UNIT 11 : learning about different occupations TEMA 11: LEARNING ABOUT DIFFERENT OCCUPATIONS. Este material es complementario a la unidad 11 de conocimiento del medio. Contenidos: Los oficios. Conocer vocabulario relacionado con los oficios. Objetivos lingüísticos: Spelling: –er, -or and -ist Estructura: I + verbo + complemento. Conocimiento e interacción con el mundo físico, el medio ambiente. Competencias específicas: Competencia en comunicación lingüística. textos, vocabulario.) (lectura de Competencia social y ciudadana: conocemos distintos trabajos que realizan las personas. los Aprender a aprender: organizamos la información. Lengua: Comprensión y expresión oral, Relación con las demás áreas: Inglés: Vocabulario relativo. Plástica: dibujamos y trabajamos distintos oficios. De 3 a 4 sesiones dependiendo del grupo de Temporalización: alumnos/as. Se puede trabajar al inicio del tema como introducción o al final de la unidad para completar. 1 Material AICLE Ceip el Zargal Ramón Ramírez Ruiz UNIT 11 : learning about different occupations 1. EMPLOYMENT SECTORS In this unit you will learn more about different jobs and occupations. But to star, you have to know the different employment sectors. There are five main sectors: • Agriculture : the production of goods through the growing of plants, animals and other life forms • Fishing : the activity of catching fish. • Handicrafts: Usually the term is applied to traditional means of making goods. • Industry: Commercial production and sale of goods. • Services: Work done for others as an occupation or business. 2. OCCUPATIONS Material AICLE Ceip el Zargal Ramón Ramírez Ruiz 2 UNIT 11 : learning about different occupations There are many different jobs and occupations related to each sector. Here you are going to see the most representative ones. Sector Job Farmer Agriculture Rancher Fisherman Fishing Fishmonger Handicrafts Craftsman Builder Industry Engineer Scientist Policeman Services Salesman Doctor Copy the table in your notebook. 3. What they do 3 Material AICLE Ceip el Zargal Ramón Ramírez Ruiz UNIT 11 : learning about different occupations Now you are going to learn what people do depending on their occupation. Writer: I write books. Builder: I build houses. Teacher: I teach at school. Driver: I drive a lorry. Sweeper: I sweep the street. Dentist: I take care of your teeth. Designer: I design clothes. Doctor: I cure people. 4 Material AICLE Ceip el Zargal Ramón Ramírez Ruiz UNIT 11 : learning about different occupations 4. What would you like to be?????? What occupation do you like best? What job would you like to do? Policeman, doctor, fireman, nurse, builder….. Write some ideas of your preferred job. And draw a picture of it. I would like to be a ……………………………………………............................. 5 Material AICLE Ceip el Zargal Ramón Ramírez Ruiz