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Auv A vinnet & Moi M iséés JJuááreez Extreme Soil Mechanics: The Challenge of dealing with soft soils Mecánica de Suelos Extrema: El reto de los suelos blandos Volume Prepared by ISSMGE Technical Committee # 214 Volumen preparado por el Comité Técnico TC-214 de la ISSMGE For / para XVIIIth ICSMGE, 2013, Paris, France XVIII Conferencia de la ISSMGE, 2013, Paris, Francia Edited by / Editado por: José Luis Rangel Efraín Ovando Gabriel Y. Auvinet Moisés Juárez ©Copyright, México 2013 Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Geotécnica Mexican Society for Geotechnical Engineering Av. Valle de Bravo 19, Col. Vergel de Coyoacán, Delegación Tlalpan 14340 México, D.F. Tel: (+5255) 5677 3730 Web page http://www.smig.org.mx/ e-mail [email protected] ISBN 978-543-84406-0-7 Printed in Mexico, 2013 Impreso en México, 2013 Total or partial reproduction of this book by any medium, requires prior written consent of Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Geotécnica. Prohibida su reproducción parcial o total por cualquier medio sin permiso por escrito de la Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Geotécnica. Opinions expressed in each paper of this book are the sole responsibility of the authors. Las opiniones expresadas en cada artículo son responsabilidad de los autores. This publication was sponsored by: Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM, Mexico Esta publicación ha sido patrocinada por: Instituto de Ingeniería de la UNAM, México Cover: Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral Portada: La Catedral Metropolitana de la ciudad de México iii ISSMGE TC-214 Core Members / Miembros ejecutivos Chairman / Presidente: J.L. Rangel-Núñez Secretary / Secretario: B.C. Méndez-Urquidez M. Karstunen G.Y. Auvinet B. Indraratna Institute of Engineering, UNAM / Instituto de Ingeniería de la UNAM Director: Adalberto Noyola Robles Mexican Society for Geotechnical Engineering / Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Geotécnica Board / Mesa directiva, 2013-2014 President: D. Yañez Santillán H.R. Aguilar Becerril E. Botero Jaramillo C. Dumas González E. Valle Puga G. Clavellina Miller C.M. González Blandón N.P. Parra Peidrahita Consultive Council / Consejo Consultivo H.M. Valverde Landeros J.F. Fernández Romero R. Rivera Constantino W.I. Paniagua Zavala J.D. Alemán Velázquez Organizing Committee / Comité Organizador J.L. Rangel Núñez E. Ovando Shelley E. Valle Puga Editorial Committee / Comité Editorial J.L. Rangel Núñez E. Ovando Shelley G.Y. Auvinet Guichard M. Juárez Camarena iv FOREWORD The International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering has twenty seven technical committees, which deal with specific subject areas in the field of geotechnical engineering. These committees provide a forum for discussing, developing and applying specialist geotechnical knowledge. The committees have been divided in three main categories: Behavior of geomaterials, Geo-engineering and Engineering for Society. The purpose of a technical committee is to: a) Disseminate knowledge and practice within the TC’s subject area to the membership of the ISSMGE b) Establish guidelines and technical recommendations within the TC’s subject area c) Assist with technical programs of international and regional conferences organized by the ISSMGE d) Interact when necessary with other overlapping groups working in area related to the TC’s area and e) Provide an avenue for active participation by the individual members of ISSMGE Taking into account the severe geotechnical problems encountered in Mexico City, in 2010, Guillermo Springall, then Vice-President of ISSMGE for North America, proposed to ISSMGE President Kenji Ishihara the creation of a new committee on “Foundation engineering in difficult soft soil conditions” to be hosted by the Mexican Society for Soil Mechanics (now Mexican Society for Geotechnical Engineering). I had the honor to chair this committee (TC36) during the 20002009 period. The committee was confirmed by ISMMGE Presidents William Van Impe in 2001 and Pedro Seco y Pinto in 2005. Successful international workshops were organized in Mexico City on topics going from “Foundation engineering in difficult soft soils conditions” (2002) to “Rigid inclusions in difficult soft soil conditions” (2006) and “Geotechnical Engineering in urban areas affected by land subsidence” (2008). The TC36 committee (now TC214) received a new impulse in 2009 when Dr José-Luis Rangel took over as chair of the committee. After a Special Session organized in Querétaro during the IAHS Symposium on “Land subsidence, Associated Hazards and the Role of Natural Resources Development” (2010), an international workshop on “Extreme Soil Mechanics” was proposed by the committee (May 23rd 2013). The large attendance registered for this technical meeting shows that the committee responds to a keen interest from many geotechnical engineers for the topics covered by TC214. Gabriel AUVINET ISSMGE Vice-President for North America (2009-2013) Professor-Researcher Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM v INTRODUCTION Many areas still available for development in existing urban centers or coastal facilities are sites with extremely poor subsoil. Furthermore, some of these areas are affected by regional subsidence and are located in highly seismic areas. In these extremely difficult conditions, geotechnical engineers face exceptional challenges that require mobilizing the best abilities of soil scientists, foundation designers and constructors in order to find technically and economically viable solutions. In most instances, conventional techniques must be improved or substituted by innovative methods. The goals of the “Foundation Engineering in Difficult Soft Soil Conditions” Technical Committee (TC-214) of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, is to evaluate the state of the art of these special techniques and provide sufficient information to geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineers on how to use them in different contexts. It is also responsible for promoting cooperation and exchange of knowledge in the area of foundation engineering. Along this line, the Mexican Society of Geotechnical Engineering and the International Technical Committee TC-214 with the collaboration of Institute of Engineering, UNAM, organized a workshop on Extreme Soils Mechanics: The Challenge of dealing with soft soils. As shown in the proceedings presented in this volume, the workshop was addressed to specialists in soil mechanics who face extreme geotechnical conditions in soft soils, such as problems of subsidence, cracking, dynamic amplification and large deformations. It covered the following aspects: soft soil characterization, modeling of soft soil static and dynamic behaviour, foundation solutions, ground improvement, case histories and new technologies. This workshop offered a valuable opportunity to share and discuss the contemporary analysis and design techniques, as well as the impact of this technology in foundation engineering. José-Luis Rangel-Núñez Chair, TC-214 Professor-Researcher Autonomous Metropolitan University vi CONTENTS CONTENIDO FOREWORD PREFACIO G. Auvinet, ISSMGE Vice-President for North America …………………………………………. ix INTRODUCTION INTRODUCCIÓN J.L. Rangel-Núñez, Chair ISSMGE TC-214 …………………........………………………..……... xi SPECIAL LECTURES CONFERENCIAS ESPECIALES Study on the composition and microstructure of lacustrine soft soil deposits in Mexico City Estudio de la composición y microestructura de los depósitos de suelos blandos lacustres de la ciudad de México F. Almanza-Hernández, J.L. Rangel-Nuñez & E. Garfias-García ………………...…………….…. 3 Some geotechnical properties to characterize Mexico City Clay Algunas propiedades geotécnicas para caracterizar la arcilla de la Ciudad de México E. Ovando-Shelley …………………………………………….…………………………………... 13 Pore water pressure build-up due to pile driving in clayey deposits Incremento de la presión de poro durante el hincado de pilotes en suelos arcillosos M. J. Mendoza, E. Ibarra, M. Rufiar & M. Orozco …………...……………..……………………. 33 Geotechnical risks in Mexico City Valley. A case history Riesgos geotécnicos en el Valle de México. Un caso historia G. Auvinet, M. Juárez & E. Méndez ………………...…………………………….………….…... 47 Deep Foundations in Mexico City at the Early XXI Century Cimentaciones profundas en la ciudad de México a inicios del siglo XXI W. I. Paniagua …...……………………….….………………………….…………..…………….. 57 Monografía sobre los pilotes de control: Utilidad, mantenimiento y desatinos Monograph on control piles: Applicability, maintenance and mistakes E. Santoyo & R. Alanís .…………………………..….…………………………………………… 77 A historical tunneling case in soft ground Caso historia de un túnel en suelo blando J. J. Schmitter, O. P. Aguilar & D. C. Pérez ……………………………….…………….………. 119 Análisis y revisión geotécnica de un túnel excavado con EPB en suelos blandos: deformaciones súbitas en el endovelado Analysis and geotechnical review of a tunnel excavated with EPB-TBM in soft soils: instant deformation of lining M. A. Aguilar-Téllez, J. D. Valencia-Gaona & J. L. Rangel-Núñez ………….………………… 135 vii Comments on the Foreseeability of some Geotechnical Failures Comentarios sobre la previsibilidad de algunas fallas geotécnicas D. W. Hight ……….……………………………………………….…………………………….. 157 MINUTES OF INTERNATIONAL TC-214 WORKSHOP ON EXTREME SOILS MECHANICS: The challenge of dealing with soft soils MINUTAS DEL TALLER INTERNACIONAL DEL TC-214 MECÁNICA DE SUELOS EXTREMA: El reto de los suelos blandos ………………………….…………………..…………...….……... 193 TC-214 ACTIVITY REPORT INFORME DE ACTIVIDADES DEL TC-214 ….…………..……….…………………………… 199 viii SPECIAL LECTURES CONFERENCIAS ESPECIALES