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Szondi Test: Projective Personality Assessment

Szondi test
The Szondi testis a 1935 nonverbal projective personality testdeveloped by Léopold Szondi.[1][2]
Theoretical background
Drive theory and drive diagram
The drive factors and vectors in detail
Fate analysis and anthropology
Profession choice and fate
Professions of the sexual circle
Hermaphrodite professions
Sadistic professions
Schizoform professions
Katatonoid professions
Paranoid professions
Paroxymal professions
Epileptiform professions
Hysteriform professions
Test description
Accomplishments and results
Forms of existence
Origin of the photographs
The dispute on statistics
Szondi books on fate analysis
Main books series
Introductory conferences
Other works
See also
Further reading
External links
Theoretical background
Drive theory and drive diagram
In contrast to Freud's work, Szondi's approach is based on a systematic drive theory [1][3] and a dimensional model of personality.
That is, Szondi means to enumerate all human drives, classifying and framing them within a comprehensive theo.ry
Szondi drive system is built on the basis of eight drive needs,[4][5] each corresponding to a collective archetype of instinctive
action.[6] They are:
the h-drive need, (named afterhermaphroditism, which represents the needs for personal or collective love,
tenderness, motherliness, pas sivity, femininity, bisexuality),[6][7]
the sadist drive need
the e-drive need (named afterepilepsy, which represents coarse emotions such as ange,rhatred, rage, envy,
jealousy and revenge, which simmer until they are suddenly and explosively discharged as if in a seizure, to the
surprise and shock of other people)[,6][7]
the hysteric drive need
the katatonic drive need
the paranoid drive need
the depressive drive need
the maniac drive need[8]
The eight drive needs represent archetypes and are present in all individuals in different proportions; a fundamental assumption of
Fate analysis is that the diference between mental "illness" and mental "health" is not qualitative but quant itativ e[6. ]
A whole drive (Triebe, in Szondi's own terms), like the
sexual drive S, is composed of a pair of two opposite drive
needs (Triebbedürfnisse),[5] in this case h (tender love) and
s (sadism). Each drive need in turn has a positive and
negative striving (Triebstrebung), for instance h+ (personal
tender love) and h- (collective love), or s+ (sadism toward
the other) and s- (masochism).
Sex (S) and Contact (C) vectors represent pulsions at the
border with the outer world, while the Paroximal (P
representing affects) and Schizoform (Sch, representing the
ego) vectors at the inner part of the psyche.
The four whole drives correspond to the four independent
hereditary circles of mental illness established by the
psychiatric genetics of the time:[9][10] the schizoform drive (containing the paranoid and the catatonic drive needs), the manicdepressive drive, the paroxysmal drive (including the epileptic and hysteric drive needs), and the sexual drive (including the
hermaprodite and the sadomasochist drive needs)[.11]
Szondi's drive diagram has been described as his major discovery and achievement.[12] It has also been described as a revolutionary
addition to psychology, and as paving the way for a theoretical psychiatry and apsychoanalytical anthropo logy.[1][13]
Szondi theory organizes phenomenons like: Antisocial personality disorder, paraphilia subtypes, histrionic personality disorder
(P++), paranoid proper as "projective paranoid", narcissistic personality disorder as "inflative paranoid", blunted affect ( P00), panic
disorder (P--), phobia (P+0), hypochondria (Cm-),[14] stupor (-hy),[15] somatization and pain disorder as organ neurosis,[16]
conversion disorder(in Pe+, Phy and Schk- danger classes), dissociative fugue (Sch±- and C+0),[17] paroxysmal attack (Sch±-),[18]
depersonalization disorder and alienation (Sch-±), obsessive–compulsive disorder and obsessive–compulsive personality disorder
The drive factors and vectors in detail
Fate analysis and anthropology
Szondi analysis of destiny approach is based an anthropological preoccupation. [1] Szondi's main philosophical references for the
concept of fate are Schopenhauer'sThe World as Will and Representation (1818) and Heidegger'sBeing and Time (1927).[20]
Fate analysis of a patient is based on the test score, the patient medical history, and his family background through a genealogical
tree. Fate analysis includes Genotropism, a form of depth psychology that had some prominence in Europe in the mid-20th century,
but has been ignored for the most part.
The starting assumption of fate analysis is that a person's life (destiny) unfolds in a series of elections: one chooses an occupation,
acquaintances, partners, family, and ultimately his decisions implicitly selects his illnesses and his death. Szondi experience in
genealogy research have led him to believe that these elections can not be considered only as the individual sovereign decision, but
that such choices often follow certain patterns that preexisted within his family ancestors. Szondi concluded that some life choices a
genetically inherited.
Profession choice and fate
Szondi argued that his research showed that profession choices are determined by the dynamic and structure of the psyche, an
phenomenon that he calledoperotropism.[21][22]
Of the many possibilities in which operotropism can manifest itself, he gave two examples. A man may choose a profession in which
he can engage with individuals with related inclinations; this is the case of a psychiatrist with paranoid schizoform inclinations, or a
lawyer with querulant inclinations and an addiction to litigation. The second example of operotropism is a man that chooses a
profession in which he can satisfy in a socially acceptable manner needs that in their original primary form would constitute a danger
for society. This is the case of pyromania-firefighter, sadism-butcher, coprophilia-intestine or -drain cleaner.[21][22] Most jobs can
satisfy more than one drive need[.22]
Professions of the sexual circle
Hermaphrodite professions
The work object of the hermaphrodite professions is the body (own or other); the work circumstances are bathhouse, beach, barber
shop, restaurant, café, theater, circus, millinery, brothel; the main sensory perceptions are taste and sight; work instruments are
jewelry, clothing; professional activities are eyelining, make-up, handcraft, weaving, embroide,ryd arning.[22]
Jobs of the hermaphrodite type are hairdresser, esthetician, dermatologist, gynecologist, bath house, beauty parlor and spa worker,
fashion illustrator, performing artist (vaudeville, acrobat, circus performer), singer, ballet dancers, dance artists, servant, waiter, hotel
manager, confectioner, cook.[22] Criminal, or most socially negative, activities of hermaphrodite type are fraud, embezzlement, spy,
prostitute, pimp, procuring. The most socially positive professions are gynecologist and sexual pathologis[2t.3]
Sadistic professions
The work objects of the sadistic professions are animals, stone, iron, metal, machinery, soil, wood; the work circumstances are stall,
slaughterhouse, animal breeding facilities, zoo, arena, mine, forest, mountain, operating theater, dissecting room; the main sensory
perceptions are depth perception and muscle sense; work instruments are the primordial tools: ax, hatchet, pickaxe, chisel, hammer,
drill, knife, whip; the work activity is big muscle work[.22]
Sadistic jobs type are truck driver, farm servant, animal tamer, veterinary, manicure, pedicure, animal slaughter, surgical nurse,
surgeon, dentist, anatomist, hangman, forestry worker, lumberjack, stonemason, miner, road worker, sculptor, chauffeur, soldier,
wrestler, physical educationteacher, gym instructor, masseur.[22]
Schizoform professions
Katatonoid professions
The work objects of the katatonoid professions are the reproductive and abstract sciences: logic, maths, physics, aesthetics,
geography, grammar, and so on; the work circumstances are closed spaces, classrooms, archives, libraries, "ivory towers,"
monasteries; the sensory perceptions are turned of; work instruments are books; professional activities are writing, reading[2. 2]
Jobs of the schizoform, katatonoid, drive striving k+: pedagogue, soldier, engineer, professor (mainly linguist, or professor of logic,
mathematics, physics, philosophy, social sciences). Personality traits found in this group are aristocratic exclusivity, eccletic
friendship choices, systematizate, schematize, rigid formalism[2. 4]
Jobs of the schizoform, katatonic, drive striving k-: aesthetician, art critic; accountant, lower officer, cartographer, technical drafter,
graphic designer; postal worker, telegraph operator; printer; farmer, forester; lighthouse keeper, security guard; model. Personality
traits found in this group are pedantry, accuracy, exemplarity; lack of humor, taciturnity, brusqueness; phlegm, callousness, calm;
hypersensitivity; obstinacy, stubbornness; Inability to debate, self-consciousness; narrow-mindedness, bigotry; compulsiveness,
automation, mannerisms; Feeling of omnipotence, autism; inability to be absorbed in the other (auto psychological resonance);
taciturnity, immobility, all-having.[24]
Criminal, or most socially negative, activities of katatonic type are work aversion, lone vagrancy, world wanderer, burglary. On the
other extreme of the spectrum, the most socially positive professions are professor, logician, philosopher, aesthetician, theoretical
mathematician, physicist.[24]
Paranoid professions
The work objects of the paranoid professions are the pragmatic and analytic sciences (psychology, psychiatry, medicine, chemistry),
music, mysticism, mythology, occultism; the work circumstances are research institutes, labs, chemical factories, exotic places, the
depths of the mind and of the Earth, mental hospital, prison; the main sensory perceptions are olfaction and hearing; work
instruments are ideas, creativi ty, inspiration.[22]
The hebephrenic group belongs to the schizoform professions and partially overlaps with the paranoid professions. Hebephrenic jobs
include graphologist and astrologer.[24]
Paroxymal professions
Epileptiform professions
The work objects of the epileptiform professions are the primordial elementsearth, fire, water, air, spirit; the work circumstances are
height/depth, rise/fall, waves/swirling motion (turning in circle); the main sensory perceptions are balance and olfaction; work
instruments are means of transportation: bicycle, electric or conventional train, boat, automobile, aircraft; professional activities are
locomotion and moving occupations for the striving e-, and praying (silence), devotion, care, help, charity for the striving e[ 2+2. ] [ 2 3 ]
Jobs of the epileptiform, "Cain" striving e- include: porter (bellhop), carter (truck driver), sailor, able seaman, chauffeur, aviator;
blacksmith, stoker, oven operator, chimney sweep, firefighter, pyrotechnician, baker; soldier (especially flamethrowers, explosive
departments like grenadier, pioneer, stormtrooper). [25] While those of the "Moses" striving e+ group include: priest, missionary
woman, nun, monk, "protectress", public health doctor.[23][26]
Criminal, or most socially negative, epileptiform activities are kleptomania, pyromania, crime of passion, while the most socially
positive are religious professions,health care provider, forensic pathology.[23]
Hysteriform professions
The work object of the hysteriform professions is the own person; the work circumstances are audience, theater, meeting, mass,
street; work instruments and activities are playing with oneself, facial expressions, the voice, color and movementfefcts.[22]
Jobs of the hysteriform group include: acting (in females, amazons and tragic heroines roles); politics professionals: member of
parliament, chief of Bureau or in factory; car driver; animal tamer; market woman, town crier, barker; performing artist (vaudeville,
acrobat, circus performer), orator; model; sports: swordsmanship, horseback riding, hunting, wrestling and mountain climbing. [23]
A criminal, or most socially negative, epiletiform activity isimpostor, while the most socially positive arepolitician, actor.[23]
Test description
It is a projective personality test, the same category of the most-known Rorschach test, but with the crucial difference of being
nonverbal. The test consists in showing the examinee a series of facial photographs,[27] displayed in six groups of eight each. All 48
subjects featured in the photographs are mental patients, each group containing a photo of a person whose personality had been
classified as homosexual, a sadist, an epileptic, an hysteric, a katatonic, a paranoid, a depressive and a maniac. The subject is asked to
choose the two most appealing and the two most repulsive photos of each group. The choices will supposedly reveal the subject
satisfied and unsatisfied instinctive drive needs, and the subject's dimensions of personality. [28] Each photo is supposed to be a
stimulus apt to detect the pulsional drive tendencies of the examinee, from which the main personality traits can surface.[29] Szondi
said that for some disturbed examinees the stimulus of seeing the photo of a mental patient with the same pathology caused them to
have crisis and convulsions during the test examination.
Szondi further broke down the results into four different vectors: a homosexual/sadistic, epileptic/hysterical, catatonic/paranoid and
Szondi believed that people are inherently attracted to people similar to them. His theory of genotropism states that there are specific
genes that regulate mate selection, and that similarly-gened individuals would seek each other out.
To interpret the test scores, a variety of methods have been developed by Szondi himself and otherresearchers. They can be classified
as quantitative, qualitative and proportional methods.
Accomplishments and results
Szondi said that from a sociological perspective, the most important discovery made through fate psychology has been operotropism,
that is the discerning of the role played by latent inherited genes (genotropic factors) in the choice of a particular vocati on or
The Szondi test is a psychological exam named after its Jewish Hungarian creator, Léopold Szondi in the Eötvös Loránd University
in Budapest Hungary. The test was first formulated by Szondi around 1935[.1][2]
In 1944, Szondi publishedSchicksalsanalyse("Fate analysis"), the firstof a five volume series.[32][33]
Forms of existence
In 1960 Szondi began to collaborate with psychotherapeut Armin Beeli on 17 "forms of existence", dived in two main groups "forms
of danger" (Gefährexistenzformen) and "forms of protection" (Schutzexistenzformen).[34] On the basis of the syndromatics
(diagnotisc method) published in book 3 (1952) and 4 (1956) of the Schicksalsanalyse,[35][36] one or two (rarely three) forms of
existence are detected from each test profile. First results of this research were published in 196[33.4]
Szondi condensed the syndromatics into a table called Testsymptome zur Bestimmung der 17 Existenzformen (test symptoms for the
identification of the 17 existence forms), which was published in Szondiana VI (1966) and in the final edition of book 2 (1972).
However, the table alone is not sufficient, as analysis of the forms existence still demands "solid knowledge and practice of
Syndromatik", in addition to thorough training in Fate Analysis thinking[3. 7]
Origin of the photographs
30 of the 48 photographs were taken fromWilhelm Weygandt's 1901 Atlas und Grundriss der Psychiatrie, which is now in the public
domain. [38][39][40][41] Of the remaining 18 pictures:
four were from Magnus Hirschfeld's Sexuelle Zwischenstufen: Das männliche We i b und der weibliche Mann(1918);
two were from Otto Binswanger's Die Hysterie (1904);[42]
one was from Theodor Kirchhoff's Der Gesichtsausdruck und seine Bahnen beim Gesunden und Kranken,
besonders beim Geisteskranken(The facial expression and its paths among the healthy and the sick, especially the
mentally ill) published in 1904, Lehrbuch der Irrenheilkunde;
one was from Friedrich Scholz's Lehrbuch der Irrenheilkunde : für
Aerzte und Studirende(1892).[43]
Six photos were from a criminologic clinic in Stockholm (the Swedish Institute of
Criminal Psychiatry) directed by St. Strobl.[44] and four were taken by Szondi
himself in Hungary.
The shock element of the photos is crucial. Commenting an experiment with
alternative pictures of mental patients, Szondi agr ued that since the photos used were
nicer or less disturbing, they failed to trigger the responses that the test is supposed
The dispute on statistics
The Szondi test is not widely used in modern clinical psychology, because its
psychometric properties are weak. However, it remains in the history of psychology
as one of the well-known psychological instruments, although its use today is
marginal, being replaced by modern psychological instruments, with good
psychometric properties.
One of the 30 images taken from
Weygandt's Atlas, used by Szondi as
n.7 in serie 6.
Szondi Fate analysis has influenced philosophers Henri Niel, Alphonse De Waelhens and Henry Maldiney, and psychiatrist Jacques
Schotte.[1] In 1949, Susan Deri published the first English language description to the Szondi test.[46][47] Some graphologists
attempted to integrate the szondi test with graphological test; however, Sonzdi was not a graphologist and the goal of his test was in
contrast with graphology.[48]
In 1959, the international Szondi Society was established, and holds a symposium every three years. In 1969, The Szondi Institute
was formed, and published fromZurich the journalSzondiana.[47]
Artist Kurt Kren created a motion picture,2/60 48 Köpfe aus dem Szondi-Test, from the still shots of the Szondi test in 1964.
Szondi books on fate analysis
Main books series
Szondi's main work is his five volume series on fate analysis (Schicksalsanalyse).They were first published from 1944 (volume one)
to 1963 (volume five). The first two were later republished in multiple revised editions. They are:
Das erste Buch: Schicksalsanalyse. Wahl in Liebe, Freundschaft, Beruf, Krankheit und Tod. [49][50] B. Schwabe,
Basel, 1944. (2nd edition 1948, 3rd edition 1965, fourth edition 1978)
Das zweite Buch: Lehrbuch der Experimentellen rTiebdiagnostik (Textband). Huber, Bern und Stuttgart, 1947. (1st
edition 308pp, 2nd edition 1960 443pp, 3rd edition 1972 484pp) This is the book in which Szondi explains in details
how to perform and interpret the test. Only the first edition, which would be completely overhauled in 1960, was
translated into English asExperimental Diagnostics of Drives(1952). The 1972 third edition added a 40-page long
appendix, that included a table to help determine the dangerous and the protective forms of existence. TheexTtband
(text volume) is complemented by two additional (smaller) volumes, sold separatelyB:and 2: Testband, which
contains the photographs and additional material to take the test, andBand 3: Trieblinnäus-Band(classification of
Das dritte Buch: Triebpathologie, also called and classified asTriebpathologie, Band I(Drive pathology, volume I),
and subtitled Elemente der exakten Triebpsychologie und Triebpsychiatrie. Huber, Bern und Stuttgart, 1952.
Composed of two parts: part AElemente der exakten Triebpsychologie(Teil 1 Dialektische Trieblehre pp. 37–156,
Teil 2 Dialektische Methodikpp. 159–234), and part BElemente der exakten Triebpsychiatrie (Teil 3 Klinische
Psychologie, Experimentelle Syndromatikpp. 237–509). Part A and B have been republished, with no changes
(unverändert Auflage), in two separate volumes: Part A asTriebpatholo gie: Dialektische Trieblehre und dialektische
Methodik der Testanalyse(1977, 234pp); part B asTriebpathologie: Elemente der exakten Triebps ychiat rie: Klinische
Psychologie, experimentelle Syndromatik, Volum e 1 (with unchanged page numbers[51] ). (1977, pp. 235–543)
Das vierte Buch: Ich-Analyse,[52] subtitled Die Grundlage zur Vereinigung der Tiefenpsychologie. Zweiter in sich
abgeschlossener Band der Triebpatholo gie.Huber, Bern und Stuttgart, 1956.
Das fünfte Buch: Schicksalsanalytische Therapi,esubtitled Ein Lehrbuch der passiven und aktiven analytischen
Psychotherapie. Huber, Bern und Stuttgart, 1963. (see pp. 157–170 ).
Introductory conferences
In 1963, after finishing the fifth volume, he published Introduction to Fate Analysis; it is a short book that collects conferences he
held at the University of Zurich the previous year, with the aim of introducing to a larger public the most important results of his
research.[53] The conference collection was first published in French translation, as they were unpublished in German. [54][55] A
second tome of introductory conferences has also been published:
Introduction à l'analyse du destin. Tome I : Psychologie générale du destin, Translated by Claude van Reeth,
Introduction à l'analyse du destin. [58] Tome II : Psychologie spéciale du destin, 1983.
Other works
Other works by Szondi include:
Analysis of Marriages. An attempt at a theory of choice in lov.eActa Psychologica, 1937.
Kain. Gestalten des Bösen. Huber, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien, 1969.
Moses. Antwort auf Kain. Huber, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien, 1973.
Die Triebentmischten (Drive separation) Bern: Hube,r 1980
Integration der Triebe: die Triebvermischten(Integration of drives: the drive mixing). Hube,rBern, Stuttgart, Wien,
See also
Big Five personality traits
Trait theory
Values scales
1. Mélon, Jean (1996)Notes on the History of the Szondi Movement(,) (French
original [1] ( Text for the Szondi Congress of Crac ow, August 1996. quotation:
It is undeniable that Szondi has a fundamentally anthropological preoccupation. It is why his work has,
up to now, undoubtedly found a more favourable echo among philosophers (Henri Niel, Alphonse De
Waelhens, and Henry Maldiney) than among psychoanalysts and psychiatrists, for whom his work is a
great challenge.
2. Enikő Gyöngyösiné Kiss [www.szond and the Familial Unconscious in
Szondi’s Fate-Analysis]
3. Leopold Szondi [1947] (1952) Experimental Diagnostics of Drives(
AJ), Introduction of the first edition, as quoted in Mélon (1996):
A drive system must give us a synthetic sight of the whole of the drive activities, comparable to the
total impression which white light gives us, but it must also make it possible to display 'the spectrum' of
the drives just like light can be divided in colours. It is an extremely difficult task and it is not at all
astonishing that we have not yet arrived at this point.
4. Szondi (1972) p.25
5. Szondi (1978) ch. 3.1 p.65
6. Szondi (1978) ch. 2.11 pp.62-3
7. Szondi (1978) ch. 3.3, pp.74-5
8. Szondi (1972) p.35
9. Szondi (1978) ch.3 p.72
10. Ellenberger, H. (1970) The Discovery of the Unconscious, p.866 (https://bo
11. Szondi (1972) pp.34-6 quotation:
Ein Triebststem muß aus Triebgegensatzpaaren konstituiert werden, die einerseits in jedem
Individuum vorhanden sind, andererseits mit den pathopsychologischen, d.h. Psychiatrischen
Erbkreisen genau übereinstimmen. (...) Die psychiatrische Vererbungslehre hat bisher drei
selbständige Erb Kreise der Geisteskrankheiten festgestellt.
12. [2] (
t.htm) quotation:
1.1 Introduction to Theory
Being different from the other projective tests, the Szondi Test contains its own theory; that is intrinsic
to it. The major discovery of Szondi resides in his drive diagram (Triebschema) since this diagram
presides as well over the construction and working of the test as also to the theoretical elaboration of
the empirical data resulting from the test experimentation.
13. Livres de France (, Issues 106-109 quotation:
Cherche à jeter les bases d'une authentique anthropologie psychanalytique d'après le schéma
pulsionnel de Szondi.
14. Szondi (1972) pp.156,160,191,198,320, and p.421 Abb.40
15. Szondi (1972) pp.109,113
16. Szondi (1972) pp.402; and Szondi (1963)Schicksalsanalytische Therapie, pp.113, 375-380
17. Szondi (1972) pp.163-4, 189
18. Szondi (1972) pp.163-4
19. Szondi (1972) pp.60,167
20. Szondi (1972) Intro.., p.9
21. Szondi (1978) Schicksalsanalyse, Ch.XV Erbkreise und Berufskreise, pp.260-2
22. Szondi (1978) ch.20Trieb und Beruf, pp.336-342
23. Szondi (1978) pp.78 Tab.2, 316-7 Tab.16
24. Szondi (1978) pp.80 Tab.4, 285-6 Tab.14
25. Szondi (1978) pp.79 Tab.3, 268-9 Tab.13
26. Szondi Ich-Analyse, ch.20.2a The ego and sublimation - Sublimation in the Light of Fate Psycholog(y
27. Thomas R. Alley Social and Applied Aspects of Perceiving Facesp.99 (
28. Eugenio Raùl Za faroni, Edmundo Oliveira (2013) Criminology and Criminal Policy Movementsp.315 (https://books.g d=UIelrPZJqk0C&pg=P
A315) quotation:
(...) the subject is asked to choose, in each series, the two most agreeable and disagreeable types.
The choice reveals what situations are approved or reproved, or the ones that evinced indifference
from the examinee. Szondi wished to show with his test, that the choices made by the individual
denounce the satisfied or unsatisfied instinctive needs and the reactions linked to instinctive
unsatisfied inclinations.
29. Szondi in Nuovi Dizionari Online Simone - Dizionario di Scienze Psicologiche[3] (
30. Szondi (1972), fifth conference, p.97
31. Chapter 3 - Genotropism and Family Relationships(,) szondiforum
32. Hungarian digest, Issue 5 (,)1986, p.90
33. Hans Girsberger (1989)Who's who in Switzerland(
34. Germain Bazin (1984)Destins de Staėl, Dosto ļesky, Géricault, Nietzsche, Rimbaud (
35. (1972) Beiheft zur Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre Anwendunge(n
oks?id=9BlFAQAAIAAJ) p.15
36. (1959) The Szondi Test: In Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment (
AJ) p.76
37. (1968) Europäische Hochschulschriften: Psychologie( p.99,
Für die Anwendung der Existenzform-Analyse verlangt SZONDI (1965 b) vom Diagnostiker
"gründliche Schulung in der Denkweise der Schicksalspsychologie" sowie "solide Kenntnis und
38. Weygandt (1901)[4] (
39. Szondi, L. (1952)Das dritte Buch: Triebpathologie(,)ch.25,
table 19
40. [5] (
41. Eranos , Volume 45 p.253 (
42. Otto Binswanger (1904) Die Hysterie at (
43. Scholz (1892)Lehrbuch der Irrenheilkunde(
44. Leopold Szondi (1959)The Szondi Test: In Diagnosis, Prognosis, a nd Treatment
45. Szondi (1972) Lehrbuch der Experimentellen Triebd iagnos tik, 3rd edition, Anhang IV, p.451 quotation:
Wir deuteten diese Diskordanz damit, daß der Aufforderungscharakter der Balintschen Bilder nicht
groß genug ist, um die Vp zu schockieren. Balints Streben war aber, womöglich Photos von
«schönen» Kranken in seine Serie aufzunehmen, da er meine originalen Bilder zu gräßlich und
schockierend fand. So blieb aber die notwendige Schockwirkung weg. Ohne Schockwirkung sind aber
Photos zur Prüfung des Trieb- und Ich-Lebens unbrauchbar.
46. Deri, Susan (1949)Introduction to the Szondi Test: Theory and Practice
47. Richardson, Diane (2009)The Szondi Test (
pdf), pp.15-6
48. The Szondi Test: In Diagnosis, Prognosis, a nd Treatment (1959) p.47 (
In other words, by means of choice reactions the Szondi test aims directly at the unconscious sphere
of psychic events. This goal is in contrast with graphology, which first analyzes phenomenologically
the subject' s behavior.
49. Das erste Buch: Schicksalsanalyse. Wahl in Liebe, Freundschaft, Beruf, Krankheit und To d (
50. "Leopold Szondi: Schicksalsanalyse (Buch) - portofrei bei"
old_szondi_schicksalsanalyse.html.) Retrieved 2015-09-11.
51. Rotarescu, V; Ciurea, AV. "The brain--the organ of the psychic (the lesions/ the defense mechanisms)("https://www. J Med Life. 3: 221–8. PMC 3018993 (
c/articles/PMC3018993). PMID 20945811 ( 45811).
52. Partial English translation: [ pdf I. Ego Analysis],
[ II. Ego Defenses and
Sublimination], Szondi IV-The Ego and Delusion (
53. Avant-propos (1963) in Szondi (1972), p.4
54. Szondi (1972), dust jacket flap, quotation:
l'on y trouvera ici une introducion générale sous la forme encore inédite des conférences prononcées
comme professeur invité a l'Université de Zurich en 1963.
55. Legrand Michel. Review of Léopold Szondi, Introduction à l'analyse du destin.oTme I : Psychologie générale du
destin, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 1974, vol. 72, n° 14, pp. 376-378[.6] (
56. Psychologie générale du destin(à_l_analyse_du_destin.html?id
57. "Persée : Portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales | Review oPf sychologie générale du destin" (http://ww 5_t1_0376_0000_1. ) Retrieved 2015-09-11.
58. Introduction à l'analyse du destin(à_l_analyse_du_destin.html?i
Szondi, L. (1972)Introduction à l'analyse du destin, Tome I
Further reading
Achtnich, Martin (1979)Der Berufsbilder-Test
Johnston, Arthur C. (2012)Szondi Test and Its Interpretation: 2012
Szondi, Lipod; Moser, Ulrich; Webb, Marvin W (1959) "The Szondi Te s t In Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatm ent" J. B.
Lippincott Company
Achtnich, Martin (1979)Der Berufsbilder-Test
Johnston, Arthur C. (2012)Szondi Test and Its Interpretation: 2012
Deri, Susan (1949)Introduction to the Szondi Test: Theory and Practice
Beeli, Armin Psychotherapie-Prognose mit Hilfe der experimentellen rTiebdiagnostik. Abhandlungen z.
experimentellen Triebforschung u. Schicksalspsychologie. N. IV. H. Huber, Bern u. Stuggart, 1965
External links
The Szondi Forum
Szondi Institute (in German)
International Szondi Association
Homepage of CEP (Centre d'études pathoanalytiques)
Faces of Madness: Seeing abnormality through photography (Explanation of test with photographs)
Homepage of Szondi-Institute (in German)
Homepage of CEP (Centre d’Etudes Pathoanalytiques)
Scoring-spreadsheet in Excel and Openofice Calc format. Can be set to English, French, German, Dutch
A minor online version of the test (in French)
Szondi test app for Android
Home page of Tokio Szondi Gesellschaft(in Japan)
en la psiqiatria - 75. El test de Szondi.
LIFE 12 Apr 1948, pp. 67–9
Sonzi test, drawings and keys of all 48 portratis of the test
Artistic rendering of the 48 portratis
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