T H E FU T U R E O F S K I L L S EMPLOY MEN T IN 203 0 Hasan Bakhshi Jonathan M. Downing Michael A. Osborne Philippe Schneider Research partners 1 Creative Commons This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non CommercialShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Questions for the authors Questions for the authors can be sent to: [email protected] (Hasan Bakhshi) [email protected] (Jonathan M. Downing) [email protected] (Michael A. Osborne) [email protected] (Philippe Schneider) Suggested reference Bakhshi, H., Downing, J., Osborne, M. and Schneider, P. (2017). The Future of Skills: Employment in 2030. London: Pearson and Nesta. Copyright 2017 The contents of this paper and the opinions expressed herein are those of the Authors alone. ISBN: 978-0-992-42595-1 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 ABOUT PEARSON Pearson is the world’s learning company. We’re experts in educational course ware and assessment, and provide teaching and learning services powered by technology. We believe that learning opens up opportunities, creating fulfilling careers and better lives. So it’s our mission to help people make progress in their lives through learning. ABOUT NESTA Nesta is a global innovation foundation. We back new ideas to tackle the big challenges of our time, making use of our knowledge, networks, funding and skills. We work in partnership with others, including governments, businesses and charities. We are a UK charity that works all over the world, supported by a financial endowment. To find out more visit www.nesta.org.uk. ABOUT THE OXFORD MARTIN SCHOOL The Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford is a world-leading centre of pioneering research that addresses global challenges. We invest in research that cuts across disciplines to tackle a wide range of issues such as climate change, disease and inequality. We support novel, high risk and multidisciplinary projects that may not fit within conventional funding channels. We do this because breaking boundaries can produce results that could dramatically improve the wellbeing of this and future generations. We seek to make an impact by taking new approaches to global problems, through scientific and intellectual discovery, by developing policy recommendations and working with a wide range of stakeholders to translate them into action. www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk Twitter: @oxmartinschool Facebook: /oxfordmartinschool 3 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 CONTENTS 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 18 1 INTRODUCTION 20 2 LITER ATURE REVIEW 25 2.1 Anticipating occupations and skills 2.2 Changing skills needs 2.3 Labour markets and structural change Overview of the trends 29 3 APPROACH 20 21 22 30 4 DATA 32 4.1 O*NET 4.2 Employment microdata 4.3 Workshop-generated data 36 5 METHODOLOGY 30 32 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 5.1 Gaussian processes 5.2 Heteroskedastic ordinal regression 5.3 Active learning 5.4 Assessing feature importance 5.4.1 Pearson correlation 5.4.2 A verage derivative and feature complementarity 5.5 New occupations 5.6 Trend extrapolation 5 41 6 RESULTS 42 83 6.1 Occupations 6.1.1 US 6.1.2 UK 6.2 Sensitivity analysis 6.2.1 US 6.2.2 UK 6.3 Skills 6.3.1 US 6.3.2 UK 6.4 Relative importance of skills, abilities and knowledge areas 6.5 Skill complementarities 6.5.1 US 6.5.2 UK 6.6 New occupations 6.6.1 US 6.6.2 UK 87 7 LIMITATIONS OF THE ANALYSIS 89 8 CONCLUSIONS 91 Appendix A Sensitivity analysis 95 Appendix B Overall rankings of minor occupation groups, US and UK 99 Appendix C Skills ranking by average derivative, US and UK 42 48 52 53 57 61 62 67 72 74 74 77 80 80 103 Appendix D UK–US occupation crosswalk 113 REFERENCES 118 TECHNICAL TERMS GLOSSARY 120 ENDNOTES ABOUT THE AUTHORS Hasan Bakhshi leads Nesta's creative economy policy and research and data analytics. His work includes co-authoring the Next Gen skills review of the video games and visual effects industries, which led to wholesale reforms of the school ICT and computing curriculum in England, and the Manifesto for the Creative Economy, which sets out ten recommendations by which governments can help the creative economy grow. Bakhshi is a member of the Royal Economic Society Council, the Senior Management Team at the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) supported by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Expert Peer Review Group for Evaluation at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Jonathan M. Downing is a DPhil (PhD) student in the Machine Learning Research Group at University of Oxford, jointly supervised by Dr. Michael Osborne and Prof. Stephen Roberts. His academic research focuses on the Bayesian non-parametric, Future of Work, and machine learning interpretability. Prior to starting his DPhil he completed a MEng Engineering Science at Keble College, University of Oxford. Michael A Osborne is the Dyson Associate Professor in Machine Learning, a co-director of the Oxford Martin programme on Technology and Employment, an Official Fellow of Exeter College, and a co-director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems, all at the University of Oxford. He works to develop machine intelligence in sympathy with societal needs. His work in Machine Learning has been successfully applied in diverse contexts, from aiding the detection of planets in distant solar systems to enabling self-driving cars to determine when their maps may have changed due to roadworks. Osborne has deep interests in the broader societal consequences of machine learning and robotics, and has analysed how intelligent algorithms might soon substitute for human workers. Philippe Schneider is an independent researcher who has collaborated extensively with Nesta as a Visiting Research Fellow and consultant since 2007. He has carried out technical and policy work for a range of private and public sector organisations, including the World Bank, BlackRock, the African Development Bank, HM Treasury, BP, CISCO, British Academy and what is now the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy where he was Advisor to the Secretary of State on innovation policy. He speaks and reads Chinese. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Logan Graham for his research assistance on coding and preparation of the O*NET and employment data and to Justin Bewsher for his contributions to the sensitivity analysis. We are indebted to Harry Armstrong and Wendy L. Schultz, and to those who participated in the two foresight workshops held in Boston, Massachusetts, and in London in October 2016. We are also grateful to the attendees of a dry run workshop in London who helped us refine the workshop exercises. Thanks also to Antonio Lima, George Windsor, Juan Mateos-Garcia, Geoff Mulgan and Cath Sleeman at Nesta and Laurie Forcier, Amar Kumar, Janine Mathó, Tom Steiner, Vikki Weston and other colleagues at Pearson for their encouragement, support and valuable comments on the findings. Mark Griffiths played an important role in the inception of the study and provided valuable support throughout its implementation. Sir Michael Barber, Paolo Falco, Joshua Fleming and Carl Frey provided invaluable comments on an earlier draft of the report. We are also grateful to Rainy Kang for helping us track down data and Jessica Bland for her contributions in the early stages of the research. 6 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 – EXEC U T I V E S U MMA R Y EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recent debates about the future of jobs have mainly focused on whether or not they are at risk of automation (Arntz et. al., 2016; Frey and Osborne, 2017; McKinsey, 2017; PwC, 2017). Studies have generally minimised the potential effects of automation on job creation, and have tended to ignore other relevant trends, including globalisation, population ageing, urbanisation, and the rise of the green economy. In this study we use a novel and comprehensive method to map out how employment is likely to change, and the implications for skills. We show both what we can expect, and where we should be uncertain. We also show likely dynamics in different parts of the labour market — ­ from sectors like food and health to manufacturing. We find that education, health care, and wider public sector occupations are likely to grow. We also explain why some low-skilled jobs, in fields like construction and agriculture, are less likely to suffer poor labour market outcomes than has been assumed in the past. More generally, we shine a light on the skills that are likely to be in greater demand, including interpersonal skills, higher-order cognitive skills, and systems skills. Unlike other recent studies, the method also makes it possible to predict with some confidence what kinds of new jobs may come into existence. The study challenges the false alarmism that contributes to a culture of risk aversion and holds back technology adoption, innovation, and growth; this matters particularly to countries like the US and the UK, which already face structural productivity problems (Atkinson and Wu, 2017; Shiller, 2017). Crucially, through the report, we point to the actions that educators, policymakers and individuals can take to better prepare themselves for the future. 7 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 – EXEC U T I V E S U MMA R Y 8 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 – EXEC U T I V E S U MMA R Y OUR CONTRIBUTION Our research introduces a novel mixed-methods approach to prediction that combines expert human judgement with machine learning, allowing us to understand more complex dependencies between job features than previously possible. We exploit this enhanced capability to assess complementarities between skills and draw out the implications for new occupations. In addition, our analysis is grounded in an explicit consideration of the diverse and interacting sources of structural change ­— non-technological as well as technological — all of which are expected to have major impacts on future skills needs. Although some other studies have also sought to consider a wider range of trend influences on the future of work, these have been largely qualitative in nature. Finally, our identification of the bundles of skills, abilities and knowledge areas that are most likely to be important in the future, as well as the skills investments that will have the greatest impact on occupational demand, provides information that educators, businesses and governments can use for strategic and policy-making purposes. Job Features The skills, abilities and knowledge areas that comprise occupations are collectively called features. Structural Change In economics, structural change is a shift or change in the basic ways a market or economy functions or operates. 9 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 – EXEC U T I V E S U MMA R Y OUR METHODOLOGY Here’s how our methodology works: TRENDS ANALYSIS MACHINE LEARNING We start by reviewing the drivers of change and the interactions that are expected to shape industry structures and labour markets in 2030. We also assemble detailed information about occupations (key tasks, related industries and historical growth patterns). This material is used to contextualise and inform discussions at foresight workshops in the US and UK, our countries of analysis. We subsequently use this information to train a machine learning classifier to generate predictions for all occupations. This relies on a detailed data set of 120 skills, abilities and knowledge features against which the U.S. Department of Labor’s O*NET service 'scores' occupations. (We also map this data to the closest comparable UK occupations using a 'cross-walk'.) Together with the predictions about changes in occupational demand, this permits us to estimate the skills that will, by extension, most likely experience growth or decline. FORESIGHT WORKSHOPS At the workshops, panels of experts are presented with three sets of ten individual occupations and invited to debate the future prospects of each in light of the trends. The first set of ten occupations is chosen randomly. Participants then assign labels to the occupations according to their view of its future demand prospects (grow, stay the same, shrink), as well as their level of confidence in their responses. To sharpen prediction, an active learning method is implemented: the subsequent sets of occupations to be labelled are chosen by the algorithm. Specifically, the algorithm chooses occupations in areas of the skills space about which it is least certain, based on the previously labelled occupations. This process is repeated twice to generate a training set of 30 occupations. O*NET O*NET is the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a free online database that contains hundreds of occupational definitions to help students, job seekers, businesses and workforce development professionals to understand today’s world of work in the United States. Data from the 2016 O*NET survey was used in this study to understand the skills, abilities and knowledge areas that make up each occupation group. onetonline.org 10 ANALYSIS We interpret the machine learning results with particular attention to the discussions from our foresight workshops, and highlight findings that are most relevant for employers, educators and policymakers. T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 – EXEC U T I V E S U MMA R Y MET HO INCREASING INEQUALIT Y POLITICAL U N C E R TA I N T Y U R B A N I S AT I O N EX TRENDS PER T INSI GH T TECHNOLOGIC AL CHANGE E N V I R O N M E N TA L S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y DEMOGR APHIC CHANGE G L O B A L I S AT I O N LS NE LEARN IN DEM O*NET 11 AN D S A K IL HI I N M C G ! DO LO GY THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 – EXEC U T I V E S U MMA R Y KEY TRENDS The future of work isn’t only influenced by automation. Our model includes an analysis of the following key trends to determine the bigger picture of work. TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY ­— Estimates of future automation impact range, from 47% of US employment at risk to only 9%. ­— Climate change consensus largely intact, but with notable cracks. ­— Structural changes resulting from emerging 'green economy sector' and 'green jobs', but vulnerable to political reversals. ­— Perennial fears about impact of automation on employment. ­— Conversely, technology amplifies human performance in some occupations--and gives rise to entirely new occupations and sectors. GLOBALISATION URBANISATION ­— Global labour markets increasingly integrated. ­— More than half of world population lives in cities—70 percent by 2050. Cities attract high-value, knowledgeintensive industries, offer more varied employment and consumption opportunities. ­— Benefits (e.g.,advanced manufacturing, knowledgeintensive services) and costs (e.g., employment and wage impacts, trade deficits, legacy manufacturing). ­— Uncertainties include fiscal policy, infrastructure investments, high public debt ratios. ­— Post-financial crisis headwinds (e.g., sluggish world trade growth, rising protectionism). DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE INCREASING INEQUALITY ­­— Rise in income and wealth inequality, middle class squeeze. ­— Disparities in education, healthcare, social services, consumption. POLITICAL UNCERTAINTY ­— Indices of geopolitical uncertainty have remained high since 9/11 spike. ­— Mirrored by political and policy uncertainty—capacity of institutions and policymakers to act credibly and consistently. ­— Uncertainty negatively affects economic activity in government-influenced sectors, such as defence, finance, construction, engineering, and healthcare. 12 ­— Pressures to control age-related entitlements vs. investments in education, R&D, infrastructure. ­­— Ripple effects through healthcare, finance, housing, education, recreation. ­— Rising Millennial generation, with divergent consumption and work behaviours. T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 – EXEC U T I V E S U MMA R Y OUR FINDINGS THE FUTURE DEMAND FOR OCCUPATIONS We predict that around one-tenth of the workforce are in occupations that are likely to grow as a percentage of the workforce. Around one-fifth are in occupations that will likely shrink. This latter figure is much lower than recent studies of automation have suggested. This means that roughly seven in ten people are currently in jobs where we simply cannot know for certain what will happen. However, our findings about skills suggest that occupation redesign coupled with workforce retraining could promote growth in these occupations. A key element of the study is quantifying the extent of uncertainty about likely future trends. These uncertainties reflect the challenging task of balancing all the macro trends that might influence the future of work. Further uncertainties stem from the distinction between occupations that are expected to grow in demand (reflecting wider occupation growth) from those that will grow relative to other occupations. This distinction turns out to be important because our US and UK expert groups predict as a whole that the workforce will continue to grow through 2030. The uncertainty in our findings also reflects our use of the richest possible data set of occupation-related 'features'— that is, the skills, abilities and knowledge areas required for each occupation. (This use of all 120 O*NET features is an important differentiator of our study. For example, the most recent study by Frey and Osborne (2017) uses only nine skills categories.) This detailed characterisation of occupations renders them less similar to one another, thereby limiting the confidence of our model in making predictions for one occupation based on what has been labelled for another. In exchange, however, we are able to develop a far more nuanced understanding of future skills demand, as noted below. Manufacturing Production Manufacturing production occupations require one to set up, test and adjust manufacturing machinery or equipment, using any combination of electrical, electronic, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or computer technologies. Skilled Trades In the UK, skilled trades include jobs in agriculture, metalwork, construction, textiles, food preparation, hospitality and woodworking, among others. Elementary Services In the UK, elementary occupations consist of simple and routine tasks which mainly require the use of hand-held tools and often some physical effort (e.g., farm workers, street cleaners, shelf fillers). 13 We find that many of the jobs likely to experience a fall in employment are, unsurprisingly, low- or medium-skilled in nature. However, in challenge to some other studies, not all low- and medium-skilled jobs are likely to face the same fate. Technological change and globalisation may account for why many low- or middle-skilled occupations (e.g., manufacturing production) are expected to become less important in the workforce. The predicted decline in administrative, secretarial and some sales occupations is also consistent with these trends. Agriculture, skilled trades and construction occupations, however, exhibit more heterogeneous patterns, suggesting that there may be pockets of opportunity throughout the skills ladder. The results also suggest that non-tradable services, like food preparation, elementary services and hospitality will all likely grow in importance. Many of these occupations, again, have lower skills requirements. However, they are associated with differentiated products, which consumers increasingly value. This indicates that these occupations may be ripe for job redesign and employee skills upgrading to emphasise further product variety, a development heralded by the re-emergence of artisanal employment in occupations like barbering, brewing and textiles. In general, public sector occupations — ­­ with some exceptions — ­­ feature prominently and are predicted to see growth. In the UK, education, healthcare and wider public sector occupations are, with some confidence, predicted to see growth.These findings are consistent with population ageing and a greater appetite for lifelong learning. They are also consistent with the labour intensive nature of these sectors, and their traditionally lower potential for productivity growth (Baumol and Bowen, 1966). They are further consistent with the view that public sector roles are more resistant to automation (Acemoglu and Restrepo, 2017a). Similar patterns are evident in the US, though with some interesting differences. Notably, confidence in the future growth of healthcare occupations is lower than we might expect, perhaps reflecting uncertainties related to healthcare policy and spending. However, consistent with the UK results, growth is anticipated for occupations such as sports and fitness, as well as for therapy. These which are arguably redefining healthcare, a phenomenon partly attributable to the preferences and consumption behaviour of Millennials. THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 – EXEC U T I V E S U MMA R Y We also expect buoyant demand for some — ­­ but not all — ­­ professional occupations, reflecting the continued growth of service industries. We find a strong emphasis on interpersonal skills, higher-order cognitive skills and systems skills in both the US and the UK. Creative, digital, design and engineering occupations have bright outlooks and are strongly complemented by digital technology. Furthermore, architectural and green occupations are expected to benefit from greater urbanisation and a greater interest in environmental sustainability. In the US, there is particularly strong emphasis on interpersonal skills. These skills include teaching, social perceptiveness and coordination, as well as related knowledge, such as psychology and anthropology. This is consistent with the literature on the growing importance of social skills in the labour market (Deming, 2015). There are good reasons to believe that interpersonal skills will continue to grow in importance — ­ not only as organisations seek to reduce the costs of coordination but also as they negotiate the cultural context in which globalisation and the spread of digital technology are taking place (Tett, 2017). Interestingly, demand prospects can vary considerably for some 'white collar' occupations that otherwise appear very similar. In the US, roles such as management analysts, training and development specialists and labour relations specialists — ­ occupations which should benefit from the reorganisation of work — ­ are projected to grow in the workforce, whereas financial specialists are expected to fall. The latter is consistent with automation having an impact on cognitively-advanced occupations as well as more routine roles. Additionally, although there is a predicted decline in many sales occupations, consistent with an expansion in digital commerce, niche roles like sales engineers and real estate agents may buck this trend. THE FUTURE DEMAND FOR SKILLS* Our results provide broad support for policy and practitioner interest in so-called 21st century skills in both the US and the UK. Our findings also confirm the importance of higher-order cognitive skills such as originality, fluency of ideas and active learning. A similar picture emerges for the UK. The results point to a particularly strong relationship between higher-order cognitive skills and future occupational demand. Skills related to system thinking — ­ the ability to recognise, understand and act on interconnections and feedback loops in sociotechnical systems — ­ such as judgement and decision making, systems analysis and systems evaluation also feature prominently. We show that the future workforce will need broadbased knowledge in addition to the more specialised features that will be needed for specific occupations. Broad-based knowledge areas such as English language, history, philosophy and administration and management are all associated strongly with occupations projected to see a rise in workforce share. Sales Engineers A sales engineer is a salesperson with technical knowledge of the goods and their market. Active Learning Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making. Fluency of Ideas The ability to come up with a number of ideas about a topic (the number of ideas is important, not their quality, correctness, or creativity). Sociotechnical Systems The term sociotechnical system refers to interaction between society's complex infrastructures and human behaviour. It can also be used to describe the relationship between humans and technology in the workplace. 14 Systems Analysis Determining how a system should work and how changes in conditions, operations and the environment will affect outcomes. Systems Evaluation Identifying measures or indicators of system performance and the actions needed to improve or correct performance, relative to the goals of the system. *A Glossary of Skills laying out the precise definitions of all 120 O*NET skills, knowledge areas and abilities can be accessed at futureskills.pearson.com. T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 – EXEC U T I V E S U MMA R Y Other knowledge features like foreign languages are especially valuable as complements: that is, they find use in specialised occupations when other features have a large value. We find a similar pattern for a number of STEM-related features like science, technology design and operations analysis. Interestingly these features are found to be complementary to conventional STEM occupations, as well as to some non-STEM occupations such as secretarial and administrative jobs. In the UK, it turns out that strengthening judgement and decision-making skills, fluency of ideas and operations analysis are important demand complements for many occupations. The literature underlines the need to match these skills with changes in organisational design, such as enhanced delegation, employee involvement in decision making and other related high-performance work practices in order to maximise their impact (Ben-Ner and Jones, 1995; Kruse et al., 2004; Lazear and Shaw, 2007). UNCOVERING SKILL COMPLEMENTARITIES ANTICIPATING NEW OCCUPATIONS Occupations and their skills requirements are not set in stone: they are also capable of adjusting to shifts in the economic environment (Becker and Muendler, 2015). Our model identifies how the skill content of occupations can be varied to improve the odds that they will be in higher demand. As noted above, we define these as 'complementary skills' in so far as their impact on demand is conditional on the other skills that make up the occupation. The notion of complementarity can be used to determine priorities for skills investment and assist thinking on how jobs might be redesigned to put these skills to work. An attraction of our approach is that it can be used to consider occupations that do not yet exist, but may emerge in the future in response to the identified drivers of change. The model allows us to identify hypothetical occupations, dissimilar to existing occupations, that are 'almost certain' to see future growth. In particular, we can identify the combinations of skills, knowledge areas and abilities that are most associated with such new occupations. Complementary skills that are most frequently associated with higher demand are customer and personal service, judgement and decision making, technology design, fluency of ideas, science and operations analysis. In the US, customer and personal service, technology design and science skills are, according to our analysis, the job performance requirements seen as most likely to boost an occupation’s demand beyond what is currently predicted, notwithstanding notable differences across occupation groups. Take production occupations, for example, which our analysis shows are very likely to see a fall in the workforce. Our model suggests that increasing understanding of customer and personal service, technology design and installation will have the greatest positive impact on the future demand for these occupations, stemming the decline that they are otherwise projected to experience. Operations Analysis Analysing needs and product requirements to create a design. Production Occupations The production occupations is used in the U.S. and covers machinists, operators, assemblers, and the like across a wide variety of industries (e.g., nuclear power, gas and oil, food preparation, textiles). 15 For the US, the model finds four such hypothetical occupations, along with their top five ranking features. We are able to further understand something about these hypothetical occupations by looking at the existing occupations that are 'closest to them' and inspecting their historical growth. For the UK, two new hypothetical occupations are discovered by the model, along with their top five ranking features. We again consider the occupations that are closest to these and confirm their past growth. THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 – EXEC U T I V E S U MMA R Y CONCLUSION Jobs are the cornerstone of our economic and social lives: they give people meaning, self-respect, income and the chance to make societal contributions (Banerjee and Duflo, 2008; World Bank, 2013; Taylor, 2017). Today, there are concerns that this relationship is under strain as structural change once again disrupts employment levels and occupational patterns. Our analysis provides grounds for optimism in this respect: far from being doomed by technology and other trends, we find that many occupations have bright or open-ended employment prospects. More importantly, we illustrate for different US and UK occupations, how the skills mix of the workforce can be upgraded to target such new opportunities. This, however, requires individuals, educators, businesses and policymakers to respond appropriately. History is a reminder that investments in skills must be at the centre of any long-term strategy for adjusting to structural change. A precondition for this is access to good information on skills needs — ­ without which policymakers risk flying blind. We hope this report is a step towards improving understanding of this vital agenda. 16 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 T H E FU T U R E O F S K I L L S EMPLOY MEN T IN 203 0 17 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 1. INTRODUCTION Governing is the art of planning and predicting. Developing a picture of long-term jobs and skills requirements is critical for policymakers as they navigate rapid, complex and uncertain shifts in the economy and society. A wide range of areas – from curriculum development and careers guidance through apprenticeships and workplace training to occupational standards, migration and social insurance – rely on the availability of accurate labour market information (LMI). It is a basic precondition for the system resilience of modern economies – the collective ability of individuals, education and labour market institutions to adapt to change without breaking down or requiring excessively costly intervention to remedy. However, there is also an awareness of the divergence between the pace of change and the inertia of our institutions. Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), has pointed out that throughout history, education has always taken time to catch up with technological progress (Schleicher, 2015). In the UK, the Education Act of 1902, which marked the consolidation of a national education system and the creation of a publicly supported secondary school system, arrived a century after the Industrial Revolution and the growing complementarity between human and physical capital (Galor and Moav, 2006; Becker et al., 2009). Today, educationalists speak about a ‘40-year gap’ between experts who are exploring where the world of work and the state of learning will need to be in 15 years’ time, practitioners in the trenches and parents, whose conception of ‘good’ education is framed by their own earlier experiences. The result is a structure that resembles sedimentary rock: each layer has its own assumptions and expectations. But there is little holding the layers together, and once in place, they can limit policy change and future choices. Structural change is affecting labour markets, as it is all markets, upsetting the balance of supply and demand for skills. While misalignment is normal over the business cycle, the costs of persistent mismatches can be considerable if left unaddressed: they limit the ability of firms to innovate and adopt new technologies, while impeding the reallocation of labour from less productive activities to more productive ones (Adalet McGowan and Andrews, 2015). They also lead 18 to increased labour costs, lost production associated with vacancies remaining unfilled and all the direct and indirect costs of higher unemployment (Şahin et al., 2014; OECD, 2016b). Individuals likewise pay a heavy price. They benefit from economic growth mainly through jobs. Not only are jobs typically the most important determinant of earnings and living standards. They also critically shape how individuals view themselves, interact with others and perceive their stake in society, including their sense of control over the future (Banerjee and Duflo, 2008; World Bank, 2013). The jury is out on the scale of long-term skills shortages in the labour markets of advanced economies. Much of the evidence comes from employers, typically from surveys. ManpowerGroup, the human resources company that publishes arguably the most authoritative survey on skills shortages, finds that globally 40% of employers have difficulty filling jobs. This figure has been largely stable over the past decade, although considerable differences exist across countries: while shortage levels in the US have tracked the global average, they are significantly lower in the UK but appear to be growing (ManpowerGroup, 2016). The reliability and validity of employer surveys, however, are open to question (Cappelli, 2015). The empirical fingerprints for skills shortages are not where we would expect them to be – namely in wage inflation not linked to productivity growth. On the contrary, labour’s share in national income has trended downwards in most economies since the 1990s (International Monetary Fund (IMF), 2017). Academic studies examining the issue have also failed to uncover significant shortages (Weaver and Osterman, 2017). Where they exist, they are often attributed to the unwillingness of employers to offer attractive remuneration to workers, suggesting that interventions that treat the problem as an educational one are likely to be poorly targeted (Van Rens, 2015). Saying that skills shortages are overstated is not the same as saying that they are unfounded. They are notoriously difficult to measure, hidden from view as companies work around problems by increasing the workload of existing employees, outsourcing work to other organisations or even adapting their product market strategies so that they are less dependent on a highly skilled workforce. T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 One may also be looking in the wrong places if the challenge is framed only in terms of workforce skills gaps and shortages. An equally important problem is if workers possess skills at a higher level than those required to fill a job (Sutherland, 2012; Mosca and Wright, 2013; Clark et al., 2014; Montt, 2015). Indeed, for some commentators, it is skills surpluses and their opportunity costs rather than shortages that pose the greatest challenge for policymakers (Gambin et al., 2016). Focussing on gaps and shortages also overlooks the dynamic context in which individuals increasingly make labour market decisions: the risk of mismatches arises not only when they leave education and enter the workforce but also each and every time they change jobs. For example, among displaced workers who are re-employed within a year, between 20% and 70% change occupation or industry (OECD, 2012). Notwithstanding the economic benefits to firms of this labour supply flexibility, roughly a quarter of displaced workers experience a major change in skills – one that is associated with sizeable adjustment costs and wage losses (Poletaev and Robinson, 2008; Kambourov and Manovskii, 2009; Gathmann and Schonberg, 2010; Robinson, 2011). The challenges are even more daunting upstream where there is a long lead time between investment in skills and competence in the workplace – where educators are effectively being asked to teach students skills to solve problems that no one can foresee and may not materialise for years. This paper is motivated by these observations and addresses the following research question: given the likely drivers of change in future labour markets, which occupations will grow or decline in demand by 2030 and what will their skills profile be? The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we review the relevant literature for our study. Section 3 outlines our approach to the research and sets out the key structural trends impacting on future labour markets. Section 4 discusses our data sources and Section 5 sets out our machine-learning methodology. In Section 6 we present our findings and offer interpretation. Section 7 highlights some key limitations in our analysis. Finally, in Section 8, we derive some conclusions and suggest directions for further research. 19 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 2. LITER ATURE REVIEW 2.1. ANTICIPATING OCCUPATIONS AND SKILLS This report builds on the growing use of skills assessment and anticipation exercises (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), 2008; OECD, 2016a). Such endeavours have a long history, dating back to the 1960s.1 Improvements in the coverage, quality and timeliness of data and analytical tools have expanded the scope of activity, though there remain bottlenecks to the integration of public and privately held data (Mitchell and Brynjolfsson, 2017). Today, approaches look 10, 30 and even 100 years into the future, incorporating elements of structural foresight analysis such as the Delphi method and scenario development (OECD, 2012).2 The ability to link occupation-based information to specific skills through databases such as the US Department of Labor’s O*NET, or those aggregating online job advertisements in real time, has enabled policymakers to get a direct handle on skills needs. In the past, assessing these needs has been more difficult due to problems in definition, classification and measurement. The common presumption underlying these efforts is that predicting occupational and skills demand over long horizons is feasible. This confidence may seem puzzling at a time when economic and business forecasting has been heavily criticised, following a string of errors before and after the 2008 financial crisis which have contributed to a groundswell of anti-expert opinion.3 The dividing line between what is a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ forecast, however, is not straightforward (Broadbent, 2013; Chadha, 2017). For some, the value of a forecast lies in the questions it asks as much as the answers it provides: the stories revealed by errors can sharpen understanding of uncertain relationships between economic variables and support learning. In other cases, the size and direction of errors may matter more than some exogenous measure of forecast accuracy. More prosaically, prediction is better suited to some areas of human activity than others. There tends to be a high degree of persistence, and thus predictability, in the occupational and skills make-up of the workforce. This reflects the fact that the labour market is a social institution embedded in a dense web of rules, habits and conventions and that there are substantial employment adjustment costs, even in the face of major changes such as the arrival of new and disruptive technologies (Pierson, 2004; Granovetter, 2017). This pattern is not unique or even unusual historically. Thus some observers point to the fitful progress of electrification in the US, where labour productivity grew slowly between 1890 and 1915, then saw a decade-long acceleration, only to slow down in the mid-1920s, before experiencing a second boom in the 1930s (Syverson, 2013). The unprofitability of replacing still viable manufacturing plants adapted to water and steam power; the slow gestation of complementary 20 innovations such as the electrical grid, unit drive transmission and hydroelectricity; the challenges of reconfiguring organisational processes, workforce skills and factory design to exploit electricity’s potential and political barriers from municipal and town governments which restricted the flow of investment capital into utilities – these features all underscore the lags between the emergence of new technologies and their impact on productivity and the structure of employment (David, 1990; David and Wright, 1999). Parallels between the labour market consequences of skills-augmenting technological change today and previous episodes of technological change, however, are limited in one respect. Despite the perception of rapid technological change associated with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the transition from manufacturing to service and knowledge-intensive jobs has been remarkably gradual, stretching over decades (Baraby and Siegel, 2017). Notably it has been more protracted than the transition from agricultural to manufacturing employment which accompanied electrification and industrialisation (Handel, 2012, 2016; Atkinson and Wu, 2017). This is consistent with evidence suggesting that the rate of job creation in new technology industries has in fact slowed over recent decades (Lin, 2011; Frey and Berger, 2016). A satisfactory explanation for these developments lies outside the scope of this report, but at least part of it can be explained by: a decline in labour market fluidity associated with the ageing of the population; an increase in the share of the workforce with a college or university degree in so far as workers with degrees typically have more stable employment than workers without degrees; and a shift towards older and larger firms that contract and expand less rapidly than other firms (Hyatt and Spletzer, 2013; Davis and Haltiwanger, 2014). These elements combine to impart an additional degree of continuity on the economic environment, enabling prediction. A more refined way of reaching the same conclusion is to compare the performance of long-term occupational projections against outcomes. One evaluation of US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 10-year projections at the onedigit level for the period 1988–2008 finds that they do a good job of anticipating the size of broad occupations (absolute error < 6%), with the exception of service and farm workers (Handel, 2016). In addition to path dependence in occupational structure, this performance is attributable to the fact that errors at a more detailed occupational level cancel out one another. Consistent with this, forecast errors are found to be inversely related to employment size: occupations with more than 600,000 workers have an average absolute error of 14.8% compared with 32.7% for occupations with between 25,000 and 49,000 workers. This suggests that, even in the presence of significant errors with respect to the size of individual occupations, this should not be an obstacle to prediction where the goal is to make more T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 general statements about occupational and skills demand. The BLS’s projections are not exempt from criticism – most of which is focussed on their tendency to underestimate changes in the size of occupations (Alpert and Auyer, 2003; Carnevale et al., 2010; Wyatt, 2010). This largely reflects the challenges of applying fine-tuned rules and making point estimates when there are high levels of uncertainty. By extension, anticipating the direction of change – whether an occupation will grow or decline in relative or absolute terms – appears to pose fewer issues for the same reasons. As a coarser assessment, it requires less information about future states of the world and thus is more robust to ignorance.4 Studies have similarly shown that ignoring some information can make not only for cheaper but also for more accurate decisions in such circumstances (Gigerenzer, 2010). We share this perspective and accordingly produce directional forecasts in this study. Other sources of error are more problematic. They are embodied and variously popularised in ‘weak signals’ and ‘black swans’ – shifts that are difficult to observe amid the noise, yet whose consequences are potentially transformative. They resemble George Shackle’s description of the future “which waits, not for its contents to be discovered, but for that content to be originated” (Shackle, 1972). Quantitative approaches which assume that past patterns of behaviour will continue over the longer term struggle badly with these shifts. Even when their significance is acknowledged, in many cases they are ignored on the grounds that they are too unruly to analyse. Whether this is an adequate defence is debatable. Policymakers have no alternative but to grapple with all possible discontinuities and plan accordingly. If planning is silent about discontinuities, its value is reduced. For this reason, many organisations have found qualitative foresight processes linked to strategic dialogue a useful lens through which to interrogate these matters. However, they are no panacea to the shortcomings of prediction: subjective judgments often lack external validity and transparency, meaning that decision-makers are not always sure if and how they should act on them. Still, foresight processes have the potential to broaden thinking about alternatives beyond business-as-usual and their implications. By enabling deliberation and challenging individually held beliefs, these processes can also combat the types of bias that may creep into long-term, expert-led planning (Tichy, 2004; Goodwin and Wright, 2010; Kahneman, 2011; Ecken et al., 2011; Nemet et al., 2016): overconfidence (overweighting private information and underweighting public information); optimism (exaggerating the rate of change, especially for new technologies); familiarity (relating new experiences to previously seen ones); and narrative fallacy (creating explanations for phenomena which are essentially unconnected). Accordingly, we adopt an integrated approach 21 which combines and builds on both quantitative and qualitative approaches. 2.2. CHANGING SKILLS NEEDS This report relates to the literature on the changing demand for skills. Conventional wisdom views such change as a product of the complementarity between technology and high-skilled labour. That is, technological progress raises the demand for skills, and investment in skills, in turn, satiates that demand. This framework has proven a workhorse for economists and can successfully explain many salient changes over time in the distribution of earnings and employment across advanced economies (Goldin and Katz, 2009). Nonetheless, its implementation rests on a highly aggregated and conceptually vague measure of skill, typically years of schooling. Recent accounts have sought to put more meat on its bones by mapping skills to the tasks performed by labour (Acemoglu and Autor, 2011). Influential work by Autor and Murnane (2003), for example, distinguishes between cognitive and manual tasks on the one hand, and routine and non-routine tasks on the other. Comparing tasks over time, from 1960 to 1998, they find that routine cognitive and manual tasks declined while non-routine cognitive and manual tasks grew in importance. Extending this study, Levy and Murnane (2004) attribute the growth of non-routine cognitive tasks to jobs requiring skills in expert thinking and complex communication. Similar frameworks have been used in the trade literature, especially in the context of outsourcing and offshoring and also to understand the emergence of new occupations such as green jobs (Consoli et al., 2016). A growing body of work also underscores the role of ‘noncognitive’ skills, including social skills and leadership skills. This derives from the pivotal insight of Heckman (1995) that labour market outcomes such as earnings are likely shaped by an array of skills insofar as measured cognitive ability accounts for only a small portion of the variation in such outcomes (Heckman and Kautz, 2012). Deming (2015) finds that, in the US, nearly all job growth since 1980 has been in occupations that are relatively social-skill intensive. Strikingly, occupations with high analytical but low social skill requirements shrank over the same period. One possible explanation is that social skills provide the tools for the rich and versatile coordination which underpins a productive workplace – the subtleties of which computers have yet to master. This matters for organisations in complex environments where the classic gains from specialisation are eclipsed by the need to adapt flexibly to changing circumstances (Dessein and Santos, 2006). Measures of social intelligence have also been validated by psychologists and neuroscientists (Poropat, 2009; Woolley et al., 2010). Indeed, more recent thinking rejects the contrast between cognitive and non-cognitive skills. Whereas reason is widely viewed as a path to greater knowledge and better THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 decision-making, some argue that it is much more diverse and opportunistic – that it has evolved primarily to help humans justify themselves and influence others, which is indispensable for communication and cooperation. Patterns of thinking that appear ‘irrational’ from a purely cognitive perspective turn out to be advantageous when seen as adaptive responses to the dilemmas of social interaction (Mercier and Sperber, 2017). Unencumbered by analytical tractability, policymakers have embraced a still wider understanding of skills. Over the past two decades there has been considerable thinking and advocacy – both nationally and internationally – focussed on embedding so-called ‘21st century skills’ into education systems. The policy literature uses a range of overlapping concepts, taxonomies, definitions and technical language, but at their core, skills are viewed as encompassing the full panoply of cognitive, intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies (National Research Council, 2012; Reimers and Chung, 2016). We are only aware of a handful of academic studies that view skills in these broad terms: for example, Liu and Grusky (2013) develop an eight-factor representation of workplace skills, though they focus on returns to skills that reflect changes in relative supply as much as demand. MacCrory et al. (2014) perform principal component analysis on abilities, work activities and skills in O*NET to identify five to seven distinct skills categories that have discriminatory power in terms of explaining changes in the skills content of occupations over the past decade. We extend this body of work – in part by also drawing on the knowledge features in O*NET which provide information on the specific academic subjects and domain knowledge required by occupations. One advantage of the O*NET knowledge features is that they are expressed in relatively natural units which make them easier to understand and address through policy. They also touch on the knowledge versus skills debate in education circles between proponents who argue that curriculum and pedagogy should teach transferable–skills – the ability to work in teams, to create and think critically – and those who contend that skills need to be rigorously grounded in a base of knowledge in order to be mastered (Christodoulou, 2014; Hirsch, 2016). 2.3. LABOUR MARKETS AND STRUCTURAL CHANGE This report also addresses work on the employment effects of automation and structural change more generally. The rise of robots, artificial intelligence, big data and the internet of things have raised concerns about the widespread substitution of machines for labour. Evidence linking automation of many low-skilled and medium-skilled occupations to wage inequality, labour market polarisation and the ongoing decline in manufacturing jobs is interpreted as support for the claim that workers are falling behind in the race against machines (Autor et al., 2006, 2008; Black 22 and Spitz-Oener, 2010; Dustmann et al., 2009; Goos and Manning, 2007; Michaels et al., 2009; Spitz-Oener, 2006). Technological anxiety is not a new phenomenon (Keynes, 1930; Bix, 2000; Mokyr et al., 2015). Similar fears have been expressed before: during the Industrial Revolution, the latter part of the 1930s, and again immediately after World War II. Each time adjustment was disruptively painful for some workers and industries; but in the long run, such fears were not realised.5 The employment-to-population ratio grew during most of the 19th and 20th centuries in the UK and US, even as the economy experienced the effects of mechanisation, the taming of electricity, the invention of the automobile and the spread of mass communication. History cannot settle whether this time is different: what is striking about the perspectives of earlier observers is how narrowly they defined the scope of what technology could accomplish. Earlier generations of machines were limited to manual and cognitive routine activities, based on welldefined, repetitive procedures. The newest technology, by contrast, is mimicing the human body and mind in increasingly subtle ways, encroaching on many non-routine activities, from legal writing and truck driving to medical diagnoses and security guarding.6 The case of driverless cars illustrates the slippery and shifting definitional boundary around what it means for work to be ‘routine’. In their seminal 2004 book The New Division of Labor: How Computers Are Creating the Next Job Market, Levy and Murnane (2004) argued that driving in traffic, insofar as it is reliant on human perception, fundamentally resisted automation: “Executing a left turn against oncoming traffic involves so many factors that it is hard to imagine discovering the set of rules that can replicate a driver’s behaviour [. . .]”. Formidable technical challenges lie ahead: the prospect of fleets of cars that can roam across cities or countries in all conditions without human input remains remote (Simonite, 2016; Mims, 2016). Nonetheless, elements of this problem are now satisfactorily understood and can be specified in computer code and automated. For example, Google’s driverless cars have driven over 2 million miles in the past six years, and have been involved in 16 minor accidents, none of which caused injury or was the car’s fault (Bank of America Merrill Lynch, 2017). A more forward-looking approach can help guard against these pitfalls. This is exemplified by Frey and Osborne (2017), who assess the feasibility of automating existing jobs assuming that new technologies are implemented across industries on a larger scale. In this study, a sample of occupations was hand-labelled by machine-learning experts as strictly automatable or not automatable. Using a standardised set of nine O*NET features of an occupation that measure three bottlenecks to automation – perception and manipulation, creative intelligence, and social intelligence – they then ran a classifier algorithm to generate a ‘probability of computerisation’ across all jobs, estimating that over the next two decades, 47% of US workers' jobs are at a high risk of automation. T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 This finding has not gone unchallenged. MacCrory et al. (2014) point out that a handful of variables cannot capture the diverse economic impact of technological change on skills, especially across the whole gamut of occupations in the labour market. Arntz et al. (2016) observe that, within an occupation, many workers specialise in tasks that cannot be automated. Using the automation probabilities from the Frey and Osborne study and drawing on the Survey of Adult Skills by the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) that examines task structures for individuals across more than 20 OECD countries, they argue that once task variation is taken into account, a much smaller proportion of jobs (~ 9%) are at risk of being completely displaced. They also find important differences across countries that are attributed to variations in workplace organisation, adoption of new technologies and educational levels.7 The McKinsey Global Institute (2017) disaggregates occupations into 2,000 constituent activities, rating each against 18 human capabilities and the extent to which they can be substituted by machines. It estimates that 49% of work activities globally have the potential to be automated, though very few occupations – less than 5% – are candidates for full automation (see also Brandes and Wattenhofer, 2016). While these studies confirm the importance of considering the automatability at the task level, this approach raises its own challenges. In principle, there is nothing in an occupation-based approach that prevents analysts from considering its constituent tasks when evaluating the potential for automation. There are also drawbacks with a strictly bottom-up approach in the context of anticipating occupational and skills demand. In isolation, one might reasonably infer that similar tasks, such as sales, have similar levels of demand. But as part of an occupation, they also belong to different industries with different growth prospects and require different knowledge connected to the product, or the buyers of the product (for instance, consider an insurance sales agent vs. a solar equipment sales representative). By emphasising discrete tasks, there is a risk of losing important coordinating information which gives occupations their coherence – the fabric which distinguishes the whole from the parts. Practically, unbundling occupations may come at the expense of quality. Autor (2013) counters the simple view – popular in some parts of the automation debate – that jobs can be ‘redefined’ as machines perform routine tasks and workers perform the rest: “Consider the commonplace frustration calling a software firm for technical support only to discover that the support technician knows nothing more than what is on his or her computer screen – that is, the technician is a mouthpiece, not a problem solver. 23 This example captures one feasible division of labor: machines performing routine technical tasks, such as looking up known issues in a support database, and workers performing the manual task of making polite conversation while reading aloud from a script. But this is not generally a productive form of work organization because it fails to harness the complementarities between technical and interpersonal skills”.8 A limitation of all these studies is that they only estimate which occupations are potentially automatable – not how many will actually be automated. As discussed earlier, the journey from technical feasibility to full adoption can take decades involving many steps and missteps. Just as significantly they do not assess the potential for job creation in tasks and occupations complemented by automation or the adjustments that are triggered in other parts of the economy through relative wage changes and other market forces (Shah et al., 2011; Davenport and Kirby, 2016; Kasparov, 2017). The effect of fleshing out these dynamics is to substantially muddy and possibly reverse more pessimistic conclusions. Gregory et al. (2016) develop a task-based framework, estimating that automation boosted net labour demand across Europe by up to 11.6 million jobs over the period 1990–2010. They identify a number of channels that potentially compensate for the job-destroying effects of automation, including first, that automation may lead to lower unit costs and prices which stimulate higher demand for products, and, second, that surplus income from innovation can be converted into additional spending, so generating demand for extra jobs in more automationresistant sectors (see also Goos et al., 2015).9 However, a number of strong assumptions are necessary for this result – notably that additional firm profits are spent locally in Europe when in fact they may accrue to non-European shareholders. Relaxing this assumption results in significantly lower estimates, although they are still positive (1.9 million jobs). This finding has particular relevance to debates about ‘who owns the capital’ and the case for spreading ownership of robot capital through profit-sharing programmes and employee stock-ownership plans (Freeman, 2015). Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017a) report contrasting results. They explore the impact of the increase in industrial robot usage between 1990 and 2007 on US local labour markets. To identify causality, they use industry-level spread of robots in other advanced economies as an instrument for robot usage in the US. This strategy helps isolate the change in exposure to robots from other organisational or industry developments that may also be correlated with robot usage and influence subsequent labour demand. They find that each additional robot reduces employment by about seven workers, with limited evidence of offsetting employment gains in other industries.10 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 This finding is robust to a range of different specifications, tests and controls, such as demographic and industry characteristics, share of routine jobs, import competition from China and overall capital utilisation. Excluding the automobile industry, the heaviest user of robots, the introduction of robots does not change results when the localities most affected by robots had similar employment and wage levels to other localities – which is to say they were not on a downhill path before robotisation. Although Acemoglu and Restrepo's study (2017a) is an important step for understanding the dynamic employment effects of automation, it is far from the final word: in the main, it does not address the global effects of automation which are important given rich patterns of trade, migration and specialisation across local markets. Also, with the robot revolution still in its infancy, shortterm consequences may differ from the long-term ones, once relative prices and investment have had time to fully adjust. Evidence of diminishing marginal returns to robot usage documented by Graetz and Michaels (2015) is consistent with such a view. The need to recognise the interactions embedded in trends carries across into other spheres. Parallel to automation is a set of broader demographic, economic and geopolitical trends which not only have profound implications for labour markets, but are raising challenges for policy in their own right. In some cases, trends are reinforcing one another; in others, they are producing second-order effects which may be missed when viewed in isolation. Consider, for example, the implications of an ageing population. While much of the automation debate has focussed on the potential for mass unemployment, it overlooks the fact that robots may be required to maintain economic growth in response to lower labour force participation. The risk, in other words, is not that there will be too few jobs but that there will be too few people to fill them – bidding up wages in the process – which may explain why countries undergoing more rapid population ageing tend to adopt more robots (Acemoglu and Restrepo, 2017b; Abeliansky and Prettner, 2017). We provide an overview of the trends in the following display, and a description of how the trends analysis fits in with our wider approach in Section 3. 24 The future of work – understood in its widest sense – has been climbing the policy agenda. The topic has featured on the covers of the popular press; major organisations, think tanks and consultancies have hosted conferences on the subject and it has generated a flurry of reports and studies (PwC, 2016; UK Commission for Employment and Skills, 2014; Beblavý et al., 2015; World Economic Forum (WEF), 2016; Hajkowicz et al., 2016; Canadian Scholarship Trust (CST), 2017). These efforts mirror our approach insofar as they assess the multiple trends affecting the employment and skills landscape. However, there is an important respect in which their treatment of the trends differs: in addition to being qualitative in nature, many use scenario techniques to weave trends into a set of internally coherent and distinct narratives about the future. This approach brings order and depth to conversations, though it also has drawbacks. Because scenarios are typically taken as given, assumptions about how change takes place and trends interact are often opaque. This makes it difficult to explain why one set of scenarios has been selected from among the infinite number that are possible, which has the impact of shutting off outcomes which might otherwise emerge if these dynamics were explicitly accounted for (Miller, 2006). T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 OVERVIEW OF THE TRENDS TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE Greater connectivity and improvements in computing power and artificial intelligence are enabling ‘intelligence’ to be embedded more cheaply and readily in physical systems – from entire cities right down to the individual human body. With peer-to-peer platforms, activities are amenable to decentralised production, unlocking previously unused or underused assets – in the process muddying traditional definitions of ownership and employment. Additive manufacturing and 3D printing could alter the economics of many industries, cutting the costs of on-demand production. Material and life sciences have seen major breakthroughs in areas such as graphene and gene-editing with potentially radical applications. However, many must contend with a long road to commercialisation and significant barriers to adoption, especially ethical and safety concerns. There remains an unresolved tension between the seeming ubiquity of digital technology and a downshift in measured productivity growth. Evidence from a wide range of industries, products and firms also suggests that research effort is rising steeply while research productivity is falling sharply – that is, more and more resources are being allocated to R&D in order to maintain constant growth. History shows that technology optimism can slide into determinism, though there is a mirror image of this logic: people tend to underestimate the huge effects of technology over the long term. The general pattern of technological progress has been one of multiple lulls, followed by subsequent surges of creativity. For instance, new materials and processes, leveraging digital tools that allow improved real-time measurement, experimentation and replication, are inherently complementary such that advances in one domain may feed back into new technologies in a virtuous cycle. GLOBALISATION Over the past three decades, labour markets around the world have become increasingly integrated. The emergence of countries like China and India, for centuries economic underperformers, has delivered an immense supply shock to traditional patterns of trade. Globalisation has not only had benefits but also costs. Employment and wages have typically fallen in industries more exposed to import competition, exacerbated by labour market frictions and social and financial commitments such as home ownership, which limit workers’ ability to relocate and take advantage of employment opportunities. US and UK exports to other countries have not grown as much as imports, though large trade deficits have not reduced jobs so much as redistributed them towards non-tradables, particularly construction. The manufacturing sector has been a lightning rod for these changes, though the experience has not been uniform, containing pockets of activity that have thrived – whether because the gains from keeping production at home remain critical or head-to-head competition with emerging economies is limited. Combined with eroding cost advantages among competitors and new technologies, including breakthroughs in shale oil extraction, these conditions could support modest forms of reshoring. As the economic centre of gravity shifts towards the emerging world, supported by a burgeoning middle class, so opportunities may open up in areas such as knowledge-intensive services and advanced manufacturing where UK and US exporters enjoy a comparative advantage. However, a number of developments may frustrate this trend. Services are still substantially less likely to be traded than manufactured products due to the prevalence of non-tariff barriers. Emerging markets face various obstacles in sustaining their historic growth rates, ranging from the prospect of premature deindustrialisation to the task of building high-quality institutions. Sluggish world trade growth since the financial crisis and stiffening protectionist sentiment have challenged the decades-old rule of thumb that trade grows faster than GDP, raising concerns that globalisation has structurally ‘peaked’. 25 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 DEMOGR APHIC CHANGE There is an obvious appeal to basing predictions on population growth and changes to the composition of the population: given long-term historical trends, it is possible to make grounded assessments about where they are likely to go, and at what speed. The global economy has passed an important demographic threshold: dependency ratios – the ratio of non-working age population to working age population – have begun to rise after nearly half a century of declines. With labour inputs slowing in advanced economies, the importance of productivity in driving overall growth and policy in boosting labour force participation has increased. This is especially true in the US, where prime-aged women and particularly men have been withdrawing from the labour market over a long period. Countries are coming under fiscal pressure to control age-related entitlements which could draw resources away from education, R&D and infrastructure, especially as older households vote more actively than younger cohorts. How an ageing population chooses to put its purchasing power to work will have a significant impact on the fortunes of different industries and occupations. This is likely to benefit not only healthcare, finance and housing but also recreation and education which have traditionally catered to the young. Millennials – the cohort born between 1980 and 2000 – are poised to grow in influence as they inherit the assets of their parents. They are the first group to come of age after the arrival of digital technology, bringing with them heightened expectations of immediacy, participation and transparency. At the same time many became economically active in the shadow of the Great Recession which may have tempered attitudes to risk and confidence in major institutions. As a result, this group exhibits quite different consumption and work behaviours compared with previous generations. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILIT Y A striking development over the past decade has been the growing consensus around man-made global warming. The scale of the challenge is enormous: to keep the rise in average global temperatures to below 2°C – the de facto target for global policy – cumulative CO2 emissions need to be capped at one trillion metric tonnes above the levels of the late 1800s. The global economy has already produced half of that amount. Climate change has wide-ranging consequences for many industries. Agriculture, tourism, insurance, forestry, water, infrastructure and energy will all be directly affected, though linkages with socio-economic and technological systems mean that risks can accumulate, propagate and culminate in even larger impacts. For example, climate change could threaten food and resource security in parts of the world which may in turn make poverty and conflict more likely. Meeting emissions reduction targets requires investment in green technologies, including LED lighting, electric vehicles, solar photovoltaic systems and onshore wind and more sophisticated forms of energy efficiency – which will also create opportunities for green finance. Despite plummeting costs for ‘clean’ solutions, there are a number of reasons why ‘dirty’ technologies are likely to hold sway, including political lock-in and high switching costs. Views differ as to the optimal dynamic strategy to be followed in such a scenario. Evidence for the broader jobs potential of the green economy is also ambiguous. Structural changes associated with the green economy are fundamentally dependent on government policy. The number of supportive regulations has grown across the world. Although initiatives are likely to be set nationally rather than multilaterally, remain tied to specific sectors and technologies and are vulnerable to political reversals. 26 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 URBANISATION Today, over half of the world’s population live in cities, a number that is expected to grow to 70% by 2050. This concentration of humanity illustrates the basic unevenness of economic development – the tendency for places close to large markets to grow more rapidly than places more distant. Cities are magnets for high-value, knowledge-intensive industries, where physical proximity enables collaboration and firms and workers benefit from enhanced labour pooling and matching. Urban planners increasingly build these features into the fabric of cities through the establishment of innovation districts that integrate work, housing and recreation. Cities also offer more varied consumption and employment opportunities, though medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes and depression have been linked to aspects of the urban environment. Pressures on affordable housing may lock some households out of these opportunities, forcing them to live in older suburbs or low-income areas tethered to declining industries. There has been an increasing push for authorities to make cities ‘smarter’ – leveraging the information generated by infrastructure to optimise performance. This agenda has also come to focus on sustainability, resilience and making cities more age-friendly. However, in many advanced economies infrastructure investment as a proportion of total government expenditure has been trending downwards for decades, with serious questions around the quality of existing infrastructure. A major uncertainty is how debates about the role of fiscal policy and government activism will resolve themselves against a backdrop of high public debt ratios. INCREASING INEQUALIT Y The sharp rise in income and wealth inequality has been described as the “defining challenge of our times”. This has been accompanied by a squeeze on the middle class, as the distribution of income has shifted towards the higher and lower ends of the scale. Countries with higher levels of income inequality tend to have lower levels of mobility between generations. Economic distress and the erosion in opportunities for people with low education have, in turn, created a web of social issues, including rising mortality and morbidity among segments of the US population. They have also fuelled resentment of elites and the appeal of populist ideas. The macroeconomic relationship between inequality and growth remains contested – though recent studies have tended to highlight the costs of rising inequality, particularly over longer time horizons. Income inequality and associated phenomena also have sectoral consequences. They contribute to greater health and social problems, raising the demand for healthcare and social services. Employment in occupations dedicated to protecting property rights and managing conflict is typically larger in countries with unequal distribution of income. Finally they translate into disparities in consumption, particularly of non-durable goods and services such as education. A number of factors have driven higher inequality, including the impact of technology and globalisation, failings of the educational system, anticompetitive practices, weaknesses in corporate governance, the decline in union membership and the progressivity of the tax system. Some of these trends may potentially reverse in the future – for instance as ageing reduces labour supply, pushing up wages, or as calls for redistribution grow louder, although these forces are most likely to operate at the margins. Past experience suggests that current levels of inequality are likely to persist in the medium term, absent an extreme shock of some kind. 27 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 POLITICAL UNCERTAINT Y The geopolitical landscape is characterised by a greater distribution of power that has challenged the capacity of the international system to respond effectively to a host of regional and global challenges – from the spread of nuclear weapons, authoritarianism and terrorism, through historical rivalries in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific to a growing rejection of free trade and immigration. Indices of geopolitical uncertainty have persisted at higher levels after they spiked on 9/11. This has been mirrored by elevated policy uncertainty – a weakening of the institutional structures which enable policymakers to act credibly and consistently. Increases in uncertainty are found to have significant negative impacts on economic activity, raising the user cost of capital, increasing the option value of deferring investments where there are sunk costs, and hindering the efficient reallocation of resources from low to high productivity firms. The impacts are felt most strongly in sectors like defence, finance, construction, engineering and healthcare which require extensive investment commitments and/or are exposed to uncertain government programmes. The trend towards policy uncertainty is a function of structural changes in political systems – above all, the rise in partisanship which has impeded compromise and effective negotiation, reinforced by the growth in the scale and complexity of government regulation. Even in systems designed to produce moderation, institutions may have had the effect of marginalising important conflicts over policy rather than resolving them, increasing public apathy and dissatisfaction. 28 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 3. APPROACH The dynamic interdependencies of the trends have implications for our research design. In an earlier piece of analysis, we reviewed the drivers of change that are expected to shape industry and occupational structures in the US and UK workforces in 2030 (Schneider et al, 2017). Drivers were selected on the basis that they are relatively stable with clear possible directions. Where the available evidence offered contrasting views of a trend and its implications or identified possible disruptions, the analysis aimed to capture this uncertainty – rather than reach a verdict on how things would play out. This analysis was used to contextualise and guide discussions at two foresight workshops that we convened between small groups of thought leaders with domain expertise in at least one of the seven trends identified. These foresight workshops were held in Boston on 20 October 2016 with 12 participants and in London on 28 October 2016 with 13 participants. In the second part of the US and UK workshops, the domain experts were presented with three sets of 10 individual occupations at the six-digit and four-digit Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) levels, and were invited to debate their future prospects. They then assigned labels to the occupations (individually) according to whether they thought they would experience rising, unchanged or declining demand by 2030.11 The experts were also asked to record how certain/uncertain they were in making their predictions. Factsheets presenting information on each of the 30 occupations (containing a list of related job titles, related industries, key skills and tasks) and their historical growth patterns were made available to the experts when making their predictions. We used these labels to train a machine-learning classifier to generate predictions for all occupations, making use of a detailed data set of 120 skills, abilities and knowledge features against which the US Department of Labor’s O*NET service 'scores' all four-digit occupations in the US SOC on a consistent basis (we used a cross-walk to also apply this data set to the UK SOC). To maximise the performance of the algorithm we used an active learning method whereby the second and third sets of 10 occupations to be labelled were selected by the algorithm itself (intuitively, these occupations were selected to cover that part of the skills/abilities/knowledge space where the algorithm exhibited highest levels of uncertainty based on the previously labelled occupations).12 From the model we determined which skills, abilities and knowledge features were most associated (on their own and together) with rising or declining occupations. Our mixed methodology approach – making use of structured foresight and supervised machine-learning techniques – was crafted to tackle the limitations in traditional qualitative and quantitative exercises. In particular, qualitative approaches based purely on eliciting the judgements of experts are likely to be subject to 29 human biases, while quantitative approaches based purely on trend extrapolation are likely to miss structural breaks in past trends and behaviours. By combining a machinelearning algorithm with structured expert judgment we hope to have the best of both worlds. Our research design is elaborate, matching the ambitious nature of our research question, but it is important to note that, as a consequence, our findings could reflect any number of assumptions. For example, the subjective judgments of one group of domain experts could be very different to another, or some parts of the O*NET data set could be more accurate characterisations of occupations than others. The provision of historical data on occupations and the main trends designed to establish a common frame of reference among experts mitigates some of these risks. However, it remains the case that predictions generated might have differed if a different group of experts had participated in the workshops or if we had used different selections of O*NET features in our model. A separate, though related, challenge is how to evaluate our findings. As a forward-looking exercise, we might simply compare our predictions with labour market outcomes in 2030. Notwithstanding the fact that this is 13 years away, a concern is that because our predictions are conditional (see above), we cannot in any straightforward way identify the source of prediction errors. We try and partly tackle this by investigating the sensitivity of our findings to key features of our research design. In particular, we present predictions that used (nonparametric) trend extrapolation of employment in an occupation to label the 30 occupations in place of the experts’ judgments. These data-driven labels give a baseline against which those built on our foresight exercises can be compared. It is also important to note that our UK and US findings are not directly comparable. While the common use of O*NET data means that it is tempting to compare the O*NET features that are most and least associated with predicted higher demand occupations in the two countries, we would actually have made significant changes to the research design if our objective had been to undertake a cross-country study. For example, we might have asked one common group of domain experts to label occupation prospects for both the US and UK using a set of the most similar occupation groups (crosswalked) across the two countries. Differences in the SOC structures in the two countries also complicate comparison of the occupation predictions. As such, while our use of standardised reporting in the US and UK results might invite comparison and contrast, any such inference would not be valid. Our focus on obtaining the best possible results for each country compromises our ability to compare the two. THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 4. DATA 4.1. O*NET To derive the demand for skills, abilities and knowledge from our occupational projections, we rely on data from the (O*NET), a survey produced for the US Department of Labor (Occupational Information Network (O*NET), 2017). The O*NET survey contains information on more than 1,000 detailed occupations, using a modified form of the (SOC) system.13 It began in 1998 and is updated on a rolling basis by surveys of each occupation’s worker population as well as job analysts' assessments. The scope and sampling of O*NET are viewed as an improvement on its predecessor, the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and also standard household surveys where self-reporting can result in substantial measurement errors. Reported response rates are high – at around 65% – and have been rising over time (Handel, 2016). We take advantage of the 2016 O*NET to reflect most accurately the current make-up of occupations, though results from previous versions of O*NET are broadly similar. A major strength of O*NET is that it asks many different questions about the skills, abilities, knowledge and work activities that make up occupations. Respondents/analysts are asked about the importance of a particular feature for a job (for example, critical thinking, persuasion, manual dexterity and so on) and the level or amount of the feature required to perform it. The questions are rated on an ordinal scale which are standardised to a scale ranging from 0 to 100. We use all 120 features from the skills, abilities and knowledge categories in O*NET, designed to provide as rich a picture of occupations as possible.14 These features are detailed in Table 1. Our implementation strategy departs from Frey and Osborne's (2017) study of automation in that it relies on O*NET’s ‘importance’ rating. Analyses of O*NET data suggest that there is substantial overlap between the importance and level ratings, so this modelling choice does not lead to vastly different predictions in practice (results are available on request from the authors). Critically, the importance rating is available for all combinations of features and occupations. This is in marked contrast to the level rating for which O*NET recommends suppressing a large number of estimates on account of their low precision. This problem is most serious for knowledge features: to implement O*NET’s recommendations in full would entail removing occupations equivalent to 89% of total US employment. Similarly, the scales and anchor points used to construct the level ratings have been criticised for their complexity which may affect the reliability of some ratings (Handel, 2016). 30 5.4). Finally, we use the model to predict future occupati hotspots of high demand that are not associated with an exis (Section 5.5). To benchmark the efficacy of our foresight exercise, we al processes to perform extrapolation out to the year 2030 of p trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alterna bels produced in the workshops, and provide results that do subjective judgments of the experts. 5.1. Gaussian processes In this section, we give a brief review of Gaussian processes. (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) is a probability distribution f : X → R, such that the marginal distribution over the fun any finite subset of X (such as X) is multivariate Gaussian. In the remainder of this report, we will use to represent f (x), the prior distribution over its values f on a subset x ⊂ X the vector of length 120 containing these variables. specified by a mean vector m and covariance matrix K In our workshop factsheets, we also include the 1 1 exp − f K p(f | K) := N (f ; m, K) := √ 2 occupation description and five common job title det 2πK 15 by a covariance function Thealso covariance generated examples for the occupation, takenmatrix from isO*NET. that is, K = κ(X, X). Given training data D, we use the gp to make predict function values f∗ at input x∗ . With this information, we hav equations where p(f∗ | x∗ , D) = N f∗ ; m(f∗ | x∗ , D), V (f∗ | x∗ , D m(f∗ | x∗ , D) = K(x∗ , X)K(X, X)−1 y V (f∗ | x∗ , D) = K(x∗ , x∗ ) − K(x∗ , X)K(X, X)−1 K( Inferring the label posterior p(y∗ | x∗ , D) is complicated by th form of the ordinal likelihood to be introduced below. 5.2. Heteroskedastic ordinal regression Gaussian process ordinal regression consists of combining a is, ordered numerical scores) observations with a Gaussian 36 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table 1: List of all O*NET features used in this study T YPE Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge FEATURE Reading Comprehension Active Listening Writing Speaking Mathematics Science Critical Thinking Active Learning Learning Strategies Monitoring Social Perceptiveness Coordination Persuasion Negotiation Instructing Service Orientation Complex Problem Solving Operations Analysis Technology Design Equipment Selection Installation Programming Operation Monitoring Operation and Control Equipment Maintenance Troubleshooting Repairing Quality Control Analysis Judgment and decision-making Systems Analysis Systems Evaluation Time Management Management of Financial Resources Management of Material Resources Management of Personnel Resources Administration and Management Clerical Economics and Accounting Sales and Marketing Customer and Personal Service Personnel and Human Resources Production and Processing Food Production Computers and Electronics Engineering and Technology Design Building and Construction Mechanical Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Psychology Sociology and Anthropology Geography Medicine and Dentistry Therapy and Counseling Education and Training English Language Foreign Language 31 T YPE Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability FEATURE Fine Arts History and Archeology Philosophy and Theology Public Safety and Security Law and Government Telecommunications Communications and Media Transportation Oral Comprehension Written Comprehension Oral Expression Written Expression Fluency of Ideas Originality Problem Sensitivity Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning Information Ordering Category Flexibility Mathematical Reasoning Number Facility Memorization Speed of Closure Flexibility of Closure Perceptual Speed Spatial Orientation Visualization Selective Attention Time Sharing Arm–hand Steadiness Manual Dexterity Finger Dexterity Control Precision Multilimb Coordination Response Orientation Rate Control Reaction Time Ability Wrist-Finger Speed Speed of Limb Movement Static Strength Explosive Strength Dynamic Strength Trunk Strength Stamina Extent Flexibility Dynamic Flexibility Gross Body Coordination Gross Body Equilibrium Near Vision Far Vision Visual Color Discrimination Night Vision Peripheral Vision Depth Perception Glare Sensitivity Hearing Sensitivity Auditory Attention Sound Localization Speech Recognition Speech Clarity THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 4.2. EMPLOYMENT MICRODATA To form yearly estimates of employment by occupation and industry for our workshops, we used US and UK employment microdata. For the US, we used 1983 – 2015 data from the Current Population Survey’s (CPS) Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) by the Minnesota Population Center (King et al., 2010). We used an IPUMS-provided best-guess harmonisation of occupation codes over time to 1990 Census occupation codes. We then crosswalked these codes to six-digit US SOC 2010 codes. For industry, we presented CPS-derived estimates of occupation employment by industry in 2015, harmonised in the same way. We used the most granular common level of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012 code available for that occupation (either the four-, three-, or two-digit level). The comparable high-resolution microdata is only readily available in the UK over a shorter time period due to challenges in matching the SOC codes across changes in the classification over time. We used yearly occupational employment estimates based on the Labour Force Survey and provided by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) for 2001 and 2016 inclusive (ONS, 2017a). These were provided at the four-digit ONS SOC 2010 level, the equivalent level of granularity as the six-digit US SOC 2010 occupation code. We further generated estimates of occupation employment by UK Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 2007 industry class and subclass in 2015 using the Labour Force Survey provided by ONS (2017b). The US employment results from our machine-learning classifier were weighted using the May 2015 Occupational Employment Statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015). The corresponding UK employment results are weighted using the August 2016 Labour Force Survey from the Office for National Statistics (ONS, 2017a). Over the course of the workshop, the group participated in three prediction sessions. In each session, the participants viewed the information described above for 10 occupations, displayed on two slides ('factsheets') per occupation. (See Figures 2a and 2b for examples of these factsheets.) Note that the factsheets presented time-series plots of the occupation to participants, such that they could form their predictions with proper historical context. After viewing the occupation descriptions the group was directed to an online form to answer two questions: 1. What will happen to the share of total employment held by this occupation? {Higher share, Same share, Lower share} 2. What will happen to the number of people employed in this occupation? {Grow, No change, Decline} With only a three-point scale, it was important to consider both employment share and absolute employment levels so as to allow a fuller expression of judgments of future demand. For example, only knowing that an occupation will grow slower than the workforce as a whole says nothing about whether it will add or shed jobs.16 In the event, both US and UK workshops were of the view – albeit with significant differences in opinion across individuals – that total employment would grow over the prediction horizon, consistent with the historical pattern. Given the inherent difficulties in making long-term predictions, our workshop participants were also asked to provide a 0-9 ranking of how certain they were in their answer, with 0 representing not certain at all, and 9 representing completely certain. They were also given a space to provide freeform thoughts they felt were necessary to qualify their answers. 4.3. WORKSHOP-GENERATED DATA After the group submitted their answers using the online form, an experienced foresight workshop facilitator reviewed the responses with the group. After the group debated their perspectives during a half-hour session, the group was then allowed to change their answers, after which the workshop moved onto the next set of 10 occupations. To collect labels to train our machine-learning classifier of future demand for occupations, we held two expert foresight workshops in Boston and London in October 2016. Each workshop brought together a diverse group of 12 to 13 experts from industry, government, academia, and the social sector. Our experts were instructed to consider the net impact on the workforce occupation composition of all the trends discussed above, guided by our trends analysis. Figure 1 features a sample page of the trends analysis, which was shared with our experts in advance, and presented at the workshops. The first 10 occupations presented to participants were selected randomly. For the second and third rounds, the respective batches of 10 occupations were selected so as to be maximally informative for the machine-learning model in light of the answers previously gathered from participants. In a way, the participants could be seen as teaching the machine-learning algorithm throughout the course of the day, with the algorithm able to respond to the information from participants by proposing a prioritised list of further questions. This process is described formally in Section 5.3. 32 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Figure 1: Sample page from trends analysis presented at the workshops Future of Skills Technological change Peak globalisation? Globalisation World trade (percentage of GDP) Unwinding trade imbalances • Leveling off of offshoring? Urbanisation • Stabilisation of China’s manufacturing share Increasing inequality • Stronger domestic production base in emerging economies Political uncertainty References 40 30 20 • Weaker (trade-intensive) business fixed investment as percentage of GDP in advanced economies Going forward If trade slowdown is structural, impacts of trade on labour market will in future be very different from what they have been in past. Source – World Bank (2016) 20 15 Environmental sustainability 50 20 05 Demographic change 60 19 95 Growing global middle class 70 Evidence that trade has become less responsive to global GDP growth - suggesting that trade slowdown is not just a temporary phenomenon reflecting the crisis (Constantinescu, Mattoo and Ruta, 2014). 19 85 Specific trade opportunities World trade (percentage of GDP) 19 75 The importance of place Rapid expansion of global trade may have run its course 19 65 Peak globalisation? Source: World bank Four year rolling sensitivity (elasticity) of global real-trade growth to global real-GDP growth 4 End of Soviet Union (1991) Oil Shock (1979) US recession (1960-61) 2 GATT (1947-94) WTO (1995-Present) 0 1955 1971 1987 2003 Source – Goldman Sachs (2016) 46 33 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Figure 2A: Factsheet for UK occupation farm workers Farm workers (9111) DESCRIPTION Farm workers perform a variety of tasks, by hand and machine, to produce and harvest crops and to breed and rear cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. SAMPLE JOB TITLES Agricultural Worker; Agricultural Labourer; Estate Labourer; Gang Man (Agriculture); Agricultural Craftsman TOP JOB TASKS Operates farm machinery to prepare soil, fertilise and treat crops. Cultivates growing crops by hoeing, spraying and thinning as necessary. Weighs and measures foodstuffs, feeds animals and checks them for any signs of disease. Cleans barns, sheds, pens, yards, incubators and breeding units and sterilises milking and other equipment as necessary. Treats minor ailments and assists veterinary surgeon as required. TOP JOB SKILLS Critical Thinking Active Listening Monitoring Operation and Control Operation Monitoring Skills based on U.S. "Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch, And Aquacultural Animals" (45-2093.00) Figure 2B: Statistics factsheet for UK occupation farm workers Farm workers (9111) EMPLOYMENT SHARES TOP EMPLOYING INDUSTRIES 34 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 35 ing completely certain.foresight They were also given a space to provide freeform rienced foresight workshop facilitator reviewed the After responses with the group. rienced workshop facilitator reviewed the with thetheir group. the responses group submitted answers using the online form, an expeith 0 representing not certain at debated all, and 9their representthoughts they felt were to qualify answers. 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Thiswill process will bespond described formally in5.3. Section 5.3. to the information from participants by proposing a prioritised list of of the answers previously gathered participants. algorithm throughout thefrom course of the day, with the algorithm able to refurther questions. This process will be described formally in Section 5.3. ants could spond be seen the machine learning to as theteaching information from participants by proposing a prioritised list of to manage participant labels that are both ordinal and of Our methodology uses the foresight exercises described 5.day, METHODOLOGY 5. the METHODOLOGY the course further of the with algorithm ablebetodescribed requestions. This process will formally in Section 5.3. varying uncertainty. Our model is put to work on a variety of in Section data for a machine learning on from participants by proposing a prioritised list4.3 of as training 5. METHODOLOGY methodology uses the uses foresight exercises exercises describeddescribed in Section as 4.3 as Our methodology the foresight in 4.3 Section process will beOur described formally inmodel. Section 5.3. tasks. In particular, it is the basis of our means of selecting The primary goal of the model is to learn a function 5. METHODOLOGY training data for a machine learning model. The primary goal of the model training data for a machine learning model. The primaryuses goalthe of the model exercises described Our methodology foresight in Section 4.3 as is to learnis atofunction (x) that from 120 training O*NET variables xmachine (captur-xlearning learn a ffunction (x) that maps from 120 O*NET (captur-model. The primary data forvariables avariables goal of the model thatfmaps maps from 120 O*NET (capturing occupations to be labelled through active learning (Section Our methodology uses the foresight exercises described inoccupational Section 4.3 demand. as GY ing skills,ing knowledge and abilities) to future occupational skills, knowledge and abilities) to thisfrom 120 O*NET variables x (capturisfuture to learn a demand. function fIn (x)this that In maps (i) of to skills, knowledge and abilities) future occupational 5.3). Interpreting the patterns discovered by the model is training data for a machine learning model. The primary goal the model (i) framework, the ith occupation is considered a point, x , in 120-dimensional framework, the ith occupation is considered a point, x , in and 120-dimensional ing skills, knowledge abilities) to future occupational demand. In this the foresight exercises described Section as 120 (i) is to learn a function f (x)inthat maps4.3 from O*NET variables x (capturskills-/knowledge-/ability-space, whose associated demand is f (xoccupation ).is Our skills-/knowledge-/ability-space, whose associated demand f (x(i) ). Our framework, the ith is considered a point, x(i) , in basis 120-dimensional demand. In this framework, the the of our assessment of the importance of O*NET occupation is chine learning model. Theisprimary goal of thetomodel ing skills, knowledge demand. In this approach builtand on an expectation thatoccupational demand should vary smoothly as approach is abilities) built on an future expectation that demand should vary smoothly as associated demand is f (x(i) ). Our skills-/knowledge-/ability-space, whose (x) that maps from 120 variables (captur-a point, in 120-dimensional a is120-dimensional skills-/ features to future demand (Section 5.4). Finally, we use the considered framework, theO*NET ith occupation is xconsidered a point, approach x(i) ,, in built on an expectation that demand should vary smoothly as nd abilities) to future occupational demand. In this skills-/knowledge-/ability-space, whose associated demand is f (x(i) ). Our 17 knowledge-/ability-space, whose associated demand model to predict future occupations, defined as hotspots 17 (i) Consider engineers and metal workers and plastic workers – two occupation groups Consider engineers and metal workers and plastic workers – two occupation groups upation is approach consideredisa built point,onx an, in 120-dimensional expectation that demand should vary smoothly as the which BLS projects in share Over2024. this period, 17 and 2024. the BLSwill will declinebetween in share2014 between 2014 and Over period,and plastic workers – two occupation groups Consider engineers and metalthis workers ity-space, whosewhich associated demand isprojects fdecline (x(i) ). Our is . Our approach is built on an expectation that of high demand that are not associated with an existing metal workers and plastic workers are projected to lose 99,000 jobs whereas engineers are metal workers and plastic workers are projected to the lose BLS 99,000 jobs whereas engineers are between 2014 and 2024. Over this period, which projects will decline in share n expectation that demand should vary smoothly as add 65,000 jobs.65,000 17 projected to projected to add jobs. 5. METHODOLOGY Consider engineers and metal workers and plastic workers – two occupation workers and workers are whereas engineers are demand should varymetal smoothly asplastic agroups function ofprojected skills, to lose 99,000 jobs occupation (Section 5.5). which the BLS projects will decline in share between 2014 and 2024. to Over period, projected addthis 65,000 jobs. a function ofare skills, knowledge and abilities: that is, if are two occupations i and knowledge and abilities: that is, if two occupations metaland workers and plastic projected to lose 99,000 jobs whereas engineers d metal workers plastic workers –workers two occupation groups a function of skills, knowledge and abilities: that is,that if two i a function of skills, knowledge and is, abilities: ifoccupations two occupations i Tooccupations (i) of (j) abilities: benchmark a function and i the efficacy of to add2014 65,000 and j 2024. have Over similar xskills, , weknowledge expect their associated that is, if two 34variables, ll decline inprojected share between andjobs. thisO*NET period,O*NET 34 x (i) , we (j) and j have have variables, x(i) x(j) expect their similar variables, weexpect expect their and jsimilar have similar O*NET variables, xvariables, , we their (i)associated (j)associated (i)O*NET and j (j) have O*NET x xoccupations , we expect their use associated workers are projected to lose 99,000 jobs whereas demands to bea engineers similar, fare (x ) f(i)(x ).(i) similar (j) and(j) 34 function of skills, knowledge abilities: that is, if two i also Gaussian processes demands to be similar, f (x ) f(xf (x) ).f (x ). demands to be similar, (i) bs. besimilar, similar, ) f (x ).. (j) We choose to model fdemands with ademands Gaussian process, to (i) bef (x described in(j)Section associated to to be our foresight exercise, we to perform extrapolation out 5.4). Finally, we use the model to pred andWe j have similar O*NET variables, x process, toxbe, described we expect associated We choose to model f with a with Gaussian process, intheir Section choose to model a to Gaussian to be described in Section to theinyear 2030 of past employment trends (Section 5.6). 34 Weffchoose with a(Ghahramani, Gaussian process, to be described Section (i) 5.1. The Gaussian process is asimilar, Bayesian non-parametric hotspots of high demand that are not asso demands toprocess be (x non-parametric fmodel (x(j) non-parametric ). fmodel 5.1. The Gaussian is a Bayesian model model (Ghahramani, 5.1. The Gaussian process isGaussian a )Bayesian (Ghahramani, 5.1. The process is a Bayesian non-parametric model (Ghahramani, 2013), meaning that its expressivity will naturally adaptprocess, to process, thatto inherent in 5.4). Finally, we use the model to predict future occupations, defined (Section 5.5). 5.4). Finally, we use the model to predict future occupations, definedasas defined as We choose to model f with a Gaussian be described in Section with a Gaussian to be We choose to model These extrapolations provide alternatives to the labels 2013), 2013), meaning that itsthat expressivity will naturally adapt to thattoinherent in meaning its expressivity will naturally adapt that inherent into that inherent in 5.4). Finally, we use the model to predict future occupations, 34 2013), meaning that its expressivity will naturally adapt the data. This5.1. gives us Gaussian an in-builtprocess resistance to over-fitting (learning patterns hotspots ofof high demand that are not associated withTo anan existing occupation benchmark the efficacy occupation of our fores hotspots high demand that are not associated existing occupation The is a Bayesian non-parametric model (Ghahramani, the data. gives us an in-built resistance to over-fitting (learning patterns hotspots of high demand that are results notwith associated with an existing theThis data. This gives usdata. an in-built resistance to over-fitting (learning patterns (learning described in Section 5.1. The Gaussian process is a produced in the workshops, and provide that do the This gives us an in-built resistance to over-fitting patterns that do not generalise to unseen data): the model 5.4). will not induce theuse flexibil5.4). Finally, weto use the model to predict future occupations, defined (Section 5.5). Finally, we the model to predict future occupations, defined as as processes to perform extrapolation out to (Section 5.5). 2013), meaning its expressivity will naturally adapt that inherent in that dothat not do generalise tothat unseen data): data): the model will not induce the flexibil5.5). future 5.4). Finally, we usewe the model to (Section predict future occupations, defineddefined as not generalise to unseen the model will notthe induce the flexibil5.4). Finally, use the model to predict occupations, as that do not generalise to unseen data): model will not induce the flexibility requiredBayesian tothe give a near-perfect fit an onin-built training data unless the and hotspots ofquality high demand that areassociated not5.4). associated with ansubjective existing occupation ToTobenchmark the efficacy foresight exercise, we Gaussian hotspots of over-fitting high demand that and are not with anbenchmark existing occupation trends (Section 5.6). extrapolatio the efficacy ofour our foresight exercise, wealso alsouse use Gaussian data. This givesaus resistance to (learning patterns non-parametric (Ghahramani, not rely the judgments ofofthe experts. Finally, we the model toof predict occupations, defined as ity required to give a near-perfect fit model on training data unless the2013), quality To benchmark the efficacy our foresight exercise, we These also use Gaussian hotspots of high thaton are notuse associated with an existing occupation ity required to give near-perfect fit on training datafitunless the quality andofdemand hotspots high that are not associated with an future existing occupation ity required to data): give a near-perfect on training data unless the demand quality and quantity of data suggests that this fit will extend equally well unobserved (Section processes extrapolation out 2030 of past employment (Section 5.5).to5.5). bels produced in the of workshops, and prov processes toperform perform extrapolation outtotothe theyear year 2030 past employment that do not generalise unseen the model will induce the flexibilhotspots of hightodemand that not associated with an quantity of data suggests thattothis fitthis will fit extend equally wellnot to unobserved processes toare perform extrapolation outexisting to theofoccupation year 2030 past employment (Section 5.5). quantity of data suggests that will extend equally well toto unobserved (Section 5.5). meaning that its expressiveness will naturally adapt that quantity of data suggests that this fit will extend equally well to unobserved data. This desirable property is ainduced by the ‘Occam’s implicit To Razor’ benchmark the efficacy our(Section foresight exercise, we use also use Gaussian trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives totothe la-la-experts. To benchmark the efficacy of ourofforesight exercise, we also Gaussian subjective judgments of the trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives the ity required to give near-perfect fit on training data unless the quality and 5.5). data. data. This desirable property is induced by the ‘Occam’s Razor’ implicit trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provideoccupations, alternativesdefined to the as la5.1. GAUSSIAN PROCESSES Tothe benchmark the efficacy of our5.4). foresight exercise, we also use Gaussian This desirable property is induced by theis‘Occam’s Razor’ implicit To benchmark the efficacy of our foresight exercise, we also use Gaussian Finally, we use the model to predict future data. This desirable property induced by ‘Occam’s Razor’ implicit within Bayesian reasoning (MacKay, 2003), and fit is suggested empirically byextrapolation processes to perform the year 2030 ofin past employment bels produced in the and provide results that dodonot the processes to perform extrapolation out toout theto year 2030 of past employment bels produced theworkshops, workshops, and provide results that notrely relyonon quantity of data suggests that this will well to unobserved inherent in the data. This gives us an in-built resistance To benchmark the efficacy of our foresight weprovide also use Gaussian within Bayesian reasoning (MacKay, 2003), and isextend suggested empirically byto bels produced inyear the workshops, and results that do the notoccupation rely on the processes perform extrapolation out to the year 2030 of2030 past employment within Bayesian reasoning (MacKay, 2003), and isequally suggested empirically byto perform processes extrapolation out to the ofexercise, past employment 5.4). Finally, wereasoning use the model to predict future occupations, defined as hotspots of high demand that are not associated with an existing within (MacKay, 2003), and is implicit suggested empirically bywe the cross-validation tests desirable presented inBayesian Section 6.2. The Gaussian process 5.4). Finally, we use the model to predict future occupations, defined as trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives to the lasubjective judgments of the experts. trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives to the la5.4). Finally, use the model to predict future occupations, defined as subjective judgments of the experts. data. This property is induced by the ‘Occam’s Razor’ 5.1. Gaussian processes processes to perform extrapolation out to the year 2030 of past employment the cross-validation tests presented in Section 6.2. The Gaussian process 5.4). Finally, we use the model to predict future occupations, defined as subjective the of experts. 5.4).give Finally, we useofalternatives the model occupations, defined a trends with (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives toGaussian theto la-predict cross-validation presented intests Section 6.2. The Gaussian process trends (Section 5.6).section, These extrapolations provide to the la- future In this we ajudgments brief review hotspots ofpatterns high demand that are notthe associated an existing occupation (Section 5.5). tothe over-fitting (learning that do not generalise thetests cross-validation presented in Section 6.2. The process gives a flexible, non-linear, function class suitable for the complex interachotspots of high demand that are not associated with an existing occupation bels produced inworkshops, the interacworkshops, and provide results that do not rely on the produced and provide results do not rely on the hotspots ofthat high demand that are not associated with an existing occupation within Bayesian reasoning (MacKay, 2003), and isinfor suggested empirically byGaussian trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives to the lagives agives flexible, non-linear, function class bels suitable for the complex hotspots of high demand that are not associated with existing hotspots of high demand that are not associated with an existing occupation bels produced in the workshops, and provide results that do not rely on the a flexible, non-linear, function class suitable the complex interacbels produced in the workshops, and provide results that do rely on the In this section, weangive a brief review of G (Section 5.5). To benchmark the efficacy ofnot our foresight exercise, we also useoccupation Gaussian gives a flexible, non-linear, function class suitable for the complex interactions (for instance, complementarities) that wewill expect between variables (Section 5.5). subjective judgments ofexperts. the experts. subjective judgments ofand the (Section 5.5). 5.1. Gaussian processes the cross-validation tests presented in Section 6.2. The Gaussian process gp (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) processes. Formally, a 5.1. Gaussian processes unseen data): the model not induce the flexibility bels produced in the workshops, and provide results that do not rely on the tionsto (for instance, complementarities) that we expect between variables and (Section 5.5). 5.4). Finally, weexperts. use the model to predict future occupations, defined as (Section 5.5). subjective judgments of the experts. tions (for instance,tions complementarities) that we expect between variables and subjective judgments of the 5.1. Gaussian processes (Rasmussen and Williams, is a pro To (for benchmark the efficacy of our foresight exercise, we also use Gaussian processes to perform extrapolation out to the year 2030 of past employment instance, complementarities) that we expect between variables and demand. To benchmark the efficacy of our foresight exercise, we also use Gaussian 2006) To benchmark the efficacy of our foresight exercise, we also use Gaussian gives a flexible, non-linear, function class suitable for the complex interacsubjective judgments of the experts. demand. To benchmark the efficacy of our foresight exercise, we also use Gaussian hotspots of high demand that not associated with an existing To benchmark theThese efficacy of our foresight exercise, also use demand. to giveprocesses InInthis we give a are review ofthe Formally, athe f processes. : of X →past R,employment such thatwe marginal is a probability distribution over ,occupation such to perform outdata to the year 2030 of past employment this section, we give abrief brief review ofGaussian Gaussian processes. Formally, agp gp trends (Section 5.6). extrapolations provide alternatives to Gaussian thedistri required acomplementarities) near-perfect fitextrapolation on training unless demand. This model is trained on a dataset containing labels for each occupation processes to perform extrapolation out to year 2030 of employment processes to section, perform extrapolation out tofunctions year 2030 past 5.1. Gaussian processes In this section, we give athe brief review Gaussian processes. Formally, a lagp 5.1. Gaussian processes (for that we expect between variables and (Section Thistions model isinstance, trained on a dataset containing labels for each occupation processes perform out to the year 2030 ofdo past employment 5.5). processes to perform out to the year 2030 of past employmen This model is trends trained on a dataset containing labels for each occupation 5.1. Gaussian processes (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) isextrapolation distribution over functions 5.1. Gaussian processes any finite subset of X (such as X) mu (Section 5.6). These provide alternatives to(Rasmussen the and Williams, isaextrapolation aprobability probability distribution over functions bels produced in2006) the workshops, and provide results that not rely onisthe 5.4). Finally, we usela-the model totopredict future occupations, defined as This model is trained on aextrapolations dataset containing labels for each occupation from each the individual expert, rather than on data the group consensus. This aptrends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives to the latrends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives to the la(Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) is a probability distribution over functions demand. that the marginal distribution over the function values on quality and quantity of suggests that this fit will from each individual expert, rather than on the group consensus. This aptrends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives to the 5.1. Gaussian processes To benchmark the efficacy ofmarginal our foresight exercise, we also use Gaussian trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives to values thela-la from each individual expert, rather than onsection, therather group consensus. This apIn this section, we aon give a brief review ofbels Gaussian processes. Formally, a gp f : X → R, such that the distribution over the function values on In this we than give brief review ofdoGaussian processes. Formally, a gp f (x), the prior distribution over its bels produced in the workshops, and provide results that not rely on the f : X → R, such that the marginal distribution over the function values on subjective judgments of the experts. hotspots of high demand that are not associated with an existing occupation from each individual expert, the group consensus. This approach permits the diversity of views within the group to be captured within the workshops, and provide results that not rely on bels produced in in the workshops, provide results do not rely on thethe freview : extrapolation XGaussian →ofR,Gaussian such that the marginal distribution over the function values on In this section, weprocesses givewe a produced brief review of processes. Formally, athat gp This model is trained onofawithin dataset containing labels for each occupation In this section, give aperform brief processes. ado gpresults proachproach permits the diversity of views the group to be captured within bels produced inand the workshops, and provide that do not on the to out tois the yearFormally, 2030 ofprovide past employment bels produced in the and results that do not rely on the permits the diversity views within the to be captured within and Williams, 2006) isbeaIn probability distribution over functions 5.4). Finally, we use the model to predict future occupations, defined asrely any finite subset of X (such as X) Gaussian. and Williams, 2006) is atoprobability distribution over functions specified by aFor mean vector m and covaria any finite subset of (such as )workshops, ismultivariate multivariate Gaussian. subjective judgments of (Rasmussen the experts. any finite subset X (such as X) multivariate Gaussian. For afunction function (Section 5.5). equally well tomodelled unobserved data. This desirable proach permits the diversity ofgroup views within the group captured within the model.extend The participant labels are as(Rasmussen conditionally independent subjective judgments of the experts. this section, we give aaof brief review Gaussian processes. Formally, aa gp subjective judgments of the experts. any finite subset ofof Xof (such as X)alternatives isfunctions multivariate Gaussian. For a function (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) is asubjective probability distribution over functions from each individual expert, rather on the group consensus. This ap(Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) is probability distribution over the model. The participant labels are modelled independent judgments the experts. trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide to the lasubjective judgments of the experts. the model. The participant labels arefthan as conditionally independent f→ : conditionally XR, → R, such thatmarginal the marginal distribution over the function values on hotspots of high demand that are not associated with an existing occupation f (x), prior distribution over its values f on a subset x ⊂ X are completely :modelled Xas such that the distribution over the function values on f (x), the prior distribution over its values f on a subset x ⊂ X are completely To benchmark the efficacy of our foresight exercise, we also use Gaussian the model. The participant labels are modelled as conditionally independent 5.1. Gaussian processes given the latent function f (x). The dependence amongst the group’s labels (Rasmussen andmarginal Williams, 2006) isdistribution athe probability distribution over functions 1 f (x), the prior over its values f a subset x ⊂ X are completely f : X → R, such that the marginal distribution over function values on proach permits the diversity of views within the group to be captured within f : X → R, such that the distribution over the function values on For a function , the prior distribution over its values is induced by the ‘Occam’s Razor’ implicit within givenproperty the latent function f (x). The dependence amongst the group’s labels a function of skills, knowledge and abilities: that is, if two occupations i bels produced in the workshops, and provide results that do not rely on the given the latent function f (x). The dependence amongst labels any finite subset of Xgroup’s (such as isf :multivariate Gaussian. a function (Section 5.5). | K) :=onN (f ; m, K) := √ specified by aprocesses vector mm and covariance matrix KK p(f values any finite subset ofdependence X the (such asamongst X)processes isX) multivariate Gaussian. For aFor function specified by amean mean vector and covariance matrix to perform extrapolation out the year 2030 of past employment given the latent function f (x). The the group’s labels 5.1. Gaussian induced by discussion is (i) modelled through thisprocesses shared latent function. X (such → R, such that the marginal distribution the function 5.1. Gaussian specified by atoGaussian. mean vector and covariance matrix K (j) any finite subset ofsubjective X as X)processes is5.1. multivariate Formaover function the The labels are modelled as conditionally independent 5.1. Gaussian any finite subset ofon X (such as X) isthe multivariate Gaussian. For a of function det induced by model. discussion modelled through shared latent function. and j have similar O*NET variables, x discussion isxparticipant , we expect their associated In this section, weprocesses give a brief review Gaussian processes. Formally, a gp judgments of experts. induced by is(MacKay, modelled through this shared latent function. Gaussian processes 5.1. Gaussian fthe (x), the prior distribution over its values f a subset x ⊂ X are completely To benchmark the efficacy of our foresight exercise, we also use Gaussian fthis (x), prior distribution over its values f on a subset x ⊂ X are completely on a subset are completely specified by a mean trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives to the la induced by discussion is modelled through this shared latent function. Bayesian reasoning 2003), and is suggested Resilience to uncertainty is crucial to our exercise. Not only did our workanydistribution finiteover subset of Xits(such X) issubset Gaussian. function 1 completely 1For 1X are 1 a −1 (i)given the four (x), the prior itsover values f on aasfsubset xmultivariate ⊂ X xare latent function f (x). dependence amongst the group’s labels four (x), thedistribution prior values onreview aWilliams, ⊂ completely −1 Resilience to(j)uncertainty is crucial toThe ourspecified exercise. Not only did workIn this section, we give aspecified brief review of Gaussian processes. Formally, aKgp demands to be similar, f (x ) Resilience f (x ). (Rasmussen 2006) isexp aThe probability distribution over functions 1− Formally, to uncertainty is crucial to our exercise. Not only did work√on := := In this section, we give aover brief of Gaussian a.1 gp p(f K) N (f ;and m, K) f Formally, −covariance K fmatrix . gp by arepresenmean vector mbels and covariance matrix K|to √ processes extrapolation out to the year 2030 past := exp generated ac p(f | perform K) N (f ;K) m, K) by acrucial mean vector m and covariance matrix fof K f− (1) (1) −1 In this section, we give a:= brief review of processes. aemployment produced in the workshops, and provide results that do not on the Resilience to uncertainty is shared to our exercise. only did our workshops gather observations from individual participants with explicit fvector the prior distribution values fGaussian a2πK subset x√of ⊂rely X are completely := :=processes. exp fis p(f |its N (f K) K f values . abygp (1) In this section, we give a det brief review Gaussian processes. Formally, In section, we give a;marginal brief review of processes. Formally, aon gp specified by Not a mean vector m and covariance matrix K induced by by discussion isindividual modelled through this latent function. 2Gaussian specified by a(x), mean vector m and covariance matrix K 2 over and matrix :m, det 2πK empirically the cross-validation tests presented in shops gather observations from participants with represen(Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) is explicit awith probability distribution over functions We choose to model f with a Gaussian process, to be described in Section fcovariance :Williams, Xthis → R, such that the distribution over the function shops gather observations from individual participants explicit represen5.1. Gaussian processes (Rasmussen and 2006) is a probability distribution functions 2 trends (Section 5.6). These extrapolations provide alternatives to the lathat is, K = κ(X, X). det 2πK (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) is a probability distribution over functions subjective judgments of the experts. shops gather observations from individual participants with explicit representations of their uncertainty, the model must also try to fuse observations from specified by a mean vector m and covariance matrix K 1 values on 1(Rasmussen 1 1 (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) is is a probability distribution over functions and Williams, 2006) a probability distribution over function Resilience to uncertainty is crucial to our exercise. Not only did our work −1 −1 tations their uncertainty, the model must also try to fuse observations from f : X → R, such that the marginal distribution over the function 5.1. The Gaussian process is tations aofBayesian non-parametric model (Ghahramani, any finite subset of X (such as X) is multivariate Gaussian. For a function of their uncertainty, the model must also to:= observations from √f :fX: The 1matrix 1 distribution := exp fmatrix p(f |fuse K) N ; m,:= K) f1marginal . (1) (1) √:= observations 1a−1provide X→ → R, such over function onon exp f−that p(f |amodel K) N (f ;nonm,(fK) − Kthat fKthe . marginal covariance is generated covariance function κdo :X ×× X → R; bels produced in workshops, and results thattraining not rely the Given data D,R; we use the g The covariance is generated by a covariance function κ :values X X(1) → R, such the distribution over thethe function values on by −1 tations ofby their uncertainty, thetry must also try to fuse from The Gaussian process flexible, the diverseSection range of 6.2. opinions produced our domaingives experts. Our model √ := ffThe :fX R, such marginal over matrix isthe generated by a fcovariance function κare : X values ×values X →on R; exp p(f | K) N (f ;section, m, −that K fK . its √brief In this weK) a→ review off1the Gaussian processes. Formally, athe := values 2give : Xcovariance → R, such that over the on exp p(f:= |For K) N K) (f ;2m, fmarginal − fdistribution .distribution (1)a subset shops gather observations from individual participants explicit represendet 2πK det 2πK 1(1) theexpressivity diverse range opinions produced by domain experts. Our model any finite subset of our X (such asdomain X) is with multivariate Gaussian. a:= function 2013), meaning that its willof naturally adapt to that (x), the prior distribution xgp ⊂function Xfunction the diverse range of opinions produced by ourin experts. model on any finite subset of X(such (such as X) is multivariate Gaussian. affunction that is, K κ(X, X). subjective judgments of the experts. 2X function values x∗completely .aWith this that is, K=:= = κ(X, 2 over any finite subset of X finite as X) multivariate Gaussian. For a.functions function det 2πK ∗ at det 2πK the diverse range ofinherent opinions produced by our Our domain experts. Our model √ := choice is informed byofthe probabilistic foundations of thealso Gaussian process, exp fmultivariate p(f |and K) N (f ; X). m, K) −is K −1 fFor (1)inputFor 5.1. Gaussian processes any subset asand X) multivariate Gaussian. function that is, K = κ(X, (Rasmussen Williams, 2006) is of aisX). probability distribution over any finite subset of X(such (such as X) Gaussian. For a function their uncertainty, the model must try to the fuse observations from istations informed by the probabilistic foundations ofcovariance the Gaussian process, function suitable for the complex interactions fclass (x), the prior distribution over its of values fis on aissubset x ⊂a X completely the data. This gives uschoice an linear, in-built resistance to over-fitting (learning patterns specified by aX mean vector covariance matrix K 2xis⊂ choice is informed by the probabilistic foundations Gaussian process, det 2πK Theprobabilistic matrix generated byfare af (x), covariance function :data × → R; the prior distribution over its values fm on atosubset x predictions ⊂ X are completely Given training data D, we use the gp make about the The covariance matrix generated by covariance function κ : X κ× XX → R; equations Given training D, we use the gp to make predictions about the (x), the prior distribution over its values f on a subset X are completely choice is informed by the foundations of the Gaussian process, which give it athe coherent way to reason about uncertainty. As such, we expect f (x), the distribution values fgp on subset xpredictions ⊂ X Xareare completely Given training data D, we the to about the covariance matrix is→ generated by covariance function κprocesses. : over Xover ×over X:use R; f : Xmatrix R,give that the marginal distribution the values on fa(x), prior distribution its values fR; on amake subset x⊂ completely of will opinions by our domain experts. Our model The covariance issuch generated bythe aprior covariance function κits X→ × Xfunction → give itdiverse a coherent way toway reason about uncertainty. As such, we expect specified bytoinduce aproduced meanthat vector mis, and covariance matrix K that do not generalise which to unseen data): the not the flexibilIn this section, we amean brief of Gaussian Formally, aahave gp which give itrange a model coherent about uncertainty. AsThe such, we expect the that K = κ(X, X). specified by amatrix vector m matrix K we function values f∗fisreview With this information, the predictive at input xand is, K = κ(X, X). function values . covariance With this information, predictive at input x.fcovariance specified by aGaussian mean m K 5.1. processes 1R; have which give itofareason coherent way to reason about uncertainty. such, we expect ∗ generated ∗is instance, complementarities) that we expect between our model (for to give an ishonest representation the trends that can be inferred The covariance by avector covariance function κwe :have X × X → −1the predictive specified by a|and mean m and covariance matrix K function values . With this1functions information, xmatrix that is, Kinferred =is,κ(X, X). any finite subset of Xvector (such X) multivariate Gaussian. For ap(f function specified by a∗mean vector and covariance matrix K choice informed by the probabilistic foundations of can the Gaussian process, that KAs = κ(X, X). ∗ at ∗m | we x , D) N √ := := our model tofit give an honest representation of the trends that be inferred exp K) Ninput (fdistribution ; m, K) K= f .f∗ ; m(f (1) ity required to give a near-perfect on training data unless the an quality ∗− ∗ | (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) isp(f aas probability over ∗f our model to give an honest representation ofand the trends that can be we Given training data D,trends use the to make predictions about the equations Given training data D, we use the gp togp make predictions about the equations 1 1 our model to give honest representation of the that can be inferred from noisy participant labels. 2 that is, K = κ(X, X). 1 1 −1 2πK equations Given training D, we use the gp to make predictions the 1fpredictions fdata (x),fsuch the prior distribution over values on the a about subset x ⊂ values X are completely 1det which give it aextend coherent way to reason uncertainty. As such, weGiven expect training D, we use the gp to make about −1 In this we give aits brief review of Gaussian a gp :=function −1 p(f well | K) Nabout (ffunction ; m,values K) := K . data fromthat noisy participant labels. variables and demand. quantity of data suggests this fit will equally to unobserved 1(1) f.Formally, Xf → R, that the marginal distribution over function on from noisy participant labels. 1the := := 1(1) √ exp p(f |section, K) (f ;we m, K) fK − f1processes. K . the values finput x∗f− . :With this information, we have predictive √ := := f∗√at x∗exp . With this information, we have theN predictive −1 exp p(f |(1) K) N (f ;the m, K) − f ∗ at input −1 from noisy participant labels. Beyond the state-of-the-art in Gaussian processes, we introduce a novel 2 where The covariance matrix is generated by a covariance function: Given training data D, use the gp to make predictions about √ := := det 2πK exp p(f | K) N (f ; m, K) f − K f . (1) := K) N (f ;|matrix m, f (2) − functions f X. → R;(1 function f∗ specified at subset input xby this we the 2acovariance aWith mean vector m and covariance K ourBeyond to an honest representation of thewetrends can bevalues function values f∗ at(Rasmussen input x∗ .p(f With information, we have the predictive 2πK |information, , ∗D) =|= N f:= ;have x| ∗predictive ,K) D), VFor (f | function x∗x, ∗D) , function ∗. X and Williams, 2006) is 2πK p(f |this ,p(f D) N ;det m(f V2√ , D)exp ,over (2) Beyond the state-of-the-art in Gaussian processes, introduce a novel ∗ascovariance ∗a ∗distribution The matrix is generated by a(f κK :X× data. This desirable property ismodel induced by the ‘Occam’s implicit ∗x ∗x ∗m(f any finite (such X) is multivariate Gaussian. thegive state-of-the-art inRazor’ Gaussian processes, wethat introduce ainferred novel equations equations p(f | ∗xfdet D) =∗probability Nx∗f, ∗D), ; m(f |∗2πK x|2πK , D), V (f (2) ∗ this ∗det ∗ |2x2 Beyond the state-of-the-art in Gaussian processes, we introduce aofnovel ∗ , information, ∗the ∗ , D) , heteroskedastic (that is, with location-varying noise variance) ordinal regresfunction fvalues at such inputthat x∗ . With wedet have predictive ∗R, equations from noisy participant labels. equations X |×xX, D) X R; →;fmatrix distribution the values on, X)K(X, X heteroskedastic (that is, with location-varying noise variance) regresThe covariance matrix iscontaining generated byordinal a covariance :The X covariance ×distribution X : → that is, Kvalues = the κ(X, X). generated within Bayesian reasoning (MacKay, 2003), and isis, suggested empirically by that fvariance) (x), theκThe prior over its fmarginal on a.asubset x ⊂ X are completely function is, 1covariance heteroskedastic (that with location-varying noise variance) ordinal regres1 over m(f = covariance matrix is generated by a covariance function κX: function R;K(x model is trained on adevelopment dataset labels for ∗ X ∗→→ is by function : × R; κ−1 ∗ heteroskedastic (that is, with location-varying noise ordinal regreswhere sion model,This described in Section 5.2. This is necessary to man equations where √ := := The covariance matrix is generated by a covariance function κ : X × X X→→ R;R expuse−the p(f |x K) N (fcovariance ;of m, K) K fmake . For (1) The matrix isisgenerated byf agp covariance function κ:X × theinstate-of-the-art in Gaussian processes, we novel |introduce x∗to =fto f∗ ∗; m(f | ax∗mean D), (f | x , D) , (2) p(f xis , necessary D) =, D) N ;aspecified m(f | x∗by ,that D), V,is, (fK |finite , D) , (2) any subset X (such as X) multivariate Gaussian. a function where ∗ ∗ sion model, described Section 5.2. This development is necessary manthat is, Section K = κ(X, X). ∗ Given training data D, we to predictions about the ∗ |p(f ∗N ∗V the cross-validation tests presented in Section 6.2. The Gaussian process ∗∗ ∗ vector m and covariance matrix K sion Beyond model, described in 5.2. This development manκ(X, X). 2 = κ(X, X). p(f | that xp(f =K f= x∗is, ,K D), , D) V (f∗ | x∗ , D) = K(x∗ , x∗ ) − K(x V (2) |x ,N D) = Nthat fthat |=x D), Vxdet | x,∗ , D) , (2) sion model, described in Section 5.2. This development is∗necessary to man∗ ; m(f ∗∗ ;| m(f ∗ |X). ∗ , D) ∗(f age participant labels that are(that both ordinal and of varying uncertainty. Our ∗ is, ∗K ∗ 2πK ∗ ,(f is, κ(X, = κ(X, X). each occupation from each individual expert, rather than heteroskedastic is, with location-varying noise variance) ordinal −1 −1 f∗(x), the values f(f on athis Xabout arewe completely age participant labelssuitable that are both ordinal andinteracof varying uncertainty. Our regresGiven training data D,and we use the gp to make predictions about the values .to With information, have the predictive at input x gives a flexible, non-linear, function class for the complex age participant labels that are both ordinal of varying uncertainty. Our uncertainty. m(f , ∗D) K(x ,over X) ymake Given training D, the gp to the(3)(3) p(f |prior x|∗data ,x|D) N fwe ;fm(f |its x= D), xsubset , D) ,xy⊂about (2) xdistribution ,= D) = K(x ,the X)K(X, X) −1 ∗function ,= we use make predictions Given training data ∗data ∗∗use ∗m(f ∗use ∗the ∗y | predictions Given training D, we gp to∗we make the ∗ , ∗predictions ∗X)K(X, ageofparticipant labels that both ordinal varying Our where 1∗V where model is put to work on a described variety tasks. In particular, it are is the basis ourand of to m(f D) K(x , X)K(X, X) (3) Given training D, use the gp make predictions about function −1 ∗ 1| xm The covariance matrix is generated by adata covariance κgp :tothe Xto ×label X → R; Given training D, we use the make predictions aboutthe the ∗ ,data sion model, in Section 5.2. This development isofbasis necessary manspecified by a mean vector and covariance matrix K model is put to work on a variety of tasks. In particular, it is the of our √ where function values f at input x . With this information, we have the predictive := := −1 equations Inferring posterior p(y exp p(f | K) N (f ; m, K) f − K f . (1) tions (for instance, complementarities) that we expect between variables and where −1 model is put to work on a variety of tasks. In particular, it is the basis of our ∗ ∗ | x∗ , D) i ∗ function values fat at input x . With this information, we have the predictive on theoccupations group consensus. This approach permits the ∗∗ x function values f input x . this information, we have the predictive V (f | , D) = K(x , x ) − K(x , X)K(X, X) K(X, x ) . (4) ∗With V (f | x , D) = K(x , x ) − K(x , X)K(X, X) K(X, x ) . (4) −1 model is put to work on a variety of tasks. In particular, it is the basis of our ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ means of selecting to be labeled through active learning (Section ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 function values f at input x . With this information, we have the predictive det 2πK that = κ(X, X). function values atinput input With this information, we have the predictive ∗f V (f | x , D) = K(x K(x , X)K(X, X) K(X, ) . (4) age participant labels that arelabeled both ordinal and of varying uncertainty. OurX) −1 is,−1K about the function values at this where ∗x∗ x ∗ ∗,. xWith ∗(3) ∗) − ∗ ∗ ∗ means means of selecting occupations to be through active learning (Section equations form of the ordinal likelihood to be introd demand. m(f | x , D) = K(x , X)K(X, X) y (3) of selecting occupations to be labeled through active learning (Section m(f | x , D) = K(x , X)K(X, y equations ∗ our ∗active learning −1 ∗to be 1 1 ∗ ∗labeled ∗ equations −1 means of selecting occupations through (Section −1 5.3), and interpreting the patterns discovered by the model is the basis of m(f | x , D) = K(x , X)K(X, X) y (3) p(f | x , D) = N f ; m(f | x , D), V (f | x , D) , (2) equations m(f | x , D) = K(x , X)K(X, X) y (3) training data D, we(f use gp tois make about the equations ∗m,the ∗ ∗ ∗ f diversity views within the group within ∗ ∗ −1 isof put tothe work on apatterns variety of tasks. Inbe particular, it isisthe theofbasis basis of∗our our ∗ Given ∗by ∗. captured √ :=by ∗ Inferring ∗ p(f | K)posterior N ;p(y K) fR; −by Knon-Gaussian (1) −1 Inferring the label |∗∗ x| ∗:= D) complicated the non-Gaussian 5.3),on and interpreting patterns discovered by to the model is ,the This model is trained amodel dataset containing labels for each occupation the label p(y x, ∗−1 ,function D) is complicated The covariance matrix isX) generated covariance κ predictions :exp ×isX → ∗(4) 5.3), and interpreting the discovered by model of a(4) (f | x| ∗basis =∗VK(x ,| xxK(x −is∗information, K(x , X)K(X, K(X, x we have predictive VN (fthe D) =, D) K(x ,our x(f − , the X)K(X, X) x∗ )K(x .posterior Inferring the label posterior ,X D) complicated ∗ (Section ∗ ), D) 2 ,the and interpreting the=patterns discovered by the model basis of,∗x our m(f | )x D) = , .X)K(X, X) yxequations: (3)by(2)the ∗∗) −1 non-Gaussian ∗ )∗∗ det ∗active assessment of means the importance of5.3), O*NET variables future demand ∗ | xwe −1 p(f∗variables | xto D) f∗ ∗V|; x m(f ,(Section D), , =∗form (2) ∗∗, ,at fK(X, xthe With information, the predictive ∗ x∗learning of selecting occupations be labeled through (Section ∗ , This V (f | is, ,function D) X)K(X, K(X, ).V2πK p(f = fm(f ;this m(f |∗introduced ,∗p(y D), Vx∗below. (f , D) ∗ Vx∗(f ,K(x D)values = K(x )D) K(x X)K(X, .x|∗have ∗ ∗ ∗ the ∗K(x ∗to ∗(4) p(f x|∗∗input ,x =likelihood N.∗ ,N fp(f |X) xD) ,xD), |∗below. ,x| D) ,, D), of the ordinal likelihood assessment of the importance of O*NET toapfuture demand ∗ of ∗,, D) ∗− ∗K(X, ∗Heteroskedastic ∗ |=x from each individual expert, rather than on group consensus. form ordinal that K X). ∗κ(X, ∗|where ∗ )5.2. ∗− ∗ ;X) assessment of thethe importance of to O*NET variables to future demand (Section ordinal p(f xto D) = N f∗(f m(f ,(4) D), V (f x(2) (2)(2 the model. The participant labels are modelled −1 |∗be x∗, be ,∗introduced = Nto f;X) V (f |∗x, D) , D), , regression ∗−|∗K(x ∗K(X, ∗ |∗(4) form of the ordinal likelihood be introduced below. assessment of the importance of O*NET variables to future demand (Section ∗ ; m(f ∗ x|∗x ∗ ∗ ∗ V (f | x , D) = K(x , x ) , X)K(X, x ) . equations ∗covariance 5.3), andwithin interpreting the to patterns discovered by the is thep(y basis our (2) ∗the ∗ by predictions ∗ the κ : X × Thedata matrix is∗ gp generated a covarianceabout function X → R; Inferring themodel label posterior | x∗is, D) is complicated bywe the non-Gaussian Inferring the label posterior xof, Given D) complicated by∗D, the non-Gaussian proach permits the diversity of views the group be captured within training to ∗ |p(y where Inferring the∗∗label posterior p(y∗ | xp(y is∗use bymake the by non-Gaussian where Inferring the label posterior |x ,complicated D) is complicated the non-Gaussian process ordinal regression cons −1 where 35 ∗ , D) ∗ κ(X, Gaussian assessment of theindependent importance of O*NET variables to ordinal future demand aslabels conditionally given the function that is, K = X). m(f | x , D) = K(x , X)K(X, X) y (3) where ofordinal the likelihood to be introduced below. where form of thelatent likelihood to (Section be introduced below. ∗ the model. The participant are modelled as conditionally independent 35 function values f . With this information, we have the predictive at input x ∗ ∗ 5.2. Heteroskedastic ordinal regression 5.2. Heteroskedastic ordinal regression ∗ 35 form theto label posterior D) complicated by the p(fbe x D)Heteroskedastic = p(y Nbelow. V regression (f∗ |is,x D) non-Gaussian , numerical (2) scores) observation ∗f|∗ ;xm(f of the of ordinal likelihood ∗ |introduced ∗ |isxordinal ∗ ,below. ∗∗,be ∗ , D), ∗ ,ordered theInferring ordinal likelihood to introduced 35 form −1 5.2. −1 gp −1 m(f∗the | xgroup’s , D) = K(x y formequations (3)|∗x| ,xtraining Given data D, use the to K(x make predictions about ∗the ∗ , X)K(X, given the latent function f (x).. The The dependence amongst labels m(f X)K(X, X) y, x∗ ) − (3) the VK(x (f x , we D) = K(x X)K(X, X)−1 K(X, x∗ ) . (4) m(f == K(x ,∗X)K(X, X)= y ∗below. (3) ∗ , D) ∗|,be −1 ∗ ,introduced ∗ , −1 the ordinal likelihood dependence among group’s labelsX) induced by −1 form of ∗ ∗ D) ∗to m(f | x D) = K(x , X)K(X, X) y (3) m(f | x , D) K(x , X)K(X, X) y (3 Gaussian process ordinal regression consists of combining an ordinal (that ∗ ∗ ∗ Gaussian process ordinal regression consists of combining an ordinal (that ∗ x ∗. With this ∗information, 35=5.2. f∗ at process −1 values input have predictive −1 weof where induced by discussion is modelled through this shared Vlatent ordinal ∗ordinal regression consists (f∗ | xfunction. K(x∗Heteroskedastic , x∗ ) − K(x∗ordinal , X)K(X, X)regression K(X, x∗ ) . function (4) 5.2. Heteroskedastic regression ∗ , D) V (fD) xGaussian , D) = K(x x∗−,)observations − K(x X) K(X, x.∗combining ) . the−1 (4)an ordinal (that ∗x|numerical V (f | , D) = K(x , x K(x , X)K(X, X) K(X, x ) (4) ∗N ∗|,∗ ) ∗ , X)K(X, −1 ∗ 5.2. Heteroskedastic ordinal regression ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ is, ordered scores) with a Gaussian process prior. 5.2. Heteroskedastic ordinal regression p(f | x , = f ; m(f x D), V (f | x , D) , (2) is, ordered numerical scores) observations with a Gaussian process prior. Inferring the label posterior p(y | x , D) is complicated by the non-Gaussian =scores) K(x ) ∗− K(x X) x∗x) ∗. ) . prior. (4)(4 36 ∗ ∗ V (f ∗K(x V (f = )∗ − K(x , X)K(X, X) K(X, K(X, discussion through shared latent function. ∗observations ∗ ∗numerical ∗x equations ∗ , ∗x ∗ , X)K(X, ∗ |∗xD) ∗ , D) ∗ ∗ Resilience to uncertainty is crucial to is ourmodelled exercise. Not only did this our workis, ordered with a Gaussian process −1 where 5.2. ordinal regression m(f | xlabel D)posterior = ,ordinal X)K(X, ycomplicated Gaussian regression consists of the combining an ordinal (that Gaussian process regression consists ofHeteroskedastic combining an ordinal Inferringwith the label posterior p(y x∗ , ordinal D) isordinal complicated by the non-Gaussian X) (3) ofK(x the to be(that introduced below. ∗ ,form ∗(that ∗ | process Inferring p(y isordinal the non-Gaussian Inferring the∗ label posterior |∗of x|∗posterior ,xlikelihood D) is complicated byby non-Gaussian shops gather observations from individual participants explicit represen∗ , D) Gaussian process ordinal regression consists ofp(y combining ∗ label Gaussian process ordinal consists ordinal (that where Inferring label p(yp(y D) isthe complicated byby the non-Gaussian Inferring the posterior |∗x, −1 the non-Gaussian ∗x∗|∗,xD), p(f |process xthe =prior. Ncombining f∗ ;an |an (f xx∗ ,)D) , (4) (2) is, ordered scores) observations with aregression Gaussian ∗ ,VD) ∗K(x ∗is| complicated is, ordered numerical scores) observations with athe Gaussian process ∗∗,prior. form likelihood to be numerical introduced below. 36 Vprocess (f x D) = ,D) xa∗with )be −be K(x ,m(f X)K(X, X) K(X, form the likelihood to introduced below. ∗ |ordinal Gaussian regression consists of∗ below. combining an ordinal (that ∗ ,ordinal ∗36 ∗ . form of of ordinal likelihood to introduced to uncertainty isobservations crucial tofrom our exercise. tations of their uncertainty,Resilience the model must also try of to the fuseordinal is, ordered numerical scores) observations with Gaussian process prior. 36 is, ordered numerical scores) observations a Gaussian process prior. form of of the ordinal likelihood toto bebe introduced below. form the ordinal likelihood introduced below. (3) 5.2.∗ ,scores) Heteroskedastic = K(x X)K(X, X)−1 y ordinal (3) prior. is,m(f ordered numerical observations with regression a Gaussian process the diverse range of opinions produced by our domain experts. Our model ∗ | x ∗ , D) where the label posterior p(y∗ | x∗ , D) is complicated by the non-Gaussian Not only did our5.2. workshops gather observations 365.2. Heteroskedastic 36 Inferring Heteroskedastic ordinal regression from regression choice is informed by the probabilistic foundations of the Gaussian process, V (f∗of | xthe = K(x )ordinal −process K(x X)−1 K(X, x∗ ) . 5.2. Heteroskedastic ordinal 36 ∗ 36 ∗ , D) ∗, x ∗ , X)K(X, Gaussian ordinal regression consists of(4) combining (that form ordinal likelihood toregression be introduced below. −1 5.2. Heteroskedastic ordinal regression 5.2. Heteroskedastic ordinal regression (4)an ordinal m(f (3) ∗ | x∗ , D) = K(x36 ∗ , X)K(X, X) y which give it a coherent way to reason about uncertainty. As such, we expect individual participants with explicit representations of their Gaussian process ordinal regression consists of combining an ordinal (that is, ordered numerical scores) observations with a Gaussian process prior. Gaussian process ordinal regression consists of combining an ordinal (that −1 Gaussian process ordinal regression consists of combining an ordinal (that Inferring the label posterior p(y | x , D) is complicated by the non-Gaussian ∗x∗ , D) ∗process V (f = K(x , x ) − K(x , X)K(X, X) K(X, x ) . (4) | Gaussian ordinal regression consists of combining an ordinal (that our model to give an honest representation of is, the ordered trends that can be inferred Gaussian process ordinal regression consists of combining an ordinal (tha ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ numerical observations with a Gaussian prior. Heteroskedastic ordinal regression is,ordered ordered numerical scores) observations witha aGaussian Gaussianprocess processprior. prior. uncertainty, the model must also scores) try to fuse observations is,process numerical scores) observations with form of 5.2. the ordinal likelihood to be introduced below. is,is,ordered numerical scores) observations with from noisy participant labels. ordered numerical scores) observations witha aGaussian Gaussianprocess processprior. prior 36 Inferring the label posterior p(y∗ | x∗ , D) is complicated by the non-Gaussian Inferring the label posterior is complicated by Beyond the state-of-the-art Gaussian processes, novel Gaussian process ordinal regression consists of combining an ordinal (that frominthe diverse range we of introduce opinionsa produced 36by our form ofordinal the ordinal likelihood36 to36be introduced below. 5.2. Heteroskedastic regression heteroskedastic (that is, with location-varying noise variance) ordinal regresis, ordered numerical scores) observations withlikelihood a Gaussian process 3636 to the non-Gaussian form of the ordinal be prior. domain experts. Our model choice is informed by the sion model, described in Section 5.2. This development is necessary to manGaussian process ordinal regression consists ofregression combining an ordinal (that 5.2. Heteroskedastic ordinal introduced below. age participant labels thatprobabilistic are both ordinal and of varyingof uncertainty. Our process, which is, ordered numerical scores) observations with foundations the Gaussian 36 a Gaussian process prior. model is put to work on a variety of tasks. In particular, it is the basis of our Gaussian process ordinal regression consists of combining an ordinal (that give it a coherent way to reason about uncertainty. 5.2. HETEROSKEDASTIC ORDINAL REGRESSION means of selecting occupations to be labeled through active learning (Section is, ordered numerical36scores) observations with a Gaussian process prior. 5.3), and interpreting the patterns discovered by theour model is the to basis of our As such, we expect model give an honest assessment of the importance of O*NET variables to future demand (Section Gaussian process ordinal regression36consists of combining representation of the trends that can be inferred from 35 or noisy, participant labels. uncertain, Beyond the state-of-the-art Gaussian processes, we introduce a novel heteroskedastic ordinal regression model (that is, a model with location-varying noise variance), described in Section 5.2. This development is necessary 36 ordinal (that is, ordered numerical scores) observations with a Gaussian process prior. Our approach differs from the state-of-the-art (Chu and Ghahramani, 2005), in Our approach differs from the state-of-the-art incorporating a heteroskedastic noise model. Recall that (Chu and Ghahramani, 2 firstly, in incorporating a heteroskedastic noise model. Recall that pa participants describe how confident they are using choice ipants describe how confident they areausing a choice from an ordina We assume thatthat the noise standard deviation associated with assume the noise from an ordinal list {0, . . . , 9}.. We observation is an affine transformation of the chosen value: σnoise = α for i ∈ {0, . . . , 9} with hyperparameters α ∈ R+ and β ∈ R+ . Since value of noise is an ordinal variable as well, we build a secondary or regression model to predict the ordinal value of noise at different poin feature space. As there are two questions being asked, one relating to share change the other absolute change, two different types of observations are made build a model capable of acknowledging and fusing these two differen servation types by employing and extending a Python library called GP (Matthews et al. (2016)). We use a Gaussian process to model a latent tion f (x), representing the change in demand in absolute employment. T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Our approach differs from the state-of-the-art (Chu and Ghahramani, 2005), Our approach differsdiffers from the (Chu and Ghahramani, 2005), approach fromstate-of-the-art the state-of-the-art andthat Ghahramani, firstly, in Our incorporating a heteroskedastic noise model.(Chu Recall partic- 2005), firstly,firstly, in incorporating a heteroskedastic noise noise model.model. RecallRecall that particin incorporating a heteroskedastic that participants describe how confident they are using a choice from an ordinal list ipantsipants describe how confident they are aeach choice from from an ordinal list list 5.4. ASSESSING FEATURE IMPORTANCE describe how theyusing are using a observation choice deviation associated with isordinal an {0, . . . ,standard 9}. We assume that theconfident noise standard deviation associated withan each {0, . . .{0, , 9}. assume that the noise deviation associated with each each .We , 9}. We transformation assume that theofstandard noise deviation observation is. . an affine the standard chosenvalue: value: σnoiseassociated = α + βiwith for affine transformation of the chosen observation is an is affine transformation of the chosen value: σnoise σ=noise α + βi observation an affine transformation the chosen for i ∈ {0, . . . , 9} with hyperparameters α ∈ R+of and β +∈ R+value: . Since the = α + βi One of the core goals of this work is to assess the for i ∈ . . .{0, , 9}. . with α ∈ R βand ∈ R . Since the the for{0, i is ∈ . , 9} hyperparameters with hyperparameters α+∈and β+∈ R+. Since Since with hyperparameters value of noise an ordinal variable as well, we build aRsecondary ordinal significance of the 120 O*NET features to future demand, value value of noise is an is ordinal variable as well, we a secondary ordinal of to noise anthe ordinal variable well,build wedifferent build a points secondary regression model predict ordinal value variable ofasnoise at in aordinal the value of noise is the an ordinal asatwell, we build regression model to predict ordinal value value of noise different pointspoints in regression model to predict the ordinal of noise at different in and thereby inform skills policy decisions. feature space. feature space.space. feature secondary ordinal regression model to to predict the ordinal As there are two questions being asked, one relating share change, and As there are two being being asked,asked, one relating to share change, and and As there arequestions two questions one relating share change, theOur other absolute change, two different types ofin observations areto made. We First, however, our research question needs further value of noise at different points feature space. approach differs from the state-of-the-art (Chu and Ghahramani, 2005), the other absolute change, two different types types of observations are made. We the other absolute change, two different of observations are build a model capable of acknowledging and noise fusingmodel. these two different ob-made. We firstly, in incorporating a heteroskedastic Recall that particbuild build a model capable of acknowledging and fusing these these two different ob- ob- clarification: what exactly does it mean for a feature to be abymodel capable ofextending acknowledging andlibrary fusing two different servation types employing and a Python called GPflow ipants describe how confident theyextending arebeing using choice from library ancalled ordinal listGPflow Asservation there two questions one relating servation typesare by employing and aaasked, Python library GPflow types by employing and extending Python called (Matthews et al. (2016)). We anoise Gaussian process toa model a latentwith funcOur{0, approach differs fromthat the use state-of-the-art (Chu and Ghahramani, 2005), important to demand? We propose two primary criteria . . . ,(Matthews 9}. We assume theuse standard deviation each (Matthews et al. (2016)). We Gaussian process toassociated model a latent func- funcet al. (2016)). Weademand use a Gaussian process to model a latent to share change, and the other absolute change, two tion f (x), representing the change in in absolute employment. The firstly, in incorporating a heteroskedastic noise model. Recall that particobservation is anrepresenting affine transformation ofinthe chosen value: σnoise = α +The βi The for a scheme to measure importance: tion ftion (x),(Chu the change in2005), demand in+absolute employment. frepresenting (x), the change demand in absolute employment. OurOur approach differs from thethe state-of-the-art and Ghahramani, 2005), + change approach differs from state-of-the-art (Chu and Ghahramani, relative change in share can be represented by dividing the absolute ipants describe how confident they are using a choice from an ordinal list for idifferent ∈relative {0, . . . ,change 9} hyperparameters α are ∈ and βthe ∈ absolute Rbuild . Since thechange types observations made. We achange relative change in with share can becan represented byRdividing inof share beparticrepresented by dividing the absolute firstly, in incorporating a heteroskedastic noise model. Recall that particfirstly, in incorporating a heteroskedastic noise model. Recall that in by the total size T of the workforce inwe 2030. That is, the second {0,demand . . . , 9}. We assume that the noise standard deviation associated with each value of noise isthe an ordinal variable as well, a2030. secondary ordinal in demand by total size Tsize of the workforce inbuild 2030. That is, the second inusing demand by thefrom total T list of the workforce in That is, the second 1. An important feature must be clearly predictive ipants describe howhow confident they are using a choice from an ordinal model capable of acknowledging and fusing these two ipants describe confident they are a choice an ordinal list of the two workshop questions provides an observation f /T , where T is an observation is an affine transformation of the chosen value: σ = α + βi noise regression model to predict the provides ordinal value ofannoise atfdifferent of the two workshop questions an observation /T , fwhere T is in an of the two workshop questions provides observation /T ,points where T is an {0,{0, . . . ., .9}. WeWe assume that thethe noise with each . , 9}. assume that noise deviation associated with each unknown positive value to be inferred for each for istandard ∈standard {0, . .deviation . , 9} withassociated hyperparameters α ∈ participant. R+ and β ∈ R+ . Since the feature space. of demand. different observation types by employing and extending unknown positive value to be inferred for each participant. unknown positive value to be inferred for each participant. observation is an affine transformation ofeach the chosen value: σvariable = α +asked, βi observation is an affine transformation of the chosen value: σnoise =as α + βi one Forof question, the model ingests ternary-valued from one ofand noise value noise isare antwo ordinal well, we build a labels secondary ordinal As there questions being relating to share change, For each the ingests ternary-valued labelslabels from one ofone of For each the model ingests ternary-valued from +question, +model + question, +Since for for i ∈i {0, . . . ., .9} with hyperparameters α ∈ R and β ∈ R . the ∈ {0, . , 9} with hyperparameters α ∈ R and β ∈ R . Since the GPflow, a package for building Gaussian process models the sets {Higher share, Same share, Lower share} and {Grow, No change, regression model to predict the ordinal value of noise at different points in the other absolute change, two Same different types of observations made. Wechange, the sets {Higher share, Same share, Lower share} and {Grow, No change, the sets {Higher share, share, Lower share} andare {Grow, No 2. An increase in an important feature must lead value of noise is an ordinal variable as space. well, we build a secondary ordinal value of noise is an ordinal variable as well, we build aof secondary ordinal Decline}, for relative share of employment and absolute change in employfeature build aDecline}, model capable acknowledging andand fusing two different in Python using TensorFlow (Matthews et al., 2016). Decline}, fornoise relative share of points employment absolute change in employfor relative share of employment andthese absolute change inobemployregression model to predict thethe ordinal value of at different in regression model to predict ordinal value of noise at different points in ment, respectively. From these ternary-valued observations the model proAs there are two questions being asked, one relating to share change, and to a strong increase in demand. servation types by employing andthese extending a Python library the called GPflow ment, respectively. From these ternary-valued observations model proment, respectively. From ternary-valued observations the model profeature space. feature space. duces aWe posterior over binary-valued labels,ato namely, use adistribution Gaussian process to model latent function the other absolute change, two different types ofprocess observations are{Increasing made. We (Matthews eta al. (2016)). We use a Gaussian model anamely, latent funcduces aone posterior distribution over binary-valued labels,labels, namely, {Increasing duces posterior distribution over binary-valued {Increasing As As there areare twotwo questions being asked, relating to share change, and there questions being asked, one relating to share change, and demand, Decreasing demand}, which are used as the foundation of the analbuild a model capable of acknowledging and fusing these two different obtion f (x), representing the demand}, change in which demand inas absolute employment. The We also propose two secondary criteria for a scheme to , Decreasing representing the change inare demand inwith absolute demand, demand}, which are used theasfoundation of theofanaldemand, used the foundation thethe other absolute change, twotwo different types of by observations are made. We other absolute change, different types of Decreasing observations are made. We ysis. The derivative ofshare ‘Increasing demand ofaan respect to the analservation types employing and extending Python library called GPflow relative change in can be represented byoccupation’ dividing the absolute change ysis. and The derivative of two ‘Increasing demand of an occupation’ with respect to ysis. The derivative ofdifferent ‘Increasing demand of an occupation’ with respect to measure importance: build a model capable of acknowledging fusing these obbuild a model capable of acknowledging and fusing these two different obtheinoccupation features is made possible by the use of automatic differentiaemployment. The relative change in share can be (Matthews et al. (2016)). We use a Gaussian process to model a latent funcdemand by the total size T is of made the workforce inuse 2030. That is, the second the occupation features iscalled made possible by theby ofuse automatic differentiathea occupation features possible the of automatic differentiaservation types by by employing andand extending Python library GPflow servation types employing extending aofPython library called GPflow tion, feature Google’s Tensorflow Python (Abadi al. (2015)), tion fathe (x), representing the change in demand in absolute employment. The oftion, two workshop questions provides anpackage observation f /Tet, (Abadi where is represented by dividing the absolute change in ation, feature oftoGoogle’s Tensorflow Python package (Abadi etdemand al. Tet (2015)), aprocess feature of Google’s Tensorflow Python package al.an (2015)), (Matthews et al. (2016)). WeWe useuse a Gaussian process model a latent func(Matthews et al. (2016)). a Gaussian to model a latent funcwhich provides the framework to GPflow. relative change in share can be represented by dividing the absolute change 1. It must be able to uncover non-linear interactions unknown positive value toframework be inferred each participant. which provides the framework to GPflow. which provides the tofor GPflow. tiontion f (x), representing thethe change demand in absolute employment. The f (x), representing change inFor demand in absolute employment. The in in demand by the total size T of the workforce in 2030. That is, the second by the total size of the workforce in 2030. That is, each question, the model ingests ternary-valued labels from one of between features. relative change in share cancan be be represented dividing thethe absolute change relative change in share represented by dividing absolute change of the two workshop questions provides an observation f /T{Grow, , whereNo T is an 5.3. learning theActive sets by {Higher share, Same share, Lower share} and change, the second of the two workshop questions provides an 5.3. Active learning 5.3. Active learning in demand by by thethe total sizesize T of the workforce in 2030. That is, the second in demand total T unknown of Decline}, the workforce in 2030. That is, the second positive value to be inferred for each participant. for relative share of employment and absolute change in employAsprovides described inobservation Sectionthe our foresight workshops required choosing which 2. It must be able to capture complementarities of the twotwo workshop questions provides anAs observation f4.3, /T ,4.3, T isT an of the workshop questions an fmodel /T , our where is an For each question, ingests labels from one ofpro-to , where where isternary-valued an unknown positive value ment, respectively. From these ternary-valued observations the model As observation described in Section foresight workshops required choosing which described Section 4.3, foresight workshops required choosing which occupations were to beinSame presented to our participants. We {Grow, introduced the use unknown positive value to be inferred for each participant. unknown positive value to be inferred for each participant. the sets {Higher share, share, Lower share} and No change, duces aoccupations posterior over binary-valued labels, {Increasing occupations weredistribution to be presented to participants. Wenamely, introduced the use were to be presented tochoice. participants. We introduced the use between features: we wish to discover features be inferred for each participant. of a machine learning model to automate this The machine learning ForFor each question, thethe model ingests ternary-valued labels from one of each question, model ingests labels from of Decline}, foraternary-valued relative share of employment and absolute change in of employdemand, Decreasing demand}, are used aschoice. the choice. foundation the analof a machine learning model towhich automate this The machine learning of machine learning toone automate this The learning model used was a reduced form ofmodel the model described in Section 5.2 tomachine ensure whose importance is contingent on the values thethe setssets {Higher share, Same share, Lower share} and {Grow, No change, {Higher share, Same share, Lower share} and {Grow, No change, ment, respectively. From these ternary-valued observations the model proysis. The derivative ofa‘Increasing demand an occupation’ respect to ensure model used was reduced form of the model described in Section 5.2 to 5.2 ensure model useda was reduced form of the of model described inwith Section to For each question, the ingests ternary-valued Decline}, for for relative share of employment and absolute change in binary-valued employDecline}, relative share ofduces employment and absolute inmodel employposterior distribution over {Increasing the aoccupation features ischange made possible by thelabels, use ofnamely, automatic differentiaof other features. ment, respectively. From these ternary-valued observations the model proment, respectively. From these ternary-valued observations the model pro- as package demand, demand}, which are used theshare, foundation ofetthe analtion,labels aDecreasing feature of Google’s Tensorflow Python (Abadi al. (2015)), from one of the sets {Higher Same share, duces a posterior distribution over binary-valued labels, namely, {Increasing duces a posterior distribution over binary-valued labels, namely, {Increasing ysis. The provides derivative of framework ‘Increasing demand of an occupation’ with respect to which the to GPflow. One approach to assessing feature importance is feature share} {Grow, No change, Decline},differentiafor demand, Decreasing demand}, which areLower used asfeatures the foundation ofpossible the analdemand, Decreasing demand}, which are used as the foundation of 37 the analthe occupation isand made by the use of automatic 37 37 ysis. TheThe derivative of ‘Increasing demand of an occupation’ with respect to topackage ysis. derivative of ‘Increasing demand of an occupation’ with respect tion, a feature of Google’s Tensorflow Python (Abadi et al. (2015)), selection (Guyon and Elisseeff, 2003). Feature selection is share of employment and absolute change in 5.3. relative Active learning thethe occupation features is made possible by by thethe use of automatic occupation features is made possible of automatic differentiawhich provides theuse framework todifferentiaGPflow. a broad and well-studied topic, and aims to choose those employment, respectively. From theserequired ternary-valued tion, a feature of Google’s Tensorflow package (Abadi al. (2015)), AsPython described in Section 4.3,etour workshops choosing which tion, a feature of Google’s Tensorflow Python package (Abadi et foresight al. (2015)), which provides thethe framework to 5.3. GPflow. were to be presented to participants. We introduced the use which provides framework tooccupations GPflow. features that are most informative of the function. In our Active learning observations the model produces a posterior distribution of a machine learning model to automate this choice. The machine learning context, it might be thought that the ranking of O*NET As described in Section 4.3, our foresight workshops required choosing which over labels, namely, {Increasing model usedbinary-valued was a reduced form of the model described in Sectiondemand, 5.2 to ensure Active learning Active learning occupations were to be presented to participants. We introduced the use features selected through such a scheme is a means of Decreasing demand}, which arechoice. usedThe as the foundation As As described in Section 4.3,4.3, ourour foresight workshops required which described in Section workshops required which of foresight a machine learning modelchoosing tochoosing automate this machine learning occupations were to to be be presented to to participants. We introduced the use ranking their importance to demand. We suggest that occupations were presented participants. We introduced the use model used was a reduced form of the model described in Section 5.2 to ensure of the analysis. The derivative of ‘Increasing demand of of aofmachine learning model to automate thisthis choice. TheThe machine learning a machine learning model to automate choice. machine learning the bulk of methods of feature selection give, at best, an 37 to the occupation features is an described occupation’ with5.2respect model used waswas a reduced form of the model in Section to ensure model used a reduced form of the model described in Section 5.2 to ensure OneOne approach One approach to assessing to assessing feature importance feature importance is feature feature selection (Guyon (Guyon approach toguide assessing importance is feature selection (Guyon One Oneapproach approach to toassessing assessing feature feature importance importance isfeature featuresele se One approach to assessing feature importance is featureisselection (G insufficient tofeature importance, and, atisselection worst, actively made possible by the use of automatic differentiation, a andand Elisseeff, and Elisseeff, 2003). Feature 2003). Feature selection selection is aisbroad is aand broad well-studied and well-studied topic, topic, Elisseeff, 2003). selection a2003). broad and well-studied topic, and and Elisseeff, Elisseeff, 2003). Feature Feature selection selection isis aand a broad broad and and wellwellt andFeature Elisseeff, 2003). Feature selection is a broad well-studied One approach to assessing feature importance is feature selection (Guyon 37 misleading: feature selection does not address the second and aims and to choose aims to those choose features those features that are that most are informative most informative of the function. of the function. and aims to choose those features that are most informative of the function. feature of Google’s Tensorflow package and aims aimsto to choose choose those thosethat features features that thatare aremost mostinformative informative ofo and aimsand to choose those features are most informative of the func One to assessing feature importance is feature selection (Guyon and Elisseeff, 2003). Python Feature selection is (Abadi a approach broad et and well-studied topic, One approach feature importance isranking feature selection (Guyon In our context, In our context, it to might itbemight thought be thought that thethat ranking the ranking of O*NET of O*NET features features In our context, itassessing might be thought that offeature O*NET features One approach to assessing isO*NET feature InIn our our context, itbe itmight might be thought thought that the theof ranking ranking ofofsele O* O In context, itcontext, might thought that theimportance ranking fea primary That is,the determining that athat feature and 2003). Feature selection is our a criteria. broad and well-studied topic,be andprovides aims to choose those features to that areElisseeff, most informative ofof theour function. al, 2015), which the framework GPflow. 37 37 andselected Elisseeff, 2003). selection is a broad and well-studied topic, selected selected through through suchsuch aFeature scheme such a is scheme a means is a of means ranking of ranking their importance their importance to to through a scheme is a means of ranking their importance to Elisseeff, selection is a of broad and well-s selected selected through through such suchFeature aaisscheme scheme isisaof ameans means oftheir ranking ranking their theiri selected through such athe scheme a means ranking importan aims choose of those features that are most and informative of 2003). function. In our context, it might be thoughtand that thetoranking O*NET features and aims tohighly choose those features that are most ofsign the function. is informative gives no sense of the of the demand. demand. We suggest We that suggest theimportance that bulk the of methods bulk offeature methods ofinformative feature of selection feature selection give, at give, at One approach to assessing feature isfeature feature selection (Guyon demand. We suggest that the bulk ofis methods ofselection feature selection give, at informative and aims choose those features that most of One approach to assessing importance is (Guyon One toimportance assessing feature feature selection (Guyon demand. demand. We suggest suggest that that the the bulk bulk ofofare methods methods ofof feature featuresele se demand. We suggest that the bulk of methods of feature selection giv our context, itapproach might be thought the ranking oftoWe O*NET features One approach to assessing feature importance is feature selection (Guyon selected through such a scheme is a In means of ranking their importance tothat One approach to assessing feature importance is feature selection (Guyon 5.3. ACTIVE LEARNING In our context, it might be thought that the ranking of O*NET features best, an best, insufficient an insufficient guide to guide importance, to importance, and, at worst, and, at actively worst, actively misleading: misleading: and Elisseeff, 2003). Feature selection is a broad and well-studied topic, best, an insufficient guide to importance, and, at worst, actively misleading: One approach to assessing feature importance is feature selection (Guyon In context, itto might be that the at ranking O*N and Elisseeff, 2003). selection isafeature abroad broad and well-studied topic, and Feature selection isour and well-studied topic, best, best, an an insufficient guide guide totothought importance, importance, and, and, atworst, worst,of active activ best, insufficient guide importance, and,topic, atfeature worst, actively mislea selected through such a2003). scheme isFeature a Feature means ofan ranking their importance to and Elisseeff, 2003). selection is ainsufficient broad and well-studied relationship between and demand. Most demand. We suggest that the bulk of methods of Elisseeff, feature selection give, at and Elisseeff, 2003). Feature selection is a of broad and well-studied topic, selected through such a scheme is a means of ranking their importance to feature selection feature selection does not does address not the address second the of second our primary our primary desiderata. desiderata. That That and aims to chooseand those features that are most informative of the function. feature selection does not address second of our primary desiderata. That and Elisseeff, 2003). Feature selection is a broad and well-studied topic, selected through such anot scheme isfunction. aofmeans of theirdes im aimsaims tochoose choose those features that are most informative ofthe the function. aims to those features that are most informative of function. feature feature selection selection does does not address address the the second second ofofranking our ourdesiderata. primary primary de feature selection does not address the second our primary demand. suggest that the bulk of methods of feature selection give, at and to choose those features that are most informative of the best, an insufficient guide to importance, and, We atand worst, actively misleading: and aims to choose those features that are most informative of the function. demand. We suggest that the bulk of methods ofinformative feature selection give, at selection adopts an information-theoretic approach that is, determining is, determining that athought feature that afeature is feature highly isWe informative highly gives no gives sense no of sense the ofofthe In our it to might be thought that the ranking O*NET features is, determining afeature feature is highly informative gives no sense of the and aims to choose those features that are most informative the function. Onecontext, One approach approach assessing to assessing feature feature importance importance is is of selection selection (Guyon (Guyon As described in Section 4.3,does ournot foresight workshops demand. that the bulk of methods feature sele In our context, might be thought that the ranking ofO*NET O*NET features In our it bethat that the ranking of features is, is, determining determining that that aofaisfeature feature isinformative isof highly highly informative informative gives no is, determining that asuggest feature highly gives no gives sense on best, anofinsufficient guide toitmight importance, at worst, actively misleading: In context, our context, it might beand, thought that the ranking O*NET features feature selection address the second our primary desiderata. That In our context, it might be thought that the ranking of O*NET features best, an insufficient guide to importance, and, at worst, actively misleading: sign of the sign relationship of the relationship between between feature and feature demand. and demand. Most feature Most selection feature selection selected through such a scheme is a means of ranking their importance to sign of the relationship between feature and demand. Most feature selection In our context, it might be thought that the ranking of O*NET features and and Elisseeff, Elisseeff, 2003). 2003). Feature Feature selection selection is a is broad a broad and and well-studied well-studied topic, topic, an insufficient guide toimportance importance, and, at worst, activel selected through suchsuch anot scheme means ranking their importance to to selected through such aof scheme is isof aofaour means of ranking their importance todemand. sign sign of ofof the the relationship relationship between between feature feature and anddemand. demand. Most Most fea fe sign the relationship between feature and Most feature sele feature selection does not address the second desiderata. That selected through a distinguish scheme isbest, aprimary means of ranking their would between athat feature is, determining that a feature were is highly informative gives no sense the required choosing which occupations tochoose be selected through such a approach scheme a means of ranking their importance to feature selection does not address the second of our primary desiderata. Thatof adopts an adopts information-theoretic an information-theoretic approach that would not would distinguish not distinguish between between demand. We suggest that the bulk of methods of feature selection give, at adopts anthat information-theoretic that would not distinguish between selected through such aofscheme is aisof means of ranking their importance to and aims and aims to to choose those those features features that are most are most informative informative ofapproach the ofan function. the function. selection does not address the second primary desi demand. We suggest the bulk offeature methods of feature selection give, at demand. We suggest that the bulk methods feature selection give, at adopts adopts an information-theoretic information-theoretic approach approach that would would not notdistin disti adopts an information-theoretic approach that would notour distinguish bet is, determining that a feature feature isthat highly informative gives no of the demand. We suggest that the bulk of methods ofsense feature selection give, atthat sign of the relationship between feature and demand. Most selection demand. We suggest that the bulk of methods of feature selection give, at is, determining that a feature is highly informative gives no sense of the a feature a x feature x for which , for f (x) which α−x f (x) , and α−x a feature , and a x feature , for which x , for f (x) which β+x f (x) β+x best, an insufficient guide to importance, and, at worst, actively misleading: , for which , and a feature for which a feature x demand. We suggest that the bulk of methods of feature selection give, at , for which f (x) α−x and a feature x , for which f (x) β+x In our In context, our context, it might it might be thought be thought that that the ranking the ranking of O*NET of O*NET features features 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 presented to participants. We introduced the of a best, is, that aactively isa feature highly informative gives noβ best, aninsufficient insufficient guide and, at actively best, an guide totoimportance, and, at actively misleading: axa1feature feature xworst, x1feature ,1worst, ,for which which ffeature f(x) (x) α−x α−x andax a2feature xx2 ,2 ,for which whic aimportance, ,determining for which ffor (x) α−x and ,feature for which ffor (x) sign use of the relationship between feature and demand. Most selection an insufficient guide tofeature importance, and, at worst, misleading: adopts an information-theoretic approach that would not distinguish between 1 ,1 ,and 1 ,misleading: best, an guide to importance, at actively misleading: sign ofand between feature and demand. Most feature selection (α and βthe (α some βinsufficient being parameters). some parameters). Both x Both and xand, x2 1are highly xworst, are informative highly informative ofdemand. of Most fea feature selection does not address the second of our primary desiderata. That an insufficient guide to importance, at worst, actively misleading: (αbest, βand being parameters). Both xparameters). and xand are informative of selected selected through through such such a scheme aselection scheme is abeing means isrelationship a not means ofsome ranking ranking their their importance importance to to 1relationship 2highly 1and, 2desiderata. sign of the between feature and feature does address the second our primary feature selection does not address the second ofof our primary desiderata. That (α (α and and β βsome being being some some parameters). parameters). Both Both and and xx2 2are are highly highly (α and βthe being some Both xThat and x2xx1are highly informati adopts anThe information-theoretic approach that would not distinguish between selection does not second of our primary desiderata. That a feature x1 , for f (x) α−x and a feature xfeature which f (x) β+x (ofdoes being parameters). 1and 1Both 1 ,choice. 2 , for 2 address machine learning model towhich automate this feature selection not address the second ofatnot our primary desiderata. That adopts an information-theoretic approach that would distinguish between demand. demand. However, However, a skills policy a skills that policy result in result broad in increases broad increases in x in x would would is, determining that a feature is highly informative gives no sense of the feature selection does not address the second of our primary desiderata. That demand. However, a skills policy that result in broad increases in x would demand. demand. We suggest We suggest that that the bulk the bulk of methods of methods of feature of feature selection selection give, give, at 1 1 1 information-theoretic that in would notincrease disting that ishighly highly gives no sense ofthe the is,1is, determining that a afeature informative no sense ofapproach demand. demand. However, However, agives askills skills policy that that result result inbroad broad increas demand. However, a skills policy that result broad increases in x1 w a feature x ,xfor which f (x) α−x , aand aisfeature x foran which fgives (x) β+x is, determining that is adopts highly informative no sense ofinthe (α and β being some parameters). Both x1 and are highly informative offeature 1feature 2 ,informative 2 policy 2 determining is, that aoccupations; feature is gives no sense of that, the athe feature xdetermining , to for which fworst, (x) α−x and ahighly feature xconverse. ,2f,feature for fNote (x) β+x lead to harmful lead harmful outcomes outcomes for occupations; x2feature the thewhich converse. Note Note that, also sign of relationship between feature and demand. feature selection is, determining that aMost feature highly no of are highly informative of demand. However, a1xalso policy lead to outcomes for occupations; xwhich ,informative the converse. also that, best, best, anthe insufficient an insufficient guide guide to importance, importance, and, and, at atfor worst, actively actively misleading: misleading: 1harmful 1 , is 2 , informative 2outcomes machine learning model useda was reduced form of axlead x ,x for (x) gives α−x , skills a feature x2converse. ,converse. for which sign of relationship between and demand. Most selection sign of the between and demand. Most selection lead to to harmful harmful outcomes for for occupations; occupations; x2x2 ,2the ,the the lead to harmful outcomes for occupations; ,sense the converse. Note alsoN 1demand. (αresult and βin being some parameters). Both xfeature and are highly informative of sign ofrelationship the relationship between feature and Most feature selection demand. However, skills apolicy that broad increases in would 2and 1 feature 2feature sign ofx1the relationship between feature and demand. Most feature selection (α and β being some parameters). Both x and x are highly informative of for our complex, for our complex, non-linear, non-linear, function function f , relationships f , relationships with x with x are unlikely are unlikely to to adopts an information-theoretic approach that would not distinguish between sign of relationship between feature and demand. Most feature selection for our complex, non-linear, function f , relationships with x are unlikely to feature feature selection selection does does not address not address the second the second of our of primary our primary desiderata. desiderata. That That 1 2 i i i (α and βthat being some parameters). Both x2 xare highly adopts approach that would not distinguish anan information-theoretic approach that would not between for for our our complex, complex, non-linear, non-linear, function ,harmful ,xrelationships relationships with with xxi iia for our complex, non-linear, ffunction ,between relationships with unlike 1 and demand. However, a information-theoretic skills policy that result inapproach broad increases indistinguish x would adopts an Note information-theoretic would not distinguish between lead to harmful outcomes occupations; x2 ,adopts the converse. also that, that result in broad increases in would lead toffwould i are 1function the model described in Section 5.2for ensure ‘real-time’ adopts information-theoretic approach that distinguish However, ainformative skills policy that result broad increases in xfeature, be as as simple described as described above for above xof for xthe and xawould . would and xnot Another feature, feature, x3 ,between x3 , increase ato x1 , for which f (x) α−x , which and afan feature xα−x , for which fapproach (x) an information-theoretic that between be as simple as that described above for xas and x Another xand is,feature determining is, determining that afeature feature ademand. issimple highly isas highly informative gives gives no sense no sense the of 1 result 1β+x 21skills 2 .distinguish 1be 2that 2 .(x) 3 ,and demand. However, policy that broad athat fthat (x) ,simple and aas feature ,in for which fnot (x) β+x a feature xfeature , 1adopts for (x) α−x aconverse. feature x ,described which fAnother β+x as simple as described described above above for xx2 .2 . Anothe Anoth be as that above for x12β+x and .1in feature to harmful outcomes occupations; xas ,and the Note also that, a feature xare ,for forunlikely which fto (x) ,be and asimple feature x1 22that ,that for which f (x) 2for 2 for for our complex, non-linear, functionlead f , relationships with x, ifor 1x 1α−x 2x 1 Another 2x 2, 1 1which 1be 2 xx 17 a feature x , for which f (x) α−x , and a feature x , for which f (x) β+x lead to harmful outcomes for occupations; , the converse. Note also that, may give may f (x) give cos(x f (x) cos(x ): while, ): again, while, x again, is highly x is informative highly informative of demand, of demand, (α and β being some parameters). Both x and x are highly informative of a x 1 1 2 2 may give f (x) cos(x , for which f (x) α−x , and a feature x , for which f (x) β+x ): while, again, x is highly informative of demand, sign sign of the of relationship the relationship between between feature feature and demand. and demand. Most Most feature feature selection selection outcomes for occupations; the converse. Note 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 given that above ourfor goal to(αand performance. be In lead outcomes for occupations; , highly the converse. N and β being some parameters). Both and are highly informative (α being some parameters). Both x(x) and x informative ofof may give give fx f(x) cos(x cos(x ): while, while, again, xx3 3xisinformative highly informativ informat give fmay cos(x while, again, x3again, is highly of dem 2is ourxis non-linear, function relationships are unlikely to (α and β being some parameters). Both xharmful and x3 ): are highly informative of 1with 2(x) as particular, simple as that described for and x Another feature, xf3 ,, may 1xto 2x 3 ): iare 2highly 1complex, 2 .β and βthat being parameters). Both xoccupations and x3are are highly informative of our complex, non-linear, function fcomplex, ,1Both with xhighly are unlikely tox3of itfor isit unclear it isaβresult whether unclear whether itsome isitthat important: it is important: for some occupations (values xof demand. ademand. skills policy that in broad increases in xrelationships would 1 some is(α unclear whether is important: for some occupations (values (α and being some parameters). xwhether and xit informative ),ofxoccupations adopts adopts anHowever, information-theoretic an information-theoretic approach approach that would not distinguish not distinguish between between i(values 3 ), 3 ), with x a 1broad 1for 2it for our fof relationships However, skills policy that result in increases in would demand. However, skills policy result in broad increases xfunction would itit unclear unclear is2function important: for some some occupations it would is itbroad isnon-linear, important: for occupations (valuesi of( beto as simple as that described above for x1unclear and xis .whether Another feature, xin , important: demand. However, a skills policy that result in whether increases x1some would 1 may and give fthat (x) our cos(x again, x3provide is highly informative of ademand, 1xin also that, for our complex, non-linear, ,, for 2is 3is 3 ): while, predict demand, model is to demand. However, asignificance skills policy that result in broad increases in xwould would be as simple as that described above for x and x . Another feature, x x x will have will very have different very different significance from that from for that other for occupations. other occupations. To To lead harmful for occupations; x , the converse. Note also that, 1, To demand. However, a skills policy that result in broad increases in x x will have very different significance from that for other occupations. a feature aable feature x1 , for x1which ,outcomes for which f (x) f (x) α−x α−x , and , a and feature a feature x , for x which , for which f (x) f (x) β+x β+x 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 be simple asvery that described above for x1 other and xoccupations Anothe harmful outcomes for occupations; ,have converse. Note also that, lead to outcomes x , 2the Note also that, xx3 3as will will have very different different significance significance from from that thatfor for other oc o xfor have very different significance from that for 2 . other flead (x) toharmful cos(x while, again, isoccupations; highly informative of demand, lead to harmful outcomes xthe ,converse. the converse. Note also that, it is unclear whether it is important:may forgive some occupations of xfor ),occupations; 2x 3 will 3 ):(values lead to occupations; xthe ,informative the converse. Note also that, may give ffnon-linear, (x) cos(x ): again, xf23Determination is highly of demand, be explicit, be explicit, the the Automatic Relevance Relevance Determination Determination approach approach (Rasmussen (Rasmussen for our non-linear, function ,harmful relationships with x are unlikely to 2of to outcomes occupations; x belead explicit, the Relevance approach ,to converse. Note also (α and (αincomplex, βand being βoccupations, being some some parameters). parameters). Both Both xharmful and x3Automatic xand are xwhile, are highly informative informative of with are unlikely be as simple as ifor 2 1Automatic 1function 23outcomes 2 highly estimates of the uncertainty of demand all give (x) cos(x while, again, x is that, highly informativ ourcomplex, complex, function foccupations ,be relationships with xare unlikely to forfor our non-linear, f may ,for relationships with x to(Rasmussen be explicit, the the Automatic Automatic Relevance Relevance Determination Determination approac approa be explicit, the Automatic Relevance Determination approach (Rasmu 3i ): it is unclear whether itoccupations. isrelationships important: for some (values xare for our complex, non-linear, function fexplicit, , relationships with x3 ), are unlikely to3 that x3 will have very different significance from that for other To iof iunlikely for our complex, non-linear, function frelationships ,feature relationships with xare unlikely to it is unclear whether it is important: for some occupations (values of x ), and Williams and Williams (2006)) often (2006)) used often for used embedded for embedded selection feature selection for Gaussian for Gaussian be asdemand. simple as that described above for x and x . Another feature, x , i are and Williams (2006)) often used for embedded feature selection for Gaussian for our complex, non-linear, function f , with x unlikely to demand. However, However, a skills a skills policy policy that that result result in broad in broad increases increases in x in x would would 3 1 2 3 i 1 1 it isxunclear itoften isTo important: for occupations (v as simple that described above x and x ..Another Another feature, ,feature bebeas asasdescribed that above for xand .(2006)) feature, x ,embedded and and Williams Williams often used used for for feature feature selection selectio and Williams (2006)) often for embedded selection for Gau x3Determination will have very different significance from that for other besimple as simple as described that described above x1 occupations. xAnother Another feature, x3 , some 1and 2(2006)) 3embedded be explicit, the Automatic Relevance approach (Rasmussen 1for 2whether 3x above for and feature, may 2 .used we took the natural option of uncertainty sampling. be as simple as described above for xfor xdescription . description Another feature, x3 processes will have very different significance from that other To processes processes inappropriate for our ends. for our It ends. provides provides only a description of the the may give f (x) outcomes cos(x ):give while, again, x is highly informative of demand, 1 and 2only 3, is for our ends. It provides aoccupations. the be as simple that described above for xIt and xa2ends. Another feature, xof3a,xfor lead lead to harmful to harmful outcomes for for occupations; xis x2processes , inappropriate the ,that converse. the converse. Note Note also also that, that, 3give 3inappropriate 1different 2as xprocesses will have very from that other occ may foccupations; (x) is cos(x again, is informative of demand, may fgive (x) cos(x again, x is approach informative of.significance demand, processes inappropriate inappropriate for for our our ends. ends. ItItofprovides provides only only aadesc des inappropriate for ouronly It demand, provides only description o 3is be explicit, the Automatic Relevance Determination (Rasmussen may f(x) Gaussian cos(x ): while, again, xhighly isisis highly informative of 3 and Williams (2006)) often used for embedded feature selection for 3 ):3 ):while, 3x 3while, 3highly may give f (x) cos(x ): while, again, x is highly informative of demand, be explicit, the Automatic Relevance Determination approach (Rasmussen informativeness informativeness of features, of features, rather than rather their than importance. their importance. it is unclear whether it is important: for some occupations (values of x ), 3 3 informativeness of features, rather than their importance. may give f (x) cos(x ): while, again, x is highly informative of demand, for our for complex, our complex, non-linear, non-linear, function function f , relationships f , relationships with with x x are unlikely are unlikely to to give : while, again, is highly informative 3 3 3 i i Uncertainty sampling the setfor ofour all ends. occupations be explicit, theoccupations Automatic Relevance Determination approach unclear whether it for some occupations (values ofx3x), ), it itis is(2006)) unclear whether itfor is is important: for some occupations (values oftheir informativeness informativeness ofofGaussian features, features, rather rather than their theirimportance. importance. ofsome features, rather than importance. andItWilliams often used embedded feature selection for itonly is unclear whether itimportant: isinformativeness important: for (values of x3 ), 3than processes isranks inappropriate provides a description of the it unclear is unclear whether it2managing isto important: for some occupations (values of x3 ), and Williams (2006)) often used for embedded feature selection for Gaussian A second A approach second approach to managing managing features features is dimensionality is dimensionality reduction, reduction, xbe have very different significance from that for other occupations. To A second approach to features is dimensionality reduction, it is whether it is important: for some occupations (values of x ), asbesimple as simple as that as that described described above above for x for x and and x . Another x . Another feature, feature, x , x , 3 will 3 1 1 2 3 3 and Williams (2006)) often forToembedded feature selection will havehave very different significance from that for other occupations. Tofor xis3xinappropriate very different significance from that for other occupations. A A second second approach approach to toused managing managing features features isis dimensional dimensiona A unclear second approach to managing features is dimensionality reduc processes for ourdifferent ends. Ititsignificance provides only a description of the x3 have will very from that for other occupations. To 3will informativeness of features, rather than their importance. of demand, is whether it is important: from high- to lowuncertainty, and be chooses highestxwill will very different significance from that other occupations. To processes isagain, inappropriate for our ends. It provides only afor description of the would which involve would projecting involve projecting the data the into data ademand, lower-dimensional afor lower-dimensional space. To space. To explicit, thef(x) Automatic Relevance Determination approach (Rasmussen 3 would projecting the into ainto lower-dimensional xwhile, have different significance from that other occupations. may may give give f the (x) cos(x explicit, cos(x ): which while, again, xhave isvery xhighly is highly informative informative ofdata demand, of 3the 3explicit, 3 ):which 3 involve 3Relevance processes is inappropriate for our ends. Itinto provides only a space desc Automatic Relevance Determination approach (Rasmussen the Automatic Determination approach (Rasmussen which which would would involve involve projecting projecting the the data data intoTo aTo alower-dimensio lower-dimensi which would involve projecting the data into aspace. lower-dimensional features, rather than their importance. beofexplicit, the Automatic Relevance Determination approach (Rasmussen A second approach to managinginformativeness featuresbebe is dimensionality reduction, be explicit, the Automatic Relevance Determination approach (Rasmussen informativeness of features, rather than their importance. give an example, give an example, dimensionality dimensionality reduction reduction can be achieved can be achieved by the ubiquitous by the ubiquitous and Williams (2006)) often used for embedded feature selection for Gaussian give an example, dimensionality reduction can be achieved by the ubiquitous be explicit, the Automatic Relevance Determination approach (Rasmussen it is it unclear is unclear whether whether it is it important: is important: for some for some occupations occupations (values (values of x of x ), ), some occupations (values of will have very 3 3 ranked for labelling by participants. Thethe motivation forWilliams ofselection features, rather than importance. and Williams (2006)) often used for embedded feature Gaussian (2006)) often used for embedded selection forforGaussian give give an anfeature example, example, dimensionality dimensionality reduction can can be beachieved achieved by byt give an example, dimensionality reduction can betheir achieved by the ubiqu second approach to managing features isinformativeness dimensionality reduction, and Williams (2006)) often used for embedded feature selection for reduction Gaussian which would involve projecting dataAinto aand lower-dimensional space. To and Williams (2006)) often used for embedded feature selection for Gaussian A second approach to managing features is dimensionality reduction, technique technique of Principal of Principal Component Component Analysis Analysis (Pearson, (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality 1901). Dimensionality processes is inappropriate for our ends. It provides only a description of the technique of Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality and Williams (2006)) often used for embedded feature selection for Gaussian x3 will x3 have will have very very different different significance significance from from that that for other for other occupations. occupations. To To A second approach to managing is dimensionali for our ends. provides only adescription description the processes is is inappropriate our ends. Ittechnique provides aonly ofofthe technique of ofonly Principal Principal Component Analysis Analysis (Pearson, 1901). 1901).D technique ofIt Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimension which would involve projecting the for data into a lower-dimensional space. To processes isthe inappropriate for our ends. It provides aComponent description of features the (Pearson, an example, dimensionality reduction can beprocesses achieved byinappropriate ubiquitous different significance from that for other occupations. the approach give is the expectation these labels should be processes ison inappropriate for our ends. It provides only a description of the which would involve projecting the data into a lower-dimensional space. To reduction reduction on x can certainly x can certainly be used to be discover used to discover that certain that features certain features co-vary. co-vary. informativeness features, rather than their importance. reduction on x can certainly be used to discover that certain features co-vary. processes is inappropriate for our ends. It provides only a description of the be explicit, be explicit, the of Automatic the Automatic Relevance Relevance Determination Determination approach approach (Rasmussen (Rasmussen involve projecting the data intocertain a lower-dimension informativeness features, rather than importance. informativeness ofoffeatures, rather than their importance. reduction reduction on on xxcan can certainly certainly be used used totothat discover discover that that certain certaincofea fe reduction ontheir x would can certainly be used tobe discover features give an (Pearson, example, dimensionality can bewhich achieved by the ubiquitous informativeness ofreduction features, rather than their importance. technique of Principal Component Analysis 1901). Dimensionality informativeness of features, rather than their importance. give an example, dimensionality reduction can be achieved by the This, of course, This, of isexplicit, course, not the isfeature same not the as same discovering as discovering that the that tworeduction, are the similarly twoubiquitous are similarly im- imimsecond approach managing features ismanaging dimensionality reduction, This, of course, not the as discovering that the two are similarly informativeness of features, rather their importance. andAWilliams and Williams (2006)) (2006)) often often used used for embedded for embedded feature selection selection for Gaussian for Gaussian To be the Automatic Relevance Determination most informative about overall: their observation give an example, reduction achieved byare th Ato second approach toismanaging features is dimensionality reduction, A second approach toAnalysis features is dimensionality This, This, of of course, course, isdimensionality is not notthe thediscovering same same asasdiscovering discovering that that the thesimilarl two two ar ofsame course, isthan not the same as thatcan the be two are technique of Principal Component (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality A second approach toThis, managing features is dimensionality reduction, reduction on xdemand can certainly be used to discover that certain features co-vary. A second approach to managing features is dimensionality reduction, technique of Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality portant portant to demand. to demand. More sophisticated More sophisticated uses of dimensionality uses of dimensionality reduction, reduction, which would involve projecting the data into a lower-dimensional space. To portant to demand. More sophisticated uses of dimensionality reduction, A second approach to managing features is dimensionality reduction, processes processes is inappropriate is inappropriate for our for ends. our ends. It provides It provides only only a description a description of the of the technique Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). D which would involve projecting thedata data into alower-dimensional lower-dimensional space. To of would involve the into ainto space. To portant portant toof to demand. demand. More More sophisticated sophisticated uses usesfor ofofdimensional dimensiona portant to demand. More sophisticated uses dimensionality reduc reductionwhich on x which can certainly beprojecting used to (Rasmussen discover that certain features co-vary. would involve projecting the data aWilliams lower-dimensional space. To of course, is not the asuncertainty. discovering that the two are similarly imapproach and (2006)) often used should lead toThis, a large reduction insame total The which would involve projecting the data into a discover lower-dimensional space. To reduction on x can certainly be used to discover that certain features co-vary. that include that the include values the of values f (x) itself, of f (x) can itself, be used can be to used to discover relationships relationships give an example,of dimensionality reduction can be achieved by the ubiquitous that include the values of f (x) itself, can be used to discover relationships which would involve projecting the data into a lower-dimensional space. To informativeness informativeness features, of features, rather rather than than their their importance. importance. reduction on xthe can certainly be used discover that certain fea give an example, dimensionality reduction can be achieved bythe the ubiquitous give an dimensionality reduction can be achieved by that that include include the ofofubiquitous fthe f(x) (x) itself, itself, can canto be bediscover used usedto torelation discover discove that include the values of values fvalues (x) itself, can betoused This, uses of course, isexample, not the same as discovering that the two are similarly imgive an example, dimensionality reduction can be achieved by ubiquitous portant to demand. More sophisticated of dimensionality reduction, give example, reduction can be achieved by ubiquitous This, of course, isfeatures notfeatures the as discovering that the two areas similarly imbetween O*NET O*NET features features and demand. and demand. However, However, dimensionality dimensionality reduction, reduction, technique Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality between O*NET and demand. However, dimensionality reduction, give an an example, reduction can be achieved by thethe ubiquitous A second A ofsecond approach approach tobetween managing to managing features isdimensionality dimensionality issame dimensionality reduction, reduction, feature selection for Gaussian isthat dimensional active learningthat approach is values one that aims to interactively This, of course, is not the same discovering the tworeduc are technique of Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality technique of Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality between between O*NET O*NET features features and andprocesses demand. demand. However, However, dimensiona between O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionality portant demand. More sophisticated uses of dimensionality reduction, technique ofembedded Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality include the of f (x) itself, can beto used to discover relationships technique of Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality portant to demand. More sophisticated uses of dimensionality reduction, in considering in considering combinations combinations of features, of features, will fail to will satisfy fail to our satisfy first our desiderafirst desiderareduction onwould xinvolve caninvolve certainly be used to discover that certain features co-vary. in considering combinations of features, will fail to satisfy our first desideratechnique of Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality which which would projecting projecting the data the data into into a lower-dimensional a lower-dimensional space. space. To To portant to demand. More sophisticated uses oftoour dimensionali reduction can certainly be used to discover that certain features reduction ononx xof can be used to discover that features co-vary. inin considering combinations combinations of ofco-vary. features, features, will will fail fail to satisfy satisfy our our in considering combinations of features, will fail to satisfy first desi thatHowever, include the values fxcertainly (x) itself, can used toconsidering discover relationships reduction oninappropriate can certainly befor used to discover that certain features co-vary. between features and demand. dimensionality reduction, our ends. Itcertain provides only afeatures description acquire data so as toO*NET provide the greatest confidence insame reduction on xmixing can certainly be used to discover that certain features co-vary. that include the values of fachieved (x)that itself, can be used to discover relationships tum. That tum. is, That in mixing is, in features mixing features together, together, dimensionality dimensionality reduction will fail will This, of example, course, isdimensionality not the as discovering that the two are similarly imtum. That is,can features together, dimensionality reduction will fail reduction on xin can certainly be used to discover that certain co-vary. give an give an example, dimensionality reduction reduction be can achieved be by by ubiquitous the ubiquitous include the values of freduction (x) itself, can usedfail to discover This, course, isnot not the same asdiscovering discovering that the two are similarly imThis, ofof course, is the same as that the two are similarly imtum. That That is, is, in in mixing mixing features features together, together, dimensionality dimensionality redu red tum. That is,the in mixing features together, dimensionality reduction wi between O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionality reduction, ofour course, is not the same as tum. discovering that the two are similarly im- be in considering combinations of features, will fail to This, satisfy first desideraThis, of course, isdimensionality not the same as discovering that the two are similarly imbetween O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionality reduction, to uncover to uncover clear and clear interpretable and interpretable relationships relationships to increasing to increasing demand. demand. portant to demand. More sophisticated uses of reduction, to uncover clear and interpretable relationships to increasing demand. This, of course, is not the same as discovering that the two are similarly imtechnique technique of Principal of Principal Component Component Analysis Analysis (Pearson, (Pearson, 1901). 1901). Dimensionality Dimensionality of the informativeness of features, rather than their between O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionali resulting predictions. portant demand. More sophisticated usesand ofdimensionality dimensionality reduction, portant totodemand. More sophisticated uses of reduction, totosatisfy uncover uncover clear clear and and interpretable interpretable relationships relationships totoincreasing increasing to uncover clear interpretable relationships to increasing demand. d in considering combinations of features, willsophisticated fail to our first desideraportant to demand. More uses of dimensionality reduction, tum. That is, in mixing features together, dimensionality reduction will fail portant to demand. More sophisticated uses of dimensionality reduction, in considering combinations of features, will fail to satisfy our first desideraWe make We two make complementary two complementary proposals proposals for assessing for assessing feature importance, feature importance, that include values of f (x) itself, can be used to discover relationships We make two complementary proposals for assessing feature importance, portant to demand. More sophisticated uses of dimensionality reduction, reduction reduction on the x on can xthat certainly can certainly be used be used to discover to discover that that certain certain features features co-vary. co-vary. in considering combinations of features, will fail to satisfy our the values fof (x)fitself, itself, canbe beused used to discover relationships include the values ofoff (x) can totwo discover relationships We We make make two complementary complementary proposals proposals for forassessing assessing featur featufi We itself, make two complementary proposals for assessing feature import tum. That that is, increasing ininclude mixing features together, dimensionality reduction will fail that include the values (x) can be used to discover relationships to uncover clear and interpretable relationships to demand. importance. that include the values of f (x) itself, can be to discover relationships tum. That is, in mixing features together, dimensionality reduction will fail ultimately and ultimately present results present from each. from each. between O*NET demand. However, dimensionality reduction, and ultimately present results from each. that include the values of fresults (x) itself, can be used toreduction, discover relationships This,This, of course, of course, isfeatures not is the notand same the same as discovering asfeatures discovering that that the two the are two similarly are similarly imim-used tum. That is, inresults mixing features together, between O*NET and demand. However, dimensionality reduction, O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionality and and ultimately ultimately present present results results from from each. each. dimensionality redu and ultimately present from each. to uncover clear and interpretable relationships to increasing demand. between O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionality reduction, We make two complementary proposals forbetween assessing feature importance, between O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionality reduction, toof uncover clear and interpretable relationships to increasing demand. in considering features, will failof to satisfy our first desiderabetween O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionality reduction, portant portant to demand. tocombinations demand. More More sophisticated sophisticated uses uses of dimensionality of dimensionality reduction, reduction, to uncover clear and interpretable relationships to increasing d considering combinations offeatures, features, will fail tosatisfy satisfy our firstdesideradesideraininconsidering combinations will fail tofail our first two complementary proposals forfeatures, assessing feature in considering combinations of will toimportance, satisfy our first desideraand ultimately present results from each.We make in considering combinations of features, will fail satisfy our first desideraWe make twodimensionality complementary for assessing feature importance, tum. Thatinclude is,the in mixing features together, will in considering combinations ofproposals features, will fail to to satisfy our first desiderathat that include values the values of f (x) ofis, fis, itself, (x) itself, can be can used be used to discover toreduction discover relationships relationships 39 39fail 39 We make two complementary proposals tum. That in mixing features together, dimensionality reduction will fail tum. That in mixing features together, dimensionality reduction will fail and ultimately present results each. tum. That is, infrom mixing features together, dimensionality reduction will fail for assessing feature 39 39 39 tum. That in mixing features together, dimensionality reduction will fail and demand. ultimately present results from each. to uncover clear and interpretable relationships increasing demand. tum. That is, is, in to mixing features together, dimensionality reduction between between O*NET O*NET features features and and demand. However, However, dimensionality dimensionality reduction, reduction, and ultimately results from each. will fail uncover clear andinterpretable interpretable relationships increasing demand. toto uncover clear and relationships totoincreasing demand. to uncover clear and interpretable relationships topresent increasing demand. 39 to uncover clear and interpretable relationships increasing demand. We two complementary proposals for assessing feature importance, uncover clear and interpretable relationships to to increasing demand. in considering in make considering combinations combinations of to features, of features, will fail will to fail satisfy to satisfy our for first our first desideradesideraWemake make two complementary proposals for assessing feature importance, We two complementary proposals assessing feature importance, We make two complementary proposals for assessing feature importance, 39 37 We make complementary proposals assessing feature importance, and present results from each. We make twotwo complementary proposals forfor assessing feature importance, 39 tum.ultimately tum. ThatThat is, in is,mixing inand mixing features features together, together, dimensionality dimensionality reduction reduction will fail will fail ultimately present results fromfrom each. 39 and ultimately present results from each. and ultimately present results each. ultimately present results from each. andand ultimately present from each. to uncover to uncover clearclear and interpretable and interpretable relationships relationships to increasing toresults increasing demand. demand. We make We make two complementary two complementary proposals for assessing for assessing feature feature importance, importance, 39proposals 3939 39 and ultimately and ultimately present present results results fromfrom each.each. 39 39 a feature x1 , for which f (x) α−x1 , and a feature x2 , for which f (x) β+x2 feature selection does not address the second of our primary desiderata. That (α and β being some parameters). Both x1 and x2 are highly informative of is, determining that a feature is highly informative gives no sense of the demand. However, a skills policy that result in broad increases in x1 would sign of the relationship between feature and demand. Most feature selection lead to harmful outcomes for occupations; x2 , the converse. Note also that, adopts an information-theoretic approach that would not distinguish between THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN for T IN 30 our2 0complex, non-linear, function f , relationships with xi are unlikely to a feature x1 , for which f (x) α−x1 , and a feature x2 , for which f (x) β+x2 be as simple as that described above for x1 and x2 . Another feature, x3 , (α and β being some parameters). Both x1 and x2 are highly informative of may give f (x) cos(x3 ): while, again, x3 is highly informative of demand, demand. However, a skills policy that result in broad increases in x1 would it is unclear whether it is important: for some occupations (values of x3 ), lead to harmful outcomes for occupations; x2 , the converse. Note also that, x will have very different significance from that for other occupations. To for our complex, non-linear, function f , relationships with xi are unlikely3 to be explicit, the Automatic Relevance Determination approach (Rasmussen 5.4.2. AVERAGE DERIVATIVE AND FEATURE A second managing features is dimensionality be as simple as that described above approach for x1 and x2to . Another feature, x, and3 Williams (2006)) often used for embedded feature selection for Gaussian may give f (x) cos(x3 ): while, again, x3 is highly informative of demand, COMPLEMENTARITY reduction, which would involve projecting data processesthe is inappropriate for our ends. It provides only a description of the it is unclear whether it is important: for some occupations (values of x3 ), informativeness of features, rather than their importance. x3 will have very different into significance from that for otherspace. occupations. To an example, a lower-dimensional To give A second approach to managing is dimensionality reduction, Ourfeatures second proposal gives a means of satisfying our be explicit, the Automatic Relevance Determination approach (Rasmussen which would involve 5.4.2. projecting the data into a lower-dimensional To dimensionality reduction can be achieved by the Average derivative and featurespace. complementarity and Williams (2006)) often used for embedded feature selection for Gaussian secondary criteria, while perhaps give an example, dimensionality reduction can be achieved by the ubiquitous weakening the case for processes is inappropriate for our ends. Ittechnique provides only descriptionComponent of the ubiquitous ofaPrincipal Analysis Our second proposal gives a means of satisfying our secondary desiderata, Average derivative and feature complementarity technique of Principal Component 5.4.2. Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality the first of the primary average derivative, as informativeness of features, rather than their importance. while perhaps for features the criteria. firstco-vary. of theThe primary desiderata. reductionon on x can certainly be usedweakening to discoverthe thatcase certain (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality reduction can A second approach to managing features is dimensionality reduction, Our second proposal gives a means ofal.satisfying our secondary desiderata, The average derivative, as described in Baehrens et (2010), is for the nth feature described in Baehrens et al. (2010), is for the This, of course, is not the same as discovering that the two are similarly imwhich would involve projecting the data a lower-dimensional space. To features co-vary.simplywhile perhaps weakeningthe case for the first of the primary desiderata. certainly beinto used to discover that certain portant to demand. feature More sophisticated uses of dimensionality reduction, simply give an example, dimensionality reduction can be achieved by the ubiquitous The average derivative, as described in Baehrens et al. (2010), is for the nth ∂m(x) that include the values f (x) itself, can be used to := discover relationships This, of course, is not the same as discovering that the of two AG(n) E , (8) technique of Principal Component Analysis (Pearson, 1901). Dimensionality feature simply ∂xn reduction, between O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionality ∂m(x) reduction on x can certainlyare be used to discover that certain features co-vary. similarly important to demand. More sophisticated := E in (6). , (8) in considering combinations features, will fail to satisfy ourAG(n) firstdefined desidera(8) using theof employment-weighted expectation This, of course, is not the same as discovering that the two are similarly im∂x tum. That is,the in mixing features dimensionality reduction will failthe nexpected increase By way oftogether, interpretation, the derivative measures of dimensionality reduction, that include values of portant to demand. Moreuses sophisticated uses of dimensionality reduction, using the employment-weighted expectation defined in (6). to uncover clear and in interpretable toinincreasing demand. demand for relationships a unit increase a particular feature (for instance, as a result that include the values of f (x) itself, used to discover relationships itself,can canbebe used to discover relationships between By way interpretation, measures expected increase We make two complementary proposals forof assessing feature importance, of a policy intervention). By averaging overthe all derivative occupations, we getthe a sense using the employment-weighted expectation defined in (6). between O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionality reduction, in demand for a unit increase in a particular feature instance, as a result and ultimately present results from each. of the aggregate increase in demand as a result of this increase in(for a feature. O*NET features and demand. However, dimensionality in considering combinations of features, will fail to satisfy our first desideraof a policy intervention). By averaging over all occupations, we get The average derivative gives an interpretable the notion of sign: itmeasures can clearly the a sense By way of interpretation, derivative tum. That is, in mixing features together, will fail of features, will reduction, in dimensionality considering reduction combinations of the aggregate increase in demand as demand. a result of this increase in a feature. distinguish positive negative relationships with 39 from to uncover clear and interpretable relationships to increasing demand. The average derivative an to interpretable notion of sign:is it expected increase in demand a unit increase incan a clearly The first advantage of this metric gives relative the for marginal correlation fail toproposals satisfy our first criterion. That is, in mixing features We make two complementary for assessing feature importance, distinguish positive from withfirst demand. that it is sensitive to non-linearities in negative the data,relationships addressing the of our particular feature (for instance, as a result of a policy and ultimately present results from each. together, dimensionality reduction will fail to uncover clear desiderata. The first advantage of this gives metrica relative to the marginal secondary While the derivative linear approximation to correlation is that is sensitive to non-linearities in considering the addressing the intervention). averaging over alldata, occupations, wefirst getof our demand, it is only aitlocally linearBy approximation. By the approxand interpretable relationships to increasing demand. 39 desiderata. in While the derivative gives a linear approximation to imation at allsecondary points (occupations) skills-/knowledge-/abilities-space, we a sense of the aggregate increase in demand as a result demand, it isrelationships only a locallythat linear approximation. Byatconsidering are able to better measure have different slopes different the approxWe make two complementary proposals for assessing all pointsin (occupations) skills-/knowledge-/abilities-space, of thisatincrease a feature. inThe average derivative gives we regions of the imation space. feature importance, and ultimately present results aretoable to better measure relationships have different slopes at different This ability manage non-linearity also enables that the average derivative an interpretable notion of sign: it can clearly distinguish of the of space. to capture theregions importance features whose significance is conditional on from each. This ability manage non-linearity enables the average derivative positive fromto negative relationships with demand. the values of other features. For instance, Fine Arts also is very important to to important capture the features whose significance is conditional on Artists, but less forimportance occupationsofwith differing skills profiles. This 5.4.1. PEARSON CORRELATION the of other For instance, Fine Artsto verymarginal important to is achieved through reporting thefeatures. derivative averaged over subsets ofisthe occuThevalues first advantage of this metric relative 20 profiles. This Artists, those but less important foraoccupations with differing skills pations: for instance, that fall within major occupational grouping . is average that it derivative is sensitive non-linearities in the We first consider a direct means of achieving our primary iscorrelation achieved reporting the derivative averaged oversubsubsets of occuFor a non-linear function,through the for ato feature may be 20 pations: for instance, those that fall agrouping) major occupational stantively different one region of space (occupational than for grouping data,over addressing the first of within our secondary criteria. While . two criteria, while ignoring the secondary criteria. This For a non-linear function, the average derivative for a feature may be subanother. the derivative a linear toboth demand, metric of the importance of a feature, which we abbreviate stantively differentgives over region ofapproximation space grouping) than for For each subset of occupations, we one will highlight those(occupational features with Pearson correlation Pearson correlation large positive another. and average derivatives. Those with posit islarge onlynegative a locally linear approximation. Bylarge considering 5.4.1. Pearson correlation as Pearson correlation, is the employment-weighted For say eachare subset of occupations, we will highlight those with both itive derivatives we complementary to the occupational groupfeatures (inWe consider first consider a direct means of achieving our primary two desiderata, We first a direct means of achieving primary twoofdesiderata, the approximation at all points in with skills/ We first consider our a 18 direct means our primary large two desiderata, between ourachieving model’s Pearson correlation coefficient positive and large negative average(occupations) derivatives. Those large pos5.4.1. correlation ignoring the secondary desiderata. This metric ofimportance the importance of whilewhile ignoring thePearson secondary desiderata. This metric of the of while correlation ignoring the secondary desiderata. This metric of theitive importance of we say are complementary to the occupational group (inderivatives 5.4.1. Pearson 20 knowledge/abilities/space, we areabove ableastoemploymentbetter measure a feature, which we abbreviate as Pearson correlation, the employmentpredictive mean for demand and theisour feature. More a feature, which weconsider abbreviate as Pearson correlation, theis employmentTo be precise, this entails only redefining the expectations We first a adirect means of achieving primary two desiderata, feature, which is the employment19 we abbreviate as Pearson correlation, 19 weighted sums over that subset of occupations, rather than over all occupations. weighted Pearson correlation coefficient between our model’s predictive mean 5.4.1. Pearson correlation weighted Pearson correlation coefficient between our model’s predictive mean We first consider a direct means of achieving our primary two desiderata, 19 while ignoring the secondary desiderata. Thisthe metric of the importance of relationships weighted Pearson correlation coefficient between our model’s predictive mean that have different slopes at different regions precisely, let the posterior mean for latent demand 20 for demand and the feature. More precisely, letposterior the posterior for the precise, this entails only redefining the expectations above as employmentfor demand and the feature. More precisely, let the mean for of the while ignoring the secondary desiderata. This metric the importance ofTo be for a feature, which we abbreviate asofPearson correlation, ismean the demand and the feature. precisely, let the posterior the We first consider a for direct means achieving our primary twoemploymentdesiderata, (i) More (i) weighted over that subset of occupations, rather than over all occupations. ofmean thesums space. demand feature for theoccupation ith occupation be m(x )..can We can define 19 feature for occupation be We canthen then latentlatent demand feature forthe the ith be m(x ).the Weour then define a Pearson feature, which we abbreviate as Pearson correlation, isbe the employment(i) weighted correlation coefficient between model’s predictive mean latent demand feature for ith occupation m(x ). We can then define 5.4.1. Pearson correlation while ignoring the secondary desiderata. This metric of the importance of 5.4.1. Pearson correlation 41 19as the Pearson correlation value for the nth O*NET feature as 5.4.1. Pearson correlation the Pearson correlation value for the nth O*NET feature weighted Pearson correlation coefficient between our model’s predictive mean demand and the feature. More precisely, letfor the posterior mean for the as Pearson correlation value forthe the nth O*NET feature define the Pearson correlation value O*NET afor feature, which we the abbreviate as Pearson correlation, is the employment posterior (i) We first consider a direct means of achieving our primary two desiderata, We first consider a direct means of achieving our primary two desiderata, for demand and the feature. More precisely, let the mean for the This ability to manage also enables the average 19 latent demand feature for(i)thecoefficient ith occupation be m(x ). We can then define direct I We first consider achieving two desiderata, non-linearity weighted Pearson between our predictive mean our Icorrelation (i) (i) of primary 41 (i) xa (i) w(i) m(x ) m(x) −the E ith m(x) −nmodel’s E(i)of xnmeans w(i) m(x ) − for E xThis −E x while ignoring the secondary desiderata. This metric of can thexthen importance feature as: IO*NET while ignoring the secondary desiderata. metric the (i)of define of n feature i=1 latent demand feature for occupation be m(x ).importance We n w(i) i=1 the Pearson correlation value theprecisely, nth as m(x )− E m(x) −E xn of the importance while ignoring the secondary desiderata. This metric of for demand and the feature. More let the posterior mean for the n i=1 derivative to capture the importance of features whose := PC(n) , (5) Pearson the :=the awhich PC(n) , isfeature feature, which we abbreviate ascorrelation, Pearson the employment-, a feature, wecorrelation abbreviate as the Pearson value for nth asis(5) employmentPearson define (i) correlation, PC(n) O*NET m(x) xn be aσ feature, which we as correlation, is the (5) employmentlatent demand feature for σthem(x) ith occupation m(x ). Wecan then σ(i):= x σ19 19abbreviate I (i) weighted Pearson correlation coefficient between our model’s predictive mean σ− m(x) σ x n weighted Pearson correlation coefficient between our model’s predictive mean n significance is conditional on the values of other features. 19 w(i) m(x ) − E m(x) x E x n n i=1value Ifor weighted correlation between our model’s predictive mean the Pearson correlation the nthPearson O*NET feature ascoefficient (i) (i) posterior forand demand and the feature. More precisely, let xthe mean for the w(i) −let Ethe m(x) E for feature. More precisely, posterior mean the m(x ) :=the , xfor (5) n (5) n − (fordemand anyPC(n) function g(x)) we define the employment-weighted expectation i=1 feature. precisely, for demand and the More let the posterior mean for the wherewhere (for any function g(x)) we define the employment-weighted expectation For instance, fine arts is very important to artists, but less (i) (i) σ the m(x) σoccupation xnwe define We :=feature where (for any function the employment-weighted expectation PC(n) , then (5) latentfeature demand ithg(x)) m(x ). Wedefine can define latent demand the m(x ithfor occupation be m(x then I for (i) (i) ).be (i) and variance w(i) )demand − E m(x) xfor E ith xcan latent feature the and variance n occupation be m(x ). We can then define n x− i=1 variance σ the m(x) σ n as feature and the Pearson correlation value for nth O*NET as the Pearson correlation value for the nth O*NET feature important for occupations with differing skills profiles. This := PC(n) (5) Pearson correlation value for the, nth O*NET feature as Ithe where (for any function g(x)) we define the I employment-weighted σ m(x) expectation σ xn I (i) I (i) we define the employment-weighted expectation where g(x)) (i) (i) := g(x) w(i)g(x ) and (6) Eany where (for any function ) we define the employment(i) (i) is achieved through reporting the derivative averaged over :=Ifunction g(x) w(i)g(x ) and (6) E (for and variance m(x EI xm(x) x )−E E xnx(i) n(i))− E i=1 w(i) := g(x)) − w(i)g(x E m(x) n − i=1 w(i) m(x ) −and E nm(x) x(i) xn(6) i=1 and variance i=1 := n i=1 w(i) m(xexpectation the employment-weighted (5)− E of := , (5) , subsets i=1 2 PC(n) where (for PC(n) any function g(x)) we expectation I 2 weighted variance: occupations: for instance, those that fall within 2 and define 2 := 2σ m(x) PC(n) , (5) g(x) 2 , σ xn (7) (7) 2 2g(x) (i) := − E E := σ g(x) := g(x) g(x) ,σ σ)xnm(x) σ g(x) and variance and E Eg(x) − Ew(i)g(x σ g(x) m(x)(6) := E g(x)2 − E ,σ xn a major occupational (7) σ I g(x) grouping.19 For a non-linear function, w(i)g(x(i) ) and (6) E g(x) i=1 := g(x)) 2we define the employment-weighted theemployment-weighted Ig(x)) where (for any function define expectation 2 where (fornumber any expectation (6) i=1 I istotal the total of occupations, and w(i) is the fraction of total em2any I is the number of function occupations, and w(i) iswe the fraction of total em(i) where (for function g(x)) we define the employment-weighted expectation := g(x) g(x) − E g(x) , (7) E σ the average derivative for a feature may be substantively I is the total number of occupations, and w(i) is the fraction of total em:= E g(x) w(i)g(x ) and (6) 2 2 variance and variance 2 ployment within theoccupation. ith occupation. ployment within the and ith := ith g(x) − E g(x) , (7) E g(x) σwithin and variance i=1 ployment the occupation. the linear the different over one region of space (occupational grouping) Pearson correlation measures linear relationship between demand and 2 2 I Pearson correlation measures relationship between demand and (7)between demand and I 2 measures occupations, correlation is the I is the total number of and w(i) fraction ofI total emPearson the linear relationship := σthe g(x) E )w(i)g(x g(x)but E , (i) and :=− (i) g(x) (6) a feature. AsIsuch, gives sign of clear relationships, satisfies neither of(7) :=E g(x) w(i)g(x (6) Eg(x) a feature. As such, itis gives the of clear relationships, butand satisfies neither theit total number of occupations, and w(i) is)clear the fraction total em(i) ployment within theasign ith occupation. := feature. As such, it gives the sign of relationships, but satisfies neither than for another. g(x) w(i)g(x ) and (6) E i=1 i=1 linearity our secondary desiderata. One consequence of linearity that the Pearson of ourofsecondary desiderata. One consequence that the ployment within the occupation. of is is Pearson of i=1 correlation the linear between demand and is that the Pearson measures ith is of our secondary desiderata. One consequence linearity 2 relationship 2 of 2 I is Pearson themay total number of occupations, and the total 2 2fraction em- and2(7) 2:=w(i) correlation place low weight on features that linked high demand 2 correlation placeAs low weight features that are linked to high demand g(x) −,to E g(x) , neither Eare σ E Pearson correlation measures the linear relationship between := g(x) g(x) − Eg(x) g(x) (7) σ on 2demand a may feature. such, it gives the sign ofplace clear relationships, but satisfies correlation may low weight on features that are linked to high demand ployment within the ith occupation. := g(x) − E g(x) ,each Ethat σtheg(x) For subset of(7) occupations, we will highlight those for a small number of occupations. Nonetheless, features it only only for aof small number of occupations. Nonetheless, the features that it a feature.desiderata. Asonly such,forit One thenumber sign of clear relationships, but satisfies the neither our secondary consequence of linearity is thatNonetheless, the Pearson agives small of occupations. features that it Pearson correlation measures the linear relationship between demand and highlight will unquestionably be important: if a strong positive linear I is the total number of occupations, and w(i) is the fraction of total emdoes does highlight will unquestionably be important: if a strong positive linear I is the total number of occupations, and w(i) is the fraction of total emis the total number ofsign occupations, issatisfies of our secondary One consequence of linearity is that Pearson with bothemlarge positive and large negative correlation may place lowdesiderata. weight features thatand are of linked tothe high demand does highlight will unquestionably be important: if the a w(i) strong positive linear I isonof the total number occupations, and isfeatures the fraction of total a feature. As such, it gives the clear relationships, but neither interaction exists, it should certainly influence our resulting skills policy. ployment within ithweight occupation. interaction exists, should certainly influence our resulting skills policy. ployment the ithplace occupation. correlation may low on features that are linked toour high only for aitwithin small number of the occupations. Nonetheless, the features that itdemand interaction exists, it should certainly influence resulting skills policy. ployment within the ith occupation. of ourwe secondary desiderata. One consequence linearity is that the Pearson fraction of total employment within the occupation. average derivatives. Those with large positive derivatives As such, would consider Pearson correlation toof sufficient but not Pearson correlation measures the linear relationship between demand As such, we would consider correlation to give agive sufficient butpositive not Pearson correlation measures the linear relationship between demand and only for a Pearson small number of occupations. Nonetheless, the features itand but not does highlight will unquestionably be important: ifaalinked strong Aslow such, we would consider Pearson correlation tolinear give athat sufficient Pearson correlation measures the linear relationship between demand and correlation may place weight on features that are to high demand necessary condition for importance. a feature. As such, it gives the sign of clear relationships, but satisfies neither necessary condition for importance. a feature. As such, it gives the sign of clear relationships, but satisfies neither does highlight will unquestionably be important: if a strong positive linear we say are complementary to the occupational interaction exists,number itnecessary should certainly influence our resulting skills policy. condition for importance. a feature. As such, it gives the sign of clear relationships, but satisfies neither only for a small of occupations. Nonetheless, the features that it Pearson measures the consequence linear relationship ofcorrelation our secondary One ofissufficient linearity that Pearson of our secondary desiderata. One consequence of linearity that the is Pearson interaction exists, should certainly influence resulting skills policy. As such, we would consideritdesiderata. Pearson correlation to aour but notthe of ourbesecondary desiderata. One consequence of linearity is(increasing that the Pearson does highlight will unquestionably important: if give a strong positive linear group such a feature increases demand), correlation may place low weight on features that are linked to high demand correlation may place low weight on features that are linked to high demand 19 As such, we would consider Pearson correlation to give a sufficient but not 19 necessary importance. Note thatPearson thecondition Pearson correlation coefficient is influence often used for feature selection (aspolicy. a between demand and acorrelation feature. As such, itselection gives the Note that the correlation coefficient is often used for feature (as a features may place low weight on that are selection linked to(ashigh interaction exists, itfor should certainly our resulting Noteoffor that the Pearson correlation coefficient isskills often for a demand a 19 small number of occupations. Nonetheless, theused features that it only for a only small number occupations. Nonetheless, features that it feature necessary condition importance. an exception to thefor inappropriate information-theoretic methods ofthe feature selection whereas those with large negative derivatives we say filter),filter), an exception to the inappropriate information-theoretic methods ofgive feature selection only for a small number of occupations. Nonetheless, the features that it As such, we would consider Pearson correlation to a sufficient but not filter), an exception to the inappropriate methods feature selection sign ofdescribe clear relationships, but satisfies neither ofifpositive our we generically doesabove. highlight will unquestionably be important: a stronglinear positiveoflinear does highlight will unquestionably be important: if ainformation-theoretic strong we generically describe above. 19 we generically describe above. does highlight will used unquestionably be important: if a strong positive linear necessary condition for importance. Note that the Pearson correlation coefficient is often for feature selection (as skills a are anti-complementary (increasing such a feature interaction exists, it should certainly influence our resulting policy. interaction exists, it should certainly influence our resulting skills policy. 19 secondary One interaction consequence isfeature Notecriteria. that theinappropriate Pearson correlation coefficient often used selection (as exists, of itis linearity should certainly influence oura resulting skills policy. filter), an exception to the information-theoretic methods offor feature selection Asdescribe such, we would considercorrelation Pearson correlation to give aofbut sufficient but not Asgenerically such, we would consider to give a sufficient notselection demand). filter), an exception to thePearson inappropriate methods feature we above. Ascoefficient such, weinformation-theoretic would consider Pearson todecreases give a sufficient but not It is also of interest to speak of 19 that Pearson correlation may lowforweight oncorrelation Notethe that the Pearson correlation isplace often used feature selection (as a necessary condition for importance. necessary condition for importance. we generically describe above. necessary condition formethods importance. complementarities between features, rather than simply filter), an exception to the inappropriate information-theoretic of feature selection features are linked we generically that describe above. 40high demand only for a small 40 to 40 19 of(as the Note that the Pearson coefficient correlationiscoefficient often used selection for feature a complementarity of a feature to an occupational Note that 19 the Pearson correlation often usedisfor feature (asselection a 19 number of occupations. the correlation featuresmethods thatselection Note that theinformation-theoretic Pearson coefficient often selection used for feature selection (as a filter), an to theNonetheless, inappropriate ofisfeature filter), an exception toexception the inappropriate information-theoretic methods of feature to the inappropriate information-theoretic methodsTo of feature selection group. do so, we must find some way of singling out the 40exceptionbe we describe generically describefilter), above.an we generically above. it does highlight will unquestionably important: if a we generically describe above. 40 features associated with the occupational group. Those strong positive linear interaction exists, it should certainly 40 features that are large on average for an occupational influence our resulting skills policy. As such, we would group are, speaking roughly, those that are most consider Pearson correlation40 to give a40sufficient but not 40 exceptionally significant, and hence most characteristic, necessary condition for importance. 38 by the5.5. average derivative: the recommendations ofmodelling, this metric be other targeted facet of our as cannot in producing occupationoccupations 5.5.New New occupations occupational groups. However, there is a derivative varying over x, thereby increasing the standard deviation. Note trusted for these features. The excluded features are usedofasexclusion. normal in Any everynon-linearity in d predictions demand. the of threshold that features excluded underWe this scheme are excluded only forofconsideration define a potential new occupation as a combination of skills, knowledge We define a potential new occupation as a combination of skills, knowledge other facet of our modelling, as in producing occupation-level and derivative varying over x, aggregate thereby increasing the st by the average derivative: and the recommendations of this cannot bedemand, that totometric seeseehigh future andabilities thatis islikely likely high future demand,but butis isnot notassociassocipredictions ofabilities demand. that features excluded under this scheme are exclud 5.5. New occupations trusted for these features. The excluded features are used as normal in every ated with an existing occupation. To forecast where new occupations might ated with an existing occupation. To forecast where new occupations might T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 by the average derivative: the recommendations o other facet of our modelling,emerge, as in producing occupation-level and wewesimply optimise the posterior mean latent emerge, simply optimise the posterior meanfornew forthe the latentdemand demand variWe define aaggregate potential occupation as a varicombination o trusted for these features. The excluded features are 5.5. New occupations predictions of demand. able, m(x) asas a function of of x.and precisely, start byby able, m(x) a function x.More More precisely, start randomly selecting abilities thatweiswe likely torandomly see highselecting future demand, other facet of our modelling, as in producing occupa 5050current occupations asasour demand occupations. occupations ourstarting starting pointsof ofhigh demand occupations. We define acurrent potential new occupation as a combination ofhigh skills, knowledge ated with anpoints existing occupation. To forecast where new predictions of demand. We local BFGS, observing box-constraints, Werun run local optimisers BFGS, observing box-constraints, and abilities that isoptimisers likely to (limited-memory see(limited-memory high future demand, but isthe not associ- mean for the la emerge, we simply optimise posterior 5.5. New occupations creasing such a feature increases demand), whereas those with large negative asas per Byrd etet al. (1995)) initialised atat each of of the 50 occupations. This will per Byrd al. (1995)) initialised each the 50 occupations. This willstart by ated with an existing occupation. To forecast where new occupations able, m(x) as a function of x. More might precisely, we We new occupation as aoptimisers combination of skills, knowledge New † occupations derivatives weofsay anti-complementary (increasing such awe feature de- a potentialemerge, † skills, knowledge and abilities theareoccupational grouping. As such, willdefine define return 5050 local of m(x): points xfor return local optimisers of m(x): points xin in knowledge and abilities welocal simply optimise theof posterior mean the latent demand vari:5.5. points inskills, the abilities 50 optimisers 50 current occupations as skills, our starting points of high de creasing a feature increases demand), whereas those with large negative creasing suchsuch a feature increases demand), whereas those with large negative abilities that is likely to see high future demand, but is not associcreases demand). It is also of interest to speak of complementaritiesand between space are associated with high demand. Many these optimisers space are associated with high demand. Many of these optimisers will m(x) asthat athat function More precisely, we optimisers start by of randomly selectingwill We run local (limited-memory BFGS, observi derivatives we say (increasing such ax.feature decreasing suchcreasing a featuresuch increases demand), whereas those withlarge large negative We define aispotential new occupation asbeabecombina derivatives we say are are anti-complementary (increasing such a of feature defeatures with positive average derivatives toanti-complementary beexistingable, and knowledge features space that associated with high feature increases demand), whereas those with large large negative with an occupation. To forecast where new occupations might creasing such aa feature increases demand), whereas with negative features, rather than simply of thethose complementarity of a feature toated an occu(near-)identical, and others will be (near-)identical to existing (near-)identical, others will be (near-)identical existing occupations. 50 occupations asand our starting points of demand occupations. as per Byrd et high al. (1995)) initialised at each the 50 dem occ creases demand). is also of interest tocurrent speak of complementarities between derivatives we say are anti-complementary (increasing such a feature de-increases and abilities that isto likely tooccupations. see highof future creases demand). It isItalso of interest to speak ofthe complementarities between creasing such a feature demand), whereas those with large negative derivatives we say say are anti-complementary anti-complementary (increasing such a feature deemerge, we simply optimise posterior mean for the latent demand variderivatives we are (increasing such a feature depational group. To do so, we must find some way of singling out the features †,0 †,0 † complementary to those characteristic (large-valued) Beginning with a single such optimiser, x x ,optimisers we add each successive optimiser Beginning with a(limited-memory single such optimiser, ,will we add each successive optimiser We rundemand. local BFGS, observing box-constraints, return 50 local ofoccupation. m(x): points x forecast in skills,wher know Many ofanto these optimisers be (near-)identical, features, rather than simply of the complementarity a feature an occucreases demand). It is also of interest to of speak of complementarities between ated with an existing To features, rather than simply of the complementarity ofoptimisers a of feature to occuwe say are anti-complementary (increasing a feature decreases demand). It isis also also interest toderivatives speak of of complementarities complementarities between m(x) a function of x. More precisely, we start by randomly selecting creases demand). It ofwith interest speak between associated the to occupational group. Those features that areable, large on as such unless ininitialised sense, than asimply preset threshold (will == 0.1) toto unless itissingling iscloser, closer, inthe the2-norm 2-norm sense, than aoccupations. preset threshold ( 0.1) as per Byrd etit (1995)) at each ofare the 50 This space that associated with high demand. Many of thes pational group. Toso, do we so, must we must some way ofal. the features features, rather than simply of thesimply complementarity of20a. feature toofan occuemerge, we optimise posterior mean for pational group. To50 do findfind some way of singling out the features creases demand). It is also interest to that speak ofmost complementarities between features, rather than than offeatures the complementarity complementarity a feature feature toofan an occuand others willout bem(x): (near-)identical toand each other tothe existing current occupations as our starting points of high demand occupations. features, rather simply of the of aspeaking to occuaverage for an occupational group are, roughly, those are either: an existing occupation, or; axpreviously included This proan existing a† in previously optimiser. This pro- we return 50either: local optimisers ofoccupation, points skills,as knowledge and (near-)identical, others optimiser. will (near-)identical to sta ex associated the occupational group. Those features that are large onor; pational group. To dogroup. so, we must some wayfind of singling outofthe features able, m(x) aincluded function of be x.abilities More precisely, associated withwith theWe occupational group. features that are large on features, than simply of theofcomplementarity of alarge feature to Those an occupational To dofind so, we we must some way singling out the features run with local optimisers (limited-memory BFGS, observing box-constraints, pational group. To do so, must find some way of singling out the features creasing such a rather feature increases demand), whereas those negative exceptionally significant, and hence most characteristic, the occupational †,i †,0 †,i cedure will return awith list ofmost hotspots demand (local optimisers) {x ofadd cedure will return athat list of hotspots of demand (local optimisers) {x ;, ∀i}, of each space that are associated high demand. Many these optimisers be Beginning with aofoccupations single such optimiser, x; ∀i}, wepoints occupations. Beginning with single such optimiser, average foroccupational an occupational group are, speaking roughly, those are most associated with the occupational group. Thosegroup. features thatfeatures are large 50ofacurrent as ourwill starting of his average foron an group are, speaking roughly, those that are Tothe doon so, welarge must find someasway of singling out thedefeatures associated with the the occupational occupational Those that are large per Byrd eta al. (1995)) initialised at each of the 50 occupations. This will associated with group. Those features that are on derivatives we group. say are anti-complementary (increasing such feature grouping. As The such, we pational will define features with large positive average derivakey drawback of average derivative approach length that be different for different mean functions. Each hotspot length that may be different for different mean functions. Each hotspot (near-)identical, and others will beunless (near-)identical toin existing occupations. it isrun closer, the 2-norm sense, thancan acan preset exceptionally significant, and hence most characteristic, of occupational average for anaverage occupational group are, speaking roughly, thoseroughly, that are most We local optimisers BFGS,thr ob exceptionally significant, and hence most ofmay the occupational † the 21 associated with the occupational group. Those that arecharacteristic, large on for an an occupational occupational groupcreases are, speaking those that are most most returnfeatures 50. local optimisers of,be m(x): points xthrough insuccessive skills, knowledge abilities we add each optimiser unless itknowledge is(limited-memory closer, average for are, speaking roughly, those are demand). Itcharacteristic is also ofthat interest to speak offeatures complementarities between tives to be group complementary to those (large-valued) †,0 and interpreted returning vector ofeach skills, knowledge abilities be interpreted through returning its vector of skills, and abilities Beginning with apositive single such optimiser, xits ,per we add successive optimiser either: existing occupation, or; a and previously included grouping. As accurate such, we will define features with large average derivaexceptionallyexceptionally significant, and hence most of the occupational is that the averaging itself may obstruct asan Byrd et al. (1995)) initialised at each of the o5 grouping. As such, we will define features with large positive average derivaaverage an occupational group are, that are most significant, andcharacteristic, hence most characteristic, of the theofoccupational occupational space arethose associated with high demand. Many of these optimisers will be exceptionally significant, hence most of features, rather than simply theapproach complementarity ofroughly, athat feature to an occu†,i †,i The and key drawback ofcharacteristic, the for average derivative isspeaking that the av21 21 values x(large-valued) well as the list of of which are closest to it. x, as ,inas well as the list occupations closest it. unless it values isthe closer, the 2-norm sense, than areturn preset threshold ( 0.1) topoints(local will awhich list ofare hotspots ofto in 2-norm sense, than areturn preset threshold ( of=m(x): )demand to tives tocomplementary be complementary to those characteristic features .occupations grouping. Asgrouping. such, we will definewe features with features large exceptionally positive average deriva50 local optimisers x† in optim tives to be to those characteristic (large-valued) features .cedure skills 10 significant, andfind hence characteristic, the occupational As such, such, will define with large positive average deriva(near-)identical, and others will be (near-)identical to existing occupations. grouping. As we will define features with large average derivapational group. To positive do so, we must of cos(x singling outofthe features eraging itself may occlude signal. As an example, fsome (x)most way 10 ),, there interpretation. As an example, if 21 either: an existing occupation, or;the alength previously included optimiser. This pro-demand. that that may be associated different forwith different mean functions drawback of the average derivative approach is that av- space tives to be complementary to those characteristic (large-valued) features TheThe key drawback of nthe average derivative approach the avare high Many o 21 key †,0is that 21 grouping. As such, we.derivative will define features large positive average derivatives to to be be complementary complementary to those those characteristic (large-valued) features Beginning with a single such optimiser, xexisting , we add each successive optimiser either: an occupation, or; a previously included tives to characteristic (large-valued) features .. Those associated with the the occupational group. features are large on there are many points for which average would bewith very large:that †,i 10 1010 cos(x cedure will demand (local optimisers) {x its ; ∀i}, of of skills, know through returning vector eraging itself may occlude signal. As example, an example, ifaflist (x) hotspots ), (near-)identical, The key drawback of drawback the average derivative approach is that averaging itself may occlude signal. As an if f (x) of 10 cos(xthreshold ),of ninterpreted many points for the which the average derivative would 21 return nbe tives complementary toare, those . sense, The key key of the the are average derivative approach that the avunless itthose in features the 2-norm than a preset ( = 0.1) to and others will be (near-)identical The drawback of average approach isisgroup the avaverage for to an be occupational roughly, that are most for instance, all thosederivative points immediately tothat the leftspeaking ofcharacteristic a peak, {xn(large-valued) =is closer, †,i 10 †,0 length that maywould be would different different hotspot can which values xmean asfunctions. well as theEach list hotspots of occupations are clo are many points for which average derivative be for very large:will optimiser. This procedure a list of eraging itselferaging may occlude signal. As ansignal. example, if fThe (x) key 10drawback cos(x are many points for approach which theisthe average derivative be very large: Beginning 10there n ), there 10 43,return 43 of the average derivative that the avitself may may occlude As an an example, (x) This 10 cos(x ),characteristic, either: an existing occupation, or; a previously included optimiser. This with pro- a single such optimiser, x , we add eraging itself As example, ifif ff(x) 10 exceptionally significant, and hence most of the occupational −occlude + 2πn; ∀signal. small positive and integer n}. xcos(x is ann), feature that is unbe very large: for instance, all those points immediately n be interpreted through returning its of †,iskills, knowledge abilities for instance, all those points immediately to the left a peak, = unless there are many points for which thefor average derivative would be very large:beforvery instance, all those points to the of aofpeak, {xoptimisers) =nvector it; ∀i}, is closer, in theand 2-norm sense, than a pres n {x eraging itself may signal. As example, if return fimmediately (x) a deriva1010ofcos(x ), left there are many many points which the average derivative would large: cedure will list hotspots of demand (local {x of length there are points which the derivative would be very large: of (local optimisers) { }, of that may grouping. As we willocclude define features withan large positive average likely for to be useful inaverage policy: itsuch, has an equal number of points (occupations) ndemand †,i values x This , as well asa the list of which are closest to it. −2πn; + 2πn; ∀ small positive and integer xna isfeature feature that is un- either: for instance, for all instance, those points immediately tothe theleft left of ofare peak, {x =for −which + ∀ average small positive and integer n}. This isoccupations unan existing occupation, or; a previously inclu toimmediately peak, small positive and n is 21 n}. there many points derivative would very allwith those points toaathe the left ofnaato peak, {xnnthe = that may bebe different forxdifferent meanthat functions. Each hotspot can for instance, all those points to left of peak, = tives to be complementary those characteristic (large-valued) features . large: very largeimmediately negative derivative. Increasing xn {x would be verylength harmful likely touseful be useful in policy: it has an equal number of points (occupations) vary for different mean functions. Each hotspot can43beof demand (loca − + 2πn; ∀ small positive andpositive integer n}. This xnfor isn}. ainstance, feature that is un- points likely to be in it has an equal number of points (occupations) cedure will return a list of hotspots all those immediately topolicy: the left of a peak, {x −+ +2πn; 2πn;∀∀ small small and integer This isisaaifa feature thatthat is unbe interpreted through returning − integer n}. This xxnn is feature that is unThe key drawback of thechosen average derivative approach isuseful that the avtopositive all such and occupations. Nonetheless, the samples (occupations) n = its vector of skills, knowledge and abilities integer }. This feature is unlikely to be with negative Increasing xn would be very harmful length that may be different for different mean func likely to be useful it has an equal number of + points (occupations) with veryvery largelarge negative derivative. Increasing x would be very †,i isderivative. − 2πn; ∀ small positive and n}. This feature that isinterpreted unlikely in to policy: be useful useful in policy: policy: has an equal equal number ofpositive points (occupations) values asa well as the list of noccupations whichharmful arereturning closest to it.its vector of skills, abilities likely to be in has an number of points (occupations) eraging itself occlude signal. As integer an example, if fx(x) 1010 cos(x through contain evenititone more point ofmay large derivative than large negative n , n ), to such allofsuch occupations. Nonetheless, if the chosen samples (occupations) with very large derivative. xnIncreasing would bebe very harmful to all occupations. Nonetheless, if the chosen samples (occupations) in there policy: itmany has equal number points (occupations) 43 be interpreted through returning its vector of skills likely toaverage policy: it has an equal number (occupations) withnegative very large large negative Increasing derivative. xan would be very harmful with very negative derivative. Increasing xpoints would very harmful are forinbe which the average derivative be very large: derivative, xn may have high derivative. This drawback leads towould usof points nnuseful contain even one more point of large positive derivative than large negative to all such occupations. Nonetheless, if the chosen samples (occupations) and knowledge features values wellasas of contain even one more point of large positive derivative than large negative values x†,i, as as well thethe list list of occupations which a with very large negative derivative. Increasing be very to all all such such occupations. occupations. Nonetheless, if the the chosen samples (occupations) to if chosen (occupations) for very instance, allnegative those points immediately to the leftxnofwould a peak, {xn harmful = regardingNonetheless, the with average derivative as asamples necessary but not sufficient condition large derivative. Increasing would derivative, xn may have high average derivative. This drawback leads to us contain even contain one more point of large positive derivative than large negative derivative, x may have high average derivative. This drawback leads to us n to all such occupations. Nonetheless, if thexnchosen samples even one onefor more point of of large large positive derivative thanto large negative contain even more point derivative than large negative − +positive 2πn; small positive and integer n}. correlation. This is a feature that(occupations) is un- occupations importance; rendering it∀ complementary the marginal which are closest to it. regarding the average derivative a necessary not sufficient condition derivative, xnderivative, may have high average derivative. This drawback leads to uspoint regarding thepositive average derivative as aas necessary but but not43 sufficient condition be very to all such occupations. Nonetheless, contain even more of to large derivative than large negative may have high average derivative. This drawback leads to us derivative, xxnn may have high average derivative. This drawback leads us likely toharmful be inone policy: it has an equal number of points To slightly ameliorate theuseful problems of averaging, we calculate the em- (occupations) for importance; rendering it complementary to the marginal correlation. regarding theregarding average derivative as derivative a necessary not sufficient condition for importance; rendering it complementary correlation. derivative, xnnot may have high average derivative. This drawback leadsto5.6. tothe us marginal 43 the average average as but necessary but not sufficient condition regarding the derivative as aachosen necessary but sufficient condition with very large negative derivative. Increasing xn would be very harmful if the samples (occupations) contain even one TREND EXTRAPOLATION To slightly ameliorate the problems of averaging, we calculate for importance; rendering it complementary to the marginal correlation. To slightly ameliorate averaging, we calculate the the em- emthe average derivative as a necessary butthe notproblems sufficientofcondition for importance; importance; rendering complementary to the marginal correlation. for rendering itit complementary the marginal correlation. to all regarding such to occupations. Nonetheless, if the chosen samples (occupations) 21 Our definition of complementarity is loosely related toderivative that used by economists: two negative To slightly ameliorate the problems of averaging, we calculate the emmore point of large positive than large for importance; rendering itofthe complementary thelevel marginal To slightly slightly ameliorate ameliorate the problems averaging, we calculate the emTo problems of averaging, we calculate emcontain even one more point of large derivative than largecorrelation. negative features arethe complementary ifof the marginal value product onepositive is increasing intothe As antoalternative to the labels from our foresight workshop 21 21 Our definition complementarity is loosely that by economists: ameliorate the problems of averaging, we iscalculate therelated emOur definition of complementarity loosely to that usedused by economists: two two derivative, xnslightly may have high average derivative. This drawback leads torelated us of the second. derivative, This definitionTo fails to meet our needs. The first problem isofthat the may have high average derivative. This 21 features are complementary if the marginal product of is one is increasing in level the level features are complementary if the marginal valuevalue product of one increasing in the definition makes no regarding accommodation for locationderivative in feature The economics definition Our definition is loosely related to that used by economists: two space. participants, we use non-parametric extrapolation of the average as a necessary but not sufficient condition 21of complementarity 21 Our definition definition of of complementarity complementarity loosely related related to to that thatto used by by economists: economists: two Our isis loosely used two of second. the second. definition to meet our needs. problem is that offunction the ThisThis definition fails fails to meet our needs. The The first first problem is that the the drawback us the average derivative as is a statement derivative of with respect tomarginal the two features are complementary if the marginal value about product of second-order one isleads increasing in theregard level fortheimportance; rendering it the complementary to the features are are complementary complementary ifif the the marginal marginal value21product product of one one isof is increasing increasing indefinition the level level features value of in the Our definition complementarity is loosely related tononthat correlation. used by location economists: two makes no accommodation for inhistorical feature space. The economics definition definition makes no for location in feature space. Theemployment economics definition trends to give a more data-driven features being arbitrary function, asthe may be learned by ouraccommodation flexible of the second. This definition fails to meet ourpositive; needs. for Theanfirst problem is that of the the second. second. This This definition definition fails failsato to meet our needs. The first problem isstatement that the Toour slightly ameliorate the problems of value averaging, we calculate the emof meet needs. The problem that the features are complementary marginal product ofsecond-order one is increasing in necessary notfirst sufficient for importance; iscondition a different statement about the derivative oflevel the function respect to two the two aisvery about the of second-order derivative of the the function withwith respect to the the second-order derivatives may beifis inthe regions space. definition makes no accommodationparametric for locationmodel, in feature space. The but economics definition definitionmakes makesno noaccommodation accommodationfor forlocation location inthe feature space. Thedefinition economics definition definition feature space. The definition ofin second. This fails to meet our needs. The problem isasthat alternative predicting demand in the year 2030. features being positive; for an first arbitrary function, as the may be learned by our flexible features being positive; forfeature an arbitrary function, may be learned byto our flexible non-nonThe derivative second, related, with the definition iseconomics that may lead to highlighting is a statement about the second-order of theproblem function with respect to the two it statement about about the the second-order second-order derivative ofitthe the function with respect to to the two rendering complementary the marginal isis aa statement derivative of function respect to the two definition nowith accommodation for location in space. The economics definition parametric model, thecorrelation. second-order derivatives may in very different regions of space. model, thefeature second-order derivatives may be inbevery different regions of space. combinations even the second-order derivatives are positive and constant across features being positive; for an arbitrary function,which, as may learned bymakes our flexible non- parametric 5.6. Trend extrapolation 21be if Ouris definition of isThe loosely related to that used by economists: two features being being positive; positive; for for an an arbitrary arbitrary function, function, as may may be becomplementarity learnedthe bysecond-order our flexible nonfeatures as learned by our flexible nonSpecifically, we use a Gaussian process to regress UK and a statement about derivative of the function with respect to the two second, related, problem with the definition is that it may lead to highlighting feature The second, related, problem with the definition is that it may lead to highlighting feature are actively As a simple example, for a bivariate quadratic function parametric model, the second-orderspace, derivatives may beharmful. in very different regions of space.extrapolation 5.6. Trend featuresfeatures are if the marginal value product one is the level parametric model, model, the the second-order second-order derivatives derivatives maycomplementary bebeing in very very different regions of space. space. parametric may be in different regions of positive; an arbitrary function, asof may be learned byinour flexible noncombinations which, even ifincreasing the second-order derivatives are positive and constant across combinations which, even ifofthe second-order derivatives are positive and constant across As an alternative to the labels our foresight workshop withdefinition positive-definite bowl), anfor occupation on the wrong side the The second, related, problem with the is that itHessian may lead(a toconvex highlighting feature 5.6. Trend extrapolation Todefinition ameliorate the problems of averaging, we US employment (for the years we have) as a from function of ofslightly the parametric second. This fails to meet our needs. The first problem is that the Thesecond, second,related, related,problem problemwith withthe the definition isthat that itmay maydefinition lead to highlighting feature The is it lead to highlighting feature model, the second-order derivatives may be in very different regions of space. space, are actively harmful. As a simple example, for a bivariate quadratic function space, actively harmful. a simpleworkshop example, participants, for a bivariate we quadratic function critical point (the minimiser, or the ofacross the bottom the bowl) from would our see As its combinations which, even if the second-order derivatives are positive andlocation constant As an alternative toofare the foresight use extrapolation of historical employment trends to give a m definition makes no accommodation for location inlabels feature space. The economics definition combinations which, which, even even ifif the the second-order second-order derivatives are positive and constant constant across combinations derivatives are positive and across The second, related, problem with the definition is that it may lead to highlighting feature with positive-definite Hessian (a convex bowl), an occupation on the wrong side of the with positive-definite Hessian (a convex bowl), an occupation on the wrong side of the As an alternative to the labels from our foresight workshop participants, we with increases in either or both of the features. Our means of assessing space, are actively harmful. As ademand simpledecreased example, for a bivariate quadratic function calculate thefor empirical distribution of the derivative years, forof both absolute employment values and of historical employment trends to give aofmore data-driven alternative to predicting demand in share the year 2030. Specifi is a statement about theextrapolation second-order derivative of the function with respect to constant the space, are are actively actively harmful. harmful. As As aa simple simple example, for aause bivariate quadratic function space, example, bivariate quadratic function combinations which, even ifthe the second-order derivatives are across critical point (the minimiser, or location theand location the to bottom the bowl) would see its critical point (the minimiser, orpositive the of two the bottom of the bowl) would see its complementarity, however, will identify differing importances of features with positive-definite Hessian (a convex bowl), an occupation onmore the correctly wrong side of the extrapolation ofbehistorical trends give a more data-driven features being positive; for an function, asexample, may byemployment our flexible nonwith positive-definite positive-definite Hessian Hessian (a (a convex convex bowl), an occupation occupation onharmful. thearbitrary wrong side of the alternative touse predicting demand inlearned the year Specifically, we Our use a values, with bowl), an on the wrong side of the process to regress UK and US (for the years we space, actively As aits simple for a bivariate quadratic demand decreased with increases in2030. either or both offeatures. the features. Our means ofGaussian assessing demand decreased with increases in either or both offunction the means of assessing for each –would particularly, mean and standard combinations anybottom point in feature space. critical point (the minimiser, or the location ofatthe offeature the are bowl) see its alternative employment projecting forward to 2030. to predicting demand in the year 2030. Specifically, we use a parametric model, the second-order derivatives may be in very different regions of space. critical point point (the (the minimiser, minimiser, or or the the location locationwith of the the bottom of the theHessian bowl) would see its critical of bottom of bowl) would its positive-definite (a complementarity, convex bowl),however, an however, occupation on the wrong side ofhave) the will more correctly identify the differing importances of features Gaussian process tosee regress UK andwill US (for the years wethe employment as a function of years, for both absolute employment v complementarity, more correctly identify differing importances of features demand decreased with increases in either or both of the features. Our means of assessing Theor related, problem with the definition isat that mayregress lead to highlighting feature Gaussian process to UK and US (forvalues theitsyears we have) employdemand decreased decreased with with increases increases in indeviation. either orsecond, both of the features. Our means ofcombinations assessing demand either both of the features. Our of assessing critical point (theof minimiser, or the of bottom the bowl) would see We then exclude features whose derivative has atitthe any point inof feature space. combinations any point in feature space. ment as a means function of location years, for both absolute employment and share employment values, projecting forward to 2030. complementarity, however, will more correctly identify the differing importances features combinations which, even with ifimportances theincreases second-order derivatives are positive andboth constant across complementarity,however, however,will willmore morecorrectly correctly identify the differing importances of features complementarity, identify the differing of features ment as a function of years, for absolute employment values and share demand decreased in either or both of the features. Our means of assessing Each occupation is modelled separately using separately a Gaussian combinations at any point in feature space. employment projecting to 2030. Each occupation is modelled using a Gaussia space, complementarity, are actively harmful. As will avalues, simple example, forforward a bivariate quadratic combinations at at any any point point in in feature feature space. aspace. standard deviation that isemployment in the top 97th percentile of function combinations however, more correctly identify the differing importances of features 42 values, projecting forward to 2030. Each occupation is modelled separately using a Gaussian Process (gp). A Matérn Covariance with parameter ν =3/2 = 3/2 is used fo with positive-definite (a convex bowl), an occupation on the wrong side of the Process ). A Matérn Covariance with parameter ( combinations atHessian any point in feature space. Each occupation is modelled separately using a Gaussian Process (gp). thecritical distribution. rationale is that the influence point (the minimiser, orCovariance the location of the bottom of the would see 42 itsfor each gp; this AThe Matérn with parameter ν bowl) = of 3/2these is42used ensures sufficiently smooth extrapolation without losing the 5.6. Matérn with parameter ν extrapolation = is usedfor each gp;; this this ensures sufficiently smooth is used each demand decreased with increases in A either or bothCovariance ofextrapolation the features. Our meansTrend of assessing 42 ensures sufficiently smooth without losing the3/2 structure infor the trends. To control the characteristic scale on which the G features ‘noisy’ example within a particular 42 is veryhowever, 42 complementarity, will(for moreensures correctlysufficiently identify the differing importances of features smooth extrapolation without losing the structure in the As an alternative to the labels from our foresight participants, trends. To control the characteristic scale on which the Gaussian Process varies (aworkshop length we assign a prior that centres the val extrapolation without losing the scale), structure in we the trends. 42 combinations at any point in featuretrends. space. To control the characteristic scale on which the Gaussian Process occupational grouping, demand strongly usecentres extrapolation of of historical employmentscale trends to give morepoints data-driven varies (a length scale),might we assign a prior increase that the value the length such that adata from the last year in our employ varies lengthfrom scale), assign a prior that centres thedemand value the To control theofincharacteristic scale on numbers which Gaussian alternative to predicting thelength year 2030.employment Specifically, we usethe scale such that data(apoints the we last year in our employment series will influence ina 2030. The gp is modelled for some occupations and strongly decrease for other scale such that data points from the last year in our employment series will pirical distribution of the derivative for each feature its mean Gaussian process to regress UK US (foremployment the years we have) employinfluence employment numbers in 2030.– particularly, The gp is modelled over the log of and the numbers. Process varies (a length scale), we assign a prior that 42 influence employment numbers in 2030. The gp is modelled over the log of and standard deviation. We then exclude whose derivative has a of years, for both absoluteAbsolute occupations) and hence unlikely to be afeatures reliable basis ment as a function employment values and share are modelled directly from the employment numbers. employment numbers the numbers. centres the value to ofusing the alength scale suchThe that data points standard deviation that is in theemployment top 97th percentile of theemployment distribution. The projecting forward 2030. Absolute employment numbers modelled directly values, from historical data Gaussian Process. share values are slightly more uponrationale which istothat design policy. Here we haveisare implicitly taken Absolute employment numbers are modelled directly from historical data the influence of these features very ‘noisy’ (e.g. within a occupation is modelled separately using a the Gaussian Process (gp). using a Gaussian Process. The share values areEach slightly more from involved. First, we model total workforce, Twill , asinfluence a function of time and the last year in our employment series using a Gaussian Process. The share values are slightly more involved. First, particular occupational grouping, demand might strongly increase for some a conservative view of the of skills AtoMatérn Covariance withmodel parameter ν to = extrapolate 3/2 is usedthat for forward each gp;tothis we model thepotential total workforce, T , aspolicy a function of time and use our 2030. We then divide the ex we model workforce, T ,divide as sufficiently a function of time and our model employment numbers in 2030. The gp is modelled occupations and strongly decrease for the othertotal occupations) and hence unlikely ensures smooth extrapolation without losing the in thevaluesover extrapolate that forward to 2030. We then the extrapolated totaluse workforce values bystructure the absolute to givethe the share val precisely affect to targeted occupational groups. However, to extrapolate that forward to 2030. We then divide the extrapolated total to be a reliable basis upon which to design policy. Here we have implicitly trends. To control the characteristic scale on which the Gaussian Process to compute the probabi workforce values by the absolute values to give the share value predictions. We use these trend extrapolations log of the employment numbers. workforce values by the absolute values to give the share value predictions. taken a conservative view of the potential of skills policy to precisely affect there is a tradeoff We in the selection of the threshold of the varies (a length scale),ofwe centres value ofthe thesame length use these trend extrapolations to compute probability theassign trend a prior that being higherthe demand, demand or lower demand be We use trend to selection compute probability of last the trend targeted occupational groups. However, there is aextrapolations tradeoff in such the scale thatbetween datathe points year our probability employmentofseries being higher demand, thethese same demand or in lower demand 2015from and the 2030.inThe beingwill high is taken as the total po exclusion. Any non-linearity in demand will result the Absolute employment numbers are modelled directly being higher demand, the same demand or lower demand between 2015 and of the threshold of exclusion. Any non-linearity in demand will result in the influence employment gp 2isstandard modelleddeviations, over the loglow of is taken as the total neg 2030. The probability of being high is taken as the total positivenumbers differencein 2030. The above 2030. The probability of being is taken as the its total positive difference pirical distribution ofincreasing the derivative forstandard each feature – Note particularly, its mean data pirical distribution ofdeviations, the derivative each feature –total particularly, mean derivative varying over x, thereby increasing thefor deviation. , thereby the derivative varying over the employment numbers. from historical using2 astandard Gaussian Process. The share above 2 standard low isstandard taken ashigh the negative difference below deviations and the same otherwise. above 2 standard deviations, low is takenwhose as thederivative total negative and2 standard deviation. We then exclude features standard deviation. We are then exclude features whose derivative has ahas aaredifference that featuresand excluded under this scheme excluded only for consideration Absolute employment numbers modelled historical data below standard deviations and the same otherwise. To directly generatefrom a data set equivalent to our workshop resp deviation. that features excluded under this scheme values are slightly more involved. First, we model the total below 2 standard deviations and the same otherwise. standard deviation that is in the top 97th percentile of the distribution. The standard deviation that is in the top 97th percentile of the distribution. The by the Note average derivative: the recommendations of this metric cannot be using a Gaussian Process. The share valuesfrom are these slightly more involved. First, To generate a data set equivalent to our workshop response we sample extrapolated probabilities. A three-parameter mu Toinfluence generate athese data set equivalent workshop response rationale is the that the influence ofaverage these features isto very ‘noisy’ (e.g. within aweaasample rationale isconsideration that ofthe features very ‘noisy’ (e.g.workforce, within a T , as trusted for these features. The excluded features are used asisnormal inour every are excluded only for by we model the total as function time andusing use our model function of time and use our model workforce, from these extrapolated probabilities. A three-parameter multinomial distribution of is sampled the probabilities of higher, same and from these extrapolated probabilities. A three-parameter multinomial distriparticular occupational grouping, demand might strongly increase for some particular occupational grouping, demand might strongly increase for some other facet of our modelling, as in producing occupation-level and aggregate extrapolate that forward to 2030. We then divide we thesample extrapolated total bution is sampled using the probabilities of to higher, same and lower. For each occupation 12 values and use these as the partici derivative: theof recommendations of this metric cannot to extrapolate that forward to 2030. We then divide the bution is sampled using the probabilities of higher, same and lower. For each occupations and strongly decrease for other occupations) and hence unlikely occupations and strongly decrease for other occupations) and hence unlikely predictions demand. workforce by theresponses. absolute values toAgive thevalue shareofvalue predictions. occupation we sample 12 values and use these as the values participant noise 0 is assigned for every data point. occupation we sample 12tovalues and use these these as the participant responses. toa be a reliable upon which design policy. Here we have implicitly reliable basis upon which toevery design policy. Here we have implicitly be trusted fortothese features. excluded features are We use trend extrapolations to compute thevalues probability the Abenoise value of 0 The isbasis assigned for data point. extrapolated total workforce values byof the absolute values These are then fedtrend into the Ordinal Regression gp A noise value of into 0potential is assigned for every data point. avalues conservative view of the potential of skills policy to precisely affect takentaken a conservative offed the of being skills policy to precisely affect higher demand, theand same demand orcorresponding lower demandprobabilities between 2015 New occupations These areview then the Ordinal Regression gp model the areand computed as described in Se used5.5. as normal intargeted every other facet of our modelling, as in to give the share value predictions. These values are then fed into the Ordinal Regression gp model and the occupational groups. However, there is a tradeoff in the selection targeted occupational groups. However, there is a tradeoff in the selection The probability of being high is taken as the total positive difference corresponding probabilities are computed as2030. described in Section 5.2. We define a of potential occupation as aAny combination of computed skills, knowledge corresponding probabilities are aswill described in the Section thenew threshold ofaggregate exclusion. Any non-linearity demand will result in theis5.2. theofthreshold ofand exclusion. non-linearity in demand result in above 2 instandard deviations, low taken as the total negative difference producing occupation-level predictions of and abilitiesderivative thatderivative is likely to over see high future demand, but isthe notstandard associ6.otherwise. RESULTS to compute the varying over x, thereby increasing deviation. Note We use these trend varying x, thereby increasing the standard deviation. Note below 2 standard deviations and the same extrapolations demand. 6. features RESULTS ated with anthat existing occupation. To forecast where new occupations might that features excluded under this scheme areToexcluded only for consideration excluded under this scheme are excluded only for consideration generate aprobability data set equivalent totrend our workshop response we sample 6. RESULTS of the beingbelow higher We present our demand, main results,the andsame their interpretation, emerge, we simply the posterior the latent demand vari-metric byoptimise the average derivative: thefor recommendations of this cannot by the average derivative: themean recommendations of this metric cannot be be A three-parameter multinomial distrifrom these extrapolated presentof below our main results, and their interpretation, for bothprobabilities. theinUS and the UK economies. In presenting results for both count m(x) as aWe function x. More precisely, we start by randomly selecting trusted for these features. The excluded features are used as normal every 5.5. able, NEW OCCUPATIONS trusted for these features. The excluded features are used as normal in every demand or lower demand between 2015 and 2030. The We present below our main results, and their interpretation, for both the US bution is sampled using probabilities of higher, same and lower. For each and the UK economies. In presenting results foroccupation-level both countries, wethe caution 50 current occupations asour our starting of in high occupations. ofmodelling, our producing and aggregate otherother facet facet of as in as producing occupation-level andboth aggregate and themodelling, UK points economies. In demand presenting results for weuse caution occupation we sample 12countries, values and these asisthe participant responses. probability of being high taken as the total positive We run localpredictions optimisers observing box-constraints, 44 predictions of demand. BFGS, of(limited-memory demand. We define a potential new occupation as a combination of of 0 is assigned for every data point. A noise value as per Byrd et al. (1995)) initialised at each of the 50 44 occupations. This will difference above two standard values are then fed into the Ordinal Regressiondeviations. gp model andLow the is taken 44 †that is likely toThese skills,return abilities and knowledge features see 50 local of occupations m(x): points x in skills, knowledge and abilities 5.5. 5.5.optimisers New New occupations corresponding probabilities are computed described inbelow Section two 5.2. standard as the total negativeasdifference that are associated with high demand. Many of these optimisers will be high space future demand, but isanot associated with an existing We define potential new occupation as a combination of skills, knowledge We define a potential new occupation as a combination of skills, knowledge (near-)identical, and others will be (near-)identical to existing occupations. deviations. †,0 see and that is likely seeeach high future demand, not associand that is new likely to high future demand, but isbut notis associ6. RESULTS occupation. forecast where might BeginningTo with aabilities singleabilities such optimiser, xoccupations , wetoadd successive optimiser ated with an existing occupation. To forecast new occupations ated with an existing occupation. To forecast wherewhere new occupations mightmight unless it is closer, in the 2-norm sense, than a preset threshold ( = 0.1) to emerge, we optimise thewe posterior mean forposterior themean latent To a data setinterpretation, equivalent to Wemean present below ourgenerate main results, and their for our both workshop the US emerge, simply optimise the for theprolatent demand variemerge, we simply optimise the posterior for the latent demand varieither: an existing occupation, or; a previously included optimiser. This †,i randomly and the economies. In selecting presenting results from for both countries, we caution asfunction a function of x.. (local More precisely, we{xUK start by of randomly able, able, m(x) as x.of More precisely, we start by selecting as afunction More precisely, demand cedurevariable, will return a listm(x) of ahotspots ofofdemand optimisers) ; ∀i}, response we sampled these extrapolated 50 different current occupations our functions. starting of high demand occupations. 50 current occupations as ouras starting pointspoints of high demand length that may be for different mean Each hotspot canoccupations. we start by randomly selecting 50 current occupations probabilities. A three-parameter multinomial distribution is Welocal run local optimisers BFGS, box-constraints, Wethrough run optimisers BFGS, observing box-constraints, 44 be interpreted returning its (limited-memory vector(limited-memory of skills, knowledge andobserving abilities et al. (1995)) initialised atclosest each of 50 occupations. will the probabilities of higher, same and lower. aspoints perasByrd ethigh al.of (1995)) initialised at are each of the 50the occupations. This This will as our starting ofByrd demand occupations. We values x†,i , as well asper the list occupations which to it. sampled using † 50 local optimisers of m(x): in skills, knowledge and abilities returnreturn 50 local optimisers of m(x): pointspoints x† in x skills, knowledge and abilities run local optimisation algorithms (limited-memory BFGS, For each occupation we sample 12 values and use these thatassociated are associated with demand. high demand. of these optimisers will be spacespace that are with high ManyMany of these optimisers will be (near-)identical, andByrd others will be1995) (near-)identical to existing (near-)identical, andper others will et be (near-)identical to existing occupations. observing box-constraints, as al., as theoccupations. participant responses. A noise value of 0 is assigned 43 †,0 Beginning a single such optimiser, x add , weeach add successive each successive optimiser Beginning with awith single such optimiser, x†,0 , we optimiser initialised at each occupations. Thissense, will return for data unless it50 is closer, the 2-norm than a preset threshold ( = to 0.1) topoint. unlessof itthe is closer, in thein2-norm sense, than a preset threshold ( every = 0.1) either: an existing occupation, or; a previously included optimiser. This proeither: an existing occupation, or; a previously included optimiser. This pro†,i These values are then fed into the ordinal regression gp cedure will return of hotspots of demand optimisers) ;of ∀i}, of cedure will return a list aoflist hotspots of demand (local(local optimisers) {x†,i ; {x ∀i}, that be may be different for different functions. Each hotspot can lengthlength that may different for different meanmean functions. Each hotspot can the model and corresponding probabilities are computed be interpreted through returning its vector of skills, knowledge and abilities be interpreted through returning its vector of skills, knowledge and abilities x†,iwell , as as well theoflist of occupations are closest to it. asit.described in Section 5.2. valuesvalues x†,i , as theaslist occupations whichwhich are closest to 39 43 43 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 40 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 6. RESULTS Here we present our main results and analysis for both the US and the UK economies. In presenting results for both countries, we caution that, as discussed in Section 3, cross-country comparison is difficult, and is not the focus of this research. The first analysis we present relates to the share of employment in 2030 by occupation, and our model’s outputs are the probabilities of that share being greater than at present. (Findings for the absolute level of employment are available on request from the authors.) Below, we informally use ‘increased demand’, ‘future demand’ (and, at times, simply ‘demand’) as a shorthand for ‘increased share of employment in 2030’. 41 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 6.1. OCCUPATIONS The primary outputs of our model are the probabilities of each occupation experiencing a rise in workforce share (that is, increased demand). These occupation-level results can then be aggregated to give the figures below. We distinguish the percentage of the workforce in occupations predicted to see a rise in workforce share in 2030 with a ‘low probability’ (less than 30%), ‘medium probability’ (> 50%) and ‘high probability’ (> 70%). (These probability thresholds are the ones used in Frey and Osborne (2017)). That is, we calculate total employment that has probability of future increasing demand lying above and below these three thresholds. 6.1.1. US As per Section 4.2, our calculations are made at the finest level available for US occupations; that is, the six-digit US SOC 2010. The percentage of the US workforce as partitioned by the thresholds above is provided in Table 2. Table 2: The fraction of the us workforce above and below varying thresholds for the probability of increasing demand Number of Occupations Employment 772 135 million below 0.3 18.7% above 0.5 43.2% above 0.7 9.6% Note: employment does not equal total US employment as it excludes any 6-digit SOC occupations for which O*NET data is missing. This consists of “All Other” titles in the BLS data, representing occupations with a wide range of characteristics which do not fit into one of the detailed O*NET-SOC occupations. It also consists of occupations for which O*NET is either in the process collecting data e.g. underwriters or has decided not to collect data e.g. legislators. Hence our analysis excludes occupations equivalent to roughly 2 percent of total US employment. 42 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 In Figure 3, we plot (following Frey and Osborne, 2017) the distribution of current US employment over its probability of future increased demand. We additionally distinguish this employment by an intermediate aggregation of the Major Groups, as specified by the BLS 2010 SOC user guide (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010). Figure 3: The distribution of US employment according to its probability of future increased demand. Note that the total area under all curves is equal to total US employment. Management, Business and Financial Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Computer, Engineering and Science Occupations Farming, Fishing and Forestry Occupations Education, Legal, Community Service, Arts, and Media Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Installation, Maintenance and Repair Occupations Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations Figure 3 reveals a large mass of the workforce in employment with highly uncertain demand prospects (that is, a probability of experiencing higher workforce share of around 0.5). Note that this contrasts sharply with the U-shaped distribution by probability of automation in Frey and Osborne (2017), where the workforce is overwhelmingly in occupations at either a very high probability or a very low probability of automation. That our predictions are more uncertain is a direct result of the distinctions of our methodology from previous work. Firstly, the expert labels we gather in our foresight exercises (see Section 4.3) are explicitly clothed in uncertainty, whereas Frey and Osborne (2017) assume that participants are certain about their labels. This humility is partially motivated by the difficulty of the task assigned to our experts: balancing all the macro trends that might influence the future of work. Our allowance for our experts’ self-assessed degrees of confidence also recognises that many of the macro trends act at cross-purposes, leading to uncertainty about which will dominate in the case of any one occupation. Secondly, we use 120 O*NET features, against the nine used in Frey and Osborne (2017). This more detailed characterisation of occupations renders occupations less similar to one another, and hence limits the confidence of our model in predicting for one occupation based on what has been labelled for another. Table 3 lists the minor occupation groups about which our model is most optimistic. 43 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 3: For the US, the minor occupation groups with the greatest probabilities of future increased demand For these occupations, we characterise the fraction of their current employment that has a probability of increased demand above two thresholds. TITLE Preschool, Primary, Secondary and Special Education School Teachers Animal Care and Service Workers Lawyers, Judges and Related Workers Post-secondary Teachers Engineers Personal Appearance Workers Social Scientists and Related Workers Counselors, Social Workers and Other Community and Social Service Specialists Librarians, Curators and Archivists Entertainers and Performers, Sports and Related Workers Other Management Occupations Media and Communication Workers Operations Specialties Managers Religious Workers Other Teachers and Instructors Other Personal Care and Service Workers Construction Trades Workers Business Operations Specialists Physical Scientists Other Sales And Related Workers Architects, Surveyors and Cartographers Other Education, Training, And Library Occupations Other Healthcare Support Occupations Occupational Therapy And Physical Therapist Assistants And Aides Health Diagnosing And Treating Practitioners 44 EMPLOYMENT >0.7 >0.5 4,050,880 97.8 100 185,780 672,580 1,328,890 1,610,470 504,640 239,170 93.7 90.7 83.0 70.0 69.0 65.6 100 98.1 100 100 100 92 1,715,190 54.0 100 253,800 51.8 62.9 483,450 46.4 96.1 2,185,950 542,570 1,663,790 68,530 282,640 2,619,120 4,076,790 4,424,800 266,050 585,030 168,650 42.9 40.3 29.8 29.6 23.0 21.9 21.8 19.6 13.8 12.3 11.8 100 89.4 46.5 100 100 100 64.7 77.4 100 14.4 67.3 1,386,830 10.1 100 1,451,710 6.3 54.3 174,800 4.3 100 4,944,470 4.0 100 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 We derive a number of insights from Table 3, informed in part by our workshop discussions. — Education and personal care occupations feature prominently in the rankings; however, healthcare occupations are lower than expected by trends such as ageing, potentially reflecting uncertainty over the trajectory of healthcare policy and spending in the US or technical issues related to the composition of the training set (which, in practice, underrepresented healthcare occupations). — Construction trade work, as a larger employer, is another beneficiary. It is supported by a number of trends, including urbanisation, ageing and globalisation and is expected to be an important source of medium-skilled jobs in the future. — Demand prospects can vary considerably for occupations that are otherwise very similar. For example, business operations specialists – which typically need information management expertise – are set to grow as a share of the workforce while neighbouring minor occupation groups in the SOC such as financial specialists (see Table 4) are predicted to fall in share. Looking at the detailed occupation level, the results for business operations specialists are driven by management analysts, training and development specialists, labour relations specialists, logisticians and meeting, convention and event planners in particular – occupations that will conceivably benefit from the reorganisation of work and the workplace. — Another niche anticipated to grow in workforce share is other sales and related workers and, within that in particular, sales engineers and real estate agents, notwithstanding the predicted decline in general sales occupations. 45 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 4: For the US, the minor occupation groups with the lowest probabilities of future increased demand We characterise for these occupations the fraction of their current employment that has a probability of increased demand below two thresholds. TITLE Woodworkers Printing Workers Metal Workers and Plastic Workers Financial Clerks Other Production Occupations Plant and System Operators Assemblers and Fabricators Communications Equipment Operators Food Processing Workers Forest, Conservation and Logging Workers, Extraction Workers Financial Specialists Rail Transportation Workers Cooks and Food Preparation Workers Sales Representatives, Services Retail Sales Workers Other Construction and Related Workers Water Transportation Workers Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Mechanics, Installers and Repairers Librarians, Curators and Archivists Material Recording, Scheduling, Dispatching, and Distributing Workers Other Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Entertainment Attendants and Related Workers Motor Vehicle Operators Material Moving Workers Other Office and Administrative Support Workers Agricultural Workers Construction Trades Workers Other Healthcare Support Occupations Health Technologists and Technicians Information and Record Clerks Secretaries and Administrative Assistants Legal Support Workers Electrical and Electronic Equipment Mechanics, Installers and Repairers Business Operations Specialists Other Protective Service Workers Grounds Maintenance Workers Drafters, Engineering Technicians, and Mapping Technicians Life, Physical and Social Science Technicians Other Transportation Workers 46 EMPLOYMENT 236,460 256,040 1,923,050 3,144,540 2,552,400 311,060 1,571,480 110,250 738,030 42,740 561,550 253,530 2,607,770 117,460 3,132,040 8,799,240 393,710 77,270 <0. 3 100% 100% 98.7% 97.7% 96.9% 94.1% 92.2% 91.2% 89.1% 83.9% 81.5% 66.7% 66.3% 53.2% 49.0% 44.9% 39.8% 39.6% <0.5 100% 100% 100% 100% 99.4% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90.7% 100% 100% 47.6% 63.2% 100% 1,554,340 38.0% 99.2% 253,800 37.1% 37.1% 3,973,730 32.1 97.6% 2,776,890 28.4% 90% 524,310 3,797,540 4,473,640 3,723,230 383,890 4,076,790 1,451,710 2,909,230 5,336,050 3,680,630 344,220 25.2% 24.3% 20.9% 20.2% 17.9% 8.8% 7.5% 6.5% 6.4% 5.5% 5.1% 96.7% 100% 100% 100% 100% 35.3% 45.7% 56.3& 95% 100% 100% 585,280 3.1% 100% 4,424,800 1,524,350 959,960 2.9% 2.7% 2.5% 22.6% 89.8% 6.7% 680,790 2.2% 74.3% 359,460 305,320 1.8% 1% 82.7% 100% T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 — These results support the importance of future routine-biased technological change. Notably they anticipate the impact of automation encroaching on more cognitively advanced and complex occupations such as financial specialists. — The predicted fall in retail sales workers and entertainment attendants, which between them account for a large volume of employment, is consistent with an expansion in digitally provided goods and services. — The transportation occupations represented may reflect a belief that driverless cars will disrupt the future workforce. The rise of the sharing economy might reasonably be expected to lead to an increased demand for installation and reparation jobs, especially in areas such as transport, as cars and other assets are used more intensively, but this hypothesis is not supported here. 47 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 6.1.2. UK Again, as per Section 4.2, our calculations are made at the finest level available for UK occupations; that is, the four-digit UK SOC 2010. The percentage of the UK workforce as partitioned by the thresholds above is provided in Table 5. Table 5: The fraction of the UK workforce above and below varying thresholds for the probability of increasing demand Number of Occupations Employment 365 31,423,561 below 0.3 21.2% above 0.5 51.8% above 0.7 8.0% Note: employment does not equal total UK employment as it excludes 4-digit SOC 2010 occupations corresponding to the 6-digit SOC occupations for which O*NET data is missing. The latter consists of “All Other” titles in the BLS data, representing occupations with a wide range of characteristics which do not fit into one of the detailed O*NET-SOC occupations. It also consists of occupations for which O*NET is either in the process collecting data e.g. underwriters or has decided not to collect data e.g. legislators. Hence our analysis excludes occupations equivalent to roughly 1 percent of total UK employment. In Figure 4, we describe (following Frey and Osborne, 2014) the distribution of current UK employment over its probability of future increased demand. We additionally disaggregate this employment by Major Group (that is, at one-digit level) in the UK SOC. As with the US results, Figure 4 reveals that the model is notably more uncertain than in Frey and Osborne (2014). Note from Table 5 that, relative to the US, a larger fraction of the UK workforce is predicted to grow in share; however, a larger fraction of the UK workforce also faces a high risk of declining in share. Figure 4: The distribution of UK employment according to its probability of future increased demand. Note that the total area under all curves is equal to total UK employment. Management, Directors and Senior Officials Professional Occupations Associate Professional and Technical Occupations Administrative and Secretarial Occupations Skilled Trades Occupations Caring, Leisure and Other Service Occupations Sales and Customer Service Occupations Process, Plant and Machine Operatives Elementary Occupations 48 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table 6: For the UK, the minor occupation groups, or three-digit occupations, with the greatest probabilities of future increased demand For these occupations, we characterise the fraction of their current employment that has a probability of increased demand above two thresholds. TITLE Food Preparation and Hospitality Trades Teaching and Educational Professionals Sports and Fitness Occupations Natural and Social Science Professionals Managers and Proprietors in Hospitality and Leisure Services Health and Social Services Managers and Directors Artistic, Literary and Media Occupations Public Services and Other Associate Professionals Other Elementary Services Occupations Therapy Professionals Engineering Professionals Media Professionals Welfare Professionals Electrical and Electronic Trades Health Professionals EMPLOYMENT 479,645 1,569,250 170,183 227,020 299,143 88,651 397,323 524,068 1,066,177 123,632 475,217 164,649 177,879 468,429 545,874 >0.7 71.4% 57.3% 56.0% 55.0% 50.0% 44.1% 37.1% 31.9% 26.5% 22.6% 22.4% 19.3% 14.4% 12.4% 4.1% >0.5 76.6% 94.5% 100.0% 100.0% 96.7% 100.0% 79.4% 100.0% 92.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 91.9% 100.0% 100.0% We can glean several insights from Table 6. —T he presence of health and education-related and other service occupations is consistent with Baumol’s cost disease hypothesis – that is, lower productivity growth sectors should be expected to experience increasing workforce shares for a given increase in demand (Baumol et al., 2012). —T he results also highlight the resilience of public sector occupations beyond health and education.21 It is unclear whether this is because workshop participants believe these occupations will grow faster than others, or because they believe that any change will be less volatile due to institutional factors, such as higher job security and unionisation, enabling participants to have a higher degree of confidence in them. However understood, the finding is consistent with research by Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017a) showing that the public sector is among the few segments of the labour market that holds up in areas affected by automation. Another possibility is that it reflects consumer concerns about ethical, privacy and safety issues which, among other things, may affect the demand for regulation (World Economic Forum (WEF), 2016; Jones, 2016). —A ctivities that are not subject to international trade feature heavily in the list of occupation groups: food preparation, elementary services, hospitality and leisure services and sports and fitness, and electrical and electronic trades. This is also consistent with the high-tech multiplier effects identified by Moretti (2012) and Gregory et al. (2016). —S ome of these occupations (food preparation and hospitality trades and other elementary service occupations) have low skills requirements, but are associated with differentiated products which consumers value (Autor and Dorn, 2013). They may therefore be ripe for job redesign to emphasise further product variety. Signs of this can be seen in the return of artisanal employment: the remaking of goods and services such as barbering, coffee roasting, butchery, bartending, carpentry, textiles and ceramics, incorporating elements of craft-based technical skill which are higher-end – and more expensive – than in the past. Workers also draw on deep cultural knowledge about what makes a good or service ‘authentic’ and are able to communicate these values of ‘good’ taste to consumers. These markets benefit from the blurring of tastes between high- and low-brow culture and trends such as reshoring and the importance of localness in production (Ocejo, 2017). —T he craft phenomenon has been attributed, in part, to the consumption preferences of millennials. They may also explain the support we find for occupations such as sports and fitness and therapy. Arguably, these activities represent a broader definition of health – one which seeks to maintain people’s wellness through proper nutrition, exercise and mental health rather than than simply to respond to illness through the provision of acute, episodic care. —C reative, digital, design and engineering occupations generally have a bright outlook. This can be seen from Table 6 but also Table B2 in the Appendix which shows the average probability of increased workforce share across minor occupation groups. These activities are strongly complemented by digital technology but are also ones in which the UK has a comparative advantage and benefits from trends such as urbanisation. —A lthough ‘green’ occupations22 fall slightly below the 0.7 threshold, Table B2 shows that they are projected to grow in share (with a mean probability of 0.62). A number of other occupation groups have a high probability of experiencing a fall in workforce share, as detailed in Table 7. 49 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 7: For the UK, the minor occupation groups, or three-digit occupations, with the lowest probabilities of future increased demand We characterise for these occupations the fraction of their current employment that has a probability of increased demand below two thresholds. TITLE Mobile Machine Drivers and Operatives Elementary Administration Occupations Elementary Sales Occupations Elementary Storage Occupations Customer Service Occupations Customer Service Managers and Supervisors Assemblers and Routine Operatives Elementary Agricultural Occupations Other Administrative Occupations Printing Trades Process Operatives Metal Forming, Welding and Related Trades Sales Assistants and Retail Cashiers Animal Care and Control Services Plant and Machine Operatives Housekeeping and Related Services Administrative Occupations: Finance Other Skilled Trades Administrative Occupations: Records Secretarial and Related Occupations Construction and Building Trades Elementary Security Occupations Elementary Process Plant Occupations Managers and Proprietors in Other Services Road Transport Drivers Textiles and Garments Trades Vehicle Trades Elementary Cleaning Occupations Other Drivers and Transport Operatives Metal Machining, Fitting and Instrument-making Trades Sales-related Occupations Leisure and Travel Services Building Finishing Trades Agricultural and Related Trades Business, Finance and Related Associate Professionals Caring Personal Services 50 EMPLOYMENT 150,233 197,537 151,411 399,420 469,574 150,753 243,409 92,209 823,137 66,981 280,391 113,545 1,489,794 109,668 144,883 100,279 753,388 111,153 396,852 673,395 837,300 280,115 251,160 589,787 951,011 55,975 289,312 691,623 83,150 299,920 166,780 193,102 212,316 373,08 688,927 1,327,903 <0. 3 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 96.5% 94.7% 91.1% 90.5% 88.7% 84.3% 78.3% 77.1% 66.5% 59.2% 56.1% 44.6% 43.1% 39.9% 35.3% 34.7% 32.0% 31.2% 26.4% 22.0% 20.3% 20.4% 20.1% 18.5% 17.1% 14.6% 13.6% 7.3% 4.7% 1.8% <0.5 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 77.1% 100.0% 100.0% 75.6% 79.2% 100.0% 100.0% 84.7% 100.0% 100.0% 58.0% 96.5% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 72.1% 100.0% 50.4% 27.0% 40.6% 7.3% 26.3% 89.6% T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table 7 is suggestive of a number of interpretations. — Technological advancements and globalisation may account for why many manufacturing production occupations are predicted to see a fall in workforce share. — The predicted decline in the workforce share of administrative, secretarial and, to some extent, sales occupations is also consistent with routine-biased technological change. Customer service jobs which entail social interaction are perhaps harder to reconcile with this framework. — Skilled trades occupations (SOC 2010 major group 5) exhibit a more heterogeneous pattern. Metal forming, textiles, vehicle trades and, to an extent, construction and building trades are projected to fall in share; by contrast, electrical and electronic trades, food preparation, building finishing and other skilled trades (for example, glass and ceramics makers, decorators and finishers) fare much better (see Table B2). This suggests that there are likely to be pockets of opportunity for those lower down the skills ladder, depending on which choices are made. 51 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 6.2. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Firstly, to test for the generalisability of our results, we perform a cross-validation exercise. In particular, we randomly select a reduced training set of half the available data (corresponding to the labels for 15 occupations); the remaining data form a test set. On the test set, we evaluate the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (Murphy, 2012). Given that we observe ternary, as opposed to binary, labels, the ROC curve is a surface (Waegeman et al., 2008). An approximation is made to the volume under the surface (VUS), whereby the area under the curve (AUC) is calculated separately for each ternary component. The volume under the ROC surface is taken to be the mean of the separate AUC slices. As the workshop data or model prediction for an occupation is either an empirical or posterior distribution over ternary labels respectively, samples are drawn and the mean VUS is calculated. Due to uncertainty in the distribution, a normalised VUS is calculated by dividing the test VUS by the ground truth VUS. We repeat this experiment for 50 random splits of the 30 occupations from the workshop set. Each experiment is composed of 10 training occupations and 20 test occupations. A high AUC/VUS (which ranges from 0.5 to 1) indicates that our model is able to reliably predict 15 occupations given a distinct set of 15 occupations. This would suggest that the model is effective and that the training set is self-consistent. It would also imply a degree of robustness of our results to the inclusion (or exclusion) of a small number of occupations in that training set. We also investigate how breaks in long-term trends as perceived by the workshop experts contribute to the findings above. We do this by re-running the predictive model but using non-parametric extrapolation (as described in Section 5.6) of occupational employment to label the occupations in place of the experts’ judgments. As examples of extrapolated trends, Figure 5 plots the share of employment extrapolations for three UK occupations, one each for higher, same and lower probability. Figure 6 shows the absolute employment extrapolations for three US occupations, one each for higher, same and lower probability. The shaded areas give the 90% credibility interval around the mean. 52 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Figure 5: Examples of share employment number extrapolations for three UK occupations. We show occupations with probability of higher, same and lower share in 2030. Figure 6: Examples of absolute employment number extrapolations for three US occupations. We show occupations with probability of higher, same and lower absolute employment numbers in 2030. Note that, in what follows, all rankings of occupation groups from our model use the employment-weighted average of probabilities of occupations within the group. 6.2.1. US Firstly, Table 8 presents the results of our cross-validation exercise on US workshop data. The high VUS results suggest that our model is robust, and that our results are not sensitive to small changes to the training set. Table 8: The volume under the receiver operating surface from cross-validation of model on US workshop data Mean 0.949 Lower Quartile 0.943 Upper Quartile 0.956 Table 9 compares the probability of increased demand generated by trend extrapolation against that obtained from the judgment of experts. 53 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 9: The percentage point (PP) differences (of trend extrapolation from our workshop-trained predictions) in the probabilities of future demand at minor occupation group level That is, each row is the probability produced by trend extrapolation minus the probability produced by the workshop, multiplied by 100. TITLE Other Office and Administrative Support Workers Legal Support Workers Financial Clerks Communications Equipment Operators Financial Specialists Information and Record Clerks Secretaries and Administrative Assistants Sales Representatives, Services Entertainment Attendants and Related Workers Retail Sales Workers Rail Transportation Workers Motor Vehicle Operators Other Protective Service Workers Material Recording, Scheduling, Dispatching and Distributing Worker Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing Librarians, Curators and Archivists Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Workers Other Healthcare Support Occupations Other Transportation Workers Assemblers and Fabricators Other Production Occupations Lawyers, Judges and Related Workers Baggage Porters, Bellhops and Concierges Food and Beverage Serving Workers Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers Printing Workers Forest, Conservation and Logging Workers Health Technologists and Technicians Food Processing Workers Supervisors of Sales Workers Operations Specialties Managers Supervisors of Personal Care and Service Workers Cooks and Food Preparation Workers Top Executives Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers Religious Workers Other Sales and Related Workers Other Construction and Related Workers Media and Communication Workers Plant and System Operators Law Enforcement Workers Business Operations Specialists Textile, Apparel and Furnishings Workers Counselors, Social Workers and Other Community and Social Service Specialists Extraction Workers Material Moving Workers Other Management Occupations Metal Workers and Plastic Worker Supervisors of Production Workers Water Transportation Workers Fishing and Hunting Workers Tour and Travel Guide Nursing, Psychiatric and Home Health Aides Other Teachers and Instructors Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners 54 PP DIFFERENCE IN PROBABILIT Y OF DEMAND -52.2 -47.8 -47.0 -42.2 -39.6 -39.2 -38.7 -35.6 -34.4 -32.7 -27.7 -27.5 -27.4 -27.4 -26.3 -26.2 -26.1 -25.7 -25.4 -24.9 -23.6 -23.1 -22.8 -22.8 -22.4 -22.1 -21.6 -21.2 -21.1 -20.7 -20.4 -20.3 -20.2 -19.7 -19.6 -19.3 -19.2 -19.2 -18.9 -18.7 -18.5 -18.1 -18.1 -18.0 -17.9 -17.2 -17.1 -17.1 -16.8 -16.3 -15.9 -15.8 -15.6 -15.4 -15.4 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table 9 (continued) TITLE Social Scientists and Related Workers Supervisors of Protective Service Workers Woodworkers Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Mechanics, Installers and Repairers Media and Communication Equipment Workers Agricultural Workers Other Food Preparation and Serving Related Workers Supervisors of Construction and Extraction Workers Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides Supervisors of Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Workers Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations and Sales Managers Other Education, Training and Library Occupations Life, Physical and Social Science Technicians Supervisors of Farming, Fishing and Forestry Workers Air Transportation Workers Other Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Preschool, Primary, Secondary and Special Education School Teachers Other Personal Care and Service Workers Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers Entertainers and Performers, Sports and Related Workers Funeral Service Workers Other Installation, Maintenance and Repair Occupations Construction Trades Workers Drafters, Engineering Technicians and Mapping Technicians Electrical and Electronic Equipment Mechanics, Installers and Repairers Life Scientists Art and Design Workers Helpers, Construction Trades Supervisors of Installation, Maintenance and Repair Workers Architects, Surveyors and Cartographers Mathematical Science Occupations Computer Occupations Grounds Maintenance Workers Post-secondary Teachers Physical Scientists Personal Appearance Workers Building Cleaning and Pest Control Workers Animal Care and Service Workers Engineers 55 PP DIFFERENCE IN PROBABILIT Y OF DEMAND -15.2 -15.2 -15.1 -14.8 -14.5 -14.4 -14.4 -14.2 -14.1 -13.9 -13.8 -13.7 -13.6 -13.5 -13.4 -13.3 -12.2 -11.9 -10.9 -10.8 -10.6 -10.4 -9.9 -8.4 -7.8 -7.3 -6.8 -6.5 -5.9 -5.8 -4.5 -4.2 -3.5 -3.3 -1.9 -1.0 4.2 4.4 8.8 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 10 further ranks occupation groups, using the same intermediate aggregation of major groups as described in Section 6.1, by their probability of rising demand using our expert judgment training set. It compares these against rankings based on independent quantitative forecasts for the year 2024 from the US BLS. (See Table A1 in the Appendix for major group rankings). Table 10: Relative rankings of intermediate aggregation of major occupation groups in the US by our model, and by independent forecasts from the BLS R ANKING FROM EXPERT JUDGEMENT R ANKING FROM BLS PROJECTIONS 2014 –2024 Education, Legal, Community Service, Arts and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Computer, Engineering and Science Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Service Occupations Management, Business and Financial Occupations Computer, Engineering and Science Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Education, Legal, Community Service, Arts and Media Occupations Service Occupations Management, Business and Financial Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Installation, Maintenance and Repair Occupations Farming, Fishing and Forestry Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Installation, Maintenance and Repair Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations Production Occupations Production Occupations Farming, Fishing and Forestry Occupations Tables 9 and 10 reveal the following insights. — Firstly, Table 9 makes it clear that expert judgment is considerably more pessimistic than trend extrapolation for most minor occupation groups. (This can also be seen by inspecting the distribution of current employment over its probability of future demand under trend extrapolation in Figure A1 in the Appendix and comparing it with Figure 3). The divergence is largest for routine cognitive, as opposed to routine manual, occupations. — We see considerable divergence across the three outlooks (our workshop-informed model, our trend extrapolation, and the BLS projection). This is arguably most marked for occupations in legal, architecture and engineering and arts, design, entertainment, and sports and media. There is seemingly greater agreement, however, over occupations projected to decline in workforce share. 56 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 6.2.2. UK We begin by detailing in Table 11 the VUS scores from our cross-validation exercise on UK workshop data. Again, the high results give some reassurance both that the model is robust and that the results are not sensitive to minor alterations to the choice of occupations in the training set. Table 11: The volume under the receiver operating surface from cross-validation of model on UK workshop data Mean 0.946 57 Lower Quartile 0.938 Upper Quartile 0.954 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 12 compares the probability of rising workforce share generated by trend extrapolation versus the judgment of experts. As with the US, although to a lesser degree, it shows that expert judgement is more pessimistic than trend extrapolation for most minor occupation groups. (This can also be seen in the distribution of current employment over its probability of future demand under trend extrapolation in Figure A2 in the Appendix and comparing it with Figure 4). Expert judgement is particularly more pessimistic about management and supervision roles. There are few cases where the experts are more optimistic than trend extrapolation – construction and related occupations (not supervisors) are the main exception. Table 12: The percentage point (PP) differences (of trend extrapolation from our workshop-trained predictions) in the probabilities of future demand at minor occupation group level. Each row is the probability produced by trend extrapolation minus the probability produced by the workshop, multiplied by 100. OCCUPATION TITLE Construction and Building Trades Supervisors Skilled Metal, Electrical and Electronic Trades Supervisors Production Managers and Directors Managers and Directors in Transport and Logistics Mobile Machine Drivers and Operatives Sales Supervisors Managers and Directors in Retail and Wholesale Senior Officers in Protective Services Administrative Occupations: Office Managers and Supervisors Elementary Storage Occupations Conservation and Environmental Associate Professionals Agricultural and Related Trades Other Drivers and Transport Operatives Chief Executives and Senior Officials Managers and Proprietors in Agriculture-related Services Elementary Sales Occupations Financial institution Managers and Directors Sales, Marketing and Related Associate Professionals Public Services and Other Associate Professionals Cleaning and Housekeeping Managers and Supervisors Functional Managers and Directors Administrative Occupations: Finance Managers and Proprietors in Hospitality and Leisure Services Elementary Administration Occupations Conservation and Environment Professionals Food Preparation and Hospitality Trades Legal Professionals Process Operatives Managers and Proprietors in Health and Care Services Managers and Proprietors in Other Services Architects, Town Planners and Surveyors Transport Associate Professionals Protective Service Occupations Elementary Cleaning Occupations Sales Assistants and Retail Cashiers Health and Social Services Managers and Directors Business, Research and Administrative Professionals Administrative Occupations: Records Other Administrative Occupations Elementary Agricultural Occupations Elementary Process Plant Occupations Hairdressers and Related Services Sales-related Occupations Business, Finance and Related Associate Professionals Engineering Professionals Assemblers and Routine Operatives Animal Care and Control Services Quality and Regulatory Professionals Housekeeping and Related Services 58 PP DIFFERENCE IN PROBABILIT Y OF DEMAND -38.2 -31.9 -31.6 -27.8 25.1 -24.6 -24.6 -24.5 -24.0 -23.1 -21.4 -20.9 -20.9 -20.4 -20.4 -19.9 -19.1 -19.0 -19.0 -18.4 -17.9 -17.3 -17.3 -16.9 -16.6 -16.4 -16.2 -16.2 -15.6 -15.4 -15.0 -15.0 -15.0 -14.8 -14.7 -14.6 -14.2 -13.7 -13.4 -12.7 -12.6 -12.0 -11.7 -11.6 -10.4 -10.2 -9.9 -9.7 -9.6 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table 12 (continued) OCCUPATION TITLE Road Transport Drivers Other Elementary Services Occupations Customer Service Occupations Administrative Occupations: Government and Related Organisations Elementary Security Occupations Secretarial and Related Occupations Research and Development Managers Customer Service Managers and Supervisors Leisure and Travel Services Natural and Social Science Professionals Legal Associate Professionals Librarians and Related Professionals Welfare and Housing Associate Professionals Sports and Fitness Occupations Information Technology and Telecommunications Professionals Textiles and Garments Trades Caring Personal Services Printing Trades Welfare Professionals Artistic, Literary and Media Occupations Media Professionals Plant and Machine Operatives Information Technology Technicians Teaching and Educational Professionals Health Associate Professionals Nursing and Midwifery Professionals Design Occupations Science, Engineering and Production Technicians Other Skilled Trades Health Professionals Construction Operatives Vehicle Trades Childcare and Related Personal Services Metal Machining, Fitting and Instrument-making Trades Metal Forming, Welding and Related Trades Building Finishing Trades Therapy Professionals Elementary Construction Occupations Construction and Building Trades Draughtspersons and Related Architectural Technicians Electrical and Electronic Trades 59 PP DIFFERENCE IN PROBABILIT Y OF DEMAND -9.6 -9.5 -9.5 -8.9 -8.1 -7.9 -7.5 -7.2 -5.9 -5.8 -5.6 -4.8 -4.6 -4.3 -3.8 -2.7 -2.2 -1.9 -1.8 -1.7 -1.5 -1.0 -1.0 -0.7 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.7 0.9 2.0 3.2 4.4 5.2 5.6 7.2 9.2 10.8 14.6 15.6 20.3 22.6 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 13 ranks major occupation groups by their probability of rising demand using our expert judgement training set, and compares against rankings based on independent quantitative forecasts for the year 2024 from the former UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). We comment on the rankings provided by our model and the UKCES, as described in Table 13. — The rankings are broadly consistent across the two outlooks. However, there are important exceptions when we drill down and examine minor group or three-digit occupations (see Table A2 in the Appendix for sub-major group rankings). — One difference is that the experts are a little less confident about rising demand for customer service occupations. This places them closer to the results found in Frey and Osborne (2017). — Our approach also reflects less optimism about occupations relating to personal care. While this may seem difficult to reconcile with an ageing population (care workers and home carers being the largest occupation within this group), it may also reflect uncertainty over the fact that people are working longer and leading healthier, more independent lives – a theme and tension which ran through the UK workshop discussions. Another difference is that our expertinformed model is more optimistic than UKCES on the prospects for certain medium-skilled jobs for example, skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades and textiles, printing and other skilled trades – areas where apprenticeships have traditionally been an important route to entry. — Our model is also more optimistic about culture, media and sports, teaching and educational professionals and science, research, engineering and technology occupations than UKCES. Table 13: Relative rankings of major occupation groups in the UK by our model, trained on expert judgement, and by independent forecasts from the UKCES R ANKING FROM EXPERT JUDGEMENT R ANKING FROM UKCES PROJECTIONS 2014 –2024 Professional Occupations Managers, Directors and Senior Officials Managers, Directors and Senior Officials Professional Occupations Associate Professional and Technical Occupations Caring, Leisure and Other Service Occupations Caring, Leisure and Other Service Occupations Associate Professional and Technical Occupations Skilled Trades Occupations Elementary Occupations Elementary Occupations Sales and Customer Service Occupations Administrative and Secretarial Occupations Skilled Trades Occupations Sales and Customer Service Occupations Process, Plant and Machine Operatives Process, Plant and Machine Operatives Administrative and Secretarial Occupations 60 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 6.3. SKILLS We now describe the findings of our study on the relationships between O*NET variables (which we refer to as ‘features’ and occasionally informally refer to as ‘skills’) and future demand. Note that our methodology (see Section 5.4) provides employment-weighted results: as such, all the results that follow are robust to outlying occupations with small employment. We use two measures of the importance of features to future demand: the Pearson correlation coefficient (Section 5.4.1) and the average derivative (Section 5.4.2). In interpreting the values of these measures, note firstly that the correlation coefficient lies between −1 and 1. The average derivative is calculated by considering the derivative of an unobservable real-valued function linked to demand. It is dimensionless; an average derivative’s magnitude is significant only relative to that of another average derivative. For either measure, positive values are associated with features whose increase is expected to increase demand, and negative values with features whose increase is expected to decrease demand. As described in Section 5.4.2, we exclude especially noisy features from consideration under the average derivative measure. For both the UK and US, these variables are: — Perceptual Speed (Abilities); — Building and Construction (Knowledge); — Food Production (Knowledge); — Production and Processing (Knowledge); — Control Precision (Abilities); — Biology (Knowledge); and — Fine Arts (Knowledge). Note that the excluded variables are predominately knowledge features. The significance of knowledge, perhaps more than other features differs considerably across occupations. It is hence not surprising that these features are more likely to be less reliable than others under the average derivative metric. 61 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 6.3.1. US Table 14: A ranking, by Pearson correlation, of the importance of O*NET variables to future demand for US occupations R ANK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 O*NET VARIABLE Learning Strategies Psychology Instructing Social Perceptiveness Sociology and Anthropology Education and Training Coordination Originality Fluency of Ideas Active Learning Therapy and Counseling Philosophy and Theology Speaking Service Orientation Active Listening Complex Problem Solving Oral Expression Communications and Media Speech Clarity Judgment and Decision-making English Language Knowledge Monitoring Deductive Reasoning Oral Comprehension Critical Thinking Systems Evaluation History and Archeology Inductive Reasoning Persuasion Skills Speech Recognition Science Negotiation Management of Personnel Resources Systems Analysis Problem Sensitivity Writing Operations Analysis Administration and Management Biology Fine Arts Reading Comprehension Memorization Time Management Foreign Language Written Expression Medicine and Dentistry Technology Design Personnel and Human Resources Written Comprehension Information Ordering Time Sharing Geography Law and Government Customer and Personal Service Category Flexibility Speed of Closure Management of Material Resources Chemistry 62 CL ASS Skills Knowledge Skills Skills Knowledge Knowledge Skills Abilities Abilities Skills Knowledge Knowledge Skills Skills Skills Skills Abilities Knowledge Abilities Skills Knowledge Skills Abilities Abilities Skills Skills Knowledge Abilities Skills Abilities Skills Skills Skills Skills Abilities Skills Skills Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Skills Abilities Skills Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Skills Knowledge Abilities Abilities Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Abilities Skills Knowledge PEARSON CORREL ATION 0.632 0.613 0.609 0.605 0.603 0.602 0.571 0.570 0.562 0.534 0.531 0.526 0.514 0.511 0.507 0.502 0.493 0.491 0.489 0.482 0.474 0.470 0.468 0.465 0.462 0.461 0.452 0.448 0.443 0.436 0.431 0.419 0.418 0.415 0.414 0.407 0.395 0.388 0.388 0.385 0.374 0.372 0.360 0.359 0.351 0.348 0.345 0.344 0.341 0.328 0.316 0.310 0.309 0.291 0.284 0.268 0.262 0.192 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table 14 (continued) R ANK 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 O*NET VARIABLE Public Safety and Security Telecommunications Computers and Electronics Management of Financial Resources Design Flexibility of Closure Physics Programming Engineering and Technology Visualization Sales and Marketing Far Vision Explosive Strength Building and Construction Selective Attention Clerical Knowledge Auditory Attention Economics and Accounting Mathematical Reasoning Near Vision Mathematics – Skills Transportation Mathematics – Knowledge Number Facility Dynamic Flexibility Quality Control Analysis Stamina Food Production Trunk Strength Gross Body Coordination Gross Body Equilibrium Visual Color Discrimination Installation Dynamic Strength Troubleshooting Extent Flexibility Equipment Selection Static Strength Hearing Sensitivity Mechanical Perceptual Speed Depth Perception Speed of Limb Movement Spatial Orientation Sound Localization Multilimb Coordination Production and Processing Operation Monitoring Night Vision Peripheral Vision Glare Sensitivity Repairing Response Orientation Equipment Maintenance Arm-Hand Steadiness Reaction Time Operation and Control Finger Dexterity Manual Dexterity Rate Control Wrist-Finger Speed Control Precision 63 CL ASS Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Skills Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Skills Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Abilities Abilities Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Abilities Abilities Skills Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Knowledge Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Skills Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Knowledge Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Knowledge Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities PEARSON CORREL ATION 0.189 0.189 0.186 0.160 0.146 0.133 0.126 0.122 0.121 0.120 0.118 0.105 0.099 0.078 0.069 0.047 0.036 0.036 0.035 0.016 0.008 0.004 -0.006 -0.022 -0.023 -0.028 -0.033 -0.034 -0.039 -0.059 -0.063 -0.081 -0.082 -0.111 -0.114 -0.129 -0.141 -0.142 -0.142 -0.152 -0.168 -0.173 -0.185 -0.198 -0.207 -0.219 -0.239 -0.242 -0.244 -0.246 -0.247 -0.259 -0.282 -0.284 -0.297 -0.322 -0.326 -0.354 -0.365 -0.394 -0.423 -0.466 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Figure 7: The 10 most important O*NET features as ranked by Pearson correlation for the US 1. Learning Strategies 2. Psychology 3. Instructing 4. Social Perceptiveness 5. Sociology and Anthropology 6. Education and Training 7. Coordination 8. Originality 9. Fluency of Ideas 10. Active Learning 64 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Figure 8: The 10 least important O*NET features as ranked by Pearson correlation for the US 1. Control Precision 2. Wrist Finger Speed 3. Rate Control 4. Manual Dexterity 5. Finger Dexterity 6. Operation and Control 7. Reaction Time 8. Arm Hand Steadiness 9. Equipment Maintenance 10. Response Orientation 65 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 14 ranks, by Pearson correlation coefficient, all 120 variables according to their association with a rising occupation workforce share (in declining order of strength). Figures 7 and 8 plot, respectively, the top and bottom ten O*NET variables as ranked by Pearson correlation. Table C1 in the Appendix also provides aggregate rankings for the average derivative. — The results confirm the importance of 21st century skills in the US, with a particularly strong emphasis on interpersonal competencies. This is underscored by the presence of skills such as Instructing, Social Perceptiveness and Coordination, and related knowledge domains such as Psychology and Sociology and Anthropology. — This is consistent with the literature on the increasing importance of social skills – recall the fact that between 1980 and 2012, jobs with high social skills requirements grew by nearly 10 percentage points as a share of the US labour force (Deming, 2015). There are good reasons to think that these trends will continue – not only as organisations seek to reduce the costs of coordination but also as they negotiate the cultural context in which globalisation and the spread of digital technology are taking place (Tett, 2017). Take over a variety of interventions targeted at different stages of the life cycle have proven successful in fostering social skills. The evidence base is largest on the success of early programmes. Workplace-based internships and apprenticeships, however, also have a good track record due to the need to learn informal or tacit knowledge and skills, and the bonds of attachment that can be formed between a supervisor and an apprentice (Kautz et al., 2014). — The results also emphasise the importance of higher-order cognitive skills such as Originality and Fluency of Ideas. Learning Strategies and Active Learning – the ability of students to set goals, ask relevant questions, get feedback as they learn and apply that knowledge meaningfully in a variety of contexts – also feature prominently. — Progress towards developing these skills as part of the formal education system has been slow due to difficulties in understanding how they arise and develop over time and how they can be embedded in the curriculum and formal assessments. Nonetheless, a number of initiatives have shown promise and are beginning to shape domestic and international policy dialogue (Schunk and Zimmerman, 2007; Lucas et al., 2013; OECD, 2016a). Strengthening the affective aspects of education and a lifelong learning habit, especially among boys and students from disadvantaged backgrounds who tend to have lower levels of motivation, is a further area of interest for policymakers. The research literature shows that teachers can play an important role – both in raising student expectations and in rewarding the process of learning – for instance, in giving students opportunities to share the results of their work with others or explain why what they learned was valuable to them, though they are unlikely to be sufficient in the absence of other policies to promote educational excellence and equity (Covington and Müeller, 2001; Diamond et al., 2004; Weinstein, 2002; Hampden-Thompson and Bennett, 2013; OECD, 2017). — In addition to knowledge fields related to social skills, English language, History and Archeology, Administration and Management and Biology are all associated strongly with occupations predicted to see a rise in workforce share, reminding us that the future workforce will have generic knowledge as well as skills requirements. — Psychomotor and physical abilities are strongly associated with occupations with a falling workforce share. Interestingly, this includes abilities such as Finger Dexterity and Manual Dexterity, which Frey and Osborne (2017) identified as key bottlenecks to automation. Trade and offshoring offer a potential explanation for why these skills might fall in demand – consistent with workshop participants having considered a broad range of trends. The main feature that makes a job potentially offshorable or vulnerable to import competition hinges less on a task’s routineness or non-routineness than the cost advantages of producing overseas, and the marginal importance of face-to-face interactions in the production process. — The correlations for variables associated with a rising occupation workforce share, are in general, stronger than those associated with a falling occupation workforce share. This is perhaps not surprising: all things being equal, an increase in the value of any O*NET variable for an occupation makes it more skilled, and might broadly be expected to result in greater demand (even if there are other reasons why the occupation will experience a fall in demand). It is also fortunate: our core emphasis is on informing skills policy, which has a natural focus on those skills most strongly linked to growing demand. 66 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 6.3.2. UK Table 15: A ranking, by Pearson correlation, of the importance of O*NET variables to future demand for UK occupations R ANK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 O*NET VARIABLE Judgment and Decision-Making Fluency of Ideas Active Learning Learning Strategies Originality Abilities Systems Evaluation Deductive Reasoning Complex Problem Solving Systems Analysis Monitoring Critical Thinking Instructing Education and Training Management of Personnel Resources Coordination Inductive Reasoning Problem Sensitivity Information Ordering Active Listening Administration and Management Social Perceptiveness Operations Analysis Psychology Time Management Oral Comprehension Memorization Speaking Oral Expression Category Flexibility Sociology and Anthropology Speed of Closure Science Writing English Language Written Comprehension Personnel and Human Resources Persuasion Reading Comprehension Communications and Media Management of Material Resources Time Sharing Speech Recognition Negotiation Speech Clarity Written Expression Technology Design History and Archeology Flexibility of Closure Biology Management of Financial Resources Fine Arts Philosophy and Theology Therapy and Counseling Mathematics – Skills Mathematical Reasoning Service Orientation Law and Government Programming Number Facility 67 CL ASS Skills Abilities Skills Skills Abilities Skills Abilities Skills Skills Skills Skills Skills Knowledge Skills Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Knowledge Skills Skills Skills Skills Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Knowledge Abilities Skills Skills Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Skills Skills Knowledge Skills Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Skills Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Skills Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Skills Abilities Skills Knowledge Skills Abilities PEARSON CORREL ATION 0.752 0.732 0.721 0.715 0.710 0.703 0.672 0.671 0.670 0.663 0.658 0.657 0.636 0.635 0.620 0.611 0.601 0.575 0.571 0.559 0.556 0.555 0.551 0.550 0.545 0.530 0.528 0.526 0.520 0.516 0.504 0.502 0.492 0.491 0.481 0.476 0.467 0.465 0.463 0.462 0.452 0.446 0.443 0.440 0.439 0.420 0.415 0.412 0.408 0.402 0.394 0.393 0.383 0.382 0.380 0.379 0.357 0.337 0.335 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 15: Continued R ANK 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 O*NET VARIABLE Computers and Electronics Geography Economics and Accounting Mathematics – Knowledge Visualization Medicine and Dentistry Near Vision Chemistry Design Sales and Marketing Customer and Personal Service Foreign Language Physics Selective Attention Perceptual Speed Engineering and Technology Telecommunications Food Production Quality Control Analysis Far Vision Auditory Attention Public Safety and Security Building and Construction Visual Color Discrimination Clerical Production and Processing Hearing Sensitivity Installation Transportation Mechanical Troubleshooting Explosive Strength Operation Monitoring Equipment Selection Gros Body Equilibrium Depth Perception Wrist-Finger Speed Trunk Strength Gross Body Coordination Stamina Finger Dexterity Repairing Arm-Hand Steadiness Spatial Orientation Extent Flexibility Dynamic Strength Equipment Maintenance Dynamic Flexibility Speed of Limb Movement Response Orientation Reaction Time Glare Sensitivity Sound Localization Operation and Control Night Vision Multilimb Coordination Peripheral Vision Rate Control Manual Dexterity Static Strength Control Precision 68 CL ASS Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Skills Abilities Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Skills Knowledge Knowledge Skills Abilities Skills Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities PEARSON CORREL ATION 0.334 0.319 0.306 0.304 0.300 0.289 0.258 0.248 0.246 0.242 0.236 0.235 0.227 0.224 0.216 0.212 0.207 0.175 0.143 0.141 0.099 0.083 0.069 0.058 0.057 0.039 -0.043 -0.055 -0.091 -0.102 -0.112 -0.113 -0.117 -0.118 -0.123 -0.124 -0.127 -0.141 -0.145 -0.175 -0.184 -0.199 -0.209 -0.212 -0.221 -0.221 -0.222 -0.224 -0.225 -0.231 -0.236 -0.243 -0.245 -0.249 -0.260 -0.266 -0.268 -0.271 -0.314 -0.317 -0.383 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Figure 9: The 10 most important O*NET features as ranked by Pearson correlation for the UK 1. Judgment and Decision Making 2. Fluency of Ideas 3. Active Learning 4. Learning Strategies 5. Originality 6. Systems Evaluation 7. Deductive Reasoning 8. Complex Problem Solving 9. Systems Analysis 10. Monitoring 69 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Figure 10: The 10 least important O*NET features as ranked by Pearson correlation for the UK 1. Control Precision 2. Static Strength 3. Manual Dexterity 4. Rate Control 5. Peripheral Vision 6. Multilimb Coordination 7. Night Vision 8. Operation and Control 9. Sound Localisation 10. Glare Sensitivity 70 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table 15 ranks, by Pearson correlation coefficient, all 120 variables according to their association with a rising occupation workforce share (in declining order of strength). Figures 9 and 10 plot the top and bottom 10 O*NET variables as ranked by Pearson correlation. Table C2 in the Appendix also provides aggregate rankings for the average derivative. — As in the US, the results confirm the importance of 21st century skills, though now with a particularly strong emphasis on cognitive competencies and learning strategies. — Interestingly, systems skills, relatively underexplored in the literature, all feature in the top 10. Systems thinking emphasises the ability to recognise and understand socio-technical systems – their interconnections and feedback effects – and choose appropriate actions in light of them. It marks a shift from more reductionist and mechanistic forms of analysis and lends itself to pedagogical approaches such as game design and case method with evidence that it can contribute to interdisciplinary learning (Tekinbas et al., 2014; Capra and Luisi, 2014; Arnold and Wade, 2015). — The combined importance of these skills and interpersonal skills supports the view that the demand for collaborative problem-solving skills may experience higher growth in the future (Nesta, 2017). — Knowledge fields such as English language, Administration and Management, Sociology and Anthropology and Education and Training are all associated strongly with occupations predicted to see a rise in workforce share, again highlighting the importance of generic knowledge requirements. — Like the US results, psychomotor and physical abilities, including Manual Dexterity and Finger Dexterity are strongly associated with occupations with a falling workforce share. — Also as in the US results, correlations for skills, knowledge areas and abilities associated with a rising occupation workforce share are stronger than those associated with a falling occupation workforce share. 71 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 6.4. Relative importance of skills, abilities and knowledge We now provide a comparison of the overall relative importance of skills, abilities and knowledge areas as captured in O*NET. Figure 11 shows the results for a) the US and b) the UK. All figures feature on the horizontal axis the rank of all O*NET features: the further to the right, the less important it is for demand. This importance is assessed using linear (Pearson correlation coefficient) and non-linear (average derivative) metrics. Figure 11: The relative importance of skills, abilities and knowledge as assessed by Pearson correlation coefficient (a) US Results Abilities Knowledge Skills Average Correlation Coefficient (weighted) Proportion 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 -0.2 0.0 0 20 40 60 Ranking O*NET Ranking 80 100 Correlation Coefficient (weighted) 0.6 1.0 -0.4 (b) UK Results 0.8 Abilities Knowledge Skills Average Correlation Coefficient (weighted) 0.8 0.6 Proportion 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 72 -0.2 0 20 40 60 Ranking O*NET Ranking 80 100 -0.4 Correlation Coefficient (weighted) 1.0 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Figure 12: The relative importance of skills, abilities and knowledge as assessed by average derivative. (a) US Results 4 Abilities Knowledge Skills Average Gradient (weighted) 0.8 3 Proportion 2 0.6 1 0 0.4 Gradient (weighted) 1.0 -1 0.2 -2 0.0 0 20 40 60 Ranking O*NET Ranking 80 100 -3 120 (b) UK Results 2.0 1.0 Abilities Knowledge Skills Average Gradient (weighted) 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.4 -0.5 Gradient (weighted) Proportion 0.8 1.5 -1.0 0.2 -1.5 0.0 0 20 40 60 Ranking O*NET Ranking 80 100 -0.2 120 In all the plots, it can be seen that abilities are broadly less important (weighted to the right). Perhaps the most interesting insight, however, is that the non-linear metric (the average derivative) gives knowledge features more weight to the left. That is, a non-linear measure ranks knowledge features more highly. Recall that the benefit of a non-linear metric is that it allows us to discover complementarities: skills that are only important if other skills take high values. As such, this result is compatible with the intuition that knowledge features (such as Psychology and Foreign Language) are mostly valuable as complements. We find a similar pattern in a large number of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) features (such as Science, Technology Design and Operations Analysis). They are not equally useful to all occupations (as would be required to be assessed as important for our linear metric), but find use only for some specialised occupations that have high values for other skills. 73 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 6.5. SKILL COMPLEMENTARITIES Recall from Section 5.4.2, that we say that an O*NET feature a is complementary to an O*NET feature b if increasing a increases demand for occupations with large values of b. Conversely, a is anti-complementary to an O*NET feature b if increasing a decreases demand for occupations with large values of b. For each sub-major occupation group, for both the US and UK, we rank the three features that would most drive: (i) a rising workforce share for a unit increase in the feature (complementary features), and (ii) a falling workforce share for a unit increase in the feature (anti-complementary features). As such, we are also able to establish which features are most important for different regions of the skills space. We represent the position of an occupation group in skills space by listing its highest ranked features, which we term its current features. 6.5.1. US We describe in Table 16 complementary and anti-complementary O*NET variables for US sub-major occupation groups. Take Production Occupations, for example, which Figure 3 shows are predicted to see a fall in workforce share. According to the O*NET data, Production and Processing, Near Vision and Problem Sensitivity are the three most important or emblematic features for this occupation group. Our model predicts that increasing Customer and Personal Service, Technology Design and Installation in the presence of these features will have the greatest positive impact on future demand, while increasing Rate Control, Operation and Control and Quality Control Analysis) will have the greatest negative impact. Looking across all occupation groups, Customer and Personal Service and Technology Design (along with Science) appear to be the O*NET features most likely to appear as positive complementary variables. Of course, any reconfiguration of skills, abilities and knowledge requirements entails an evolution of the occupation. Or, put differently, occupations may need to be redesigned in order to make effective use of skills and knowledge complements – and the results presented in Table 16 could be a useful guide in this exercise. 74 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table 16: For US major occupation groups, ranked lists (the highest ranked, top, and lowest ranked, bottom) of O*NET features that are: currently high-valued, complementary and anti-complementary TITLE CURRENT FEATURES COMPLEMENTARY FEATURES ANTI- COMPLEMENTARY FEATURES 11-0000 Management Occupations Administration and Management Oral Expression Oral Comprehension Science Philosophy and Theology Sociology and Anthropology Economics and Accounting Medicine and Dentistry Mathematics – Knowledge 13-0000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations Oral Comprehension Written Comprehension English Language Science Philosophy and Theology Technology Design Medicine and Dentistry Economics and Accounting Mathematics – Knowledge 15-0000 Computer and Mathematical Occupations Computers and Electronics Critical Thinking Problem Sensitivity Science Technology Design Design Economics and Accounting Design Rate Control Medicine and Dentistry 17-0000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations Engineering and Technology Mathematics – Knowledge Design Science Technology Design Operations Analysis Operation and Control Rate Control Medicine and Dentistry 19-0000 Life, Physical and Social Science Occupations Written Comprehension Oral Comprehension Reading Comprehension Science Technology Design Operations Analysis Medicine and Dentistry Rate Control Operation and Control 21-0000 Community and Social Service Occupations Psychology Therapy and Counseling Active Listening Operations Analysis Science Philosophy and Theology Medicine and Dentistry Reaction Time Therapy and Counseling 23-0000 Legal Occupations Oral Expression Law and Government English Language Science Sociology and Anthropology Philosophy and Theology Economics and Accounting Medicine and Dentistry Mathematics – Knowledge 25-0000 Education, Training and Library Occupations Education and Training Oral Expression Operations English Language Science Analysis Technology Design Mathematics – Knowledge Medicine and Dentistry Economics and Accounting 27-0000 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, And Media Occupations English Language Oral Expression Oral Comprehension Science Philosophy and Theology Education and Training Economics and Accounting Rate Control Mathematics – Knowledge 29-0000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Medicine and Dentistry Technology Design Customer and Personal Service Science Oral Comprehension Operations Analysis 31-0000 Healthcare Support Occupations Customer and Personal Service Customer and Personal Service Rate Control Oral Comprehension Technology Design Mathematics – Knowledge English Language Science Computers and Electronics 33-0000 Protective Service Occupations Public Safety and Security Problem Sensitivity English Language SOC 75 Medicine and Dentistry Rate Control Operation and Control Customer and Personal Service Rate Control Technology Design Operation and Control Science Quality Control Analysis THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 16: Continued SOC TITLE CURRENT FEATURES COMPLEMENTARY FEATURES ANTI- COMPLEMENTARY FEATURES 35-0000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Customer and Personal Service Oral Comprehension Oral Expression Customer and Personal Service Static Strength Service Orientation Rate Control Computers and Electronics Operation and Control 37-0000 Building and Grounds Customer and Personal Service Trunk Strength English Language Customer and Personal Service Static Strength Service Orientation Rate Control Wrist-Finger Speed Operation and Control 39-0000 Personal Care and Service Occupations Customer and Personal Service Oral Expression Oral Comprehension Customer and Personal Service Static Strength Technology Design Rate Control Mathematics - Knowledge Operation and Control 41-0000 Sales and Related Occupations Customer and Personal Service Oral Expression Oral Comprehension Customer and Personal Service Science Technology Design Economics and Accounting Mathematics – Knowledge Rate Control 43-0000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations Customer and Personal Service Oral Comprehension Oral Expression Service Orientation Customer and Personal Service Technology Design Mathematics – Knowledge Economics and Accounting Rate Control 45-0000 Farming, Fishing and Forestry Occupations Static Strength Arm-Hand Steadiness Multilimb Coordination Customer and Personal Service Static Strength Service Orientation Rate Control Wrist-Finger Speed Operation and Control 49-0000 Installation, Maintenance and Repair Occupations Mechanical Near Vision Repairing Installation Customer and Personal Service Technology Design Operation and Control Rate Control Quality Control Analysis 51-0000 Production Occupations Production and Processing Near Vision Problem Sensitivity Customer and Personal Service Technology Design Installation Rate Control Operation and Control Quality Control Analysis 53-0000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations Multilimb Coordination Near Vision Control Precision Customer and Personal Service Static Strength Installation Quality Control Analysis Wrist-Finger Speed Rate Control 76 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 6.5.2. UK Table 17 provides the equivalent complementary and anti-complementary O*NET features for UK sub-major occupation groups. Here, take Customer Service and Sales Occupations, which according to the model are also likely to see a fall in future demand. According to the O*NET data, Customer and Personal Service, Oral Comprehension and Oral Expression are the three most important features for this group. Our model predicts that increasing Judgment and Decision-Making, Fluency of Ideas and Originality in the presence of these features will have the greatest positive impact on future demand, while increasing Public Safety and Security, Law and Government, Operation and Control, Engineering and Technology and Reading Comprehension will have the greatest negative impact. Judgment and Decision-Making, Fluency of Ideas, Originality and Operations Analysis appear regularly across all occupation groups and present an illustrative case where changes in organisational design may be required to take advantage of them. Without enhanced delegation of formal authority and employee involvement in decision-making and the generation of ideas, the productivity gains from investing in these skills are likely to be modest. This is supported by a large body of evidence on the role and complementarity of high-performance work practices (BenNer and Jones, 1995; Kruse et al., 2004; Lazear and Shaw, 2007). Decentralisation and the organisational structures and skills which support them appear particularly important for firms closer to the technological frontier, firms in more varied environments and younger firms (Acemoglu et al., 2007). The UK ranks around the OECD average in terms of the share of jobs which employ these practices, though the level of task discretion, defined as employees’ immediate control over their work tasks has fallen sharply since the 1990s (Inanc et al., 2013; OECD, 2016d). Science – defined here as the capacity to use scientific rules and methods to solve problems – is another crosscutting complement. We find it to be a complementary feature not only among prototypical high-skill occupations but also Secretarial and Administrative occupations. Mastery of medium-skill science is already indispensable to a number of paraprofessional positions – from radiology technicians to electricians (Rothwell, 2013; Grinis, 2017). Our results suggest that clerical occupations may be ripe for a similar transformation. One can envisage scenarios where this is possible – for example, the credit controller occupation that increasingly applies aspects of data science to help investigate the credit worthiness of borrowers and collect arrears of payment. Table 17: For UK sub-major occupation groups, ranked lists (the highest ranked, top, and lowest ranked, bottom) of O*NET features that are: currently high-valued, complementary and anti-complementary TITLE CURRENT FEATURES COMPLEMENTARY FEATURES ANTI- COMPLEMENTARY FEATURES 1100 Corporate Managers and Directors Administration and Management Oral Expression Oral Comprehension Science Operations Analysis Originality Public Safety and Security Law and Government Sound Localization 1200 Other Managers and Proprietors Customer and Personal Service Science Oral Expression Operations Analysis Oral Comprehension Originality Public Safety and Security Engineering and Technology Law and Government 2100 Science, Research, Engineering and Technology Professionals Computers and Electronics Written Comprehension Oral Comprehension Public Safety and Security Sound Localization Law and Government 2200 Health Professionals Medicine and Dentistry Operations Analysis Customer and Personal Service Originality Problem Sensitivity Fluency of Ideas SOC 77 Science Operations Analysis Fluency of Ideas Public Safety and Security Law and Government Customer and Personal Service THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table 17: Continued SOC TITLE CURRENT FEATURES COMPLEMENTARY FEATURES ANTI- COMPLEMENTARY FEATURES 2300 Teaching and Educational Professionals Education and Training Oral Expression English Language Science Operations Analysis Originality Public Safety and Security Law and Government Customer and Personal Service 2400 English Language Business, Media and Public Service Oral Expression Professionals Oral Comprehension Science Operations Analysis Originality Public Safety and Security Law and Government Customer and Personal Service 3100 Oral Comprehension Science, Engineering and Near Vision Technology Associate Professionals Computers and Electronics Science Operations Analysis Fluency of Ideas Public Safety and Security Sound Localization Law and Government 3200 Health and Social Care Associate Professionals Customer and Personal Service Science Public Safety and Security Oral Expression Operations Analysis Law and Government Oral Comprehension Judgment and Decision-Making Customer and Personal Service 3300 Protective Service Occupations Public Safety and Security Law and Government English Language Gross Body Equilibrium Science Gross Body Coordination 3400 Culture, Media and Sports Occupations English Language Oral Expression Oral Comprehension Fluency of Ideas Public Safety and Security Originality Law and Government Judgment and Decision-Making Sound Localization 3500 Business and Public Service Associate Professionals English Language Oral Comprehension Oral Expression Science Operations Analysis Fluency of Ideas 4100 Administrative Occupations Customer and Personal Service Judgment and Decision-Making Public Safety and Security Oral Expression Science Engineering and Technology Clerical Fluency of Ideas Mechanical 4200 Secretarial and Related Occupations Clerical English Language Oral Comprehension Judgment and Decision-Making Public Safety and Security Science Engineering and Technology Fluency of Ideas Operation and Control 5100 Skilled Agricultural and Related Trades Oral Comprehension Oral Expression Active Listening Gross Body Equilibrium Operations Analysis Fluency of Ideas 78 Public Safety and Security Law and Government Engineering and Technology Public Safety and Security Law and Government Customer and Personal Service Sound Localization Engineering and Technology Mechanical T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table 17: Continued SOC TITLE CURRENT FEATURES COMPLEMENTARY FEATURES ANTI- COMPLEMENTARY FEATURES 5300 Skilled Construction and Building Trades Building and Construction Manual Dexterity Arm-Hand Steadiness Gross Body Equilibrium Sales and Marketing Gross Body Coordination Repairing Mechanical Computers and Electronics 5400 Textiles, Printing and Other Skilled Trades Problem Sensitivity Production and Processing Oral Comprehension Sales and Marketing Gross Body Equilibrium Operations Analysis Engineering and Technology Sound Localization Public Safety and Security 6100 Caring Personal Service Occupations Oral Expression Judgment and Decision-Making Public Safety and Security Oral Comprehension Fluency of Ideas Engineering and Technology Customer and Personal Service Originality Operation and Control 6200 Leisure, Travel and Related Personal Service Occupations Customer and Personal Service Fluency of Ideas Public Safety and Security Oral Expression Judgment and Decision-Making Engineering and Technology Oral Comprehension Originality Reading Comprehension 7100 Sales Occupations Customer and Personal Service Judgment and Decision-Making Public Safety and Security Oral Comprehension Fluency of Ideas Engineering and Technology Oral Expression Originality Reading Comprehension 7200 Customer Service Occupations Customer and Personal Service Judgment and Decision-Making Public Safety and Security Oral Expression Fluency of Ideas Law and Government Oral Comprehension Originality Operation and Control 8100 Process, Plant and Machine Operatives Near Vision Production and Processing Problem Sensitivity 8200 Transport and Mobile Machine Drivers And Operatives Transportation Gross Body Equilibrium Far Vision Sales and Marketing Customer and Personal Service Gross Body Coordination Engineering and Technology Mechanical Computers and Electronics 9100 Elementary Trades and Related Occupations Manual Dexterity Multilimb Coordination Static Strength Repairing Computers and Electronics Reading Comprehension 9200 Elementary Administration and Service Occupations Customer and Personal Service Gross Body Equilibrium Repairing Oral Comprehension Gross Body Coordination Reading Comprehension Oral Expression Judgment and Decision-Making Computers and Electronics 79 Gross Body Equilibrium Repairing Sales and Marketing Sound Localization Judgment and Decision-Making Mechanical Gross Body Equilibrium Sales and Marketing Economics and Accounting THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 6.6. New Occupations It is also useful to think about the occupations which may emerge in the future in response to the drivers of labour market change we consider in our study. These occupations correspond to high-demand locations in the feature space and are not associated with existing occupations. The model allows us to identify a hypothetical occupation which is ’almost certain’ (see Section 5.5 for a formal interpretation) to experience an increase in workforce share and the combination of skills, abilities and knowledge features most associated with it. 6.6.1. US For the US, the model identifies four hypothetical occupations which would almost certainly experience a rise in demand. Table 18 ranks the top five O*NET features in declining order of feature value for each hypothetical occupation. (S) denotes that the variable is an O*NET skills feature, (K) is an O*NET knowledge feature and (A) is an O*NET abilities feature. We can understand something about these hypothetical occupations by looking at existing occupations that are closest to them (in declining order of proximity), as described in Figure 12. Of the 20 occupations presented here, 11 are defined by O*NET as enjoying a Bright Outlook and/or are expected to benefit from the growth of the green economy.23 Table 18: The four new occupations found by our model for the US, as described by their top five O*NET features. NEW OCCUPATIONS FEATURE R ANK 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 1 Customer and Personal Service (K) Static Strength (A) Service Orientation (S) Biology (K) Arm-Hand Steadiness (A) 2 Building and Construction (K) Customer and Personal Service (K) Static Strength (A) Manual Dexterity (A) Arm-Hand Steadiness (A) 3 Engineering and Technology (K) Science (S) Written Comprehension (S) Critical Thinking (S) Design (K) 4 Education and Training (K) Oral Comprehension (S) Social Perceptiveness (S) Written Comprehension (S) Reading Comprehension (S) 80 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 The employment time-series for four of these closest occupations is also plotted in Figure 13 for historical context. Figure 12: ‘Closest’ occupations to hypothetical new high demand occupations for the US Non-farm Animal Caretakers Massage Therapists Personal Care Aides Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners Home Health Aides Construction Laborers Painters, Construction Helpers - Pipelayers, Plumbers, Roofers Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers and Maintenance Pipefitters and Steamfitters Electrical Engineers Chemical Engineers Nuclear Engineers Engineering Teachers, Aerospace Engineers Post-secondary Directors, Religious Activities and Education Training and Development Specialists 81 Communications Teachers Post-secondary Home Economics Teachers Post-secondary Library Science Teachers Post-secondary THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Figure 13: Time-series of employment for four of the ‘closest’ occupations to new US occupations, as tabulated in figure 12 (a) Non-farm Animal Caretakers (b) Construction Laborers (c) Aerospace Engineers (d) Directors Religious Activities and Education These results provide another rejoinder to the view that jobs in the middle of the education and earnings distributions will disappear in the future. Two of the four occupations can be plausibly viewed as middle-skill jobs. Our first hypothetical occupation – which has similarities to social care work – is particularly interesting. On the one hand, it is a textbook example of a sector where the availability of low-skilled employees, the budgetary squeeze on government programmes – Medicare and Medicaid account for roughly 70% of all long-term care dollars – and the legacy of the politics of race and gender have combined to create low-paid jobs with low status and precarious employment conditions (Institute of Medicine, 2008; Duffy et al., 2015). However, the model points to bright demand prospects for care work which, requires a mixture of tasks from across the skill spectrum, including formal knowledge and training which, in principle, would support wage growth and job quality. Finally it is worth noting the extent to which interpersonal competencies feature across these hypothetical occupations. 82 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 6.6.2. UK For the UK, two new occupations are identified by the model. Table 19 shows the top five features of these occupations, in declining order of importance. Table 19: The two new occupations found by our model for the UK, as described by their top five O*NET features. NEW FEATURE R ANK OCCUPATIONS 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 1 Fine Arts (K) Originality (A) Design (K) Fluency of Ideas (A) Visualization (K) 2 Originality (A) Fluency of Ideas (A) Judgment and Decision-Making (S) Active Learning (S) Oral Expression (A) Again, we can learn something about these occupations by looking at existing occupations that are closest to them (in declining order of proximity). These closest occupations are described in Figure 14, and historical employment for two of these are plotted in Figure 15. One of the occupations has high levels of creativity and combines traditional craft and tech-based skills; the other fits hospitality and sales occupations and requires originality, flexibility and management skills. 83 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Figure 14: The ‘closest’ occupations to hypothetical new high demand occupations for the UK. Artists Merchandisers and Window Dressers Florists Tailors and Dressmakers Photographers, audio-visual and broadcasting equipment operators Catering and bar managers Publicans and managers of licensed premises Managers and directors in retail and wholesale Sales Supervisors Chefs Figure 15: Time-series of employment for two of the ‘closest’ occupations to new UK occupations, as tabulated in Figure 14 (a) Artists 84 (b) Catering and bar managers T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 85 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 86 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 7. LIMITATIONS OF THE ANALYSIS — While we believe that our research design has many appealing features that increase the usefulness of the findings compared with previous studies, we acknowledge that there are important limitations. First, directional predictions may frustrate policymakers who seek more detailed information on which to base their decisions. Experimenting with a larger number of labels to achieve a finer distinction between different rates of change might have value in this respect, though we need to be mindful of the aforementioned cognitive limits associated with prediction over a 15-year horizon. — A second limitation is that we only assess the implications for employment of structural shifts in employer demand. In practice, however, employment opportunities will arise when workers retire from the workforce (or leave for other reasons) and need to be replaced. Indeed, replacement needs are expected to provide significantly more job openings than employment growth over the next decade (UK Commission for Employment and Skills, 2014; US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Even those occupations where employer demand is otherwise expected to fall may still offer attractive career prospects. As such, incorporating estimates of the age structure of the workforce to predict replacement needs would complement our approach and assessment of future employment opportunities. — Third, it would be useful to understand more about the characteristics of jobs that are anticipated to become more important in coming years. Recent concerns that falling unemployment and the development of new business models have not been accompanied by the creation of ‘good’ jobs give this issue particular traction and timeliness (Taylor, 2017). Earnings levels, career progression, working environment, job security, voice in organisational decisions, among other things, provide objective and measurable benchmarks against which to assess job quality (OECD, 2016c). And, in addition to the value that jobs have for the people who hold them, they also have potential side-effects, both positive and negative, on the rest of society which a full assessment would take into account. 87 — Fourth, in future development of our analysis would be to integrate trends more explicitly into the labelling process – for instance, to choose occupations that are most representative of the trends and likely to encourage reflection about them (as opposed to, or possibly combined with, using the active learning algorithm). Alternatively, workshop participants could be asked to rank the trends by their importance or relevance when labelling occupations as an input for our model, which would help sharpen interpretation of the results. Finally, it would be useful to explore how estimates vary across countries (Hausmann et al., 2014; Beramendi et al., 2015). In the presence of cross-country variations in resources, institutions and technologies, even identical structural trends are likely to be channelled in different ways, which in turn give rise to different labour market disruptions and opportunities. THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 88 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 8. CONCLUSIONS In this report, we have presented a novel mixed-methods approach for predicting the demand for skills, which we have applied to the US and UK economies in 2030. Specifically, we have: generated directional predictions for occupation growth for groups in the Standard Occupation Classification of the US and UK; identified which skills, knowledge types and abilities will, by association, most likely experience growth and decline; and determined, at the occupational level, which human capital investments will most likely boost future demand in 2030. We have grounded our analysis explicitly in the many sources of structural change likely to impact on US and UK labour markets over this horizon. Although there has been an explosion of reports looking into the future of employment, we believe ours is the most comprehensive and methodologically ambitious and has results that are actionable. It also contains the most sophisticated treatment of uncertainty; this is important as our finding that most jobs are associated with high levels of uncertainty about future demand reminds us that the future for most occupations is far from inevitable. Lastly, we make great efforts to benchmark our predictions – to tease out our specific contributions to this important conversation – by comparing them with alternative forecasts. While this necessarily falls short of evaluation, we believe it further separates our study from other recent exercises of this nature. Our approach takes the labour market judgments, gleaned at foresight workshops, of experts in a wide range of domain areas where structural change is expected to impact on employment, and combines it with a state of- the-art machinelearning algorithm. The model follows earlier studies in making use of the US Department of Labor’s O*NET survey of more than 1,000 occupations which asks detailed questions of every occupation on skills, knowledge and abilities and the tasks and activities which make up jobs. However, we depart from these studies in making use of all 120 skills, knowledge and abilities features in the database. We find that 9.6% (8.0%) of the current US [UK] workforce is in an occupation that will very likely experience an increase in workforce share and 18.7% (21.2%) in an occupation that will very likely experience a fall. These estimates imply that a large mass of the workforce in both the US and UK have highly uncertain demand prospects (that is, a probability of experiencing a higher workforce share of close to 50:50). This finding is significant. It contrasts sharply, for example, with the U-shaped distribution in the studies of future automation of Frey and Osborne (2014 and 2017), with their implication that the overwhelming majority of US and UK workers are employed in jobs with either very high or very low probability of automation. That our predictions are more uncertain is a result of the distinctions of our methodology from previous work: in particular, our foresight workshops force domain experts to confront the uncertainties arising from structural trends acting in complex and possibly offsetting ways. The experts’ stated uncertainties reflecting this – and other sources – are explicitly factored into our machinelearning model. 89 Our skills results confirm the future importance of 21st century skills – the combination of interpersonal and cognitive skills that has been an increasing preoccupation of policymakers in recent years. In our US findings, there is a particularly strong emphasis on interpersonal competencies, consistent with the literature on the increasing importance of social skills. In addition, a number of knowledge fields, such as English Language, Administration and Management, and Biology are associated strongly with occupations predicted to see rising demand – a reminder that the future workforce will have generic knowledge as well as skills requirements. In the UK, the findings support the importance of 21st century skills too, though with an even stronger emphasis on cognitive competencies and learning strategies. System skills – Judgment and Decision-making, Systems Analysis and Systems Evaluation – feature prominently. Our study makes contributions to all three literatures surveyed in Section 2. First, the foresight workshops employ a novel data collection methodology using active machine-learning algorithms, which intelligently queries participants to maximise the informativeness of the data collected. Second, the study employs an innovative approach to generating predictions about the future of skills, combining expert human judgment with machine-learning techniques that can flexibly respond to natural patterns in the data. Our approach thus permits for richer, more complex, non-linear interactions between variables – one that we exploit to assess complementarities between skills and the implications for new occupations. Third, the research is grounded in an explicit consideration of the diverse sources of structural change, any one of which can be expected to have major impacts on future employer skills needs. By making use of the detailed characterisation of occupations provided by the O*NET database, we are able to provide a higher resolution treatment of skills, knowledge types and abilities than is usually found in the skills literature. Finally, our research serves as a potentially important counterweight to the dominance of future automation in policy debates on employment. This final point merits emphasis: it is tempting to focus on the risks and dangers of the period ahead rather than the opportunities it offers. This is both dangerous and misleading. It is dangerous because popular narratives matter for economic outcomes and a storyline of relentless technological displacement of labour markets risks chilling growth and innovation (Atkinson and Wu, 2017; Shiller, 2017). A backlash against technology would be particularly dangerous at a time when willingness to embrace risk is needed more than ever to improve flagging productivity (Phelps, 2013; Erixon and Weigel, 2016). It is misleading because our analysis points to the opportunities for boosting growth, though with one important caveat – that our education and training systems are agile enough to respond appropriately. History is a reminder that investments in skills must be at the centre of any long-term strategy for adjusting to structural change. A precondition for this is access to good information on skills needs – without which policymakers risk flying blind. We hope this report is a step towards improving understanding of this vital agenda. THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 90 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 APPENDIX A. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS US – Extrapolations Figure A1: Using trend extrapolation, the distribution of US employment according to its probability of future increased demand Note that the total area under all curves is equal to total US employment. Management, Business and Financial Occupations Computer, Engineering and Science Occupations Education, Legal, Community Service, Arts and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 91 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 UK – Extrapolations Figure A 2: Using trend extrapolation, the distribution of UK employment according to its probability of future increased demand Note that the total area under all curves is equal to total UK employment. Management, Directors and Senior Officials Professional Occupations Associate Professional and Technical Occupations Administrative and Secretarial Occupations Skilled Trades Occupations Caring, Leisure and Other Service Occupations Sales and Customer Service Occupations Process, Plant and Machine Operatives Elementary Occupations 92 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 US – Relative rankings Table A1: Relative rankings of major occupation groups in the US by our model, trained on expert judgment and by independent forecasts from the BLS. R ANKING FROM EXPERT JUDGMENT R ANKING FROM BLS PROJECTIONS 2014 -2024 Education, Training and Library Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Management Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports and Media Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Legal Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Education, Training and Library Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Life, Physical and Social Science Occupations Life, Physical and Social Science Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Installation, Maintenance and Repair Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Management Occupations Protective Service Occupations Legal Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Protective Service Occupations Farming, Fishing and Forestry Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports and Media Occupations Installation, Maintenance and Repair Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations Production Occupations Production Occupations Farming, Fishing and Forestry Occupations 93 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 UK – Relative rankings Table A2: Relative rankings of sub-major occupation groups in the UK by our model, trained on expert judgment and by independent forecasts from the KCES. R ANKING FROM EXPERT JUDGMENT R ANKING FROM UKCES PROJECTIONS TO 2024 Teaching and Educational Professionals Customer Service Occupations Culture, Media and Sports Occupations Corporate Managers and Directors Health Professionals Caring Personal Service Occupations Science, Research, Engineering and Technology Professionals Business, Media and Public Service Professionals Corporate Managers and Directors Health and Social Care Associate Professionals Business, Media and Public Service Professionals Health Professionals Textiles, Printing and Other Skilled Trades Business and Public Service Associate Professionals Skilled Agricultural and Related Trades Culture, Media and Sports Occupations Other Managers and Proprietors Science, Research, Engineering and Technology Professionals Business and Public Service Associate Professionals Other Managers and Proprietors Health and Social Care Associate Professionals Teaching and Educational Professionals Protective Service Occupations Skilled Construction and Building Trades Leisure, Travel and Related Personal Service Occupations Science, Engineering and Technology Associate Professionals Science, Engineering and Technology Associate Professionals Elementary Administration and Service Occupations Caring Personal Service Occupations Skilled Agricultural and Related Trades Skilled Metal, Electrical and Electronic Trades Leisure, Travel and Related Personal Service Occupations Skilled Construction and Building Trades Transport and Mobile Machine Drivers and Operatives Elementary Administration and Service Occupations Elementary Trades and Related Occupations Elementary Trades and Related Occupations Protective Service Occupations Administrative Occupations Administrative Occupations Sales Occupations Sales Occupations Transport and Mobile Machine Drivers and Operatives Textiles, Printing and Other Skilled Trades Secretarial and Related Occupations Skilled Metal, Electrical and Electronic Trades Customer Service Occupations Process, Plant and Machine Operatives Process, Plant and Machine Operatives Secretarial and Related Occupations 94 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 APPENDIX B. MINOR OCCUPATION GROUPS US Minor Occupation Groups Table B1: Probabilities of future increased demand for minor occupation groups STANDARD OCCUPATION CL ASSIFICATION (SOC) OCCUPATION TITLE AVER AGE PROBABILIT Y (EMPLOYMENT-WEIGHTED) 39-2000 21-2000 25-2000 23-1000 25-1000 17-2000 21-1000 25-3000 39-9000 19-3000 11-2000 39-5000 25-9000 27-2000 11-9000 39-1000 31-2000 31-1000 43-1000 29-9000 29-1000 19-1000 19-2000 39-7000 17-1000 39-4000 27-3000 39-6000 11-3000 11-1000 13-1000 27-1000 33-1000 15-1000 37-1000 15-2000 47-2000 25-4000 37-2000 49-1000 47-3000 33-3000 37-3000 47-1000 53-2000 53-1000 41-1000 Animal Care and Service Workers Religious Workers Preschool, Primary, Secondary and Special Education School Teachers Lawyers, Judges and Related Workers Post-secondary Teachers Engineers Counselors, Social Workers and Other Community and Social Service Specialists Other Teachers and Instructors Other Personal Care and Service Workers Social Scientists and Related Workers Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations and Sales Managers Personal Appearance Workers Other Education, Training and Library Occupations Entertainers and Performers, Sports and Related Workers Other Management Occupations Supervisors Of Personal Care and Service Workers Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides Nursing, Psychiatric and Home Health Aides Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers Other Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners Life Scientists Physical Scientists Tour and Travel Guides Architects, Surveyors and Cartographers Funeral Service Workers Media and Communication Workers Baggage Porters, Bellhops and Concierges Operations Specialties Managers Top Executives Business Operations Specialists Art and Design Workers Supervisors of Protective Service Workers Computer Occupations Supervisors Of Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Workers Mathematical Science Occupations Construction Trades Workers Librarians, Curators and Archivists Building Cleaning and Pest Control Workers Supervisors Of Installation, Maintenance and Repair Workers Helpers, Construction Trades Law Enforcement Workers Grounds Maintenance Workers Supervisors Of Construction and Extraction Workers Air Transportation Workers Supervisors Of Transportation and Material Moving Workers Supervisors Of Sales Workers 0.796 0.754 0.743 0.739 0.734 0.718 0.707 0.683 0.680 0.676 0.672 0.672 0.665 0.661 0.658 0.651 0.637 0.636 0.635 0.629 0.627 0.625 0.613 0.611 0.611 0.605 0.600 0.593 0.580 0.579 0.579 0.579 0.566 0.556 0.551 0.549 0.548 0.545 0.542 0.535 0.530 0.517 0.515 0.515 0.511 0.499 0.496 95 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table B1: Continued SOC OCCUPATION TITLE 33-2000 31-9000 41-9000 51-1000 35-3000 29-2000 35-1000 27-4000 41-4000 35-9000 17-3000 49-2000 33-9000 43-6000 19-4000 47-4000 45-2000 45-1000 41-2000 49-9000 43-4000 43-5000 53-5000 45-3000 39-3000 41-3000 35-2000 53-6000 53-3000 53-7000 23-2000 43-9000 13-2000 43-2000 53-4000 49-3000 47-5000 51-6000 51-3000 51-8000 45-4000 51-4000 51-7000 43-3000 51-2000 51-5000 51-9000 Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers Other Healthcare Support Occupations Other Sales and Related Workers Supervisors of Production Workers Food and Beverage Serving Workers Health Technologists and Technicians Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers Media and Communication Equipment Workers Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing Other Food Preparation and Serving Related Workers Drafters, Engineering Technicians and Mapping Technicians Electrical and Electronic Equipment Mechanics, Installers and Repairers Other Protective Service Workers Secretaries and Administrative Assistants Life, Physical and Social Science Technicians Other Construction and Related Workers Agricultural Workers Supervisors of Farming, Fishing and Forestry Workers Retail Sales Workers Other Installation, Maintenance and Repair Occupations Information and Record Clerks Material Recording, Scheduling, Dispatching and Distributing Workers Water Transportation Workers Fishing and Hunting Workers Entertainment Attendants and Related Workers Sales Representatives, Services Cooks and Food Preparation Workers Other Transportation Workers Motor Vehicle Operators Material Moving Workers Legal Support Workers Other Office and Administrative Support Workers Financial Specialists Communications Equipment Operators Rail Transportation Workers Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Mechanics, Installers and Repairers Extraction Workers Textile, Apparel and Furnishings Workers Food Processing Workers Plant and System Operators Forest, Conservation and Logging Workers Metal Workers and Plastic Workers Woodworkers Financial Clerks Assemblers and Fabricators Printing Workers Other Production Occupations 96 AVER AGE PROBABILIT Y (EMPLOYMENT-WEIGHTED) 0.493 0.492 0.482 0.477 0.474 0.474 0.473 0.459 0.456 0.445 0.439 0.433 0.419 0.412 0.407 0.406 0.405 0.391 0.390 0.387 0.374 0.367 0.366 0.364 0.354 0.335 0.333 0.333 0.330 0.314 0.310 0.304 0.289 0.289 0.286 0.283 0.277 0.226 0.221 0.220 0.194 0.173 0.166 0.153 0.140 0.133 0.113 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 UK Minor Occupation Groups Table B2: Probabilities of future increased demand for minor occupation groups SOC OCCUPATION TITLE 3440 1180 5430 2110 2220 1240 2310 1220 3420 2210 2140 2120 1110 3410 2230 1130 2150 1210 5240 2130 6240 3560 2440 2450 7130 1190 2470 9270 1150 2410 5110 2420 3550 1120 6210 3130 2430 1160 3230 2460 3540 1170 4160 6220 3530 3210 3310 Sports and Fitness Occupations Health and Social Services Managers and Directors Food Preparation and Hospitality Trades Natural and Social Science Professionals Therapy Professionals Managers and Proprietors in Health and Care Services Teaching and Educational Professionals Managers and Proprietors in Hospitality and Leisure Services Design Occupations Health Professionals Conservation and Environment Professionals Engineering Professionals Chief Executives and Senior Officials Artistic, Literary and Media Occupations Nursing and Midwifery Professionals Functional Managers and Directors Research and Development Managers Managers and Proprietors in Agriculture-related Services Electrical and Electronic Trades Information Technology and Telecommunications Professionals Cleaning and Housekeeping Managers and Supervisors Public Services and Other Associate Professionals Welfare Professionals Librarians and Related Professionals Sales Supervisors Managers and Directors in Retail and Wholesale Media Professionals Other Elementary Services Occupations Financial Institution Managers and Directors Legal Professionals Agricultural and Related Trades Business, Research and Administrative Professionals Conservation and Environmental Associate Professionals Production Managers and Directors Leisure and Travel Services Information Technology Technicians Architects, Town Planners and Surveyors Managers and Directors in Transport and Logistics Welfare and Housing Associate Professionals Quality and Regulatory Professionals Sales, Marketing and Related Associate Professionals Senior Officers in Protective Services Administrative Occupations: Office Managers and Supervisors Hairdressers and Related Services Business, Finance and Related Associate Professionals Health Associate Professionals Protective Service Occupations 97 AVER AGE PROBABILIT Y (EMPLOYMENT-WEIGHTED) 0.745 0.700 0.699 0.694 0.689 0.681 0.666 0.659 0.659 0.646 0.638 0.637 0.633 0.633 0.626 0.622 0.618 0.615 0.613 0.606 0.606 0.601 0.601 0.599 0.599 0.599 0.598 0.587 0.570 0.570 0.567 0.564 0.557 0.557 0.556 0.555 0.552 0.551 0.551 0.548 0.542 0.541 0.541 0.538 0.535 0.528 0.525 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table B2: Continued SOC OCCUPATION TITLE 3510 8140 9120 6120 3120 3110 5320 6140 1250 5250 7120 5330 8230 4110 5310 3520 5410 6230 4120 8210 5230 6130 5440 5220 4130 9240 4210 9230 7110 7220 7210 9210 9110 9130 4150 8120 8110 5420 5210 8220 8130 9250 9260 Transport Associate Professionals Construction Operatives Elementary Construction Occupations Childcare and Related Personal Services Draughtspersons and Related Architectural Technicians Science, Engineering and Production Technicians Building Finishing Trades Caring Personal Services Managers and Proprietors In Other Services Skilled Metal, Electrical and Electronic Trades Supervisors Sales-related Occupations Construction and Building Trades Supervisors Other Drivers and Transport Operatives Administrative Occupations: Government and Related Organisations Construction and Building Trades Legal Associate Professionals Textiles and Garments Trades Housekeeping and Related Services Administrative Occupations: Finance Road Transport Drivers Vehicle Trades Animal Care and Control Services Other Skilled Trades Metal Machining, Fitting and Instrument-making Trades Administrative Occupations: Records Elementary Security Occupations Secretarial and Related Occupations Elementary Cleaning Occupations Sales Assistants and Retail Cashiers Customer Service Managers and Supervisors Customer Service Occupations Elementary Administration Occupations Elementary Agricultural Occupations Elementary Process Plant Occupations Other Administrative Occupations Plant and Machine Operatives Process Operatives Printing Trades Metal Forming, Welding and Related Trades Mobile Machine Drivers and Operatives Assemblers and Routine Operatives Elementary Sales Occupations Elementary Storage Occupations 98 AVER AGE PROBABILIT Y (EMPLOYMENT-WEIGHTED) 0.497 0.492 0.492 0.484 0.483 0.480 0.480 0.479 0.468 0.466 0.458 0.453 0.424 0.419 0.415 0.361 0.351 0.350 0.350 0.348 0.345 0.330 0.328 0.326 0.324 0.321 0.320 0.306 0.289 0.284 0.280 0.268 0.266 0.260 0.244 0.241 0.230 0.218 0.210 0.192 0.164 0.102 0.061 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 APPENDIX C. SKILLS RANKING BY AVERAGE DERIVATIVE US Skills Ranking Table C1: A ranking, by average derivative, of the importance of O*NET variables to future demand for US occupations R ANK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 O*NET VARIABLE Customer and Personal Service Technology Design Science Service Orientation Education and Training Static Strength Philosophy and Theology Instructing Installation Sociology and Anthropology Fluency of Ideas Stamina Personnel and Human Resources Complex Problem Solving Management of Material Resources Extent Flexibility Operations Analysis Design Equipment Selection Psychology Dynamic Strength Originality Management of Personnel Resources Chemistry Therapy and Counseling Foreign Language Arm-Hand Steadiness Learning Strategies Physics Active Learning Memorization Administration and Management Dynamic Flexibility Time Sharing Social Perceptiveness Writing Manual Dexterity Sound Localization Multilimb Coordination Gross Body Coordination Engineering and Technology Speaking Reading Comprehension Trunk Strength Geography Communications and Media Telecommunications Speech Recognition Information Ordering Inductive Reasoning Active Listening Coordination Depth Perception Far Vision Mechanical Written Comprehension Problem Sensitivity 99 CL ASS Knowledge Skills Skills Skills Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Skills Skills Knowledge Abilities Abilities Knowledge Skills Skills Abilities Skills Knowledge Skills Knowledge Abilities Abilities Skills Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Skills Knowledge Skills Abilities Knowledge Abilities Abilities Skills Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Knowledge Skills Skills Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Skills Abilities Abilities Knowledge Abilities Abilities AVER AGE DERIVATIVE 2.578 2.565 2.557 2.229 2.087 1.965 1.953 1.847 1.843 1.655 1.602 1.570 1.544 1.377 1.227 1.226 1.189 1.170 1.162 1.071 1.067 1.048 1.041 1.040 1.016 1.012 1.008 0.985 0.971 0.940 0.914 0.902 0.844 0.841 0.745 0.737 0.721 0.659 0.652 0.634 0.631 0.622 0.580 0.552 0.533 0.527 0.514 0.510 0.454 0.441 0.391 0.379 0.351 0.348 0.341 0.332 0.330 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table C1: Continued R ANK 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 O*NET VARIABLE Monitoring Time Management Deductive Reasoning Written Expression History and Archeology Visual Color Discrimination Finger Dexterity Glare Sensitivity Judgment and Decision-making Oral Expression Peripheral Vision Visualization Persuasion Gross Body Equilibrium Oral Comprehension Spatial Orientation Public Safety and Security Explosive Strength Management of Financial Resources Critical Thinking Programming Speech Clarity Speed of Limb Movement Speed of Closure Transportation Troubleshooting Systems Analysis Selective Attention Sales and Marketing Near Vision Category Flexibility Negotiation Equipment Maintenance Systems Evaluation Clerical Night Vision Repairing Response Orientation Response Orientation Auditory Attention Operation Monitoring Flexibility of Closure Hearing Sensitivity Mathematics – Skills Law and Government Mathematical Reasoning English Language Medicine and Dentistry Number Facility Reaction Time Quality Control Analysis Economics and Accounting Computers and Electronics Wrist-Finger Speed Operation and Control Mathematics – Knowledge 100 CL ASS Skills Skills Abilities Abilities Knowledge Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Knowledge Abilities Skills Skills Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Knowledge Skills Skills Abilities Knowledge Abilities Abilities Skills Skills Skills Knowledge Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Skills Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Abilities Skills Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Skills Knowledge AVER AGE DERIVATIVE 0.267 0.210 0.171 0.162 0.160 0.155 0.142 0.091 0.069 0.050 0.046 0.043 0.034 0.012 0.012 -0.053 -0.081 -0.103 -0.138 -0.176 -0.182 -0.299 -0.326 -0.328 -0.365 -0.367 -0.391 -0.424 -0.434 -0.440 -0.517 -0.559 -0.561 -0.572 -0.601 -0.701 -0.715 -0.737 -0.737 -0.822 -0.910 -0.924 -0.944 -0.944 -0.949 -1.024 -1.079 -1.233 -1.399 -2.014 -2.027 -2.043 -2.052 -2.053 -2.334 -2.365 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 UK Skills Ranking Table C2: A ranking, by average derivative, of the importance of O*NET variables to future demand for UK occupations R ANK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 O*NET VARIABLE Judgment and Decision-making Fluency of Ideas Originality Science Operations Analysis Gross Body Equilibrium Gross Body Coordination Medicine and Dentistry Economics and Accounting Sales and Marketing Psychology Complex Problem Solving Sociology and Anthropology Active Learning Foreign Language Systems Evaluation Education and Training Service Orientation Management of Personnel Resources Learning Strategies Stamina Programming Manual Dexterity Information Ordering Time Management Information Ordering Time Management Trunk Strength Dynamic Strength Finger Dexterity Quality Control Analysis Visual Colour Discrimination Physics Far Vision Visualisation Extent Flexibility Arm-Hand Steadiness Deductive Reasoning History and Archeology Coordination Geography Therapy and Counselling Systems Analysis Explosive Strength Chemistry Administration and Management Management of Material Resources Dynamic Flexibility Oral Expression Spatial Orientation Communications and Media Near Vision Mathematics – Knowledge Social Perceptiveness Active Listening Category Flexibility Critical Thinking 101 CL ASS Skills Abilities Abilities Skills Skills Abilities Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Skills Knowledge Skills Knowledge Skills Knowledge Skills Skills Skills Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Knowledge Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Knowledge Skills Knowledge Knowledge Skills Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Skills Skills Abilities Skills AVER AGE DERIVATIVE 4.528 4.366 4.229 4.228 3.976 3.708 3.225 2.896 2.851 2.834 2.828 2.725 2.616 2.493 2.463 2.351 2.283 2.116 2.107 2.077 2.047 1.873 1.843 1.831 1.802 1.831 1.802 1.710 1.645 1.612 1.578 1.453 1.439 1.347 1.235 1.196 1.190 1.136 1.132 1.095 0.940 0.938 0.935 0.916 0.887 0.826 0.814 0.796 0.796 0.779 0.772 0.710 0.697 0.657 0.615 0.462 0.439 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table C2: Continued R ANK 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 O*NET VARIABLE Equipment Selection Problem Sensitivity Management of Financial Resources Writing Inductive Reasoning Telecommunications Oral Comprehension Technology Design Philosophy and Theology Installation Personnel and Human Resources Monitoring Memorisation Rate Control Time Sharing Speed of Limb Movement Speed of Closure Auditory Attention Peripheral Vision Selective Attention Reaction Time Wrist-Finger Speed Written Expression Clerical Depth Perception Night Vision Speaking Speech Recognition Persuasion Multilimb Coordination Customer and Personal Service English Language Glare Sensitivity Instructing Flexibility of Closure Transportation Operation Monitoring Number Facility Hearing Sensitivity Mathematical Reasoning Negotiation Response Orientation Design Troubleshooting Mathematics – Skills Mathematical Reasoning English Language Medicine and Dentistry Number Facility Reaction Time Quality Control Analysis Economics and Accounting Computers and Electronics Wrist-Finger Speed Operation and Control Mathematics – Knowledge Rate Control Mathematics – Knowledge 102 CL ASS Skills Abilities Skills Skills Abilities Knowledge Abilities Skills Knowledge Skills Knowledge Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Knowledge Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Skills Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Skills Abilities Knowledge Skills Abilities Abilities Abilities Skills Abilities Knowledge Skills Skills Abilities Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Abilities Skills Knowledge Knowledge Abilities Skills Knowledge Abilities Knowledge AVER AGE DERIVATIVE 0.434 0.404 0.353 0.330 0.265 0.205 0.201 0.194 0.181 0.159 0.150 0.108 0.087 0.070 0.037 0.035 -0.030 -0.070 -0.114 -0.148 -0.151 -0.165 -0.200 -0.203 -0.219 -0.225 -0.267 -0.326 -0.431 -0.432 -0.522 -0.571 -0.665 -0.678 -0.696 -0.698 -0.780 -0.808 -0.848 -0.868 -1.058 -1.174 -1.230 -1.277 -1.320 -1.024 -1.079 -1.233 -1.399 -2.014 -2.027 -2.043 -2.052 -2.053 -2.334 -2.365 -2.684 -2.365 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 APPENDIX D. UK–US OCCUPATION CROSSWALK METHODOLOGY Given that the UK lacks a comprehensive system for collecting and disseminating information on occupational and skills requirements, it is necessary to exploit the US information that is already collected for O*NET. This is done by mapping, or ‘crosswalking’, the US and UK SOC taxonomies. Specifically, our crosswalk is based on the application programming interface (API) for the LMI for All/O*NET SOC to UK SOC crosswalk (UK Commission for Employment and Skills, 2017b) (under o-net/soc2onet/ ). A feature of O*NET is that there are significantly more occupations in the database than in the UK SOC (at four-digit level). As a result, some UK occupations are crosswalked to more than one equivalent US occupation in LMI for All. Where a direct single match is not possible, we match the UK SOC to the occupation with the highest employment. This simple rule is justified on the grounds that it is more likely to be representative of the other occupations in the group. To generate employment estimates, we use the BLS Occupational Employment Statistics (OES), a semi-annual survey of approximately 200,000 non-farm business establishments. As the O*NET occupational classification (eight-digit) is slightly more detailed than the six-digit 2010 SOC system, for which employment is reported, we are required to ignore the last two digits. After investigation, we believe that the information loss associated with this approach is minimal and superior to more complex procedures. We use May 2015 employment data – as in the rest of the analysis – and compare it with estimates from more recently available data (May 2016) and from 2006 (May 2006) to ensure that the results are robust over time. 103 In a small number of cases, two or more occupations account for the highest employment in a group. This arises from the fact while some occupation codes differ at the eight-digit level, they are identical at the six-digit level. As a general rule in such cases we select the more generic occupation since it better approximates the level of detail found in the UK SOC. In many cases this is easy to establish from the respective position of the occupations in the SOC hierarchy. For example, Statisticians (152041.00) is chosen over Biostatisticians (15-2041.01). In other cases, we apply our judgment to determine which code is most generic. We assess the degree of error introduced by using only one O*NET code as a result of our ‘highest employment’ rule. Ideally, the code with the highest employment should account for all the employment in the group. We find evidence that, in many cases, these codes do account for the lion’s share of employment. In sum, our one-to-one crosswalk generated using this rule contains 283 unique US SOC codes, which account for 70% of total US employment. The LMI for All API does not provide a crosswalk for 23 UK occupations. As a result, we manually choose 23 satisfactory US matches (designated by * below). Four UK occupations have no US counterpart with relevant job tasks and skills data in O*NET and are consequently excluded. THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table D1: The UK-to-US Occupation Crosswalk basedon LMI for All data UK SOC 1115 1121 1122 1123* 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135* 1136 UK TITLE Chief executives and senior officials Production managers and directors in manufacturing US O*NET SOC 11-1011.00 US TITLE Chief Executives 11-1021.00 General and Operations Managers Production managers and directors in construction11-9021.00 Production managers and directors in mining and energy Financial managers and directors Marketing and sales directors Purchasing managers and directors Advertising and public relations directors Human resource managers and directors Information technology and telecommunications directors Construction Managers 11-3051.00 Industrial Production Managers 11-3031.02 11-2021.00 11-9199.04 11-2031.00 11-3121.00 Financial Managers, Branch or Department Marketing Managers Supply Chain Managers Public Relations and Fundraising Managers Human Resources Managers 11-3021.00 Computer and Information Systems Managers 1139 Functional managers and directors n.e.c. 43-1011.00 1150 Financial institution managers and directors Managers and directors in transport and distribution Managers and directors in storage and warehousing Senior police officers Senior officers in fire, ambulance, prison and related services 11-3031.02 First-line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers Financial Managers, Branch or Department 11-3071.01 Transportation, Storage and Distribution Managers 1161 1162 1172 1173 1181 1184 1190 1211 Health services and public health managers and directors Social services managers and directors Managers and directors in retail and wholesale Managers and proprietors in agriculture and horticulture 33-1012.00 First-line Supervisors of Helpers, Laborers and Material Movers, Hand First-line Supervisors of Police and Detectives 33-2022.00 Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists 11-9111.00 Medical and Health Services Managers 11-9151.00 41-1011.00 Social and Community Service Managers First-line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 19-1031.02 Range Managers 53-1021.00 1213* Managers and proprietors in forestry, fishing and 19-1032.00 related services Foresters 1221 Hotel and accommodation managers and proprietors Residential Advisors 1223 1224 1225 1226* 1241 1242 Restaurant and catering establishment managers and proprietors Publicans and managers of licensed premises Leisure and sports managers Travel agency managers and proprietors Health care practice managers Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors 39-9041.00 11-9051.00 39-1021.01 41-3041.00 11-9111.00 First-line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers Food Service Managers Spa Managers Travel Agents Medical and Health Services Managers 11-9111.00 Medical and Health Services Managers 35-1012.00 1251 Property, housing and estate managers 11-9141.00 1252 Garage managers and proprietors 49-1011.00 1259 2111 2112 Hairdressing and beauty salon managers and proprietors Shopkeepers and proprietors – wholesale and retail Waste disposal and environmental services managers Managers and proprietors in other services n.e.c. Chemical scientists Biological scientists and biochemists 2113 Physical scientists 19-2042.00 2114 Social and humanities scientists 19-4061.00 1253 1254 1255 104 Property, Real Estate and Community Association Managers First-line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers and Repairers 39-1021.00 First-line Supervisors of Personal Service Workers 41-2031.00 Retail Salespersons 17-2081.00 Environmental Engineers 21-2021.00 19-2031.00 17-2199.01 Directors, Religious Activities and Education Chemists Biochemical Engineers Geoscientists, except Hydrologists and Geographers Social Science Research Assistants T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table D1: Continued UK SOC 2119 2121 2122 2123 2124 2126* 2127 2129 2133 2134* 2135* UK TITLE Natural and social science professionals n.e.c. Civil engineers Mechanical engineers Electrical engineers Electronics engineers Design and development engineers Production and process engineers Engineering professionals n.e.c. IT specialist managers IT project and programme managers IT business analysts, architects and systems designers US O*NET SOC 11-9121.00 17-2051.00 17-2141.00 17-2071.00 17-2072.00 17-2112.00 17-2112.00 13-1199.01 11-3021.00 15-1199.09 US TITLE Natural Sciences Managers Civil Engineers Mechanical Engineers Electrical Engineers Electronics Engineers, except Computer Industrial Engineers Industrial Engineers Energy Auditors Computer and Information Systems Managers Information Technology Project Managers 15-1199.09 Information Technology Project Managers 15-1131.00 Computer Programmers 43-9031.00 Desktop Publishers 15-1143.01 Telecommunications Engineering Specialists 2141 Programmers and software development professionals Web design and development professionals Information technology and telecommunications professionals n.e.c. Conservation professionals 19-1031.01 2142 Environment professionals 19-2041.00 2150* 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2221 2222 2223 2229 2231 2232 2311 2312 Research and development managers Medical practitioners Psychologists Pharmacists Ophthalmic opticians Dental practitioners Veterinarians Medical radiographers Podiatrists Health professionals n.e.c. Physiotherapists Occupational therapists Speech and language therapists Therapy professionals n.e.c. Nurses Midwives Higher education teaching professionals Further education teaching professional 11-9121.01 29-1069.02 19-3031.02 29-1051.00 29-1041.00 29-1021.00 29-1131.00 29-2032.00 29-1081.00 31-9092.00 29-1123.00 29-1122.00 29-1127.00 29-1126.00 29-2061.00 29-9099.01 25-1011.00 25-1194.00 2314 Secondary education teaching professionals 25-2031.00 Soil and Water Conservationists Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health Clinical Research Coordinators Dermatologists Clinical Psychologists Pharmacists Optometrists Dentists, General Veterinarians Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Podiatrists Medical Assistants Physical Therapists Occupational Therapists Speech-Language Pathologists Respiratory Therapists Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Midwives Business Teachers, Postsecondary Vocational Education Teachers, Post-secondary Secondary School Teachers, except Special and Career/Technical Education Elementary School Teachers, except Special Education Special Education Teachers, Middle School Education Administrators, Post-secondary Education Administrators, Elementary and Secondary School 2136* 2137 2139* 2316* 2317 Primary and nursery education teaching professionals Special needs education teaching professionals Senior professionals of educational establishments 25-2053.00 11-9033.00 2318 Education advisers and school inspectors 11-9032.00 2315 2319 2412 2413 2419 2421 2423 2424 2425 2426 Teaching and other educational professionals n.e.c. Barristers and judges Solicitor Legal professionals n.e.c. Chartered and certified accountants Management consultants and business analysts Business and financial project management professionals Actuaries, economists and statisticians Business and related research professionals 105 25-2021.00 25-3021.00 Self-enrichment Education Teachers 13-1041.06 23-1011.00 23-1011.00 13-2011.01 13-2099.02 Coroners Lawyers Lawyers Accountants Risk Management Specialists 13-1111.00 Management Analysts 15-2041.00 33-3021.03 Statisticians Criminal Investigators and Special Agents THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table D1: Continued UK SOC 2442 UK TITLE Business, research and administrative professionals n.e.c. Architects Town planning officers Quantity surveyors Chartered surveyors Chartered architectural technologists Construction project managers and related professionals Social workers 2443 Probation officers 21-1092.00 2444 2449* 2451 2452 2461 2462 Clergy Welfare professionals n.e.c. Librarians Archivists and curators Quality control and planning engineers Quality assurance and regulatory professionals 21-2011.00 11-9151.00 25-4021.00 25-4012.00 17-2199.02 11-9199.02 2463 Environmental health professionals 19-2041.00 2471 2472 3121 3122 3131 3132* 3213 3216 3217 3218 Journalists, newspaper and periodical editors Public relations professionals Advertising accounts managers and creative directors Laboratory technicians Electrical and electronics technicians Engineering technicians Building and civil engineering technicians Quality assurance technicians Planning, process and production technicians Science, engineering and production technicians n.e.c. Architectural and town planning technicians Draughtspersons IT operations technicians IT user support technicians Paramedics Dispensing opticians Pharmaceutical technicians Medical and dental technicians 3219 Health associate professionals n.e.c. 29-1122.01 3231 3233 Youth and community workers Child and early years officers 21-1093.00 21-1021.00 3234 Housing officers 11-9141.00 3235 Counsellors 21-1012.00 3239 3312 3313 3314 3315 3319 Welfare and housing associate professionals n.e.c. Police officers (sergeant and below) Fire service officers (watch manager and below) Prison service officers (below principal officer) Police community support officers Protective service associate professionals n.e.c. 43-4051.03 33-3051.01 33-2011.01 33-3012.00 33-3051.01 11-9199.08 3411 Artists 27-1013.00 3412 3413 Authors, writers and translators Actors, entertainers and presenters 27-3042.00 27-2011.00 2429 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2473 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3119 106 US O*NET SOC 17-1011.00 19-3051.00 13-1051.00 17-1022.00 17-3011.01 US TITLE First-line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers Architects, except Landscape and Naval Urban and Regional Planners Cost Estimators Surveyors Architectural Drafters 19-3099.01 Transportation Planners 21-1021.00 27-3041.00 27-3031.00 Child, Family and School Social Workers Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists Clergy Social and Community Service Managers Librarians Curators Validation Engineers Compliance Managers Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health Editors Public Relations Specialists 27-1011.00 Art Directors 29-2011.00 17-3023.01 17-3023.03 17-3022.00 19-4099.01 17-3029.09 Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists Electronics Engineering Technicians Electrical Engineering Technicians Civil Engineering Technicians Quality Control Analysts Manufacturing Production Technicians 19-4099.03 Remote Sensing Technicians 19-4061.01 17-3011.01 15-2041.02 15-1151.00 29-2041.00 29-2081.00 29-2052.00 29-2021.00 City and Regional Planning Aides Architectural Drafters Clinical Data Managers Computer User Support Specialists Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics Opticians, Dispensing Pharmacy Technicians Dental Hygienists Low Vision Therapists, Orientation and Mobility Specialists and Vision Rehabilitation Specialists Social and Human Service Assistants Child, Family and School Social Workers Property, Real Estate and Community Association Managers 43-1011.00 Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors Patient Representatives Police Patrol Officers Municipal Firefighters Correctional Officers and Jailers Police Patrol Officers Lost Prevention Managers Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators Technical Writers Actors T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table D1: Continued UK SOC 3414 3415 3416 US O*NET SOC 27-2031.00 27-2042.02 27-2012.01 US TITLE Dancers Musicians, Instrumental Producers 27-4021.00 Photographers 3421 3422 3441 3442 3443 3538 3511 3512 3513 3520 UK TITLE Dancers and choreographers Musicians Arts officers, producers and directors Photographers, audiovisual and broadcasting equipment operators Graphic designers Product, clothing and related designers Sports players Sports coaches, instructors and officials Fitness instructors Financial accounts managers Air traffic controllers Aircraft pilots and flight engineers Ship and hovercraft officers Legal associate professionals 27-1024.00 27-1025.00 27-2021.00 27-2022.00 39-9031.00 11-9199.03 53-2021.00 53-2011.00 53-5021.01 23-2011.00 Graphic Designers Interior Designers Athletes and Sports Competitors Coaches and Scouts Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors Investment Fund Managers Air Traffic Controllers Airline Pilots, Copilots and Flight Engineers Ship and Boat Captains Paralegals and Legal Assistants 3531 Estimators, valuers and assessors 13-1031.02 Insurance Adjustors, Examiners and Investigators 3532 3534 3535 3536 3537 3539 Brokers Finance and investment analysts and advisers Taxation experts Importers and exporters Financial and accounting technicians Business and related associate professionals n.e.c. 13-1199.03 13-2051.00 13-2082.00 13-1199.03 43-3031.00 13-1111.00 3541 Buyers and procurement officers 13-1023.00 Customs Brokers Financial Analysts Tax Preparers Customs Brokers Bookkeeping, Accounting and Auditing Clerks Management Analysts Purchasing Agents, except Wholesale, Retail and Farm Products 3542 Business sales executives 41-4012.00 3543 3544 Marketing associate professionals Estate agents and auctioneers Sales accounts and business development managers 41-3011.00 41-9022.00 Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, except Technical and Scientific Products Advertising Sales Agents Real Estate Sales Agents 11-2022.00 Sales Managers 13-1121.00 Meeting, Convention and Event Planners 3417 3545 3546 3550 3561* 3562 3563 3564 3565 3567 4112 4113 4114* 4121 4122 4123 4124 4129 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4138 4151 4159 Conference and exhibition managers and organisers Conservation and environmental associate professionals Public services associate professionals Human resources and industrial relations officers Vocational and industrial trainers and instructors Careers advisers and vocational guidance specialists Inspectors of standards and regulations Health and safety officers National government administrative occupations Local government administrative occupations Officers of non-governmental organisations Credit controllers Book-keepers, payroll managers and wages clerks Bank and post office clerks Finance officers Financial administrative occupations n.e.c. Records clerks and assistants Pensions and insurance clerks and assistants Stock control clerks and assistants Transport and distribution clerks and assistants Library clerks and assistants Human resources administrative occupations Sales administrators Other administrative occupations n.e.c. 107 19-4091.00 11-3011.00 13-1041.03 25-9031.00 21-1012.00 13-1041.01 29-9011.00 43-4061.00 43-4031.02 11-1011.00 43-4041.01 43-3031.00 43-3071.00 43-3031.0 11-3031.01 43-5061.00 43-9041.01 43-5081.01 43-5071.00 43-4121.00 43-3051.00 43-4151.00 43-9061.00 Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health Administrative Services Managers Equal Opportunity Representatives and Officers Instructional Coordinators Educational, Guidance, School and Vocational Counsellors Environmental Compliance Inspectors Occupational Health and Safety Specialists Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programmes Municipal Clerks Chief Executives Credit Authorizers Bookkeeping, Accounting and Auditing Clerks Tellers Bookkeeping, Accounting and Auditing Clerks Treasurers and Controllers Production, Planning and Expediting Clerks Insurance Claims Clerks Stock Clerks, Sales Floor Shipping, Receiving and Traffic Clerks Library Assistants, Clerical Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks Order Clerks Office Clerks, General THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table D1: Continued UK SOC 4161 UK TITLE Office managers US O*NET SOC 11-3011.00 4162 Office supervisors 43-1011.00 4211 4212 Medical secretaries Legal secretaries 43-6013.00 43-6012.00 4213 School secretaries 43-6014.00 4214 Company secretaries 43-6014.00 4215 Personal assistants and other secretaries 43-6014.00 4216 4217 5111 Receptionists Typists and related keyboard occupations Farmers 43-4171.00 43-3021.01 19-4099.02 5112 Horticultural trades 45-1011.07 5113 Gardeners and landscape gardeners 37-1012.00 5114 5119 Groundsmen and greenkeepers Agricultural and fishing trades n.e.c. 37-3011.00 45-1011.06 5211 Smiths and forge workers 51-4022.00 5212 Moulders, core makers and die casters 51-4072.00 5213 5214 5215 5216 Sheet metal workers Metal plate workers and riveters Welding trades Pipe fitters 47-2211.00 47-2011.00 51-4121.06 47-2152.01 5221 Metal machining setters and setter-operators 51-4031.00 5222 5223 5224 5225 5231 5232 5234 5235 5236 5237 5241 Tool makers, tool fitters and markers-out Metal working production and maintenance fitters Precision instrument makers and repairers Air-conditioning and refrigeration engineers Vehicle technicians, mechanics and electricians Vehicle body builders and repairers Vehicle paint technicians Aircraft maintenance and related trades Boat and ship builders and repairers Rail and rolling stock builders and repairers Electricians and electrical fitters 51-4111.00 49-9041.00 49-9062.00 49-9021.02 49-3023.01 49-3021.00 51-9122.00 49-3011.00 49-3051.00 53-4011.00 47-2111.00 5242 Telecommunications engineers 49-2022.00 5244 5245 5249 TV, video and audio engineers IT engineers Electrical and electronic trades n.e.c. Skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades supervisors Steel erectors Bricklayers and masons Roofers, roof tilers and slaters Plumbers and heating and ventilating engineers Carpenters and joiners Glaziers, window fabricators and fitters Construction and building trades n.e.c. Plasterers Floorers and wall tilers Painters and decorators 27-4011.00 17-2061.00 49-9051.00 5250 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5319 5321 5322 5323 108 51-1011.00 47-2221.00 47-2081.00 47-2181.00 47-2152.02 47-2031.01 47-2121.00 47-4031.00 47-2161.00 47-2044.00 47-2141.00 US TITLE Administrative Services Managers First-line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers Medical Secretaries Legal Secretaries Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, except Legal, Medical and Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, except Legal, Medical and Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, except Legal, Medical and Executive Receptionists and Information Clerks Statement Clerks Precision Agriculture Technicians First-line Supervisors of Agricultural Crop and Horticultural Workers First-line Supervisors of Landscaping, Lawn Service and Groundskeeping Workers Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers First-line Supervisors of Aquacultural Workers Forging Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Molding, Coremaking and Casting Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Sheet Metal Workers Boilermakers Welders, Cutters and Welder Fitters Pipefitters and Steamfitters Cutting, Punching and Press Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Tool and Die Makers Industrial Machinery Mechanics Medical Equipment Repairers Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers Automotive Master Mechanics Automotive Body and Related Repairers Painters, Transportation Equipment Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians Motorboat Mechanics and Service Technicians Locomotive Engineers Electricians Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, except Line Installers Audio and Video Equipment Technicians Computer Hardware Engineers Electrical Power-line Installers and Repairers First-line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers Structural Iron and Steel Workers Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers Roofers Plumbers Construction Carpenters Glaziers Fence Erectors Plasterers and Stucco Masons Tile and Marble Setters Painters, Construction and Maintenance T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table D1: Continued UK SOC UK TITLE US O*NET SOC 5330 Construction and building trades supervisors 47-1011.00 5411 Weavers and knitters 51-6063.00 5412 5413 5414 5419 5421* 5422* 5423* 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 51-6093.00 51-6041.00 51-6052.00 51-9031.00 51-5111.00 51-5112.00 51-5113.00 51-3021.00 51-3011.00 51-3022.00 35-1011.00 35-2014.00 11-9051.00 51-9195.05 Potters, Manufacturing 5442 5443 Upholsterers Footwear and leather working trades Tailors and dressmakers Textiles, garments and related trades n.e.c. Pre-press technicians Printers Print finishing and binding workers Butchers Bakers and flour confectioners Fishmongers and poultry dressers Chefs Cooks Catering and bar managers Glass and ceramics makers, decorators and finishers Furniture makers and other craft woodworkers Florists Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders Upholsterers Shoe and Leather Workers and Repairers Tailors, Dressmakers and Custom Sewers Cutters and Trimmers,Hand Prepress Technicians and Workers Printing Press Operators Print Binding and Finishing Workers Butchers and Meat Cutters Bakers Meat, Poultry and Fish Cutters and Trimmers Chefs and Head Cooks Cooks, Restaurant Food Service Managers 51-7011.00 27-1023.00 5449 Other skilled trades n.e.c. 51-9121.00 6121 6122 6123 6125 6126 6131 6132 6139 6141 Nursery nurses and assistants Childminders and related occupations Playworkers Teaching assistants Educational support assistants Veterinary nurses Pest control officers Animal care services occupations n.e.c. Nursing auxiliaries and assistants 39-9011.00 39-9011.00 39-9011.00 25-9041.00 25-9041.00 29-2056.00 37-2021.00 39-2021.00 31-9099.01 6142 Ambulance staff (excluding paramedics) 53-3011.00 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147* 31-9091.00 39-9041.00 39-9021.00 39-1021.00 39-9021.00 39-4021.00 Funeral Attendants 6211 Dental nurses Houseparents and residential wardens Care workers and home carers Senior care workers Care escorts Undertakers, mortuary and crematorium assistants Sports and leisure assistants Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters Floral Designers Coating, Painting and Spraying Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders Childcare Workers Childcare Workers Childcare Workers Teacher Assistants Teacher Assistants Veterinary Technologists and Technicians Pest Control Workers Nonfarm Animal Caretakers Speech-language Pathology Assistants Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, except Emergency Medical Technicians Dental Assistants Residential Advisors Personal Care Aides First-line Supervisors of Personal Service Workers Personal Care Aides 39-9032.00 6212 Travel agents 43-4181.00 6214* 6215 6219* 6221 6222 6231 Air travel assistants Rail travel assistants Leisure and travel service occupations n.e.c. Hairdressers and barbers Beauticians and related occupations Housekeepers and related occupations 53-2031.00 53-4031.00 43-4051.00 39-5012.00 39-5092.00 39-9021.00 6232 Caretakers 37-2011.00 Recreation Workers Reservation and Transportation Ticket Agents and Travel Clerks Flight Attendants Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters Customer Service Representatives Hairdressers, Hairstylists and Cosmetologists Manicurists and Pedicurists Personal Care Aides Janitors and Cleaners, except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 5441 6148 6240 7111 7112 7113 Cleaning and housekeeping managers and supervisors Sales and retail assistants Retail cashiers and checkout operators Telephone salespersons 109 US TITLE First-line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers 39-1021.00 First-line Supervisors of Personal Service Workers 41-2031.00 41-2011.00 41-9041.00 Retail Salespersons Cashiers Telemarketers THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 Table D1: Continued UK SOC 7114 7115 7121 7122 7123 UK TITLE Pharmacy and other dispensing assistants Vehicle and parts salespersons and advisers Collector salespersons and credit agents Debt, rent and other cash collectors Roundspersons and van salespersons US O*NET SOC 31-9095.00 41-2022.00 41-3021.0 43-3011.00 53-3031.00 7124 Market and street traders and assistants 41-9091.00 7125 7129 7130 7211 Merchandisers and window dressers Sales-related occupations n.e.c. Sales supervisors Call and contact centre occupations 27-1026.00 41-9011.00 41-1011.00 43-4051.00 7213 Telephonists 43-2011.00 7214 7215 7219 7220 8111 8112 Communication operators Market research interviewers Customer service occupations n.e.c. Customer service managers and supervisors Food, drink and tobacco process operatives Glass and ceramics process operatives 43-5031.00 43-4111.00 43-4051.00 43-4051.00 51-3092.00 51-9195.04 8113 Textile process operatives 51-6064.00 8114 Chemical and related process operatives 51-9023.00 8115 8116 Rubber process operatives Plastics process operatives 51-9197.00 51-2091.00 8117 Metal making and treating process operatives 51-4021.00 8118 Electroplaters 51-4193.00 8119 Process operatives n.e.c. 51-9195.07 8121 Paper and wood machine operatives 51-9196.00 8122 8123 8124 8125 Coal mine operatives Quarry workers and related operatives Energy plant operatives Metal working machine operatives 47-5061.00 47-5013.00 51-8013.00 51-4041.00 8126 Water and sewerage plant operatives 51-8031.00 8127* Printing machine assistants 51-5112.00 8129 Plant and machine operatives n.e.c. 51-9041.00 8131 8132 Assemblers (electrical and electronic products) Assemblers (vehicles and metal goods) 51-4121.07 51-2031.00 8133 Routine inspectors and testers 51-9061.00 8134 8135 8137 8139 8141 8142 Weighers, graders and sorters Tyre, exhaust and windscreen fitters Sewing machinists Assemblers and routine operatives n.e.c. Scaffolders, stagers and riggers Road construction operatives 45-2041.00 49-3093.00 51-6031.00 51-2092.00 49-9096.00 47-2051.00 8143 Rail construction and maintenance operatives 47-4061.00 8149 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 Construction operatives n.e.c. Large goods vehicle drivers Van drivers Bus and coach drivers Taxi and cab drivers and chauffeurs Driving instructors 47-4041.00 53-3032.00 53-3033.00 53-3022.00 53-3041.00 25-3021.00 110 US TITLE Pharmacy Aides Parts Salespersons Insurance Sales Agents Bill and Account Collectors Driver/Sales Workers Door-to-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors and Related Workers Merchandise Displayers and Window Trimmers Demonstrators and Product Promoters First-line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers Customer Service Representatives Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service Police, Fire and Ambulance Dispatchers Interviewers, except Eligibility and Loan Customer Service Representatives Customer Service Representatives Food Batchmakers Glass Blowers, Molders, Benders and Finishers Textile Winding, Twisting and Drawing Out Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders Mixing and Blending Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders Tire Builders Fiberglass Laminators and Fabricators Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Plating and Coating Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Molding and Casting Workers Paper Goods Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders Roof Bolters, Mining Service Unit Operators, Oil, Gas and Mining Power Plant Operators Machinists Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators Printing Press Operators Extruding, Forming, Pressing and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders Solderers and Brazers Engine and Other Machine Assemblers Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers and Weighers Graders and Sorters, Agricultural Products Tire Repairers and Changers Sewing Machine Operators Team Assemblers Riggers Cement Masons and Concrete Finishers Rail-track Laying and Maintenance Equipment Operators Hazardous Materials Removal Workers Heavy and Tractor–Trailer Truck Drivers Light Truck or Delivery Services Drivers Bus Drivers, School or Special Client Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs Self-enrichment Education Teachers T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Table D1: Continued UK SOC 8221 8222 8223 UK TITLE Crane drivers Fork-lift truck drivers Agricultural machinery drivers US O*NET SOC 53-7021.00 53-7051.00 45-2091.00 8229 Mobile machine drivers and operatives n.e.c. 47-2073.00 8231 8232 8233 8234 Train and tram drivers Marine and waterways transport operatives Air transport operatives Rail transport operatives 53-4041.00 53-5021.02 53-2022.00 53-4021.00 8239 Other drivers and transport operatives n.e.c. 53-1031.00 9111 9112 Farm workers Forestry workers Fishing and other elementary agriculture occupations n.e.c. Elementary construction occupations Industrial cleaning process occupations Packers, bottlers, canners and fillers Elementary process plant occupations n.e.c. Postal workers, mail sorters, messengers and couriers 45-2092.02 37-3013.00 US TITLE Crane and Tower Operators Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators Agricultural Equipment Operators Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators Subway and Streetcar Operators Mates – Ship, Boat and Barge Airfield Operations Specialists Railroad Brake, Signal and Switch Operators First-line Supervisors of Transportation and Materialmoving Machine and Vehicle Operators Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop Tree Trimmers and Pruners 37-3011.00 Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers 47-2061.00 47-4071.00 53-7064.00 51-9198.00 Construction Laborers Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners Packers and Packagers, Hand Helpers–Production Workers 43-5052.00 Postal Service Mail Carriers 9219 Elementary administration occupations n.e.c. 43-9051.00 Mail Clerks and Mail Machine Operators, except Postal Service 9231 Window cleaners 37-2011.00 9232 9233 9234 9235 9236 Street cleaners Cleaners and domestics Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers Refuse and salvage occupations Vehicle valeters and cleaners 47-4051.00 37-2012.00 51-6011.00 53-7081.00 53-7061.00 9239 Elementary cleaning occupations n.e.c. 37-2011.00 9241 9242 9244 9249 Security guards and related occupations Parking and civil enforcement occupations School midday and crossing patrol occupations Elementary security occupations n.e.c. 33-9032.00 53-6021.00 33-9091.00 33-3011.00 9251 Shelf fillers 53-7062.00 9259 Elementary sales occupations n.e.c. 43-5081.04 9260 Elementary storage occupations 53-7062.00 9271* Hospital porters 31-9092.00 9272 Kitchen and catering assistants 35-3021.00 9273 9274 9275 9279 Waiters and waitresses Bar staff Leisure and theme park attendants Other elementary services occupations n.e.c. 35-3031.00 35-3011.00 39-3091.00 39-3031.00 9119 9120 9132 9134 9139 9211 111 Janitors and Cleaners, except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners Highway Maintenance Workers Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Workers Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment Janitors and Cleaners, except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners Security Guards Parking Lot Attendants Crossing Guards Bailiffs Laborers and Freight, Stock and Material Movers, Hand Order Fillers, Wholesale and Retail Sales Laborers and Freight, Stock and Material Movers, Hand Medical Assistants Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Waiters and Waitresses Bartenders Amusement and Recreation Attendants Ushers, Lobby Attendants and Ticket Takers THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 112 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 REFERENCES Abadi, M., Agarwal, A., Barham, P., Brevdo, E., Chen, Z., Citro, C., Corrado, G. 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Baumol’s cost disease hypothesis Is the rise of salaries in jobs that have experienced no increase of labor productivity, in response to rising salaries in other jobs that have experienced the labor productivity growth [also known as the baumol effect] Bayesian non-parametric model A term used in statistics and the creation of machine learning algorithms. A key problem in statistical modeling is how to choose a model at an appropriate level of complexity. Bayesian nonparametric methods, are a class of statistical methods that enables the data to inform the complexity of the model. Limited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb– Shanno (BFGS) An optimisation algorithm used in machine learning to solve mathematical challenges that are non linear). It is particularly well suited for optimisation problems with a large number of variables. Covariance Matrix In statistics, a covariance matrix is generated to investigate the similarities or differences of two variables across multiple dimensions. Crosswalk A term deployed to describe a mechanism or approach to translating, comparing or moving between meta data standards (http://marinemetadata.org/guides/ mdatastandards/crosswalks) or converting skills or content from one discipline to another. Crosswalked A process for matching up the elements or variables of one list with the closest equivalent on another. In the case of this study, UK occupation categories were “crosswalked” to US occupation categories so that the US-based O*NET data set (containing occupation skills, knowledge areas and abilities), could be applied across both countries. Delphi Method A forecasting method based on the results of questionnaires sent to a panel of experts. Several rounds of questionnaires are sent out and the anonymous responses are aggregated and shared with the group after each round. 118 Dimensionality Reduction In machine learning and statistics, dimensionality reduction or dimension reduction is the process of reducing the number of random variables under consideration, via obtaining a set of principal variables. It can be divided into feature selection and feature extraction. Feature Selection In machine learning and statistics, feature selection is the process of selecting a subset of relevant features (variables, predictors) for use in model construction Gaussian Process In probability theory and statistics, a Gaussian process is a particular kind of statistical model where observations occur in a continuous domain, e.g. time or space. In a Gaussian process, every point in some continuous input space is associated with a normally distributed random variable. Green Economy Defined as an economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities and that aims for sustainable development without degrading the environment. It is closely related with ecological economics, but has a more politically applied focus. Heteroskedastic in statistics, heteroskedasticity is when the standard deviations of a variable, monitored over a specific amount of time, are nonconstant. Information-Theoretic Approach information-theoretic approach: a model for testing the data which simultaneously evaluates hypotheses by balancing between model complexity and goodness of fit. Labour Market Information (LMI) Describes all kinds of information used to make labour market decisions. LMI can be a compilation of detailed statistical data on jobs and salaries, employers and employees, sectors, current employment conditions and future trends. Machine-Learning Is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves. Matérn Covariance In statistics, the Matérn covariance (named after the Swedish forestry statistician Bertil Matérn) is a covariance function used in spatial statistics, geostatistics, machine learning, image analysis and other applications of multivariate statistical analysis on metric spaces. T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Multinomial Distribution A distribution that shows the likelihood of the possible results of an experiment with repeated trials in which each trial can result in a specified number of outcomes that is greater than two. Noisy statistical noise is a term that refers to the unexplained variation or randomness that is found within a given data sample. Non-Parametric Extrapolation extrapolation is the action of estimating or concluding something by assuming that existing trends will continue. When using a non-parametric method to do this, the boundaries of what is possible come from the data (or the training set), rather than the statistical model. Occam’s Razor A scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities. Ordinal Regression Model a type of regression analysis used for predicting an ordinal variable, i.e. a variable whose value exists on an arbitrary scale where only the relative ordering between different values is significant. Over-Fitting A modeling error which occurs when a function is too closely “fit” to a specific set of data points, limiting its generalisability. Python Library A Python library is a collection of functions and methods that allows you to perform lots of actions without writing your own code. Principal Component Analysis (Pca) Principal component analysis is an approach to factor analysis that considers the total variance in the data, which is unlike common factor analysis and transforms the original variables into a smaller set of linear combinations. Time-Series A time series is a sequence of numerical data points in successive order. Uncertainty Sampling An Active Learning approach in which the Machine Learning Algorithm selects the Documents as to which it is least certain about Relevance, for Coding by the Subject Matter Expert(s) and addition to the Training Set. 119 THE F UT URE OF SKI L L S: EMPL OYMEN T I N 2 0 3 0 ENDNOTES automatability at a more granular level. Second, differences may arise from the classification method used by Arntz et al (2016). Their modified logistic regression implies a linear relationship between features and whether a job is automatable. This is a simpler and less flexible model than Frey and Osborne’s and again is likely to default towards predictive probabilities in the middle. Third, the authors include a number of variables such as gender, education, income, sector and firm size as predictors of automatability, even though these are not obviously supported or interpreted in terms of economic theory. In addition PwC (2017) finds that some of these results are an artefact of which variables from the PIAAC database are used. Its own estimates, using a different set of occupational features, are still lower than those of Frey and Osborne, but still much closer to them than to the estimates of Arntz et al. Emblematic of this interest was the publication of the BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook and the OECD’s Mediterranean Regional Project which popularised the use of manpower planning in developed and developing countries. 1 2 Ireland, for example, uses foresight in its various sector studies, while Germany’s BIB-BIAB Qualification and Occupational Fields programme produces qualitative scenarios to contrast their baseline quantitative projections. Making predictions about technological progress is also notoriously difficult (Armstrong et al., 2014). 3 The direction of employment change – in both absolute and relative terms – was projected accurately for 70% of detailed occupations included in Handel’s evaluation. 4 An interesting study on the short-run dislocations of labour-saving technology is Caprettini and Voth (2017). It examines the diffusion of threshing machines through the English countryside during the 1830s and its impact on social unrest, the so-called ‘Captain Swing’ riots. To measure diffusion, the study uses farm advertisements in local newspapers, which provide detail on the location and use intensity of new threshing machines. The take-up of new technology was not exogenous, making causal assignment difficult. For example, landlords, alarmed by the outbreak of violence, might have introduced fewer machines, which would bias estimates downwards. To identify causality, the authors use soil suitability for wheat as an instrument for the adoption of threshing technology. The reason for this is that wheat was the only grain that could be threshed profitably by early threshing technology. This instrument is valid insofar as it does not affect rural workers’ propensity to riot other than through its effect on the adoption of technology. Thus, among other things, wheat-growing areas were not poorer than other areas. The authors find that areas more suited to wheat cultivation exhibit both greater adoption of threshing machines and significantly higher incidence of riots. 5 By mimic, we refer to the ability of a machine to replicate or surpass the results of a human rather than achieve those results in the same way. 6 This poses a puzzle – if Arntz et al. (2016) proceed from a similar assessment of occupation level automatability as Frey and Osborne (2017), why do they arrive at such sharply different results? While the task-based approach may explain some of the difference, it is arguably overstated by aspects of their research design. This can be understood on three levels. First, the PIAAC data is available only at a two-digit International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) level, in contrast to data on detailed occupations used by Frey and Osborne. Studying occupations in aggregate is likely to push employment towards the medium risk category insofar as it washes out variation between occupations’ 7 120 8 See also Rosen (1983) on the indivisibility of occupations. 9 In the 19th century, 98% of the labour required to weave cloth was automated but employment in the weaving industry still increased due to increased demand for cheaper clothes. 10 Exceptions include the public sector and non-automated manufacturing industries such as recycling, basic metals, The occupations labelled come from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2010 SOC and the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) SOC 2010. 11 The selection of the first 10 occupations presented to the experts was random: specifically, 10 occupations were randomly selected, but individual occupations were replaced with another randomly selected occupation when historical time-series were not available at least back to 1983 for the US and 2001 for the UK. This constraint meant that, in the US, we drew the occupations from 125 of the total 840 six-digit SOC codes and from 163 of the total 369 four-digit SOC codes in the UK. textiles, paper, furniture and transportation equipment. 12 As explained in 4.2, we adopt six-digit US SOC codes for US data. When we use US O*NET data for similar UK occupations, we present UK occupations at the four-digit UK SOC code level. The US and UK systems are the same level of detail, in that they refer to detailed occupations. 13 According to O*NET, skills represent developed capacities which facilitate learning or the more rapid acquisition of knowledge; abilities are enduring attributes of the individual which influence performance and knowledge refers to organised sets of principles and facts applying in general domains. 14 No dataset equivalent to O*NET exists for UK occupations. Instead, we perform a bespoke crosswalk from UK occupations to the closest match US occupation, as determined by using the 'LMI for All' database (UK Commission for Employment and Skills, 2017a) with some custom changes that we explain. 15 T HE FUT URE OF SKI L L S: EM PL OYM ENT I N 2 0 3 0 Consider engineers and metal workers and plastic workers – two occupation groups which the BLS predicts will decline in share between 2014 and 2024. Over this period, metal workers and plastic workers are anticipated to lose 99,000 jobs, whereas engineers are expected to add 65,000 jobs. 16 17 bservations consisted only of the ternary-valued O labels and participant uncertainty was not incorporated. Reflecting the dataset used in Frey and Osborne (2017) only nine features were used, namely: Originality Systems Evaluation, Hearing Sensitivity, Arm-Hand Steadiness, Learning Strategies, Oral Comprehension, Social Perceptiveness, Manual Dexterity, Problem Sensitivity. 18 ote that the Pearson correlation coefficient is often N used for feature selection (as a filter), an exception to the inappropriate information-theoretic methods of feature selection we generically describe above. 19 o be precise, this entails only redefining the T expectations above as employment-weighted sums over that subset of occupations, rather than over all occupations. 20 ur definition of complementarity is loosely related O to that used by economists: two features are complementary if the marginal value product of one is increasing in the level of the second. This definition fails to meet our needs. The first problem is that the definition makes no accommodation for location in feature space. The economics definition is a statement about the second-order derivative of the function with respect to the two features being positive; for an arbitrary function, as may be learned by our flexible non-parametric model, the second-order derivatives may be in very different regions of space. The second related problem with the definition is that it may lead to highlighting feature combinations which, even if the second-order derivatives are positive and constant across space, are actively harmful. As a simple example, for a bivariate quadratic function with positive-definite Hessian (a convex bowl), an occupation on the wrong side of the critical point (the minimiser, or the location of the bottom of the bowl) would see its demand decreased with increases in either or both of the features. Our means of assessing complementarity, however, will more correctly identify the differing importances of features combinations at any point in feature space. 21 his is clearest in the case of ‘Public services and other T associate professionals’ and ’Welfare professionals’. However all other three-digit public sector occupations i.e. ‘Senior officers in protective services’, ’Protective services’, ‘Quality and regulatory professionals’, ’Health associate professionals’ and ’Welfare and housing associate professionals’ have an average probability of increased workforce share > 0.5. 121 22 reen occupations are defined here as ‘Waste disposal G and environmental services’, ‘Conservation professionals’, ‘Environment professionals’, ‘Environmental health professionals’ and ‘Conservation and environmental associate professionals’ (four-digit level). Specifically, Bright Outlook occupations are ones that: are projected to grow much faster than average (employment increase of 14% or more) over the period 2014–2024; have 100,000 or more job openings over the period 2014–2024; or are new and emerging occupations in a high-growth industry. 23 124