UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLOGICA DE EL SALVADOR Escuela de Idiomas English 1 – Group 04 My family presentation Evaluation rubric NAMES: ______________________________________ ________________________________________ DATE: October 11, 2021. PURPOSE: Record a video to present my family. ASPECTS TO EVALUATE 20% yes 1. Draw your family tree (individually) on a cardboard (cartulina). Illustrate it. (photos) 2. Make pairs 3. record a video with the information required. 4. Present your nuclear family to your partner. (father, mother, brothers). Example: This is my mother, her name is Sofia. This is my father, he’s a doctor. This is my brother, he´s 20 years old and this is my little sister Ana. 5. Ask / answer 3 questions to your partner about other members of his/her extended family. Example: Who are Ana and Luis? / They are my in-laws. Who is Pedro? / He is my brother in law. Who is Lucía? / She’s my niece. 6. Use the conversation below to start a conversation with your partner: Giving good news about a relationship. (Usar la conversación que se anexa abajo) 7. Pronounces properly. 7. Present a video free of interferences. (Sin ruidos de buses, perros ladrando, música o alguna otra interferencia.) 8. Upload the video to youtube and send the link to a folder IN ARCHIVOS in teams, under the name: MY FAMILY VIDEO PRESENTATION. (Usar la Plataforma de youtube para no tener inconvenientes a la hora de subir su video y poder verlo sin problemas) 9. Comply with the due date. 10. If there is any late video, this will be checked base 6.0 DUE DATE: October 15, 2021. USE THE CONVERSATION BELOW, JUST CHANGE THE NECESSARY INFORMATION no A) B) Tell me, what’s new? Actually, I have some good news, my (sister got engaged) (cousin is getting married) (little sister graduates next December), etc. esta información tiene que cambiar y escribir la suya. A) B) A) B) That´s great, Congratulations! Thanks. So, tell me about (her fiancé) (when she is graduating), etc. Well, he works (at SIMAN) (in a restaurant) (for the government), etc. He is a/an (engineer) (doctor) (a carpenter) (mechanic) ASK 3 OTHER QUESTIONS (estos son solo ejemplos que puede tomar como modelos. No son estos los que debe escribir, sino tomarlos solo como ejemplos) Cada uno hace sus tres preguntas individuales. Example: Is he a doctor? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. He is a mechanic. Does he live in San Miguel? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. He lives in La Unión. Does he like music? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. He likes reggae. What kind of music does he like?, etc.