SHOPPING IN A SUPERMARKET Antonio Durán Fernández Universidad Autónoma, Madrid Montserrat Homedes Gili C.E.P. ue Lcganés Víctor Martín de Dios C.P. "Miguel de Unamuiio". Leganés RESUMEN En este trabajo se diseña una Unidad Didáctica para la E d u c a c i h Secundaria basada en el enfoque por tareas y cuyo tema central es: "Shopping in a Superinaket". El enfoque por tareas pretende motivar más al alumno adaptándose a sus intereses y necesidades. Para el diseño de esta Unidad Didáctica, hemos establecido el objetivo, la Tarea Final. el contenido y las tareas capacitadoras para pasar dcspués a la planificación de las correspondientes lecciones. Por último. exponemos el Sistema de E v a l u a c i h a seguir. ABSTRACT In this work. a Didactic Unit tor the Secondary School was designed. I t is a task-based approach Unit and its central topic is: "Shopping in a Superiiiakei". The task-based appi-oach trics to motivate the pupils by adapting the process to their interests and needs. For the desigii of this Didactic Unit, wc have established the objctive, the Final Task, tlic Content and the Enabliiig Taaks. Then, we lollow with the Lessori Plans which iiiakc up the Unit. Fiiially. we preserit thc Evaluation Systcm which is to be used as a lidlow-up. INTRODUCCI~N La enseñanza del lenguaje mediante tareas (ELMT) supone un gran paso adelante cn la metodología de la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras. El sistema de la ELMT se revela como una propuesta de innovación cducativa en esta área altamente compatible con los principios recogidos en el D.C.B. (Diseño Curricular Base). La adopción de tareas coino unidades de discño en la enseñanza de las lcnguas extranjeras presenta, no obstante, algunas particularidades que conviene señalar. En primer lugar. este enfoque se centra cn el proceso dc adquisición de la lengua realizado de una forma práctica y adaptada a los intereses y capacidades de los alumnos. En segundo lugar. se aleja de las especificaciones propias de otros métodos anteriores y se orienta hacia una mayor variedad e interdisciplinaridad en sus actividades. Se produce una variación también en los roles entre profesor y alumnos por cuanto que sc considera fundamental la implicación activa del alumno en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Otra particularidad reside en la necesidad de un trabajo laborioso de planilicación y que habrá de realizarse. fundamentalmente. en equipo. Creeemos, no obstante, quc merece la pena intentarlo ya que hemos de tener en consideración el carácter cíclico y global del proceso de Aprendizaje de una Lengua Extranjera (ALE), lo cual pone de manifiesto la necesidad de una planificación por tareas, pues de otro modo, agotaríamos los contenidos necesarios para cubrir un proceso tan complejo sin haber alcanzado el objetivo principal: LA ADQUISICIÓN DE LA LENGUA EXTRANJERA. Por otro lado. la ELMT permitirá al alumno conseguir una competencia comunicativa derivada de un conocimiento del uso de la lengua extranjera proporcionado por las tareas posibilitadoras y de un conocimiento instruiiiental facilitado por las tareas finales. El marco de diseño desde la ELMT incorpora una serie de novedades entre las que dcstacan: La articulación de toda la unidad didáctica en torno a la tnroa,firlíil (lo quc los alumnos serrín capaces de hacei- con la lengua extranjcra al final de la Unidad que no sabían hacer con anterioridad). Hasta llegar a esta tarea globalizadora o tarea final hay todo un proceso que se desarrolla a travCs de tarcas posibilitadoras que capacitan al alumno para la correcta realización de la tarea final. Se produce una gran llexibilidad y diversificación en cuanto al uso de rnaterialcs utilizados así como en la forma de trabajo (Proyectos. grupos, etc ...) lo quc permite adaptarse mejor a las necesidades de los aprendices. El alumno se iniplica activamente en el proceso desarrollando objetivos educativos como la responsabilidad, el trabajo cooperativo. ctc ... Finalmente la ELMT actúa como incitador para que cl profesor pueda profundizar en una gran variedad de recursos y destrezas didácticas respecto a las Icnguas extranjeras y a la interacción en el aula, pudiendo así enfrentarse con Cxito al rcto de la enseñanza de idiomas. discña& si. Lü LTi;idUd Eidác.ica qüc a cvii~inüacióí;picscn~aiiicicha guiendo los principios dc la enseñanza por tareas y pensada para la E.S.O. Pretendemos con estc trabajo ofrecer un modelo de Unidad Didáctica para que otros profesores. si lo consideran útil. puedan tener una referencia práctica. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE UNIT S W L u W.G. T W.(j. P.W. IND T St'\ E.S.O. Speaking Writing Listening Reading Whole Group Teacher Whole Group / From thc tcachcr to the whole group and í'roin the whole group to thc tcachcr Pair Work Individual Texhei- Studeiit's Educacicín Secundaria Obliptorin UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA COUNTABLES AND UNCOUNTABLES OBJECTZVE - T o be able to ask for things in a supermarket. FINAL TASK T o have a dialogue with different shop-assistants in a supermarket (simulated) to ask for things. - CONTENTS 1)Lexical - Semantic field relatcd to products you can find in different shops: beer apples bread cheese ham coke juices orange wine cider youghurt lettuces steak meat pepper tomatoes pears chops cod haddock cherries lemons oranges bananas eggs sardines cheese coke ham milk tea biscuits bread chocolate sugar cigarettcs stamps potatocs aspirins - - - Shop names where you can find those products: Tobbacconist's Baker's Chemist's Butcher's Greengrocer's Jeweller's Post-Office Grocer's Words refering to units of different products: loaf bottle can litrc slicc gram dozen lump J ar packet piece bar Uscful expressions for this context: Have you got ...? Can 1 help you*? What can 1 do for you? I'd like ... Can 1 have ...? 2) Grammar - There islarc. - Somelany. - Alan. - How muchlhow many. - Adjectives and adverbs of quantity: A.jectives: A lo1 of ... Not many ... - Not inuch ... A fcw ... - A little ... - - x 7 - IUO Adverbs: ... A lot. Not many. Not rri~ich. - A few. A little. None. - - - - ENABLING TASKS a) Brainstorming cxercise about things they can find in supermarket. b) Exercise consisting of making sentences with there is, are + countablel uncountable nouns. C) Matching exerci\e between different shops and thing\ you can find in them. d) Listenirig exercise whcre any. how inuch, how many are introduced. e) Reading exercise to introduce adjectives and adverbs of quantity followed by a dialogue about the Reading. f) Fill in the chrirt: a food list is givcn and students have to fill the chart headed with the following itcnis: a lot. little, Iew and no. The teacher presents a series of partitives which exprcsses the quantity of mass nouns. g.1) Matching exercise of units with their product\. g.2) Lisicning exercise about shopping in a supermarket. FINAL TASK Final task: Dialogue in groupt about \ h o p p ~ n gin a wperinarket. Lesson Plan 1 E,VARLIiVG TASKS COLVTEST A Brain\toriiiing cicrci\c ahout thirips t h q can fiiid in a \iiperinarkct. 1,exical Naiiiei of product$ qou can buy ir1 a \upeririarkct. Grammar - Conccpt of couiitablr. arid uricouritabls. Lexical - Same ¡teni\. U Exercise consistiiig oí ii~akingsciitencee with "therc islare". "ioine". "a(n)" + "coiintablel uncciuniahle" nouns. Grammar - There islare. - Soine. aín). Co~~ntablcluncoiintahlrnoun5 - Lesson Plan 1 STUDENT ANL) TEACHER ACTlVlTY SKILI, ANNEX TIME GROC'P A.1 The teaclier aska the studciitc to ¡ay thing. thcy can huy in a \uprrmarket. '1.2 Wc'll write on thc hoai-d each uord a i ii'h bei~igsaid A.3 Thc teacher will c\tablish both concepi, oí countablz nnd uiicouiitable with toiiic ol' thc u o r d i written on the hoard. - B.l Teachcr'c explanation a h w t countable and uncouritnblc nouns and introduction of therc ¡s. there asc. \(me. a ( n ) using tlie naine\ of thc brainbtorniinp. B.l.1 The teacher givc\ thc \iudent\ a inodel with thc uhe of there islare uitli countablcluncoiinrahle noun\. R.2.2 Pupils niake more seiitericc\ uiing the ahovc Iteiris plus thc iiouns of thc hrain~iorniirip. B.2 In pairr: Each pair ha< twelvc c;ird\. One rrizrnber of thc pair has io show hislher pnriner i x carde (two picturej showinp ohject\ which are countable \ingular. anothcr i\\o countable plural and tmo iiiore uricountable) and the partiicr hai to iiiakc U \entente usiiig therc i h r c . wnie. a(n) uiili each card. 1 5111 f'.h. 1 5 111 P.W. Lesson Plan 1 Gramniar - Hon. iiiuch. .? - Hciv inan? ..:! - Aii!. Thei-e idare. Lesson Plan 1 STC'DEST d VD TKACHER AC'I7VITl' SKILI. ASSEX TIME GROL'P \UD 0.1.2 l'hc w o i i d riiiie iliey lill iii rhc hl;iiil\ IND Lesson Plan 11 E Keading exercite to introduce adjeciivei and ad\erbs of qiiantity folloued by a dialogue ahout the readiiig. F FiI1 in the cliart: a food li\t is giceri and studenti have to lill thc chart headed uith the following a?jectivci: a lot. little. few and no. Thc teacher presentc a sci-ies of partiti\cs which express the quantity of rnaas nouns. Lexical Productí gou can find - iri n wperrriarki. 1,exical - Same item\. Grammar - Adjectivec of quantit! Lesson Plan 11 STUDENT AND TEACHER ACTIVITI' SKILL AiVNEX TIME GROCP R IV 10111 LV.G E.3 Students read the tcxt and an\\wr theiii. U V E.4 Pupil., conipare tlicir aii\uer\. S E.l As an introduction to the reading the teacher sho\vi tour carda with pictureí and model phrases to prereni 2nd explaiii ad,jecti\es and adverhs or q~iantil>. E.2 The teacher urite\ four queQions on ihe board ahout the text. E.5 Pupilj \\riie ilie correct ün\\+ers on ihe hoard. These question\ uith their aiisweri al-e k p t on thc board for thc next cserci\e. F.l Thc tcacher pre\ents a food l i s ~\bit11 different thing\ and tlizir quarititie\. F.2 The tcacher cxplains vocabulary related to the partiii~es.(11's uscful to associate [he iiicanin: of thete mor& with colour\: E.2. Grecii = "a lot". Dark Blue = "little" Light Hluc = " k w " Red = "no" F.3 Students ha\e to conipleie a chnrt ~ ~ i t l i "a I d . "littlc". "fe\\" and "no". F.4 U,irig this vocahulnry. stodcrit\ inahe a dialogue followiiig tlic niodel senteiicc\ uhich are uriiten on the hoard. M' IND P.W Imson Plan 11 G.1 h l d i i i i c\ei.ciii. ~ ot iiiiii\ \\ Lexical iili itirii. pi-citluct\. - 'i'liiiis\ !oii ciiii liiicl iii ,i \~ipeiiii,ii.hci. W!ytj. hlc!? !;!::!!?!!!!, :!?: :!!y,!~:!-I!!', - :j - Lesson Plan 11 STCDE.ITA,VD TEACH1:K ACTIWTI Shl1,I. AVVEY TIiMC GKOL'P Lesson Plan 111 ENtlRLING TASKS CONTENT H Dialogue iii p a r \ ahoui \hoppirig in a iciperiniirket. Leriral - Al1 uords and expreacions lenriit during the didactic unit. Crammar - All grammatical iteins that Iiave heen learnt during tlik didactic unit. - - ~ 1 Final taik Lesson Plan 111 STUDENT AND TEACHEK ACTIVITY H.l Fi11 ir1 the blaiik\ exeicisr H.2 Role plny. SKILL A.YNEX TIME GROL'P h' IX 5111 IND 5111 P.W. S - - L1 FINAL TASK [f therc are 30 studerik iii c l a s . wc can have fivc groups of siu students. The teacher explain, rhrough a transparciic) the way each group ha\ to makr the lisi oí' produces they hnni io \el1 and priceq. Each group decides what thcy uaiit to scll and hu). T h o iri thc group are thc wllers and four the custoiiierr. Each one of the four buyers goe\ to the diffcreni grouph' siands to bu) what he ha\ in his list. Thcy go back to thc group and compile what thc) habe bought and what ihey havc <»Id with priccs. p. ANNEXES ANNEX I ( 1 ) ANNEX 1 ( 2 ) ANNEX 11 (1) L A JEWELLER'S 1 A GREENGROCER'S \ A GROCER'S A BUTCHER'S A CHEMIST'S A POST-OFFICE ANNEX 11 ( 2 ) A BAKER'S L A TOBACCONIST'S ANNEX 11 (3) ANNEX 111 (a) - Good iiiorning, Madani. Can 1 help yo^? Good iiiorning. I'd like somc nient. but ... What would you like: some larnb chopj. pork chops. sausagc\. hariiburgei's ...'! * What do you rccorririiend me today? - Well, everything is good hut today tlie Ianib choph are ejpecially tender kind ihey are not vcry experisi~e. :: What a pity hecause niy children are n«t \ery forid of lanlb. Well, perhaps 1 would prefet poi'k chops. - I've got ~ o m eWhich . do 4011 prefer:' :"hese should be alright. How many do y«u want? ::: 1 want five. piease. - Anything else? :: Havc you poi any rnince? Yes of coursc. Hou inuch \+ould you likc'? ": Ahout half a kilo. - 1s lhal all'! :: Yes. it's Oí¿. H o u iriuch is it ple~isc'? - It's f 5.30. plcasc. :: - ANNEX 111 (b) - Good iiiorning. Madani. Can 1 help you? iiiorriirig. I'd like .......... biii ... " - What wvulcl you like: ............................................... :: What do you recoinincnd '! Well. everythirig is good but today the lainh chops are especinlly tender m d ilicy are rioi very expeiisive. Wliat a pity becauw rny children are not ............... Well. perhaps 1 wo~ildprefer pork chops. I'vc got ..... Which do you prekr'l ,: Thcie should be alright. - ........... do ~ O L \I+ m i ? ::: 1 uarit f i ~ e plea\e. . ........ elw'? ::: llave you p t onq .....'! - Yea ol' courw. ................... !' .: About hiilf n hilo. 1s thnt L~II? ." Yes. it'< 0 K . ................. ? - It'j f 5.30. pleaw. .. Hcrc you are. ilianh S O L L .B!c. .:. Good - - - - ANNEX IV L A LOT O F LEMONS NO WATER A LITTLE BREAD NOT MUCH BREAD A FEW BANANAS NOT MANY BANANAS ANNEX V Reading text The father nnd the mother are going to buy food and drinh for their son's birthda! Father: What d o we need to buy? Mother: Well, we have very little peanutbutter and no bread. Father: What about coke'? Mother: We've g o t a lot of cokc. W e have three bottles. Father: I'm going to have a look in the kitchcn. We have a lot of hamburgers but wc haven't g«t many sausage rolls and not much kctchup either. Mother: And we need io buy a few sweet cakes as well Father: Well, let's go. We have to buy a lot. Questions about the Reading How .... peanutbutter do they havc? - How .... coke do they havc'? - How .... harnburgers do they have? How .... sau5age rolls do they have? - - ANNEX VI Little Chocol'~tc E&3 Bread MI 8 bar 2 do7eii BI Cheese Tca Potatoes Soup Banand\ 01a n p Sardines Sugar Ham Tomatoe\ 112 packet 3 dices 3 packets l bottle I iin I dozcn 2 3 tin, 50 ~ i ~ i n m e s 1 Few No 1 ANNEX VI1 I .- X loaf' 2.- 1.-A boiilc 3 . A can h.c.d.. e.f. J . A kilo,13.l . A litre A piecr A 5licc 100 granme$ A doren A lump Abar Ajar A packet A tin Cake Bacon Apph gl! Bccr Milk C.- Bread h.- S u g x i . Egs j.- Cliocolate h.- Biscuitj l.- Honey m.-Tea 11.- Sardine ANNEX VI11 (1) 1,istening exercise Liste11 to ~ O U I -people 5hopping ni Birtl's. Complete thc tahle writing what they wnni and h w niucli ihey \\ ant to bu)' - Rhat thej want to b u ~ 1 MRS BROMN How much they want ANNEX VI11 (2) Tapescript 1 Peter. - Hello. Mrs. White. Whai'a the rriatter. you are in a hurry'? - Well. Yes. 1 have an appointmeni with the doctor. Could you give rne aonie heef and eggs, please'? - How many eggs? - Well, two dozen, and iwo kilo? oí' potatocs, pleasc. - Here you are. - Thank you. Ser you toriiossow. - Hello, Tapescript 2 afternoon, Peter. - Hello, Mrs. Scope. What would you like? - Can 1have a bag of pea5 and two cabaggcs,? ... And can 1 have two packets of biscuit5. as well. please? - Certainly, here you are. That'll bc 70 p. And that niakes E 1.10 altogether. - Here you are. - Thank you very much. Mra. Scope. - Bye, Peter. - Bye, M n Scope. - Good Tapescript 3 - Good niorning. Mr. Pickering. - Morning. Mra. Lewis. What can 1 do for you'? - 1 nccd some \cal and four slicei of bacon'? - How much veal? - Four 5teaks and a dozen cggs too. plcax. - Anything clse'? - Yes. five pears and tuo hotlles of rnilk. please - Right. Here you are. Thai's f 7.80 aliogether. Tapescript 4 aftcrnoon. Mr. Pickering. - Good afternoon, Mrs. Brown. What woiild you like'? - 1 want two pounds of mince and some pork, pleaae. - How much p«rk do you wani'? - Half a pound of chopped pork. pleajr. - What elae do you want? - Four slices of harn and iwo loaves of bread. plcase. - Do you want any fruit'? - Ye!, five orangei and give me a pound ofhaiiana5 too. please. - Good A4easures: I Pound (Lh) = 16 ounces = 353.6 g 1 Kilo = 3.3 1.b (aproxiniately). ANNEX IX Fill in thc blaiik\ 1 Role plnq Fill ir1 the blaiih5 2nd make a Kole-play with your partricr. Shop-assistnnt: What can 1 do lor you'? / What do you iieed? 1 Can I help you. plcasc? 1 What would you l i k ? / What do y x i wnnt? Custoiiier: 1 iieed 1 I waiit / I'd likc / C m 1 hri\e ....... / riiid ....... 1 h;id hrgottcn: Have you got soiiie ....... ? Shop-nssistant: I'm sorry. I'vc oiily got ....... H«M inuch ....... do you need 1 narit / woultl )mi lile'! HOMniany ...................... '! Cuskmcr: Give me .... please. Shop-a\si\tant: Anything else? Custoiner: No. thank ywi / Well. thnt's al1 . Shop-,dsistnnt: 1x1 nic see. It's ...................... Custoinci.: Herc you are. Shop-asskiant: Tliaiih )ou. Bye ' ANNEX X THIS MONTH'S SPECIAI, BARGAliVS APPLES BANANAS ORANGES CHERRltS SUGAK IWHITE) EGGS CHEESE BREAD í d lonl) 60 p. 1 Kg. 70 p. / Kg. 65 p. / Kg. 85 p. 1 Kg. f 1.35 1 Kg. f 1.30 / dweii f 2.05 1 Kg. 65 p. COD f 3.70 1 Kg BACON I,Ii~cd) VEAL STEAKS POKK CHOPS t 2 70 / Kg t 3' 70 1 Ks f 2 75 1 Kg FlSH MEAT EVALUATION OF THE UNIT In [he proce\s oí' evaluation we are going to clistingui5h two parts: On the one hand. thoie tacks which the teachcr is goinp io punctuate. On the othcr hand. the tasks which the tcacher will take as rcfcrence oiily for error corrcction. Following the system of continuous evaluation, we are going t« eialuate the four skillx Reading. Listening. Writing and Speaking. The tnsks wc have chosen to cialuate ihe studeiits and give thcm a punciuation are the following: Keading skill: Leison Plan 11: Reading exercise (E) The evaluation will be done through thi? observation table: - Yt's NAME 7 FLL'ENCY 1 PRONUNCIATION Listening skill: Lesson Plan 11: Listeniiig exercise ( G ) Writirig skill: We are going to eialuate the exercise5 rclated to "Fill in the blanks": Lesson Plan 1 and 111. Speakirzg skill: Lesson Plan 111: Final Ta\k ( 1 ) The ciiiluaiioii will be doiie througli ihia «bscs\ation tliblc: L S i i NAME 1 - l 1 I LIENC). - t INTtKACTIiF COMMUNICATION STRUCTLiRES 1 t 4 l AIl tasks iiicluded thosc of tlieiii which havr beeii rneniioncd to eialuatc thc \tudeiiij - ase uied a feedbach. thiit is. thr teaches t a k i note\ of ihe mnin inistlike~studeiit\ iiiahe aiid iii ihai va) he knows what he has 10 explain ngain in ordes to iiiake it clear. The follou iiig L a A ase iprcially iiidicated to maLe a feedback: - Lessori Plan 1 Euesciw of rriking senierices ~ i t "tlierr h id ai-e". "\ornc". " d n ) " + co~iiitablel~iiicou~~table rio~ina( B ) - Matchiiig euerciie beiueeri dil'lereni ihoys aiid thiiigi you c m h y ir1 thcin (C) - Li\teiiiiig and Rc~idiiigexescisc í D ) - Lessori Plan 11 - Fill iii ihe chart: iiudents have to fill tlie cliasi hended uith ihe following adjectiiei: a lot. litilc, I e u aiid no. íF)