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System Health Monitoring & Prognostics Review

System Health Monitoring and Prognostics – A Review
of Current Paradigms and Practices1
Ranganath Kothamasu, Samuel H. Huang, William H. VerDuin
14.1 Maintenance Strategies: Motivations for Health Monitoring
The oldest and most common maintenance and repair strategy is “fix it when it
breaks”. The appeal of this approach is that no analysis or planning is required. The
problems with this approach include the occurrence of unscheduled downtime at
times that may be inconvenient, perhaps preventing accomplishment of committed
production schedules. Unscheduled downtime has more serious consequences in
applications such as aircraft engines.
These problems provide motivation to perform maintenance and repair before
the problem arises. The simplest approach is to perform maintenance and repair at
pre-established intervals, defined in terms of elapsed or operating hours. This
strategy can provide relatively high equipment reliability, but it tends to do so at
excessive cost (higher scheduled downtimes). A further problem with time-based
approaches is that failures are assumed to occur at specific intervals.
Figure 14.1 illustrates the typical incidence of failure over the life of
equipment. At the left, so-called “infant mortality” failures are plotted. Failure
rates are low throughout the useful life of a piece of equipment, and rise towards
the end of life.
This curve however doesn’t capture the complex interactions between the
components of a system and is loosely based on the assumption that the system
progresses (or deteriorates) deterministically through a well defined sequence of
states (however, the curve might in some cases be valid even if the sequence is not
well defined). This assumption is not true especially in the case of discrete
manufacturing systems and other complex environments where seemingly random
failure behavior is a function of the changes in the work content, schedule and
Published in The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 28(9): 1012–1024,
2006. Reproduced with permission from Springer.
R. Kothamasu, S.H. Huang, and W.H. VerDuin
environment effects, as well as unknowable variations between nominally identical
components or systems.
The only way to minimize both maintenance and repair costs and probability of
failure is to perform ongoing assessment of machine health and ongoing prediction
of future failures based on current health and operating and maintenance history.
This is the motivation for prognostics: minimize repair and maintenance costs and
associated operational disruptions, while also minimizing risk of unscheduled
Figure 14.1. Bathtub curve depicting reliability in terms of failure rate of equipment
(Stamatis, 1995)
The connection between effective maintenance management techniques and
significant improvements in efficiency and profitability has been well documented
(Saranga and Knezevic, 2000a). Though the return on investment is highly
dependent on the specific industry and the equipment involved, a survey states that
an investment in monitoring of between $10,000 and $20,000 dollars results in
savings of 500,000 dollars a year (Rao BKN, 1996). Across many industries, 15–
40% of manufacturing costs are typically attributable to maintenance activities. In
the current competitive marketplace, maintenance management and machine health
monitoring play an increasingly important role in combating competition by
reducing equipment downtime and associated costs and scheduling disruptions
(Ben-Daya et al. 2000).
System Health Monitoring and Prognostics
Another important motivation for improved maintenance management is its
inherent objective to increase machine availability, which has a direct impact on
organizational agility. Because of ever increasing customer demands and changes
in technology, management strategies such as JIT (Just In Time) and MRP
(Material Resource Planning) become essential. These activities improve
organizational efficiency by eliminating wasteful production activities.
Unscheduled or frequent breakdowns pose a major hindrance to the
implementation of such techniques (Abdulnour et al. 1995). They also result in
high variance in production activities thus increasing the onus on the other business
functions such as scheduling. A detailed study of the effects of the maintenance
policies on the manufacturing systems is reported in Albino et al. (1992), Malik
(1979), Reiche (1994), Hans (1999), and Sun (1994).
Another compelling but less addressed justification of maintenance is safety
and environmental preservation. With the increase in stringency of safety and
environmental laws, proactive maintenance assumes an increasingly important
role. Since operational hazards and accidents lead to enormous legal expenses,
inattention to these issues is no longer affordable (Rao BKN, 1996).
Quality is increasingly seen as a motivation for improved maintenance
management. Since the relation is not immediately apparent it is not surprising that
it has not received enough research attention. Since quality improvement is
becoming proactive by merging it with techniques like process control and
productivity improvement, the effect of equipment maintenance on quality is being
exposed (Ben-Daya and Duffuaa, 1995). A similar analysis can be found in Ollila
and Malmipuro (1999), Ben-Daya and Rahim (2000), Tapiero (1986), and Makis
Manufacturing and quality present interesting perspectives to maintenance in
the form of objectives to maximize Availability and minimize defective outputs (or
in some cases maximize Process Capability). These however are the conjoined
objectives of Total Productive Maintenance (Nakajima, 1988), which aims at
maximizing Equipment Effectiveness. Terotechnology comes with the same
objective but in a much broader sense including the supplier (of the system) and all
the involved engineering implementers and users (Husband, 1978).
Because of these insights there has been a considerable shift in perspectives
governing maintenance practices in industry. Equally importantly, new theoretical
advances and computer-based technologies have provided critical new
maintenance management capabilities. These techniques are often
interdisciplinary, originating in quite disparate fields. The objective of this chapter
is to survey current theories and practices in system health maintenance and to
identify relevant references.
Sections 14.2 and 14.3 elaborate on health monitoring paradigms, tools and
techniques. Section 14.4 contains a survey of recent case studies that use state-ofthe-art techniques in data modeling for machine monitoring, failure prediction and
control in industrial applications while Section 14.5 surveys the academic and
industrial institutions focusing on the maintenance cause.
R. Kothamasu, S.H. Huang, and W.H. VerDuin
14.2 Health Monitoring Paradigms
Health monitoring and its associated functions have been the focus of research and
implementation for quite a few years. Through these years they have significantly
evolved in terms of governing philosophy, implementation, and enabling advances
in technology, modeling techniques and emerging or redefined necessities. The
evolution of system health monitoring has an interesting chronological perspective
as elaborated by Kinclaid (1987). A brief taxonomy of the various philosophies is
given in Figure 14.2.
Reactive or Unplanned
Reactive or Unplanned
Constant interval
Reliability Centered
Figure 14.2. Taxonomy of maintenance philosophies
Maintenance philosophies can be broadly classified as reactive and proactive.
Reactive or Unplanned maintenance is a legacy practice: maintenance only after
the manifestation of the defect, breakdown or stoppage. It is appropriate in
facilities where the installed machinery is minimal and the plant is not totally
dependent on the reliability of any individual machine (Eisenmann and Eisenmann,
1997). It might also be appropriate when the failure rate is minimal and failure
does not result in serious cost setbacks or safety consequence. Breakdown or
Corrective maintenance and Emergency maintenance belongs to this category:
1. Corrective maintenance is defined as the activity carried out after a failure
has occurred and is intended to restore an item to a state in which it can
System Health Monitoring and Prognostics
perform its required function (Williams et al. 1994; Sheu and Krajewski,
1994; Blanchard et al. 1995).
2. Emergency maintenance is defined as the maintenance activity that is
necessary to accomplish immediately to avoid serious consequences.
Constraints are applied on the frequency of maintenance with the object of
cost-wise optimization. These constraints are defined in terms of the
immediacy of the required action and the possible repercussions of nonmaintenance.
Proactive or planned maintenance can be further classified as preventive and
predictive maintenance. As the name suggests it does not wait for the equipment to
fail before commencing the maintenance operations. In many situations, better
utilization of resources are seen compared to reactive strategies (Mobley, 1990).
Preventive maintenance is the strategy organized to perform maintenance at
predetermined intervals to reduce the probability of failure or performance
degradation. It can be classified into constant interval, age-based or imperfect
Constant interval maintenance: as the name suggests it is done at fixed
intervals (in addition to any maintenance prompted by failure that is
performed when it manifests). Intervals are selected to balance high risk of
failure with long intervals and high preventive maintenance costs with
short intervals (Jardine, 1987).
2. Age-based maintenance: in this strategy, preventive maintenance at fixed
intervals is carried out only after the system has reached a specific age, say
‘t’. If the system fails prior to t, maintenance action is taken and the next
maintenance is scheduled to t units later. By deferring initiation, this
strategy reduces the number of maintenance intervals compared to constant
interval maintenance.
3. Imperfect maintenance: in the above two schemes, the system is assumed
to be restored to its original condition after a preventive maintenance.
However it may be the case that the condition of the system is in between
good (original) and bad (failure). This is the premise of imperfect
maintenance strategies which take into consideration the uncertainty of the
current state of the equipment while scheduling future activities.
The predetermined interval is estimated from the failure rate distribution that
is constructed from historical data extracted from the system or provided by the
supplier of individual components in the system. The estimation of distribution and
the interval determination are beyond the scope of this paper and the required
analysis is extensively covered by Rao SS (1992).
Predictive and preventive maintenance differ in the scheduling of
maintenance. In the latter it is performed on a fixed schedule whereas in the former
it is adaptively determined. Predictive maintenance can be classified into
Condition-based Maintenance and Reliability Centered Maintenance:
R. Kothamasu, S.H. Huang, and W.H. VerDuin
Condition-based Maintenance (CBM): this is a decision making strategy
where the decision to perform maintenance is reached by observing the
“condition” of the system and/or its components. The condition of a system
is quantified by parameters that are continuously monitored and are system
or application specific. For instance, in the case of rotary systems a
vibration characteristic or index is an appropriate choice. The advantage of
this approach is immediately apparent as the decision is made on depictive
and corroborative data that actually reflect the state of the system. It is
highly presumptive to assume that the state of a system would always
follow the same operational curve, which is the underlying assumption in
preventive maintenance. In an industrial or production environment, the
system is exposed to random disturbances, which cause deviations in the
operational characteristics. Hence it is highly justified to monitor the
condition of system and base the maintenance decision on the state of the
system. Some of the advantages of CBM are prior warning of impending
failure and increased precision in failure prediction. It also aids in
diagnostic procedures as it is relatively easy to associate the failure to
specific components through the monitored parameters. It can also be
linked to adaptive control thus facilitating process optimization. The
disadvantage, of course, is the necessity to install and use monitoring
equipment and to develop some level of modeling or decision-making
2. Reliability centered maintenance (RCM): this approach is to utilize
reliability estimates of the system to formulate a cost-effective schedule for
maintenance. RCM was originally developed in the aircraft industry. For
aircraft and other safety-related applications, cost-effectiveness is balanced
with safety and availability with the goal of minimizing costs and
downtime but eliminating the chance of a failure (Moss, 1985). RCM is a
union of two tasks, one of which is to analyze and categorize failure modes
based on the effects of the failure on the system and the other is to assess
the impact of maintenance schedules on reliability. The failure analysis
starts with the identification of all the failure modes and proceeds with
categorization of these failure modes based on the consequences of each
failure. The results of this study comprise a Failure Modes and Effects
Analysis (FMEA). Usually the consequences of failure are Operational,
Environmental/Safety or Economic (Rao BKN, 1996). Once the effects
have been identified, the decision logic algorithms prioritize the effects.
These algorithms tend to be industry specific as the constraints and
requirements of each industry vary considerably. Though RCM-based
maintenance intervals were determined similarly to planned or scheduled
maintenance, condition monitoring techniques are increasingly being used
to determine the optimum interval (Kumar and Granholm, 1990; Sandtory,
1991). Hence though originally a preventive maintenance technique, RCM
is graduating into predictive maintenance. A good introduction to RCM is
given by Moubray (1997), Wireman (1998), Monderres (1993), and Jones
System Health Monitoring and Prognostics
14.3 Health Monitoring Tools and Techniques
Maintaining the health of a system is a complex task that requires in-depth analysis
of the target system, principles involved, and their applicability and
implementation strategies. Table 14.1 lists methods, analysis/modeling tools and
measurement techniques. However, it has to be noted that most applications are a
combination of the listed methods and techniques (tools) and the list is far from
exhaustive. For instance, because of their generalized applicability, parameter
estimation techniques such as regression, maximum likelihood and expectation
maximization can be used in all the listed categories. There is also a close
association between reliability-based maintenance and statistical maintenance
techniques. A high level explanation of these methods is given in the following
14.3.1 Reliability-based Maintenance
A popular approach to the maintenance of complex systems is through estimating
the reliability of the system. Traditionally, reliability is estimating from the timeto-failure distributions of the system. The most striking drawback of such an
approach is that multiple failure mechanisms often interact with each other in
perhaps unknown ways and this affects the degradation rate of the system, causing
it to deviate considerably from the predicted failure distribution. An alternative
approach very similar to condition-based maintenance has been proposed by
Knezevic (1987) known as the Relevant Condition Parameter (RCP)-based
approach. This approach is based on identifying RCPs that quantify or reflect a
particular failure mechanism. Using these RCPs the reliability of a system is
defined as the probability that RCP lies within prescribed limits:
R (t ) P ( RCP in RCP (tk ) RCP lim )
RCP in is the initial state of the system and RCP lim is the limiting value where the
system inevitably fails. When the failure mechanisms are dependent, it is possible
to model the system using Markov chains as shown in Saranga and Knezevic
(2000b). Once the Markov chain is formulated representing the different states of
the system, the probability of the system being in the upstate A(t) can be calculated
as a sequence of integrals of the form given below (Gopalan and Kumar, 1995):
A(t )
x) A(u )
g (u )
These integrals are further solved by using quadrature techniques such as the
trapezoidal approximation.
R. Kothamasu, S.H. Huang, and W.H. VerDuin
Table14.1. Maintenance tools and techniques
Measurement Techniques
Parameter estimation
Vibration analysis
Model-based Failure
Detection and
Identification (FDI)
Numerical analysis
Acoustic emission
Markov chains
Wear/debris monitoring
State space parameter
Lubricant analysis
Process measurements
Artificial neural networks
Knowledge-based systems
Fuzzy inference systems
Neuro-Fuzzy systems
Signal-based FDI
Fourier analysis
Wavelet analysis
Wigner-Ville analysis
Diagnostic parameter
Statistical FDI/
Bayesian estimation/
reasoning techniques
Markov chains
Hidden Markov models
Proportional Hazards
14.3.2 Model-based Approach to FDI
The model-based approaches to failure detection, isolation and identification (FDI)
is based on analytical redundancy or functional redundancy, meaning dissimilar
signals are compared and evaluated to identify the existing faults in the system or
its components. This comparison is between the measured signal and the estimated
values generated by the mathematical model of the system. Figure 14.3 gives a
general structure of model-based approaches.
System Health Monitoring and Prognostics
Figure 14.3. General flow of model-based approaches (Simani et al. 2003)
Residual generation is the heart of a model-based approach. However, the
techniques involved in model-based diagnosis differ in the generation and
definition of a residual; for instance in some cases it the discrepancy of output
(from the system) estimation and in some cases it is the error in parameter (of the
system’s model) estimation itself. It is imperative that the generated residual be
dependent only on the faults in the system and not on its operating state. Several
techniques that have been proposed in the literature for this residual generation are
a modification or improvement of the following three principles:
Observer-based approaches (Beard, 1971; Ding and Frank, 1990; Patton
and Chen, 1997; Wilsky, 1976);
Parameter estimation technique (Kitamura, 1980; Isermann, 1993); and
Parity space approach (Chow and Wilsky, 1984; Deckert et al. 1977).
Observer-based approaches rely on estimating the outputs from either Luenberger
observers or Kalman filters (Simani et al. 2003). The approach is centered on the
idea that the state estimation error is zero in a fault free environment and it is not
so otherwise. Dedicated Observer, Fault Detection Filters and Output Observers
are the three important subcategories that fall under this approach.
The basic idea behind the parameter estimation techniques is that the faults
affect the outputs through the system parameters. Hence the approach is centered
on generating online estimates of the parameters and analyzing the changes in the
estimates. In the Equation Error methods which analyze the parameters directly,
least square estimation is quite often used; in the Output Error methods which
compute the error in the output, numerical optimization techniques are often used.
R. Kothamasu, S.H. Huang, and W.H. VerDuin
The principle of Parity Space Relations is to check for parity of the
measurements from the process, generating a residual by comparing the model and
the process behavior. This approach has been shown to be in close correlation with
the observer-based techniques (Patton and Chen, 1994).
As stated before, the model-based FDI approaches are based on identifying
(constructing) models that mimic the system. However, an ideal model is never
obtained because of nuances of the pragmatic world such as noise, etc. and to be
effective the model-based FDI should learn to differentiate between these
uncertainties and the changes due to failures. Another difficulty is to identify not
just the existing faults but the incipient faults which may not (yet) significantly
affect the system. Some other useful references are listed (Chen and Patton, 1999,
2000, 2001; 1996b; Patton, 1994; Chen et al. 1996a,b; Chow and Willsky, 1984;
Ding and Frank, 1991; Duan and Patton, 2001; Nooteboom and Leemeijer, 1993;
Reiter, 1987; Struss, 1987, 1988, 1989; Struss and Dressler, 1989).
14.3.3 Signal-based FDI
Signal-based FDI approaches focus on detecting the changes or variations in a
signal, subsequently diagnosing (identifying) the change. Change detection in a
system has been extensively explored in the literature and there are quite a few
effective techniques that have integrated various ideas from parametric modeling
principles (in statistics) with signal-based principles such as spectral analysis. A
good summary is given in Basseville (1988). Some of the techniques are
formulated around model-based approaches, i.e., generation of residuals (deviation
from nominal signals) and diagnosis of the residuals. Some of the detection
algorithms are modeled in the form of hypothesis testing involving a change (or
jump) in the mean (known or unknown) such as the Generalized Likelihood ration
test and the Page-Hinkley stopping rule. Some online algorithms are based on
computing distance measures between local and global models (differentiated
based on their time windows) and some popular measures are the Euclidean
distance between AR (Auto Regressive) coefficients, Cepstral distance, chernoff
distance, etc.
In recent years non-stationary signals have been modeled using wavelets
instead of Fourier transforms because wavelets are scale and time variant. Two of
the important uses of wavelets to FDI are data compression and feature extraction
(Staszewski, 1998). Data Compression as the name suggests refers to encoding the
data (like a vibration signal) in a compressed form and feature selection, on the
other hand, is identifying features within these encoded signals that would help
identify the faults in the monitored systems. Once wavelet transform is applied to
the signal output, the coefficients are analyzed for any variation from the normal
signal. The identification of coefficients that would substantiate a failure is a
painstaking procedure though recently some techniques such as genetic algorithms
have been employed. These wavelets are predominantly used for FDI in gears, as
vibration analysis is quite effective for these domains (McFadden, 1994;
Staszewski and Tomlinson, 1997; Paya et al. 1997).
Time-frequency analysis using Wigner-Ville Distribution (WVD) has proven to
be another effective tool for vibration analysis. It has proven to be quite effective
System Health Monitoring and Prognostics
in situations where neither the time domain nor frequency domains can produce
significant patterns (Staszewski et al. 1994). The contour plots generated by WVD
are visually inspected for the failure features that indicate its progression and
existence. Often these plots are analyzed with the help of classification algorithms
ranging from parametric (statistical) to soft computing (neural networks, fuzzy
inference systems).
Another popular domain for the application of signal-based FDI is bearing
condition diagnosis, where the signals vary immensely because of variable load.
These applications typically require signal enhancement via filtering followed by a
condition parameter monitoring (Shiroshi et al. 1997). Shiroshi et al. report an
interesting study on the effectiveness of various condition parameters such as
kurtosis, crest factor and the peak ratio. Some useful references are listed (Logan
and Joseph, 1994; McFadden and Smith, 1985; McFadden, 1986, 1987; McFadden
and Wang, 1993, 1996; Eshleman, 1999; Geng and Qu, 1994; Lin and Qu, 2000;
Wang, 2001).
Detection signal techniques are also used for FDI, where a detection signal is
used as an input to the system for a specific period of time and the diagnosis is
based on the behavior of the system during this period. Some interesting theories in
the design and implementation of detection signals are given in Nikoukhah et al.
(2000), Zhang (1989), Kerestecioglu (1993), Kerestecioglu and Zarrop (1994),
Uosaki et al. (1984), and Nikoukhah (1998).
14.3.4 Statistical FDI/Maintenance
A vast number of applications also use Bayesian statistics and Bayesian parameter
estimation for FDI. Some interesting algorithms are proposed by Berec (1998),
Won and Modarres (1998), Wu et al. (2001), Leung and Ramanougli (2000), and
Ray et al. (2001). Another important aspect is to identify the detection (inspection)
intervals, optimization of cost and replacement decision-making. Markov chains
seem to be increasingly used for optimizing maintenance strategies and some
algorithms are given in Wang and Sheung (2003), Al-Hassan et al. (2000, 2002),
and Zhang and Zhao (1999). Another interesting application is given by Bunks et
al. (2000) using hidden Markov models.
Proportional Hazards Modeling (PHM) has also been used for reliability
estimation and estimation of effects on failure rate ever since they were used by
Feigl and Zelen (1965). Some interesting theories and applications related using
PHM are reported in Jardine (1987), Kobbacy et al. (1997), and Pena and
Hollander (1995).
14.4 Case Studies in System Monitoring and Control
In a production environment, failure detection is often achieved by operators
continuously monitoring the operation of their system and by observing sensor data
generated by that system. They recognize significant trends in the operational
states of the system and maintain the system by associating trend patterns with
failure modes. Challenges with this approach include the loss of knowledge when
R. Kothamasu, S.H. Huang, and W.H. VerDuin
the operator changes employment or retires. Often, the difference in levels of
expertise induces considerable operational variability by individual operators
which is detrimental to the system stability. A second challenge may be a large
volume of sensor and operational data resulting in a cognitive overload for the
operator, increasing the likelihood of the operator reaching an incorrect decision. A
third challenge is that direct observation of operations and available sensor data
may not be sufficient to detect incipient failure. Advanced modeling tools are
particularly beneficial in these cases, enabling detection and prediction of failures
by discovering ways that, for example, the simultaneous variation of multiple
parameters is an indication of future failure while the observation of parameters
individually (by a person or a computer-based system) cannot provide that insight.
In this section we describe applications of system monitoring in a variety of
industrial applications. Adaptive machine and process health models, as employed
for predictive monitoring, also enable determination of appropriate changes in
control actions to accommodate changes in machine health and environmental
conditions. For this reason, we also review applications in adaptive control in this
Elements common to all of these applications are the acquisition of data, but
more importantly the acquisition, organization and reuse of knowledge to interpret
that data and other observables to enable prediction of failure or adjustment of
control actions. Differences in the applications include the knowledge acquisition
approaches, with common approaches including gathering of rules from domain
experts (creating a rule-based system) and discovery of relationships in data
(employing neural nets, fuzzy logic and other soft computing approaches).
Villanueva and Lamba (1997) applied the Knowledge-based (rule-based)
System (KBS) approach to failure diagnosis in coal processing equipment. . They
employ the principles propounded by the KADS methodology (Hickman et al.
1989) to implement their KBS. The knowledge module of their control model
(AshMod) comprises of two components: (1) Goal tree – Success tree (GTST) and
(2) Fault-Cause network. The GTST knowledge encapsulates the plant’s
intentional aspects through a problem reduction strategy and is modeled by a tree
structure of hierarchically related goals and sub-goals that must be satisfied for the
correct operation of the plant. The upper section (GT) consists of goals and subgoals that capture purpose. The lower section (ST) consists of success criteria that
capture functionality. The fault-cause network is a directed acyclic graph of
production rules. This network provides the means for identifying the root cause of
an observed fault in the plant. Trend analysis on the GTST tree identifies an
abnormal trend and then AshMod uses a mixture of backward and forward
reasoning to identify the causes from the fault cause network.
Missed alarms and false alarms are significant problems in diagnostic and
prognostic systems, because they diminish the credibility of the monitoring system
and diminish the motivation to use or maintain the monitoring system. Although
KBS technology can predict failure modes with reasonable accuracy it is not free
from these drawbacks. Alonso et al. (1998) recommend intensive monitoring of the
state along with KBS for more precise diagnosis and prediction. AEROLID, used
to monitor a beet-sugar manufacturing plant, compares monitored variables to
fixed thresholds, or constant trajectories The monitoring module thus operates in a
System Health Monitoring and Prognostics
stationary, not adaptive, mode for a given production level range. The system
diagnosis may be unstable in the situation of crisp (not fuzzy) thresholds due to
diagnoses that vary when encountering small changes in the value of the variable
around the threshold. To avoid this instability the authors (Alonso et al. 2001)
implemented three thresholds for variables, trigger, confirmation and recovery
thresholds, which coupled with the temporal information governs the value of the
attribute state of the monitored variable. As soon as the variable crosses the trigger
threshold, the state changes from OK to vigilance; if it remains over the
confirmation threshold for a certain amount of time it becomes critical. When it
descends below the confirmation threshold, it changes to vigilance, and when it
stays for a given time under the recovery threshold, the state is OK again. The
transitions towards vigilance are determined by the threshold. The transition from
vigilance to critical always includes a persistence condition over a threshold
different from the triggering threshold, which is usually enough to avoid unstable
monitoring. If the system state is OK, parameters are only checked against trigger
threshold (normal monitoring). When the state jumps into a vigilance model, the
intensive monitoring mode is invoked at a higher frequency.
An interesting knowledge representation has been implemented by researchers
modeling the proactive maintenance tasks in nuclear power plants. ArroyoFigueora et al. (2000) used a Temporal Nodes Bayesian Network for failure
diagnosis. Each node in the network represents a state attribute along with the
temporal information and the edges of the network determine the causal and
temporal dependencies among the state attributes. This network is used for realtime fault diagnosis.
Balle and Fuessel (2000) performed Fault Diagnosis and Detection (FDD) by
identifying three potential symptom types that can be used in FDD. Assuming the
process has already been modeled, a Residual-based symptom is simply the output
error between the model and process within a time window of appropriate length.
Signal-based symptoms are derived by defining different control performance
indices (CPI). Model-based symptoms are derived from the parameters defining
the process behavior. Once these symptoms have been quantified, they support a
fault isolation scheme by using fuzzy classification trees. The premises in the rules
are also controlled by using a process they term as “rule growing”.
A crucial factor for the good functioning of a heuristic diagnosis system is the
precision in the knowledge it employs. The design process of the knowledge base
is associated with many problems such as inconsistency of knowledge,
contradictions between knowledge rules, structural relations between knowledge
chunks, causality problems, and representation of knowledge (Slany and Vascak,
1996). Thus development of consistency checkers becomes crucial for the design
and continuous improvement of the knowledge base. In building the knowledge
base the expert should recognize all possible situations and predict the plausible
consequences and describe all the relations among single production rules. This
forms a structural hierarchical tree where the roots represent inputs and leaves
represent the outputs. In the early stages of knowledge extraction only the rough
structure is created and the parameters are only approximated. During the later
stages when the expert lays out new rules the compatibility with the old structure
should be quantified to check analytically for consistency and contradictions. The
R. Kothamasu, S.H. Huang, and W.H. VerDuin
authors (Slany and Vascak, 1996) propose a comparative operator, which makes
autonomous consistency checking highly plausible.
Vibration monitoring is widely used for failure prediction. One large class of its
applications is rotary machines or components such as gearboxes and bearings. The
vibration signal acquired from an accelerometer is able to distinguish between that
of a machine or a structural component in good condition vs one in which
degradation of rolling elements has begun (Paya et al. 1995). Many of the spectral
analysis techniques such as windowed Fourier transforms (WFT), power spectrum
analysis, Wigner-Ville distribution and wavelet transforms have been used in
developing fault diagnosis techniques. The features from the spectral analysis are
fed into a neural network to classify the observed as fault trends. This approach is
favorable as it carries the advantage of being able to classify more than one fault
trend in the signal.
Yam et al. (2001) employ a similar approach with the exception of using
recurrent networks instead of feed forward network for diagnosis. In their case
study conducted in utility company, they also developed a maintenance advisory
chart which relates the predicted condition of the system with the type of
maintenance activity that has to be performed.
An interesting modification in the structure of neural networks used for failure
diagnosis was also employed by Gideon (1998). In this structure the input layer
represents the potential faults of the system and first hidden layer represents the
possible machine components that might be responsible for the possible failure of
the system. The second hidden layer stores the operational ranges of these machine
components and finally the third hidden layer represents the current operational
values of these components. Whenever the current operational value of a specific
component is beyond the bounds of its pre-defined approved operational range, it
is diagnosed to be the reason for the machine’s malfunction.
Leger et al. (1998) investigated a fusion between statistical control charts and
neural networks for the purpose of FDI. The author also compares the efficiency
between multi-layer perceptrons and radial basis networks. It was found that,
though the radial basis network requires an inordinate number of hidden layers for
the purpose of estimating the failure trends, its efficiency is much better with fewer
false alarms.
Process control or optimization is a related task to that of proactive
maintenance. Usually the optimized states of a machine are unequivocally defined,
but the association of any variation from the optimized state to the multitude of
factors that influence the system is a difficult task. The difficulty arises from the
complex relationships among the factors themselves and their varied influences on
the system. The interactions in general are highly non-linear and pose a
tremendous challenge to the modeling technique. Conventional PID (Proportional
Integral Derivative) control algorithms may be used to deal with parametric control
situations but this approach is difficult to implement.
As an alternative control strategy, Lau et al. (2001) effectively employed a
combination of neural networks and fuzzy inference systems to control a typical
heat transfer system in its optimized state. The system studied consisted of a duct
into which heat is conducted by six ribs. The control parameters are spacing
between the ribs and the width of the ribs. Neural networks were used first to learn
System Health Monitoring and Prognostics
functional relationships between the desired and controlled parameters. A fuzzy
inference system (FIS) with heuristics that can identify the optimum parameters
from the predicted control parameters is constructed. The optimization is achieved
by activating the neural network with the current operation state of the system thus
eliciting the required values of the control parameters for possible optimization.
Then the parameter values are refined by using the FIS to predict the optimum
change required in terms of the percentage of changes.
Hussain (1999) categorizes the nonlinear control strategies into predictive,
inverse model-based and adaptive control and reviews the utilization of neural
networks in these categories. According to the author non-linear predictive control
refers to the situation where the system, performance objective and the constraints
are non-linear functions of the system variables. The inverse model is further
divided into direct inverse control and internal model control techniques. In the
case of direct inverse control the neural network model has to learn to provide the
desired control parameters for the desired targets. Alternatively, in inverse model
control the control signals are computed by inverting the forward network model
through Newton’s method or substitution methods-based on the contractionmapping algorithm. Adaptive control is further classified into direct and indirect
adaptive control. The author lists many successful ventures in each category.
Though these algorithms have been shown to work effectively, they do not
effectively utilize the heuristics employed by the operators in process optimization.
Their highly unstructured learning tends to produce unstable models. CONES
(Connectionist Expert System) is a programming environment designed to capture
the expertise of an individual operator for his/her experience on a specific machine
(Almutawa and Moon, 1999). The connectionist networks are trained using back
propagation principles by following the on-line corrective control actions taken by
the experienced operator. Following training, connectionist representation is
integrated with a rule-based expert system representation to model the process
while an incremental learning technique is used to train the networks further. The
network outputs and the weights between the processing elements are fed into the
expert system for use in conflict resolution technique (Weight-based Conflict
Resolution) that determines the control signals.
The difficulty in process optimization stems from the stringent and time
varying requirements for the smooth functioning of a system. Current normal
operating standards might result in a hazardous state in the future (Enbo et al.
1998). Though fuzzy inference systems have been conventionally used in process
monitoring, they tend to assume that the real time variations in the requirements
are embedded in the employed heuristics. The authors present an approach where
the fuzzy inference system is more dynamic in nature by using time varying
membership functions that describe the outputs or the optimized process
parameters. This methodology has been successfully adopted in a chemical pulp
Process monitoring is a typical function approximation problem and hence
fuzzy models can be effectively employed. Takagi-Sugeno models are a type of
FIS where the consequents (outputs) of each rule are usually a linear combination
of the input parameters. A drawback of this approach is the increased number of
model variables to be identified. Ying (1998) proposes an approach to combat this
R. Kothamasu, S.H. Huang, and W.H. VerDuin
problem. In his approach the consequents of only one rule are a linear combination
of the inputs. The consequents of the rest of the rules are assumed to directly
proportional to the fuzzy output from the first rule related by proportionality
constant. This results in a considerable reduction of the model parameters as shown
by the author.
Problems such as the knowledge acquisition bottleneck and fuzzy parametric
tuning were explored by researchers in Gorzalczany (1999) and Kazamian (2001).
14.5 Organizations and Standards
In recent years there have been noteworthy academic and industrial contributions
to the design and implementation of maintenance applications. These
advancements are propelled by diverse needs and hence the techniques and
algorithms have been fine-tuned to meet specific challenges. Tables 14.2 and 14.3
give a summary of various academic research centers and industries that are
targeting the maintenance arena.
Apart from individual efforts, some organizations have come together to
streamline the current and future developments in the maintenance and control
arena. These alliances have created specific goals and visions to enable the creation
of smarter yet flexible tools.
Table 14.2. Academic research centers focusing on maintenance
Research center
Center for Intelligent
Maintenance Systems
maintenance, smart
sensors, remote and
web enabled
University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee; University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor
Applied Research
Advanced sensing,
prognostics and
Pennsylvania State University–State
College, Pennsylvania
modeling, statistical
analysis, software for
CBM applications
University of Toronto, Toronto,
System Health Monitoring and Prognostics
Table 14.3. Survey of industries focusing on maintenance
eCM 2.0 (runtime engine,
Aviation, power
34 patented
(statistical and
IDEAS (data
analysis), CSCAN
industrial safety
and security
RCM toolkit
Control system
CMMS solutions
control and
Smart Signal
Sensor data
Data Systems and
Specialized oil
analysis systems Asset
Mostly offline
fault tree
Science Applications
OEM, food
FLIR Systems, INC
Infrared cameras
for maintenance Infrared data
analysis and
applications and
Paper, food,
No modeling
R. Kothamasu, S.H. Huang, and W.H. VerDuin
Table 14.3. (continued)
Data acquisition
and open
systems storage
Enterprise Asset
No modeling
Paper and pulp
power, chemical
and processing
DRM Technologies
General Physics
No Software
No modeling
No Software
Aviation, paper
& pulp,
food & beverage
World class
HSB Reliability
Total plant
No Software
(partners with
CMMS solutions
Root Cause
Failure Analysis
Xfmea, RG
One such development known as OSA-CBM (Open System Alliance CBM) is
being advocated in an effort to integrate various maintenance efforts and to
broaden the scope of maintenance by achieving a seamless integration with the
different functional arms of a production facility. The initial efforts of OSA-CBM
were aimed at developing open and interchangeable systems that cater for the
System Health Monitoring and Prognostics
maintenance arena (specifically CBM systems). The objective is to specify a
standard on these various systems so that the future developments tend towards
multi-purpose, swappable components. On the software front, COM (Component
Object Model) and DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model), CORBA
(Common Object Request Broker Architecture), XML (Extensible Markup
Language) are being propagated as plausible candidates.
OSA-CBM has developed a seven layered architecture that encompasses the
typical stages in the development, deployment and integration of maintenance
solutions under the CBM framework. The architecture is depicted in Figure 14.4.
Figure 14.4. OSA-CBM architecture (Lebold et al. 2003)
MIMOSA (Machinery Information Management Open Systems Alliance) is an
alliance that enables Enterprise Asset Optimization (EAO) resulting from the
integration of building, plant and equipment data into and with Enterprise Business
Information. OSA-CBM and MIMOSA orient their research and activities to
integrate individual goals. The primary objective of MIMOSA is to project
maintenance management as a business function that operates on business objects
with well defined properties, methods and information interfaces. To this end, it
has developed Common Relational Information Schema (CRIS) that specify the
equipment database schema as well as the SQL query interface through which data
is transferred. This data is typically extracted from condition assessment, control,
maintenance management and enterprise information system modules. Figure 14.5
depicts the MIMOSA view of organization elements relevant to the establishment
of a maintenance management system. To support the goal of MIMOSA to
R. Kothamasu, S.H. Huang, and W.H. VerDuin
integrate these elements in the production environment, MIMOSA interfaces
among these elements support four modes of data transfer : file, bulk, SQL
(Structured Query Language) and Object.
Figure 14.5. MIMOSA and its interfaces (Mitchell, 1998)
14.6 Summary and Research Directions
Maintenance of a system usually starts with the objective to minimize the
catastrophic failures that cripple the system. Though time-based maintenance or
breakdown maintenance are simpler to implement, condition-based maintenance is
gaining popularity because of its proactive approach. Condition-based maintenance
is a detailed analytical process that requires in some cases elaborate
instrumentation and in most cases complicated modeling techniques. So, it is quite
necessary to carry out a requirement analysis prior to implementation of such an
Though the challenges in process control and fault diagnosis are different,
artificial intelligence approaches have been shown to be effective for both
applications. The modeling of the failure mechanism or process control starts with
data collection. Data cleansing is extremely important, particularly in the case of
adaptive control. Machine models are usually developed for both applications, and
are validated and improved to maintain accuracy and reduce incidence of false
alarms and missed hits.
Issues in the development and maintenance of prognostic systems include the
selection of knowledge acquisition and modeling technologies, with considerations
including available types of knowledge and approaches to achieve and maintain
accuracy of the models and knowledge bases. One of the least concentrated efforts
in the maintenance arena has been to create applications that are user friendly.
These applications tend to be so complex (both in volume and substance) that they
System Health Monitoring and Prognostics
easily overwhelm the user. Given such a scenario, it is not surprising that the user
develops deep rooted mistrust in the monitoring system whenever it results in a
false alarm or missed hit. Hence, research opportunities include development of
modeling technologies that are precise, adaptive, comprehensible and configurable
(by user). There is also an opportunity to integrate the qualitative information that
can be extracted from FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) or FTA (Fault
Tree Analysis) of a process or machine into the quantitative analysis that generates
diagnostic recommendations.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Institute of Standards
and technology under Contract No.SB1341-02-C-0049 to VerTech LLC for
developing an Intelligent Condition-based Maintenance System. Any opinions,
findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology.
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