appointments
in a diary, writing (5) _______the back of your hand, or asking someone else to remind
you. When someone (6)________you a phone number to remember, divide the numbers. If
you have to do something every day at a (7)____time, give yourself a (8)________ When I
have my tea, I will take my pills'. Create mental images rather than (9)__________ words.
A way of remembering a person's name is to imagine it on the person's face. If you (10)
____________Jhon Bridge: Imagine a bridge on his face.
a. nor
b. but
c. or
d. so
a. look
b. think
c. know
d. say
a. sends
b. does
c. describes
d. sees
a several
b. every
c. some
d. all
a. on
b. over
c. under
d. in
a. makes
b. borrows
c. lends
d. gives
a. specific
b. common
c. normal
d. short
a. reward
b. date
c. reminder
d. choice
a. telling
b. using
c. creating
d. making
a. help
b. tell
c. teach
d. meet
Many people all over the world like (11) __________ coffee. In Britain, for example, people
drink about 60 million cups of coffee (12)_________
day. In some countries, like Italy,
people like (13) __________________small cup of strong coffee, usually without milk. In
other countries, like the USA, people have coffee made (14)_____________________ a
lot of milk and sugar. Coffee first arrived (15)_______________Britain in the 17th century.
Many coffee houses (16)___________________ then. But only rich men went to
(17)________________places to meet friends, talk and do business. Women did not go to
coffee houses (18)_________________they were much too dangerous. Today, coffee is
(19)___________________than before and people drink it everywhere, at home, at work and
in cafés.
a. drink
b. drinking
c. drinks
a. every
b. all
c. most
a. some
b. the
c. a
a. up
b. with
c. by
a. on
b. in
c. at
a. open
b. opened
c. opening
a. these
b. this
c. their
a. that
b. or
a. cheapest
b. cheap
My name's Hannah and I'm twenty years old. I've got a daughter (20)_____________ Nicole.
She's nearly three now. I live in a small flat ____________ the city centre. It isn't a nice place
to live. It's very noisy and dirty and there is (21)____________ for Nicole to play. I want to
move out of the city and live in the countryside. But it's very expensive to live there. I will
need to earn (22) __________________money to buy a house. There aren't
(23)_______________ flats for sale in the small villages near here. That's why I study at
college. I'm studying Business. While I am at college, my mum looks (24) _______________
Nicole. My mum really likes spending time with her.
20. a. call
b. called
c. names
21. a. in
b. on
c. at
22. a. somewhere
b. anywhere
c. nowhere
23. a. any
b. this
c. enough
24. much
b. lot
c. many
25. for
b. after
c. at
Colombia’s Guadua
Bamboo has (26)__________most perfect structure that exists in nature. Guadua, a very tall
strong (27)__________of bamboo, has been of (28) __________use. People have used
guadua to build their homes as guadua is not expensive, it (29)____________ easily, and is
very solid. Guadua has been planted (30)_____________________colombians in rural areas
for building their homes, but Guadua is (31)________________beautiful that it is being sent
to other countries. It can be (32) _______________for windows, roofs, stairs, or creative arts.
In a local newspaper article, a journalist writes, “the fibers inside guadua are long and strong.
(33) ____________________,it deserves to be (34) _____________________the plant of
steel.” As part of Colombian culture, (35) ____________________songs have been written
about this plant, one of (36) ________________says, “The guadua cries because it has a
a. the
b. a
c. one
d. some
a. amount
b. type
c. group
d. number
a. huge
b. big
c. large
d. great
a. increases
b. raises
c. grows
d. climbs
b. with
c. in
d. for
a. just
b. so
c. too
d. very
a. used
b. created
c. made
d. spent
a. instead
b. therefore
c. furthermore
d. however
a. talked
b. told
c. said
d. called
b. all
c. several
d. every
a. whose
b. which
c. whom
d. what
David Gorske, 57, has eaten his 25,000th Big Mac. It’s been 39 years since he first ate a
burger. At the age of 19 he had (37)_________
eaten his first 1,000 burgers and he really
liked them. He thought: “How (38)____________will I be before I reach 10,000?" During a
celebration that some friends (39)__________in his name, he said he would (40) to
burgers until he died. Mr. Gorske (41)_________________he can eat a burger in 16 bites
and registers the food he eats on calendars. He appeared in the 2004 documentary film “Super
Size Me”, (42)______________looks at the effects of eating McDonald’s food daily. Every
week, he goes to the restaurant and (43) _______________
six burgers on Monday and
eight on Thursday and keeps them frozen in his (44)_______________until he is ready to
eat. Doctors noted that they do not recommend Mr. Gorske's (45)______________.
37. a. never
b. already
c. yet
d. again
38. a. far
b. old
c. much
d. often
39. a. designed
b. conducted
c. composed d. organized
40. a. start
b. develop
c. continue
d. think
41. a. says
b. talks
c. speaks
d. asks
42. a. where
b. when
c. who
d. which
43. a. spends
b. buys
c. carries
d. uses
44. a. cupboard
b. oven
c. cabinet
d. fridge
45. A. dinner
b. snack
c. diet
d. supper
Scotland is the north part of the island of Great Britain. The Atlantic Ocean is on the west
and the North Sea on the east. Some people (46) ________________
Scotland speak a
different language called Gaelic. There are (47) .................. five million people in Scotland,
and Edinburgh is (48) __________ most. famous city. Scotland has many mountains; the
highest one is called ‘Ben Nevis’. In the south of Scotland, there are a lot of sheep. A long
time ago, there (49)____________ many forests, but now there are only a (50) ...................
. Scotland is only a small country, but it is quite beautiful.
Have a great holiday!
Millions of Irish people travel to foreign countries on holiday each year. Many people go on
package holidays with travel companies (1) _________ they can arrange everything for
you. The company books your train, plane or bus tickets and finds you a hotel or a
flat. (2) __________summer, many people go to places 3) __________the weather is
warmer (4) ... in Ireland. They go to the beach and swim or sunbathe.
Skiing holidays are (5) ___________popular in winter. Many people travel to
countries (6) _________ as Austria, France, Switzerland, Sweden and Canada to go skiing
and snowboarding. Many people also go on more adventurous holidays, like wildlife safaris
in Africa. Irish people usually (7) __________holidays and in winter in Ireland there are
a (8) __________of TV programs about holidays. Irish people also have holidays in Ireland.
They go to the seaside to swim and sunbathe or go hiking in the country.
1. A) if
B) although
C) because
2. A) In
B) On
C) At
3. A) where
B) what
C) which
4. A) then
B) tan
C) as
5. A) enough
B) too
C) very
6. A) like
B) such
C) so
7. A) have
B) has
C) having
8. A) many
B) lot
C) much
Message in the Bottle
More than 110 years ago a young woman named Sofia Nielsen was walking (1) _______
the seaside of the North Sea. (2) __________ the trip she got a crazy idea. She wrote a
message, put it in a green bottle and threw the bottle into the North Sea. What she didn't
know is that the bottle would survive (3) ___________long. Last week, a Danish fisherman
found Nielsen's bottle when he was on his every day fishing trip. He carried it to a museum.
The historians there discovered that it's the (4) ___________message in the bottle in the
world! They also found Nielsen's grandson, Malthe, (5) ___________is now 72 years old.
He lives in Copenhagen and never (6) ____________his grandmother who died in 1940.
What did the bottle contain? Well, there was a letter inside. Nielsen asked the finder to
return (7) ____________to his home address in Copenhagen. They couldn't read the rest
of the message (8) _________water got inside and damaged the ink. But it didn't stop the
specialists. They're trying to figure out the entire message and hope it'll be possible to read
it soon.
1. A) in
B) on
C) at
2. A) When
B) While
C) During
3. A) so
B) too
C) enough
4. A) oldest
B) old
C) older
5. A) who
B) which
C) what
6. A) meets
B) met
C) meeting
7. A) them
B) it
C) its
8. A) Some
B) Any
C) A
The Old Days
Life was much better in the old days when there (36) ___________ none of those
inventions (37) _________are said to be useful but in fact mainly seem to cause us
so (38) _________ problems. Imagine life without the telephone! How peaceful it would
be! You could have a bath without being interrupted by its demanding tones! We might
even start writing letters to each other again! I've almost forgotten what it's like to get a
letter (39) ________a friend or relation.
Even (40) __________ attractive still is the thought of having no television. We might start
talking to each other again! I wouldn't be sorry to (41) __________ goodbye to modern
food preserving methods. Dried, frozen, tinned products certainly (42) ____________the
housewife time, but for what – to watch more television? Bring back the good old days of
fresh food! I can do without the variety in the modern supermarket. Last but not the least
how much better (43) ___________was to travel in the old days.
A) are
B) were
C) was
2. A) which
B) who
C) what
3. A) many
B) much
C) a lot of
4. A) to
B) for
C) from
5. A) more
B) most
C) as
6. A) say
B) tell
C) talk
7. A) saving
B) saves
C) save
8. A) it
B) there
C) these
The Great English Pub
Whenever you find yourself (1) _________England there will be a pub nearby. Some will
be old-style, with indoor games of darts and dark wooden beams – just the right place for
a pint of beer with fish and chips. (2) __________pubs are (3) _________modern and also
offer great British food at reasonable prices.
Pubs are open every day from 11.00 a.m. You can buy alcoholic drinks or
soft (4) __________ Most pubs also serve coffee (5) ___________tea, too. To enter a pub
you (6) ___________ be over fourteen and to buy any alcoholic drinks – eighteen or older.
Pubs are good places for socialising. Some people can spend hours
over (7) _____________ginger ale or beer, talking (8) _________ friends or complete
1. A) in
B) on
C) at
2. A) Another
B) Others
C) Other
3. A) more
B) most
C) as
4. A) one
B) some
C) ones
5. A) so
B) or
C) but
6. A) have
B) must
C) need
7. A) they
B) them
C) their