News from around the world on Budget Transparency

News From Around the World on Budget
Transparency, Accountability, and Participation
Funding the Fight against Corruption in Nigeria
Despite years of investment in Nigeria’s anti-corruption agencies (the Economic and Financial
Crimes Commission (EFCC), Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) and the Code of
Conduct Bureau and Tribunal (CCB and CCT)), corruption in the country remains endemic. How
could their work be made more efficient and effective? To answer this question, the CLEEN
Foundation published a study of Nigeria’s 2014 Appropriation Act.
Budget Transparency in Uganda to be achieved through ICT?
During her Budget speech for the financial year 2014/15, the Minister of Finance reached the
section entitled “Budget Transparency and Accountability.”To quote verbatim, “Madam Speaker,
the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development continues to publish the quarterly
releases to all Government Departments and Agencies in the print media. I call upon Hon.
Members of Parliament and the public to take keen interest in this information and use it to
monitor the implementation of Government programmes and utilization of tax payers’ money.
El 7 de julio es la fecha límite para enviar insumos a los Grupos de Trabajo establecidos en
el Plan de Acción 2014 de la Declaración sobre el Principio 10 en América Latina y el Caribe
Enviar insumos sobre contenidos de fortalecimiento de capacidades y cooperación a incluir
en el instrumento regional y/o temas a considerar en el instrumento regional, sobre la base
del documento elaborado por la CEPAL. Pueden enviar sus contribuciones a
[email protected]. Dichos insumos serán subidos a la web
ONU pide a El Salvador compartir su experiencia de lucha contra la corrupción en foro
El Salvador comparte en Austria, ante la comunidad internacional, la experiencia en la
aplicación de las recomendaciones emanadas del informe de país sobre la lucha contra la
corrupción, en el marco de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas que combate a este flagelo.
An Online Bill of Rights in Brazil
A first-ever law in Brazil is designed to protect internet privacy, free expression, and net
Asia and the Pacific
China’s National Audit Office (NAO) is Contributing to the Country’s Battle against
Last year, audit offices across the country scrutinized more than 150,000 companies and
government departments. The NAO’s efficiency is partially due to the fact that it keeps its
inner workings confidential.
Unlocking Budget Data in Australia: the BudgetAus Collaboration
Budget transparency in Australia has recently taken a big step forward with the first ever
release of federal budget data in machine readable format. Prior to this year, budget data in
Australia had been locked away in PDF and Word documents. While these publications met
the broad guidelines for reporting government spending to the public, analysis of
government spending remained a difficult and time consuming process
Audit Subjects Not Complying with SAI’s Requests in Montenegro
Institut alternativa’s research indicates that half of institutions that were audited by the State
Audit Institution (SAI) in the last year have not complied with the obligation to submit
reports on the implementation of the SAI’s recommendations.
Transition to Afghan Control in 2014. Perspectives from Subnational Level in Afghanistan
This paper by Integrity Watch in Afghanistan discusses the current transition in the country
by looking at sub-national level governance reforms.
Recommended Reading
Advancing Health By Enhancing Capabilities: An Agenda For Equitable Global Governance
This report examines key aspects of the global governance system and its relationship with
public health. It concludes with the argument that the ability of global governance for health
to shape interests, weigh competing interests and influence thinking in broader global
governance and policy could be strengthened by incorporating a philosophical foundation–
the capability approach articulated by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum–as its basis.
Progresividad y eficacia del gasto público en México: Precondición para una política
recaudatoria efectiva
Este trabajo explora cómo se puede incrementar el ingreso fiscal, sobre todo a partir de un
aumento en la recaudación de los sectores de ingresos más altos. La primera parte describe
cuál es la situación en México en términos de la capacidad que tiene el gobierno para
recaudar. En la segunda sección se analiza por qué en México no se ha podido incrementar la
recaudación en más de dos décadas, a pesar de las diversas reformas fiscales que se han
implementado y de que a partir del año 2000 un partido político distinto al PRI ganó la
Presidencia. La tercera sección esboza qué estrategias podría haber seguido el recién iniciado
presidente Peña Nieto para incrementar los ingresos y hacerlo de forma progresiva, así como
las razones de por qué optó por un aumento de la recaudación del Impuesto Sobre la Renta
(ISR), lo cual en principio puede ser progresivo, aunque vino acompañado por varios
impuestos indirectos claramente regresivos, y sin que cambiara de manera importante la
forma en la que se ejerce el gasto público.
Upcoming Events
Innovating the Public Sector: From Ideas to Impact
On 12-13 November 2014 the OECD will organize a conference where participants will try out
new technologies; learn how innovators have transformed their ideas into successful
innovations; and discuss with experts and senior government leaders how to support public
sector capacity for innovation. The conference will bring together public sector practitioners,
researchers, civil society, and businesses to discuss how innovation can help solve today's
complex challenges.
**For issues related to this newsletter, please contact Rocío Campos @ [email protected]. **