St. Irenaeus Parish, Park Forest, Illinois

St. Irenaeus Parish, Park Forest, Illinois
September 4, 2016 Twenty third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Teresa of Calcutta
Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, the nun known to the world as Mother Teresa of
Calcutta, was born to Albanian parents in what is now Macedonia in 1910. As a
Sister of Loreto, she taught girls in her order's mission schools in India for twenty
years. But in 1946, on a train journey in the mountains, she suddenly realized that
God was calling her to something more--to care for the poorest of the poor.
In the city of Calcutta, many homeless people lived and died on the street. One day
Sister Teresa came across a half-dead woman lying in front of a hospital. She
stayed with the woman until she died. From that time on, she dedicated herself to
caring for the poorest of the poor in India. She founded the Nirmal Hriday ("Pure
Heart") Home for the Dying in a former temple in Calcutta, where poor, homeless
people were cared for and allowed to die with dignity when no one else would
have them. She also founded an orphanage and leprosy hospital.
Other young women, including some of her former students, soon joined her in her work with the sick, the
poor, and the forgotten of Calcutta's slums. They formed a new worldwide order of nuns, the Missionaries
of Charity. Like Mother Teresa, they wear a plain white, blue-edged sari, the traditional dress of Indian
women. They live a simple, prayerful life, and take care of people all over the world wherever there is
Mother Teresa won several awards for her work, including the Nobel Peace Prize. She always used the
money from such prizes to found new homes and hospitals for poor people. She died in 1997 at the age of
87. Her life and work remind us that happiness and holiness come from doing "something beautiful for
God." She was beatified in 2003, and will be canonized on Sunday, September 4, 2016.
Teresa de Calcuta
Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, la monja conocida en el mundo como la Madre Teresa de Calcuta, nació en 1910
de padres albaneses en aquella región conocida hoy como Macedonia. Como una de las Hermanas de
Loreto, fue profesora y enseñó a niñas en las escuelas de su comunidad religiosa en la India por veinte
años. Pero en 1946, mientras viaja en tren hacia las montañas, de pronto se dio cuenta que Dios la llamaba
para algo más, servir a los más pobres de los pobres.
En la ciudad de Calcuta, muchas personas desamparadas vivían y morían en las calles. Un día la Hermana
Teresa se encontró con una mujer moribunda tendida enfrente de un hospital. Ella estuvo con la mujer
hasta que esta murió. A partir de entonces, se dedicó al cuidado de los más pobres de los pobres en la
India. Ella fundó Nirmal Hriday (Corazón Puro), una casa de asistencia para moribundos en lo que había
sido un templo hindú, donde los pobres, desamparados fueron atendidos y morían con dignidad cuando
nadie más los cuidaba. Ella también fundó un orfanatorio y un leprosario.
Otras señoritas, incluyendo algunas de las que fueron sus estudiantes, pronto se le unieron y a su trabajo
con los enfermos, los pobres y aquellas personas olvidadas de los barrios de Calcuta. Ellas formaron una
nueva comunidad religiosa mundial de monjas, las Misioneras de la Caridad. Como la madre Teresa, ellas
usan un sari, el vestido tradicional hindú de las mujeres, que consiste en un vestido blanco, con franjas
azules. Ellas viven una vida sencilla, vida de oración y cuidan a personas de todo el mundo donde hay
La madre Teresa recibió varios reconocimientos por su trabajo, incluyendo el Premio Nobel de la Paz. Ella
siempre usó el dinero de esos premios para fundar nuevas casas y hospitales para los pobres. Ella murió en
1997 a la edad de 87. Su vida y trabajo nos recuerda que la felicidad y la santidad vienen al hacer "algo
hermoso para Dios". Ella fue beatificada en 2003 y será canonizada el domingo 4 de septiembre de 2016.
got kids? got God?
Wednesday, September 7th at 7:00 PM
Religious Education
Registration for this school year’s
Religious Education Program begins
August 8th and classes will start on
Sunday, September 18th. Registration
forms are available in the parish office.
Please contact Terri Cardin with any
question or for more information
As an expression of solidarity and
peaceseeking, the faith communities of Park
Forest are gathering to pray for peace in our
village, in our nation and in our world. We will
gather at St. Irenaeus Church, 78 Cherry Street,
on Wednesday, September 7, at 7 p.m. for a
vigil, and as an ongoing commitment, the first
Wednesday of each month to join our hearts,
our hands, and our voices for peace. See you
In Honor of
October Right to Life Month,
the Ladies Auxiliary of Nina Council 3602
is again sponsoring
Last year we collected
Please bring
over $400 cash plus
at St Irenaeus Parish
several hundreds of
newborn to size 4
to support
dollars in clothing, baby
Diapers, wipes, sealed
products, powders,
lotions, pampers, wipes,
blankets etc.
Please help this year
during first 2 week-ends
of October
Baby Products
Cash donations also
Thank You
Nina Council Ladies Auxiliary 3602
Sandy Brunson, President - 708-821-8759
Catholic Charities Counselor
Our parish counselor Zinnia Carvajal, from
Catholic Charities will be serving the
community of St. Irenaeus on Fridays from
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. You can make an
appointment with her by calling 312-6557725.
Consejera de Caridades Católicas
La consejera de nuestra parroquia, Zinnia
Carvajal, estara dando su servicio a la
comunidad de San Irenaeus los Viersen de
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Usted puede hacer una
cita con ella llamando al 312-655-7725.
It’s time to do the schedule …
for Lectors, Eucharist Ministers, and Altar Servers. This schedule will start the weekend of
October 2 and conclude the weekend of December 25.
Please let the office know of your availability as well as any changes in preferences. We
need this information by September 16, 2016 so the schedule will be ready by the
weekend of September 24.
You can email the parish office at [email protected] or call 708-748-6891
Thank you for all you do as a part of the Liturgical Ministries here at St. Irenaeus Parish.
God's Peace
Loren & Terri
To Teach Who Christ Is – August 4, 2016
As of August 4, 2016, we have received $523,124 in pledges
from 139 families.
That is 104.6% of our goal!
Pledges paid through July 15,2016: $50,804. Of that
amount, $30,482 (60%)has been deposited into the Parish
account; the remaining $20,321 (40%) was paid to the
To set up your pledge online, go to
If you have questions about the To Teach Who Christ Is
campaign, contact the Parish Office at 708-748-6891 or
email [email protected].
36th Annual
Spaghetti Dinner
If you are
interested in buying
a business card size
ad to be displayed on the Spaghetti
Dinner place mat for $100.00 each
(tax deductable) or to make a
donation to help offset the cost of
the dinner, please contact the parish
office 708-748-6891. Thank You.
Portiuncula Center for Prayer
9263 W St. Francis Road
Frankfort, IL 60423
Register by calling 815.464.3880,
emailing [email protected],or on our website at
Date: Friday, September 9 Time: 7-8 p.m.
Fee: $30
Location: Motherhouse Auditorium
A ‘Gong Bath™’ is a dynamic meditative concert which acoustically guides each
participant into realms of spiritual well-being, emotional balance, cellular healing and
spiritual awareness. Employing a unique 38" Gong, toned to the ‘Aum’ frequency of the
Earth, a multitude of octaves are created. Using sacred geometry and natural rhythms
the brain is enticed into Alpha/Theta/Delta wave-scapes of creativity, relaxation and
enrichment. Healings at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level are common.
Please bring items for your comfort: yoga mat, blankets, pillows.
Facilitator: Richard Rudis has studied Eastern philosophy and Buddhism for thirty years. He has studied sacred
instruments and their playing techniques across Asia. He has produced five CD’s, a teaching DVD and a film entitled
'Tibetan Pilgrimage'. He is a recording artist for ‘Sounds True‘, ‘So Sounds Solutions’ and a featured artist of Paiste
Gongs International. As a Tibetan Dharma pilgrim he was granted refuge in the Buddha from His Holiness Gyalwa
Karmapa while in Tibet in 1996.
September 4, 2016
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Everyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” LUKE 14:33
When we first hear this statement, it seems that Jesus is making an unrealistic demand upon us. How can
we renounce all of our possessions? We need them to live. However, what we must renounce is the belief
that they belong to us. Everything that we have belongs to God alone. All of our resources are entrusted to
us not only for our own use, but also so that we can help others. Once we renounce the idea that we possess
or are entitled to anything, it is much easier to share the many gifts that God has given us. Then we truly
are His Disciples.
4 de septiembre del año 2016
23 ° domingo del tiempo ordinario
"Cualquiera de ustedes que no renuncie a todos sus bienes, no puede ser mi discípulo." Lucas 14:33
La primera vez que oímos esta afirmación, parece que Jesús está pidiendo algo irreal. ¿Cómo podemos
renunciar a todas nuestras posesiones? Las necesitamos para vivir. Sin embargo, a lo que tenemos que
renunciar es a la creencia de que nos pertenecen. Todo lo que tenemos pertenece sólo a Dios. Todos los
recursos se nos confían, no sólo para nuestro propio uso, sino también para que podamos ayudar a los
demás. Una vez que renunciamos a la idea de que poseemos o tenemos derecho a algo, es mucho más fácil
compartir los numerosos dones que Dios nos ha dado. Entonces realmente somos Sus discípulos.
Cards Available in MANNA Inventory!
Available Cards In Inventory On Hand With No Waiting
Dunkin Donuts $10 Starbucks $10 Target $25 Chili’s $25 Wendy’s $10 Burger King $10
Panera $10 Jewel Foods $25 Kohl’s $25 Walmart $25 Mariano’s $25 Meijer $25
Ultra Foods $25 Speedway Gas $25/$50 BP Gas $50 Shell Gas $25 Visa Gift Card $50
Darden Restaurant (Long Horn Steakhouse - Red Lobster - Olive Garden) $25
By using Manna gift cards, you can give 3% -30%
of your everyday purchases back to the church.
A variety of gift cards are available for purchase at the Manna table. If you have any questions about
Manna please call the parish office at 708-748-6891
Liturgical Ministers for Next Weekend
Liturgical Ministers
September 10/11
5:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Bev Helm
Dolly Mikolajczyk
Justin Sengstock
Rosemary Newhuis
Gene Schmittgens
Mary Schmittgens
Mike Gonzalez
Terry Townsend
Vanessa White
Myles Greska
Victor Okeke
Karen Ertl
Kevin Headley
Joanna Mahiya
George Mahiya
Stephanie Sagun
Xavier Langer
Evan Bourgeois
Connie Manno
Marianne Velut
Lori & Phil
Jo Anne Yapp
Joe Augustyn
Therese Goodrich
Tina Egwele
Terri Cardin
Dennis Condon
Jane Mattio
Marilyn Olson
Richard Thomas
Sara Veldhuizen
Taneisha Langer
Sevena Merchant
Ada Mac Kenzie
Doris Foster
Loren Bowns
Mass Intentions For The Week
Monday, September 5
8:00 Nick Modrack req by
The Family
Tuesday, September 6
8:00 Richard Egwele req by
The Oganwu Family & Tina Egwele
Wednesday, September 7
8:00 Winnie Maune req by
The Family
Thursday, September 8
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 Communion Service
Friday, September 9
St. Peter Claver
8:00 Bob & Chris Predny req by
The Differding Family
Saturday, September 10
Blessed Virgin Mary
5:00 Richard Polancyak req by
Joy Merlie
Sunday, September 11
8:30 Eugene F. Korte req by
Don & Judy Korte
10:30 Becie Kennedy req by
The Family
The Parish Office &
The Food Pantry will be
closed September 5th
This Week’s Meetings
Centering Prayer 9:30 in the Chapel
NO Food Pantry
Contemplation Prayer 7:00 in the Chapel
If you have questions about GiveCentral or would
like our Business Manager to
assist you please contact
Karen Hoogland at the Parish
Office 708-748-6891
Church Stewardship
August 28
Weekly Collection
Weekly Give Central
Weekly Budget Short
Budget Year to Date
Total Year to Date
Budget Short YTD
August 28
Maintenance Fund
Give Central
Maintenance Fund
Maintenance Fund
For single mothers and unplanned
Catholic Charities Family Shelter
Senior Services
Crisis Center for South Suburbs
Grief Support Center for New Beginnings
So. Sub. Family Shelter Domestic Violence
So. Sub. Council on Alcoholism and Substance
The Sacrament
of Marriage
Couples planning to
marry must call the
rectory at least six
months prior to their
desired wedding
date. All couples
must attend a PreCana Conference.
Need prayers?
Call the St.
Irenaeus Health
Ministry Prayer
Line at 747-0974
with your requests
The Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are
celebrated the
first and third
weekends of
each month.
Parents must
attend a
session prior to securing a date
for their child’s baptism. Please
call the parish office for further
information and/or to sign up
for a baptismal prep session.
St. Irenaeus Ministerial Staff
Rectory Phone: 748-6891
Religious Education Center Phone: 748-7997
Rev. Terry Johnson, Pastor
Loren Bowns, Deacon
Oscar Gonzalez, Youth Minister
Mariana Carrillo, Coordinator of Religious
David Herr, Director of Music Ministry
Terri Cardin, Administrative Assistant
Karen Hoogland, Business Manager
Sr. Agnes Ann O.P., Home Visitor
E-Mail [email protected]
Mailing address:
78 Cherry St. Park Forest, IL 60466
Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 am-5:00
pm, closed from 12pm-1:00pm
Ministry of Care & Anointing of the Sick
Please call the rectory if you, or someone you know,
is unable to join us for Eucharist. Our ministers of
care visit parishioners at home and in the hospital or
nursing home. Arrangements can be made for the
celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the
Bulletin Submissions
Articles are due by 10 AM on Fridays 8 days prior to
publication date. Electronic submissions are preferred
– email to [email protected]. Please
include “Bulletin article” in the subject line.
Questions? Call Terri Cardin at 708-748-6891
between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.