Subido por Juanri Catalá

ICT in Bilingual Education: A Didactic Proposal

University CEU Cardenal Herrera
Faculty of Humanities and Communication
Student: ​Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó - 20482976G
University CEU Cardenal Herrera
Faculty of Humanities and Communication
Master: Bilingual Education (English)
Student​: Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó - 20482976G
Valencia: June , 2017
Type of work:​ Didactic Proposal
Director​: Antonio Martínez Saez
1 - Abstract:
2 - Introduction:
3 - Justification:
4 - Objectives:
5 - Legal Framework
5.1 ICT
5.2.1 ICT and Society
5.2.2 ICT in Primary Education
5.4 CLIL
5.4.1 CLIL Characteristics
5.5 Bilingualism
5.5.1 Advantages of Bilingualism and Plurilingualism:
5.5.2 Bilingualism in the school
6 - Methodology
7 - Didactic Sequence
7.1 Contextualization:
7.2 School:
7.3 Class:
7.4 Pupils:
7.5 Objectives:
7.6 Key Competences:
7.7 Block of Contents:
7.8 Assessment
7.9 Attention to Diversity
7.12 Sessions and activities:
7.13 ICT Resources used in the didactic sequence.
8 - Conclusions
9 - Bibliography
10 - Annexes
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1 - Abstract:
The following dissertation tries to analyze the potential of the
Information and Communication Technologies in an Education field for the
acquisition of the English foreign language and bilingual education. In this
paper, I will contextualize the situation of our education system in order to
provide support to the teaching activity. Moreover, I will try to explain some
guidelines for action in the teaching learning process through a didactic
sequence, based on the foreign language methodologies. What I pretend
with this didactic sequence is to motivate teachers to start using new
technologies in the classroom, not to be scared of using them. The
didactic sequence has been designed 3rd course of Primary Education
taking as its main theme New Technologies.
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2 - Introduction:
It is a well known fact that nowadays, our society gives great
importance to children’s education, because it is the main way to build
their personality, develop their abilities and encourage their autonomy.
Over the years, the methodologies used in the classroom have been
introducing the use of ICT with different purposes, the most important one
is the motivation that our pupils acquire when using ICT. Moreover,
according to the current law for the Educative Quality Improvement
(LOMCE) article “i” of the ​Royal Decree 126/2014​: “Pupils have to initiate
in the use of the information and communication technologies”.
Furthermore, the use of ICT are included in both, ‘​Key Competences​’ and
‘​Cross Curricular Elements​’ of the Decree ​108/2014, which regulates the
curriculum in the Valencian Community. So it means, that it is a very
important and motivating element in the education of our children. The
techniques used nowadays by some teachers have been developed
during the last decades thanks to the fast development of technology.
These technologies not only make our lives easy, but also create new
approaches and methodologies in today’s education.
Nowadays, our pupils use new technologies almost everyday
because they were born in the digital age. Teachers must adapt their
programme plannings in order to motivate our pupils. There is a great
amount of materials that we can use in foreign language teaching. If we
want to be successful in our work, we will have to take into account why,
when and how to use them.
This dissertation has been divided into two sections: On the one
hand, I will analyze the ​legal framework related with ICT​, which is the
different studies and laws about New Technologies in the education.
Moreover, I will explain what is the ​meaning of CLIL and its main
objectives in the education of students. Furthermore, I will explain what is
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the meaning of ​Bilingual and Plurilingual Education. On the other hand,
I will explain a ​didactic proposal ​where I will expose the specific
methodologies and activities used in the didactic sequence.
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3 - Justification:
This section tries to explain those aspects that have encouraged
me to choose the topic of “Tics Applied to Bilingual Education”.
The huge amount of changes that our society has experienced for
the last years have transformed the classic educational standards and
they are now considered outdated as they do not achieve the demands of
today. The different ways to look for the information have changed and
now we can get any type of information much faster than years ago.
Regarding the educational ambit, ICTs are an exceptional resource
to help in the teaching-learning process of foreign languages (especially in
the English Subject) as a tool to promote learning, to improve the attention
of our students, to analyze the wealth of information and so on.
The use of the Internet has become a daily routine for the most of
Spanish/Valencian population. More than 60 % of Valencian families have
internet connection. New teaching methods have emerged from the
Information and Communication Technologies, currently, we have more
than 10 new methods/approaches related with ICT than 5 years ago. For
the last decade, ICTs have been incorporating in our daily lives,we use
them in our work, social relations, entertainment and obviously, in the field
of Education.
On the other hand, during this school year, I have observed many
deficiencies in the use of ICT of my schoolmates which have motivated me
to do this dissertation. We, as teachers, should integrate new technologies
in order to teach and motivate our students, because they were born in the
Digital age. We have to take advantage of pupils’ motivation about the ICT
and use them in their teaching-learning process in a coherent way which is
included in the curriculum of Valencian Community (108/2014, LOMCE
Curriculum). In fact, this law has changed the English language subject,
because, today, English is a core subject in primary education.
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A few years ago, the use of ICT was only related with media, but,
over the years, ICT were being applied step by step to bilingual teaching.
Why not with CLIL? That is what we try to achieve with ICT and bilingual
Education: Their application to different curricular subjects and also
foreign languages. It is important to know the teachers training and the
real use that they do with these tools in the classroom. It is also important
to train the teachers in the world of New Technologies, because, they will
facilitate their work and will improve the techniques of the class.
As I have said, I am working in a public school as an English and
Primary teacher, I have been using ICT in almost all of my classes for the
last 4 years. That is why I have chosen this topic for my TFM. ‘TICS
applied to Bilingual Education, which could be renamed as: “What I do in
my daily work”. In this dissertation, I will present the reader with a ​Didactic
Proposal in order to show another way to teach English and CLIL to all
teachers that want to improve their methods/techniques.
This didactic sequence has been carried out in a school located in
Vall d’Alba, the school where I have been working this school year,
applying the knowledgment acquired during the Master’s Degree in
Bilingual Education. This proposal has been implemented in the 3rd
course of Primary Education, in English Language, and its main objective
was to achieve the communicative competence.
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4 - Objectives:
The objective of this dissertation is to reflect on the importance of a
new approach in the foreign language methodologies, taking into account
that in recent years, the laws of education, as I have said, are changing
the importance of the English language in the school as well as the use of
new technologies
Therefore, new methods are advancing in the use of ICT as
motivational tools for teaching bilingualism. The emphasis of ICTs make
students feel more motivated being able to solve problems and do
activities even in other languages. However, ICTs are a very valuable tool
in the classroom. Therefore, there is a huge number of advantages when
using ICT that I will analyze in this dissertation. The integration of this
methodology in the classroom requires changes in the school but
especially in the staff, since these tools have to arouse the teachers’
interest of ICTs. Teachers must provide their students with new methods
to achieve a “digital education” for the social reality that we are.
This dissertation has been divided into two sections: On the one
hand, I will analyze the legal framework related with ICT. I have based on
theories and studies about bilingual education and the use of ICT​.
Moreover, I will explain what is the meaning of CLIL and its main
objectives in the education of students. On the other hand, I will show a
didactic sequence ​using new technologies as the main tool. Then, I will
analyze different possibilities of using ICT in the classroom and specially
in bilingual Education. At the end of this dissertation, I will manage the
following objectives:
● To contextualize the use of ICT.
● Analyze different approaches for the teaching-learning process in
the bilingual education using the ICT.
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● Mark off the use of ICT in the English language subject, considering
different characteristics of our society.
● To improve the learning of a foreign language based on a previous
theoretical foundation.
● Provide a guide for the foreign language teachers, which can be
used as a practical application for classroom improvement through
digital resources.
● Encourage every teacher who will read this dissertation to use the
new technologies in all of their didactic proposals.
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5 - Legal Framework
5.1 ICT
Technologies) refers to different kinds of media through which you can
search, create or store information. Currently, the most popular ICT tools
are computers, smartphones and, obviously, the Internet. In this section, I
will analyze the impact that New Technologies have on our society and the
education of our students. First, I will analyze the use of ICTs in our
society and the different objectives when using it, such as communication,
respect or coexistence. Then, I will explain how the ICTs have influenced
in the Education, especially in the Valencian Community. I will analyze
both, ​Royal Decree 126/2014​, which regulates the curriculum in our
country, and ​Decree 108/2014​, which regulates the curriculum in the
Valencian Community regarding the new technologies, and how the
teaching learning process has changed, taking into account some
advantages and disadvantages of these tools.
5.2.1 ICT and Society
Diversity is one of the main characteristics of the
current society where we live. According ​Bennet (2013) It is composed of
two factors: On the one hand, the intercultural factor, on the other hand
the technological one. When these factors are mixed, we can find the
characteristics of our society. ICTs were included in our society some
decades ago and they are producing significant changes in our society in
order to make our lives easier and easier. In almost all the activities that
people do, new technologies are present. However, Internet mobiles
phone have completely changed the way that people communicate,
interact and transmit information each other. Nowadays, people can create
information, but before, we were only able to receive it through media (TV,
Radio, Newspaper).
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Indeed, if we see our context, we can observe different ways of
communication, working or having fun. That is the ‘Information Society’,
which is characterized by scientific, cultural and economical progress.
ICTs give us the ability to have access to a large amount of information
very quickly and communicate with other groups of people without taking
into account borders or time, that is, information can be transmitted from
any place of the planet at the same time as it is happening because today,
almost all people have a smartphone or a computer with Internet
According to ​Marquès (2000),
​the ​current society could be
renamed as ‘knowledge society’, since they can acquire the knowledge
anywhere. On the other hand, we can also be called ‘learning society’
because with the continuous social changes, it is necessary to learn
something new everyday. Finally, the ‘intelligence society’, which is
strengthened through networks. The velocity of scientific and technological
development has made our society change, but, above all, the
implementation of the Internet in the 90’s decade produced a before and
after in the history of our society. New technologies have an important
impact on our lives and people have to make great efforts to adapt to
According to ​AIMC (Association for Media Research) In March of
2016 the number of people over 14 who used Internet were 72.1% of the
Spanish population, which is about 28 million users, it is double the
amount of users than 10 years ago.
Moreover, and according to INE (Statistics National Institute), 78%
of Spanish families in 2016 had internet connection at their homes. It is 3
% more than in 2015. However, if we compare these results with the rest
of the European Union, we can observe that Spain is in sixteenth position
regarding the development of society, but, fortunately, the rhythm that our
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country is increasing in the use of Internet, is faster than the rest of the
5.2.2 ICT in Primary Education
As I have already said, new technologies and Internet
are present in all areas of our society. That is why our country
implemented the computers in the classrooms 25 years ago, and now they
are an important tool in the education of the students at all levels, infant,
primary and secondary education. The introduction of new technologies in
schools contributes to the training of autonomous students, that will be
very useful and essential in their future work. The students that we have in
the classroom are called "digital natives" because they are children born in
the nineties decade; computers, mobile phones, social networks and the
Internet are tools they use in their daily life. In other words, they manage
and feel confidence with the new technologies, since they spend more
time reading blogs or watching videos in the social networks than watching
the television. In addition, this generation is characterized by how they
interact with both information and others.
On the contrary, there are the "digital migrants", who are the adults
who have difficulties in handling the new media, unfortunately, we have
many teachers in this group. According to ​Dussel and Quevedo (2010)​:
The difference between the two generations is one of the factors that gives
rise to the ‘digital gap’. We can see how children feel a great interest in
new technologies and their use in Primary Education. However, some
teachers, especially the elder ones, have some difficulties to adapt and
create activities focused on ICT, since the book and the chalkboard have
been the resources of the methodology that they have always used in their
classes, the world of new technologies is a field in which students often
know more than teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to change the
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teachers’ minds, they have to be aware of the new tools and their
possibilities, taking into account that ICTs were incorporated in schools
from a pedagogical perspective, they were not a complement to traditional
teaching, but a way to improve the quality of the teaching-learning
process. New technologies can favor the integration of all students
because they take into account the peculiarities of each pupil. Through
these tools, the education is more creative, flexible and integrative since it
is closer to the Specific Educational Needs of students, those who have
some difficulties to acquire the contents in a normal way. That is why it is
essential the incorporation and integration of new technologies in all the
areas of knowledge in the different educational content. In addition, in the
world of today, knowing how to write and read does not mean that a
person is literate, since these skills are not enough to access all the
information available on the Internet.
Therefore, the students have to acquire different skills and abilities
to adapt to a society which is constantly changing. The incorporation of
ICTs in the classroom has been an important change in the education,
since it is not enough for the teachers to teach content to their students
and learn them, but the students must have skills and knowledge about
ICTs (digital literacy) such as: Knowing how to use the main tools, knowing
to find the information and select it, and taking advantage of the
communication possibilities offered by ICTs.
Nowadays, we can observe how the ICTs are acquiring an
important role in the schools. A few years ago, the schools just had one
computer room which most of the teachers did not use. Then, the
computer was being incorporated at the schools where it was used
sometimes by lots of students. Now, there are lots of schools that have in
some classes, one computer per student.
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According to the European online survey of schools between 2013
and 2014 to European countries on ICTs in Education, the schools have
double computers than in 2006 and most of them have Internet
connection. In the Valencian Community, the schools have a good
equipment compared to the European average, making emphasis on
primary education. However, the use of ICTs is below the European
The purpose of the introduction of ICTs in Primary Education as a
teaching-learning tool is to acquire contents and objectives that favor the
development of competences and skills to take maximum advantage of
these new technologies. According to the Royal Decree 126/2014, which
regulates the curriculum in Spain: ‘Students have to initiate in the learning
and use of new technologies developing a critical spirit about the
messages that they receive and elaborate’. Moreover, ‘Information and
communication technologies will be developed in all classrooms’. ICTs are
considered an essential tool to adapt to the digital age in which we are.
The methodologies used in Primary Education are very relevant because
they will guide the learning process during the student's life.
According to the Decree 108/2014 4th of July, which regulates the
communication technologies constitute a methodological resource to
adapt to the digital age. This Decree also describes the society where we
live: ‘In addition, in a social and cultural dimension, the diversity of
students and the increase of immigration in the school, demand from the
educational system new resources and specific learning programs to the
teachers about rights and freedoms, equality between men and women,
solidarity and interest when knowing other cultures, and also facilitating an
effective Educational and Social integration of students from other
countries who speak other languages and share other cultures’.
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ICTs become a very important element in the quality of life and
social integration of immigrants or people with disabilities, this also occurs
in the field of education. New technologies can avoid the "digital
differences" because they facilitate many possibilities for students with
Specific Educational Needs (SEN) preventing them from social exclusion
if they are used in an appropriate way. New methods and tools are
continuously appearing, producing improvements in SEN depending on
the disability that this type of students present, whether students with
visual, sound, physical or intellectual disabilities.
The use of new technologies in the classroom is a tool with some
advantages and disadvantages like any other pedagogical material. These
advantages and disadvantages will be classified according to the following
perspectives: the teaching-learning perspective, students’ perspective and
disadvantages of using ICTs proposed by ​Marquès (2000)​:
Advantages of ICT in the Teaching Learning Process:
● Students are motivated and show interest in using ICTs
acquiring in a better way the English language, since these
tools foster thinking, since they simulate real situations.
● The interaction and the involvement of the students in the
teaching-learning process increases a lot, contributing to
facilitate digital and audiovisual literacy.
● They favor the development of the initiative sense of the
students, they work autonomously where they have to
develop their selection skills in the huge amount of
information available on the net.
● Feedback
students learn from their
mistakes. Students know their mistakes the moment they
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● Through
communication, they improve the skills of expression and
● A cooperative learning is present due to the exchange of
ideas of the students.
Disadvantages of ICT in the Teaching Learning Process:
● Students can be distracted, since they are playing instead of
working and it is very difficult to be aware of all at the same
● Wasted time due to the huge amount of information available
which sometimes is wrong.
● Incomplete and superficial learning, since the students do
not spend time on consolidating the learning.
● Dependent students, it is necessary to organize the class
with flexible groups, since there may be occasions where
students do not work and are only spectators.
● Anxiety due to prolonged interaction with ICTs.
Advantages of ICT for students:
● Students have access to multiple educational resources and
learning environments that are attractive in order to motivate
them and enrich the teaching-learning process.
● The teaching-learning process is customized, since the great
amount of materials provide by students.
● The acquisition of the language improves and can organize
your time better without harming the rest of the students.
● They facilitate the self-evaluation of students' knowledge
through different materials.
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● The relationship between students and teachers improves
even with other contacts outside the school.
Disadvantages of ICT for students:
● Students
because of excessive
motivation or individual work.
● Visual fatigue and physical problems due to time working
with these tools.
● Educative resources with lack of educational skills, since we
must select the tools and resources provided by ICTs.
Advantages of ICT for teachers:
● They facilitate the individual work of all students taking into
account their knowledge and different rhythms.
● There are hundreds of activities on the Internet
● They facilitate self-evaluation of the students, as well as the
organization of group activities.
● The relationship between students and teachers improves.
● They avoid repetition of the teacher, as well as the
monotonous work.
Disadvantages of ICT for teachers:
● Stress and problems because sometimes the use these tools
is extra work, some teachers do not have adequate
knowledge about the world of ICT and how to take
advantage of different resources.
● Students can copy works and deliver them as if they were
made by them.
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● Teachers need to get involved and dedicate more time than
they do.
● Sometimes, ICTs present contents or activities that produces
failures in the computer systems impeding the development
of the class.
However, according ​Quintana (2012)​, in his various articles that
receive the name "The scam of ICT in the classroom", show that ICTs in
the classroom do not improve the learning of students, but also increase
school failure. In other words, ICTs serve to communicate and inform, but
not to think and learn.
5.4 CLIL
''CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), is a
generic term that refers to any educational situation in which an additional
language is used for teaching and learning subjects different than the
language subject. This term refers to both, content and language.
Students learn content from a broader perspective. They learn in a faster
and more motivated way. ​Marsh & Langé, (2000).
In CLIL, the main interest is focused on pupils. Sometimes, the
teaching of a foreign language is unsuccessful due to lack of motivation of
students when learning a new language. Taking this fact into account,
CLIL is designed to improve and increase the learning abilities of our
pupils as well as their interest and motivation. Content learning and
language learning refer to the acquisition of knowledge. When combining
these two factors, the motivation, curiosity, and participation can also be
improved. ​Wolff (n.d)
CLIL is a mix between subjects and the language in which is taught.
This means that there are two objectives: to learn the objectives of the
subject and to reinforce the language, it is called ​dual education​. From a
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linguistic point of view, there are some reasons for CLIL's approach: a
language is involved in all knowledge and it is much easier to learn it in
real situations (such as ​Communicative Approach methodology). We
use language with a purpose: constructing the knowledge and developing
the understanding of real subjects. Students have more exposure to the
foreign language and they have more opportunities for learning.
From a content point of view, the learning process is deeper and we
develop the basic competences. Moreover, there are more methodological
teaching through the integration of the learning strategies and different
perspectives can be created. ​Sacra Jáimez (2008).
5.4.1 CLIL Characteristics
The teaching process is focused on the students with
more flexibility and variety, paying more attention to different learning
styles. Learning is based on processes and tasks being more interactive
with the use of ICT, creating a good cooperation between the
teaching-learning process and producing autonomous students. Within
this methodological approach we can highlight the creation of different
learning tasks such as: cooperative work, research work, procedures, data
collection and results. According to the 4Cs of the curriculum, ​Coyle,
Hood and Marsh (2013)​, if we want to manage a good CLIL class, we
must consider the following elements: ​Content​, ​Communication​,
Cognition ​and ​Culture.
● Content: ​It is ​a progression in knowledge, skills and understanding
related to the specific elements that are determined by the
● Communication: ​It refers to students using the target language to
communicate their thoughts, attitudes, opinions.
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● Cognition: ​It is ​the development of thinking skills, comprehension
and language that students use to solve problems and to reflect on
their learning.
● Culture:​ The exposure to other perspectives and understandings.
Furthermore, bilingual schools are those public or private ones, that
incorporate to its curriculum some non linguistic area or subject in a
foreign language (​CLIL​). In case of secondary school may be reinforced
the first or second language.
5.5 Bilingualism
The term bilingualism has been the object of study and reflection for
the last century, psychologists, sociologists, linguists and pedagogues
have dared to give their own definitions about this term. According to the
RAE​, bilingualism is the "habitual use of two languages ​in the same region
or by the same person." The following are the most relevant definitions of
the concept of Bilingualism of the most important authors. First,
Bloomfield (1933: 55) defines bilingualism as the "native language of two
languages," whereas, on the contrary, ​Siguán and Mackey (1986: 17)
affirm that the term bilingualism refers to " Competence in its first
language, presents a similar competence in another, which can use with
efficiency. ". ​Weinreich (1953: 5) defines bilingualism as "the practice of
two alternatively used languages," while ​Haugen (1953: 7) states "the use
of complete and meaningful expressions in other languages." As you can
see, the definitions of Siguan and Mackey, Weinreich and Haugen are less
rigorous than Bloomfield's, since only the skill or practice of using two
languages ​is required. ​Titone (1976) considers that bilingualism is "the
capacity of an individual to express himself in a second language while
respecting the concepts and structures of language". ​Macnamara (1966)
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emphasizes the degree of competence divided into sub competences.
These sub competences are the four skills when learning a language:
Written Comprehension , Oral Comprehension , Written Expression and
Oral Expression. Therefore, bilingualism is "any person who is able to
master one of the four competences (CO, CE, EE, EO) of another
The idea of ​bilingualism has different definitions of the concept.
Taking this into account, we can say that a bilingual person has two
linguistic systems and is able to use them in any situation of their social
context with the same efficiency. ​Therefore, since the definition is not
unique, it is logical to say that not all bilinguals have the same skills,
because there are different types of bilingualism, ​Lorenzo, Trujillo & Vez,
On the other hand, as the CEFRL says, plurilingualism refers to the
coexistence of several languages ​in the same area and at the same level,
while multilingualism refers to the knowledge of several languages but
without coexisting in the same place or area.
Learning foreign languages is a real necessity in today's society. In
Development) defines the basic competences, they are divided in 8 basic
competences, among them, the competence of Communication in a
foreign language. The government must respond to this need. That is why
‘​Conselleria d'Educació​’, which incorporates the European spirit of
language learning, regulates plurilingual programs, which provide the early
incorporation of a foreign language in the infant stage up to two hours a
week. According to the ​Order of June 30, 1998​, it is possible to teach a
specific time of other subjects in English, depending on the cycle.
Moreover, for the secondary stage is regulated a pilot multilingual
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program, which allows the learning of curricular contents of non-linguistic
areas in a foreign language (English or French). The aim of these
programs is to achieve a good competence in the official languages, as
well as an appropriate control of at least one foreign language. It is a well
known fact that the increasing of linguistic competence of the Valencian
schools is the result of an integrated treatment of the two official
languages of the Valencian Community and the introduction of a foreign
language. Therefore, linguistic immersion and progressive incorporation of
languages established in the Valencian educational system, allow to start
of a unique plurilingual school system in the Valencian Community.
5.5.1 Advantages of Bilingualism and Plurilingualism:
According ​Baker and Prys Jones (1998)​, the
advantages of a bilingual person are:
● Communicative advantages: the ability to establish
relationships with a better quality, as well as
accessibility to a wider variety of people.
● Cultural advantages and the knowledge of more than
one culture.
● Greater access to global and multinational labor
● Cognitive benefits, better creative thinking, faster
language, fluidity and flexibility of thinking.
Furthermore, the European Commission carried out a study
in 2009: ​Study on the Contribution of Plurilingualism to Creativity, which
assumed that the ability to communicate in several languages is a good
benefit for people, organizations and businesses. For this reason, the
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European Commission study linked multilingualism to brain cognitive
processes, establishing the following hypotheses:
● There is a link between plurilingualism and creativity.
● Plurilingualism extends access to information.
● Plurilingualism offers alternative ways of organizing thoughts.
● Plurilingualism offers alternative ways of perceiving the
● Learning a new language increases the potential of creative
In addition, language and creativity are mental faculties which are a
part of the natural abilities of human beings, and the awareness of
language as a tool for thought and communication is a very valuable skill.
In this way, a flexible mind will lead us to know how to adapt to different
situations. Plurilinguals have a wider range of favorable conditions to
develop awareness of the social and cognitive possibilities, ​Singleton &
Aronin (2007).
5.5.2 Bilingualism in the school
Recent research shows that the fact of acquiring a second
language since childhood is very important, since the knowledge of a new
language contributes to their future development in the society which they
belong. As we have seen in the previous sections, our society is
constantly changing, and it is a multicultural society.
Therefore, in order to achieve an adequate integration of the
students in the society, the governments of the different countries are in
agreement with the bilingual education, since this education is usually
known as a high quality education. In recent years, many schools, both
public and private, Primary Education and Infant Education of Valencian
Community, have incorporated different bilingual education projects. As I
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
have explained above, bilingual education contributes to preparing
Valencian students for the future in which they will study, work and live in
an increasingly multilingual and integrated Europe.
These bilingual projects in Valencian Community consist of
teaching the contents of some non-linguistic subjects such as Science,
Arts and Crafts and Physical Education, in a foreign language. This
teaching present some difficulties, such the lack of the skills and the
knowledge of teachers in that language. However, the most important
problem for teachers is finding good educational resources that reinforce
the teaching-learning process. These programs have a dual purpose: to
improve the possibilities of learning in the foreign language and to
establish mechanisms of educational cooperation with other states of the
European Union. This double purpose is concretized in the following
● To promote the knowledge of British culture and the
acquisition of the English language through the teaching of
non-linguistic contents in English.
● Encourage
students and
● Promote equal opportunities in English language learning in
public schools.
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6 - ​Methodology
In this section, I will provide different methodologies to consider for
the specific application of the resources proposed in the didactic
sequence. The achievement of these methodologies, based on the
previously approaches of teaching foreign languages, will ensure a
functionality when introducing resources, therefore, a greater improvement
of the teaching-learning process. The methodologies presented here will
be introduced and combined by the teacher in the best way to ensure that
the learning process is developed in their classroom context. There are
several methodological approaches which emphasizes the importance of
context in the learning process. The tasks proposed to students through
New Technologies should be contextualized. The use of new technologies
in the English have to involve the students and promote the interaction
with the group. Through this interaction, the student will be able to take
advantage of the task overcoming the adversities and arriving at the ‘Zone
of proximal Development’ ​Vygotsky, (1978)​. Moreover, ​Lantolf and
Appel (1994) argue that second language learners acquire higher levels
of knowledge when they collaborate and interact with other speakers of
second languages, such as teachers.
According to ​Royal Decree 126/2014 of 28th of February​, a
didactic methodology “…is a set of strategies, procedures and actions,
organized and planned by teachers, in a conscious and reflexive way, in
order to make possible the student’s learning and the achievement of
objectives”. It consists of a set of decisions that organize the didactic
action. Due to this fact, it is important to use a flexible and opened
methodology in order to adapt the teaching-learning process to my
students’ interests and needs. To achieve that, my Didactic Sequence
follows the Eclectic Principle, which was born in Greece. It is a conceptual
approach that is based on multiple theories, styles, and ideas to obtain
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additional information on a subject. It applies different theories in particular
cases. So I have selected the best of several methods to carry out my
didactic sequence. I follow, also, the Constructivism Principle which the
learner is the centre of the teaching-learning process. As key figures,
constructivism includes ​Jean Piaget (1923) ​and ​Lev Vygotsky (1962)​.
This theory postulates the need to provide students with tools to create
their own procedures to resolve a problematic situation, which means that
their ideas are changing and they are still learning. The methods which I
referred to are the following:
Let me start by saying that ​Communicative Approach is the base
of my Didactic Sequence because I want my students to acquire the
communicative competence. The best way of acquiring a language is
using this method. It consists of simulate real situations in which the
students need to use the language to communicate ​Nunan (2000)​. To be
successful in communicative approach I use the ​Learner Centred
approach​. As I said before, in my Didactic Sequence, students are the
centre of the teaching-learning process, because they follow the inclusion
principle included in the Decree ​108/2014 ​which says in its Chapter V of
its Article 6, “…all children are different and we must attend all their
TPR – Total Physical Response is very useful for primary stage to
teach vocabulary and grammar, because they are not forced to speak until
they are ready. It is a method that consists of giving oral inputs to the
students who answer with physical movements. It was ​Asher (1977) ​who
propose this theory.
Moreover I use the ​PPP ​approach (​Presentation, Practice,
Production​). According to what ​Brewster (1992) ​said: Firstly, I introduce
the language to my students. Secondly, students practise the language
with controlled activities, and finally, they produce the language in a
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natural and freely way. Thus, they acquire knowledge of the language
stage by stage and they are able to communicate with their classmates
through a freely way.
Obviously, I follow ​CLIL ​approach (Content and Language
Integrated Learning). It consists of teaching contents of non-linguistic
subjects through the teaching of English. This method has been explained
One of the method which is directly related with the topic of this
dissertation is ​gamification, ​which is an educational approach to motivate
students to learn by using game elements in learning environments. The
goal is to maximize enjoyment and engagement through capturing the
interest of learners and inspiring them to continue learning. Gamification,
broadly defined, is the process of defining the elements which comprise
games that make those games fun and motivate players to continue
playing, and using those same elements in a non-game context to
influence behaviour. Along this didactic sequence, I use the app “Class
Dojo”, “Kahoot” “Quizizz”, “Duolingo”, which are related with the
gamification methodology.
Finally, and taking into account the heterogeneity of my group, I follow the
Multiple Intelligent Approach​. ​Gardner (1993) ​considers that all people
are intelligent, but each one from a different way. The multiple
logical-mathematical; bodilykinesthetic; interpersonal; intrapersonal; and
Regarding the didactic and organizational resources, as I have said
before, I have my own language class, so I work with my students in my
class, the teacher should alternate between individual work, pair work,
group work or class work in which the group participates at the same time.
Collaborative learning will be implemented in any of these type of
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organization by creating a solid knowledge based on the interaction and
making students to feel important and integrated. This fact will create a
suitable atmosphere for learning, where students feel comfortable and
predisposed to work.
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7 - Didactic Sequence
In this section, I will explain some of the most appropriate
technological activities and resources that I have applied during this
school year in my school. I will analyze one didactic sequence composed
by 6 sessions for 3rd course of Primary Education, but is applicable in all
the courses adapting contents and activities. This Didactic Sequence is
called: Tic Tac Talk.
In order to create a good didactic sequence, teachers have to take
into account different aspects that I will explain in the next sub-sections.
7.1 Contextualization:
‘CEIP l’Albea’ is the public school of Vall d’Alba (Castellón) where I
have introduced this didactic sequence, 3000 people live in in this town,
mainly Spanish speakers, many of them immigrants. It would be possible
to classify the city as a middle Socio-economical level, moreover most of
the families are low middle-class. The city has a public library, sport
centre, and a public park with sport facilities. There are a lot of small
commerce which gives it a village environment.
7.2 School:
This is a centre of recent construction, with two lines of Infant and
Primary Education. All the lines are taught in Valencian. The school has
the specialists teachers (1 Speech Therapist,2 Therapeutic Pedagogy. 2
English, 2 P.E. 1 Music, 1 psychologist) 12 primary teachers and 6
teachers for infants. The School has got a library, music and English
classroom, multiple uses room and a gymnasium, as well as rooms for the
and Speech Therapist, Two
playgrounds, one for Infant Education and the other for Primary Education.
Almost all of the classrooms have got a whiteboard.
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7.3 Class:
Fortunately, I have my own English class where I can do almost all
the English lessons, so, I do not have to go to the classes. My students
are distributed in pairs, but some days I change them in groups of four
people. My class has got a whiteboard and a computer, where I can do a
lot of digital games which most of the students like. Moreover, the school
has got 25 tablets and minilaptops to use when the teachers consider, but
in most cases, I am the only teacher that use them. There is a library too,
where there are a lot of English material.
7.4 Pupils:
from families of middle-class and lower
middle-class. Also we have some students of higher middle-class, but
there are not so many. They are from Spanish speakers families. The
school attends enough students of foreign origin:, Colombian, Chinese,
Ecuadorians, Romanians and Moroccan, but they have adapted perfectly
to their classmates. In general, they are motivated by the subject of
English, participating in all the activities, most of them are talkative
students, and the others are a little bit shy. They already acquired
conducts related to the English class, acquired the year before, like daily
routines participation, collaboration, etc. But we still have to work a lot on
aggressiveness, etc. There are 25 children in my class (14 girls, 11 boys).
There are 4 immigrants, a romanian girl, 2 boys from Ecuador, and a boy
from Morocco. The adaptation for the foreign students was good during
the last years. There is a boy, with a small auditory deficiency, but he is
perfectly integrated. I have different rhythms of learning in my class, and I
have to pay attention to the diversity in the classroom, so one of the
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objectives of this didactic sequence is to help every student to develop
their strong points, improve their weaknesses and to promote tolerance
and respect towards other people and cultures. In my class, I keep in
touch with most of the parents by classdojo app in order to communicate
the progress of the children. This didactic sequence is designed for
students of 3rd level of Primary Education. In order to analyse their
psycho-evolutionary development, we resort to Piaget's Stage Theory.
About Cognitive development, children understand and apply logical
operation and do the things intuitively and they can solve easy
mathematical problems. Regarding to Language development, they can
distribute and organize the words, sentences, and put them in the correct
7.5 Objectives:
The objectives of my Didactic Sequence are the goals that the
students have to achieve. Moreover, we have to motivate our children with
tools and knowledge in order to consolidate their personal development,
and to acquire the basic skills (Oral and Written Expression and
Comprehension), as well as developed social skills, working habits,
creativity and so on. I will explain the specific objectives of my didactic
sequence taking into account the evaluation criteria of the Decree
1. Vocabulary ​objective: To reproduce and to understand orally and
written the vocabulary about new technologies.
2. Grammar ​objective: To recognise and to use orally and written
“She/he has got/hasn’t got”
3. Phonetic ​objective: To recognize and to produce the sound /f/ like
in “Smartphone”
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4. Cultural ​objective: To foster the interest about other countries
through the ICT.
5. Attitudinal ​objective: To show interest in participate in oral
activities to communicate. Respect for others in the group and pairs
7.6 Key Competences:
According to the Royal Decree 126/2014, 28th of February, a
competence is a combination of practise abilities, knowledge, motivation,
ethical values, attitudes, emotions, and other social aspect and behaviour
that they mobilized jointly in order to achieve an effective action. The
Primary Education has to contribute to their accomplishment through the
different areas in which it is organized. The incorporation of basic
competences to the curriculum allows making emphasis in those learnings
that are considered essential. They are those competences that must
have developed a young people when ending compulsory education to be
able to obtain their personal development throughout life. The inclusion of
the basic competences in the curriculum has several purposes. First of all:
to integrate the different learnings, not only the formal ones, but also the
informal and non-formal. Secondly: to allow all students to integrate their
learnings in different situations and contexts. Finally: to place education,
when identifying the contents and the criteria of evaluation that have an
essential character. The seven Key Competences (Competence in
linguistic Communication, Mathematical competence and competence in
Learning to Learn
competence, Initiative sense and
enterprising spirit, Cultural expressions and conscience) must be worked
at least once during the school year. In this didactic sequence, I have
worked the following ones:
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-Linguistic Communication: ​The study of a foreign language contributes,
in a direct way, to develop this basic competence, where the students
have to learn how to use a language in order to communicate with it.
-Digital Competence: ​This competence involves how to search for,
obtain, process and communicate information, and transform it into
knowledge. Different skills are involved, from access to and selection of
the information, to its use and transmission through different media, and
the use of ICT.
-Social & Civic Competence: ​This competence enables the student to
form a part of the society he/she lives in, understand how it functions. It
involves the individual patterns of behavior which facilitate peaceful
coexistent, relationships with others, cooperation, commitment, and the
resolution of conflicts.
7.7 Block of Contents:
According to the Royal Decree 126/2014 of 28th February
article 2nd, the contents are a set of knowledge, abilities and attitudes that
contribute to the achievement of the objectives for each learning and
educative level and for the acquisition of the competences. The 4 blocks of
contents favour the creativity and use of different resources in different
formats taking the advantages offered by Information and Communication
Technologies. According to the ​Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (2011)​, The block of contents are divided in
four blocks: The first block of contents develops the ​oral comprehension​,
is the ability to receive and interpret messages in the
communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication,
without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood.
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The second block of content, is the ​oral expression​, and pertains to the
use of words, it includes the ability to formulate and produce words and
sentences with appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and application of
conversational rules. ​Written comprehension is the ability to read text,
process it and understand its meaning. An individual's ability to
comprehend text is influenced by their traits and skills, one of which is the
ability to make inferences. The last block, related to the ​written
expression is a form of communication that allows students to put their
feelings and ideas on paper, to organize their knowledge and beliefs into
convincing arguments, and to convey meaning through well-constructed
In this Didactic Sequence, the four block of contents will be worked
during the 6 sessions.
7.8 Assessment
of the main tools in the
teaching-learning process. Its aim is to give information about what
students know, understand and can do with their knowledge. According to
Decree 108/2014 4th of July the assessment has to be established
according to Royal Decree 126/2014 in its article 12.1 and according to
article 6 of the present Decree. The assessment has to be done in a
continuous way, this means, from the very beginning until the end of the
course. It also has to be formative, so, it has to improve the
teaching-learning process.
There are three aspects that I have to take into account in order to make
an appropriate assessment, ​what​, ​when ​and ​how ​to evaluate.
To start with the assessment, I am going to answer the question
“​What​”. First, I am going to assess my students in order to check the
previous knowledge and achievements of the didactic sequence, as well
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as their attitude and the acquirement of my objectives. at the end of the
didactic sequence, I am going to evaluate if they have acquired the
objectives and the competences. To evaluate my students, I need the
evaluation criteria and the ​achievement indicators​ (annex 1 and 2).
Another important aspect would be, “​When​” to evaluate. I am going to
evaluate my students in order to check the previous knowledge and
achievements, at the beginning (initial evaluation) and at the end of the
didactic sequence (final evaluation).
Regarding “​How​”, I use different evaluation tools to make a complete
assessment. In order to check the students’ daily progress I use the direct
and systematic observation, besides, there is a self-assessment where
the students can check their own progress and evaluate some aspects of
them, the self-assessment form, it is a google form that students will
complete at the end of the didactic sequence. I will also evaluate their
attitude with a programme called “Class Dojo” where the students receive
positives or negatives “dojos” according on their behaviour. Moreover, the
final test of this didactic sequence is carried out with Quizizz, an app
where students think that they are playing, but they are being evaluated.
7.9 Attention to Diversity
Diversity is a real situation that teachers will find in every
class because not all pupils learn in the same way; they have previous
learning experiences, different learning styles and abilities, different
weaknesses and strong points.
Moreover, in every school and class we can find students with Special
Education Needs (SEN), that is, pupils who have learning difficulties or
disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most other children of
about the same age, as well as students with different rhythms of learning,
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that is, fast and slow finishers. In each class we can find fast and slow
finishers. Regarding fast finishers are those who, feel proud of being "the
first" in their class and finishing the tasks efficiently and quickly; because
of these facts they may become more excited and interrupt the rest of the
students who are still working. They have high capacity, motivation and
interest in the subject, they usually finish their activities before the rest of
classmates. On the other hand, slow finishers often have more difficulties
to finish their exercises during the class time, as it is harder for them to
learn some topics, and therefore, to understand what they must do in the
activity. Moreover, slow finishers need more time and more repetition, and
often more resources from teachers to be successful. They learn slower
than the average students and will need additional help and motivation to
succeed. They usually do not end their activities within the class time, I
give them some reinforcement activities to do at home related to the
content worked in order they can reinforce it.
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7.12 Sessions and activities:
In this section, I will explain all the activities related with my didactic
sequence. It is a proposal didactic sequence in order to announce how to
apply ICT in the class. Not all of the activities are related with New
technologies, in fact, what I pretend with this didactic sequence is to
motivate teachers to start using new technologies in the classroom, not to
be scared of using ICT.
In this chart, we can observe the ​objectives ​of this didactic sequence, the
block of contents related with the activities, the 6 sessions with timing,
organization and the skills worked for each activity (​R​: Reading, ​W​:
Writing, ​L​: Listening, ​S​: Speaking).
According to ​Krashen (1980), ​the natural order of acquisition of
language is Listening-Speaking, and then, Reading and Writing. Krashen
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says that we have to control the oral comprehension and expression
before to start acquiring the written comprehension and expression.
In the second chart, we can observe the resources made to attend the
diversity, the assessment, methodology, CLIL activities, resources and the
key competences worked in this didactic sequence.
Session 1: (Listening and Speaking of the vocabulary)
● Warm up: ​I will do a brainstorming to check the previous
knowledge of my pupils, asking them if they know some
gadgets of ICT in English language.
● Presentation: ​I will show in the digital board the vocabulary
that we will work in this Unit, pupils have to repeat after me.
(annex III)
● Practice: ​Pupils will close their eyes, then, ​I will show the
different objects in the digital board, and I will remove one.
When pupils will open their eyes they have to guess which
object is missing
● Production:​ Board Game: Annex IV
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Session 2: (Reading and Writing of the vocabulary)
● Warm up: ​We will review the vocabulary from the last
● Presentation: ​We will play Hangman in order to see how is
the written form of the vocabulary. Then, I will play a song
related with the vocabulary of the unit that pupils have to
listen twice.
● Practice: ​Pupils will complete the lyrics of the song in the
tablets. For my slow finishers, I have a song which is easier
to complete. Annex V
● Production: ​In groups of 4, they have to find images on the
internet related to the vocabulary.
Session 3: (Listening and Writing of the grammar structures)
● Warm up: ​We will review the vocabulary from the last
● Presentation: I will show different people with gadgets in the
digital board, and I will present the grammar structures of the
didactic sequence. Annex VI
● Practice: ​Information gap activity: ​In pairs, students will see
in their tablets two kids, (Student A or B) and they have to
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complete the activity making some ‘ticks
’ or ‘crosses’
Annex VII
● Production: ​They will describe what their classmates have
or not. They can use vocabulary from the didactic sequence
or not. For example: She has got a tablet. She hasn’t got a
Session 4: (Reading and Writing of the grammar structures)
● Warm up: We will review the grammar structures from the
last session.
● Presentation: ​Worksheet. They have to circle the correct
answer. Annex VIII
● Practice: ​We have a new email from our friend Grainger!
Students will read the email in their screens. We will go to
the computer’s room in order to do the following activity.
Annex IX
● Production: ​We answer the email in the computer’s room
with a template: Annex X
Session 5:
Project​: In this sessions, pupils have to create with their
tablets/laptops a crossword made by their own with 2 or 3 words of
vocabulary that we have worked in this unit. They will visit the following
In the annex XI you can see an example of this activity.
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Session 6:
The last session of the didactic sequence, is dedicated to the
assessment and self-assessment. The way that I evaluate my pupils is
very motivating for them. First, I play a kahoot with my pupils in order to
review the vocabulary and the grammar structures of the didactic
sequence, then, with the application ‘Quizizz’, I evaluate them. All of these
results are export to a spreadsheet that I will use to know the marks of my
Website Quizizz: j​
Code: ​795325
In the annex XII you can see some screenshots of Kahoot and Quizizz.
After the evaluation, pupils will do the self-evaluation with their laptops or
tablets in the next link:
In this form, students will check their knowledge about the didactic
sequence which has been worked during the last six sessions.
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7.13 ICT Resources used in the didactic sequence.
It is an application that allows users to organize
and categorize weblinks in the form of funny buttons. Symbaloo works
from a web browser and can be configured as a homepage. This is how I
send to my pupils the links to Quizizz, Kahoot, Self-Evaluation and so on.
Class Dojo:
​It​ ​is a classroom management platform created
for teachers, students and parents. ClassDojo helps teachers to
encourage specific classroom student behaviors. In this didactic
sequence, the 30 % of the final mark, is taken from the Class Dojo
attitudes, the other 70 % is taken from the quizizz app.
It is a platform that includes a language-learning
website and app. During my didactic sequence, the only homework that
my pupils have to do, is one unit of duolingo, then, they acquire more ‘dojo
positives’ to raise the final mark.
It is a game-based learning platform, as educational
technology. In this didactic sequence, I have used it in order to check the
knowledge acquired during the five sessions.
It is a Multiplayer classroom quizzes that make
assessments fun. As I have explained before, this is how I evaluate my
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Google Forms:​
It is a tool that allows collecting information
from users via a personalized survey or quiz. In my didactic sequence, I
have used it for the self evaluation of my pupils.
It is an email service developed by Google. I have
used it with a template in my account in which my students can fill some
words worked during this unit.
In my school, teachers have access to 25
mini-laptops that we use to do different activities.
As I have said, teachers can use 25 tablets in order
to do some activities.
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8 - Conclusions
The society of the twenty-first century, is characterized by plurality
and technologically advances, it imposes challenges to education. As we
have seen, international relations have been changed due to the
development of new technologies and media. In this way, we can find an
educational work with a greater difficulty and complexity, increasingly
conditioned by multiple external variables. However, in order that Spanish
students become citizens of the 21st century, it is necessary a
coordination, support and commitment between the responsibles of
education (governments, schools, families, individuals, etc.) that ensures
an educational quality.
We must not forget the strong presence of foreign languages in the
sudents’ lives ​through games, media and technologies, and the interest
they arouse in them. Therefore, we must consider them as tools that can
be a great help for the achievement of certain educational objectives in the
area of ​foreign language. However, it is necessary to bear in mind that
they are one more resource, destined to be applied in a determined
context, based on a methodology and adapted to the characteristics of the
students, and
they guarantee a solid and significant learning; but ICT
have never be used by the simple fact of inserting them in the classroom.
As ​Fernández (2006) says, the main task is not to focus just on ICT, but to
provide our students with materials with sufficient pedagogical content.
When doing this, teachers will provide students an environmental learning
which is more stimulating and adapted to the teaching-learning process of
our own classroom. The government should facilitate the use of new
technologies in educational schools, since they contribute to the training of
students as well as teachers. Nowadays, a continuous teacher training is a
priority in education, and in response to this need, more and more courses
and information are available to initiate teachers in the use of these tools
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in the classroom. Thus, ICTs promote both learnings, the first one in the
English classroom and the second one the teacher learning. Through this
dissertation I recommend the training of teachers and the application of
digital resources in our classrooms, since as we have already verified
throughout this paper, these apps have a great potential for education.
However, although innovation is a key in any professional involved in
teaching, attention should be focused on the fact that resources are
functional, operational and fundamentally didactic. Both methodologies,
those considered as traditional and the most innovative resources can
contribute to the teaching-learning process. The teacher needs to
integrate both aspects in order to complement the knowing and how to
take advantage in each moment. As well as other approach or resource,
teachers do not have to make the mistake of introducing ICT in the
classroom as a substitute of a communicative methodology. ​We must
integrate the tool and have a holistic view of the possibilities available,
thinking what is the most appropriate purpose of the class and which
methodology is going to be used.
To conclude, I would like to say that the globalized society and the
digital revolution have a very significant and unstoppable progress. That is
why the schools must be prepared for the changes that entails and
educate the young people towards the integral formation of students,
being more autonomous, creative, emotionally intelligent, active and
prepared for a plurilingual society.
With this dissertation I have tried to provide a perspective of
different types of resources applicable to the foreign language area:
English. The knowledge of this type of materials makes it possible using
different tools than conventional ones, adopting through them a teaching
position in which communication is required in real contexts, a key aspect
for acquiring a foreign language.
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Finally, I will show an image that represents in a perfect way this
dissertation. It is a Czech Proverb which says: You life a new life for every
new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only
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9 - Bibliography
● Bennett, R. (2013). Learning ICT with English. Hoboken: Taylor and
● Marsh, D. (2000). Using languages to learn and learning to use
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● Marquès, P. (2000). Las claves del éxito. España: Editorial
Fontalba S. A.
● Baker, C. and Jones, S. (1998). Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and
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● Lorenzo, F., Sáez, F. Trujillo., & Manuel, Vez. J. (2011). Educacion
bilingüe: Integración de contenidos y segundas lenguas. Madrid:
● Dussel I. y Quevedo L. (2010) Educación y nuevas tecnologías: los
desafíos pedagógicos ante el mundo digital. Buenos Aires:
● Singleton D., & Aronin, L. (2007). Multiple language learning in the
light of the theory of affordances.
● Bloomfield, Leonard. (1933). Language. New York
● Siguán M. Mackey, W. F.: (1986) Educación y bilingüismo. Madrid:
● Weinreich, U. (1953). Languages in contact: Findings and
problems. The Hague: Mouton
● Haugen, E. (1953). The Norwegian language in America: A study in
bilingual behavior. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press.
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
● Titone (1976): Bilingüismo y Educación. Ed. Fontanella. Barcelona
● Macnamara, J. (1966). Bilingualism and primary education: A study
of Irish experience. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U.P.
● Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher
psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
● Sacra Jáimez. R (2008). Algunas ideas básicas sobre un enfoque
educativo de doble dirección educativo de doble dirección.
● Lantolf, J. P., & Appel, G. (1994). Vygotskian approaches to second
language research. London: Ablex Publishing.
● Nunan, D. (2000). ​Language teaching methodology: A textbook for
teachers​. London: Longman.
● Asher, J. J. (1977). Learning another language through actions. Los
Gatos: Sky Oaks.
● Brewster, J., Ellis, G., & Girard, D. (1992). The primary English
teacher's guide. Harlow: Penguin English.
● Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: New horizons. New York:
Basic Books.
● Piaget, J. (1923). ​Language and thought of the child​. Place of
publication not identified: Routledge.
● Vygotskij, L., Hanfmann, E., Kozulin, A., & Vakar, G. (1962).
Thought and language​. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
● Krashen, Stephen D. (1980)
Second Language Acquisition and
Second Language Learning. Prentice-Hall International.
● Quintana, J. (2012). El timo de las TICs en el aula.
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
● FERNÁNDEZ, M. V. (2006). Las TIC en la enseñanza del Inglés
como Lengua Extranjera: una herramienta online y una off-line.
RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa, No
5(2). 409-416.
● Order 19th May, 2009 of Conselleria, which regulates the
experimental plurilingual programme.
● Decree 127/2012, 3rd of August, which regulates plurilingualism in
the Valencian Community.
● Royal Decree 126/2014, 28th of February which establishes the
Spanish curriculum in Primary Education.
● Association for Media Research (2016). ​
● Order 30th June of Conselleria d’Educació, 1998, which establishes
the basic procedures to apply a bilingual program in the schools.
● Common European framework of reference for languages​:
Learning, teaching, assessment​. (2011). Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge University Press.
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
10 - Annexes
Annex I - Achievement Indicators Tic Tac Talk
1-​ ​All the material during the
Didactic sequence was
correct and suitable
2-​ ​The activities designed were
appropriate for my students
3-​ ​The time for each activity
was the appropriate
4-​ ​I have attended all my
students necessities
​ o work during the Didactic
​1-​ T
Unit the 4 main skills.
2-​ ​To develop activities with
mixed groups.
3-​ ​The activities develop the
initiative and enterprising
4-​ ​To show positive
participation, respect and
interest during the classes.
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
Annex II - Achievement Indicators Tic Tac Talk
The pupil reproduces and
understands orally and written the
vocabulary about the didactic
The pupil recognises and uses
orally and written the grammar
about the unit.
The pupil recognizes and
produces the phonetic of the Unit.
The pupil shows interest in
participate in oral activities to
The Pupil respect the classmates
in the group and pairs activities
​Linguistic Communication
​Mathematical Competence and Competence in Science and
​Digital Competence
​Learning To Learn
​Social and Civic Competence
​Initiative Sense & Enterprising Spirit
​Cultural Expressions and Conscience
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
Annex III, Vocabulary of the Unit.
Tv, Camera, Mp3 Player, Game Console, Smartphone, Laptop, Tablet
Annex IV: Board Game
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
Annex V: ​Song+Lyrics+Slow finishers
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TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
Annex VI: Grammar structures: ​She/He has got/ hasn’t got.
He has got an mp3 player
He hasn’t got a TV
He has got a game console
He hasn’t got a smartphone
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
Annex VII: Information gap activity:
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Annex VIII: Circle the correct one:
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Annex IX: ​Email from Grainger
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Annex X: Answer the email
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
Annex XI: Crossword Activity
TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education
Annex XII: Kahoot + Quizizz screenshots.
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TFM - Juan Ricardo Catalá Masó- TIC’s Applied to Bilingual Education