1 AUTORIDADES DEL MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN S. E. MARUJA GORDAY DE VILLALOBOS Ministra de Educación S. E. ZONIA GALLARDO DE SMITH Viceministra Académica S. E. JOSÉ PÍO CASTILLERO Viceministro Administrativo S. E. RICARDO SÁNCHEZ Viceministro de Infraestructura GUILLERMO ALEGRÍA Director General de Educación 2 PRESENTACIÓN La priorización del currículo para la Educación, responde a la necesidad del Sistema Educativo de articular, y armonizar estrategias, ante la nueva realidad que en materia educativa nos marca la Pandemia Mundial, desatada por el Covid-19. Esta propuesta de priorización curricular, como parte del Plan de Acción de la Estrategia de Meduca, tiene su fundamento en la Constitución de la República de Panamá, capítulo 5, y en los fines y principios establecidos en la Ley 47 de 1946, Orgánica de Educación, que forma parte de las bases legales del currículo nacional. Así, en aras de hacerle frente al cumplimiento de la Estrategia Nacional de Educación 2020/2021, y cumplir con éxito los múltiples desafíos que, en materia de ciencia y tecnología, tiene el sistema educativo panameño, presentamos a todos los actores, responsables de la ejecución de esta propuesta de planificación curricular priorizada. Esta planificación, es un proceso progresivo y flexible, que debe adaptarse a la situación actual que vive el país. Con base al currículo priorizado en situación de emergencia, los docentes podrán elaborar guías didácticas y módulos para reforzar el aprendizaje de sus estudiantes. El currículo priorizado será vigente hasta el período escolar 2021, se aplicará para todos los estudiantes del sistema educativo panameño. Se espera retornar al currículo vigente para el período escolar 2022; sin embargo, la disposición del tiempo y el abordaje de los contenidos será crucial en el logro de aprendizajes significativos. La aplicación, el razonamiento, la contextualización de los objetivos, de manera sencilla, precisa y clara es fundamental. 3 JUSTIFICACIÓN El currículo priorizado, es una planificación para dar continuidad al proceso educativo. Se fundamenta principalmente en el derecho del estudiante para: conservar la salud individual y colectiva, adquirir el pleno desarrollo humano sostenible, poner en práctica las habilidades sociales, científicas, tecnológicas, de emprendimiento y en fortalecer la conciencia social y ciudadana. Presentamos el currículo en situación de emergencia, priorizando los objetivos de aprendizaje y contenidos, de acuerdo al diagnóstico, visto desde un enfoque por derecho, otorgando relevancia a la relación con las competencias e indicadores, realizando los ajustes necesarios a la situación actual. Para cada competencia sugerida en el diagnóstico, se presentan indicadores que permiten el nivel de logro de estas y señalan los tipos de evaluaciones que permiten alcanzarlas. El currículo priorizado, adaptado a la situación de emergencia, se presenta como una guía para saber ¿qué enseñar?, ¿qué aprender?, ¿cuándo hacerlo?, ¿cómo evaluar los aprendizajes?, utilizando todos los recursos que se tiene a disposición, priorizando competencias, adaptando y manejando tiempos y metodologías acorde al contexto de la emergencia y a la realidad geográfica y necesidades específicas de la población estudiantil y sus familias, ejerciendo el derecho a una educación para todos en todo momento. 4 La vida ha cambiado para todos, hay un nuevo contexto, nuevas necesidades, nuevos retos, intereses y demandas de aprendizaje, a los cuales se debe responder. ¿Podemos enseñar de la misma forma que lo hacíamos antes de la emergencia? PROCESO METODOLÓGICO PARA LA INTERVENCIÓN DEL CURRÍCULO EN SITUACIÓN DE EMERGENCIA Para la intervención del currículo en situación de emergencia se establecieron cinco (5) pasos. Los mismos se orientan en los derechos fundamentales declarados en la Convención sobre los derechos del niño en situación de emergencia. Se aplicaron desde la etapa de preescolar hasta la etapa de educación media, priorizando las necesidades de aprendizaje por derecho, de acuerdo al nivel de impacto de la afectación, según el diagnóstico realizado. Para cada etapa se priorizaron las competencias involucradas en los aprendizajes, así como sus capacidades que se deben desarrollar con la intervención y sus respectivos indicadores. Los derechos de los niños se establecen universalmente. Se realizó un diagnóstico para cada etapa del sistema educativo, se establecieron los derechos fundamentales que deben priorizarse ante una emergencia (Derecho a la vida, a la salud, a educación, a la familia…). Posteriormente, se consideraron las necesidades de aprendizaje vinculados a los derechos de los niños por etapa, se describió el nivel de la afectación y la vulnerabilidad de los niños en tiempo de emergencia. Estas necesidades de aprendizaje, deben adquirirse a corto, mediano y largo plazo y durante toda la escolaridad de los estudiantes. Del análisis del diagnóstico situacional, se han detectado las competencias básicas, genéricas y algunas específicas, que se desarrollan durante toda la escolaridad y que responden a los fines de la educación nacional y a los objetivos de la educación panameña. 5 COLABORADORES ESPECIALISTAS ASIGNATURA DE INGLÉS Yarielis García Supervisor Nacional de Inglés Miguel García Supervisor de Inglés- Región de Coclé Temístocles Navarro Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Panamá Centro Anna Griffith Coordinadora Académica de Inglés- Región de Colón Anita Barría Coordinadora Académica de Inglés- Región de Panamá Oeste Esperanza Diez Coordinadora Académica de Inglés- Región de Chiriquí José Luis Gutiérrez Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Bocas del Toro Clara Clark Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de San Miguelito Leonidas Espinosa Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de San Miguelito Elizabeth Rodríguez Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Panamá Este Elvin Montenegro Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Darién Verónica Hernández Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Darién Marisol Magallón Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Coclé Aleida Amado Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Veraguas Gisela Ballesteros Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Veraguas Karla Fischbach Especialista Técnico 6 ESSENTIAL CONTENT ENGLISH FIRST GRADE SUBJECT AREA LEARNING OBJECTIVES CONTENT WEEK #1 AREA 2: ENGLISH PEOPLE, GREETINGS, FEELINGS AND BODY PARTS To use the expressions and Greetings words to greet their friends or family Vocabulary members ü Hello! Hi! ü Good morning ü Good afternoon ü How are you ü Good bye ü See you ü See you tomorrow ü Structure What’s your name? 7 ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Greets somebody pretty well Introduces himself friends fairly well / herself to ÁREA 1 My name is _______ FAMILY, HOUSE AND SCHOOL ÁREA 1 To identify members of family, the the WEEK #2 FAMILY, HOUSE AND SCHOOL Family members Vocabulary ü Mother ü Father ü Sister ü Brother ü Baby Structure Who is she? She is my _____ Who is he? He is my _________ 8 Distinguishes family words very well Identifies his/her family members on pictures very well To recognize family member’s relationship WEEK #3 Names his/her family members Family member`s Relationships To introduce his or her Vocabulary family members ü Grandmother correctly ü Grandfather Gives information about his/her family. Structure Who is she? She is my ______ Who is he? He is my ______ WEEK 4 To identify some Mentions some internal parts of the internal parts of the House house. Internal parts of the house using simple sentences house To pronounce the internal parts of the Vocabulary house very well ü door ü Window ü Floor ü Ceiling ü House 9 Identifies the internal parts of the house using flashcards Structure What is this? this is a _______ WEEK 5 To recognize some Recognizes some external part of external part of the House house External Parts of the the house House To associate the Vocabulary family members with ü patio the ü yard ü garage ü terrace ü garden Pronounces all these external parts of the house pretty well Associates family members with internal and external parts of the house Structure Who is she? She is my mother. Where is she? She is in the patio WEEK #6 To familiarize with the People at School Recognizes school personnel petty words used to name Part 1 well school personnel Vocabulary ü Principal ü Teacher 10 To pronounce the school personnel vocabulary words pretty well ü ü ü ü Student Classmate Boy Girl Pronounces these vocabulary words pretty well Structure Who is he? He is a_______ Who is she? She is a______ WEEK 7 Makes connections between people To recognize the and places in the school school personnel People at School Part 2 To name and value the importance of the school members and their jobs Vocabulary ü Janitor ü Bus driver ü Secretary ü Security guard Names and values the school authorities Structure Who is she? She is the principal Who is he? He is a teacher To say the numbers Numbers (1-10) from one to ten One 1 six 6 11 Counts numbers from one to ten two 2 seven 7 Three 3 eight 8 four 4 nine 9 five 5 ten 10 Week #8 . Names some of the school supplies To identify some of School Supplies part that he or she has 1 the school supplies. Vocabulary Counts the school supplies he or ü Pencil she sees on a picture To relate school ü Book supplies and numbers ü Colored pencils ü School bag ü Crayon Structure What is this? This is a pencil. How many books are there? There are _______ To name the school supplies shown in the flashcards Week #9 about school supplies pretty well School Supplies part 2 To locate school supplies at home Vocabulary 12 Pronounces the vocabulary words ü Notebook ü Eraser ü Pencil case ü Glue ü Scissors Identifies school supplies on a picture Structure What is it? It is ____ It is a book. It is my book. Week #10 To identify the primary colors Primary Colors ü Red ü Blue ü Yellow To say what color Structure things are What color is this? It is _____(color) What color is that? That is _____(color) . WEEK #11 13 Identifies primary colors on pictures Classifies objects that have the primary colors To relate colors with school objects Secondary colors ü Green ü Orange To classify things ü Purple according to their colors What color is this? Classifies school objects according to their colors Identifies the colors he or she sees It is _____(color) What color is that? That is _____(color) It is ______(color) What color is this door? It is _______ WEEK #12 To identify upper parts of the body. some To say and point to his or her upper part of the body 14 Pronounces the vocabulary words of Upper Parts of the Body Part 1 the upper part of the body pretty well Vocabulary ü head ü eyes ü ears ü mouth Identifies some of his or her upper part of the body ü nose ü hand Structure Which part of the body is that? It is _______ WEEK # 13 To identify lower parts of the body. some To say and point to his or her lower part of the body Pronounces the vocabulary words of Lower Parts of the body part 2 the lower part of the body pretty well Vocabulary ü Shoulder ü Chest ü Knees ü Toes ü Foot – feet Structure Which part of the body is this? It is ______ What color are your eyes? They are_______ 15 Identifies some of his or her lower part of the body WEEK #14 To identify the five senses. The five senses Pronounces the vocabulary words about senses pretty well Vocabulary ü Smell To recognize the ü Taste function of the senses ü Touch ü See Realizes the function that each ü Hear sense has in his or her life ü Structure What do you do with your eyes? I see with my eyes What do you do with your _ears? I hear with my ears. 16 Week # 15 To identify feelings using a variety of Feelings Adjectives Vocabulary ü Happy To say how he or she ü Sad feels at the moment ü Angry ü Hungry ü Sleepy Structure I am _______ She is _______ How do you today? I am _______ Identifies feelings shown in pictures Pronounces the “feelings” words correctly feel ESSENTIAL CONTENT ENGLISH SECOND GRADE SUBJECT AREA LEARNING OBJECTIVES 17 CONTENT ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Weeks 1 AREA 2: People, Greetings, Feelings and body parts To Use correctly greeting expressions in the handouts. . To connect formal greeting with informal greeting ENGLISH To identify members. Greetings/Self presentation Vocabulary ü Hello/Hi ü Good morning ü Good afternoon ü Bye-Bye ü See you tomorrow ü What’s your name? ü My name is ….. Week 2 family Family Members AREA 1: Vocabulary Family, House ü Mother and the To relate family ties among ü father school members. ü sister ü brother ü sister ü baby Structures Personal pronouns (heshe-it) Verb be (is) 18 Greets using formal or informal language in a written short dialogue. Identifies personal information using a chart. Makes a greetings. poster with Traces a lines to show family ties using a chart Identifies images concepts about members in a chart. Draws his-her family tree. and family Wh-question: Who is he? He is my grandfather. AREA 1: Week 3 Family, House To use family members’ and the vocabulary in simple Family members school sentences. Vocabulary (new) ü Grandmother ü Grandfather To answer written whü Aunt questions about family ü Uncle members. ü Cousin ü Pet Structures Personal pronouns (heshe-it) Adjective pronouns (hisher-its) Verb be (is) Wh-question: Who is he? He is his grandfather 19 -Answers using sentences simple about wh- questions based on a family trees -Writes two commenting information his-her sentences personal (names) from parents, grandparents and cousins. -Draws and writes the name of his-her pet using a simple sentence. AREA 1: Family, House and the To recognize correctly the school parts of a house. Week 4 Some parts of the house Making wh-questions and Vocabulary giving information about ü Door the part of the house. ü Window ü Floor ü Ceiling ü yard/patio Identifies the parts of the house in a chart using a simple sentence. Gives formative 20 question to (what) using concepts and simple sentences Structures Personal Pronouns (I, you, she, he, it) Adjective pronouns (my, your, her, his, ) Preposition (in) Wh-questions: who is he? He is my father. What is it? It is a door information based on a drawing. Draws her-his house and labels it using a prompt. . AREA 1: Week 5 Family, House and the Parts of the House school To use the vocabulary in simple sentences and Vocabulary questions. ü Living room ü Dining room ü Bedroom To make information ü Kitchen questions to know subject, ü Bathroom object and place of a given ü Garage family member. Structures Personal Pronouns (I, you, she, he, it) Adjective pronouns (my, your, her, his, ) Preposition (in) Wh-questions: who is he? He is my father. What is it? It is a kitchen. Where is he? He is in the kitchen. AREA 1: Family, House and the school Week 6 Primary Colors and Sizes 21 Draws his-her future own house and labels the parts. Writes a short written description (five sentences) commenting a drawing about parts of the house and people on it. Elaborates a collage of hisher part of the house and labels the part with colorful colors. To use correctly adjectives Draws his-her favorite part of to express colors and Vocabulary the house and color it sizes. ü Colors (orange, green, primary colors. To list an object (color and violet) size) using a simple ü Sizes sentence. (small, medium, large, Makes a short description big) (five simple sentences) Structures Personal Pronouns Verb be (am-is-are) Sentences-questions Preposition (in, on, in front of) Wh-questions: What is this? It is a triangle. using colors and sizes about a part of his-her house. Elaborates a poster showing his-her favorite toy and answer wh- these three questions. What is this? Is blue a primary color? Yes, it is. What color is it? What size is it? What size is this square? It is small. AREA 1: Week 7 Family, House and the To use correctly adjectives Secondary Colors and Writes a short description of school to know colors (secondary) Shapes and shapes in the context. object or elements in his-her Vocabulary 22 To organize questions and answers with questions. simple giving simple ü Shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle) ü Colors (orange, green, violet) context (house), expressing colors, size and shapes. Colors and describes with Structures Personal Pronouns three simple sentences a Verb be (am-is-are) Sentences-questions star, using adjectives for Preposition (in, on, in front of) size, shape and colors. Wh-questions: What is this? It is a triangle. Draws his favorite toy in hisWhat color is the circle? It is blue. her bedroom and describes Is blue a primary color? Yes, it is. the drawing using simple sentences. What size is this square? It is small. Is violet a secondary color? Yes, it is. 23 three AREA 1: Week 8 Family, House and the People at school school To identify the different job titles at school. Vocabulary ü Principal ü Sub-principal To implement whü Secretary questions and giving ü Teacher answers using simple ü Students sentences. ü Accountant Structures Personal Pronouns (you) Adjective Pronouns (your..) Verb be (statementquestions) Plural forms (teacherteachers) Wh-questions Who are they? They are my teachers. Completes a diagram giving the names and job title of people at using simple sentences. Writes a short dialogue using a prompt for names and job titles from people at school. Draws his-her identifies Principal’s school, where office the is and describes it with three simple What are their names? sentences. Their names are Jose and Juan. Are they in the classroom? Yes, they are. No, they aren´t. 24 school AREA 1: Family, House Week 9 and the school To identify occupations at More people at school school. Vocabulary To make simple and whü Gardener questions and answer ü Janitor these types of questions. ü Bus driver ü Librarian ü Cleaner Clasifies information using a diagram about the different job titles at school and identifies them with names. Make a flyer with the different occupations that a school may have and Structures identifies three that his-her Personal Pronouns (you) school have. Adjective Pronouns (your..) Writes a report specifying Verb be (statementhow many people perform questions) different roles at school. Prepositions (in-at-in front of) Numbers (25-50) Wh-questions Who are they? They are cleaners. What are their names? 25 Their names are Jose and Juan. Where are they? They are at school. Are they in classroom? Yes, they are. No, they aren´t. To use vocabulary related school supplies. Week 10 School Supplies AREA 1: Family, House and the To describe in a written Vocabulary school form the positions of some ü Pencil schools supplies in a given ü Notebook context. ü Book ü Eraser ü Color the Elaborates a flier of 5 schools supplies and describes them using simple sentences expressing color, size and shape. Describes the position of school supplies in an image using simple sentences. Writes a written Structures report commenting in Personal pronouns a written way what Adjective Pronouns Verb-be (sentences and school supplies hisher pencil case has. questions) Plural forms 26 Prepositions (in-on-at-in front of) Wh-questions Who is she? She is my teacher. What is her name? Her name is Rosa. Is she at school? Yes, she is. Where is she? She is in the library. Is this her pencil? Yes, it is/No, it is not Is her pencil on the table? Yes, it is. AREA 1: Family, House To identify and the school. school Week 11 places at Places at school Vocabulary ü Classroom ü Library 27 Draws a map about places at his-her school and describe it with 5 simple sentences. To describe school. places at ü Principal’s office ü Garden ü Parking lot Makes a short paragraph (5 sentences) describing his-her favorite place at school using a prompt. Structures Personal pronouns Adjective Pronouns Verb-be (sentences and questions) Plural forms Organize information Prepositions (in-on-at-in about where a place front of) at school is. Wh-questions Is she at school? Yes, she is. Where is she? She is in the library. To identify different feelings in her-his context. Week 12 AREA 2: People, Feelings greetings, To describe feelings using feelings, body simple sentences. Vocabulary parts. ü Sad 28 Colors some drawings and identifies some feelings using simple sentences. Draws his-her face expressing his ü ü ü ü Happy Angry Afraid Sick Structures Grammar Personal pronouns Adjective Pronouns Adjectives Verb be (is-are) (sentences-questions) Wh-questions Who is he? He is my art teacher. favorite feeling and describes it using a simple sentence. Makes a collage about feelings and writes three sentences. Where is he? He is in the classroom. How is he today? He is angry. He is mad. Week 13 AREA 2: People, More Feelings greetings, To use vocabulary about feelings, body feelings. Vocabulary parts. ü Mad To describe feelings in a ü Hungry written way about people ü Thirsty around them. ü Worried 29 Makes a written report about how his-her family members feel. Identifies in a series of images a specific feeling. ü bored Structures Personal pronouns Adjective Pronouns Adjectives Prepositions (in front of, in, at, on) Verb be (is-are) (sentences-questions) Wh-questions Who is he? He is my art teacher. Elaborates a poster with different feelings and describes it with three sentences. Where is he? He is in the classroom. How is he today? He is angry. He is mad. Week 14 AREA 2: People, greetings, To identify parts of the Parts of the body feelings, body body. parts. Vocabulary ü eyebrow To make a written ü eyelashes description of parts of the ü lip body. ü Neck ü Arm ü Hand 30 Draws himself-herself and describe his-her body part. Describes an image about some specific parts of the body using simple sentences. ü chest ü Leg ü Foot-feet Makes a poster about a person and label the parts of the body. Structures Personal pronouns Adjective pronouns Singular and plural Adjectives (size-numbercolor). Verb be (sentencesquestions) Wh-questions: how many? What is this? This is my lip. Is your lip medium? It is small. small Where are your lips? They are in my mouth 31 or AREA 2: Week 15 People, greetings, Senses feelings, body parts. To identify correctly the Vocabulary different senses. ü Smell ü Hearing ü Sight To practice in written way ü Touch answers about senses ü Taste using sentences with ü Can/can’t modal verb. Structures Personal pronouns Adjective pronouns Can (modal) sentences and questions. Short answers Can you smell with your ear? No, I can´t Can you book? Yes, I can. 32 sight your Writes a written report about the sense and the action that can be done with the given sense using a prompt. Completes a graphic organizer about the different senses and writes three ideas about the senses. Writes sentences using a prompt with images/words. SUBJECT AREA ESSENTIAL CONTENT ENGLISH THIRD GRADE LEARNING CONTENTS OBJECTIVES ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS WEEK #1 AREA # 1: ENGLISH To interact in a Greetings/Introductions conversation about Vocabulary: courtesy and daily ü Hello/Hi expressions. FAMILY, ü How are you? SCHOOL, ü I am fine, thank you. HOUSE AND ü What’s your name? COLORS ü My name is…. ü Nice to meet you. To use different ü Nice to meet you, too. expression to introduce himself / herself in a daily conversation. Structure: Personal Pronouns :(I-you, shehe-it- they) Wh- question Example: What is your name? My name is…….. 33 Uses greetings and useful expressions to introduce a classmate. Interacts greetings and polite expressions with someone in his/her house. WEEK # 2 To identify the nuclear NUCLEAR FAMILY family and relatives with appropriate vocabulary. Vocabulary ü Mother ü Father ü Sister To write short ü Brother sentences about hisü Baby her family. ü Grandmother ü Grandfather ü aunt ü uncle ü cousin ü Niece Structure: Personal Pronouns :(I-you, shehe-it- they) example: She is my mother. 34 Recognizes how hisher family is conformed. Uses personal pronouns he/ she to replace family members´ names. To identify the WEEK #3 extended family with the appropriate EXTENDED FAMILY vocabulary. Vocabulary To recognize the extended family from the nuclear. family with the given vocabulary. ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Grandson Granddaughter Nephew Sister-in law Brother-in law Stepfather Stepmother Structure Adjective pronouns (her-his) example: She is my sister; her name is Clara. Verb be (am-is-are) My father is handsome. 35 Recognizes connections between family members illustrations. Creates sentences with vocabulary and the the structure. given To identify the different parts of a house. WEEK #4 To complete sentences PARTS OF THE HOUSE using the correct grammar structure. Vocabulary ü Living room: ü Dining room ü Bedroom ü Kitchen ü Garage ü Bathroom ü window ü yard ü fence Structure: Demonstrative (Singulars and Plurals) Creates a scale model with the different parts of his / her house Prepares questions using Demonstrative Pronouns examples: That is my house. These are my windows. 36 yes-no Pronouns. the Yes / No Questions: Is that your house? Yes, it is. To differentiate the vocabulary related to furniture´s from the different parts of the house. To identify the position of the different furniture’s in a house. WEEK #5 FURNITURE Vocabulary ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Living room: sofa television. Dining room: table, chairs. Bedroom: bed, night table. Kitchen: cabinets, sink Bathroom: toilet, shower Garage: roller, hose Classifies the furniture according to the part of the house. Structure: Preposition of places (in, on, under, between, next to, behind) 37 Draws and the labels different Wh-questions (Where) spaces at home with creativity example: The TV is on the living room. To classify secondary WEEK #6 colors from primary COLORS colors. Vocabulary Primary colors To describe taking color reference. objects as a ü red ü blue ü yellow Secondary colors ü orange ü green ü purple Categorizes and forms a list the primary and secondary colors. Classifies the objects Structure: Simple Present Tense questions. according Wh- questions (What, Which) characteristics example: 38 to their colors and (color, size and shapes). What is your favorite color? Uses paints of primary Which color you prefer? colors to obtain secondary colors. WEEK #7 To identify vocabulary related to personnel at PEOPLE AT SCHOOL school. Vocabulary To distinguish each person's job at school ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Crossing Guard Physical Education Teacher Music Teacher Art Teacher Religion Teacher Science Teacher Lab. Teacher Home economics Teacher Structure: Simple Present Tense Wh- questions (WHO) 39 Labels the different personnel at school. Recognizes personnel’s´ school. jobs at example: Who is your art teacher? To identify places and personnel at school. Classifies from a list of words personnel and places at school WEEK #8 PLACES AT SCHOOL Vocabulary To locate personnel and places at school. ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Computer Lab Snack Shop Basketball Court Football Court Vegetable Garden Principal's Office gym Audiovisual Room Levels Structure: Simple Present Tense questions. Wh- questions (WHERE) Preposition of places 40 the school personnel different areas using correct vocabulary. and the Creates a poster (in, on, under, between, next to, related to places and behind) personnel´s at school example: Where is the gym? 41 WEEK #9 FEELINGS AREA # 2 To recognize people’s feelings. PEOPLE; FEELINGS AND BODY’S PARTS To describe people’s mood. Vocabulary ü ü ü ü ü ü Upset Confused Excited Distressed Amazed Interested Creates flash cards with the different words from the vocabulary. Expresses his/her mood through drawings Structure: the Adjective Pronouns (My, His Her, Practices Your, Its, Our and Their) Grammar Structure to Example: Our teacher feels happy today. 42 complete sentences To describe people's body. WEEK #10 PARTS OF THE BODY Vocabulary To draw the human body. To connect the body parts with its corresponding name. To make connections with the previous knowledge about the topic. ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Vocabulary (new) Face Hair Tooth-teeth Shoulder back Chest Elbow knee Fingers Toes Structure Wh-questions To describe people’s body. What is this? Example: This is her hair. 43 Draws and describes the parts of the body. Creates a personal representation their body. about Where is her hair? example: Her hair is on her head. 44 AREA # 3 To Identify the different group of food. WEEK #11 FOOD Vocabulary HEALTH, NUTRITION AND FOOD To compare the quality of different food. ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Group sweet Milk meat vegetable grain bitter salty spicy sour tasteless Classifies the food in their correct group. Classifies WH-Question Would rather example: I would rather eat fish than meat. 45 food pyramid according to each group Creates a pyramid list of color, Structure a food by flavor taste. their and Would you rather vegetable or meat? 46 eat WEEK #12 PLANTS (NEED AND FUNCTION) To know the importance of plants to the planet earth. Vocabulary of the plants. AREA # 4 ECOLOG Y, PLANTS AND ANIMALS Recognizes the parts To respect The Life Cycle of Plants. To recognize plants´ needs. ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü seeds roots stem seedling pollination petals sunlight water soil cycle germination Identifies the plant’s needs. structure -Wh question (what, why) Illustrates the plants need What plants´ need? Why plants¨ need water and sunlight? 47 and life cycle. WEEK #13 ANIMALS (PETS AND FARM) To Identify types of animals. To recognize animal´s needs and their habitatTo classify animals by locomotion and certain characters Vocabulary ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü pet dog rabbit cat parrot horse goose rooster pig barn silo air water shelter Structure Preferences: I like / I prefer To classify animals by their characteristics example: I prefer to have a dog as a pet. 48 Identifies pets and farm animals. Lists characteristics of each group. Selects the kid of animal to be his/her pet. WEEK#14 ANIMAL´S LOCOMOTION Classifies animals by locomotion. Vocabulary ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü swim jump run fly reptiles mammals amphibians fish insects birds Structure Preferences: I like / I prefer example:I like animals from the mammals’ group. 49 Lists characteristics of each group. Appropriately answers questions animal’s locomotion. about WEEK #15 NUMBERS AREA # 6 To Identifying numbers from to 100. the 50 Classifying numbers ordinal/cardinal. the in WEATHER, CLIMATE, NUMBERS, TIME AND MONETARY UNIT Vocabulary ü ü ü ü ü Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety - Fifty Sixtieth Seventieth Eightieth Ninetieth Structure: Countable and Uncountable Sorts a given set of numbers into Nouns ordinal/cardinal numbers. How much / How many example: Identifies ordinals and cardinal numbers. How many mangoes are there in the basket? There are five mangoes. Differentiates countable from uncountable nouns. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ESSENTIAL CONTENT ENGLISH FOURTH GRADE SUBJECT ÁREA ÁREA 1: ENGLISH COMMUNITY PLACES LEARNING OBJECTIVES CONTENTS Week # 1 To identify names and The community places characteristics of institutions and ü School recreational sites. ü Health center ü Government To describe the role of institutions different institutions in ü Supermarket the community. ü Park Structure The School is next to the supermarket. The role of the Hospital is to provide health service to the community. My father usually works eight hours in the police station Week # 2 Recreational Places in my Community 57 ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Locates places community. in the Recognizes hometown’ institutions and recreational places. Describes the roles of the institutions in his /her community. To identify names and characteristics of recreational places in the community. Vocabulary ü ü ü ü Park Cinema Mall Sport Center To describe the different recreational places in the community. Structure: Recognizes recreational places in the community. Describes places. recreational Shares information about I usually go on the our favorite recreational weekend to the cinema. place in the community. Is she working in the mall? Yes, she is. No she isn´t ÁREA 2: BODY PARTS Week #3 To identify different parts Male and female bodies of male and female body. ü Female body To recognize the sexual ü Breast differences between ü Pubis male and females. ü Groin ü Male body ü Nipple ü Adam`s apple ü Sexual differences 58 Recognizes sexual differences / similarities. Describes male female bodies. and Compares male and female bodies. Structure: The girl has long black hair. The man has Adam’s apple. Week #4 Describing People Vocabulary To distinguish physical appearance between man and woman. To describe physical appearance of people. ü ü ü ü ü ü Long hair Short hair Straight hair Curly hair Tall Short Recognizes differences between male and female Physical appearance. Compares people according to the physical appearance. Describes someone physical appearance. Structure: Juan is taller than Luis She has short hair. 59 ÁREA 3: To identify vocabulary related to healthy food and eating habits. To exchange specific information on foods, FOOD AND VALUES eating habits, exercising, and sport from different sources Week #5 Food and Values ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Veggie Balance diet Calorie Carbohydrate Nutrients Dairy Fruit Relates vocabulary about healthy food and good eating habits. Classifies foods in different categories. the Structure Draws and labels kinds of I usually eat fruit in the food in the morning. food pyramid with creativity. Vegetables are healthier than fast food Week #6 Food and Values 60 Vocabulary To identify food principles and nutrition concepts. To define the nutrition concepts. To apply nutritional values to personal diet. ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Nutritional values Healthy Energy Active Energetic Malnutrition Obesity Colesterol Structure: Living things receive the food necesary for them to grow and be healthy. Poor eating habits can result in obesity. 61 Describes concepts. nutritionals Defines a good nutritional personal diet. Shares the effects of a bad nutritional diet. Week # 7 ÁREA 4: To identify vocabulary related to endangered animals in Panama. ECOLOGY; PLANTS To learn AND ANIMAL cause animals. factors that endangered Endangered animals Vocabulary Shares information about endangered animals. ü Tapir ü White – tailed Deer ü Painted Rabbit ü Saino ü Wild Duck ü Chesnut-fronted Macaw ü Eared Dove ü The Harpy Eagle ü Boa ü Iguana ü Cayman ü Carey Turtle Describes the endangered animals in our country. Structure : The Harphy Eagle is the National bird of Panama. Why is important protect the animals? 62 Lists the different endangered animals in Panama. to Week # 8 To distinguish endangered animal. an To recognize the habitat of some endangered animals. Endangered animals Vocabulary ü ü ü ü Habitat Continet Species Image Structure: The Continent of Africa is home of endangered animals. Panama is the natural habitat of the Harpy Eagle. 63 Describes an endangered animal. Shares different habitats. Describes a habitat. ÁREA 5: RECREATION To recognize vocabulary related to sports. To talk about sports in the community. Week # 9 Sports in my community ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Describes sports in his/her community to promote healthy habits. Soccer Basquetball Baseball Swimming Boxing Volleyball Tenis Gives information of sports in his/her community. Explains her-his favorite sport. Structure: What is a common sport in your community? It is soccer I go running morning. To identify use of the sport verbs to express their hobbies. To use the correct sport verb according to the daily activity. 64 every WEEK #10 Sports in my community Vocabulary ü Play + sport ü Play football ü Play Baseball Uses the sport verbs to express her- his hobbies. Applies the sport verbs in daily activities. ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Play basketball Do+ sport Do gymnastics Do martial arts Go+ sports Go swimming Go snowboarding Structure : Maria plays basketball with her friend. Carlos and Jose snowboarding Australia. 65 go in Demonstrates knowledge using sport verbs in daily activities. ÁREA 6: To describe the relationship between weather and seasons. Week # 11 Identifies the different season in Panama. Climate Vocabulary WEATHER TIME To recognize different situations related to the climate. ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Winter Summer Spring Fall Sunny Cloudy Partly-cloudy Rain Light rain Heavy rain Windy Recognizes the importance of disasters’ prevention. Compares the weather and seasons in our country. Structure: What are characteristics of Winter season? the the The weather is cool. The leaves on the trees are green. 66 Week # 12 Climate Vocabulary To identify the different concepts related to climate. To describe the different concepts related to climate. ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Altitude Air presure Barometer Celsius scale Elevation Fahrenheit Scale Global Warming Latitud Longitude Shares information about different places in the community. Describes the impact of the Global Warming. Uses the concepts related to climate. Structure Some people like the high altitude in volcán Barú. Volcán Barú has a 67 elevation of 3,475 meters high, Week # 13 To recognize the time in English. The Time Vocabulary To associate time expressions to different moments of the day. 68 ü ü ü ü ü Clock/ watch Day Daily O´clock Daily activities ü ü ü ü ü ü Wake up Brush your hair Have breakfast Do homework Watch T.V. Schedule Recognizes the difference between clock and watch. Elaborates Schedule based in daily activities. Shares daily routines and habits. Structure: What time does practice soccer? she She always practice soccer in the afternoon. Week # 14 ÁREA 7: To recognize the means of transportation. TRASPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION To write short sentences about transportation. Transportation Vocabulary ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Motorbike Bus Train Taxi Plane Ship Bicycle Pedestrian Traffic jam Drive Take Structure: 69 Identifies the different types of means of transportation. Recognizes the means of transportation by air, by land and by water. Explains the use of the different means of transportation. What is this? This is a ship. Where is the boat? The boat is in the water. To identify vocabulary related to the means of communication. To write a short paragraph about the importance and use of communication. Week # 15 Means of Communication Vocabulary ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Radio Television Cellphone Computer Newspaper Email Social Media Letter Struture: 70 Identifies the vocabulary related to the means of communication. Describes one means of communication. Shares the importance and usage of means of communication. I always talk to my mother by cellphone. My Smart TV is big. 71 ESSENTIAL CONTENTS ENGLISH FIFTH GRADE SUBJECT AREA LEARNING OBJECTIVES CONTENTS ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS WEEK # 1 ENGLISH AREA 1: Family, School, Community and Country To identify essential vocabulary related to culture and traditions. Culture and Traditions Vocabulary ü Holidays ü Relaxation ü Anniversary ü Break ü Celebration ü Feast ü Festival ü Traditions ü Recess ü Ceremony To relate the vocabulary to the different culture and traditions. Structure Nouns 72 Recognizes words related to culture and traditions in different contexts. Uses the vocabulary to talk about culture and traditions. Writes simple sentences using nouns related to culture and traditions. ENGLISH WEEK # 2 To compare similarities AREA 1: and Family, School, differences Community and among ethnic Country groups in Panama including their culture and traditions. Culture and Traditions: Main Holidays Vocabulary ü Carnival: candy, party, dance ü Holy Week: Good Friday, cross, holy ü Independence Day: flag, declaration, band ü Mother’s Day: love, flowers, hug ü Christmas: tree, gift, light To associate main holidays to different ethnic groups in Panama. Structure Comparative /Superlative Example Carnival is more colorful than Independence Day. Mother’s Day is the most popular tradition. 73 Classifies holidays during the months of the year. Names the most important culture and traditions among ethnic groups in Panama. Compares ethnic groups traditions using the comparatives and superlatives. WEEK # 3 AREA 2: People, Feeling and Body Parts ENGLISH The Body System: Circulatory System To identify the main parts of the circulatory system in the human body. Vocabulary ü Heart ü Hemoglobin ü Veins ü Blood ü Antibodies ü Pressure ü Platelets ü Arteries To describe the main function of the circulatory system in the human body. Structure Simple present tense Example The heart pumps blood. 74 Names the parts of the circulatory system in the human body. Enumerates each function of the circulatory system in the human body. Describes the functions of the circulatory system in the human body using the simple present tense. ENGLISH To describe the functions AREA 2: of each part of People, Feeling the respiratory and Body Parts system. WEEK # 4 The Body System: Function of the Respiratory System Vocabulary ü Expand ü Contract To classify the functions of ü Expand the parts of the respiratory ü Inhale system. ü Exhale ü Breathe ü Absorb oxygen ü Clean gases ü Balance acid-base Structure Present Progressive Example My respiratory system is absorbing oxygen. My lungs are cleaning the gases. ENGLISH WEEK # 5 75 Creates a respiratory system project to demonstrate the function of each part. Associates the parts and functions of the respiratory system. Talks about the functions of the respiratory system to his/her family using the present progressive. AREA 3: To recognize the food Health, Nutrition groups of the nutritional Healthy Habits: and Food pyramid. Nutritional Pyramid Vocabulary To classify food according ü Fruits: orange, to the appropriate food apple, mango, group. papaya, pineapple ü Vegetables: lettuce, cabbage, potato, tomato, yam ü Meats: fish, pork, chicken, turkey, duck ü Grain: bread, pasta, cereal, lentils, beans ü Milk: cheese, yoghurt, butter, Demonstrates the food groups according to the nutritional pyramid. Creates a healthy food plate for one day that meets the guidelines in the nutritional pyramid. Writes the appropriate amount of food to eat Structure daily using quantity Quantity words: few, words. some, a little, a lot, any Example I eat some apples. ENGLISH WEEK # 6 Healthy Habits: AREA 3: 76 Health, Nutrition To select appropriate food Nutrition and Food to promote healthy ü Nutrients nutrition. ü Energy ü Substances To ask and answer ü Food questions about nutrition ü Health preferences. ü Growth ü Diet ü Serving Structure Auxiliary verb: do/does Example Do you prefer…? Does she prefer…? Recognizes habits to nutrition. healthy promote Asks for healthy food at home. ENGLISH AREA 3: WEEK # 7 Health, Nutrition To establish the Healthy Habits: and Food importance of practicing Personal Hygiene healthy habits. Vocabulary ü Wash hands ü Brush teeth ü Comb hair 77 Asks and information healthy preferences. gives about habits To express abilities when practicing personal hygiene. ü Wear clean clothes ü Take a shower Structure Modal: can Possessive adjectives Example I can comb my hair. She can wash her hands. ENGLISH To report importance AREA 4: environment Ecology, Plants ecosystem. and Animals on of within WEEK # 8 the the Importance of an Environment: the Identifies healthy habits to have a better life. Lists personal hygiene habits to highlight their importance in our life. Employs modals and possessive adjectives in affirmative statements. Vocabulary ü Environment To ask and give ü Life information about the ü Conservation importance of taking care ü Quality of the environment. ü Healthy ü Human beings ü System ü Factors Structure 78 Restates the importance Modals: should, have to Verbs: protect, take care, save, pollute, keep, preserve, maintain, avoid Example You should animals. protect They have to take care of the environment. of the environment through simple sentences. Interviews people from different ages about the importance of living in a healthy environment Generates ideas to save the environment. WEEK # 9 ENGLISH AREA 5: Sports To classify sports into Sports national and international sports. Vocabulary ü National ü International To ask and answer ü Baseball questions about sports. ü Volleybal ü Soccer ü Swimming ü Boxing ü Ruby ü Cycling ü Tennis ü Basketball ü Softball Categorizes examples of sports into national and 79 Structure international. Wh questions: what, who, where, when Contrasts examples of sports practiced around Example the world. What sport do you like? Where do you play Gives information about soccer? sports related to wh questions. ENGLISH AREA 6: Weather, Climate, Numbers, Time and Monetary Unit To tell the period of time using standard units, seconds, minutes, hours, WEEK # 10 days, weeks, months, Period of Time: years. Numbers ü Years ü Months To discriminate the basic ü Weeks concept of time using ü Days information words. ü Hours ü Minutes ü Seconds Structure Information word: how 80 Example Annotates the different How many days does a basic concept of time. week have? Creates a timeline for How many minutes does each hour of the day. an hour have? Constructs different statements about the period of time. To give information about daily routines in a specific period of the day. ENGLISH WEEK # 11 Daily Activities To ask questions about ü In the morning daily routines. ü In the afternoon ü In the evening ü At night AREA 6: Weather, Climate, Numbers, Time and Monetary Unit Structure Action verbs: wake up, get up, have breakfast, get dressed, study, do homework, have lunch, go home Example I study in the afternoon. 81 Enumerates general activities practiced during You wake morning. To identify the monetary units in different areas of North, Central and South America. ENGLISH AREA 6: Weather, Climate, Numbers, Time and Monetary Unit up in the the different period of the day. Comments daily activities he/she does during a day. WEEK # 12 Uses action verbs to ask questions about daily routines. Monetary Units: To compare monetary Currencies units used in America. ü In North America: dollar ü In Central America: colones ü In South America: peso Structure Preposition of places Example The dollar is the currency unit used in the United States. Establishes the characteristics of each monetary unit used in America. 82 ENGLISH AREA 7: Transportation and Communication To recognize the similarities and differences among traditional and WEEK # 13 modern means of transportation. Traditional and Modern Means of Transportation To establish the ü By air: airplane, advantages and helicopter disadvantages of the different means of ü By land: car, horse transportation. ü By water: canoe, ship Exchanges currency units to obtain the equivalent coins. Compares the currency values within the different countries in America. Structure Nouns Comparison Preposition of place Example The car is faster than a Classifies the different horse. means of transportation. The horse is slower than a Determines the car. advantages and disadvantages of the means of transportation. 83 ENGLISH To recognize the importance of inventions for technology appliances. AREA 7: Transportation and Communication To distinguish advantages disadvantages of communication Panama. the and the in WEEK # 14 Communication in Panama ü Traditional: radio, television, mail ü Technological: tablet, ipad, smartphone Structure Adverbs of Frequency: always, sometimes, generally, often, frequently Compares different means of transportation. Example I always watch television. He generally listens to the radio. ENGLISH To read short stories, fables, and poems by highlighting the literary elements. 84 WEEK # 15 Literature Vocabulary ü Stories Mentions the most important inventions that have impacted the communication in Panama. AREA 8: Literature To associate literary elements through different form of literature. ü ü ü ü ü Fables Poems Theme Character Setting Creates own scheme for classifying the means of communication in Panama. Refers to the frequent use of the communication appliances in Panama. Structure Simple Past Tense Example He was the main character in the story. The theme was about love. Completes graphic organizers about literary elements of stories, poems and fables. Relates the literary elements found in any genre. 85 Mentions the literary elements of the genres through statements in simple past tense. 86 ESSENTIAL CONTENT ENGLISH SIXTH GRADE SUBJECT AREA LEARNING OBJECTIVES CONTENT ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Week 1 To demonstrate Tourism in Panama understanding of the vocabulary related to Vocabulary tourism in a written ü Historical sites way ü The Panama Canal ü Panama la Vieja. To describe historical sites in Structures: Panama Adjectives Simple present tense English AREA 1: FAMILY, SCHOOL, COMMUNIT Y AND COUNTRY To describe natural resources in the city and the country side. Week 2 Tourism in Panama Natural Resources To write about future Vocabulary vacation plans and ü Sarigua vacation. ü Baru Volcano ü La Yeguada ü Anton Valley 87 Compares and contrast two historical sites in Panama using a Venn Diagram Relates touristic places with their locations in a map. Writes a short paragraph of 8 sentences, describing his/her favorite historical site in Panama. Recognizes concepts and definitions related to natural resources from a reading. Provides written details and main ideas about vacation plans using a chart Elaborates a poster promoting his/ her favorite natural resource. Structures: Future tense Prepositions of place To describe and Week 3 compare tourist attractions in Tourism in Panama Panama. Tourist Attractions To compare and Vocabulary contrasting tourist ü Fairs attractions. ü Festivals ü Shopping centers ü National celebrations ü Museum AREA 2: PEOPLE; FEELINGS AND BODY’S PARTS Structure: Comparatives and superlatives To identify the Week 4 various parts of the digestive system Body System using proper Digestive System vocabulary and • Vocabulary language.. • To describe the function of the various parts of the digestive system. Mouth ü Esophagus. ü Stomach. ü Small Intestine. ü 88 Describes in a written report ( 8 simple sentences) the tourist attractions in Panama with appropriate vocabulary and expressions. Writes a comparison sentences about different attractions found in their locations using sentence frames Distinguishes the main contrasting features of the most visited tourist attractions in his/her region by using a graphic organizer. Draws a basic diagram of the digestive system with its parts. Describes the organs and functions of the digestive system in a poster. Relates the importance of the different organs and functions of the digestive system using a graphic organizer. Large Intestine. ü Rectum Functions ü Transportation ü Digestion ü Absorption of food ü Structures: ü Simple present tense ü WH questions AREA 2: PEOPLE; FEELINGS AND BODY’S PARTS Week 5 To identify the organs that make up Body System the human excretory system using the Excretory System proper vocabulary and language. Vocabulary ü Kidneys ü Liver To apply the main ü Lungs functions of the ü Skin organs of the Functions excretory system ü Creation and expulsion of urine ü maintaining overall fluid balance. 89 Identifies the parts of the excretory system by creating a mind map. Relates the different organs of the excretory system by using a mind map. Writes a short paragraph about the importance of the organs and their functions using a sentence frame. ü regulates and filters minerals from blood. ü filters waste materials from food, medications, and toxic substances. Structures: ü Simple present tense ü WH questions ü Yes/ no answer AREA 2: PEOPLE; FEELINGS AND BODY’S PARTS Week 6 To identify the various parts of the Body System skeletal system Skeletal System using proper vocabulary and Vocabulary language. ü Skeletal system To describe the ü Bones function of the ü Cartilage various parts of the ü ligaments skeletal system and ü tendons how to take care of Functions them. ü storage of mineral ü Provides support to the body ü Protect internal organs ü Allows body movement Structures: 90 Identifies the name and location of major bones in the body using a poster Writes descriptive sentences about the function of the skeletal system using vocabulary and language structures. Describes life style activities which contribute to bone health. ü Simple present ü Nouns . Week 7 To recognize the parts of the circulatory system. To identify the functions of the circulatory system Body System Circulatory System Vocabulary Organs ü Heart ü Lungs ü Veins ü Arteries ü Vessels Functions ü Flow of blood ü Nutrients ü oxigen 91 . Draws and labels the different organs of the circulatory system. Provides written details about functions of the circulatory system. draws a picture of the heart and describe the pathway of blood through it. Structures: Simple present Nouns Adjectives To identify habits that allow the body systems function properly. To practice healthy habits to help body systems to stay healthy. AREA 2: PEOPLE; FEELINGS AND BODY’S PARTS Week 8 The body systems Hygiene Vocabulary ü Watch your diet ü Stay hydrated ü Take time to eat ü Exercise ü Sleep ü Stretch Structures: ü Action verbs ü Simple present ü Modal 92 Prepares a collage of pictures with people practicing healthy habits. Writes simple sentences to explain why being healthy is important. . Monitors personal hygiene practices for a week using a checklist on what he/she has learned and why hygiene is important. To identify behaviors that promote health and wellness of the body systems. To recognize the main aspects about protecting from COVID -19 Week 9 Hygiene in Covid -19 Vocabulary ü Pandemic ü Cover your mouth ü Sneeze ü Wash your hands ü Use face shield ü Use mask ü Keep social distance ü Stay home ü Hands hygiene Structures: Wh- questions ü Action verbs ü Simple present tense ü Future tense. 93 Labels five habits to keep covid-19 away from his/her body. Writes of short descriptive paragraph about the ways he/she prevents contagious from Covid-19. Creates a bulletin board about how You Can Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Week 10 AREA 3: HEALTH, NUTRITION AND FOOD To describe ingredients of favorite food recipe. To write about favorite recipes at home Recipes for healthy food Vocabulary ü Ingredients ü Cooking verbs ü Boil ü Cut ü Wash ü Mix ü Stir ü Serve Structures: ü Simple present ü Short answer ü Transition words 94 Selects and describes the ingredients of his/ her favorite recipe. Mentions the procedure to prepare their recipe using transition words. Creates a portfolio of traditional recipes prepared at home. AREA 3: HEALTH, NUTRITION AND FOOD Week 11 To identify vocabulary related to The Importance of Good healthy food and Nutrition. good eating habits. Vocabulary To read about the role different food plays in a balanced diet ü Reduce the risk of some diseases. ü Reduce high blood pressure ü Cholesterol ü Increase your energy level Structures: ü Simple present ü Present progressive ü Wh- questions 95 Describes in a poster, in a written way, his /her healthy and unhealthy habits including the vocabulary and language correctly. Writes a short paragraph about future activities promoting healthy habits. Designs a flyer promoting a balanced diet practiced at home. AREA 3: HEALTH, NUTRITION AND FOOD To comprehend Week 12 basic hygiene rules in a food preparation Health and nutrition area. Vocabulary Food hygiene To recall the basic ü Wash, hygiene ‘rules’ in a ü storage food preparation ü preparation. area. Structure: ü Relative pronouns ü Simple present 96 Identifies in a reading, personal hygiene rules you must follow when working with food. Mentions steps to maintain food hygiene in Covid-19 time. Prepares a manual of instructions promoting food hygiene. AREA 3: HEALTH, NUTRITION AND FOOD Week 13 To recognize the role of nutrients in Functions of the food for our helping the body body. grow and stay healthy Vocabulary ü Enable growth To read about how ü Repair tissues nutrients work ü Maintain body together in ü Fuel physical activity. promoting good Food sources health. ü Carbohydrates ü Fats ü Proteins ü Vitamins ü Minerals Structures: ü Simple present ü Adjectives ü Modal should 97 Categorizes food according to the nutritional function in the body. Reads and describes in a chart, basic functions and food sources of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Writes healthy menus including different food sources. To identify vocabulary related with environment. Area 4. ECOLOGY . To read about preserving a healthy environment. Week 14 Healthy Environment Vocabulary ü Contamination ü Water ü Air ü Soil ü Garbage Structures: ü Simple present ü Future tense ü adjectives 98 Shares information about preservation of healthy environment. Recognizes contrast, cause and effect of ideas related to health environment List in a chart, causes and effects of contamination Week 15 To show contrast between ideas and Effect of a contaminated opinions about environment. healthy environment Vocabulary ü Breathing disease ü Global warming To relate ideas about ü Water pollution how to take care of ü Hearing problems our natural resources to benefit Structures: human health and ü Adverbs planet. ü Demonstratives 99 Recognizes, contrast, cause and effect of healthy environment. Uses the grammar structure to describe healthy environment activities in our country. Creates a collage showing ideas about ways to create a healthy environment. 100 101 102 103