Pistas calientes (D) Remember to use ser to describe physical and

Pistas calientes
Remember to use ser to describe physical and personality characteristics and
estar to describe emotions. Pay attention to agreement of nouns and
adjectives. Una clase aburrida, un problema delicado.
Remember that más/menos…que is used to compare things that are not the
same and tan/tanto …como are used for things that are the same. When
comparing nouns, be careful to pay attention to agreement. Tiene tantos
problemas como su hijo. Bebe tanta cerveza como sus amigos.
Remember that subjective, reactive statements such as Es fantástico que..,
Es terrible que…are followed by the subjunctive. Subjunctive is also
required when making recommendations and suggestions. Es importante
que estudiemos las causas de la Guerra Civil de España.
Don’t forget that the preterite moves the storyline forward in time and the
imperfect fleshes out the story with descriptions and emotions. Salieron
muy temprano y llegaron sobre las once de la noche. Estaban muy
Remember that in sentences with gustar -type verbs, the subject is the thing
liked and that is what determines if gustar is singular or plural. Don’t forget
that whomever likes the object is the indirect object and must be preceded
with “a.” A Javi le gustan los museos. A los turistas les molesta el ruido.
Remember to use the past subjunctive in the if clause (Si supiera…) and the
conditional to describe what the subject would hypothetically do
(compraría otro coche, llamaría a la policía). Si pudiera, pasaría un
semestre en España.
The future tense is easy to form. Just add é, ás, á, emos, éis and án to the
infintive: escucharé, comerás, escribiremos. Be aware of the use of
subjunctive in many of the clauses that introduce future events. Cuando
vaya, irá al Prado. Tan pronto como salgamos, lo llamaremos.