Rev;"ta Mexicana de F••ica 42, No. 5 (1996) 752-756 The FA center in KCl(l_x)Brx doped with sodium R. RODRÍGUEZ, R. PÉREZ, E. MuÑoz' Centro de Investigación en Física, Universidad de Sonoro Apartado postal 5-88, 83190 Hermosil/o, Sonoro, México AND H. RIVEROS Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Apartado postal 20-364; 01000 México, D.F., México Recibido el 6 de junio de 1995; aceptado el 24 de abril de 1996 ABSTRACT. In the present work, the optical absorption of the FA center in KCl(l_z)Brz:Na mixed crystals has been studied experimentally; as in KCl and KBr, FAl and FA2 absorption bands has been obtained finding a nonlinear energy shift with the molar composition. RESUMEN.En el presente trabajo se estudia experimentalmente la absorción óptica del centro FA en cristales mixtos KC1(l_z)Brz:Na; como en cristales KC1, KBr, se han obtenido las bandas FA! y FA21 encontrándose que ellas presentan un corrimiento no lineal en energía con la composición molar. PACS: 61.70.Dx l. INTRODUCTION The FA center is produced on KCI(1_z)Brx mixed crystals doped with sodium, in order to characterize the FA centers on these crystals [1-3). As we know an experimental study about FA center has been realized by Asami et al. [4] in these mixed crystals doped with Li. This work reports only experimental results, exploring the possibility the mixed crystal can be used for laser application [5,6], it is known that in KCI:Li this elfect is produced through the FA center 17]. On the other hand, in Na doped crystals FA centers can be produced, but have no laser elfect, although they are able to store information [81. Theoretical1y, the FA center in alkali halides has been studied by several authors. Kajima [9,10] approximated the wave function from its ground and /irst excited states through a linear combination of atomic orbitals located over the near neighbors, Alig [11] utilized the Bartram's ion size [121 in order to calculate the FA! and FA2 optical absorption energies of the FA center. AIso Vázquez and Ruiz-Mejía 113] calculated the energies of FA! and FA2 optical absorption bands by using the perturbation theory with F center wave [unctions. On the experimental part, an excel1ent revision has been done by Lüty [14]. In the present work experimental results are reported about the FA center in mixed KC1(1_x)Brx alkali halide crystals doped with 1 Wt% of Na . • Instituto de Física "Manlle! Sandaval Vallarta", UASLP, San Luis Potosí, 78000 México. 752 THE FA CENTERIN KCL(l_.)BR. 0.10 0.08 e S >- ... '"Z ;.¡J e 0.06 After Gauuians F F AI_._ F A2--F Al l' 0.56 a) Experimental Before _ 0.48 .6- FA2 ...• 0.04 0.40 t: 0.32 '"Z 0.24 "'e ...< ...• < u r- o S u 0.02 ¡: e"- "-e 0.00 1.70 1.90 ENERGY 0.20 S ... >- '" Z 0.16 0.12 2.10 _ F A2 --F Al l' FA2 .... 0.15 0.08 2.00 2.15 ENERGY b) 1.00 F F AI_._ o e 0.75 '"~ 0.50 ...>- F A2 - -F Al l' FA2 .... :... . 0.08 1.70 1.85 (eV) e 2.30 F Al l' 2.60 (eV) Experimental Before _ After Gauuian, F F AL._ F Al --- 2.45 d) .6- FA2 .... ...• < U ¡: ~ e F Al 2.30 Experimental Before _ Aftcr Gaussians "'e ~ e) Experimental Before _ After .6Gauuian, F - 0.00 1.50 0.24 753 DOPEDWlTH SODIUM u 0.25 ~ ~ "- 0.04 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.70 1.90 ENt:RGY 2.10 (eV) 2.30 2.50 1.74 1.89 2.04 2.19 ENERGY 2.34 2.49 2.54 (eV) FIGURE 1. Absorption spectra in different eoncenlrations x of the KCI(l_.)Br. of the F band before the photo-thermal process and the FA1 and FA2 bands after the photo-thermal procedure a) x = 1, b) x = 0.4845, c) x = 0.1355 and d) x = O. 2. EXPERIMENTAL WORK The crystals were grown by the Czochralski technique in the Crystal Growth Laboratory of IFUNAM. Six mixtures were grown, x = O, 0.1355, 0.2947, 0.4548, 0.7148 and 1. The dopant was added in the melt as NaCI in 0.1% concentration. The samples of 6 x 6 x 5 mm3 were colored hy exposuring the crystal to x-rays. For the coloring, an apparatus Siemens of x-rays was used with a current of 30 mA and voltage of 40 kV finding 1015 and 1017 centers/cm3. The optical absorption measurements were made with'a spectrophotometer ,\ 9 of Perkin Elmer. For the F -> FA centers conversion, the technique proposed by Lüty [14J was used by irradiating the crystals with F ¡¡ght at 220 K. The photo-thermal process to convert lo FA centers \Vere carriee! out with a 150 \Vatt tungsten lamp ami wide band filters [15). 754 R. RODRíGUEZET AL. TABLE I. Values of lhe maximum energy peaks of lhe absorplion bands for lhe following cases: E (pure) F band in a KCI(l_r)Brr:Na cryslal, EA', energy of lhe FA! band in lhe same cryslal and EA2, energy of lhe FA2 band in lhe same cryslal KCI(l_r)Brr. All measuremenls lo T = 12 K. Peaks Energy Bands (eV) Molar fraclion x E (pure) E (1% Na) EA! EA2 1.ססoo 2.0761 2.0792 1.8850 2.0818 0.7148 2.1082 2.1138 1.8964 2.0874 0.4845 2.1570 2.1549 1.9236 2.1173 0.2947 2.2125 2.2109 1.9847 2.1860 0.1355 2.2644 2.2697 2.0429 2.2625 0.0000 2.3208 2.3211 2.1169 2.3356 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 shows the optical absorption spectrum of four values of x. The solid curve corresponds to just colo red crystals. After photo-conversion the absorption spectrum present a strong component of the F absorption centers and small aggregates absorption bands (continuous curve in Fig. 1). After several exposures to F light, the absorption spectrum presents the characteristic FA1 and FAZ absorption bands of the FA centers. By cooling the samples to 12 K, these bands could be well resolved. The absorption energies ofthe F, FAl and FAZ, denoted by E, EAl and EAZ respectively, are listed on Table I for each of the KBr concentration x in the mixed crystal. The FA absorption band is shifted to the red as x increases. The shift of the component FA! is different from that FAZ' As it is well known, for an impurity set in (100) with respect to the vacancy, the component FAl corresponds to direction (010) and the component FAZ to (100). Table II shows the separations of the energy peaks between the FAl and FAZ bands and between the F band and the energy peaks of the FAl and FAZ bands. The size of the unfold E (bigger for KCI than KBr) in mixed crystals (O < x < 1) increases as the chlorine ions participation is higher; also for this (O < x < 1) the shift respect the F band, such as for the parallel transition in direction to Na+ ion, as well as for the perpendicular (6El, 6Ez in Table IJ) is positive, having a maximum value for x = 0.4845 (approximately the same as for the concentration of different component of mixed crystals). Taking into account these results it is possible to condude that the participation of the near nearest neighbors of the F center (the halogen ions) reduce the value of the transition energies of the FA center. For the energy of the FAZ band 6Ez was about 0.04 eY and 0.23 eY for 6El, in the case of the molar fraction x = 0.5 of KBr in Kel. The positions of the FAl and FAZ band peaks are shifted to longer wavelengths until they reach a maximum, as the KBr content decreases in the mixed crystals values (Fig. 2). In the Fig. 2 the peaks of maximum energy of the F, FAl and FAZ bands are sketched as the concentration x of the KCI(l_x)Br- varies. The receding from linearity of the FA 1 and FAZ band energies of the FA center is higher than in the case of the F band [161. THE FA CENTERIN KCL(I_.)BR. DOPEDWITHSODlUM 755 TABLE11. Values oC the separation between the energy peaks oC the absorption band in the Collowing cases: ClEA between the FA, band peak and the FAl band; ClEAl between the peak oC F band and the FAl band; ClEA• between the F band peak and FA, bando Molar Fraction x Separation oC the peaks oC the energy bands (eV) ClEA (EA' - EA,) ClEAl (E - EA,) ClEA• (E - EA') 1.0000 0.1968 0.7148 0.1905 0.0208 0.2113 -0.0057 0.1911 0.4845 0.1937 0.0397 0.2334 0.2947 0.2013 0.0265 0.2278 0.1355 0.2196 0.0019 0.2215 0.0000 0.2187 -0.0148 0.2039 F Band (pure) F Band (1% FAi Band FA2 Band Na) • .~ 2.'iO > • Cl.95 ~ ~ z "' 1.80 0.0 0.2 0.4 H O LAR 0.6 F R A e T ION 0.8 1.0 X FIGURE 2. Graph oC the maximum energy peak oC lhe F, FAl and FA' bands as Cunction oC lhe concentralion x oC the KCl(l_.)Br. cryslals. The presence oC the Br- ion in the surroundings oC the F center atfects in a high proportion the dimensions oC the vacancy in lhe perpendicular direclions to the symmelry axis. Halogen ion in the vicinity oC the FA center (the same as in lhe case oC the F center) increases the size uf the vacancy, producing eleclrullic JeveIs, which rcmains thcmselves closer and are oC lower energy. In the case oC FAZ band which energy value is small, it seems this band is less atfected by the Br- ions. 756 R. RODRÍGUEZ ET AL. In the future, it would be important to investigate which is the configuration of the FA center in the mixed crystals, taking into consideration the near nearest neighbors effects. Is the Br- set in (100) or the (011) direction as the concentration x is increased? It is necessary to perform more work about the FA center in mixed ionic crystals. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS \Ve are very grateful to Mr. Ricardo Guerrero from IFUNAM, México, for growing the crystals and to Dr. Marcelino Barboza for the revision of the manuscript. This work was partially supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT), México and FOMES/94/27/05/02 (Universidad de Sonora) México. REFERENCES 1. R. Rodríguez-Mijangos, and C. Ruiz-Mejía, Phys. Rev. B 39 (1989) 11120. 2. E. Muñoz, R. Rodríguez-Mijangos, R. Pérez-Salas and C. Ruiz-Mejía, J. Phys. Soco o/ Japan 61 (1992) 4242. 3. R. Rodríguez-Mijangos, R. Pérez-Salas, E. Muñoz-SandovaJ and M. Barboza-Flores, Rad. E/. and De/. in So/ids 138 (1996) 153. 4. K. Asami and M. Ishiguro, Phys. Rev. B 34 (1986) 4199. 5. R.C. Pollock, J. o/ Luminescence 35 (1986) 65. 6. L. Bosi and M. Nimis, Il Nuovo Cimento 12-13 (1991) 1483. 7. R.E. López-Tellez, D. Cardenas-García, C. Ruiz-Mejía and R. Rodríguez R., J. Phys. Cond. Matter 2 (1990) 4513. 8. F. 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