Subido por Renato Del Cid

Jean-Louis Briaud: 2007 Ralph B. Peck Award Lecture Introduction

Introduction of Jean-Louis Briaud,
Recipient of the 2007 Ralph B. Peck Award
John E. Anderson
President ASCE Geo-Institute
It is a pleasure to participate in the prestigious Ralph B. Peck
Award and Lecture. The award was established in 1999 by the
Geo-Institute in honor of Ralph B. Peck, Hon.M.ASCE.
The Ralph B. Peck Award is presented for outstanding contributions to the geotechnical engineering profession through publishing a thoughtful, carefully researched case history or histories
or through publishing recommended practices or design methodologies based on the evaluation of case histories. The 2007 Peck
Lecturer is Dr. Jean-Louis Briaud, P.E., of Texas A&M University. He has provided valuable insights into the geotechnical aspects of constructed facilities that match the example set by Ralph
Peck and the other distinguished recipients of this award.
In recognition of Dr Briaud’s pioneering work on soil erosion
and on bridge scour, as well as for his significant and numerous
contributions to the field of geotechnical engineering, he was presented with a medal and certificate.
Briaud holds the Spencer J. Buchanan Chair in the Department
of Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University in College Station,
Texas. He has been on the faculty at Texas A&M since 1978. He
received his Ph.D. in geotechnical engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada in 1979; his master of science degree in
geotechnical engineering from the University of New Brunswick,
Canada, in 1974; and his engineer degree, civil engineering,
E.S.T.P., in Paris, France, in 1972. He is a registered professional
engineer in Texas.
Briaud has been author or editor of six books and has published 162 journal and conference papers. He has received a number of awards, including ASCE’s Martin S. Kapp Foundation
Engineering Award and the G.G. Meyerhof Foundation Engineering Award. He has served as chair or member of a number of
committees for the American Society of Civil Engineers, the
American Society for Testing Materials, and the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. He has
served as president of United States University Council on Geotechnical Education and Research 共USUCGER兲 and is presently
treasurer of the ASCE Geo-Institute.
Briaud has served as a consultant for a wide variety of projects
in both Canada and the United States. His expertise covers a wide
range of areas of the geotechnical and foundation engineering
practice. These include bridge scour, erosion of soil and rock,
slope stability, highway embankments, oil-tank foundations, deep
foundations, shallow foundations, docks, tunnels, and pressure
meter testing both onshore and offshore. This Peck Lecture focuses on his expertise and experience in soil and rock erosion.