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Missionary Learning: Journaling & Spiritual Growth

My mission president used to give a new notebook to each new missionary with the
instruction to write something we learn every day, some did, some did not, but when I decided to do
it, then I really start to learn and understand what I was studying every day. One strategy with we can
work to retain what we learn are writing in a journal short and objective ideas of what we learn when
we study each day.
The scriptures remember us the importance to learn every day as well as how to essential it is
to learn how to record effectively what has been learned. When I trained for first time (as a missionary)
I still have many doubts about the rules of the mission, because we have a lot, then I read on the book
of Mormon that the king Benjamin used the scriptures, the records, to receive more knowledge and
understanding of the mysteries of God and he teach his sons on that way, so I started to study the
rules of the mission and the missionary handbook, I tried to keep only the essence of each rule, then
I started to memorize the pages in where I can find the rules, two or three annotations each day on
my planer, and my “notebook of rules”, help me to learn and understand every rule on detail, I got a
lot of knowledge about the whole instructions of the president and the missionary handbook and I
continue applying these principles each time that I trained after the first time (three times more), but
I stop to record what I learn and study on this way for a while, because I was no longer training for
almost five months, I mean as a trainer the missionary in our mission had twelve weeks to teach every
single rule, but out of this the missionary not really need to explain rules on detail. Then another
mission president comes to our mission, and against the expectations he decided not to change any
rules. The new president asked me to train a last time before I end my mission, and with this, I needed
to remember the way to explain rules on detail, the Elder Richard G. Scott said: “Knowledge carefully
recorded is knowledge available in time of need. Spiritually sensitive information should be kept in a
sacred place that communicates to the Lord how you treasure it. This practice enhances the likelihood
of receiving further light”, and that’s what I did, I can’t remember faster for my own, but I still had my
annotations and my “notebook of rules” to rescued me. I’m sure that, as well as the scriptures, our
records can help us to retain what we strive to learn.
I still have my “notebook of rules” as a testimony of the knowledge and understanding that I
reach as a missionary, and I know that every one of us could learn, grow and improve his learning just
by writing short ideas every day, and I know that, as the elder Scott said “…this practice enhances the
likelihood of receiving further light”.