Subido por Alejandro Adarve Arredondo

School Fundraising Proposal: Cultural Day & Basketball Game

Dear Ms Waugh-Lucas,
We would like to propose a cultural day, where students from year 7-13 will
wear colours that feature on their country’s flag and bring £1 to take part in
this. There will also be music from various different countries played in the
main hall during break and lunch time. Students will be able to request songs
by making a list in their tutor groups. There will also be a ‘best dressed’
competition in which the winner will receive a prize which will be £10. The
date we propose is Thursday 13th December to celebrate International
Migrants Day (which is on the 18th December). As there is long break on
Thursday we will be able to enjoy cultural day for longer and listen to more
songs from around the world.
Our other idea is a charity fundraising idea for our Faith in Action class. We
would kindly ask if we are able to host a basketball game with students against
teachers. In this case the students will be 6th formers and any teachers who are
willing to volunteer. For this reason we will need permission from the PE
department to use the sports hall and basketball equipment. Through this idea,
our target audience would be lower years (year 7, 8 and 9’s) but of course this
event is open to everyone. For students who want to spectate this will cost
50p-£1 per student. We would like this event to take place during long break
on Thursday or after school if Thursday is not possible. For this event to occur
we will need teachers to assist us, preferably some from the PE department.
We also would like to sell beverages during this game for the students who are
Yours sincerely, Faith In Action class.
Sophie Arinde
Sophie Ibe
Lucy Blake