EXTERNAL (for general distribution) AI Index: AMR 23/73/93 Distr: UA/SC 24 November 1993 Further information on UA 356/93 (AMR 23/61/93, 7 October 1993) "Disappearance" and new concern: Death Threats. - COLOMBIA: José Drigelio DIAZ FIERRO, known as "Polo" aged 27 and new name: Rosa María ESPÍTIA (common-law wife of José Drigelio Díaz) and her daughters. Amnesty International is concerned for the safety of Rosa María Espítia and her daughters due to harassment and death threats by unidentified individuals since she denounced the "disappearance" of her boyfriend, José Drigelio Díaz Fierro, in September 1993 to the Colombian authorities. According to reports, Rosa María Espítia has been permanently followed by unidentified individuals. Men in unmarked cars have been parked outside her house and at her work at the Ministry of Health Pharmacy. She has received threats over the telephone saying that if she does not keep quiet, her daughters will "pay for it" ("que se calle si no quiere que la paguen sus hijas"). As a result of these threats Rosa María Espítia has taken her daughters out of school and has left her home. Rosa María Espítia, like José Drigelio Díaz Fierro, was demobilized from the guerrilla organization, the 19 April Movement (Movimiento 19 de Abril (M-19)) following peace agreements with the government in 1990. Members of the M-19 were granted an amnesty and reorganized as a legal political party. A number of former M-19 guerrillas have been killed or "disappeared" since then. José Drigelio Díaz Fierro "disappeared" on 30 September 1993 when he was abducted by armed men in Ibagué, department of Tolima. José Drigelio's whereabouts still remain unknown. FURTHER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send telegrams/telexes/faxes/express and airmail letters either in Spanish, English or your own language: - expressing concern for the safety of Rosa María Espítia and her daughters, who have been being harassed and followed by unidentified men and have been receiving telephone death threats; - urging that all possible measures be taken to protect the lives of Rosa María Espítia and her daughters and to enable them to pursue investigations into the "disappearance" of José Drigelio Díaz Fierro; - requesting information as to the progress of investigations into the "disappearance" of José Drigelio Díaz Fierro. APPEALS TO: 1) President of Colombia: Señor Presidente César Gaviria Trujillo Presidente de la República Palacio de Nariño Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia Telegrams: President Gaviria, Bogotá, Colombia 2 Telexes: 44281 PALP CO Faxes: + 57 1 286 7324/7434 287 7937 Salutation:Excelentísimo Sr. Presidente/ Dear President Gaviria 2) Procurator General: Dr. Carlos Gustavo Arrieta Padilla Procurador General de la Nación Procuraduría General Edificio Banco Ganadero Carrera 5, No. 15-80 Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia Telegrams: Procurador General Arrieta, Bogotá, Colombia Faxes:+ 57 1 284 0472 Salutation:Sr. Procurador de la Nación/Dear Dr. Arrieta 3) Attorney General: Dr. Gustavo de Greiff Fiscal General de la Nación Fiscalia General de la Nación Apartado Aéreo 29855 Santa Fé de Bogotá Colombia Telegrams:Fiscal General, Fiscalia General, Bogotá, Colombia Faxes:+ 57 1 287 0939 Salutation: Estimado Dr. de Greiff/Dear Dr. de Greiff 4) Governor of the Department of Tolima: Señor Ramiro Lozano Neira Gobernador del Departamento del Tolima Gobernación del Tolima Calle 10 y 11, Carrera 3 Ibagué, Tolima Telexes: 47156 Faxes: +57 82 638588 Salutation: Estimado Señor Lozano/Dear Mr.Lozano COPIES OF YOUR APPEALS TO: 1) Lawyers' Association: Corporación Colectivo de Abogados AA 44456 Santa Fé de Bogotá Colombia 2) Association for Relatives of the "Disappeared": Señores ASFADDES AA 011446 Santa Fé de Bogotá Colombia and to diplomatic representatives of COLOMBIA accredited to your country. PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, 3 or your section office, if sending appeals after 5 January 1994.