Subido por Andrea Bracamonte

Third Conditional Lesson Plan: Unreal Past Conditions

Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
Name of student teacher:
Andrea Bracamonte Macea
School/Institution: Santa Rosa De Lima school
Cooperating Teacher: Orkidea Narvaez
University teacher: Ligia Pertuz Pertuz
Number of students:
Unit # Just Imagine
Topic: third conditional
Stage 1: Desired Results
Established goals:
 the students will be able to talk about unreal conditions in the past.
 Student will be able to express how events in the past could have been different.
Pre-requisite knowledge:
the student must know the past simple and past perfect topics, as well as the different modal
verbs that exist.
Students will know:
Students will be able to:
Students will know how complete
 Student will be able to complete third
conditional sentences about imaginary or
conditional sentence and ask third
unlikely situations in the past.
conditional sentence.
 Student will be able to express how events
in the past could have been different.
 students will able to finish third
conditional sentences to express their own
opinions and answer third conditional
questions about their own lives.
Stage 2: Assessment/Homework
Assessment/ Evidence of Learning
Students will complete a chart.
Students will complete the diagram in
Students will reorganize different
Students will complete a rubric.
Students will create a story with
Students will create a script about
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their own experience
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
Established goal (s):
the students will be able to talk about unreal conditions in the past.
Student will be able to express how events in the past could have been different.
Pre-requisite knowledge:
the student must know the past simple and past perfect topics, as well as the different modal verbs that exist.
Students will know:
Students will know how complete conditional sentences about
imaginary or unlikely situations in the past.
Stage of lesson
Motivation Phase
Students will be able to:
 Student will be able to complete third conditional sentence and ask
third conditional sentence.
 students will able to finish third conditional sentences to express
their own opinions and answer third conditional questions about
their own lives.
Learning plan
Type of interaction (T-S/SS)
To activate the vocabulary, language and
motivation of the students, a game will be
presented, the game is called chain story. The
teacher gives to each students a paper with a word
and number. The number determines the sequence
in which the students have to contribute to the
story. Then the teacher starts the story by giving
the first sentence, e.g. 'It was a stormy night in
Little paper
5 min
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
November.' the student who has the number 1
continues the story. He or she may say up to three
sentences in past tense and must include the word
on his or her slip of paper. The next student goes
6 min
little story.
15 min
To teach the third conditional, a review of the past
participle of regular and irregular verbs is
necessary, teacher will present a chart with white
space, subsequently students will complete the past
simple and past participle of the verbs.
Procedure Phase:
At this stage, the objective grammar point must be
contextualized through a text. Students will be
guided to observe the form and use of the third
conditional within a little story.
First, the teacher will tell the students about why
you decided to become a teacher, and about
another possibility you had at that time. Then
teacher will ask the students some concept
questions to check understanding:
A. Did I become a teacher? (Yes)
d) Homework (if
included in this B. Did I studied law? (No)
C. Is this situation real or are we imagining?
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
D. Are we talking about the past, present or future?
(The past).
then in order to discover how we form the third
conditional; teacher will ask to student to Study one
the diagram
10 min
30 min
5 min
sentence and complete the diagram in groups: the
sentence that will be used is:
If I had not become a teacher, I would have studied
After discovering how it was formed, the third
conditional, teacher will explain its use through a
poster. The teacher will explain when this
conditional is used, the positive, negative form and
question in addition to presenting different
To verify if the student understood the topic, the
teacher will show some statements, students should
say if these statements are true or false.
The statements that will be used are:
1. Third conditional is used to talk about the
2. Third conditional describes a past situation.
3. It’s used to describe a situation that didn’t
happen, and to imagine the result of this
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
later, the teacher will divide the students into pairs
and give each couple several cut sentences. The
(if teacher will write the names of each pair on the
included in this
board. Students will should reorganize each
sentence. When they think the sentence is correct,
several cut
30 min
6 min
they should call the teacher to verify it. If the
sentence is not correct, you should keep trying.
Each time they complete a sentence, they will
should write the sentences number next to their
names. The goal is to complete the 5 sentences first,
and so the board will allow students to keep track
of how many couples they have completed their
When all the pairs have finished re-organizing the
sentences, teacher will do feedback and write them
up on the board. Then students will practice
1. If I had moved to London, I would have got an
office job.
2. If I had got an office job, I would have become
really bored.
3. If I become bored, I wouldn’t have been very
4. If I hadn’t been very happy, I would have moved
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
to Australia.
5. If I had moved to Australia, I would have become
a surfing instructor.
On the board, teacher will write four beginnings of
15 min
3rd conditional sentences and will ask students how
they would finish the sentences.
1. If I hadn’t come here today, I would have>
2. If I’d found £100 before school today, I would
3. If I’d won the lottery recently, I would have>
4. If I’d met an alien this morning, I would have>
After that, teacher will elicit different endings from
various students and write the best one for each
sentence up on the board. teacher will Read out the
sentences and ask students to repeat.
5 min
Subsequently, teacher will put 3 stories in different
places and give students a rubric. students will
should arrive at each place, read and complete the
table with the information they will find.
Then, students will compare their answers in pairs
3 stories
30 min
to verify the correct answers.
Next, the teacher will verify all student responses
Continuously, the teacher will write on the board:
Have you ever had to make a really big decision?
5 min
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Can you imagine what would have happened if you
5 min
6 min
had not made that decision?
The teacher will ask the students to discuss the
questions in pairs and then share their answers
with the rest of the students.
After using the objective structure in specific
situations, students will relate the structure to their
personal experience. Students will write a short
story about the things they would done differently.
To close the class, the teacher will divide the
10 min
students into groups of four. then them Give each
group a set of cards. Students must distribute the
cards evenly.
Then, students will complete the third conditional
sentence on their cards as they want and create a
question based on the situation.
Students won’t should not write their names on
the cards or let anyone see what they are writing.
The teacher will place a box in the middle of the
room and ask all students to double their entire
sentences and put them in the box.
the teacher will demonstrate the activity by taking
a card from the box and reading the sentence and
the question aloud, p. "If I had gone on vacation
set of cards
30 min
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
last week, I would have gone to the beach."
'If I had gone on vacation last week, would I have
gone to the beach?'
The teacher will ask the students until they find the
person who wrote the sentence. Students can
answer they can answer "Yes or NO"
Each student should stand up and take a card out
of the box. If you choose your own sentence, you
must put it back and take another.
Then, students will tour the class asking their
questions to find out who wrote the sentence on
their card. When a student finds the person who
wrote the sentence, write the person's name on the
card, keep it in the box.
Students repeat the activity until there are no
sentences left in the box
activities for
students with
special needs
for being the month of Halloween students
perform a television show. with the help of the
teacher they will create in television script where
will be presented the main characteristics of this
Questions taken from Cambridge University
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
Simple present
Simple past
Past participle
Little story
‘I decided to become an English teacher when I was 20, because I wanted to be able
to travel around the world and work at the same time. If I hadn’t become an English
teacher, I would have studied law degree.’
“If I had not become a teacher, I would have studied law.”
reorganize the sentence
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre
1. Jack
I think my biggest decision was to move back to the UK from Saudi Arabia. I worked there for
6 years and saved a lot of money. My school offered me work for two more years, but I
decided to return to England.
I think it was a really good decision. I enjoyed working in Saudi Arabia very much and had a
really great time. I made loads of friends and loved the climate. But I also missed home, and I
think six years was a long time to be away.
If I hadn’t moved back to the UK, I think I probably would have stayed in Saudi for a few more
years, but then I wouldn’t have got this great job. I also wouldn’t have met my lovely wife, we
wouldn’t have got married and we wouldn’t have had our beautiful baby!
2. Kate
I had to make a huge decision when I was only 18. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do
with my life, so I applied to do lots of different courses. I was accepted to start a course to
become a chef, and was also offered a place at university to study geography.
I really didn’t know what to do and couldn’t choose between the two courses. My mum gave
me some good advice and said: ‘Why don’t you just get a job for a year and think about what
you really want to do. You can decide which one to study next year.’
So anyway, I got a job as a florist for a year and really thought about what to do. Finally, I
decided that I was more interested in going to university. But I didn’t choose geography, I
chose French!
I’m really glad I decided to think about things for a year because I realized that I really wasn’t
that interested in cooking or geography! Studying French made me interested in languages
generally and that’s why I became an English teacher.
If I hadn’t had a year off, I’d probably have become a chef and I think I’d have been happy,
but I’m happy now anyway!
3. Sue
I made a really big decision on my 30th birthday. I decided to try to lose weight.
I’ve always really enjoyed eating and didn’t use to like healthy food. Anyway, I saw a photo of
myself on holiday and hardly recognized myself, I was so overweight. Well, I joined a
slimming club and managed to lose a lot of weight.
It was the best decision of my life and I feel like a different person now. I still can’t believe I
used to eat so much junk food. If I hadn’t joined the club, I think I‘d have continued eating unhealthily and
putting on weight. I think eventually I would have got ill if I hadn’t made the decision.
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Sucre