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Global Youth Leaders Symposium 2019 Program Overview

Global Youth Leaders Symposium 2019
The Global Youth Leaders Symposium captures some of the topics covered in the award
winning social justice leadership program, Justice, Advocacy, Dialogue, and Empowerment
(JADE), from Pima Community College.
The program will, consisting of three tracks will provide its participants with tools to reflect on
their skills as leaders in their community. Students will learn to plan effective social justice
programs to benefit their community. In order to be better leaders, students will first explore
their identities, they will identify their social identities and the privilege or underprivilege
standing in their social structures.
The second track will consist of students who have previously participated in the Global Youth
Leaders Symposium. These students will be presented with two situations that will force them to
think outside the box and to learn, by experience, their unconscious understanding of social
justice. Students will be asked to create an action plan or commitment for their role as leaders.
The third track will consists of the educators the accompany the students. They will have the
opportunity to hear from organization Citizens Diplomacy Alliance (CDA), a nonprofit group
that designs and implements professional programs and provides cultural activities and home
hospitality opportunities for foreign leaders, specialists, and international scholars. The CDA is a
program from the Department of State that brings over 5,000 foreign nationals to the U.S.
annually. The group will also learn about global education and the role of culture and leadership.