Si clauses

Si clauses
Circumstantial sentences
 There are four different types of
circumstantial statements.
 All four types can begin with the word
“si” meaning “if”
 These sentences state circumstances
that need to be met in order for
something to occur.
4 types of conditional sentences
1. Open conditions
 In the “Open Conditions”, the verb in the siclause is in the present indicative…
 The verb in the resultant clause is in the
present indicative or the future tense.
 Si + present + present
 Si tengo tiempo, voy al cine.
 Si + present + future
 Si tienes un examen, te cocinaré la cena.
More Examples
 Si vienes conmigo, te compro algo.
 If you come with me, I’ll buy you something
 Si no estudias, no vas a aprobar la
 If you don’t study you are not going to pass.
 Si ahorras dinero, tendrás más
oportunidades en el future.
 If you save money, you will have more
opportunities in the future.
The future…
 Remember that there are several ways to
express a future action in Spanish and
these can be used in the “Open
Conditional” si-clauses…
 Review of some future constructions…
 Ir a + infinitive
 Tener que + infinitive
 Pensar + infinitive
4 types of conditional sentences
(Si-clauses), con’t.
2. Remote Conditions
 In the “remote conditions”, the verb in the
si-clause is in the past subjunctive…
 The verb in the resultant clause is in the
 Si + past subj. + conditional
 Si tuviera dinero, compraría un coche.
4 types of conditional sentences
(Si-clauses), con’t.
3. Unfulfilled Conditions
 In an “unfulfilled condition” the verb in
the si-clause is in the pluperfect
 The verb in the resultant clause is in the
perfect conditional.
 Si + pluperfect subjunctive +
conditional perfect
 Si hubiera visto el policía, habría parado
el coche.
4 types of conditional sentences
(Si-clauses), con’t.
4. Fulfilled Conditions
 There really are no conditions to be met in
these phrases, just explanations why,
because or whenever.
 The verb in the si-clause is never in the
 Si apagaba las luces, era porque no
quería gastar mucha electricidad.
 If he turned off the lights, it was because he
didn’t want to waste too much electricity.