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Walmart's Sustainability & Ethical Marketing: A Research Paper

Everyone knows
that all organizations
around the world have the
goal of making large
profits. Companies
generally have the
responsibility to maintain
their profits, make sure
that nothing disrupts the
normal progress of their
their business, it should also be clear that in the course of
directing efforts and executing strategies towards delivering
the best products and services to customers and shareholders,
companies also have the duty to act in an ethical manner,
manifest socially responsible behavior by deliberately
carrying out good actions as a corporate citizen, and use
business practices which particularly keep natural resources
from being damaged and destroyed, keep the interests of
future generations in a safe and sound state, and keep the
well-being and good condition of the planet.
These duties and responsibilities of a company which
business, and attain growth
go beyond the common objective of obtaining large profits
and development for the
very well explain the concept of sustainability and ethical
company. However, it is
marketing, and it is the aforementioned duties with which this
important to note that the
paper plans to measure the sustainability and ethical
duties and responsibilities
marketing approaches of an organizations named Wal-Mart.
of a company do not only
To sum up what has been said so far, sustainability marketing
revolve around these
is plainly about establishing and keeping sustainable
things. Just as clearly as
relationships with customers, the social environment, and the
they need to make profits
natural environment over a long period of time
and assure the growth of
(Schlegelmilch, 2007).
Brief History of Wal-
through the volume of
Mart" for newly launched
sales. Banking on his ideal,
store chain. By the year
Sam Walton decided to
1967, it expanded to
achieve increase of sales
twenty four stores all over
volume by keeping the
Arkansas, and achieved
prices cheaper in
sales worth of $12.6
comparison with the
million. About a year later,
competitors through
the company launched
reduction of his marginal
stores in different states;
profit. He was intrigued by
Sikeston, Claremore,
the success of the discount
Oklahoma, Missouri, and
shopping store chains and
Sikeston. Throughout the
soon, he would open his
years of 1970s and 1980s,
follow up store in
the company continuously
Harrison, of Arkansas. Bob
expanded across America
Bogle who was the
as Walmart grew bigger
assistant of Walton
and when the 1990s came
contributed an integral part
around, Wal-Mart already
to Walton’s business as he
runs different stores in 50
was the one who
states, for a total of 1,995
eventually proposed the
stores, 276 international
company name "Wal-
stores, 239 Supercenters,
Wal-Mart is a
corporation that employs
millions of people. The
company has thousands of
stores around the world. A
sizable number of
customers shop at their
stores every week but less
than 50 years ago the
company’s humble
beginning started as a fiveand-dime store and
founder Sam Walton was
an entrepreneur who
couldn't find investors for
his store. Walton believed
that selling for a price,
meant that more people
will avail of the products
thus, and making more
and 433 Sam's Clubs
in sales of $93.6 billion.
up stores internationally as
reaching an all-time high
Later on, they would open
well (Goldman, 2011).
as an influential factor in
the decision making
processes of consumers.
Sustainable Marketing
Walmart have
compelling takes on
Sustainable marketing;
they issues reports
The typical retailer who manages to get a bargain from
a wholesaler would retain the suggested retail price so that
extra income may be incurred. In contrast, Walmart found
huge success through the unlikely concept of Walton where
he valued sales volume over the suggested retail price. This
ideology formed the essence of Walton’s marketing strategy
when he first opened Walmart in 1962 and the concept paid of
very well as Walmart would eventually become a well-known
store for every consumer around the world. Up to this day, the
corporation is still considered as the triumphant leader in the
industry of retailing and they have found success for their
stores since the founder supported the idea of saving money
annually on its
relationships with suppliers
since 2007. It publishes
specific reports on
environmental concerns,
which are seen to be as
more thoroughly discussed
than those of most
computer technology
The reports cover efficiency of, resources effect on
including modification of
climate change, recycling, and avoidance of using restricted
products and how they are
harmful substances while Walmart supply their stores and
processed, ecologically
production processes with renewable energy in order for them
sustainable packaging, and
to create minimal waste and sell products that aids the
changes in advertising. Yet
sustainability of natural resources and the environment as a
clarifying this concept of
marketing is not as simple
The following graph is a proof how the Walmart has
grown over the years through their sustainable marketing
as it seems since several
market factors that are
affected contradict and
intersect with each other as
for instance, the existence
of different environmental,
social and ideologies that
are concerned with
sustainable marketing.
Sustainable marketing is the inculcating of sustainable
practices in the operations of business that open up the
opportunities for better businesses, relationships and global
responsibility. It pertains to the marketing of goods that are
presumptively preferable to others as they seem more
environmental friendly. Moreover, sustainable marketing
incorporates a wide range of strategic business activities,
Over the past few years,
development of
sustainability has become
one of the primary issues
that all global
organizations must cater
However, it was
corporations as regards to
Moloney (n.d.)
promoted that the
sustainable marketing, the
emphasized that with all
importance of sustainable
three concepts are very
the innovations of
marketing deals with the
much relevant to one
Walmart. through the
widely accepted idea that
another. Through
years, the company could
the global environmental
sustainability marketing,
be considered as a
issues place a growing and
corporations and
“natural candidate for
important constraint on the
organizations proved their
services and goods of
commitment to opening up
leadership”. This is
organizations in the
opportunities for
because of the fact that
market. Whereas
sustainable development
Walmart has been trying to
organizations agree that
through the idea that the
direct their efforts in
sustainability is important
needs of the present must
addressing extremely
to every stakeholder, issues
not compromise the
harmful materials and
remain about marketing
abilities and potential of
poisonous substances
with sustainable
the future. (Petra, 2010)
found in their products and
development. In the last
few years, the corporate
sustainability along with
the corporate social
responsibility became
Evidences on
sustainability and ethical
marketing approaches
and performance of WalMart
operating their facilities
and establishments with
100% renewable energy.
Aside from this, Phillips
(2015) stated Walmart Inc.
some of the major
is planning to take
developments for global
introductory steps together
with the World Wildlife
naturally renewable
position as CEO, believed
Fund “to help align this
resources and ensure that
that workers have the right
forest-driven segment of its
we protect — and create —
to working conditions
global supply chain with
as much sustainable
which are safe, good, and
its aspirations to be a
working forest as needed
fair. Hence, with this
leader in sustainability and
to produce the virgin paper
belief, Tim Cook
renewable energy
in our product packaging.”
“instituted wide-ranging
production” Moloney
Moloney (n.d.).
checks by the Fair Labour
(n.d.). Walmart Inc.’s goal
is to make no implications
on the planet’s supply of
virgin fiber. Thus, what
Walmart Inc. basically
plans to accomplish is to
get all of its operations
done using renewable
sources. Additionally,
Phillips (2015) mentioned
that Walmart’s Vice
President of Environmental
Initiatives believes that the
company could
successfully “run on
Aside from the
reports regarding
sustainability, there have
also been reports regarding
the ethical standards of the
company. Year 2012,
when the CEO of Walmart
Inc. died, it has been
reported that Walmart has
become more ethical as its
employees are being
treated more fairly now.
Tim Cook, the one who
took over Steve Jobs’
Organisation, after a
growing chorus of
criticism over worker
suicides and reports of
exploitation” as mentioned
by Worstall (2012). It is
also worthy to note that
Walmart Inc. has opened a
restaurant which served
only its employees.
Walmart Inc.’s
management team has
planned on this since they
would like their staff to be
provided with a level of
security, comfort, and
Report (2014), Wal-Mart’s
enjoyment (BBC NEWS,
team has a strong
Wal-Mart is employing to
2012). However, there
commitment in being the
market its products clearly
were also unethical things
responsible and sustainable
lay out how dedicated the
that seemingly happened in
company that they ought to
company is to lead the
Walmart Inc. Enderle
be. Wal-Mart will
organization in attaining
(2010) reported that one of
consistently strive to
corporate social
Walmart’s suppliers
pursue corporate social
responsibility with respect
poisoned 49 workers.
responsibility by
to natural well-being and
Furthermore, it was
employing ethical
reported that there have
strategies in operating the
sustainability. In the
been issues that Walmart
business and by being a
company’s website
suppliers use child labour
model of an organization
(Walmart, n.d.), three
to make products.
that truly understands the
particular goals have been
essence of having socially
set in order to successfully
responsible business
carry out sustainability.
behaviour. In this way,
These three aspirational
Wal-Mart may strengthen
goals are to operate with
the relationships with their
100% renewable energy, to
customers and provide
create zero waste, and to
them a better quality of
sell products which can
definitely support people
At this point, let us
now look into Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart has done
significant efforts in order
to drive positive and
sustainable changes in
their company. As what is
stated in Wal-Mart’s
Global Responsibility
The strategies that
and guard the planet Earth
against its ultimate
however, have had a lot of
while their business
endangerment. As Fishman
workplace issues.
operations are ongoing, the
(2007) explained how
According to the website
environment is not being
“green” Wal-Mart is in his
harmed. The socio-
article, he mentions that
(n.d.), in Wal-Mart,
ecological perspective is
“Wal-Mart opened two
“stories persist about
seen to work behind the
energy-saving stores in
wage law violations,
business operations of both
2005... the company is
inadequate health care,
companies because they
installing motion-activated
exploitation of workers...
use eco-efficient designs in
LED lighting in
some 5000 lawsuits are
producing their products.
refrigerated cases in new
filed against Wal-Mart
Moreover, it is clearly seen
stores and retrofitting 500
each year”.
that their intentions is not
stores with LED lighting,
350 with energy-saving
Socio-ecological and
consumer context
HVAC systems, and 400
with more-efficient
refrigeration systems.”
Aside from these energysaving stores, Wal-Mart
also plans to reduce their
packaging. Despite their
efforts in attaining
sustainability, Wal-Mart,
only meant to meet the
needs of the customers, but
also to significantly
Insofar as it seems,
Wal-mart is taking specific
measures to address the
perspective behind their
products. As previously
mentioned, both
organizations are doing its
best to actually ensure that
improve the environment
during the course of their
operations. Most
importantly, the features
and benefits of their
products are seen to extend
for a long time. It is not
known whether both
companies actually use
approach. In other words,
increasingly becoming
environmental labeling in
they way Wal-Mart packs
stimulated, highly
their products, however,
its products gives its
responsive, and susceptible
both companies use
customers the opportunity
to how businesses are
energy-efficient processes
to actually re-use or
being operated; they are
by utilizing renewable
recycle the package.
receptive to sense
energy. This fact alone
Overall, Wal-Mart truly
impressions when they are
reflects the “in-use” socio-
seems to consider the
made aware of social and
ecological perspective
social, environmental, and
environmental duties of a
wherein companies lay
ethical impact of their
business. In other words,
stress on attaining
business as they make their
consumers are readily
sustainable performance by
strategies for their long-
affected if they know that
using various efficiency
term growth. Now, to
business operations are
methods which are related
discuss the consumer
creating damaging effects
to environmental
context, it is important to
to people, things, and the
note that every strategy
environment. This being
Additionally, Wal-Mart
implemented by
said, Wal-Mart’s success
specifically reflects the
organizations are actually
could be associated to the
post-use socio-ecological
aligned and connected to
fact that they are
perspective as well, since it
the consumers. This is
employing strategies which
is a company that has
because of the fact that
consider social and
planned to have a
consumers, especially in
environment aspects.
sustainable packing
the present times, are
Apparently, consumers of
Walmart is influenced to
could naturally come to the
with the effects that could
buy their products because
conclusion that Wal-Mart
be brought about by their
the said organizations
is truly undertaking
company to the
engage in practices which
initiatives which is
environment and natural
protect the interests of the
directed at improving their
resources. Since Walmart
people and preserve the
performance economically
is a big corporations, it is
natural resources. Walmart
with respect to
just right for them to
success as firms could
humanitarian responsibility
oversee the direct
indeed, very well be
and environmental
implications that could be
influenced by the fact that
sustainability (Driscoll, C.,
caused by their operations
consumers have been
Starik, 2004). Walmart
to the environment since
drawn to buy their
plans for their business
they are the biggest users
products and services since
operations embrace
of finite natural resources.
it positive consumer
corporate social
buying behavior has
responsibility and to a
resulted from their
noticeable extent, both
portrayal of high social and
companies are seemingly
environmental standards in
centered into the principle
their business.
of “the greater good”. Both
Application of theories
and models to evidence
organizations obviously
place a lot of importance
on sustainability. In other
With all the
evidences presented, one
words, they are concerned
With regards to
sustainability, Walmart
plans to save costs and
improve profitability.
Their environmental
initiatives will certainly
drive energy usage to
result in energy
consumption savings.
Products which can also be
maintained for a long time
experienced issues which
products to customers, it is
would result from earth-
do not seemingly
very likely that they have
friendly systems and
encapsulate rules and
not treated their employees
ecologically friendly
principles which are
well. Now, this could
alternatives. Additionally,
ethical or morally right.
already be connected to
the sustainability plans of
Some employees of both
corporate social
Walmart will surely have
organizations, as what has
responsibility (Downs,
an implication on
been mentioned, have
1972). If Walmart do not
consumer behavior. This is
violated the ethics of rights
really treat their employees
because consumers might
and justice (Newholma,
in the best ways that they
just be convinced that and
Newholmb, Shawc, 2014).
could, it only means that
appealed by the fact that
both organizations are
operating their businesses
while considering Mother
Earth. This will definitely
appeal to their unique
perceptions and reinforce
the urge for consumers to
buy their products and
services. In line with
ethical standards, both
organizations have
injustice and
discrimination have been
experienced by employees.
From this, it could be
concluded that Walmart
has not entirely done their
role in instilling values,
mission, and vision to their
employees. Moreover,
although they have done
well in delivering their
both companies have not
fully demonstrated
corporate social
responsibility, for this
concept involves actions
which are supposed to earn
the trust and respect of all
stakeholders, meaning,
even the employees
because they are the
internal stakeholders of
both organizations.
Corporate social
have much to work on. The
key, and that is, without a
responsibility teaches
sustainability initiatives
doubt, the way for
companies to operate in
that Walmart has
Walmart to improve their
honorable and ethical
undertaken have
ethical standards and
manners and to respond to
demonstrated how
assure the progressive
the needs of the employees
dedicated the organization
development of their
(Gamble,, 2015). In a
is in using business
sustainability as a
general manner, Walmart
practices which balance
company. Walmart should
is somehow not fulfilling
the interests of
be able to integrate
their full obligations in
stakeholders, employees,
Corporate Social
ensuring the well-being of
customers, communities,
Responsibility fully. By
their employees.
and the society at large
doing this, all their
(Hunt, Derozier, 2004).
business practices must be
Nevertheless, one thing
socially responsible
that these companies
(Santos, 2002).
Although Walmart,
to a very noticeable
degree, has proven their
intentions of deliberately
operating their businesses
in a manner that protects
and improves the value and
quality of natural resources
and ecological systems,
both organizations still
should never forget is to be
a committed corporation
which will never stop
pursuing economically,
socially, and
sustainable business
practices. Commitment is
There will always
be plenty of room for both
companies to craft
corporate social
responsibility and
sustainability strategies.
Walmart, aside from their
plans on working their
operations using renewable
the implementation of
of the company to develop
energy, could launch a
sustainability initiatives.
strategies which support
variety of programs to
Furthermore, both
social and environmental
enhance the performance
organizations support more
issues. Walmart will
of their suppliers
environmental actions and
certainly be able to please
environmentally. An
worthy causes and projects
consumers by meeting
example of these programs
that benefit the society.
their needs and by taking
is switching to more
Walmart in constructing
into account what is
energy-conserving systems
plans and strategies for
beneficial to the society as
(The Hague Centre for
Sustainable Marketing
a whole (Crane, Matten,
Strategic Studies & TNO).
Development, must always
2010). Overall, their
Walmart could also
consider social and
marketing decisions should
reengineer many internal
ecological issues (Crane,
constantly be incorporated
processes to improve the
2000). This will not only
with processes that reduce
overall performance of the
address the problems of the
the environmental burden
sustainability measures
people and the
(Smith, Palazzo,
applied by the company.
environment, but it will
Bhattacharya, 2010).
For example, the
also help the organizations
However, Walmart must
companies’ factories or
themselves to attain
ensure that their plans do
working areas could
success since consumers
not merely stay as plans of
reduce energy or water
are drawn to negotiate with
action, but should be
usage and also
businesses if they
implemented. It is also
manufacture waste through
particularly see the efforts
important to note that both
companies should increase
conflicts would be
be provided. To attain
the awareness of their
avoided. The management
sustainability and ethical
employees regarding the
teams of Walmart should
standards, Walmart should
behaviors that they should
definitely ensure that all
always remember to stay
be manifesting at work.
their employees are being
committed and actively
Training and development
treated fairly because that
work to contribute to the
programs could help their
is their right as workers.
betterment of the society
employees so that
Workforce diversity should
(Belz, Peattie, 2012).
employee relations would
be encouraged and good
not be divided and so that
working conditions should
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