Earn Your National Infant-Toddler Child Development Associate

Earn Your National Infant-Toddler
Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™
The “Best First Step” to enhance your skills and
professional development!
Essentials Workb
Did you know that more children under the age
of three receive child care outside their home? If
you work in an Early Head Start program, private
child care or faith-based program, you can earn a
Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™
that offers you the opportunity to continue your
professional education.
The Child Develo
pment Associate
(CDA) Creden
is the most widely
recognized creden
tial in early childho
education (ECE)
and is the best
first step on the
career advancement
path of
in ECE. The distinct
ive CDA Creden
tial is the only
portable, recipro
credential of its
kind in the countr
The Child Develo
Credentialing Progra
pment Associa
te (CDA) Nation
m™ is the unique
teacher credentialing
by the Council
for Professional
process, admini
Recognition, which
Credential. Th
results in the award
e Program uses
of the CDA
a specific set of
determine early
time-tested, research
childhood teacher
-based tools to
competency, based
on multiple sources
Having the CDA
of evidence.
Credential from
the Council for
verifies that teacher
Professional Recogn
s have the ability
to put the Counc
Competency Standa
il’s nationally-reco
rds into practic
gnized CDA
e and the unders
help children move
tanding of why
with success from
those Standards
one developmental
stage to another.
Over the past forty
years, more than
300,000 educato
rs have received
Family Child Care
the Preschool,
or Home Visitin
(CDA) Creden
g Child Develo
pment Associate
Valora Washington,
Ph.D., Editor
Essentials Workb
ISBN 978-0-9903072
The Council for Professional Recognition stands
ready to support you in the work that you do
on behalf of young children and their families.
By earning your CDA, you will gain the skills and
knowledge to deliver more high quality learning
opportunities and services for young children. By earning your National Infant/Toddler (I/T) Child
Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ you can raise the quality of care for the young children in
your care.
Valora Washingto
n, Ph.D., Editor
To apply for the National I/T Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™, you must have:
 At least 480 hours of experience working with children ages 0-36 months in a group setting
 120 clock hours of professional education with an emphasis on children ages 0-36 months
 A Professional Portfolio that reflects your professional development experiences
 Family questionnaires from a majority of families that have a child in your care
Upon approval of your application, you will schedule your Verification Visit with a CDA Professional
Development (PD) Specialist which involves:
 An on-site observation of children in your setting
 A Reflective Dialog with the PD Specialist
To complete the credentialing assessment process, you will schedule your CDA exam at a local
Pearson Vue testing center. You can schedule the CDA Exam before or after the Verification Visit.
To learn more about the NEW CDA assessment process and the testing locations, visit the Council’s
website at www.cdacouncil.org/the-cda-credential or call Customer Support at 1-800-424-4310.
Take YOUR first step today to earning your CDA™
as an Infant and Toddler educator!
Council for Professional Recognition
2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | www.cdacouncil.org
Obtenga su Credencial Nacional de Asociado en
Desarrollo InfantilMR (CDA) para Bebés/Toddlers
El “Mejor Primer Paso” para mejorar sus
destrezas y desarrollo profesional!
Essentials Workb
¿Sabía Ud. que cada vez hay más niños menores de
tres años que reciben cuidado fuera de sus hogares?
Si trabaja en un programa Early Head Start, centro/
guardería privada o programa de corte religioso,
usted puede obtener una Credencial de Asociado en
Desarrollo InfantilMR (CDA) que le brinda la oportunidad
de poder continuar con su educación profesional.
The Child Develo
pment Associate
(CDA) Creden
is the most widely
recognized creden
tial in early childho
education (ECE)
and is the best
first step on the
career advancement
path of
in ECE. The distinct
ive CDA Creden
tial is the only
portable, recipro
credential of its
kind in the countr
The Child Develo
Credentialing Progra
pment Associa
te (CDA) Nation
m™ is the unique
teacher credentialing
by the Council
for Professional
process, admini
Recognition, which
Credential. Th
results in the award
e Program uses
of the CDA
a specific set of
determine early
time-tested, research
childhood teacher
-based tools to
competency, based
on multiple sources
Having the CDA
of evidence.
Credential from
the Council for
verifies that teacher
Professional Recogn
s have the ability
to put the Counc
Competency Standa
il’s nationally-reco
rds into practic
gnized CDA
e and the unders
help children move
tanding of why
with success from
those Standards
one developmental
stage to another.
Over the past forty
years, more than
300,000 educato
rs have received
Family Child Care
the Preschool,
or Home Visitin
(CDA) Creden
g Child Develo
pment Associate
Pronto en
Essentials Workb
ISBN 978-0-9903072
Valora Washington,
Ph.D., Editor
El Concilio para el Reconocimiento Profesional está listo
para apoyarlo en el trabajo que usted realiza a favor
de los niños y sus familias. Al obtener su Credencial
CDA, usted adquirirá las destrezas y conocimientos
que necesita a fin de ofrecer más oportunidades de
aprendizaje de mayor calidad/equidad, y servicios para
los niños pequeños. Al obtener su Credencial Nacional
de Asociado en Desarrollo InfantilMR (CDA) para Bebés/Toddlers, usted puede elevar la calidad del cuidado de los
niños con los que trabaja.
Valora Washingto
n, Ph.D., Editor
Para solicitar la Credencial Nacional de Asociado en Desarrollo InfantilMR para Bebés/Toddlers (CDA), usted debe
 Un mínimo de 480 horas de experiencia de trabajo con niños entre el nacimiento y 36 meses en un grupo
 120 horas reloj de educación profesional con un énfasis en niños con edades entre el nacimiento y 36 meses
 Un Portafolio Profesional que refleje sus experiencias de desarrollo profesional
 La mayor cantidad de cuestionarios de las familias cuyos niños se encuentran bajo su cuidado
Una vez que su solicitud sea aprobada, Ud. programará su Visita de Verificación con el Especialista en Desarrollo
Profesional que incluye:
 Una observación directa de los niños en su programa
 Un Diálogo Reflexivo con el Especialista en DP
Entonces, para completar el proceso de evaluación de la certificación, usted programará su examen CDA en un
centro de exámenes de Pearson Vue en su área. Usted puede programar el examen CDA antes o después de la
Visita de Verificación.
Para aprender más acerca del nuevo proceso de certificación CDA así como la ubicación de los centros de
exámenes, visite el sitio electrónico del Concilio en www.cdacouncil.org/the-cda-credential o llame a nuestro
servicio de atención al cliente al 1-800-424-4310.
¡Dé hoy SU primer paso para obtener la credencial CDAMR como educador
infantil de Bebés y Toddlers!
Council for Professional Recognition
2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | www.cdacouncil.org