1.-Presente simple y progresivo

Simple Present
What do you do? ¿Qué haces? - What does he do? ¿Qué hace?
I, we, you, they
he, she, it
subject + 1
subject + 1 > s
I go
I don't go
Do I go ?
You go
You don't go
Do you go ?
He goes
He doesn't go
Does he go ?
She goes
She doesn't go
Does she go ?
It goes
It doesn't go
Does it go ?
We go
We don't go
Do we go ?
You go
You don't go
Do you go ?
They go
They don't go
Do they go ?
subject + 1 > "s" (he, she, it)
I go to New York - Voy a New York
He goes to New York - El va a New York
subject + don't / doesn't + 1
I don't go to New York - No voy a New York
He doesn't go to New York - El no va a New York
Do / Does + subject + 1 ?
Do I go to New York ? - ¿Voy a New York ?
Does he go to New York ? - ¿Va él a New York ?
usos del presente simple
Acciones habituales (estilos de vida, hábitos, rutina diaria).
Lucas gets up at 9:00 am. Lucas se levanta a las nueve.
Paul and I do a lot of things every day. Paul y yo hacemos muchas cosas a diario.
Hechos o verdades generales.
The sun sets in the west. El sol se pone por el oeste.
The Earth goes around the sun. La Tierra gira alrededor del sol.
Situaciones permanentes.
Maria lives in Buenos Aires. María vive en Buenos Aires.
It costs a lot of money to stay at the Hilton. Cuesta mucho dinero alojarse en el Hilton.
Primer Condicional.
If you heat butter, it melts. Si calientas manteca, ésta se derrite.
Contact me if you need any help. Ponte en contacto conmigo si necesitas ayuda.
expresiones usuales del presente simple
often - generally - usually - always - never
every day - every week - every month - every year - sometimes
Progressive Present
What are you doing? ¿Qué estás haciendo?
subject + am/is/are + 1 > "ing"
...ing (...ando, ...endo)
I am going
I am not going
Am I going ?
You are going
You are not going
Are you going ?
He is going
He is not going
Is he going ?
She is going
She is not going
Is she going ?
It is going
It is not going
Is it going ?
We are going
We are not going
Are we going ?
You are going
You are not going
Are you going ?
They are going
They are not going
Are they going ?
subject + am/is/are + 1 > "ing"
I am going to New York - Estoy yendo a New York
He is going to New York - El está yendo a New York
subject + am/is/are + not + 1 > "ing"
I am not going to New York - No estoy yendo a New York
He is not going to New York - El no está yendo a New York
Am/Is/Are + subject + 1 > "ing" ?
Am I going to New York ? - ¿Estoy yendo a New York ?
Is he going to New York ? - ¿Está él yendo a New York ?
usos del presente continuo
Acciones que ocurren en el momento de hablar.
Lucas is getting up now. Lucas se está levantando ahora.
My wife is having lunch now. Mi esposa está almorzando ahora.
Planes futuros que han sido confirmados.
The manager is meeting me tonight. El gerente se va a reunir conmigo esta noche.
They are arriving tomorrow morning. Van a llegar mañana por la mañana.
Acciones que tendrán lugar en un futuro próximo y sobre las que
se ha tomado una resolución firme.
I am going to visit their office in Caracas next week.
Voy a visitar su oficina de Caracas la próxima semana.
Acciones habituales con sentido negativo que llevan always.
Mike is always talking nonsense. Mike siempre está hablando estupideces.
He is always annoying his friends. Siempre está molestando a sus amigos.
verbos que no suelen utilizarse en presente continuo
know - like - want - love - hate - need
expresiones usuales del presente continuo
the next - at moment - now - in this week
on Sunday - this evening - tomorrow