't THE WAVES THAT" HEAL The New Scienceof Radiobiology. A shortaccountof the theorlesof G. Lakhovsky with r€sults obtainedin the treatmentof plants, animalsandhumsnbeings, llith 20 illustrations by MARK CLEMENT { I r i I I i 1 T Ar-zAr-2,"\\-../^ \-./^._.,,A.._..,A._ THE WAVES THAT HEAI . The conquest of dis6a,8owithout operations or drugg is a,n a,chievcmentih8,t alweys commandsattention er;d stirs the imacinetion. Road how this hae been atta,ined in plantr, animals and huma,n beings that were in the throes of di8easeand woro rapidly reotored to he&lth. io eimplo and clear la.nguagerho new soienceot _ -JIT: iB prese-ntedto tho publio $.ith asronishing I:1llot"r:Sy. photographs t&ken boforo and sfter rro&lm€nt, TIIE WAVES THAT IIEAL is a conoise and factual accountof ono of tho moet impodent eeientiffodigcove,ie. of our timo. ft opensup &n ontiroly now 6eld ofresea|ch &!d. troatment, giving freeh inspiration to those wbo 6ght against disoasoand reviving hope among countlempeoile wtro suror &nctsoek helD iD v&in. Speci&l atteDtion is drawn to tho romorkablo rosults obtained in tre&ting animals which should commond tbom. solvosto all a,nimallovorr. TEE WAVES TEAT EEAL ie o unique book that.uo ono can afrord to mirs reading. THE WAVES THAT HEAL The New Scienceof Radiobiology A shortaccoutrtof the iheories of G. Iakhovsky with rcsults obtainedln the teatm€trt of phnts, animalsand humanbeings. Wirh 20 ilhtsttutions by MARK CLEMENT CONTENTS Irrnooucrros I. LAKHOVSKY'S GENERAL THEORY II, T,IEDICAL REPORTS ON LAKHOVSKY'S OSCILLATING CIRCUITS l. f)r. PaulAraujo'sReport ?, Professor S.Attilj,s Report 3, Dr, D. Marcus'Report 4, Dr. F. Barinque'sReporr .5. Dr. B. de Sandfort's Report 6. Dr. C. Perineau,s Report 7. Red CrossDispenrary-St. Joseph'eOrphanarc, Deauville.France. Repor.tsby'sistcr Marie "de t Annoncutron 8. Dr. N, Vaccaro'e , Report 9. Dr. E, Cincin'sReport III. THE MULTIPLE WAVE OSCII.I,ATOR r L Medical Reports (a) Cancer (b) ExophthalmicGoitre (") EnlargedProstate (d) Gastro-duodenal ulcer and other afrectioar ?. Dr, N. Gentile,s Report 3. Dr. AlexanderFrancis,s Reporr 4. AmedcanReports IV. REMARKABLE EFFECT OF OSCLI,ATING CIRCUITSQN ANIMALS V. FUTURX DE\,'ELOPMENTS OF LAKHOVSKY'S THEORIES Corctusrox Appendix iii LIST OF I LLUSTRATIONS I'LAIE t,-Phorographof ce.nnium rrearedr,).means or rn open osciUaringc;rcuir ll-Photorraph ot same(;eranium afler cr.rc III-Ph,rroqraph rt sanr. ceranium, rhrce lrars rtrer rreatnrenr wirlr Lakhovsk)\ orciltari;gcircuir, snowrr,qremarkaltpdevel.,pmerr _ '4 '5 rti ,,t varn,u!ctenrcDr. cuLc Dg rnro rnf Uomposjrjonofa CcU 2.-.Lalhovsky: Mutriplc Wavc Os(itlaror 3.-Lakholskv s Mrlriplc Wavc ()iciUaror. Clscu_por. t ranimrtt.r in at,inn. ,howiD,{,r[zr. rerectrlcr)rush) 4.-ca,e L Madamc C. B.loft 7 mt,tprt. 5.-(las€ r. MadarneO. AIta 1.ruatnv,tt, _ . 6.--Cascz. t\Ir. M. \1. Beth Trcanenr 7-.Sin. Casc. .After lcvcn applications ot rhe -Uuhiplc Wave Osci aror ': 8.-Samr Casc. 'I hrec rhonrhsalier r€:lmenr _ q.--Cast 1. Ltadamc S. E.Iont Trrattu t ro.--Caser. Nladam€S. .,fid T/ea,n. . r r.-Ca3e 4. Ntr..). S. D.rn. Tftat k,t. re.- CAse4. Mt..l.s, Ajta Tl.atne, f 3.-Casc 5, R^di\m bur -- ucJ&. ,rpah.,tt I4.- Casc5. Radilumbvn-Atta T.atMnt rs.-Casc 6. Exophthalmi.Coirrc. D.faft Tcatnuttt r6.-Case 6. ExophthalmicGoitre. A.ltN Tt.atn t '7. -?iEiT showinqwhe.. orci ar;ns .ircuir. 3nould ba wo.n _ - 3'r 32 3J 3+ :t4 36 37 38 39 +r ,6S INTRODUL]TloN On the dav l-litlet s urerbunisedhorcles drolc into Praguc a book'rlas prrblishedin London tntitled 'The Sccier of Lifo' br'inileotses Lakhrxskr,.* t Russian-llrrl <ngineer lesident Pr;is. Thrl Llo,'k had previouslr appealediD l-rcnch, Germtn. ltalian and Spaniih tranilatio'ns and l-akhovskvs rheorics rrcre s'ell i<nowrron thc Cot*inenr l,,nl: bcf,rrc rhc English rranslation was Thc cvil drsiql)sof thc Nvazissoor\qxvc rise r{) d€l)ressingrepcrcu$si(,ns'irr all sph"resof burnrriia(tiliry and i.akhov-skv's rernarkal)lcsorli las lcfc virruallv rDnoti(ed in rhis count;y by the nrcdicalDrolcssi,rnand tht prrblicalike. A ferv diiccrnins clitics, hirrcrer, cxpressediheir liews rvith appreciative rfnderstandinq. the saicl Hosfital '''Lakhovskv point ,'f s thcoricsarc io inrercstin{Irom'the rier of frrtdrc dc*el ,t)rrentsrhir ir \rill-replv rrnv kien hospital ofliccr to girJ thern his ,lose irientiirn. Iire Ilrtlical lVorkl obsclved "The book is onc of morc than ordinar_vintc,resr It Iooks as if nrany formerlv horrelcss diseisesnrar, becourecapableof allevirtion or evei: cu;e." And ,scieircc Fzrrum' went hrrthcr. " The admirable translarionof l,akhovskv'r 'The Secretof Life' rrill be hearrilt rrrlcrrmedirr progrcssive circlcs. The genlrrl rheort is i,rrc ruhjchl)hriii i;rs. bi,,lof,ists and medical men rannirt atTordto ienrire." But thesc rvele voicesirr thc rvildernessarrd the field for expclinrental investigatir,n ues left opentn a feu ama. tcursdelnid of rcicntifietraiuingand lackingrhe necessarv mateial resorn(cs. One sometimesrvished-thatthe flame ' Inp :p,rp' I l.ir. -C..(n'c tid\i rn.l R,drrtionr r ,",ni s.."gby (;eo.acs lilholJl<r. Tlans:ated rrob tha Fr.rch b!, llark (:lemht. with a Pnrdr. r{ P.,le{.,r J.\.,,a\rl \l-dral B^oks). H"inmdn l-td.. l,.don, 193{. s...nd Revir&i Ed*ion, r'ru. Hc^irh ptrblistitis (-dDer. I-.ndor rele of thei cnthusiasmcould have been extioquishedfor such enthusiasas often start rvith preconceived 4;tions and comc ' to foregoneconclusions. . The impartial invesairationoI clainrsof cure of various diseasesbv unorthodox irethods d<mands high qualities r,f rnind and charaetcrpossessed by vcry few i.ren indeed. Scientifc rruth is no resrrecterof personior of vestcdinrerests,and Lalhovsky s spectaculairesrrts in thr: tr.canncnr of plants, animalsaird himan beinqsrvereinevitably lrcuncl _antagonisc tn orrhod,rx pra.tiri.iier" and exponenrs ,,[ OoDUlaI medrlal (ulIs On rhc Contincur L;rkh,rvskvs sork lttracr(d a grear dcal of ameniion in scicntific ciiclcs, particularlv irr'ijcrnranv arrd in ltalv. Italian investigators*erc oin,rng thc first.to studv Lakhovskvs theoricsaid puu them to thi resr in laboratrrricsand clinics. ft uas,' ol course, to br, cxpcctedthat thc,neu scienccc'I Radiobiologyshould ma-ke a specialappcal r,) rhe inrellecrualheirs of-Galvaui, Voha and.r\Iarconi. It is somewhatdepressingto observethat in thc countlv of l'atadav and Cleik Max-well,Lakhovsky's theoricshavc'not vet reciived the attention they dercrve,' l,akhovskv has been criticised bv physicists ipnorant 'phvsics. " of biologv ancl bv biologistsignorani rif These sclf-appointcdtcnsors of knowlidqc soon f,lrnd thcy were (onfronred u,ith a red,rubrablcopironent'vho fullv rlalsecl thc valuc r,I experinrcntal evidence. Its uribli.ation rtsultcd in causinginnoyaD(cr(, the (ustodi"n.,if inf"llibl. doctnncs \vh{) madc up with carpinq ver.biagewhat thev lackedin clarirv of vieion. But Gkiiovslv s'achieuemenrl rvith,his oscillatingcircuitusupporredhv ajronishingphotoBraphsot rcgeneraredEssuesin planrs and human beinqs could lot hc expkrdedbv merc'verbal fireworks, and is evrdcD(e accumulated drt sccpticism of hosrile critics relapscd ilto a morose silence. The indispurable fact r(mains thar Lakhovskl lras rhe firsr exnenmenter to Inale-use of _highfrequeicv elecrro-magnetic wavesin th. domain of biology. Thus out of the ipnlication of radicrclccfticity io bi;iogy his work develoii:d and sraduallv estahlished the folindation" of rhc' hew ,,t ".i"n." Radiobiology. The firsr inrernarionrl Congrrssof Radiu. biologv was held in Venicc in 19J4. ,\ leading authoritv on ejectro-therapv,thc late Dr. E. P. Cumberbatch. wrote: " Althbugh'ii hacl irequcntly been observed that thr shun Hertziariwaves could produiehearat a distant< fiom the rransmitter the first acientificinvestigation frorn a bioiogical poinl oI vie$ was made by Lakhovskv and his collea-gues who publisheC a paperin 1924r,n th! eflecrs of rery ..hortwaueion cancerii flants. Furthermore, the French lersion of ' Thc Sccrer o[ ' I-ifc rvassponsoredby Prolessord Arsonval. one of rhe Frcate6tscienristsof our age.who wrote a prefacein which he srressedthc necessitvTor r.esearchu.ith an mind "pen unshackledhy academii conceprions. When l'rance wasoccupiedby Gernranuurps Lakhovsky. being a prominent aniiNazi. decided to ieave Paris and rrtadi:hii *av. to New York where he died in t942 ar ths aFeof 73. ln the United Statesi,aiihovs&y'sthEorieswere put to the practical test wirh rypical Amirican soecd. Nrjticino that patient. trearedwirh Lakhovskys Multiple Wave Osciilator showedsignsof reiuvenatedaipearanci the possibilirv of exploiting rhis side-ifiectprovedlrresistible rJ an cnter:prising" beiirtician." A 6lm'wasmadefeaturingcasesafter treatment with Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillaror. which proved to be both iirteresring'andconvincing. ln-Neu York Lakhovsky was approachedby several . hospitalswith a view to testinghis appiiarus experiircntall,i. The remarkable results obqained with Lakhovskv's jn a larqeNew York Ciw hosoiirt. trlrrltipleWavcOscil)ator and.also by a prominmt Brooklvn urologist fulli' ,.t "..' out ln ttt text. In this cornuy, owing mainlv ro che lnauspiciouslime at rvhich l,akhovsky'smaior work nas publishei, vcrv lirtle interesthas been shown on the parr oi rho.e besrou'alitied to judge of its merits. The medical profession,*hlse conqervadsmis the most forrnidablr barricr ro progrese.har 9 becn notoriouslv rrcr^ u' 'nresllgallr,g rhe nerr radio clc(trical rnethods"or rrcnrrng disease irs originated bv Lakhovskv. pt"r.o,- NUrlt ..2-rr |t,rres t.tk Hcal,. is a ..., .Th. iI',:'#iilJll llTIJ H.iJg:'ff t:,':".,if ixi:x,,tl a'ot'i!,. .i:'fi:T:",'il:flfl T;'il:1il:j.1,;'.,i,iuu".. "n sp.cial :,nention i-,j.,'';;;';i: *idil;, i:l,ii.F;11".iili r'hich shoulcl .,",,,i',,a,r,"^."r"..'ii ll, li:i*lfl,ijl#,,. ',i iliiiii,fi*l"*llt*-ilUvil'# "$j j{,x :,lr$i:*:hi:iil:..;j$:* i:g{:iii:itriHi"fi , lt is in thc hupc of srirnulatirr arartrngrhearrival uf keeninvestiFator.s rr.l,t, ,I* gr;,s.Ii*""".i" t"'nu*uiniri <,,Dqn "i"i"i " il^1,,il."i,ii,,ll,p",rf CtrarrrR i LI\KHOYSKy'S C;DNDRALTHEORY Thc fuldaDr(nralprincipleof L:rkhuvskv,s scientihr . ul"y bc.sumnrcclulr'in the axi,,nr ..Eu"rv livine :l:l* Derng-emrrs j?drariuns. Cui<lcdby this pliDcipteLakhoJl sKJ'$asabtc ru.cxplainsu(h diucrsephcnonrena as instinct rn anlmaLs. in birds. hc;lth. diseacc,iind. in -11)lFr.ation general,all thc manifestations of r,rganirlifc. , lifo. l. .uri/ur,/ri ftu oj nnire\ &mo, dLa;,- :i!i,:i!,:; ! ::.**lsiiii:,i:;f ;:,t: iml,ui,it11.:11fii-..1t,,:ir# 'u(,,rr: .',IL1J?l'::'l"li;,lltl': l;;.tf,i.;,i#:t'ii;i"tl'n,an* Aceor.dingto Lakhovskv the nuclcus of a living -' celi .u-p^r"a ro an elecirical oscillaring circuit. This ll1).-bf ntrcleusconslsts0f rrrbuhr filam(nrs and ,hr,un,,..ura. madeup ot insulalingrnarerial end lilled wirh :r.,,",t,,,;i;F nrrld c,,nratnrng all rhe rnincralsahs[,,und in s.a war.i. I nesc Dtjrm(nr<consrinrrc rninLrre,,scill;rting rir, uits (Itd,,ucdwilh crl,a(irvand indu(rrnccard rapaLle ot osriltjrundaci.ord'uB ro a spuilir irequr:ncy.l hey are comoar. iror( to.thc.'rcurrs. (oil{ rnd r*indingsL,f ridiorecci,iers. lnr lrvtng(cll ian rhus I)lay lhc p rt {t jr rransrnier ur rccervcroI excrcrlinglyshr_rrt radirrelectricwave$which sive rlsc.tt|hlgh frequ<ncy curr<nlsin the circ its ol rhc cell;br nrjcleus. Now lhc vibralioD,rl an ,,scillatin,lcircuit is lDirlDtaln^cd by radiaredencrgv. Ilut whcreduesit corn,j rromi ,S(reDusts havecstrblirhedrhu exisrcncc u[ hish]v rrav(e to whicb,by rcrsunof thcir uniuersa'iitv. Penetrnung rnev nav€.gtvcnth€ nanc u[ cosnticrays. 'l.heec ravi, bv thc inrerferen(c,rl astlal r.aciiations, Fcnerir.ted ar. ciir, :I)lL'r,t trrv€rslngdensrmcralsand soilsro a gfeat defijt. ,.L:,khovskyhrs demi,nsrraredthat ccllular oscillari,rn ',)t, lr\'ing rr3antsfiriis nrainraincdby cosnricradiation A((ororng t,,-hlmdrseasc Inav bc saidt.r r<sultfrom oscil_ rahnvd-lsr(iurttbrium duc to eirhcrlr deliciencv (,r:rn cxcess r,r cclluur ractlatnrh. An iml,r)rtanr Iactrrt in this crrnnec.rr)n,s,rnenarurc,ri thc soil. A reinforcemcnt of cosmic ra.ysta(es.l a(( on soilswhich at.cgood (onduci)rs of nrcrrv such ils cluy, fcrruginousanil carhoniterous Clec. soils. avoid the harmful cffccts ,l i,rss ,rl oscillatorv .T,,. cguulolrunr,lt-rs necessaryto ensurc thc rctularisati,,n r'r rnc (osmrc hrld round thc living organisn: di, filtration. Lakh'rv.skvs onn exlllanali(n ol the problem of tiltratr'n is as follo$$t " The ier.r.csrrial arDosl)nere ls known ri, DL.ln)Prc8n tcd by a va$rrante irf electrilrnagheric o6(il. ranons.oi all wavelchgrhsand inrcnsities as ir resulro[ uDc(asrngcl((tncal discharges(thunder,etc.). Besidesthai \( Kno$ that rlc(rric nroiorsund,rther clectr.ical machines clciflc rn ihc armospherea lield of auxiliary waves. Moreover, durrng th( I,ast 25 ycars rhc ealrh lia* been floodrd \r'lth ridr(LteleKraphi(. rirdir!r(.lcphuni(. and {)rhcr wavcs. unc(r',such(,,ndruonsit is easvto under.srand whv an\' oscrrarrngcrr(utt ol any folrn ol dinrlnsion is likclv r; find rntl,vast hetdof wavesirs,rwn resonancc wirh;hicb ir ln v,Drare (rn harmoniously.lr is rhereforeobviour that to nrakeany nscillatingcircuit oscillarethere is no need to have recourscto a local generatorsuchas the Radiolscilla tor used bv Lakhorsky ln 1924when he first treatedand curcd gera;iums inocrilated with cancer. The oscillating circuit utilisedby Lakhovskyin his secondseriesof experi' ments-a circuit having no artilicial sourceof eicitation provcdequallyellecriviin curinRgeraniumsrcnd(redcanier,-'u"by inoiulariL,n-In fact.ihiough thc arrion t,f thi' constantlield oI radio.tletrricuares whirh tmanatr lrom the surroundingatmosphercthe oscillatingcircuit is made to resonatclike an instrument in tune rith certain sounds. Thus the oscillatinscircuit crcatcsa local field which canaliscsand filtcrs, so io speak,the cosmicwavesnecessaryfor cellrrlaroscillation. Furthcrmorc,thi" lilurriorr is a generalphcnonrtnon. It has been discovered.thr,,ugh rhe iirvestigaiionso[ I-akwith litht, hovsky,that radiationssuch as thoseassociated ultravioletrays.X.rays.etc.,have.theproperty. of.nraking cosrnlcrays act, as rt wcr(, to lne advanlag€or drsadvantaq( of the cclis. Norl the field createdby an-oscillatingcircu'it is constant and emits a steadv and sustainedforcc. It invariably acts in a favourablemanner on th€ oscilla{ion of the cells.facilitatine bv the filtrarion of the cosmicrav!, regrrlarccllular divisiJn, ir tact which expJainsthe immuni! imparted ro thc (ells and thcir consequentcapacitvof resirtanceto disease!and microbes. SinceLakhovsky'soscillatingcircrritswerelirst usedfor th€ treamentof cancelotrsqcraniums,an cxperimentfully describedin communicatiois to the Frencli Academy oi Science,the samemethod has been successfullyapplied in Continentalhospitalsand nursing homes. Somcsccpticalcriricshave suggested rhar the effectsof Lakhovskvs oscillatingcilcuits, alth,rugh irrcortcstable. rlere rn :l 8r.irr Inany csscsdue ru rmagrnatron or 3utr" i[ggestiun. Thesederrarrorsevidenrlyignorelhe rcn)afk a b t cf ( s u l t s i n m a n v e x p c r i m e n ot sn p l a n t "a n d "Ltrined enimals in which rhe pr'ncess cannot of auLo-suggestion rrossiblvbe said ro ooeiarc. The acrioniif LakhovsLvs iscillafng circuirsis not subjective but definitelyobjective. In other words it is physicaland in no sens€psychological. '3 hrorocR^rr o! o!RANr'! ' ,"i.i';,**i:,ii'ilti;:I'iiiTfii"tiiJtid:'fi:b;i"fir;J1,,:H{"1f.*llfi: :nt,*.,,"111;"::ul l,,:u:, ,',"; :;tfl#iiil',l1';ir.t."li.rl:l,;,,T?;l1l:,1x1.,,".tj1.,,1,"1ii",f.':tl"""'.:[:'aJ,rjt.,lll*lillT I-I,ATtr II Paoroc8^p! or sME CBR^N!M A!rER !u!!, The plant ir ttill flourisnins an<l sho\s considoabtc dev.topmcd, flr. :an.4oG 'uTour ha bren sh"d and r,] be e.n in rh" toFg,oun,l ot rh. now..-por, on thc (eh the scarn clearlt rnibh. r5 PLA'I'T III Pr.,oer-oh ,.f qme C, '."i 1 1' , \ , i ' \ a r ' , , ' , . a r r , . , r n h L r \ t i o \ , t r y . 'tv.o u r ' l l c r ' n g . i ' i u i . . . h o \ L i n e ' , - ""f,t.r b r . t , . e l o p , r a r unr,-a ed (onl;ol pl]n$ arc shown Laide ii. r6 I r r r h e l i g h ru l l . , , k h , i s k ! sr h ( u r ; ( st h e h q h rb c t w e e n the lirirrgoLxarrisrrr rnd rricr,,bcsis lundamenial.lv r " war ,,f rrdi,,i;ons. ll rhr radiati,,nsoI rhe mirrobc'win the (cll ceasesio oscillateaDd death is the ultimate result. If, on thc othcr haDd,radiationsoI the cell sain the ascendanr thc miclobc is killed and health is preserved. lln,:rdiv speakinq.healrh is iquivalrnt r(, oscillarorv <lrriliblirrm,'t-livingieJls'rhcr'.as.jiscas.is characterisel bv oscillatolvdiseqhilibrinnl.lhis gcncralprinciplehas flvcn flsc to:r \a6t nutlrberIl (xperimenrscovcringthc lh,'lc-lield uf biologv. t)lants,aniriralsand human biings havc hcen suctessfullyrrcatcd bv rhc application of LaIhovsky'soscillatinqciicuits and t6e reade'r'isreferredto his tnajor \r,rk Thc Secrerr'l t.ife" tor a full discussion of rhisinruorranrsubiccr. l)Lrlirq rcccntv.ursobser.r'rrtirrrs on rhu pat of sevcreLl invcstigatorshave cstablishedrhc fact thar most ,rnimals, including insecs ancl birds, emir radiationswhilc thev are alsrt sensitiven, thc nfluenc( of cxrernal elecn.o-nraeneti( wavcs. Thcs(' udixti )ns emitrcd bv all living beings"cover rn-indefinite rlr)fic lncl arc char.acririsedby i multYtudeof differcnr ualc lcngths. In rhe imnrcnscrinqe of cxistinq rrdlatlons tte (an onlv p(rceive the luminousirctavcbut rri know thar rth,rlc gairrirrsof radiations exist bevond thc Darros liurits of thc risible spectrum. The limiiations of our senscs.prcrcntus from pcrceivingradiationsof living Pe:l8s-a.ld rhrs scnsoryincapacity also cxcludesirom th; neld ol (lrect. illfar(n es8thc vast gamut of clecuo.magnctic \'aves traversmt our armospher€. Yet all tbeseradiitions and t{;rvescxisr and affectall forms of organic lifc in vari_ t7 Ca.Frh It I\II:I)ICAL REPORTSON LAKI IO\'SKY'S OSCILLATING CIRCUITS Dx. RAUL ARAUIO'S REPORI' Phvsicianat the ll.ophylacticInsritute, lvlontevidc<i, UrLrguav. lsrllav, 1931. . ^ ln 1929.l)r..Araujo \rassuficringtrcn) a long-standinq rntcct,i)n ot thc lalvDx whi(h his gnliDgnl e,,llei,.tLlcs hild failed to cule. Wfrilc ir Par.ish" Lukf,nuilu ".t"t circuits h "l,i adviscdhinr ro lrc:rr oDe of his oscillarirrg thc form of a tollar.. Alrhough feelius rarhei scepticalll.xrut this unr.rrthodoxll<rhod ol ueatnrint Dr. Arariio rr,rre the oscillatingcilcLritf<.rlscveralmonths rvith thc reiult thur hr Iullr recolert'daud hashad rro lcblrse sincc. This pcr.sonalexpcrienccled hinr ro rreat hir owr, paticnrswirh l,akh,riskys oscillutingcircuits. llavinl treatcd(,v(r'30Up ricntssufteringtr.onra rvidc vlrietv rjf olseascsUr. Alaujo su(((,edcdin curing ol qrratlt. rnrpror'urgcasesof rheunrarisnr,asthnu, anamia, neiralgii. gastrrculcrr, coliris.glandular disrurbances. srerilitv. genit,r. lurlnnrvatlcctt('lls.generalwcakness.and cu"rr carriei. l)r'. Alaujo starcsthar a conrplcreaccounrot' all his ca.es trcarcd wjth Lakhovskvs ,,scillatinl circuits rtould nectssit;rterlrirint rr largc rohrrrrc a1d thlr.eforeir is oniii p(,Fslbl( hcrc to give a brief suurrnarvof his cr,nclrrsionr. s oscillatinl . In generalpatientFtrcrred$irh Lakh,,vskv (lr'(1rlts rh,'wcd a nrar.ked inrIn,rcnlc r irr rhe cir.crriati,rir oi the bloodmrrstnoriceablc in thc h;rndsand feet. Thc blbod count becanrenormal iD a shorr tinre. Sleeplas iurprovedaud capacitvIor rvor.kincreased. Ill Thc evesbecamebrighter; thc facc and l\)s acquireda heahhv colour. Falling off and greying of the hair rvas stopped. In casesof cancerthere was a markedimplovement in thc grneral conditiono[ Lhepadenruith ari increaseof rreigFt.and life wasplol"nged. Ir rtcrvous cases such symptorns as neurasthenia, irrsomnia and incoherenceof ideas, disappearedand thc patientslcgainedthcir mcntalequilibrium. Dr. Araujo observedthat in casesin rvhich Lakh<x. sky s oricillatingcircuits appeercdto give no defnite results thirc uas in'iariably a'lltent infeirion uhich required spccial treatment such as syphilis. cholecvstitis.sinirsitis, P\'(lrlr3.dEntal 8ep6ls,etc. Dr. -{raLrjoc,Dcludeshis reporr bv savins rhar Lakhovskyr rhcoiies and mcrhods 6f rrealureit ionstitute a trre{t .dis((xcrv fionr rvhich thousand of suffering people harc benclited. 1,{ firll account ,'f l)r.. Ar.auios Report apuearedin a rrrrrnographentitled Cosmic Rays a;d fuiillating Cir. cuits" bv Dr. P. Rigaur. Paris,1932.) PROFESSORSORDIiLLO ATTILJ'S REPORT l)ire<ror_ofthcRadiological Serviccat the San Spirito Hosnital in Sassia.Romc. (This Rcport uas rrraderu the Congfe$sof R:tdiologists _ hckl irr Flotcncc in NIav, 1928.) Llasr L C. T., agcd 25. Diagn<-rsis:Relapsing sarcor)u (nrrligoant tunroir) of the l-rr,r rerrs ax,rth< luricnt was(,t,craled upon fol a sarcolna,rf rhc harrd. Aticr 6 monrhi shehad'a relansefor xhirh shr underwcntanorheroperation. For a lew months shcrenraiued rvcllburin November,I917,shehad a retapsc. A Lakh,rvsky s ,rscillating circuir in thc form of a braciler -wore rtas applied which she without ever takinq it ofi. Fift:.n drvs rfrer ir had heenpur on the patientieclared r9 rhar haJ llrr,"r dis.rp;,c:rred. Alrer ib,,ur ,thc, P.rin a rnonth rhe trrm"ur had Lrcc,,mflq5. hard and after tso rlrnnrn. ll had itrnosr Lrnrllerclv disaplrared. .,,-"t:i,i;,,)';,'l;.Lr,ioi?;.,i];.-,ll:l::[:ll#:*";l; llT,l5:lH:"1 il'iilI itili;'j,:ii. i,;:;;,,*.":'is:.; : Jjl.:,,Tit; ;t,';TT:il,,lh';,i f:;'lil*#il#, ;: ;;,,"u* ;;': ;T"'iT'"i{n:iXi:,::f:"T:1 ,[:,:*1',,:#"'.n ,,u"f,illi,,1,,,l',iiiffi-i;Jlfi'fr,; |i"H: ujll';j i,iFQ:ilXi,:",i:,i:.lil:,1i",:\,,ft:'.,1'j,;,:,1"lo n"lii:'"ilni"""l.,i,ilI:i r.j;: i,,l':j:,,iirlTl.;#l;,i-.0 i.i,:"I in:"iil'J'::vs'.:'JifJlfo"jl,'o"nli'*i.Ltll,i}* rv oays aDd I sa$ able ru ((,nvin(c myself of rhe facr thar j: ;ffiiHiiltJi:{"il.f1fii:ff,,::::Hxil:l apprtcetrr of a serond.,scillating circuit in the forrn oia .:il::,iTLf ::*tii'r' iii{iy;# :!_tfi:J,i .;li:l; r'.'J':i; u.' *i,1,1iiil;l'li:li1 i,'il'.:lll,[i]l*"fr" ixiilili}::l,8"',",:,iil" :i::x,,: *; ::::fiil{':-..ti,if the hinds and reet l::'fiil*"li'iT'.l'ilT :i:l;ll':** *"u,?i'."" . o' N{ ti agcd 6i Diagnosis:Etcesrive The parirnr eighcd 18 sroneand suffered ftom shoot. .ir rcsion and s,."iai6'. :lf,f?fii#"J",,7.H. "*p.'i.n""d In December. 192i, a Lakhovsky's oscillating circuit uas put-round_herwaist. Thee davs after the pains dis:rppearedand she was able to walk easilv which shi had aot beenable ro do for a long time. ProfessorAttilj conclrrdeshis reporr by stating that the few casesmentionedare mer.elythe ieginriing ofi method o[ rreatmentwith which he is eiperimenrinqiut thesecases <lcarly show that the action ;f Lakhou;ky s oscillating cirrrrirsis both rapid and effc<tirc. Hc iurther sraris rhat when ohe rehecrs nn rhc tragic fare of cancer prtients who suftcr great pain oftcn diffrcuk to alleviateone ma)' w-ell .say rhai any trearmen! rhar can bring thetlt nrarked relief shoirld be regardedas a great blesring and Dc PromPuyapPled. Ih, I). JVIARCUS'REPORT 8, Rue dc Tocquevillc, Paris. l6th lvlarch, 1928. The patient, aged49, wasa very ncrvoussubjec suftcrin8 from liver trou6le, His appendix*ar..-ooid in 1914, flt had loet.normal sleeo whicfr none of the u6ual hvDnoric drugs could restore, Aiter putrinq on a Lakhovskvle'oscillating circuit he describcdhis exierience as folloie: The first rime I wore an oscillatingcircuit I passeda calm night and had a deepsleepfor ar liast 7 or 8'hours, Sinceti'€n nty sleephaealwavsleen good,reqularand resrorarive.Mv wife, seeingdrat I appearedtb be-in excellenthealth, askei tne to lend her my collargiven me by my doctor. Brrt while she sleptpeacefullyI relalpsed into my iornrer insomnia. I then pur.on the collar again and found I could sleepnormally as before. At frsr.I thought the improvemenrmishr be due to auto-suggestion but now I am convincedthat iry recovery i.s entirely due to wearing a Lal}ovsky.s oscilli_ ting,cirruit for all the sedativean-dhypnotic drugs I had previously ta}en produced no efiect. Dn. F. BAR.INQUE'S REPORT 37. Rue Charles-Lafitte. Neuilly sur Seine. l0th June, 1928. Madame J., aged53. On the 9th lvlarch, 1928,the patient underwent an 'As operadon for cancer of rhe brcast. her proiress ttas uhsatisfactorvfor some weeks she was advised t"o wear a Lakhovskv'soscillatinecircui!. Almost a8 soonas she Dut it on her'sleep and aipetite im;.rroved. At the end oi a week the wound shoived siqns of healinq normallv and today thereis a remarkablcc[anse. Her g-eneral condition is qriatly impr<rvedand her appeite and die€srionare excelleni whiie hir tcnrperaturehis'returned to"normal. On the 20rh Tulv the sursical wound was eonrDlelely healed. After a c6nvalcscciceof sevcral montli sh; returned to Parisand surprisedher friends by ' the complete recovervof her phvsicaldnd mental health. l)n. tsARTHll DE, SANDFORT Cannes. Personal report to M!. Lalhov6ly. 22nd November. 1928. " For a month I wore your oscillatinqcircuirs. i.e., a collar, a belt and two braceleis,for my poor"legsaffectedbv arteritis obliterans. All my friends'did rhai my appcar:ance had qreatly improved but shat impressednre-inost *as *rat I io lorigersirfer from the nocturnalcrampswhich had hitherto tordred me. " It occurredto me to try my belt on one of my rela, tives.a lady sufierirg from in'terniitreorgasnic crises: She has now w6rn it a m6nth and sheis tseefrom pain." l)n. C. PERINEAUS REPORT 3, Rue Mesnil,Paris. 6th December,1928. II. P. E., aged8l. Patient Patienr sufieringIrom from phlebitis of the leqs wirh var;cosculcers:aho phlibitis lebitis of o[ the risht arm with ,riih limitation limitarion of movements. Ii the the course courscof 1927 l9i7 owing owino to ro a had h,rt anacL rm,"L of thc diseasethe patient rvas confined i"o bed for some months, In Auqusi, Il.t28,he was sivcn a Lakhovskvs oscillatingcircuiiro wear. Gradually1risqeneralconditi6n improvcd and rhe ulcers on his liss h-ealed. He also recoveredhis appcriteand sleep, At r-heend of Ocroberhis oscillatingcircuit broke. He iook ir off wirhout artaching any lmportanceto ir. Immediatelv the direasein his leei tecurred and he was unable to leavehis rorrn. In N,i,. emberh€ receiveda new circuit, At the time ol writing his trouble has disappearedand he has bcgun ro go out aqatn rvhilehis hcalth-ii rnuch better rhan irtras beei beforci II. P. C., aged45. . . Suddenanack of lumbago in Junc. 192i. rvith sciatica wnlch t(ept rhe patient confined to bed with frequent relaps$ rhn)ugholr.the year. In Augrrst, 192g.he got a rJakhovskys oscrtlaungcircuit. Sincethen the Dainslave greatly diminishcd and he has not had anorheraitacl. He hasrecoveredthe full useof his limbs and is leadinga very ' active life while his generalconditit,n is cxcellenr. ' RED CROSS DISPENSARY ST.JOSEPH'S ORPHANAGE, DEAUVILLE,FRANCF]. By srsTER MARrE DE L'ANNONCTA. lE_I_qRE TIO_N.FRANCISCAN NUN AND DISI,ENSAiii NURSE. l8th Decembcr.t928. "The greater number of my patieats exDenence an unusrralfeelinq of well-beirg as t'be'resulr *'.fine LJ_ novskys oscrltafingcircuits and vie with "feach otiier in boashngabollr rhe benefitsrhey have derivedfrom rbem. 23 On( $oman,rgcd 7A,$ho lur \errs had sufleredlronr , rheumalnpalm. neressiraring frerluentinjecrions. has had no turthernced.olnry carcsinceshebctan *eadng a Laknovsky.s oscrllatlng clrculra tnonrhagu. Shcrellsnre thar she.tcels lU vearsvounger. I (an quirc undcrsrand rhis foj navrng sutt€redmyseli honr pain* iu thc loins for rnorr than a.year..as]a'ell:r, {rt,rrrleg fl!,ublesdue ri, varicose vtrns. I cteclded to r<sunl( thc experinlent b(qun ill Pans sonlc timc .ag,r Sincc plrrr;ng oD :, Lakh'ovskv.s oscrllanng(lrcuir in rhe sha|e of a bellrall nrv pains hirve drEa+)p-eared and I hnd mysclf as ;rlert :rnd iniletarrqable as I dld ar rhe bcginning ol tnv rrursinxcalccr..' trlv patrents,rhejetorc.t\ele ersilvl)c)slladed oI the cfiic:rcvrif the treatntcnrto whichrhev sirhminedverv eaFcrlv.. Casc l. lladaure T., 8rh Januar.v,l9?9. . This patient had sufieredfrom paius in the back and ,"hich ,noire housc ,,;,kl;;;i;r ::t::* li:l: ln:y.:-:1" _ " _ -staited . . . wearing a lLakr,o".ry', 4 j^nuvs^y s o o..lUuiin r(ruaung . . -::__,, :3-l:lj ,ftJ:":h crrcurtall her sympronrs havevanished and shi looksmuch no1 4,Jq'.11her work,rith,.,ur ,hu*ing L":8^T. -fi: siSns oI fatigue, "nu When l.sarvher last thc inrlr,r,;.;ljlr;li; hdr appearaicewas ast,,nishing. Cast,2. MadarneL., aeed76. 24th January, 1929. Sufieredfrom rheuDtadsn since thc age of 40. Fol yearsshe had difficulrv in rvalkingand trearmentwirh various lnJectioDs provedineftcctivc.On thc 29th November sne_consentectro put on a Lakhovskvs oscillatinc circuit and has not lefr it {,ff sincc. All orher forms of tieatment have been .abandoD(.d.Ther.c has been a completetransformanon rn the gcrreralsrateof the patienr. Shecan norr go tor shorr walks and sleepswell ainight. She saysrhat sne leels Z0 yearsyoung_er.To show hel gratitude she has oecomea propagandist{or a merhnd of triarment that has pven such successfulresuksin her caseas well as in manv others. Casa3. r\1.P. L., aged41. Suffcredtrom goury rheumatisnrfnr vears. Hs "ornr \\ent seleral times to Contrexevillcli,r Spa rrcarinentwith. out anv appreciableresults. Undcr riredical treatment therc rvasro noriceableimprorement. He n,)v\.\4ears,r Lakn,rsKys osclliatlngcircuit in rhc form of a collarand nls ( o,ldl$on ls sreadllyimproving When he left ofr wear. ln8 the (oltar he hrd a ne$ crisisqhi(h subsidedrvhenhe PUart on agarn, Cnse4. N{adameL,, ased 4,1. Had a uteri_nehaemorrhagein Jun<. 192E. Subsequentrv suEeredtrom persisrentpelvic pains. Her circulatron r\as very bad, as shown by a swollenfacc, hands and rcet.. 5hc also complained of faintinq fits, lassirudc and steepleFsness. On the 7th Decembershe consrntedt,r our r,'na Lalhovsky s oscillatingcircuit ana 1". nut i"tt it'# slncc. she r.apidly and all her svnrDtoms dis. ^rmproved aPPealecl.shc now sleepssoundlyaDdis veri, airive in the Case5, Miss S., aged 16, . Underwentan operadonfor appendicirisin lune. 192x. DooDalt€rjh€ experienceddull pirins which beiame nror.r duflng mensrruarionand werc a(ci,mpaniedi)v PronounceU vomrtrng. she started uearing a l,akhovekv.soscillating _ crrcult-on/th lrecemberalld after a few days'all her svmrjtoms disappear€d. lt is inrerestingro note'rh;; ;;'i;l; l.otlarbrokeshedid not feel so well and felt pain oaccmore rn rh( operatedside. When I saw her agaLnshe had out it, the reparredcollar and said she feit quite weli xg6in.' Case6, Madame L., ag€d71. Littry (Calvados). pufieri3g,from general rhcumarism. She ha$ been w^ea$ng l-akiovsky's oscillaring circoir since December. -a ryzd. j_rer tahlty and friends have been struck bV &e . remarkabte -rmprovementin her generalstare. The'efiecr \4asso sudden and so marked rhar everybodywas astonrsneo. |he rs tu ot gratirude for the benefits she has derived from wearing the collar which has brought her so much comfort in heiold aee. Case7. X,IadameH., aged 43. Touques (Calvados). Had phlebitis two vears agu after a lare preqDancy. She consentedro wear a Lakho-vsky'soscilatine ciicuir in Decemher.1928. After a few dals rhe bad ieg became normal. The collar wa6 brokcn ii January anf, rhc leg started swelling again and did nur becomeDormal unrij the parienthad-rcs-umed wearin( rhe repairedcollar. Sisrer Marie concludeshcireports in a rruly l'rancis'disposal can manner: " I regret that I hai,e not at mv a .vrreless powe-rful enough to brbadcdst the -rransmitle! cnorus ot prarsescirmhg h.om many parts of the countr\ where Lalihovskvs meihod treitmcnr has or.oduceil "f families in rvhicli such happy resldisin numerous sir.kness in onc form or another had causedmuch suficrine.sadness and nrisery. .l.heartilv rejoice in the successthit cro*.ns thls sooclwotk, Dx. N. VACCARO'SREPORT 36,RueLa llruyere,Paris. lZth l-ebruary,192o. lvJadameL. F., ased55. Opcratedupon for a cysr of rhe liver and aDDendicitis. aDDendiciti6. ll, ^-.,r . )22,the In 1922. r,, r,!., oatient pduclr uaq h:d alrotn€r anirhpr operauon nnare n- IoI +., aa L'dropped urc patient had, an6ther. operario_n for " otoDDeo " kidney and iubsequendycomplainedof seneralweliness an.l and and abdominal abdominalpains a oainswhich which compelled crimnelt"dhel h.1 ro r^ give oiv. uo ,'n her h.r work. In April, lq^28,het geriral conditioi wal still unchanqedin spireof a prolonged prolon 6lay in the countrv. Ir s'as at ihis rimi that I ahvised Ldvised-herto wear wear a LakhovsLy's I-akhoisl<v's uscillating circuitwhichshedid with a sceptical smile.'I heardnorhingmore from her untit l5rh Sipremberwhen shecame she cameand and begged beggedme me ro to give sive her anothe; anothe:r.ollrr collar r. as rh. the original one had been brokei. She sratedrhat her weaLness.dypepsiaand iosomnia had vanished about a week afier putting on rhe collar. ln 15 months she had eaioed ll lbs. ln fanuary.1929.she urore to me sayingsh-ewas 26 quirc weil and had resumedher rork rvhich she had been ohligcd tu give up some yeals aqu. She no\ never leaves her ialisnrai. a" shecallsthe collii. and has a rcservesupplv of rhreeother collarsin caseof ac;idenr. There is no doubt that rhe use of Lakhovskv,soscillating circuit has in this casebrouqht ahour a rec6vervrhar is nothing short of marvellous. Dl. E. CINCIN S REI,ORT 10.Avcnuedc Livrv. Scvran,Seinc-et.Oise. 6th l4arch. 1929. One r-,fmy patienrs\\as opcratedupon in l92S tbr a sarcomaoI the ovarv. ln fanriary, 1928.the Datientcomplained of cedema.abdominal pjins and sen'eralfatieuc, SinceNIav.1928.she has been wcaringa Liidovsky s os-cil_ laung crrcurr constan v, At the prcsen! time she fe€ls very well, The surgcbn who operited on her does not know what to makc ofit. Sincethe applicationof Lakhor. sky s orcillaringcircuits (collarand belifthe padentis better tnan snehaoever been. Cr^rrfu III THE ],IULTIPLE WAVE OSCILLATOR In his (ai)acirvo[ (ngineerphvs,cisrLakhovnkyalwav. , roo(. a kecn lnreresr in rhc (onsffucrion of ilectricil appliances. .In- I923ie brought out tie nraio*.ftt lo_uJ_ raro! ulth- \vhlch h€ hrsr rrearedgcraniumsiDoculatedwirh can(cr. tle sut)sequen(lydecided ro glve up using ultrashorr wavcscapableof causingrhermafeftecti for ii occurrecl to hrm thar herrcr resultsmisht bc r_rbtaincdby giving an oscillaroryshock ro all the ceils or rne ooov srmuttanc_ oustv. Such a bricf shock producr:dbv damped elecrro. srxuc-waves, clocsnot cauaea prolor.gedthermil cficcr aDd tneretorecannor uriur.c rhe cells. Afier nrany experimentsLakhovsky succeededin con, srru(ungan appararusgeneralinAan electrosraticfeld in whlch.all lrequefties from 3 meties to the infra-red region c-ouldb€froduced. Hence in this field evervcell couldind lts,own trequencyand vibrate in resonancel Nloreover, it ls t<hownrhar a circuit suppliedby Janrpedh.iqhfrequencv cylrents grves nse-to numerous harmbnics. Thesi consroerauc,ns ted Lakhovsky t! invent an oscillatorof nrul_ trple $ave lengthEin the field of which every cell. everv ortan. cverv nerve, every tissue, could find irs own frd_ quen(v. lo this end he deviseda difiuser consistins of a serresqt separatedconcenrricoscillatingcircuits coniected threads.Thui a rypeof oscillaror It^,-n ll-. l.lh.l Pysilk. uas oDtarh€d Fvtng all fundarnental wavi'lengths from t"- 4O0-.merres. correspondingro frequ'encierof ]:^:T^. /ru.wu io J mlllrardsper second. In addition to thia each (lrcurt emrt-snumerous harmonics which, toe€ther with ruDdamenbl waves.interfereoce waves and eEluvia mav theinfra.redandvisihlelight."Fil. :h.:-9,,i:-fi1.": ruu rrlrnon .!'rbraqons Der second) 28 iJ_' In 1931,Lal.hovsLy brought out his famous Nluliole Wavc Oscillatorrepresenring a-erearlyimprovedtype of iris -the f.rmer apparatus, Radi-oreJlulo-,iscillitor. " 'Wave Sinci le3t the Multiple Oscillator has been used in most Europeancormrriesand in America for the tr ai. ment o[ mairy diseases,includine cancer. No coiLraindicarionstor the use of rhe appa'ratusnor aDv ha"rrfut efiects on patienrs have ever biin reoorted. i'his is ir, striking connast wirh shorr wavc therapyin qenerar,X rr, s and radium whoseapplicarionin rhe Linds-of .xi.cnL his not inftequently be(; followed by the moet scri,rrrsc(,rsequences.Everywhere !-verywherethc rhc resultsobtainedwith wi thc Nl,.:: tiple Wave Oscillatorappearto have beenvcry satisfactorv. Photographs of the M.W,O.appearon pp. 29& 3{.t, The apparatusconsistsof a trinsmitter_anda receivi[g relonatot, rator. both arraaged arrans€dxso,asto set up an ela"t" .-"*.rii electro.magnetii ' l rc, ?, Lakhorsky! Mulriple \taE Olcillatoi The patient is placedb(tween the rwo oscillatorss..ra. rated hom each orher by a distanceof about 4 to 5 fJer. Ihe current js rhen switched on and the apparatuqfunc_ tions instantly. 2g I F,c. 3. kl\osLyl iv'ulriph Wa c Orilt.br, rn a( uon, showins.lr& . (.led CtGcup o|I6!$ntcr ric brunr. The duration of trearmentand nurrrberof applications dependon rhe srale o[ rhe patienr and the naruie of the diseas<. Cenerally speaking,a quarter of an hour is suffi crenr I.)t each aDDtrcatlon. It_should be parricularly noted that unlike the average in uscin medicalpracticetf,e ly.l,cut.shortwa\e€cneraror Mulriple Ware Oscillator.annot eauseanv iniu ous eflects. As all rhc radiations generatedby thi's apparatus rre oI an electrustincnature they cannot over_hear or bllnr the tissues. - The action of the Multiple Wave Oscillator is prirelv elertrical. MEDICAL REPORTS SELECTION OF CASES TREATED WITH LAKHOVSKY'S MULTIPLE WAVE OSCLI,ATOR L CANcER. 2. Exopgnt,luruc Gouxt, 3. Esr,,rnclo Pnosrats. 4. Gesrno-ouoorNu,Ur,cERANDOrgrn ArEcrtoxs, Ar the outsetit is impotrant to bear in mind thar all , the.l{rtlowrngcaseswere rreated with t}te Multiple Wave (.rscrrlatormany years ago. some of them as fai back as ryJr. r'hen rhc appararuswas first irrtroducedbv Lalhovsky ro the mcdical profession. Without excepdbna[ the patients-whose clioiial hisrory is given here ha'veremained well and no recurrenceof thc or.iginalafiecrionhas been reporteq. i I I I I. CANCER. Orle ol the first casesto be treated with M,W,O. was a caseof cancet of the iace. Casel. Madame C., aged68.. Fh, a. (jdr-', ^t.tane C. B.Jtu Ttidtra.nt. Kodcu! Ltc.. in inncr angtr o cfr.yc. . - Dragrr3srs:Rodcnt ulcer siruatcdin inner anqle of rhe lelt eye. Lliamerer,about { inch. Durarion, thr-eeyears. the.dragnosis was confitmed by biopsy (microicopic examhauon). Jhis patient_wastreated for a facial lesion 23 vears prevlously wrth X-rays. An improvement resulted but subsequentlya suspiciousclust deieloped in the site menrroned abuve. Treatment wi(h L;Lhovsky'6 M.W.O, began onr.Seprembrr8th, 193t, sr rhe Hospiral Sr. l,ouis, rarN. Aner lhe ttDrd session.Iastingfiftecn minutes each, there was an lmprovementin the generalstateof the Dati_ ent and a diminurionin the size of *. te"i"n, On Non_ ember l9th. 1931.rhe (.rncerousulcer had complctelydis_ appcared. fiere war only a scar left ri,y t.j.. of "irhout Fro, 5. Cde !. M^datu C. AIta Tl.atmt. ilduration, -The general appearanceof the patient showed remalkable lmprovemetrt. She stared that-she felt reiuvenated alrd rhar she had hot enjoyd such good health ior rnrrty ycars. 33 Cose2. M. I\4-,aged80. Diz6zosi.s: Naevo-carcinoma on left arm. Axill,a.rv qlandr enlarged. Diaguosis confrrmed by biopoy. Duri_ uon. sevenyears, No previoustreatment. F 6 . 6 . C e , . M r . M , M . E -.m hd Ttut,ht. Nacw-.{cinomu of t.fi no, ?. Sanc C&. Afid !.@ lpptierioru ol th. Multipt. w.rc OrciUiid. wjt\ +e-M.!V.o bega-u on October9th, ,^..T..":.:1, " lvJl,_at rhe Ho8pital St. Louir, Parir. After deysoEG!8ioDs tne ulceratronwasreducedby half. Sir monthr af@ com. ot trearletrt the lesiou had completelydis_. ::1.-TfI:, apPealed,leavrtrga cleaDscar. Fro. 8. Samc Cs.. Thre Eohlh..n.. E.r&.trr. An ! ti* bonrh'r R!rh. rhir highly m.ligmr nr@ur n.d .ohplctrly dn.p[raGd t4vin3 . ,merh,..r. Case3. MadameS,,aeed82. This caseis the most striking exampleof a cancerous tumour treated by means of La[hovskv',sMultiole Wave Oscillator,afrer o'peration and radium irad botli failed to cureit. Whenirls realisedthat the casewasculedwittrin a-fewweeksthe resultbecomes still moresignificanr.This old lady had beentreatedthree yearsprevii'uslvin ao ami_ carrer cenrre. After an operition'oerformid rhere in 1929,an ulceraredlesion of cancerouinature developed. In thecourseof 1929and 1930radiumwasapplied. A iemfollowedbu1s5s n.;i persisted poraryimprovement and beganto grow rapidly. Dh{3.it., Epitheliomaof upperpart of left cheek ,^,. x (rth. tim.). As the generalcotrdition of the patient wasgradually , Decomrngworseshewas rent to lhe CalvaireClinii know; underthe-moregruesotne nameof ,,aote<hamber of thc cemete!y. Treatment wirh the M,W.O. began on April 26th. 1932,and laeted 15 minutee. After oily two ap'plicationr an improvement was observed, With h,rther'i;;;; Fb.9. Cec a. M.dMc S. B,fd, Ttqtnnt. Epirhrliohe of upFt pe ; tdl .hc.tr. Rldium ws ;PJi'ff;lr @ bm.nt 6u'rcd. Pho.osBph Lkft 2srh p:_Tli:]:^*l wasrnainrained, andonMay l2rh,t932, 20 duration was'given.Thi 9j th1* :-I1t_:..1:l*, enlarged sub-maxillary glandr and cedema no-ticcd ar the no. ro. Cak g. Med.mc s. Aja T.ara.nt, 6nrrErirt If;gTfll'#T*il"4-Y,9.'s3' $owi'a s ;il#r,ia*d,,j.*i*Hh:ri*.",risf i:T;'irtffi"'*tibn berore treatrnent b'gehwqeao Case4. J. S.,aged61. Diagnosis: Baso-cellularcar(in,,ma in inner angle ol left eye. Diagnosis confirmed Ly biopsy. Duratiin 15 ,vears. No previous treatment, . F!o. rr. Calc 4. Mr. J.S. B.far.T/etn,ri RodcntUtcd h inno.ryt of.yc, Treatment wiih the M.W,O. began on October l3tb, 1931,at rbe Hospital St. Louis. Paris.- On Decembet29th, 1931,the lesionwascoveredw;rh a $car. Subsequendythe patient received further treatment, and in the'courie of. 1932a corgpletecUIe resuhed. 38 aDd . The pari,.nrs.arcdthar he felt grearlyrejurenared that he could now undertakemanua_llabcur without exoeriencingfatigue. rn. !.. cisc {. Mi J. S. ,,VkrT atn. . Casa5. Radium burn. From a medical point of view lhis case is of 6cat importance for ir dem6astratesboth rhe danee$ of ralium and the reg€neratingeEectsof Lakhovsky,sMultiple Wave Oscillator.The lesion originated from an ordinarv wart on the middle finger, Radium wae applied with tle result that -resisred a eevere.burnappearedwhicb all forms of teat_ ment. tendon. was partially necrosed and there was .-Lne rocarPatn and rErcuty. aro. 13. C$e 5. \radiwbtn,Bfat n.ahat. Tr.or,nt, - .Fc. 14, C.r 5. R.di\mbr.6_Afr/ Lsrhoqly s Muhipl. W.rc O!.iu!to, ,u;..d.d in hcatmE tnr @bdoulrr-incu..brc rdion afi.r all oth.. mdhods o.t Afrer E€atment with the M.W.O. for sone rnunrls . re radrum bum was healed and mobility of the fingcr largely restoled. (ase was trearedby professorSven -_ This Johanssonin a Hospital Clinic at Goeteboig(Sweden), ?. CASEOF EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE. woman,wasfrrstexamined - The patient,a middle.aged at -the.tnstirutde PhysiqueBiologique in parisiu fanuarv, IvJ!, where8hewastreatedwith the M.W.O. Dizgzosisr- Exopbthalmic goitre. Duration ll years. Lrpemtron-havlntbeenrefused,radio-electrical'treat_ t[eDt wat deqdecl uDon. The-frsr appliiadou was given on .. January llth, 1938. Arter a terv.tleatmeltr the general condition oi the patient wastreatly rmproved and the size of the goitre considerably 40 Fa. fi. Ca€ 6, ExophthalnlicCoit.c. Bdatu 7'rafuaL Eb. '6, Cd. 6. Exophrharmiccoitre. AI& ndtu!. -. rno@tr.!'rr.xft on ith Marh 1938. Thn roarL.btc r6!t wirh , .arhclty-s_MulriplcW.rc Os.iuatdtaachid.d atur ontv,.@ w.ri rcauc.t, rt wru b. obldv(d rhd rh. io!rc hs compl.tcly dlrpFncd am [email protected] cddition of rh. parimr f.bs qcllat. reduced. After only 7 weels rreatrnent $e soitle had r,rrrrples6lydisap.peared and the general qondiri"onof fie ])ilnent wasexcellent, 4r 3. ENLARGED PROSTAT!]. Illfrtrolhy ol enlargemenr t,f the prostareqland is une ot the mosr seriousconditions affliciing cldeilv and aged mcn. An enlarged prosrareinvariabii. necesiitates surgicalin_te €ntion in rimi. So lar no medical trcalnrent has oecn lound ro be curarive.and in rhc vast maioritv of casesrhe only h'rpeof savingthe patienr'slife liesiria mljor operaeonenrallrngcetain risks and complications. foilowing clinical leports bv medical men have ,The estaotlsheq. the tact thar prostatic enlargementhas been c.ul.d..9y rT systematicapplication of f,akhovsly,s llrrl. uple_wate ()sc laror, Onlv a sel661jon 91 16ecaseitreated can be gtvcn here. The rcsuhs,howevcr,are so imDressive that rhev should receivc immediate airenrion in rhi! counrry. - CaseL Padentaged6,1. Under rhe careof professor de Ciqna. Genoa, The-diagnosiswas made by an eminenr speclallst._-lhe prosrateuas found ro be the sizeof a small orange. lhe parient refused an operation and was com'catheler life," After l0 applicationsof . pelled ro lead a 'the M.W.o. overrwomonths,h" p"rli;r J";i;;;a .sp.read Drmseltcured, being-nolonger obliged to rasorrto the cath_ erer.- Exanunauon by the samespecialistsix weeksafter the iast application ehowedto his astonishmenrthar rhe prostatrcenlalgementhad disappeared. ^. Case2.- Parient aged OZ. Una., rhe care of l)r. rlrfaux, ot rhe lnstirur dc physiqueBiologique.paris. Diagnosismade bv a urologistwho advisedimmediarc operatron. yrostate greatlv en)arged. siZe of a small orange. tsatlenthad to resort !o a catheter. Treatmentwith the NI.W..O.begaoon July l6rh, 1932. Two , .. -applicationsof 15 minuies' dutation were siven darly. lhe volume of urine began to increasea{ter ; few rrearmeuts..Ar rhe end of rhre&eeks rhe patient apoeared to mlcturare normallv. On re_examinatidnbv thi'urologlst th€ prcstate was {ound to be normal in size. Being somewhatincrcdulousabout the perrnaDeDc€ of the rcsult the uologisr suggestcdanorherixaminarion six months la-ter.-Ihe rnpror.emenr raasdulv mainrained. Six vears atler the commencementof treatment thrrc had hecn no recurehce,and the parient \ras in cxcellenthealth. ^. Cr"1.3, l)arierrt:rgrd 60. Under the <arc oj I)r. It'rqaux. l.aIN, Diagnosisras nraclcbv thrre cnrincrrrsuccialists rrho all advisedan immediatc Lperation. Carhcierisariunha{l Deennecessarv lor sotnerine. The paricut decidcdro gile theXLWO..atrial. Treatmerrt begin1,., O.,uL...ri:f i,i s€sslons-ot lU mhurcs duradon. Ar thc cnd of thrce r.ceks the padenr $as able to resume his o(.cur).rtionalrd rhc improvenenr rvas nrainrained. For. thc pasr four vear" thcrehad bccDno lecurrenccand thc parielnt.s health'con_ rinued to be excelleDt. . Dr,. Rigaux's experiencewirh the lvl,W.O. in casesof eDtluted prostate extends ovcr a period of sevcral vears. tte lla6 [eated.manv patients sufiaringfronr disrurbances ot mlcturrtlon due ro prostaticenlargeriienr,and has noted a rDarkedhprovehent in many caies while normal func. lron $lth dlminudon in the size of rhe gland has often resulted. fur vears, anorher medical practitioner..Dr.. ,, rrentyr ot.q:-" has treatedmany cascsof enlarqedlrros_ _ttrus6els, rate wlth Lakhovskvs ILW.O. and has had a remarliablc measureot success. In sonle cases,frequericv had been conorderablvalleviared,while in othets rhe pr<istateshich on examrnationwas found to be greatlv enlirged, was sra. duattv rcduccd to normal proportionsafrcr triarmenr. ind ttte. parrenrs restored ro health and enabled ro rcsum" (letr tormer a( vlues. .r ULCERANr) 9t4gls oF GASTRO_DUoDENAL OTHERAFFECTIONS. Sinre 1934.Professorde Cigra, of Genoa.has rr.earcd severathundred parrenrswirh rhe M.W.O., and has becomc a keenadvorareo[ rhis rrrerhodof uearmenr 43 He has rep,rrreda serieso[ case*to the Royal Academv of \tedicine oiCcnoa rvhich lolmcd rhe of a sDeci;l "ubieci con,municationat the lnrernational Short-Wavc Corigress in lienna. in 1937. All thcsc cases were subjecled to stict clinical exanination supplemented bv microscopic and X-rav examlnatlons, The clscs rreatedbv Professordc Cigna cover a gr<ar varietv of difrercnt conditions including-basal-celledcarcinorna. Iuprr" eryrhcmirr(rsus, oriris meilia, gvnacoloqical affectiorrs.ind prlsraric cnlar(emcnr. A nu#ber of iircse ca6cswere phoiographedbefo'rcand after rreatmenr,and firll accounti duly afpeared in rhe Italian medical rrressat rhc timc. Furthermoie.functional a.rd psychologicalconditions, such as asthma, in$omnia.neuralqia,etc, were also tteateclwith plonouncedsuccess. In addition ro this Professorde Ciqna has drawn attention to thc hencficial eftects ol the M.W.O. in prrients sufrering from qasrreduodehal r:lcer. The resirlts hc obtainedin a seriis of such cases,all radiologicallvconrrolled, wereso remarkablethat lhev w.erereporta to ihe Roval Academyof Medicineof Genoa, The full clinical reporrsof Profe$or de Ciqna'scases werc embodicd in his c6mmunicationto the In;€rnational Short Wave Congressheld in Vienna, Julv tzth*l?th. t93i. REPORT ON LAKHOVSKY'S IVIULTIPLT: WAVE OSCIIIATOR bl Dn. Nrcsor-esGoir:ru Chief Radiologistof rhc Clinic for Incurabieso[ the Aoos' tolic Ladiesof rhe SacrcdHeart of fesr.rs, Romc. The following is an abridqed cxrracr translaled from rhe medical reviiw 'Medicini Nuova XXVI. N.S., t93S. Romc. 4+ I. EFFBCTS ON TIIE SYSTEM. SYMPATHXTIC NERVOUS . Cenqally speaking I have obeerveda marked analgesic acuon following the appl.ication of the Mukiole Wave 'io 'afecions Oscillaror (abbieviated' M.W.O.) in all associatedwith pain, particularly in the classical cases typical of such afiecioni. For example,a patient sufierins from cephalalgia.resultingfrom violent crairialtrauma, fo? a curratronot l0 years.was subiectedto a qteat varietv of tr.alments. but all in vain, This parieniwas definirelv cured afrer 2 months' treatment with thc M,WO. lmprovementwasmanifestafter only 3 applications, II. EFFECTSON THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. . A caseof encephalitis.contract€dat the aee of J. lefr the patrent, now -aged over 50. wirh a hemipleqia which Sreauy rmped€dhi8 movemen!8. After aboit j months, trezrment with the M.W.O. a grear deal of mobiliry in the inferior limb and a litde leesin-the upperli;i ;";i;rJ It waareallyastonishingto 6nd thafi curative effectcould oe oDtalDect ln such a ca8ein which pathological changes had been establishedfor sevcraldecaces_ ., A case o.f alcoholic paraplegia.who could walk onlv tt.:", (uttrsulry be6ar_to move with agility after il l-tT. applrcanonswrrh rhe M.W.O. .Two carcsof nocturnal enureliswerecured after a few applcauoDswith thc M.w.o, .III, EFIECTS ON CHRONIC INFLAMMATIONS. . Thc M.W.O. haebeenshownto havea resolvins ' efiecr on lnrlammatoryprcce$e! of a non.specifrc trature. The M.W.O, !"s-[6gn particulatly ureful ia the reatr.rr€-Dr ot gyuacolo$lal dieorders. Nuiretoua caeesof ova_ nul.atrd latplngru_haveheentreatedin the Clinic ald nat utranably retulted aftcr about Z nrotrths,treaEt(ot.cure Ilenstrual disordersof all kinds, not ,ssocured wirh r onditionsrequiring specialrherapvor surgi<al interference (sucDa5.stenosts,retroflexloD.neoplasms.etc.) have been constantlyreqularedwith the trLW.O. ln cisesif perivisceritisthe effecrsof rhc NI.W.O. havc been very favourable. Moreover, the eficacv of thc M.W.O.. in such cases.is grearerrhan that obrained with ctrarhermy. and rogether with appropriare rheraDeudc ^sursi_ measLrres, I have sudceededin savirie pirients from cal interf€rencewhen it appearedthii *as no other hole for them. In cases of al rhritis, the action of the M.W.O. has proved to be far more efiective rhan that of diarhermv Here,again. cerrain appropriarerherapeuricmeasuresm;v be rnclrcated.such as sulphur or iodine medication,and thi results rE.urN.xr4y may be somewha-tvrroy, tardy, but Dut I cannot recell recali a sinqle single _ucsonr€wnar case whrch has nor shown, after a dme. a marked degiic of improvement. IV. EFFECTSON METABOLISM. I have constantly observeddiminution of slvcamia and glycosuriain diabedc parienrs. This diminudo'n often occursunexpecredlvand_in a very impressivemanner, but rr rs lnvaflablv ol short duradon, In cases'of hepatic colic I have noted a decisive . rmprovement wirh M.W.O. treatmmt supplementedbr. mercurial medication. And similarly in'iaees of renil colrc.ptus gtycenn€" per os." . - Uhrorucconstipation.atonic or spastic,has been cured with M.W.O, rreafient ir rhe majoriiy of iases. At times. surpnur meolcauonaccelerates result!, In casesof rsrhrna, as a generalrule, the resultr hare . been good. In cardiac astlima the results have been legative. V. EFFECTS ON DISORDERS OF THE VASCUI.AR SYSTEM. CARDIO. Patie-ntssuffering from angina pectoris have derived . unhopect-lor benefirs ftom M.W.O. rrearmenr. The 46 nrnrber of attacks has been reduced and their distreesing characterdiminished. Disorder_sresulting from arrerio-sclerosis have often . been marke.ll! jmproved with M.W.O. uearmenr which alwavsreducessvsrolicblood pressurewhile increasingdias tolrc plessure. I Jrave never observed any ill-efiects caused by thc Thef"l ;abr";'p.d Y.:Y;9_l-,:::*of hypotensio,i. '"",,1'#",11'"ii:i,"bu"i*g,f undergoing 1\LW.O.treitmenr *mHJa;'j,Tj,TJH: Ir". l.* if.i-iir.fv -"in_ tarned wlth the additional adminisrration of aicohol.ic exvact of Allium sathum (garhc\. - _ Caset of chronic phlebitis have derived marked benefit from M.W,O. rreatinent. In acurephlebitis such treat. menl $ conrra.indicated_ VI, MISCELLANEOUS CASES. A caseof enlarqcdprostateof long duration was ra3idly improvedaftir 4'treatments wiih the M.W.o. r ne slzeot the glandwasredrrced by a third of iro original two casesof rapidlv progressivebaldnessthe fall . ,In or rne nau was arrestedafter 8 applicationsof the M.W.O. TECHNiQUE OF THE NI.W.O. TREATIVTENT The technique I have adopted is that of localised . uladuq"on. Generally speaking,-trearment is given every : oiys lor a durauon of 5_.15 minutes per sesiion, Thii 16the techniguewhich has given me the'best results after navlng_expennr€nreduirh nrany orher forms of aoolica. uon.. tor children. old peopleand debilirated woriin, e relauvely weakerapplicarionis indicated. ,h. patientis insulated by beingplacedon -a ...^1j^1-111., WOOOen stool_ Jf resultsare nor apparentafter 7 or g applications.I cirnnnueUnEl l5-30 applicarionsare given at'rhe rate o[ ir srngtetreatmentonce a weel. ....,1,L"". r.*r obsewedany ill-effectsresulting from rhe ;:$;;';XlT;?:,Jhatever Lhenumberor alPPlications th.egeneralconditiono[ patientsis a/zuays ,*_-Y:li.*" lmproved,. evenif only temporarilv,so iruch so that ri" pancnrsthemselves sbmetirires inlist oo t uui"gGnt neatm€nts. ". Tbe distancebetweenrhe two applicators __, resonaror) ancl is usuaUyfixedat gO'ims.but lTransrnitter ifrl. air,"rri. ftryte hffeasedro I.60cms.whenlessint.n"ir" r.."tm.rrr the regulationof dosage,amperage, distance "_, Ih"liy, anc-eanhrng",giveone a wideraige of bpcritive power wruchcan be adaptedto any givenc-ase. Suvuany resulrswith Lakhovsky,e Multille Wavc ^"^,,']1*-.lilkd t.lscularor haveprovedrhegreatusefulneis of thi" ippuia.u, rn_-rherrcatmentof variois dieeascs, -pf,yiic;i ;;ii."illv. i; cenah drseasesregardedas incurable. ".d .Th; pnenomena connecrcdrherewithopcn up a ,"*.fiiJ; ' research of the highcstimportance. Dn, ALEXANDER FRANCIS, REPORT Frinton-oo-Sea. l6rh April, 1940. DEltr.NESS AND NERVE CASES {r.o"".ed-that rhc Mulriplc WaveOocillator ,___^j-lT:h€annt, rmproves -and for the lasr f _'onttr. ttre cfri.i paii of rnysor* with dre appararushasbeenin deaf cases.. r nave oeendoiDRear worl for over.,l0yeag and arn to find a.rlast sornerhingworcn rs a real help l-.T!-r:T.9 t" cl1lrcaeatn.r.. I baveobtained-many "Eiki"t;;id o":r.t.luftj arc iu hervecases.A paticaiof -.." _ tell ..lly olr,h.fu mine wiro bacl eevcnyearsago and,hasb;;;pl€tctt paralyzrd lrom the waist ;". .i"." ir-ai"ir..fy 48 better. He had dependedentirelv on a catheterbut for rhe past f€w modths hi has been able to pass water naturalll,. Sensarionis relurning ro bis legs and he feels very muih Derrergenerallv. , AMERICAN REPORTS When Lakhovrky arrived in Ncw york in l94l his llultiple Wave Osciliator was used cxperimentallv in a large New York hoepitalby the head ofihe phyeiorherapy depaltment who authorieedhim to publish ih! followiiri results. For reasonsof medical etiqultte the namesof th'; hospiral personneland patients coirld not be mentioned until Lakhovskys uork had been oftciallv presenredat a meeringof the New York Socieryof phyiiotherapiets. RE?ORTOFCASESTREATEDWITH LAKHOVSKY'S },IULTIPLE WAVE OSCILLATORIN A LAR.GENEW YORKCITY HOSPITAL(lsr Jvr.r-2lsr Aueurr, l94l) Number of Trcatments Resultt X. Arrhriris- both knees ... 14 eood imptovcrlcotj O.P. Endocervicitic-Abdomiaal pain ... 6 Conditioogood, F, T. Periarthritis of shoulder ... 12 Marlcd improvemeor after 6tsr ireatment. Cfudirioo good. lvl.Il Osteoarthritir ,.. ? Marlcd irolrorurnenr. aftcr ttco reatrneut. otifiness diminished, f,I. K. Ceneral chronic arthritis ... lI Slight improvernent. -_ 11.o. Arthriris of ankle 3 Resultsgood: 49 Patient Illneso A. E. Post-operativc fracture _.. ... C . V . A r t h d t i s- b o t h knees ... lvl.f). Generalar.thritis... J. H. Epicondylitis of elbow ... D.G. Chronic Bronchitis 6 Results good. 1l Markedirnprovcmeut, 8 Markedimprovement. 7 Resultsgood. l0 No cough,no soreness. Marked improvcment. l0 Markedimprovement. S.L. Generalarrhritis ... ts,M. Anhdtis & circularory disturban(eo 6 Improving, M. L. Arthritis of ankle . a n dk n e c ... 7 Im?role ment. No M. B. Anhritis of shoulder M. O. Tenosynovitis of hand ,,. S.S, Arthritis -- both knees ... S.C. N. Congerdralhip dislocalion ... R .L . F r a c t u r e - b o t h uhae; Synovitisboth knies ... 7 Markedimprovement. 6 Improvement. 7 Improvement. 3 Markedimprovement. 5 No pain. ADDITIONAI- CASES Casel. G. D., Female,aged25. Patient complainedof pains in the chestand muscles of tlre right arm and back,"andconstantcough. Shedid not respoudto.medicalreatmentand -ossage."Tr€atment with Lalhovsly's Multiple WaveOscillaroirvasinstituted. ,{[ter the lourrh rreatmentcoughirgstopped,pain in rhe chest b€cameinlrequent, and tEe tiied felling-in the back disappeared. At the end o{ 12 treatmentsthe-patient no longer complainedof previoussvmptoms. Case2. M. L, Female,aged51. Patient complained of pain and stiftnessin the right hip. X-rav exairination diiclosed a marked nalrowtriof this articulition associatedwith larqe spLrrsat lhe marlin o{ rhe acerabulumwhich appeareito ankylosethe ioint. There were proliferative chiiees in the upper margin of the femoral liead. Diathermv ind massaeefiiled to r-elieve the pain and stiffness. Afte; l0 treatmiirts vith Lakhovskv'i ll.W.O. the stifinesswas marledlv reduced. Case3. F. T., Female,aged 38, For rwo months the patienrcomplainedof pain in borh shoulders. Abduction oi the risht-humerus x'ae limited to {5 degrees. A diagnosisof periarthritis was nrade and rreatmeni with l,akhovskv's M-.W.O. was srarred. After 3 treatmentslhe Datient iaid she felt much better. The improvement condnued. After a seriesof ll treatments the-patient did not return. Apparentlv permanentreliet had been obtarned. Casr4, A. B.. Xlale. aged60. Patient gave history of pain in both kneeebeginning in l9{(1. Di;rhermy and missagefor one year gaiie ooli' slight relief. Trearment with Lahhovskys M.W,O. was instituted, After one treatment patimt statedthat he Iclt better. Alter 4 treatmentsparienrfelt so much better that he tool onlv one treatment in rwo weeks. Ccsr 5. M. M., Female,aged42. Patient complainedof pain in lelt lower back and hip. X-ray examination of the lirmbar spine and pelvis showdd ealcifcation at the anterior marEin's ol the. inter-vertebral discs betrveentle ninth and tinth and the tenth and 5r eleventh vertebre. There rvasalso a slight scoliosisof thc lumtar spine. Treatn:enrwirh Lakhovskvs M.W.O. was Instituted. Afrer rhe first trcarmenr patient felt better. Af_terth,e,5thEeatmenrimprovemcniwas very nrarked. fancnt dtd not returnaltcr 9 trcttntents. Case6. S. N., Female,aqed 59. . .Iatient complained,-rfpain in the ughr shouldcrand rnabrlrtv ro.exrendrhe arm. Examinatioi showedpatienr unable to abducrrhe arm more lhan .5_10 deSrees, icc(,mpanred by severe pain, X-ray cxaminatibn disclosed rr.retularcalcficadonin the regionof the greatertuberositr. humenrs. Trearment with Lakhovsky.s lt.,rl: .vt.w.u. "ghl was tns rured. Alrer one trearment patient did sne .tett mxch berrer. The improvement continued steadlyunril ll) rrcatnrents r^cre<om-,:leted, Case7. C. P., jremale,aged 3g. Gynacolo;ical examinarion showed rterus siiqhrlv . enlarged and hard. _Righr parametrium ,"na.r. b-i-.inosls: t arametrrtN. Ireatment with Lakhovsky'sM.W.O. wasinstitutcd on July l-ih, 1941. Afrer 4 t.."lm.nt" o"t. rent,telr bener. and after 12 rrearmenrcpatient was foind to be.nruch tmproved. Examination on October 7th sDowedrhe adnexa,and .parameriurnto be painless. rauenr wasconsideted cured. REPORTOFCASES TREATEDWITH LAKHOVSKY'S MULTIPL!]WAVEOSCILLATOR BY A PROMINEIIT BROOKLYNUROLOCIST T}e follouing results were obtained by a prominent Droortyn urotogrsr:vho6ename musr be omitted lor ethical reasons. .He is a Fellow of the Ametican Colleqeof Srrgdonsand, enioys a.great reputation as a sLilled'specialisr. ne rreareonundredsol Darlentsr\ith LaLhovsky'sMultiple W-aveOgcillator but only a few rypical rasescan De glven Patient lllness Number oI Treatments Results H.G. Acure .,tri,naty R. B. S.M. Ietenuon due 1() enlarged prostate tsleeding fiom uterine fibroids of two years'standing ... Mild multiple sclerosis with halring gait ..- R. R. Cellulitie of Nosc withpain .,. 2 Retention ceased. 3 tslcedingceased. o Marked improvement. Was able io run on severaloccasions. 2 Cleared completelv after 2 treatmenteof ten minutes each in one day. B.T. Acute urinarv retention due t; enlargedprootate 2 Retenrionceascd. S.B. Bleedingfrom Cancer of dre bladdcr 3 BleedingchecLed. The luttrolr clea.rcd up nlcely and wa8 reducedin size when seeDagain qr cystoscopy three wee!.s tater. J. G. Chronic Eczemaof Axilla ga*ric ,., L. G. Severe oains from duodenalulcer ... 2 ClearedentLely. 2 Gready improved, ln addition to the abovecasesthis Broollvn sDecialier treated6 casesof enlargedprostatewith noctuinatfrequcncy(3 to 5 rimesper nighQ. After 2 Eearments wirh lakhovsky's M.W.O. frequency ' was reduced !o only once at dsht or did trot occur ai all. ibe& rcmartable results obrained in cares of enlarsed prootate, which connrm rhose already reported bv ConEnental physiciars, hold out a new hop'eof reatini thie discersing condition for which ortho?lox mediciD; ha"e no lreatoent,except surtical operation with all io dangcrs and compucaflotu. 54 CHanR Iv REIUARKABLE EFTECTS OF OSCILLATINC CIRCUITS ON ANIMALS I, PEDIGREEHORSES. Impressedby the theoriesof cellular oscillation origi. nated and fully set out by Lakhovskv in hie work " The Secretof Life," Mr. P. Fo'umier-Orm6nde, Director of the Institut Physiologique de la Croix Blalche, Vaucresron (France),, began16 ixperimentby applyingoscillating_cir, curEs on lrlt own Doctv$1th the resultthat he soonnodccd an increaeeof vigorir and generalwell-being. 'Iu He thcn decidedto experimenton iedigree horsee. the fust experimenthe-fitted sevbnliorse-s with orcillatingcircuits in rhe form of collarswith a circumference of 80185 cmr. This scientist describeshis results ar follows: The applicationof the circuite round the neck, shouldereand pasternrof the horser is followed, after a variable period of time, by some remarkableresults. The eyeeacq'uirea greaterbrilliancy, the coat becomesmore gldsey,thl skin more suppleand the generalappearance of th! horsesis ltritinglj'' improved. Moreouer'ihehorseeappearto be consciousof this increaseof vigour which th'ey manifest pI gallopingand by sigasof being 'ftrll of "po-ttt"n*u" beans. Mr. Fournier-Otmonde further remarks that all the vital, organs.are.favourably afiectedby-the application of osclulung orcults wtuctr, accordrng to htm, appeal to act as a kind of " acceleraror " of-rhe " aniriil momr." Furthermore, the constant use of these oscillatiug circuits ilcreases the vivacity aad improves the general healtb of horsesin an unmistaikablemann"t This experimenter:jlso observedthe beneficialeffectsof oscillating circuits on celtain mares which were found difficulr to inrpregnate. He concludes hi" observationsbv rtating thaf thi applicationof oscillating( ircuir. ra voung allrnSintmals Furpasses all expeclarions, Mr. Fournier-Ormondecheckedhis remarkableresults on pcdigree horses in a srrictlv scientific manner. Although evidenceof beneficial efiicrs was so saikinslv apparenthc insistedon obtaininq furrher con6rmation'bv making a rhorough analysisof-the blood of the treareil horses including full blood-count, viscosity, hamolysis, percentateof anions and carion6.suppleme;tedbv exim. ination of the cerebro-spinalduid anil even spcctioscopic anelvsls. The efiectsof oscillatingcircuits on the horses,blood were most noticeable,the cf,ief featuresbeins an increase of red.corpuscles and a diminution of viscosiiy rhus r.endErlhs the blood more fuid- FORMOF RACINCFILLY RESTORED BY OSCII,LATINGCIRCUIT _ A famous pedigree filly namedBalJerina hadbeenfirst ltr sevenracesat Vincennesand placedeight times ar EnE_ hi-en. Subsequently,for a whole'year,she-wasfound to $L allht and ran badly. Her trainer waspersuadedto fit her wirh an oscillatingcircuir of curteht dia;lerer. After a few weeksthe improiement ih her qenetal condidon was so remarkablethat her ownerdeclare-d she lookedmagnifcent. On being made ro run again she wasplo..d i" , - .. ""c'ona nel(t ot tvfenty,ohetunners and would have been first had she not srumbleddown the slope. She ran the kilometrc (5/8ths of a mlle) in I minute 26 seconds. o*n:t _, -expressedhis sarisfacrjon as folows: - ,,,Jh. wha_ta wonderlul improvemeDtand what a pleasantsurpnse lor my qainer and myself who had'backed her 66 chance! Under rhe circumsran(esI thinl it is of preat rnporrance pay arrention to oscillating cir.uit. ioi-th. rreatmentof^ro animals_' OLD STALLION REJUVENATEDWTTH - OSCILLATINGCIRCUIT of anoscillatingcircuit to a rwenty-four ..^__llfl!i,g"" vear olo stalll.onresulted in unmiitakable riqng of rei;vena_ non., Accoldin€ Mr. Fournier.Orm"rSt rbi;-|l;'; .to rDsorutelycohctusive and furniehesan .additio-nalproof of tte great usefulnessof oscillatingcircurtr rn lh€ trcatmedt dI ltorses. In conclueionit rL sho\ld luqur(r be oe carefull calelullv loted that'the r{sulteobrainedby Mr. F;ri;.-Or;;, rfsutts Fournier-Ormondt e have becn conflrmectby oimilar €xperimentscarried out by tlaihers, breeders ind u.,.;n"r'y ruig.on..* II. DOGS, application of oecillating circuits to doqs has bcen _- --Thc s-ucje$ful :s ^asin the caseof hories. A ,er.ri;;;;;e;i: lst,Mr..M. O lVlercurin, of Cannes, ,"p";;,1;'a#X; tox-te$ler wblch had bcen the victim or a molorcar acci oenr. rJr€ dot sustainedmultiple injurieo ,""a *hich lJ;-; its bac[, devoid *'t -ri"s-lii.i fl:::::1: "rllelion. An oscillatory eczemarous "ir. ", circuit, f*.-u n$ureerght.w.s firtedon ro the d;g.sneck "t"fr snoxrqers.After a fortuight,there-was a"tH#;; a martedimorovc, . weeks xGrr. .r rew taterthe o*,Derbroughtthe fox-ienier ro_rrhe vet.Binspection.To his supriseie fo;;; th;-;o; Yar :omPlerellcured:rhe hair had gorvn ;;;: srtent the,oozingscsi of which there ias now"g.i, no traca. to oayrhat.theownerwag.deli8hted with thq -^_-.,:..:ll"r3 resur ot the treathent with the oscillanng orcurt. ' affiff8fl^Hfiyfl",::^ffi.:..T"ffihrL: *fsly?l PEDIGREE DOG CURED WITH OSqLLATING CIRCUIT u.r:ril"tl in Brisbane reports (Januarv, ,^,^i, I y.rul rnar ne hact.surgeon been treatrng,unsuccessfully. a valuabie pedrgree.dogwhich had badlt injurcd irs piws and tail owmg ro rrntatron due eczcma. The poor animal wasin .ro sucharryretchedltate that it could not stind up, eat or even tap. lhe ver.wanredto destroyit but could nbt do so with. . oul the pelmissionof rhe ownei who wasabsentat the time. , .Having . been informed of the satisfactory resulls oDtalnrdon. human beihts rreatedwith oscillatori,circuits, rne ver. decrded--ro -experimenron this ailing pediqreedoe ano put an oscrlarmg circuir, adequarelyiniulated. rounil lts neck. Atrer thr_eedays rherewis deiided improvemcnt ano atter ten days the dog wasrestoredto normal health. . This remarkablecure of a valuablepediqreedos consutut€syer.anorher proof of the great vlluelf osciiLtine crrculrsln the rreatmentof ailing animals which other.wisi wolllo have tO be destroved. CoxclusroNs ,.Irom a veterinary point of view the application of osc[laung cFcurtstta6 been as successfulin jriimals ae in numan Derng8, Sick, injured and ageing animals have been rcported much improved or curid,'and the list of include pedigreehorsesand dogs,cate.and :::T1111t."h even all old Da.ffot. It would seem,therefore.that *ris eminentlv humane torm ot trearment should commend iBelf ro ill animal lovers. 58 C{^Pi& \' T'UTURE DEVETOPMENTS O}' LAKHOVSKY'S THEORIES DIAGNOSIS BY TEL!:VISION LAKHOVSKY'S OWN I'ORECAST Whil< in New York Lakhovsky madesonreinterestinq , ooservauonson thc iurure developmentsof his theorice. I . His gr'neral theorv is based on rhe assumDrionrhat :a:1 .:hroho.some and each parricle contained in everv Inolvloual celt con6rirures aD oscillatingcircuit which emit.s a.-specificradiation. Ir tollows as a n'itural corollarv rhat ill rhe elemcntsrhat make up our organismin rheiriivinq srareare collolctal,that is !o say all atoms and clectronsar; rn a ltate oJ pcrperualsuspension and function as electrical e(Iutles, As soon as cerlain chromosomesand ccllular parEclesstop oscillatingfor variousreasonsthe cell dies. Jt la no longerllvrng, oscillaringmafter bu! an inert subsrante. rtl compoDcnrparticlesare no longer electric, ..Now wc know rhat a pict,rregan be ransmitted over. a dlsnnce electri(ally by ielevision. Tubes composed of selenrumor orber material will transform electric"parricles nDratrng ar specificfrequenciesinto picrutcs. As'lieht is an unctutaroryelecrricalphenomenon_ircan be reproUuced crecrlcaly ar a drsrancewith all dc.grees of liqht and shade or rts c{rmponentelcctric particles. Thus rhi ,.nuances,. ot any prctu-reare really a trans{ormationinro visible torm oI the specrttctrequenciesof each electricalentity. Sinceall livin€ marter is electricalin essence and since every.q$ease resulisfrom the disturbanceof tbe oscillatorv egullrbrrumtn rhe cells whicb in rum causesvariations ii Inr normat trequencyvibrations of the protoplasm and of 59 tht blood,_nothingwor_rldbe simpler rhan to transmir bv terevlslontheseunbalancedfrequenciesin the form of pii. rures. tr,lr,s uaLue could get a teleuied picture ol euery 'a sp.ec.qlc . drscase. tor example. tuberculosiJwould have cusuDcnvepicturr form whiie cancerwould havea difterenr one characterisriconly of malignant disease. Moreover, ir oi commonknowledgerhat ir is possible for a 11..r*"t matrgnant rumour-ro developin-sorne part oi the human oooy wrthout rhe host beihg a\^.areof it. As long as such rumoursdo not ctestroyor interferewith certain viial tissues or cau6ehcmorrhage there is norhing to reveal their oreencetor someconsiderabledme. But if by meansof a iele_ vEron rube, or-somerhingsimilar, ir porsibleto detecr rne presenceoi a malignant tumoir "ere by pirotoqraphingthe numan organloma-nd transforming inrd pictirei thedis. turbe<lracuarionsof bodily cells rhin we should bc able to or any other organic diseare,transmirtedon ,".T r":::r.-." Moreov-er. the blood of a cancerouspersonwould difier . nom.tnat ot a drabeticor tuberculousindividual. It is oerml8$ole to assumethat eachof theseblood cell qrouDs have a Bpecrhctreguency and consequentlya specifii fdim aud -ideniification colour. The of tlese 6b"a's.;r".-il;; vrsronwould be ot great value to medical-sciehce which would De revoluttonisedby such an advance. in this ^ . . O-nec.g.9nlyhopethat Lalhovsly.spredictions nerdot mdtobtolotywill be fully realisidi'n rheD€aifurure. '. coNcLUStON The generalconclueionto be drawn from Lakbovskv,s , rneorres as w€lt as from the medicalreportsin the orecediirp pat$.rs thar rhe acrion of Lakhovslis oscillarini circui€ snould not be regardedas a simple '. specfic', foi any parucutar ausease. l-heaction of theseciriuire is indeed'nrirdr more comprehensiveas far as rheir aft".ra on tta t urrr"r, Dodv ate conceried. By rcinforcing and controlling the 6o oscillations of the cells the circuits conrribute emcaciouslv to the mainrenance of the oscillator.y equilibriumof rhc rvholeorganism and as a consequenc;to the mainterunce o[ good health. By facilirarinq the funcrions of fi€ cclls rhey enablethe body to resisrthe invasionof microbesand other_parhogenicagents causing diseasein its numerous manuestauons, On the treatnreotof cancerby radio-electricalmethods Lakhovsky laid down certain principles rvhich made his position quire clear. He emphaticaliy stressedthe neces. sity of consultinga docror shenevera'lump wasfek in rhe breastor a persistentulcerappearedin any orqan. Thou,rh he was greatlv encouraged_'bythe favourible medic"al reports tnat reached hlm ir(,nr manv sourceshe ncvcr allouedhimselfto becomt'unduiyoptimisric, In rhis connection he madc the following siatdment: .,I have never myself udvised or recommerdid the exclusiveaDDlication of my oscillatingcircuirs to any cancer parient rh;t could rrc treated surgtcally or otherwi$e. Though in cerrain case6grvenup as hopclessa markcd improverient has ofren beeDobservcdas a resulr of wearinq an oscillatinecircuir one must bc exceedinglvprudenr before coming to"conclusronsand pronouncing_afinal judgment. I ma! then concludc tnat 6lncemy oscilladngcircuitshave had a beneficial actiun on dying patients they ca\ a lortioti be used with successas a preventivemeasure. But I repeat that on no accountshould a cancerpatient neqlectco ;onsul! a doctor as soonas he has reason_to be alaimed." With rigard to orher dircases it appears to be qur.ge clear _ from the volumc of medicil evidence adducedrn rhe presenrwork that both Lak}ovsky.s oscil_ lattn8 circuits and his Mulriple Wave Oscillatorhavi a wide range of acion and have aihieved remarkalile resultsin a large number of caseswhich orrhodox medical treatnren; had, failed.ro -cure. To ignore such results and to leave LakhovskJs rhenpeuric rirerhodsunrestedis to commit a srn ot omlsslonas egregiousas ir is inexcusable. It hehoves us theretoreto Invesrigareand experimentin thi! new field 6r of radiobiologvlithout preconceivednotions and withour regard for prbfessionalvesred interenrsor the ruline of aurhority. For as T. H. Huxley 6aid: ', frr imbrcv)r of natual. hnowledge absol tely' rcluses tt) aclnouledge au,nonrJ as sLch, Iof etcrl pteat adoancein natuf.l hfi.rv,. Iedgehasinaohed thc abs6lite rejectiortol alttlto"it\t.', APPENDIX . The diagramon this page showswhere rhe oscillatmg clrcultsahould be worn, i.e. round the neck,waist, and above the elbowsand kneesThe effect is intensified if morc than one circuit is worn, Generallyspeaking,the ncck and waist are the lavouredsitesand likely to bring about the bcst results. F(, r?. Dia*ram sho$ils rvh... ociuati.s circutu lhoutd bc $!r,, . In this connectionit musr be panicularly srressed that, only.circuits.made in srrici accordancej with r..jaKnovstav s'Orrectronsshould be used,-othervrisethe resuhswill prove ro be entirely negative. 63