Date - 123TeachMe

Sentence Match Quiz for Category: imperfect_er_verbs_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
1) Llovía, por eso no pudimos salir.
- A: It was raining, therefore we couldn't go out.
- B: We used to run with the children.
- C: He used to read a lot. He has read a lot.
- D: There were always a lot of people at the beach.
2) Los que creía que eran mis amigos resultaron ser mis verdugos.
- A: The guys that I thought my friends ended up being my enemies.
- B: It was raining, therefore we couldn't go out.
- C: We were running in the street.
- D: I was running in the yard.
3) Tu corrías cuando te vi.
- A: In the middle of the room there was a large table.
- B: You were running with my brother.
- C: We used to run with the children.
- D: You were running when I saw you.
4) Yo creía que las muchachas habían comprado los boletos.
- A: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic.
- B: For more than a year she waited for them to call her.
- C: In the middle of the room there was a large table.
- D: I thought that the girls had bought the tickets.
5) ¿Sabías que los muchachos no iban a poder ayudarlo?
- A: Did you know that the boys were not going to be able to help him?
- B: There were at least 120 people in the street.
- C: She was running to the circus.
- D: He wanted to shoot this movie for a year.
6) Siempre había mucha gente en la playa.
- A: There were about thirty people.
- B: There were always a lot of people at the beach.
- C: I thought that John had studied the lesson.
- D: A year ago he didn't even have anything to eat and now he is rich.
7) No me disponía a hacerlo sin mirar antes.
- A: They said they didn't feel like playing soccer.
- B: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic.
- C: You were running when I saw you.
- D: I wasn't going to do it before looking.
8) Quería rodar esta película desde hacía un año.
- A: You were running to the airport.
- B: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic.
- C: He wanted to shoot this movie for a year.
- D: No, there were already very few. There were only seven spoons, six forks, and two knives.
9) Yo creía que Juan había estudiado la lección.
- A: In the middle of the room there was a large table.
- B: I thought that John had studied the lesson.
- C: They were not paying attention to what I told them.
- D: There were about thirty people.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: imperfect_er_verbs_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
10) Él leía mucho. Ha leído mucho.
- A: He used to read a lot. He has read a lot.
- B: They were not paying attention to what I told them.
- C: The guys that I thought my friends ended up being my enemies.
- D: There were about thirty people.
11) Por lo menos había 3,000 personas en la calle.
- A: There were at least 3,000 people in the street.
- B: The guys that I thought my friends ended up being my enemies.
- C: She was running towards the butterfly.
- D: What were you guys reading?
12) Ella corría hacia la mariposa.
- A: A year ago he didn't even have anything to eat and now he is rich.
- B: It was raining, therefore we couldn't go out.
- C: You were running when I saw you.
- D: She was running towards the butterfly.
13) Dijeron que no tenían ganas de jugar fútbol.
- A: They said they didn't feel like playing soccer.
- B: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic.
- C: The guys that I thought my friends ended up being my enemies.
- D: I was running in the yard.
14) Ellos no hacían caso de lo que les decía.
- A: They were not paying attention to what I told them.
- B: He used to read a lot. He has read a lot.
- C: A year ago he didn't even have anything to eat and now he is rich.
- D: You were running when I saw you.
15) Las primeras mujeres que se defendían eran socialdemócratas.
- A: I wasn't going to do it before looking.
- B: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic.
- C: You were running with my brother.
- D: I thought that the girls had bought the tickets.
16) Los sobrinos que querían asesinar al tío se llamaban Claudio y Guillermo.
- A: The nephews who wanted to kill the uncle were called Claudio and Guillermo.
- B: I thought that the girls had bought the tickets.
- C: There were about thirty people.
- D: There was a woman in front of us.
17) No, ya había muy pocos. Sólo había siete cucharas, seis tenedores y dos cuchillos.
- A: He used to read a lot. He has read a lot.
- B: They were not paying attention to what I told them.
- C: There were at least 120 people in the street.
- D: No, there were already very few. There were only seven spoons, six forks, and two knives.
18) Había unas treinta personas.
- A: I thought that John had studied the lesson.
- B: In the middle of the room there was a large table.
- C: Did you know that the boys were not going to be able to help him?
- D: There were about thirty people.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: imperfect_er_verbs_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
19) Tú corrías al aeropuerto.
- A: You were running to the airport.
- B: For more than a year she waited for them to call her.
- C: The nephews who wanted to kill the uncle were called Claudio and Guillermo.
- D: Did you know that the boys were not going to be able to help him?
20) Nosotros corríamos en la calle.
- A: I wasn't going to do it before looking.
- B: There was a woman in front of us.
- C: There were about thirty people.
- D: We were running in the street.
21) ¿Qué leíais?
- A: What were you guys reading?
- B: I wasn't going to do it before looking.
- C: There were about thirty people.
- D: It was raining, therefore we couldn't go out.
22) Por lo menos había 120 personas en la calle.
- A: There were at least 120 people in the street.
- B: There was a woman in front of us.
- C: The nephews who wanted to kill the uncle were called Claudio and Guillermo.
- D: I thought that the boys had studied the lesson.
23) Nosotros corríamos con los niños.
- A: You were running when I saw you.
- B: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic.
- C: He wanted to shoot this movie for a year.
- D: We used to run with the children.
24) Yo corría en el jardín.
- A: I wasn't going to do it before looking.
- B: I was running in the yard.
- C: Did you know that the boys were not going to be able to help him?
- D: It was raining, therefore we couldn't go out.
25) Ella corría hacia el circo.
- A: There were at least 3,000 people in the street.
- B: I thought that the boys had studied the lesson.
- C: I thought that John had studied the lesson.
- D: She was running to the circus.
26) Delante de nosotros había una mujer.
- A: I thought that John had studied the lesson.
- B: For more than a year she waited for them to call her.
- C: There were at least 120 people in the street.
- D: There was a woman in front of us.
27) Desde hacía más de un año esperaba a que la llamaran.
- A: The guys that I thought my friends ended up being my enemies.
- B: For more than a year she waited for them to call her.
- C: We were running in the street.
- D: We were running in the street.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: imperfect_er_verbs_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
28) Yo creía que los muchachos habían estudiado la lección.
- A: No, there were already very few. There were only seven spoons, six forks, and two knives.
- B: You were running when I saw you.
- C: There were about thirty people.
- D: I thought that the boys had studied the lesson.
29) En medio del cuarto había una mesa grande.
- A: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic.
- B: We used to run with the children.
- C: In the middle of the room there was a large table.
- D: You were running with my brother.
30) Nosotros corríamos en la calle.
- A: We were running in the street.
- B: You were running to the airport.
- C: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic.
- D: He used to read a lot. He has read a lot.
31) Hace un año ni siquiera tenía algo para comer y hoy es rico.
- A: A year ago he didn't even have anything to eat and now he is rich.
- B: There were at least 120 people in the street.
- C: She was running towards the butterfly.
- D: You were running to the airport.
32) Tú corrías con mi hermano.
- A: You were running with my brother.
- B: In the middle of the room there was a large table.
- C: A year ago he didn't even have anything to eat and now he is rich.
- D: For more than a year she waited for them to call her.
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Answer Key for Worksheet bd479
Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1
1 = A , 2 = A , 3 = D , 4 = D , 5 = A , 6 = B , 7 = D , 8 = C , 9 = B , 10 = A , 11 = A , 12 = D , 13 = A , 14 = A , 15 = B , 16 = A ,
17 = D , 18 = D , 19 = A , 20 = D , 21 = A , 22 = A , 23 = D , 24 = B , 25 = D , 26 = D , 27 = B , 28 = D , 29 = C , 30 = A , 31 =
A , 32 = A
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