________________________________________ Nombre _____________________ Clase _______________________ Fecha ACT SALU DOS Y DESPE DI DAS IDAD IV 1 ¡Hola, amigos! It’s your first day back at school. How will you greet your friends and teachers? 1. José, anytime _____________________________________________________________ 2. María, at 10 A.M. ___________________________________________________________ 3. Ricardo, at 2 P.M. __________________________________________________________ 4. Ms. Costa, at an evening orientation meeting _________________________________ 5. Mr. Suárez, at 8:30 A.M. _____________________________________________________ ACT 6. Anita, at 4 P.M. ____________________________________________________________ IDAD IV 2 Adiós How would you say good-bye to friends in the following situations? 1. You see each other every morning. __________________________________________ 3. It’s 9 A.M., and you’ll see each other at lunch. _________________________________ 4. You’ll probably see each other tomorrow afternoon. ___________________________ Preliminar 2. You probably won’t see each other again this month. __________________________ 5. You’re going to see a movie together tonight. _________________________________ ACT Copyright © McDougal Littell Inc. All rights reserved. 3 Escuchar: Saludos y despedidas CD 1 • TRACK 18 Listen and try to answer these two questions about each conversation: What time of day is it? Will the two speakers see each other again soon? Put an X if there is not enough information to answer. 1. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________________________ ¡En español! Level 1a CUADERNO Preliminar Más práctica 1 CUADERNO IDAD IV Más práctica 6. You only see each other occasionally. _________________________________________