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Start an Online Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Online Business
by Michal Wurm
Read this book if you want to survive.
Well, this may be a bit over the top, but I mean it in the most caring way possible.
(You’ll see my point on the next page.)
The storm on the horizon
Here is the deal. There is an economic storm brewing. You can
probably see the signs here and there already. Many businesses
are in dire straits and were forced to lay off workers due to the
unfavorable economic situation.
In 2020 the unemployment numbers went way above the great
recession of 2008. At the time, the International Monetary Fund
concluded that it was the most severe economic and financial
meltdown since the Great Depression.
If you look at the US 4-week average jobless claims, the amount
of people who lost their job has reached unprecedented levels.
Hundreds of thousands of people out of work has to affect the
economy in one way or another.
It should scare the living daylights out of everyone who’s not in
the top 10%. Unfortunately, many people are blinded by the
media and ignorance when it comes to economics.
March 2020
Lockdown spike
Below is a chart from the US Department of Labour. You can see
that things are not by any means pretty.
(in thousands =
6 000 000 unemployed
United States Jobless Claims 4-week Average
Early 1980s
1973 oil crisis
2008 great recession
We are here
1979 energy crisis
This doesn’t concern me, right?
So what, you may say. I don’t live in the USA, so why should this
concern me anyway?
The aftermath of the 2008 US housing bubble finally rippled
across the Pacific ocean to the pristine, remote country where I
lived. And everything stopped almost overnight. The economic
crisis, which began 12 000 km (8 000 miles) away, wreaked
havoc everywhere.
Well, the economies worldwide are so interlinked that if a major
player like the USA, China, or the EU gets in trouble, the whole
world is up the creek without a paddle.
In the next three months, I had 16 clients who declared
bankruptcy. At our average rate of $2500 for a website, this
amounted to approximately $40 000 of lost revenue. Things
became ugly, really quick. Some of my staff panicked and left
for less-paid but more secure jobs, even though they hated
them. Suddenly we were down to a skeleton crew of three
I’ve seen it happen before.
I lived in a lovely seaside town in New Zealand at the time.
I started my own web design business a couple of years
earlier. After an initial struggle, we finally seemed to be doing
amazingly well. My company became one of the top brands in
the region. I had eight people working for me, and I just closed
the biggest partnership deal in my career, which meant I’d need
to hire another five people to keep up with the demand. Things
were going great. After we closed the deal me and my team
went for steaks and wine to celebrate. I remember I ordered an
inch thick beef steak with pepper sauce and roasted vegetables.
Little did I know it would be the last steak I’ll have for a very
long time. It was in December 2008.
I couldn’t believe how quickly things turned sour.
I learned from this experience that there is no such thing as
enough security. You can never protect your income enough.
You need to diversify your income and don’t rely just on a job to
provide for your family, for God’s sake.
Back to today and back to you
We can see the writing on the wall. We know the wheels are
going to fall off the economic bandwagon we’re riding. And
it would be best if you weren’t caught in the middle when it
The best way to generate
wealth, become independent,
and secure your income is to
build your own business.
So how do you protect your income?
I found that the best way to generate wealth, become
independent, and generate income is to build your own
But how are you supposed to do that if you’ve never done it
The good news is that it’s not that hard anymore. There are
plenty of freely available or cheap tools that you can use to start
your own online business.
And it is where this book comes in.
The 5 steps to start an online business
Here are the steps we need to go through to start an online
1. Purpose
4. Sales
The WHY?
You need to be sure about why you want to build your own
business. What’s in it for you, and why you want to help
2. Product
You need a web page or sales process which you will use to
sell your product or service. Where in the internet are you
going to sell your product or service?
5. Traffic
You need to figure out what you are going to sell. The ideal
way is to use your passion and turn it into an income.
3. Packaging
The WHO?
Once you have everything in place, send as many people to
your website as possible. The more people who visit your
sales page, the higher the chance of you making money.
The HOW?
Let’s go over each step and see how you can tackle them from
the comfort of your bedroom.
How are you going to package and present your product?
It needs to be simple to use and easy to distribute to as
many people as possible.
Step 1: Why start an online business?
1.8 billion people shopped
online last year.
There are many reasons why you need an online business. The
main ones that I see are these:
It is an additional income stream.
Someone out there is looking
for what you have to offer.
Even if you have a job right now, it never hurts to make a little
extra money on the side, does it?
Passive income
Once you setup your processes, it can run on autopilot, with
There is an incredible degree of freedom when you do not have to
minimal maintenance requirements on your part. Your online
answer to a boss anymore. You can choose where and when you
business can be a passive income that you receive, whether
want to work and what you want to do. Once you taste this kind of
you work or not. Sure, it’ll require your time and energy at the
freedom, it’s hard to go back to a regular 9-5 job.
beginning and lots of it. Still, once you have everything in place,
you can take the family on a road trip without feeling guilty
Unlimited potential
about not working.
If you choose the right product to sell, there is no upper limit on
income. You can scale it to level you don’t even dare to dream yet.
Step 2: What are you going to sell?
Figuring out what you are going to sell is sometimes the most
Alright, so you want to start your own business, but maybe you
challenging part.
have been struggling to figure out what you can actually sell to
There are so many options and variations to consider.
You can sell these three types of products:
Let me give you a few examples, and hopefully, these ideas will
point you in the right direction.
Physical products
Digital products
Coaching & consulting
There are pros and cons to each type. I like digital products
The ideal way is to take
something you are
passionate about and turn it
into a stable income.
the most because you can easily scale them. They can run on
autopilot and don’t require large startup capital.
What you want is to create something once and sell it many
Business ideas to get you started
Step 2:
What are you going to sell?
So what can you sell online?
If you’re handy with DIY projects:
Chances are, you already possess the knowledge you can share.
Teach people home improvement.
Publish series of guides on fixing things.
For example:
If you are a stay-at-home mum, you could:
If you are passionate about woodworking
Write a cookbook with healthy recipes children love.
Record a woodworking course.
Write an ebook with fun games parents and children can.
Design furniture plans people can use to build their own
play to spend some quality time together.
Compile handy tips to help with house chores.
If you are an artist:
If you know how to bake:
Create online art classes.
Create a book with baking recipes.
If you’re into health and nutrition:
If you know how to sew:
Create a weight loss program.
Design sewing patterns and sell sewing pattern kits
Record a healthy eating course.
Decord a video course on how to sew
Publish a book about proper nutrition.
Business ideas to get you started
If you’re into fitness
If you’re into fashion
Record videos about how to exercise properly
Create a fitness program for a specific outcome
Step 2:
What are you going to sell?
Create a video program showing people how to dress better
If you are a makeup artist
If you love to travel
Record a course on different makeup styles
Write an uncommon travel guide to a place you love to visit
If you know a particular software really well
Create unique travel maps that follow a specific theme
Write interesting stories about your travels
Create a set of courses explaining how to use the software
If you are good at languages
If you’re a really organized person who gets things done:
Create a language course
Design tools or materials to help people learn better
Teach others how to be more productive.
If you know how to fix cars:
If you like to work on model trains or planes:
Do a set of courses on fixing cars.
Teach people how to do car body repairs.
Teach people how to do specific modeling techniques.
Business ideas to get you started
If your passion is dancing:
If you are good with kids:
Create online dancing classes.
Step 2:
What are you going to sell?
Create a course on a specific parenting issue.
If you like fishing:
If you’re good with finances
Write a book or a course on how to get out of debt
Help people organize personal finances
Educate people on investment options
Create a course teching people how and where to fish
If you’re into golf:
Teach specific golfing techniques.
If you are in real estate
If you love pets:
Teach people the best way to care for different animals.
Write a guide about house flipping, house selling, or house
buying issues.
If you know a lot about camping and survival:
If you are a software developer
Tech people how to prep.
Create a software as a service (SAAS)
Compile bug out kits.
Teach people how to program mobile apps
Teach survival skills.
Research your competition
Step 2:
What are you going to sell?
Before you commit your time, energy, and hard-earned cash
Tools to help you with your research:
into starting your own business, do thorough research first.
Google search
Facebook pages
Start with a simple Google search to see what other people are
Facebook Ads library
already selling and if there is enough demand for a particular
E-learning platforms (Skillshare, Udemy...)
Amazon bestsellers
It’s far easier to copy and improve existing ideas than coming
More research tips and advanced search techniques are at
up with an unprecedented way of doing something when you
are just starting out.
You can afford to spend your time developing a new,
It’s far easier
to improve existing
ideas when you are just
starting out.
revolutionary product from scratch once your business takes
Step 3: How will your product look?
Once you have figured out what you will be selling, it’s time to
Following is a list of incredibly useful tools to help you create
actually create your product.
your product. I have personally tried all of them to make sure
they are helpful.
Even though it’s usually the most time-consuming part of the
process, it can be a lot of fun. There is something rewarding
I actually demonstrate how many of these programs work
about creating something new all by yourself.
and give a quick 101 introduction to them inside my Online
Business Launchpad course.
The tools you’ll use depend largely on what kind of product or
service you want to use.
There is plenty of software available that will make the creation
of your new digital product seem like a walk in a park. Many of
these tools are free or have a free trial. You don’t have to go out
buying expensive programs right at the beginning.
Tools for starting your business
Step 3:
How will your product look?
Brand name generators
Shopify Business Name generator
Logo design
99 Designs
Smashing Logo
Complete course How to Start an Online Business
Example of brand design projects at
Includes practical demonstrations and real-world examples
Tools for creating your product
Step 3:
How will your product look?
Text editing and page layout
Free graphics
Book cover mockup generators
Google Docs
Microsoft Office
Other resources
Apple Pages
Adobe InDesign
Royalty-free photos & videos
Fiverr - outsource anything
Envato Digital Marketplace
Graphics editors
Canva - free online editor
Adobe Creative Cloud
Affinity Photo
Royalty-free music
PDF editing
Kevin MacLeod (Incompetech)
Adobe Acrobat
Royalty-free sound effects
Sound editors
Canva: Free online graphic editor anyone can use
Adobe Audition
Step 4: Where will you sell your product?
When you have your product ready, you need a website or
some space on the internet to sell it.
There are so many options you can use to build your own
website it’s not possible to cover them all.
Here are the most common solutions:
ClickFunnels is one of the best solutions on the market.
It is a platform where you can easily create your sales page
by dragging and dropping pre-designed elements to a page.
With a few clicks, you can add an order form and connect it to a
payment gateway to accept credit card payments.
The whole system is designed primarily to help you sell more.
Step 4:
Where will you sell your product?
With ClickFunnels you’re not just building a website, you are
creating a sales funnel. This means that every page you make
here is encouraging your visitor to take action. You can collect
email addresses, sell your products, present your upsell offers,
and even create membership areas right inside ClickFunnels.
There is no programming involved or any “techy stuff,” so
everyone can use it.
If you need to build a sales page for your business quickly and
easily, give ClickFunnels a try. It comes with a free trial, so you
have plenty of time to test it out, build your sales page, and
start selling.
Click here to try out ClickFunnels for free.
Example of a sales funnel.
Step 4:
Where will you sell your product?
Did you know one-third of all the websites on the internet
runs on WordPress? What started as a system for bloggers
has quickly grown into one of the most versatile content
management systems freely available.
You can install the base system and extend it with many of the
thousands of plugins available. If you want a fully-featured
e-shop, then WooCommerce is probably the best way to go.
The pros of WordPress are that you can adapt it to suit your
The downside is that you need to have at least some IT
knowledge to make it work.
WordPress homepage
Step 4:
Where will you sell your product?
Online marketplaces
You can also make use of existing online marketplaces. These
Regardless of which system you decide to use, the best advice
are great when you are selling physical products.
I can give you is to start tinkering around with it and adjust and
improve on the go.
Some of the most known marketplaces are
Amazon Handmade
The pros are that the infrastructure is already created. All you
need to do is sign up, setup your products, and you can start
The cons are that the platform takes a cut of your profits. Also,
any follow up actions such as upsells or email newsletters
become challenging to perform because you cannot adjust the
Etsy is a popular marketplace for selling anything handmade.
way the platform works.
Step 5: Who will buy it from me?
The more specific you get
with your dream customer’s
definition, the better you can
target them with your ads.
It doesn’t matter if you have a fantastic with a beautiful sales
page unless you can get people to see it.
Many people fail at this point because they simply don’t know
how to market themselves.
The key is to find the right people – your dream customers –
and show them your ads to bring them to your web page and
read your offer.
That’s way too general. You can drill down the description and
be really specific. How about this definition instead? “My dream
Now, to find your dream customers, you have to spend a fair
customers are women in the age of 30-40 and 50-65, who like
amount of time on research. I’d suggest making a list. Write down
to sew and have children or grandchildren in the ages of 3-12
who your target customers are. Be as specific as you can.
years old.”
Here is an example of what specific means. If you sell sewing
The more specific you get with your target customer’s
patterns for children’s clothes, some people would simply say:
definition, the better you can target them with your ads.
“My dream customers are women.”
Step 5:
Who will buy it from me?
If your audience definition is too broad, you’ll be wasting your
Paid advertising
valuable budget on your ads. That is not something you can
When it comes to getting quickly in front of a vast group of
afford when you are just starting out. Suppose you do narrow
people, the best way is to pay for advertising.
your audience as much as possible. In that case, you’ll be able
to create more engaging ads, use your budget efficiently, and
There are two platforms where it makes sense to invest in paid
you’ll have a much better return on your ad spend.
ads for a startup entrepreneur with a home-based business
right now. Facebook, and Pinterest.
Once you know who your dream customers are, you can do
a search on Facebook groups, Facebook pages, discussion
Facebook is, by far, the most used ad platform. It offers a
forums, blog sites and all the other places where they gather
great way of targeting your potential customers by interests
and demographics. With over 2.7 billion active monthly users,
Facebook can reach an incredible amount of people. Signing
Write everything on a list, so you know who to target and where
up for a business account is free and setting up ads is relatively
to show your ads. You can reach out to the owners of blog
sites or groups where your dream customers interact with each
other. You can start commenting on these platforms, build a
reputation, and gradually promote yourself.
Step 5:
Who will buy it from me?
Facebook also offers a free course on Facebook marketing
Setting up advertising is free and simple enough. You simply
called Facebook Blueprint. I highly recommend you going
create your pins, then go and promote them based on the
through it to know how the ads work and what the advertising
interests your audience has. The added benefit is that when
policies are.
people like your promoted pin, they save it to their collection,
which supports your pin’s organic reach in the long run.
If you target your audience correctly, Facebook can be an
Over 70% of Pinterest users are female, making it a great
incredible way to get new customers rolling in.
advertising channel if your product is aimed towards women.
Pinterest has a much smaller reach than Facebook. However,
with over 400 million active users, it’s still not a bad option to
While Facebook has been known for disabling ad accounts by
mistake, rejecting ads, etc., Pinterest seems to be much more
straightforward in this regard.
The big question
Will you do it?
You now know the importance of having your own business.
You generally know what to do.
The question is, will you do it?
Odds are you won’t.
There is a guide, though...
If you are serious about starting your own online business, I
have created an extensive course that shows you:
Because like most other people, you will reach too many
obstacles, and you won’t know how to conquer them. You’ll get
How to build an online business that’s easy to manage.
distracted by other things, it’ll become too complicated, and
Finding the right product to sell
you’ll get stuck somewhere along the way.
Which are the recession-proof niches.
Different software and online tools and how can you use
them to start your business.
How to succeed even if people don’t buy at first
Practical demonstration of the entire process.
The big question
You can literally follow me, click by click, how I create an
entire sales funnel, including credit card payment options.
How to start with a limited budget
Marketing secrets gurus use all the time.
Email marketing the easy way
Build email lists, send out email campaigns, and automate
Will you use it to finally create
emails with minimal effort.
the life you deserve to have?
How to grow your audience and keep fans engaged in just a
It’s up to you.
few minutes a day
... and heaps more!
All the best,
Simply visit for more
I’m giving you all the tools and knowledge I’ve used to build
Michal Wurm
successful businesses in the past 20 years of my career.
Build your own dreams,
or someone else will hire you
to build theirs.
– Farrah Gray