P.1.1966 1. OFICINA INTERNACIONAL DEL TRABAJO COOPERACION TECNICA SE LA O.I.T. EN AMERICA LATINA 1960-1966 R EC£/VÊ"O 2 3 „ „ NOV 2005 .'nternattona/ Labour Offre* GINEBRA 66B09/213 , span cp.2 1966 51914 Affi-'i COOPERACIÓN TECNICA DE LA Q.I.T. La O.I.T., prácticamente desde la fecha misma de su fundación, viene desarrollando actividades de asistencia o cooperación técnica. En los primeros años se realizaron, sobre todo a través de la labor legislativa, estableciendo normas mínimas en materia de trabajo que, en muchos casos, sirvieron de fuente de inspiración a las legislaciones nacionales de los Estados Miembros. En el terreno práctico, esta labor era complementada por misiones periódicas que realizaban funcionarios de la nueva organización y que tenían fundamentalmente por objeto colaborar con las autoridades nacionales en el establecimiento de normas de ámbito nacional y en la creación de instituciones de seguridad social. El fin de la segunda guerra mundial marca una etapa que se caracteriza por el rápido florecimiento de la comunidad internacional. Surgen nuevos países y se profundiza acaso la división entre aquellos que han logrado un gran avance de industrialización y los que permanecen aún en la etapa de una economía de subsistencia. Esta división hace necesario buscar remedios enérgicos y surge entonces, como un reto a la humanidad entera, la teoría del desarrollo, que se esfuerza por alejar los espectros del hambre, la ignorancia y la enfermedad. El instrumento de que los organismos internacionales o regionales, entre ellos la O.I.T., se valen para colaborar en este esfuerzo común es precisamente la asistencia técnica. La O.I.T. la lleva a cabo, ya sea a través de sus propios recursos, con el programa regular, o a través de fondos comunes de la familia de las Naciones Unidas, con el Programa Ampliado de Asistencia Técnica y, a partir de 1959, con el Fondo Especial de las Naciones Unidas. Cabe aún agregar otro tipo de programa, conocido con el nombre de fondos en fideicomiso, en el que la O.I.T. presta su colaboración valiéndose de medios financieros puestos a su disposición por el propio país interesado. Asimismo, en los últimos años va aumentando el número de expertos asociados y voluntarios qjB diversos países ponen a disposición de la O.I.T. a fin de complementar la actividad que ésta realiza a través de los programas antes enumerados. Aunque es ya conocido el objetivo primordial de la asistencia técnica, conviene recordar que a través de ella se tiende a favorecer la independencia económica y política de las naciones en vías de desarrollo, asegurando a sus poblaciones niveles más elevados de vida. Conviene también subrayar que la colaboración técnica que ofrece la O.I.T. a los Estados Miembros no constituye un aporte financiero sino más bien un intercambio de experiencias, a través del cual - 2 - se pretende fundamentalmente formar cuadros a todos los niveles, teniendo para ello en cuenta los objetivos y metas de los planes de desarrollo socioeconómico de cada pais. Esta inquietud fundamental de la formación del hombre es la que determina las prioridades en los programas de la O.I.T. Tres son los campos principales que cabe distinguir en nuestra actividad: los recursos humanos, la promoción de instituciones sociales y las condiciones de vida y de trabajo. En el primero de ellos, destaca en forma especial la formación profesional, aspecto al que la O.I.T. ha dado particular importancia, que se refleja en la labor que viene realizando desde hace 15 años a través de instituciones que han visto la luz prácticamente en todo el ámbito latinoamericano, y que tienen su inspiración en el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Industrial del Brasil (S.E.N.A.I.). A fin de completar el esfuerzo que en esta materia se ha realizado al nivel nacional, la O.I.T. ha auspiciado asimismo la creación de un Centro Interamericano para la Investigacio'n y Documentación de la Formación Profesional (CINTERFOff). Paralelamente a la formación de la mano de obra especializada y de instructores, se viene también llevando a cabo un programa de formación y perfeccionamiento de personal de dirección, y es así como van surgiendo, ya sea en México, Centroamérica, Venezuela o Argentina, centros de productividad que tienden no solamente a obtener mejores y mayores rendimientos, sino que pretenden asimismo preparar en forma conveniente al elemento de dirección de las empresas, sobre todo industriales, familiarizándolo con métodos prácticos de producción, costos, estudio de mercados, relaciones profesionales, etc. Mas la labor de la O.I.T. en el campo de los recursos humanos no se detiene ahí. En efecto, se están asimismo promoviendo, a pedido de los gobiernos, proyectos vinculados a la planificación en materia de mano de obra, a la promoción del empleo, a la formación rural y comercial. Cabria en este punto destacar la labor que comienza ahora a desarrollar la O.I.T. a través del Centro Internacional de Perfeccionamiento Profesional y Técnico de Turin, la que permitirá completar la formación de personal latinoamericano mediante cursos acelerados de perfeccionamiento combinados con períodos de entrenamiento en el seno de importantes empresas industriales europeas. Dentro del campo de las instituciones sociales, cabe hacer resaltar la preocupación de la O.I.T. por fortalecer los servicios de administración e inspección del trabajo de los países latinoamericanos, haciéndolos participar en forma más directa en la elaboración de la política socioeconómica de cada uno de ellos. En esta materia, merece especial _> ,,» - 3 - mención el Centro Interamericano de Administración del Trabajo recién creado que, a través del esfuerzo conjunto del Pondo Especial de las Naciones Unidas, la Organización de Estados Americanos y la Oficina Internacional del Trabajo, se propone abordar el problema de la formación de funcio-' narios de Ministerios de Trabajo y de la investigación en el campo laboral. Otro renglón de actividad lo constituyen los programas de relaciones de trabajo y los de educación obrera. Finalmente, se e3tán también llevando a cabo proyectos de desarrollo rural y de la comunidad y de promoción cooperativa. El Programa Indigenista Andino constituye el ejemplo por excelencia entre los primeros. La integración de las poblaciones campesinas de gran número de países latinoamericanos es abordada conjuntamente, en sus aspectos de formación, sanitario, educacional o agrícola, por diversos organismos de la familia de las Naciones Unidas, a los que se ha sumado el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo otorgando préstamos a largo plazo que contribuirán a ampliar los programas de vivienda rural y de desarrollo de la comunidad en general. También en el campo cooperativo está a punto de cobrar forma una nueva experiencia que, auspiciada por la O.I.T. y por la Organización de Estados Americanos, pretende promover, en el plano regional, la formación de personas vinculadas al movimiento cooperativo a través del esfuerzo mancomunado de las ramas nacionales correspondientes. En materia de condiciones de vida y de trabajo, la labor que destaca en forma preeminente es aquella vinculada a la organización y administración de los servicios de seguridad social del continente americano. La asistencia proporcionada por la O.I.T. en este campo cubre prácticamente a todos los institutos creados en América latina. En menor escala, la O.I.T. presta también asistencia en materia de seguridad e higiene industrial y en la elaboración de estudios sobre salarios y otras condiciones de trabajo. Son estas múltiples actividades que se traducen sobre todo en el envío de expertos internacionales, en la concesión de becas de estudio y en el envío de equipo especializado las que se hallarán sucintamente reflejadas en los cuadros estadísticos que se acompañan. Ellos cubren las tareas de cooperación técnica emprendidas por la O.I.T. en el suelo americano desde I960. Se ha querido también dar una idea de los programas para el año en curso y aun el próximo; pero en el entendido de que los datos correspondientes a este bienio tienen tan sólo un valor indicativo. Un breve análisis de las cifras señaladas revela que se ha invertido algo más de diez millones de dólares en dicho período, lo que incluye 5.422 meses-experto, 1.520 meses-beca - 4 - y 670.000 dólares de equipo. Aproximadamente un 33 por ciento de este monto se ha concentrado en actividades relativas a la promoción y planificación de la mano de obra, muy especialmente a la formación profesional. Un porcentaje también considerable - alrededor del 20 por ciento ha sido dedicado a proyectos dentro del marco de la Acción Andina y un 15 por ciento a programas de asistencia en materia de condiciones de trabajo. Como ya se ha señalado en párrafos anteriores, existe más de un ejemplo en que la ayuda de la O.I.T. se realiza con la activa participación de otros organismos internacionales y regionales, y al respecto cabe añadir la colaboración que en materia de planificación de los recursos humanos, y especialmente de la mano de obra, ha prestado la O.I.T. a través de los grupos asesores tripartitos C.E.P.A.L./ B.I.D./O.E.A. En un plano más general, debe asimismo mencionarse la participación de la O.I.T. en la primera Conferencia Interamericana de Ministros del Trabajo celebrada en Bogotá en mayo de 1963 y en las reuniones realizadas hasta el momento de la VII Comisión (asuntos laborales) del Consejo ínteramericano Económico y Social, ambas convocadas por la Organización de Estados Americanos. Muchas de las resoluciones adoptadas en uno y otro caso encomiendan a nuestra Organización tareas específicas dentro del marco geográfico americano. La preocupación de la O.I.T. por los asuntos del continente se refleja también en las siete reuniones tenidas hasta ahora de la Conferencia Regional de los Estados de América Miembros de la O.I.T. y en la reciente creación de la Comisión Consultiva Interamericana, cuya primera reunión tuvo lugar en Buenos Aires en septiembre último. A través de este organismo, ee propone la O.I.T. lograr un mejor conocimiento de los problemas del continente y señalar en consecuencia los grandes lineamientos de la política que debe seguirse, habida cuenta de las necesidades de cada uno de los países de la comunidad interamericana. 15 noviembre 1965 jt . - 1 - Countryl LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL T l t l e : Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l r Training Analysis of Assistance Tsar, Prograaae and Project St parts Ho. Han-N. Fellowshlpa Ro. Han-M. Equipaient 03 1 Total Cost PS 1 1961 R.P. Manpower Expert (ECLA) 1 10 - - - 13,135 1962 R.P. Manpower Expert (ECLA) 1 12 - - - 22,263 1963 EPTA Vocational - 853 R.P. Manpower Expert (ECLA) Training 1 12 _ _ 1 12 - - 1 1 23 11 1 12 2 13 23 11 10,450 77,765 CINTERPOR 3 18 10 10 3,200 45,000 Training Advlser 1 6 9,600 Employment O b j e c t i v e s i n Economie Development ( L a t . American I n s t i t u t e , Santiago) 3 20 32,000 7 44 Manpower Assessment (Caribbean Région) 1 4 Manpower Assessment (ECLA) « 1 12 Total: 1964 EPTA R.P. Vocational Training (CINTERFOR) and Seminar i n Sao Paulo Manpower Expert (ECLA) Total: 1965 EPTA R.P. 17,547 - 10,450 18,400 52,028 25,737 10 10 3,200 - - - 86,600 9,000 18,000 Countpy: LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL TltleiManpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o o a t i o n a l Training inalyala of Aaalatanca Ex wrta Ho. Man-M. Taar, Prograaaa and Projaot 1965 R.P. R.P. Equipaient 03 • Total Coat PS • Emnloyment S e r v i c e T r a i n i n g C o u r s e (Lima) 3 3 10 10 Vocational Training (IDB M i s s i o n ) 1 1 - - - 2,000 Vocational Training in A g r i c u l t u r e (CINTERPOR) 1 12 - - - 18,000 Vocational Training Agriculture (Pield Studies) 1 6 - - - 10,000 8 38 10 10 - 81,000 15 82 20 20 3,200 167,600 CINTERPOR 3 18 10 10 3,200 45,000 Training Adviser 1 12 - - - 19,200 Employment O b j e c t i v e s i n Economie Development ( L a t . American I n s t i t u t e , Santiago) 3 20 . 7 50 10 10 3,200 96,200 Vocational T r a i n i n g in A g r i c u l t u r e (CINTERPOR) 1 12 _ «. _ 18,000 R u r a l Employment 1 6 - - - 10,000 Manpower A s s e s s m e n t (ECLA) 1 6 - - - 10,000 Manpower A s s e s s m e n t (Caribbean) 1 8 ~ ~ 12,000 24,000 in Total: 1966 EPTA Fellovahlpa Ho. Kan-M. " 32,000 Countryi LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Titloi Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o c a t i ô n a l Training ânalysls of insistance £x perte Man-M. Tear, Progranae and Projoot Ho. 1966 H.P. Kmployment S e r v i c e T r a i n i n p Course Total: Pollowahlpa Ho. Han-M. Equipaient 03 t Total Cost 03 t 10 30 24,000 74,000 5 38 10 30 12 88 20 40 3,200 170,200 Countryi LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Titlai Employment O b j e c t i v e s and S o c i a l of Economie Development Aspects Analysls of Assistance & >arta Tear, Prograam and Projaot Ho. 1962 EPTA R.P. 1963 EPTA Employment Employment Employment Han-M. Employment Bquipaeot DS t Total Coat US t 1 5 - - - 9,190 1 5 - - - 9,190 Objectives 1 1 - - - 1,922 Total: 2 6 - - - 11,112 Objectives 3 10 Objectives Manpower P l a n n i n g Seminar 1964 EPTA Fellovahipa Ho. Han-M. 94 16 24 Total: 3 10 16 24 Objectives 3 21 - - 29,719 8,909 94 38,628 6 34,388 I - 5 Countryi LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Titlei P r o d u c t i v i t y and Vocational Training Analysis of Assistance if Tear, Program and Projeot 1960 EPTA Vocational Vocational Man-M. - 25 - - 1 12 - - 3 23 A 35 12 2 13 Total: 3 Training Productivity Total: Fellowships >o. Kan-M. - i Training Productivity- 1961 EPTA fit »rta no. - - Equipaient tra t ) ) ) 1.214 1,214 ) ) Total Cost 03 t 33,894 33,894 918 63,893 918 63,893 - 6 Countryi LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Tltle: P r o d u c t i v i t y and Management Development •* Analysis of Assistance Tsar, Prograane and Project •Bc wrts Ho. Man-M. Fellovships Ho. Kan-H. Bqulpaent 03 S Total Cost OS t - 6,282 1960 R.P. Productivity in Building 1 4 1962 EPTA Productivity 3 29 T e c h n i c a l M e e t i n g on Problème of P r o d u c t i v i t y 3 2 15 7 6 31 15 7 3 16 - 1 11 4 27 - - 525 56,938 1 12 - - 1.100 34,449 1 12 2 24 - - 1,100 56,860 Productivity (C.Am. I n t é g r a t i o n Programme) 1 12 - - - 19,200 P r o d u c t i v i t y in the Building Industry 1 12 Total : 2 24 R.P. Total : 1963 EPTA Productivity R.P. Productivity in Building Total: 1964 EPTA Productivity R.P. Productivity in Building Total: 1965 EPTA R.P. - - 684 62,722 21,995 - 684 84,717 525 29,663 27,275 22,411 18,000 - - - 37,200 - 7 - Countryi Tltlei LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL P r o d u c t i v i t y and Management Development inalyala of Assistance Tsar, Progresse and Project 1966 EFTA lî.P. g» parts Ko. Ban-*. Fellowahlpe Ho. Han-M. Equipaient D3 t Total Cost V3 S Productivity (C. Am. I n t é g r a t i o n Programme) 12 19,200 P r o d u c t i v i t y in the Building Industry 12 18,000 Total: 24 37,200 - 8 Countryi LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Title: C o - o p e r a t i o n and Small S o a l e Industry Analysis of Assistance Tear, Prograaae and Projeot -Ex w r t s Ho. Han-M. Fellowahips Ho. Han-M. Equipaient 03 t Total Cost US t - 12,203 1960 EPTA Handicrafts (CREPAL) 1 12 - - 1961 EPTA Handicrafts (CREPAL) 1 12 - - 250 13,163 1962 EPTA HandicraftB (CREPAL) 1 12 - - 352 16,687 R.P. Handicrafts 1 1/2 1963 EPTA Handicrafts Total: 2 (CREPAL) 1 12 1 1 2 Small-Scale Industry - 12 1/2 17,317 352 - - 13 - - - 17,753 1 9 - - - 20,370 Total: 3 22 - - - 38,123 - - Co-operation R.P. 630 1964 EPTA Handicrafts (CREPAL) 2 24 R.P. Small-Scale Industry 1 3 C a r i b b e a n Seminar on Co-operation 1 2 21 21 2 5 21 21 4 29 21 21 Total : - ! ) 151 - 17,753 43,588 8,231 14,229 - 22,460 151 66,048 - 9 - Country: Tltlo: LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL C o - o p e r a t i o n and 3mal.l S c a l e Industry Analysis of Assistance Tear, Program and Project 1965 EPTA Fellowships Ho. Man-M. - - Equipaient 03 1 Total Cost - 19,200 03 t A d v i s e r on C o o p e r a t i v e s 1 12 A d v i s e r on Small S c a l e Industries 1 6 2 18 - - - 28,800 A d v i s e r on C o o p e r a t i v e s 1 12 - - - 19,200 A d v i s e r on Small S c a l e Industries 1 .12 2 24 Total: 1966 EPTA Sx wrts Ho. Han-«. Total: 9,600 19,200 - - - 38,400 - 10 - Countryi Titla: Social LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Security Analysls of Assistance Tsar, Prograan and Project •Experts Man-M. Ho. Fellowshipa Ho. Kan-M. Equipaent US t Total Cost 03 S 1965 R.P. 1966 R.P. Social Security Advisers 30 45,000 Social Security Advisera 36 54,000 - 11 Countryi ». Tltlai LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Labour Conditions and Administration Aaalyala of Assistance fit parts Ho. JUn-lt. Yaar, PrograaBa and Projaet 1960 R.P. 1961 R.P. Agricultural Conditions Labour 5 Spminar on W o r k e r s ' Education 4 2 14 4 Total: 5 7 14 4 1 12 Labour S t a t i s t i e s Seminar 1 1 Labour 1 1 1/2 Agricultural Conditions Labour Inspection 3 Agricultural Conditions Labour 1963 EPTA Labour R.P. 1 12 1 1/2 Statisties 1 3 1/2 Total: 3 Administration Labour C o s t Labour Cost 1/2 Total Coat PS t - 12,519 16.824 - 29,343 - 17,285 - 1,837 2.867 - - - 21,989 Labour Inspection Labour Cost 14 Bqulparant 03 t - 1 Total: 1962 R.P. Fallowahlpa Bo. Han-M. Statisties Statisties Vocational Training Agriculture - 21,508 - 639 - 9,397 16 - - 2 7 - - 1 10 3 17 1 12 1 10 - 31,544 - ! 48,191 259 ) - - 259 48,191 17,642 in 19 6 - 32,537 - 12 Countryl Titlei LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n - Analysis of Assistance Tear, Prograaaa and Projeet 1963 R.P. Survey of P l a n t a t i o n Workers 24 19 6 6 41 19 6 Labour A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 2 13 Labour S t a t i s t i c s 1 12 Total Cost 03 S Equipaient 03 S - 5,623 - 55,802 103,993 259 : ! 41,986 10,199 17 22 17 22 - 52,185 - - 18,627 3 25 1 12 1 12 ; 2 24 - - - 34,093 5 49 17 22 - 86,278 2 18 - - 1 12 3 30 - - - 49,000 Seminar i n Labour Administration 7 23 10 30 1,000 49,500 Labour Cost Survey 1 12 Labour Cost Statistics Plantation Total: Labour Statistics Labour Adviser R.P. - 3 Survey of Workers 1965 EPTA - 2 L a t i n American R é g i o n a l Course R.P. Fellowahlpa Ho. Man-M. 1 Total: 1964 EPTA Hz wrts Ro. Man-M. 15,466 ) ) ) 49,000 18,000 - 13 Country: Titlei LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Labour C o n d i t i o n s and Administrât ion ànaljsla of Aasiatance Tear, Prograne and Project 1965 R.P. Tenancy and Labour Conditions in Agriculture Total: 1966 EPTA Labour Statistics Labour A d v i s e r R.P. Labour A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Total: Sx >erta Ro. Ran-H. Fellovahlpa Ho. (an-A. Total Coat PS t Equipaient 03 S 1 12 . . 9 47 10 30 1,000 85,500 12 77 10 30 1,000 134,500 2 18 - - 1 12 3 30 - - - 49,000 1 12 - - - 13,000 4 42 - - - 67,000 18,000 ) ) ) 49,000 - 14 Countryi Tltlet LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Labour C o n d i t i o n s (Andean I n d i a n Programme) Analysis of Assistance Tear, Programme and Projeot 1960 EPTA R.P. Sx. w r t s Ho. Man-M. Fellowships Ho. lan-M. - - Equipaient 03 t ira t Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 2 24 Andean I n d i a n Co-operation 1 1 3 25 - - 759 56,763 - - 10,938 53,012 20 10 Total: 55,756 1,007 1961 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 R.P. Andean I n d i a n Seminar 4 4 Andean I n d i a n Co-operation 1 1 5 5 20 6 17 Total: 759 Total Cost 14,775 2,548 3,769 10 2,548 18,544 20 10 13,486 71,556 1962 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 2 16 - - 18,101 69,728 1963 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 4 27 - - 2,273 71,569 1964 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 3 36 - - 6,305 82,828 T r u s t Pund Belgium Assooiate Expert 1 11 4 47 Total: 9,095 - - 6,305 91,923 - 15 - Countryi LATIN AMKHICA RKGIONAL Titlei Labour C o n d i t i o n s (Andean I n d i a n Programme) inalysls of Assistance Tsar, Prograaae and Project 1965 Experts Ko. Han-M. Fellowahlpa Ho. Han-H. Equipaent D3 I Total Cost 93 • FiTA Andean I n d i a n Mission 24 2,700 51,100 1966 KITA Andean I n d i a n Mission 24 2,700 51,100 - 16 - Country: LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL Titlei I n t e r - A m e r i c a n C e n t r e f o r Labour A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , Lima Analysls of Assistance Tear, Prograaas and Project experts Han-M. Bo. Fellowahlpa Bo. Han-M. Equipaient 03 t Total Cost PS t SPECIAL PUND (PER-25) 1964 This project will be operational until September 1971 but no data can be given beyond 31 December 1964. 12,472 - 17 Countryi ANTIGUA Tltlai Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l T r a i n i n g ànaljrsls of Aaalatancs Tsar, Prograan and Projeet 1964 EPTA Hôtel C a t e r i n g 1965 EPTA Hôtel Catering experts Ho. Han-M. Fellowahipa Ho. Han-M. Equlpment 03 S Total Coot OS t 125 12 18,500 - 18 Countryi Titlai ARGENTINA Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o o a t i o n a l T r a i n i n g Analysis of Assistance Tear, Programe and Project 1960 EPTA 188 3 17,223 Rehabilitation 1 1 Total : 2 13 1 3 188 Vooational Training 1 6 1/2 2 7 964 ) Vooational Rehabilitation 1 2 2 8 1/2 2 7 1 10 - - 2,778 - 20,001 i 964 20,438 20,438 - 10,326 Total: 3 18 1/2 2 7 Vooational Training 1 4 2 12 Vooational Rehabilitation 2 16 3 20 2 12 1 12 - - 1 8 2 20 - - - 27,224 - - - - - 683 2 20 - - - 27,907 Total: 1963 EPTA Total Cost 03 S 12 Rehabilitation 1 Equipaient 03 f 1 Trust Pund V o o a t i o n a l 1962 EPTA Fellowshlpa Ho. Man-M. Training Vooational Trust Pund V o o a t i o n a l 1961 EPTA Ez >erts Ho. Man-M. Vooational Job Rehabilitation Sélection Trust Pund Total: 964 30,764 2,100 ) 35,718 ) 2,100 35,718 ) ) ) 27,224 * - 19 Countryi ARGENTINA T l t l e i Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l Training Analyaia of Aasiatance •Ex wrta Ro. Han-M. Tear, Programma and Project 1964 EPTA Vocational Rehabilitation 1 6 (Turin) 2 12 Rehabilitation 2 12 - Advanced T r a i n i n g Total: 1966 EPTA Training Adviser Vocational 36,458 6 Training Adviser 1 12 1 6 ) 13,010 - 36,458 i ) 21,600 i 1 6 4 24 - 21,600 1 3 - - " 1 13,000 Rehabilitation Total: Total Coat 03 S 13,010 ) 12 (Turin) Total: Vocational Equipaient US t 1 Advanced T r a i n i n g 1965 EPTA 1 Fellowahlpa Ho. Kan-K. 8,000 ) 1 3 - - 8,000 13,000 - 20 - Country: ARGENT IN A Title: P r o d u c t i v i t y and Management Development i n a l y s i s of Assistance Tear, Program* and Project exporta Man-M. Ho. 1960 EPTA Productivity Fellowahlpa Ho. Man-H. Equipaient US » Total Cost US S 17,162 - 21 Countryi Titlat ARGENTINA Labour Conditions and Administration Analysla of Assistance & porta ï e a r , Prograno and Project io. 1960 EPTA Labour Statistlcs Han-M. Fellowshlpa Ko. Han-H. - 4 1 Equipaent U3 1 Total Coat U3 t ) ) ) 7,294 1 1 ; 2 5 - - - 7,294 - - - - - 595 2 5 - - - 7,889 Labour C o n d i t i o n s i n Agriculture 2 1 1/2 - - - 5,098 Labour C o n d i t i o n s i n Agriculture 2 4 - - - 7,581 1963 EPTA Colonization - - - - 630 1964 EPTA Colonization 1 5 - - - 8,224 1965 EPTA Labour 1 12 - - 1 5 2 17 Labour A d v i s e r R.P. Women and Young Workers ( C a r r y - o v e r 1959) Total: 1961 EPTA 1962 EPTA Administration Colonization Total: - ) - î - - - 27,200 27,200 - 22 - Countryi Titlai ARGENTINA Labour Conditions (Andean Indian Programme) Analysis of Assistance Ta«r, Prograna and Projaot 1961 EPTA Ex parts Mo. Han-H. Fellovshlpa Bo. Han-M. Equipaient DS t t o t a l Cost PS t Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 1 - - - 3,300 Andean I n d i a n Survey on Indigenous Populations 1 1 - - - 1,318 1963 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 10 - - 54 16,390 1964 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 - - 11,875 35,811 1965 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 1 2,000 25,200 1966 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 - - 19,200 1962 EPTA 6 - - 23 - Country! ARGENTINA Ti ti« i Expansion of F a c i l i t i e s f o r Management Development and T r a i n i n g of S p e c i a l i s t , S u p e r v i s o r y and S k i l l e d Personnel Analysis of Assistance •Eiperts Tear, Program« and Projeot Bo. Han-H. Fellowship» Ho. |Man-M. Equipaient US t Total Cost US t SPECIAL FUND (ARG-3) 1960 1 2 5,374 1961 5 36 55,219 1962 10 74 18 1963 14 121 l/< 12 9,980 233,722 1964 14 106 1/2 15 8,336 192,218 This project will be operational until December 1966 but no data can be given beyond 31 December 1964 128,365 - 24 - Countryi Titloi BARBADOS Manpower Organisation including Vocational Training Analysls of Assistance Tear, Prograaao and Project .Experts Ko. Man-M. 1 g|^ 1 Training within Industry Bqulpaent 03 • Total Cost US * 6 1 6 24 12,407 i-i E?T"£ T r a i n i n g w i t h i n I n d u s t r y Fellowshlpa Ho. Kan-M. - - 518 1,751 - 25 Countrji Titla» BARBADOS Social Security ànalysis of Assistance fit wrta Tear, Prograaaa and Frojaet Ho. Han-M. Fallovshlpa Ho. Han-M. Equipaient 03 t Total Coat PS t Security 1 2 - - - 3,01a Security 1 4 1/2 - - - 5,194 EPTA Social Security 1 1 - - - 2,944 1965 EPTA Social Security Administration 1 9 - - - 13,200 i960 Social Security Administration 1 3 - - - 3,600 EPTA EPTA EPTA S o c i a l S o c i a l - 26 Country» Tltlei BARBADOS Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Analysls of Assistance Tsar, Prograna and Project St perte Man-M. ICo. Fellowahlps Ho. INan-M. 1 1/2 Equipaient US S [ Total Cost VS S 792 R?P\ Workers' E d u c a t i o n ^96^ Labour Statistics 6,817 1965 EPTA Labour Statistics 9,600 - 27 - Country« TI t i « : BOLIVIA Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n including Vocational Analysis of Assistane« atprt» >o. Man-M. Tear, Program and Projaet 19&4 KPTA Advanced Trainin" (Turin) 1935 hi-TA Advanced T r a i n i n e I960 LPTA R.P. Advanced T r a i n i n g ( T u r i n ) ¡lanro'.vrr P l a n n i n g 18 ( Turin)! Total : fellowship« Mo. IHan-M. 12 12 Equlpasnt OS t Training - 28 - Countryi BOLIVIA Titlai Employment Objectives and Social Aspects of Economie Development Analysis of Assistance Tsar, Prograaaa and Projaot P p •Experts Ho. Han-H. Fellowahlpa Ho. Man-M. Equipaient ÏÏ3 t Total Coat PS t Employment Objectives 5,386 Employment Objectives 11,579 1964 R>p< - 29 Cemntryi BOLIVIA fitWt Social Security Analyste of Assistance SK Taar, Prograam and Projoet •0. £960 jerts Han-M. Fellowshlps Ho. Man-H. Equipaient US t Total Cost PS < s o c i a i Security 1 1 - - - 1,951 1961 EPTA Social Security R.P. S o c i a l Security - - 3 2 21 - 12 4,064 3,899 Total: - - 5 33 - 7,963 6 - 2,295 g! 6 ^ S o c i a l Security - - 1 1963 EPTA Soclal 2 H - - - 24,340 2 1 24 3 - - - 27,586 12,149 3 27 - - - 39,735 1 1 12 12 - - - 2 24 - - - 38,400 1 1 12 12 - - : ]38,400 2 24 - - - 38,400 Security 1964 EPTA Social Security R.P. S o c i a l Security Total: ™S? r,rlA S o c i a l Security Adviser Médical Care Services Total: 1966 EPTA S o c i a l Security Adviser Total: \38,400 - 30 - Countryi Title: BOLIVIA Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Analyais of Assistance Tear, Prograu» and Project £961 exporta Ho. Han-H. Fellovshlpa Ho. Han-M. Equipaient US S Total Cost US * Workers' E d u c a t i o n 1 2 - - - 4,466 Workers' Education 1 1 - - - 1,632 - 31 Countryi BOLIVIA Titlst Labour Conditions (Andean Indian Programme) inalysis of Assistance Tsar, Prograaa* «nd Projeot Ex » r t s Han-M. Ho. EPTA Andean EPTA Ar Fellowshlpa Ho. Han-M. Bquipaent U3 t Total Cost 03 t Indian Mission 7 55 1 6 >dean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 4 46 - - 39,619 114,595 E pm, Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 4 38 - - 26,992 94,452 i™^ Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 5 31 - - 1,866 57,931 gpSj Andean Indian M i s s i o n 4 20 - - 36,417 82,803 i2^ Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 4 48 - - 2,000 79,000 EPTA Anciean 2 24 - - - 38,000 Indian Mission 4,512. 82,280 - 32 - Countryl BRAZIL T l t l s i Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n o l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l T r a i n i n g •* ànalysis of Assistance Sx parts Bo. Han-H. Tsar, Prograam and Project 1960 EPTA 1961 EPTA 1962 EPTA Vocational (3ENAI) Training Vocational (SENAI) Training Vocational (SENAI) Training 15 - - - 17,327 1 12 - - - 12,929 1 11 Total: 1 11 Vocational Training 1 2 (Turin) Total: 1966 R.P. Vocational Total Cost US t 3,518 ) 22,364 Advanced T r a i n i n g 1965 EPTA Equipaient US S 3 Supervisory Training 1964 EPTA Fellovshlps Ho. Han-H. Rehabilitation Training in Agriculture (Pindorama) 2 6 2 6 22 117 ) 3,518 22,364 ) ) ) 55,270 1 2 22 117 - 55,270 1 6 - - - 9,600 1 12 - - 3,000 21,000 - 33 - Country: Titlai BRAZIL P r o d u o t i v i t y and Management Development Analyste of Assistance Tsar, Prograaaa and Project 1965 EPTA Fellowshlpa Ho. Han-M. - Equipaient US t - Total Coat US t Management Development 3 15 State Enterprises 1 12 4 27 - - - 44,000 1 6 - - - 9,600 Total: 1966 EPTA Xx wrta Ho. Han-M. State Enterprises ) ) ) 44,000 - 34 - Country» Tltlei BRAZIL C o - o p e r a t i o n and S m a l l - S c a l e Industry inaljsls of Assistance Tsar, Programa and Project &parts Bo. Man-H. Fellowahlpa Ko. Han-M. Equipaient D3 t Total Cost PS t 1960 EPTA Handicrafts 3,247 1961 EPTA Handicrafts 7,539 1966 R.P. Rural Co-operation ( Pindorama) 12 3,000 21,000 - 35 Countryi Tltlei BRAZIL Labour C o n d i t i o n s and Administration Analysla of Assistance Tear, Progresse and Project 1962 EPTA R.P. 1963 EPTA 1964 EPTA Industrial Safety Experts Ho. Han-M. 1 Fellowshlps Ho. Han-M. Equipaient 03 S Total Cost PS t - 10 16,010 Training 1 1 ; Total : 2 11 - - - 18,973 C l é r i c a l Manpower Development 1 8 - - - 13,704 C l é r i c a l Manpower Development 1 4 - - Hôtel 1 11 2 15 Commercial Administration Total: — - - - 2,963 ) ! 24,858 24,858 - 36 Country« BRITISH GUIANA Title i Co-operation and Small-Scale Industry Analysis of Assistance Tear, Program« and Project 1963 EPTA 1965 EPTA 1966 EPTA . Ex wrts do. Han-B. Fellowships Ho. Han-H. Equipment US S Total Cost US » Co-oporation 1 2 - - - 3,600 Handicrafts and Cottage Industries 1 3 - - - 4,800 Co-operation 1 6 - - - 9,600 - 37 - Countryi Titlei BRITISH GUIANA Social Security Analjrala of Assistance fit wrts Han-M. Year, Prograsm* an* Projoet Ho. 1962 EPTA Social Security 1 1963 EPTA Social Security 1 Social Security Administration 1 1966 EPTA Followahlps Ho. Han-M. Equipent ÏÏ3 t Total Cost PS S - - - 5,727 1 - - - 2,366 12 - - — 2 1/2 19,200 • - 38 - Countryt Titlei BRITISH GUIANA Labour C o n d i t i o n s and Administration i n a l y s i s of Assistance Tear, Prograaaa and Projeot Exporta Wo. Han-H. 1963 R.P. Workers ' E d u c a t i o n Fellonshipa Ko. Man-M. Equlpaent US t Total Cost US f 2,482 - 39 - Country» BRITISH HONDURAS Titlei Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n o l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l Training Analyste of Assistance Tear, Prograaaa and Project 1962 EPTA Vocational 1963 EPTA 1964 EPTA 1965 EPTA tx lerta Ho. Man-M. Pellowahips Ho. Man-«. Equipaient 03 t Total Cost ira s 1 1 - - - 455 Employaient S e r v i c e 1 2 - - - 3,070 Manpower Assessment 1 11 - Vocational Training 1 10 : : I Total: 2 21 - - 1 3 Training Training Advlser - - Manpower Assessment 2 15 : Total: 3 18 - - 30,534 ) ) ) - 30,534 28,800 28,800 - 40 - Countryi BRITISH HONDURAS Titlei Co-operation and Small-Scale Industry Analysla of Assistance Tear, Prograaa» «nd Projaot Ex Mrta Ho. Man-M. 1961 EPTA Co-operation 1 1962 EPTA Co-operation 1 1964 EPTA Co-operation 1 Fellowahlps Ho. Man-H. Equipaent 03 S Total Coat PS t - - - 7,420 12 - - - 13,784 12 - - - 9,455 5 1/2 - 41 Countryl BRITISH HONDURAS Titlet Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n analjrsls of Assistance ï e a r , Prograna and Projaet Jiparte Ho. Han-H. 1963 EPTA Labour A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Fellowahlps Ho. Han-H. Equipaient 03 t Total Coat US * 578 - 42 - Countryi Tltla: CHILK Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l T r a i n i n g i Analysla of Aaslatanca Salarta Tear, Progran* and Projeet Ro. Man-M. Fellowahips Ho. Kan-H. Equipaient 03 t Total Cost US t i960 KPTA Vocational Training 9 82 - - 3,143 108,042 1961 KPTA Vocational Training 12 113 - - 144,714 300,591 1962 EPTA Vocational Training 12 85 1/2 - - 83,683 180,300 1963 FPTA Vocational Training 5 17 - - 1964 EPTA Vocational Training 3 31 - 35,362 25,557 ) 71,775 Advanced T r a i n i n g 1965 EPTA Vocational (Turin) Total: 3 31 Training 2 8 6 36 6 36 Vocational Training (CINTKRPOR) 3 3 Vocational 1 6 Vocational Guidance Rehabilitation Manpower P l a n n i n g Advanced T r a i n i n g 1 4 1 6 (Turin) A 18 ) 25,557 ) ) ) ) ) - 2 12 6 21 71,775 - 30,600 ! ) ) ) ) ) 30,600 . - 43 Countryl CHILE Titlei Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l T r a i n i n g Analyste of Assistance Hz 9*rta Ho. Han-R. Tear, Prograna and Project 1965 R.P. Vocational Rehabilitation Vocational Training i n Agriculture Total: 1966 KPTA R.P. Vocational 1 12 2 18 - 6 36 (Turin) Réhabilitation Vocational Training i n Agriculture Total: Equipaient trs t Total Cost PS t - 8,000 5,000 23,000 - 5,000 31,000 6 21 5,000 61,600 3 3 6 i Advanced T r a i n i n g 6 M Manpower Planning - 1 l Vocational Training (CINTERPOR) Fellowahlpa Ho. Man-B. " î 16,600 2 12 : ! 5 15 - 16,600 - - 18,000 1 6 1 12 1 9 2 21 - - - 32,000 3 27 5 15 - 48,600 — 14,000 - 44 - Countryl Titlst CHILE P r o d u c t i v i t y and Management Development Analrsls of Assistance Tear, Program* and Projeet •Expert» Han-H. Ho. Fellowahlpa Ho. Han-H. Equipaent US t Total Cost PS t 1964 EPTA Productivity 12 17,829 1965 EPTA Productivity 12 19,200 1966 EPTA Productivity 9,600 - 45 Country" CHILE TItl«i Co-operation and Small-Scale Industry analysis of Assistance At wrta Tear, Prograan and Projaet Bo. 1964 EPTA 1 Co-operation Man-M. 6 Handicrafts Total: 1965 EPTA Small S c a l e Industries Co-operation Total: 1966 EPTA Small S c a l e Industries Fellowships So. Han-H. Bqulfaent Total Coat 03 t tra t 2 8 5 26 - 7 34 - ) Ì 27,125 1 6 1 6 1 3 1 6 ': 2 9 1 6 - 19,200 1 6 - - - 9,600 27,125 19,200 ! - 46 Countryi CHILB Tltlai Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Analysla of Assistance fit parts •o. 1961 R.P. Workers' E d u c a t i o n - 1962 R.P. Training in Agriculture 1 1963 R.P. Training in Agriculture 2 1964 EPTA Labour L é g i s l a t i o n 1 R.P. Workers' Education 1965 EPTA Labour Statistics Labour A d v i s e r 1966 EPTA Labour A d v i s e r - 1,976 4 1/2 - - - 6,257 5 1/2 - - 1,479 - - - 1 3 1 1 12 1 12 1 2 13 1 1 6 1 12 15,089 1,889 2,111 4,500 11,901 3 4,500 14,012 3 4,500 15,901 : i - s 34,800 > 2 18 1 6 Labour Problème ( I n s t i t u t e , Geneva) Total: Total Coat PS • 3 Labour Problems ( I n s t i t u t e , Seneva) Total: Equipaient D3 S 1 - 1 Total: Fsllowshlps »o. Man-M. 1 Training in Agriculture Man-M. 1 6 2 00 Tsar, PrograaB* and Projsot 2 8 2 8 2 8 - 34,800 ; | 15,600 - 15,600 - 47 Countryi Titlai CHILE Labour C o n d i t i o n s (Andean I n d i a n Programme) ànaljrsis of Assistance * t parts Tear, Prograa» «ad Projaot So. Han-M. fallovahlps Ho. nan-M. Bqalpaeot DS t Total Cost PS < 1962 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 8 1/2 -' - 7,548 22,002 1963 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 1 1 - 17,233 1964 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 - - 11,784 29,302 1965 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 - - 2,000 21,200 1966 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 6 - - - 9,600 - 48 Country i Title i CHILE I n s t r u c t o r and Foreman T r a i n i n g C e n t r e , Santiago Analysis of Assistance Tsar, Progress» and Project .Experts Bo. Ben-«. Fellowships Ifo. |Han-H. Squlpaent 03 t Total Cost PS t SPECIAL FUND (CHI-10) 1962 28 34,984 1963 88 106,125 1964 75 This project will be operational until June 1967 but no data can be given beyond 31 December 1964. 27 128,700 248,866 - 49 Countryl COLOMBIA Tltla: Manpower Organisation including Vocational Tralning Analysls of Aaslatanoe Tear, Frograam and Projaot & parts Ho. Haa-H. Fallovahlpa Bo. Kan-M, Equipaient 03 1 Total Cost PS S 1960 EPTA Vocational Training 7 57 1 6 - 61,350 1961 EPTA Vocational Training 1 4 2 2 - 7,670 1962 EPTA Vocational Training 1 10 2 8 - 18,936 1963 EPTA Vocational 1 6 - - - 12,421 1964 EPTA Advanced T r a i n i n g (Turin) - - 4 24 - 10,000 1965 EPTA Employaient O b j e c t i v e s 1 6 - 9,600 Training Advanced T r a i n i n g (Turin) Total: 1966 EPTA Advanced T r a i n i n g ( T u r i n ) 2 12 5,000 1 6 2 12 - 14,600 - - 2 12 - 5,000 . - 50 - Country: Titlai COLOMBIA Employaient O b j e c t i v e s and S o c i a l A s p e c t s of Economie Development i n a l y s l s of Assistance Tear, Prograna and Projaet •Exporta Ho. 1964 EPTA Manpower A s s e s s m e n t Kan-M. Fellowahlpa Bo. Man-M. Eqaljpaent 03 t Total Cost 03 S 13,233 - 51 Cotratryi ïltlai COLOHBIA Produotivity and Management Development Analyste of Assistance Tsar, Prograaaa and Projaet Hz jarts Huj-H. •o. Fallovshlpa Bo. Han-M. Equipant 03 • Total Coot DS t 1962 EPTA Produotivity 1 9 - - - 15,232 1963 EPTA Produotivity 1 12 - - - 18,323 1964 EPTA Produotivity 2 21 1 1 1965 EPTA Produotivity 2 24 - - - 38,400 1966 EPTA Produotivity 1 12 - - - 19,200 76 38,776 - 52 Countryi Titlei COLOMBIA Social Seourity Analysls of Assistance Tsar, Progressa and Projeot .Experts >o. Man-N. Ftllouahlps Ho. Han<-M. 1960 R.P. Social Security 1961 EPTA Social 1962 EPTA Actuarial Studies Security 12 12 Equipaient US t - 53 Countryi Tltla: COLOMBIA Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n inalysis of Assistance Tear, PrograaM and Projaet 1960 R.P. Labour L é g i s l a t i o n Xz a r t s Han-H. •o. 1 2 Workers' E d u c a t i o n R.P. 1963 R.P. 1 1 Equipaient 03 t t o t a l Coat PS t - 1,868 659 1 2 1 1 - 2,527 Wage P o l i o y 1 6 - - - 11,059 A g r i c u l t u r a l and Commercial T r a i n i n g 2 10 Total: 3 16 - - - 24,617 1 3 - - - 7,627 Total: 1962 BPTA Fallovahipa •o. Han-H. Workers' E d u c a t i o n 13,558 A g r i c u l t u r a l and Commercial T r a i n i n g Total: 1964 R.P. Workers' Education 500 1 3 - - - 8,127 1 5 - - - 6,515 - 54 Countryl Titlai COLOMBIA Labour C o n d i t i o n s (Andean I n d i a n Programme) Analyala of Aaalatance Yaar, Prograam and Projaet fit parts Haa-M. •o. Fallovahlpe >o. Han-*. Bqaljaent 03 t Total Coat PS S 1960 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 2 2 - - - 1961 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 - - 7,443 22,284 1962 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 - - 44 17,685 1963 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 - - - 18,093 1964 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 - - 4,020 26,869 1965 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 2,000 21,200 ; 1 6 2 18 - - 2,000 30,800 Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 1 12 - - - 19,200 Guajira Project 1 6 2 18 Guajira Project Total: 1966 EPTA 12 7,133 Total: 9,600 9,600 - - - 28,800 - 55 Countryi COLOMBIA Tltl*: N a t i o n a l I n s t r u c t o r T r a i n i n g Centre Anolysls of Assistance Tear, Prograam «ad Projaot Xcparta •o. Han-U. Fallowahlp» lo. Han-W. Bqulpaent D3 t Total Cost 03 t SPECIAL PUND (COL-1) 21,797 1960 5 18 1961 10 96 106,567 205,486 1962 9 88 25,692 132,632 1963 6 39 14,781 81,517 1964 5 44 772 64,784 P r o j e c t completed 31.12.1964 - 56 - Country I Titles COLOMBIA National Vocational Training Service Analysis of Assistance Tsar, Program and Projaot .Exparts lo. Man-M. rallowahipa Mo. iMan-H. Equipaient DS t Total Coat US t SPECIAL FUND (COL-ll) 1963 4 1964 29 This project will be operational until February 1968 but no data can be giren beyond 31 December 1964 15,489 22,130 74,676 - 57 - Countryi COSTA RICA » Titlei Manpower Organisation including Vocational Training Analyste of Assistance Tsar, Prograaae and Frojeet i x parts No. •an-*. Fellowahlpa Ho. Han-M. Total Coet 93 t Equipaient 03 t 1960 EPTA Employment S e r v i c e s 1 3 - - - 7,000 1961 EPTA Employment S e r v i c e s 1 8 - - - 9,546 1962 EPTA Employment S e r v i c e s 1 1 1 6 - 4,895 1963 EPTA Vocational 1 1 - - - 2,184 1964 EPTA Manpower Planning 1 9 - - - 10,457 Vocational Training Adviser 1 12 Planning of Vocational Training 2 6 - - Manpower P l a n n i n g 1 6 4 24 - - 1965 EPTA Rehabilitation Total: 38,400 ) - 38,400 - 58 Countryl COSTA RICA Titlai Produotivity and Management Development Aaalrsls of Assistance A i parts Teax, Prograam and Frojaet Bo. Man-M. Fallowshlpa Bo. Man-M. Equipaient US t Total Coat PS t 1963 EPTA Produotivity 1 10 - - 1964 EPTA Produotivity 1 12 6 16 1965 EPTA Produotivity 1 12 - - - 19,200 1966 EPTA Produotivity 1 6 - - - 9,600 13,518 311 25,911 - 59 Countryi COSTA RICA Titlei Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ànalysis of Aaaiatance Tear, Prograaaa and Project 1960 EPTA Labour Management Relations 1964 EPTA Rural Settlement 1965 EPTA Colonization -Bcperta Ho. Man-H. Fellowahlpa Ho. Kan-H. Equipaient D3 t - 60 Countryi Tltle: CUBA Social Security Analysls of Assistance Sx parts Ro. Han-M. Tear, Prograam and Projeet 1960 EPTA Social Security Administration 1 10 Actuary 1 8 2 Total: 1961 EPTA S o c i a l Security Administration • Fallovahlps Ro. Han-M. Bquljaant US t Total Cost fis t - - 18 - - - 23,690 1 12 - - - 16,362 ) ) ) 23,690 1962 EPTA Social Security 4 4 - - - 9,670 1963 EPTA Social Security 3 11 - - - 13,729 - 61 Countryi Tltlai DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l Training inalysis of Assistance Tear, Progrunra and Project 1963 EPTA Vocational 1965 EPTA Vocational Training Exporta Mo. Han-M. Fallowahlpa Ho. Han-M. Equipaient 03 t Total Coat 03 S 4,680 Training 12 19,200 - 62 Countryj Tltlot DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Labour Conditions and Administration inalysis of Assistance Tear, Progrum and Projaet 1962 EPTA fie parts Ho. Han-R. Fallowahlpa Ho. Han-H. BquljMrat 03 f Total Coat US t Labour Conditions 1 1 1/2 - - - 3,665 Labour L é g i s l a t i o n and Administration 2 8 - - - 22,170 1964 EPTA Labour Administration 1 10 - - - 14,213 1965 EPTA Labour S t a t i s t i c s 1 6 1963 EPTA Labour Administration Total: 1966 EPTA Labour S t a t i s t i c s - 28,800 1 12 : 2 18 - - - 28,800 1 6 - - - 9,600 ) - 63 Country: ECUADOR Tltlai Manpower Organisation including Vocational Training inaljrais of Assistance Tear, Progran* and Projaot Sx wrta no. Han-M. Fellowshlps Ho. Kan-H. Equlpaent 03 t Total Cost PS t EPTA Vocational Training 1 12 - - - 11,845 EPTA Vocational Training 1 10 - - - 9,167 1963 EPTA Manpower Assessment and Planning 1 7 - - 96 1964 EPTA Manpower Assessment and Planning Advanced T r a i n i n g ( T u r i n ) 1 5 Total: PPT4 Vocational Training Vocational Training (CINTERFOR) Total: i2Èf arili Vocational Training Advanced T r a i n i n g (Turin) Vocational Training (CINTERFOR) Total: 21,164 6 36 - 1 6 - 2 2 - 3 8 - - 1 1 6 6 - 2 2 4 14 - - - - ) ) 21,164 36 5 - - 6 1 - 18,553 ) ) 4,900 4,900 ) ) 7,200 ) - 7,200 - 64 Country i ECUADOR Title i Co-operation and Small-Scale Industry Analysis of Assistance & arta Han-H. Tear, Program and Project »0. Fellowships So. Kan-M. Equipment 03 S t o t a l Cost tra t |^2 Handicrafts - - - - - 80S EpTA Handicrafts 1 i-i - - - 2,695 EPTA Handicrafts 1 12 - - - 15,494 %j$l Handicrafts 1 12 - - - 15,057 ¿j^ Handicrafts 1 12 - - - 16,480 1962 EpTA Small-Scale Industries 1 12 - - - 19,200 E pp A Small-Scale Industries 1 9 - - - 14,400 - 65 Countryi ECUADOR Titlei Labour Conditions and Administration ànalysls of Assistance Ex terta Ho. Han-M. Yaar, Frograna and Project Tellowships Ho. Han-H. RPTA A g r i c u l t u r a l Labour arlA Conditions 1 12 - - PPT4 A g r i c u l t u r a l Labour * Conditions R . P . Land S e t t l e m e n t Workers' E d u c a t i o n 1 6 - - 1 2 firl R^p 3 £965 3,720 16,708 11,755 - 2,169 l,3if5 - 3.5H •-I 1 n - Total Cost V3 t 2 1 2 1 2 2 â 1 2 Land S e t t l e m e n t 1 12 - - - 13,030 Rural Development 1 9 1/2 - - - 15,767 Land S e t t l e m e n t Labour L é g i s l a t i o n 1 â 1 3 12,000 1,000 1 3 - 13,000 Total: D Bquipaent U3 t Total: 1 8 3,720 15,269 - 66 Countryi ECUADOR Title: Labour Conditions (Andean Indian Programme) Inalyaia of Assistance Fellowshipa ffo. <an-H. Bqnipaent 03 t Total Coat ira t Taar, Programa and Projeet Bx >arta Ho. Haa-M. gp™. Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 3 36 1 1 2,631 43,8^3 EPTA andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 3 36 - - 3,995 47,030 1962 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 3 36 - - 15,092 68,258 gpij,^ Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 2 13 - - EPTA Andean Indian Mission 1 12 1 12 15,073 37,986 EPTA Andean Indian M i s s i o n 2 24 - - - 40,400 E pp A Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 2 20 - - - 2,000 25,282 32,000 - 67 Country I Ti t i » ! EL SALVADOR Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l Training analysis of assistance Tear, Progran* and Project ¿DT» fclUA ppTA .Experta Bo. Han-M. Vocational Training in the Building Trades 16 Vocational Training i n the Building Trades 20 Folloirahlpa Bo. |Han-H. Equipment US I 20,000 Total Coat 03 » 52,000 28,000 - 68 Countryi EL SALVADOR Tltlet P r o d u c t i v i t y and Management Development Analysis of Assistance Tear, Prograna and Project Ex •erts Ho. Han-M. Fellowshipa Ho. Han-M. Bquipaent D3 t Total Coat US t EPTA Productivity 1 8 - - - 9,836 EPTA Productivity 1 12 - - - 14,060 1962 _ . k 4 „ EPTA P r o d u c t i v i t y i-H 12 - - - 16,086 EPTA Productivity 2 12 - - - 18,220 |96£ Productivity 1 12 u k - 24,120 1965 Management Development EPTA 1 12 - - - 19,200 EPTA Management Development 1 6 - - - 9,600 - 69 Conntry» EL SALVADCB Tltl»« S o c i a l S e c œ r i t y I n a l j s l s e f Issistanc» T«ar, 9BA F i o j t c t •EfeptTts te. BPTA S o c i a l S e c u r i t y Actoary Actoary 1966 EPTi A ct««T Ru*-R. Wîmnftlp» te. StprtsBnrt ose CttalLCtat os» i,:6aD) «JVétQGI - 70 - Countryi EL SALVADOR Title: Labour Conditions and Administration Analyste of Assistance Sx Mrta Ho. Man-M. Tear, Prograaaa and Project J2éJ Industriel Safety (Preparatory Mission) EPTA I n d u s t r i a l Safety R.P. Labour Législation Total: Fellovahlpa Ho. Man-M. Bqulpaent H3 S Total Coat US S 1 8 days - - - 178 1 1 1/2 - - - 2,853 1 1 2 2 1/2 1,412 - - - 4,265 - mOnmtoirc QSMWIUSIilL C t t l c c Manpower- (Dïrgfaiàis-alfciioni i;rnffi1inriliirrg; WocattionaiE. l i r a i n i i n g ; Snaû^aisi oiT fsoJJstBitcn - •^DEOBSTuE TMEY W I I U J I — and: PfcuJ«t Btr., Rmn-KL, Sugeirwflssgy TarattoEng - rap™ SXipejnriiaoïry TîrainiLHç, L ï§|& Ifcllcnwftip»; llir., han-H., WinTiiMiiti DSC 10) " T&taX CaaH; | DSts | ifiç - H6„33© - 1 J2Q)r,8ai3! ami™ Superwfwsry "Qralndiug; 1 12 " JJ_JJ^ StepeffciaoKy TUrstadinK 1 12 - - - nswtâa H?P ToeaUEtanal. HS&sftEMtŒtfcik* 1 S - - - ttïnaoc» Wnea&lao&E H 4 - - - fi-Kaao) 1 1966 œ>Pai ffi«ftafcl01ittattfiK j 1 -12 - Country» GUATEMALA Titlai Productivity and Management Development Analysls of Assistance Tear, Prograam and Projaot Fallovships Ho. <an-H. Equipaient 03 t Total Cost ira $ 2 2 - 13,819 K e m e n , t Development 1 12 - - - 19,200 EPTA Management Development 1 6 - - - 9,600 EPTA Mana 1-1 1964 Management Development EPTA fit wrts Ho. Han-H. 3 - 73 - Country» GUATEMALA Titlsi Labour Conditions and Administration Analysla of Assistance Tsar, Programme and Projaot EPTA Industrial Safety International Labour Standards Total: JSx wrta Bo. Man-M. 1 Fellowshlps Ho. Kan-M. 6 1 2 - 10,016 12 - - - 15,333 - - - 1,099 - ) 1 21,527 - 21,527 I 1 1/2 EPTA Industriel Safety Labour Administration Colonisation 1 1 1 4 V? 3 9 1/2 - - 1 1 4 12 - - 2 16 - - r-lr-li-l 2 EPTA 12 6 6 - 3 24 - Industriel Safety Land Sèttlement Total: „p . l l r lTA Land Sèttlement Labour Administration Minimum Wages Total: ) 1 10,016 1 1 Jar L ? - 6 Industriel Safety Total: Total Cost ira t 1 jjjj^ n d u s t r i a l Safety Bquljaent 03 t 3 2 - \ 25,600 - 2,000 ) )40,400 2,000 40,400 - 25,600 - 74 - Countryi HAÏTI Titlei Manpower Organisation i n c l u d i n g Vooational Training Analysls of Assistance Tear, Progran* and Projeot 1964 EPTA Advanced Training (Turin) Experts Ho. Man-H. Fellowahipa Ho. Man-H. 24 Equipaient U3 S Total Coat ira s 10,000 - 75 Countryi Tltlsi HAÏTI Co-operation and Small-Scale Industry Analjrala of Assistance Tear, Prograne and Prejaet JEx perta Ro. Han-M. Pellowahipa Ro. Han-M. Equipaient 03 * Total Coat 03 t 1960 EPTA Handicrafts 3 36 - - 7,045 48,616 1961 EPTA Handicrafts 4 39 - - 2,612 57,288 1962 EPTA Handicrafts 4 48 - - 1,258 70,063 1963 EPTA Handicrafts 4 48 - - - 65,835 1964 EPTA Handicrafts 5 38 - - 4,355 70,467 1965 EPTA R.P. Rural Handicrafts Rural Development 6 72 - - Total : 4 48 10 120 - - - 170,200 - - - 115,200 1966 EPTA Rural Handicrafts 6 72 R.P. Rural Development 2 19 8 91 Total: 115,200 _ 55,000 29,000 - - - 144,200 - 76 Countrrs Titlei HAÏTI Labour Conditions and Administration Analyste of Assistance Taar, Progranra and Frojaet 1960 R.P. Agrioultural Conditions Labour ù wrts Ho. Man-M. Fellovahlpa Ho. Kan-M. Equipaient U3 t Total Coat PS t 1 3 - - - 2,303 1963 R.P. R u r a l Development 2 10 - - - 19,650 1964 R.P. R u r a l Development 4 46 - - - 54,925 - 77 - Countryi Tltlei HONDURAS Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l Training ànalysis of Assistance Tear, Prograne and Project 1964 EPTA Advanced Training (Turin) •Experts Ho. Han-M. Fellowahipa Ho. Man-H. 24 Equipant 03 I Total Cost PS • 10,000 - 78 Countryi Titlei HONDURAS P r o d u c t i v i t y and Management Development Analyaia of insistance Taar, PrograaM «ad Project 1963 EPTA Productivity 1964 EPTA Productivity 1965 EPTA Management Development fxperta •o. Han-H. 12 Falloirahlpa • o . Han-M. Bqalpawnt 03 t Total Coat 03 • 25,317 4,010 12 19,200 Countryi Tltloi HONDURAS Social Security Analysls of Assistance 4 Tear, Progrès» «ad Project i960 EPTA 1961 EPTA 1962 EPTA 1963 EPTA fit wrts Ro. Haa-H. Fellovshlpe •o. Xan-M. Etatisent DS I Total Cost va s Social Security Administration 1 1 - - - 2,178 Médical Expert 1 6 - - - 9,196 A d m i n i s t r a t i v e and Médical Aspects 2 15 - - - 25,246 Social 1 3 - - - 4,674 Security - 80 - Countryi fltlat HONDURAS Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Analjrsla of Assistance Tsar, Prograaat* and Frojaot 1962 R.P. Labour I n s p e c t i o n 1963 R.P. Labour I n s p e c t i o n Workers' Education Total: 1966 EPTA Labour A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Sx MTtS !fo. Han-fl. 1 6 Equipaient DS t Total Coat US $ - - 8,711 - - 141 Fellowahipa Ho. Kan-M. - 1 3 ; 1 3 - - - 7,334 1 6 - - - 9,600 7,193 - 81 Countryi JAMAICA Titlai Manpower Organisation including Vocational Training Analysis of Assistance Tellowships Ho. Kan-M. Equipaient U3 t Total Cost US t Year, Prograaaa and Project Ex »rta Ho. Man-H. i960 EPTA Apprenticeship - - 1 4 - 3,328 1961 EPTA Employaient - - 1 6 - 3,394 1962 EPTA Vocational Training 1 10 - - - 12,617 1964 EPTA Advanced T r a i n i n g ( T u r i n ) - - 2 12 - 5,000 1965 R.P. Rural Employaient 1 6 - - - 9,000 Training Adviser Vocational Training 1 3 1 6 _ /»,800 3,600 1 6 - 8,400 1966 EPTA Information Total: 1 3 - 82 - Countryl JAMAICA Titlsi P r o d u c t i v i t y and Management Development AnaljrslB of Assistance Tsar, Progranra and Projaet 1964 EPTA Productivity .Experts Ho. Man-Jl. Mlowshlp» Ito. Han-M. Equlpaent D3 t t o t a l Cost VS S 5,239 - 83 - Countryt JAMAICA Titlet Co-operation and Small-Scale Industry Analysls of Assistance Toar, Prograam and Project fit >erts Ho. Han-M. Fellowshipa Ho. Han-M. Equlpaent 03 t Total Coat PS t i960 EPTA Co-operation 1 4 _ _ _ 6,183 1961 EPTA Co-operation 1 4 - - - 5,439 1962 EPTA Co-operation 1 6 - - - 10,553 1963 EPTA Co-operation 1 6 - - - 7,148 - 84 - Countryi JAMAICA Titlai Social Security Analysis of Assistance Tsar, Prograaa» and Projaot ET wrts Ho. Han-M. Fellowahipa Ho. Man-M. Equipent 03 • Total Cost 03 f 1963 EPTA S o c i a l Security 2 7 - - - 12,967 1964 EPTA Social Security 1 10 - - - 15,487 1966 EPTA Social Security Adviaer r-l 3 - - - 4,800 - 85 - Countryi JAMAICA Titlei Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Analysls of Assistance Tear, Progresse «ad Project 1966 EPTA Labour A d m i n i s t r a t i o n •Experts Mo. Han-M. Fellowahlpa Ho. Han-N. Equipaient US S Total Cost V3 t 3,600 - 86 Countryi MEXICO Titla: Manpower Organisation including Vocational Training Analysls of Assistance JEx >erts Ho. Han-H. Tear, Programma and Projaot i960 EPTA Vocational Training Labour S u p e r v i s i o n Total: Fellovshlpa Ho. Han-H. Equljaent 03 t - - 1 1 6 5 - - - 2 11 - 1962 EPTA Vocational Training 1 9 5 30 730 1963 EPTA Vocational Training 1 2 - - - Vocational Training Advanced T r a i n i n g ( T u r i n ) 2 6 40 120 1964 EPTA Total: 1965 EPTA 1966 EPTA R.P. Vocational Training Vocational Training Advanced T r a i n i n g ( T u r i n ) Human R e s o u r c e s D e v e l o p ment Adviaer Total : 2 6 40 120 1 12 - - - 10 30 - - 10 30 1 12 - - 1 12 10 30 Total Cost 03 t ) 5,400 5,400 35,533 5,069 351 j 84,864 351 84,864 - 22,800 2,700 2,700 16,500 2,700 19,200 2,700 18,000 37,200 ^ - 87 - Countryi MEXICO Tltlai Productivity and Management Development Analyste of Assistance Squljaent D3 » Total Cost PS 1 XT >erta Ho. Han-H. 1962 EPTA Productivity - - - - 6,920 7.509 1963 EPTA Productivity e-1 Fallowships Ho. Han-H. Tear, Prograatn and Projaot 2 - - 30 4,549 1964 EPTA Productivity 1 10 - - 1,580 19,768 1966 EPTA Productivity - - 1 6 - 3,600 Countryl MEXICO Titlei Co-operation and Small-Scale Industry Analjsis of Assistance Tsar, Programme and Projeot 1965 EPTA Handicrafts •Experts Ho. Han-H. Fellowahlpa • o . Man-H. 12 Equipaient 03 t Total Cost 03 t i»,800 - 89 Countryt MEXICO Titl»i Social Security Analyaia of Aaniatance Teax, Progrua* and Project Xz Mrts Ho. Man-H. Fellowahips Ho. Han-H. Bqalpaent 03 t Total Cost va t 1963 EPTA Social Security 1 3 - - - 5,387 1964 EPTA Social Security 1 8 - - - 5,653 1965 EPTA Social Security 1 6 - - - 9,600 1966 EPTA Social Security 1 6 - - - 9,600 - 90 Country» MEXICO Titlei Labour Conditions and Administration Analyaia of Aasiatanoa Tear, Prograaaa util Projaet Sx wrta no. Han-M. Fellowahipa Ho. Han-M. i960 EPTA Labour A d m i n i s t r a t i o n - - 6 40 1961 EPTA Industrial Safety - - - - 1962 EPTA Industrial Safety - - 6 1964 EPTA Labour A d m i n i s t r a t i o n - - 1965 EPTA Labour A d m i n i s t r a t i o n - 1966 EPTA Labour A d m i n i s t r a t i o n - Equipaient U3 t Total Coat PS f - 18,547 1,231 1,267 27 - 13,059 5 24 - 10,812 - 6 36 - 21,600 - 6 36 - 21,600 - Si Country i MEXICO Titloi N a t i o n a l S e r v i c e o f Rapid T r a i n i n g I n d u s t r i a l Manpower for Analysis of Assistance Tear, Prog-ran« and Projeet -Experts Han-M. Bo. Fellowship» Ho. |Han-B. Equipment 03 t I Total Cost US S S p e c i a l Fund (MEX-9) 1963 196A This project will be operation! 1 until June 1969 but no data can be given beyond 31 Decembei 196A. A,053 7,060 - 92 Country: NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Titlft» Manpower Organisation including Vocational T r a i n i n g A inalysis of Assistance fit wrts Ro. Han-M. E?ïl Vocational Training EPTA Vocational Training ûrlA i§éf ^ 4 ^iA Fellowshlpa Ro. Han-M. Equipaient US S Total Cost 03 t i-l Tear, Prograam and Project 3 - - - 6,063 - - - - - 290 Training i n Hôtel Catering 1 6 - - - 9,600 Training i n Hôtel Catering 1 6 - - - 9,600 - 93 Countryl NICARAGUA Titla» Productivity and Management Development u inalysis of Assistance 4 Equipaient US t t o t a l Coot - - 15,746 - - - 9,875 12 - - - 20,239 1 12 - - - 23,272 „ . „, ^ Productivity 1 12 3 3 - 2 4 , if 63 Management Development 1 12 - - - 19,200 Tsar, Programm and Projaet £x wrts Ho. Han-M. E?TA Productivity 2 9 - E?TA Productivity 2 6 EPTA Productivity 1 E?T2 Productivity 1964 EPTA EPTA Fsllowshlps Ho. Han-M. va t - 94 Country» NICARAGUA Titla» Social Security Analysls of Assistance Taar, Prograam and Projaet Sz a«rts Ho. Man-M. R?P? Social Security 1 1 1961 EPTA R.P. Social Security Social Security 1 6 1 Total: Fallowshlpa Ko. Han-M. Bquipaent 03 t Total Cost PS t - - - 1,732 1 6 - 1,433 9,839 8 1 6 - 11,272 R^p< Social Security 1 9 - - - 11,160 j^3 Social 1 7 - - - 9,731 Security - 95 Countryi PANAMA *• Titlei Manpower Organisation including Vocational Training Inaljsls of Assistance 4 Tasr, Prograan and Projsot fit Mrts Ho. Mut-Il. EPTÂ* Employment Information 1 1 Epfi* 1 12 Employment Information Advanced Training(Turin) Fallovshlpa •o. Hu-H. Equipaient D3 t - - - 2 12 — Total Cost PS t 2,323 ) 21,909 Total: 1 12 2 12 - 21,909 EPTA Human Resources Manpower Planning (Inter-American Waterway) 1 9 - - - 1 3 Total: 2 12 - - - ) ) 19,200 ) 19,200 - 96 Countryt PANAMA Titlai Productivity and Management Development Analysls of Assistance Total Cost 03 f Tear, Program* and Projaet Ex isrts Ho. Man-M. 196t. EPTA Productivity Seminar - - 3 3 - 1,110 EPTA Productivity 1 10 - - - 16,000 EPTA Productivity 1 12 - - - 19,200 Fellowshlpa Ko. Man-M. Equipaient 03 t - 97 Country: PANAMA Titles Co-operation and Small-Scale Industry Analysis of Assistano« £x wrts • 0 . Han-M. Tear, Program and Projaot „ BPT4 Brl * Ceramics Leatherwork R.P. Handicrafts Total: i2êf ßrlA R.P. Ceramics Leatherwork Handicrafts Total: Total Coat PS t 1 3 - - - 6,614 6 6 - - - ) 25,000 2 1 12 12 - - - 25,000 15,000 3 24 - - - 40,800 1-11-1 !965 Handicrafts Bqnipaeat US t 1-11-1 196t. ^ R Fellowships So. (an-H. 6 6 - - _ ] 20,300 2 12 - - - 20,300 1 12 - - - 18,000 3 24 - - - 38,300 Countryl Titla» PANAMA S o c i a l Security Analysis of Assistance Tear, Frograaaa and Projeet l ït? EPTA Social Security ' Experts Ho. Han-M. fellowahlps Ho. Han-M. 2k Equipaent 03 • Total Cost US t 6,828 - 99 Countryi Titlct PANAMA Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Analjais of Assistance Taar, Procraaa* and Projsot jjxprta Ho. Han-M. Talloirahlpa Bo. Han-M. Bqulfawnt 03 • Total Coat PS t ^£1 Minimum Wages 11,198 | ^ | Minimum Wages 6,297 l$l Minimum Wages 11 14,922 - 100 Countryi PARAGUAY Titlat Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l u d i n g V o c a t i o n a l Training inalysia of Aaaistance Tear, Progressa and Project 1965 E p^, A EPTA Advanced T r a i n i n g (Turin) Adva « c e d Training(Turin) .Experts Ho. Han-H. Pallowahlpa Ho. Han-M. Equipaient US t Total Coat US t 2,500 2,500 - 101 Countrys Tltlei PARAGUAY C o - o p e r a t i o n and H a n d i c r a f t s Analjsls of Assistance Tear, Prograua and Project .Experts Ho. Han-M. 1965 EPTA Rural C o - o p e r a t i v e a fellowahlpe Ho. Han-H. Equipaient US t Total Cost 03 I 9,600 - 102 Countryi PARAGUAY Tltlai Labour Conditions and Administration Analysls of Assistance & »rta Ho. Han-M. Tear, Prograna and Projaot EPTA LaD0Ur i2S? Labour S t a t i s t i c s Labour Management Relations Administration Total: 1 11 1 3 Fellovahlps Ho. Kan-H. - - 1 1* Squipaent US t Total Cost PS t - 14,267 - ) ) 8,907 1 3 1 1* - 8,907 EPTA Labour S t a t i s t i c s 1 7 - - 10 10,^00 EPTA Labour Statistics 1 12 - - - 17,398 LaD0Ur Statistics 1 10 - - - 12,900 1965 EPTA . - 103 Countryi PERU Tltlai Manpower Organisation Including Vocatlonal Training Analysls of Assistance .Exparts Ho. Han-M. Tear, Prograaaa and Projeot E™, Supervisory Training Employaient I n f o r m a t i o n 1 1 Total: 2 EpTA Employment I n f o r m a t i o n 1 EpTA Employment I n f o r m a t i o n 1 Employment Information Vocational Training (SENATI) 1 3 2 9 3 12 vanced Training(Turin) Supervisory Training 2 12 Total: 2 12 Training Adviser Advanced T r a i n i n g ( T u r i n ) Manpower Planning 1 12 1 12 Total: 2 24 pAmi Total: EPTA Jzt\ 4 daya 8 Advanced R.P. Vocational Rehabilitation Total Coat PS t 2 _ ] 12,759 8 1 2 - 12,759 5 - - - 5,667 - - - 17,708 - - - 10 1/2 Training(Turin) Total: Equipaient 03 t 1 Ad EPTA Pellovahipa Ho. Han-H. 1 1 1 1 ) 24,028 - - - 24,028 3 18 - 7,500 14,000 3 18 - 21,500 1 6 1 6 - 40,900 2 12 - 5,000 ) ) 40,900 1,000 2 12 - 6,000 - 104 Countryl PERU Titlai Productivity and Management Development inalysls of Assistance fit Taar, Frograam and Projaet Ho. wrta Han-M. Fallowahlpa Ho. Han-M. Equipaient US t Total Coat PS t Productivity 1 12 - - - 20,139 EPTA Productivity 2 10 - - - 13,015 EPTA Productivity 1 5 - - - 8,431 EPTA Productivity 1 11 - - U8 gp^| Productivity i-i - - - i-i EPTA i 28,159 1,600 - 105 Countryi PERU «• Titlei Social Security AnalTsls of Assistance Equipaient U3 t t o t a l Coat US t Tsar, Prograna and Projaot Xx »rta Ho. Han-M. EPTA Actuariel Studiea - - 1 12 - 4,210 EPTA Accounting 1 2 - - - 3,891 EPTA Accounting 1 3 V2 - - - 5,453 jffi s o c i a i Security 1 2 - - - 3,263 D D Social Security 1 u. - - - 5,684 ^9|5 s 0 C i a i Security 1 2 - - - 2,600 Fallovshlpa Ifo. Han-M. - 106 Co-...itryi PERU Tltlei Labour Conoitlons and Administration ànalysls of Assistance Tsar, Prograaaa and Project n K - rp * Labour Management Relations Labour S t a t i s t i c s Total: fit »rts Ho. Han-M. Fellowshlpa Ko. Han-H. Equipaient U3 S Total Cost US t 2 3 - 3,207 1,521 1 2 3 - 4,728 1 1 1 J^p^ Cost of Living S t a t i s t i c s 1 6 - - - 2,142 1962 Labour Administration - - 2 5 - 3,387 EPTA Labour Administration Labour Management Relations 1 4 - - - 1 4 2 8 - - - ) ) 16,400 ) 16,400 - - 1 6 - 3,000 2 8 1 6 - 19,400 1 2 - - - 1 2 ) ) 7,600 ) 2 4 - 7,600 R.P. Labour Administration Total: EPTA k aDOUr Administration Labour Management Relations Total : - - 107 Countryi PERU Tltlei Labour Conditions and Administration (Andean Indian Programme) Analysls of Assistance Fellowshlpa Ito. Han-M. Equipant 03 * Tear, Prograna and Projaot Et x r t s Ho. Han-M. t o t a l Coat PS S i960 EPTA Andean Indian Mission 4 39 - - 816 46,454 EPTA Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 3 30 - - 4,502 45,019 R.P. Andean I n d i a n Labour Conditions 1 2 5,412 7,639 Total: 4 32 - - 9,914 52,658 ^^°^ Andean I n d i a n M i s s i o n 3 32 2 4 7,026 45,278 Ep_, Andean Indian M i s s i o n 2 24 - - 551 36,495 EPTA Andean Indian M i s s i o n 3 24 - - 13,849 59,001 1965 EPTA Andean Indian M i s s i o n 2 24 1 6 2,000 42,900 EpTA Andean Indian M i s s i o n 2 24 - - - 38,400 - 108 Country' PERU Titlet N a t i o n a l I n s t r u c t o r T r a i n i n g Centre Analysis of Assistance Tear, Programe and Projeet .Experts Bo. Han-M. Fellowships Ho. |Nan-M. Equipment 03 I I Total Cost 113 t Special Fund (PER-6) 1961 1962 1963 1964 This project will be operational until December 1965 but no data can be given beyond 31 December I964. 9 16 59 93 56,591 47,267 55,125 12,633 83,359 146,925 187,850 - 109 - Conntry* PUERTO RICO Tltlat P r o d u c t i v i t y and Management Development AnalTsla of Aaslatane* Taar, Prograna and Projaet 1964 EPTA Productivity «rparta •o. Haa-H. fallowahipa •o. Haa-H. Equipant 03 t Total Coat U3 t 7,842 - 110 Countryi PUERTO RICO Tltlai Co-operation and Small-Scale Industry Analysla of Aastatmnea Tear, Frogrum and Projaot i960 EtfA 1961 EPTA Handicrafts Handicrafts .Ex parts •o. Haa-H. 12 Fallowahipa •o. Han-M. Eqnlpaent 03 t Total Cost OS t 12,573 9,008 - 111 Countryi ST. VINCENT ï l t l a t Labour C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n inalyala of Aaalatanoe Tear, PrograaM an* Projaot i960 R.P. International Labour Standards &parts •o. Han-H. fallowahipa • o . Han-H. Equipant 03 t Total Coat 03 t 690 - 112 - Countryi SURINAM Titlai Labour Conditions and Administration intimais of Assistance Taar, Prograaa* and Frojaot Xzparts •o. Han-M. i960 R.î. 1961 R.P. Fallovshipa •o. Han-M. Equipant 03 t Total Cost US t labour Inspection 1 6 - 1,911 Labour Inspection 1 2 - 399 Country: Tltlai TRBflDAD AND TOBAGO Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l . V o c a t i o n a l Training Analysls of Assistance Tsar, Prograam and Projaot ù wrts Ho. Han-M. Pallowships Ho. Haa-H. Eqalpaent US 1 Total Cost PS S i960 EPTA Supervisory Training 1 3 - - - 1,998 1961 EPTA Employaient - - 1 6 - 2,430 1 1 6 1 - - ; } 1^,790 Training Total: 2 7 - - - 14,790 1 5 - - - 7,560 1 6 . 1962 EPTA Employaient S e r v i c e s Vocational 1965 EPTA 1964 EPTA Information Employaient Services Vocational Rehabilitation 1,626 12,149 - 114 Country» TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Titlas Co-operation and Small-Scale Industry Analysis of Assistane« Tear, Prograam and Frojaet Ac sarta Io. Man-M. Fellowships Mo. Man-M. Equipant 03 • Total Cost PS • 1960 EPTA Co-operation 1 5 - - - Ö,6K) 1961 EPTA Co-operation 1 4 - - - 6,309 Co-operation 1 4 - - - 9,238 Co-operation 1 1 1 - - 2 4 - Handicrafts 1 6 Handicrafts - - 1963 EPTA 1964 EPTA Handicraft Marketing Total: 1965 EPTA 1966 EPTA : j 10,468 - - 10,468 - - _ 9,600 1 12 - 4,800 3 - 115 Couotrji Titlai Social TRBÏIDAD AND TOBAGO Security Analyste of Asslatanea Taar, Prograam and Projaet Xx «arte Haa-M. •o. Fallowahlpa >o. Han-M. Equiperai 03 S Total Cost US S 1960 EPTA Social Insurance 1 3 _ _ _ 3,221 1961 EPTA Social Security - - 1 6 - 3,097 1962 EPTA Social Security 1 1/2 - - - 719 1966 EPTA Social Security 1 6 1 6 - 13,200 - 116 Çountir» Tltlai TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO l a b o u r C o n d i t i o n s and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Analyste of Assistance Tsar, 1965 EPTA 1966 EPTA •ad Projaot .Exporta Ro. flan-H. fallowshlpa Ro. Man-M. Equipaient 03 I Total Coat 03 t Labour-Management Relations 12 19,200 Labour-Management Relations 12 19,200 - 117 Country I TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Tltlas Management D e v e l o p m e n t and P r o d u c t i v i t y Centre Analysis of Assistance Tear, Program and Projeot .Experts Han-M. •o. SPECIAL FUND (TRI-1) This project has begun on 1 January 1965 aad will be operational until December 1969, but no data can yet be given. Fellowship» •o. Man-M. Equipaient 03 t Total Cost US f - 118 Countryi URUGUAY T l t l e i Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l . V o c a t i o n a l T r a i n i r Analjrsls of Assistance Tear, Progresse and Project i960 EPTA Vocational Employaient Sx jerta Ho. Han-M. Fellovshlps •o. Han-M. Equipaient US t Total Coat US t Training 1 12 Information 1 7 Total: 2 19 - - 3,213 Training - - 1 2 - 656 - - 3,213 ) - } 27,235 27,235 1962 EPTA Vocational 1963 EPTA Manpower P l a n n i n g 1 5 - - - 9,311 1964 EPTA Manpower P l a n n i n g 1 7 - - - 11,993 U - 119 Countryi URUGUAY T l t l o P r o d u c t i v i t y and Management Development lomlysis of assistance Te»r, Progran* and Frojoet Bx » r t s Ho. Hu-M. Fsllovahipa Bo. Mmn-M. Bqaljaent DS t T o t a l Cost ira t 1961 EPTA Productivity - _ - _ - 164 1962 EPTA Productivity - - - - - 2,551 1963 EPTA Productivity 1 12 - - - 18,459 1964 EPTA Productivity 1 1 - - - 1,663 1965 EPTA Productivity 1 6 - - - 9,600 1966 EPTA Productivity 1 6 - - - 9,600 - 120 - Country! URUGUAY Title i Social Security Analysis of Assistane« Tear, Programs» and Projeot General Adviser A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Adviser Actuary Total : Equipaient US t Total Cost tra t 6 - - - 9,484 - - 3,088 - 19,200 9,600 9,600 - 38,400 r-i Social Security Fellowship* Ho. Xan-M. i-i 1965 EPTA Social Security i-t 1963 EPTA 1964 EPTA JSx » r t s Wo. Kan-M. - 1 1 1 12 6 6 - - 3 24 - - - 121 Countryi URUGUAY fitlat Labour Conditions and Administration Aamlrala of Assistant» Tsar, lYotra—a and Frojsot 1965 E.P. Occupational Safety JErarts •o. Ban-B. Fslloirahlpa l o . Han-M. Bqalpasot 03 • ToUl Cost PS I 3,000 - 122 Countryi URUGUAY Tit lai V o c a t i o n a l I n s t r u c t o r T r a i n i n g Montevideo Institute Analysis of Assistane« Tear, Programa« and Projaot £xparts Han-H. Bo. SPECIAL FUND (UHU-1) 1962 1963 1964 This p r o j e c t w i l l be operat i o n a l u n t i l December 1 9 6 6 b u t no d a t a c a n b e g i v e n b e y o n d 3 1 December 1 9 6 4 . 1 F»llo»Bhlp« So. iKan-K. OS S 3 1/2 5 38 10 Equipment 96 1/2 114,404 17 1/2 44,413 Total Cost PS » 10,387 181,441 193,810 - 123 Country» VENEZUELA Tltltt Manpower Organisation i n c l . Vocational Training Aaaljrala of Isalatane* Yaar, Prnff—t «ad Frojtot i960 T r u s t Pund 1961 EPTA T r u s t Pund Vocational Training Vocational Training Vocational Training Total: 1962 EPTA 1963 EPTA T r u s t Pund Vocational Training Vocational Training Vocational Training Total: 1964 EPTA T r u s t Pund Vocational Training Advanced Training (Turin) Vocational Training Total: 1965 R.P. EPTA Training i n Agriculture Advanced Training (Turin) Total: & parta •o. Maa-a. Fallowahlpa •o. Han-H. Equipant 03 t Total Coat PS • 10 103 . . 2,867 196,762 1 6 - - - 14,116 7 52 8 58 - - - 144,184 1 12 _ _ . 23,042 5 27 - - - 51,346 6 18 11 45 4 31 4 31 1 2 5 33 1 6 1 6 130,068 37,808 - - - :J 89,154 58,457 5 30 5 30 - 58,457 - - 2,715 30 - 61,172 - 8,000 5 10 51 10 51 36,000 - 44,000 - 124 Countrji VENEZUELA Titlai P r o d u c t i v i t y and Management Development i n a l j s l s of assistance fit parts Ho. Haa-M. Tear, Prograam «ad Project Eqalpaent U3 f Total Coat PS t 1961 T r u s t Pund Productivity 1 1 - - - 2,649 1962 T r u s t Pund Productivity 1 12 - - - 20,677 1963 T r u s t Pund Productivity 1 5 - - - 20,715 1964 T r u s t Pund Productivity 1 3 - - - 20,977 1 12 1965 EPTA i Pallowshlpa Ho. Han-M. Productivity Small-Scale Industries in 22,800 - 125 Countryi VENEZUELA Titlai Social Security Analysls of Insistance Taar, Procraaa» and Projaat & parts •o. Maa-M. Fallovahipa •o. Han-M. 03 t Total Coat 03 t Bqulpaant 1961 Trust Pund Social Security 2 11 - - - 37,800 1963 Trust Pund Social Security 1 5 - - - 21,545 1964 Trust Pund Social Security 1 12 - - - 23,654 1 6 1 6 - - 1 3 3 15 - - 1966 EPTA Social Security Organisation Social Security Administration Social Security Médical Services Total: :j - 25,100 25,100 - 126 Country: VENEZUELA Titla: Labour Conditions and Administration i. inaljrsls of Assistance Tear, Prograaa* and Project 1963 R.P. Vocational Training in Agriculture Workers' Education Total: 1964 EPTA R.P. Labour Administration Workers 1 Education Vocational Training i n Rural Areas Total: 1965 EPTA Labour I n s p e c t i o n Labour Administration Total: 1966 EPTA Labour I n s p e c t i o n Labour Administration Total: fit parts Ho. Man-M. 1 Fallovshlps •o. Han-M. Squljaent ns t 5,016 - 3 1 3 Total Cost PS f 1,664 6,680 - 1 3 1 3 1 8 _ . 1 3 - - 1 3 2 6 - - 3 14 - - 42 1 6 12 1 3 2 18 1 :} • 36,500 1 3 - 36,500 1 6 12 1 3 :] 36,500 1 2 18 1 3 - 36,500 42 - 16,928 5,199 5,172 - 10,371 27,299 - 127 Country I VENEZUELA T l t l s i L a b o u r C o n d i t i o n s and A m i n i s t r a t i o n (Andean I n d i a n Programme) Analysis of Assistane« Tsar, Program« and Prejaot 1965 EPTA 1966 EPTA £x parts Bo. Han-H. Andean I n d i a n Mission 12 Andean I n d i a n Mission 12 fsllowahlps So. lHan-41. Equipment TO f 2,000 [ Total Cost PS t 24,800 22,800 - 128 Country! Titl»i VENEZUELA Venezuelan I n s t i t u t e of Productivity Analysis of Assistano« Tear, Program and Projaot SPECIAL FUND (VEN-4-) This project has begun on 1 Ja-nuary 1965 and will be operational until March 1970, but no data can yet be given. Alports Ho. Ran-M. Mlowahlpa l o . iMan-B. Equlpaant 03 t [ Total Cost 93 » - 129 Countryi WEST INDIES (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) ïitlei Manpower O r g a n i s a t i o n i n c l . V o c a t i o n a l Training inalysls of Assistance Tsar, Prograaaw and Projeot •Ex parts Man-H. Bo. i960 EPTA Employment Information Fellowahlpa Bo. Kan-H. 03 S TeUl Cost PS t 355 12,337 Equipaient - 130 - Countrjt Titlet WEST INDIES (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) C o - o p e r a t i o n and S m a l l - S c a l e Industry Analysls of Assistance Year, Programa and Projeot •Experts Ko. 1961 EPTA Co-ope^ation 1962 EPTA Co-opei'ation Han-N. Fellowshlps Ho. Han-M. Equlpaeot US t Total Cost 03 t 5,247 178 10,667