Si el acceso es mediante Telnet, se debe ejecutar de la siguiente forma: - Nos dirigimos al menú "Inicio" y buscamos "Ejecutar". - Escribimos "cmd" y damos clic en "Aceptar". Aparecerá la siguiente pantalla: ahí debemos teclear lo siguiente: telnet <ip del equipo voip> telnet Si nuestra versión de Windows tiene instalado y activado Telnet, nos aparecerá en esa pantalla la solicitud de una contraseña (password), la cual es: admin De lo contrario, si nuestra PC no lo tiene, nos marcará un error de que no se reconoce el comando. En ese caso, es necesario descargar de Google el programa puTTY. Paso 1- Seleccionar "Session". Paso 2- Seleccionar "Telnet". Paso 3- Teclear la IP del equipo. Paso 4- Dar clic en "Open". Posterior a esto, favor de continuar con los siguientes pasos de la guía. Es necesario introducir los siguientes comandos en el equipo conservando las mismas direcciones IP (preferentemente) o cambiándolas según sea necesario: IAD(8)>enable Password:admin IAD(8)#load default IAD(8)#save IAD(8)#reset Really want to reset? 'yes' or 'no' [no]: yes ////// Equipo Reiniciando, esperar 30 segundos y dar un 'Enter', si la sesión era de Telnet, es necesario volver a realizar la sesión. ////// IAD(8)> enable Password: admin IAD(8)#set ip ->Device net interface IP address []: ->Device net interface netmask []: ->Use default gateway ?'yes'or'no'[no]:no IP configuration will take effect by resetting ! Really want to modify ?'yes'or'no'[yes]:yes IAD(8)#set local Please execute "refresh portnum" to refresh new numbers after configuring ->Use prefix in phone number[yes|no][yes]:yes ->Prefix of gateway number [8]:8 ->Please input port number[0]:0 ->Phone number[11]:11 ->Display the number of the incoming call[yes|no][yes]:yes ->Forbid displaying caller's number[yes|no][no]:no ->Registered or not[yes|no][no]:no ->FXO port's mode(0-Default;2-Remote numbering;3-Closed)[2]:2 ->Please input number for remote numbering[411]:411 Continue ?'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->Please input port number[1]:1 ->Phone number[12]:12 ->Display the number of the incoming call[yes|no][yes]:yes ->Forbid displaying caller's number[yes|no][no]:no ->Registered or not[yes|no][no]:no ->FXO port's mode(0-Default;2-Remote numbering;3-Closed)[2]:2 ->Please input number for remote numbering[412]:412 Continue ?'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->Please input port number[2]:2 ->Phone number[13]:13 ->Display the number of the incoming call[yes|no][yes]:yes ->Forbid displaying caller's number[yes|no][no]:no ->Registered or not[yes|no][no]:no ->FXO port's mode(0-Default;2-Remote numbering;3-Closed)[2]:2 ->Please input number for remote numbering[413]:413 Continue ?'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->Please input port number[3]:3 ->Phone number[14]:14 ->Display the number of the incoming call[yes|no][yes]:yes ->Forbid displaying caller's number[yes|no][no]:no ->Registered or not[yes|no][no]:no ->FXO port's mode(0-Default;2-Remote numbering;3-Closed)[2]:2 ->Please input number for remote numbering[414]:414 Continue ?'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->Please input port number[4]:4 ->Phone number[15]:15 ->Display the number of the incoming call[yes|no][yes]:yes ->Forbid displaying caller's number[yes|no][no]:no ->Registered or not[yes|no][no]:no ->FXS port's mode(0-Default;1-Virtual Dial;2-Hot line;4-Information directory de sk)[0]:0 ->Outgoing call automatically transfer to port[4]: Continue ?'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->Please input port number[5]:5 ->Phone number[16]:16 ->Display the number of the incoming call[yes|no][yes]:yes ->Forbid displaying caller's number[yes|no][no]:no ->Registered or not[yes|no][no]:no ->FXS port's mode(0-Default;1-Virtual Dial;2-Hot line;4-Information directory de sk)[0]:0 ->Outgoing call automatically transfer to port[5]: Continue ?'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->Please input port number[6]:6 ->Phone number[17]:17 ->Display the number of the incoming call[yes|no][yes]:yes ->Forbid displaying caller's number[yes|no][no]:no ->Registered or not[yes|no][no]:no ->FXS port's mode(0-Default;1-Virtual Dial;2-Hot line;4-Information directory de sk)[0]:0 ->Outgoing call automatically transfer to port[6]: Continue ?'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->Please input port number[7]:7 ->Phone number[18]:18 ->Display the number of the incoming call[yes|no][yes]:yes ->Forbid displaying caller's number[yes|no][no]:no ->Registered or not[yes|no][no]:no ->FXS port's mode(0-Default;1-Virtual Dial;2-Hot line;4-Information directory de sk)[0]:0 ->Outgoing call automatically transfer to port[7]: Continue ?'yes' or 'no' [yes]:no IAD(8)#set gw -> Please input phone number(prefix):4 -> Is prefix'yes'or'no'[yes]:yes -> Specify number length'yes'or'no'[yes]:yes -> Number length[1]:3 -> Please input phone routing type(0-SIP;1-FXO;2-FXS;3-TEL)[0]:0 -> Please input routing IP address[]: -> Peer gateway port(0-65535)[5060]:5060 -> Interception length of master phone routing [0]:0 -> Master phone routing need extra prefix'yes'or'no'[no]:no IAD(8)#save Save operation successful! IAD(8)#reset Really want to reset? 'yes' or 'no' [no]yes TERMINA CONFIGURACIÓN DEL MG6008 Notas: - El puerto Ethernet que se utilizará para recibir o realizar llamadas es el Puerto 1 (WAN), con el otro puerto no jala. Los puertos telefónicos a utilizar son del 1 al 4 para líneas telefónicas o extensiones de conmutador, del 5 al 8 no se utilizarán. Para configurarlo debe ser por Hyperterminal o Telnet conectando el cable serial incluido con el equipo al puerto serial. Si los parámetros no aparecen en inglés, usar el siguiente comando: o IAD(8)#set lang o Please select the language used in CLI: o 0 -- Chinese(ÖÐÎÄ) o 1 -- English(Ó¢ÎÄ) o ->[1]: 1 o IAD(4)#save o erased 128 kbytes ... 100% complete. o o Save operation successful! o o IAD(4)#reset o Really want to reset? 'yes' or 'no' [no]: yes o Restarting system. Si el equipo no reconoce los comandos. Es porque no se le puso “enable” con contraseña “admin” al principio, debe tener #. SI ES NECESARIO REGRESARLO A VALORES DE FÁBRICA, UTILIZAR LOS COMANDOS SIGUIENTES EN EL MISMO ORDEN: o IAD(8)#load default o IAD(8)#save o IAD(8)#reset Es necesario introducir los siguientes comandos en el equipo conservando las mismas direcciones IP (preferentemente) o cambiándolas según sea necesario: INICIA CONFIGURACIÓN DEL EQUIPO MG6002 IAD(4)> enable Password: admin IAD(4)#load default IAD(4)#save IAD(4)#reset Really want to reset? 'yes' or 'no' [no]: yes ////// Equipo Reiniciando, esperar 30 segundos y dar un 'Enter', si la sesión era de Telnet, es necesario volver a realizar la sesión. ////// IAD(4)> enable Password: admin MG6002#set ip WAN ->Data port IP Address[]: ->Net Mask[]: LAN ->IP Address[]: ->Net Mask[]: ->Do you want to use Manager Netwok Port? 'yes' or 'no'[no]: no ->Do you want to use Intranet Netwok Port? 'yes' or 'no'[no]: no ->Do you want to use Public Netwok LAN? 'yes' or 'no'[no]: no ->Do you want to use The Second Public Netwok LAN? 'yes' or 'no'[no]: no ->Whether Use the Default Gateway, 'yes' or 'no'[no]: no ***Taking effect must restart the system after configurations be saved!*** Are you sure to change the configurations? 'yes' or 'no'[yes]: yes MG6002#set sipuser ->Use user name in REGISTER[no]:no -> Batch All Endpoint 'yes' or 'no'[yes]:no ->Enter port index(0-1)[0]:0 ->Display name(Press SPACE key to clear)[]: ->Phone number(Enter SPACE key to clear)[11]:11 ->Wheter register or no 'yes' or 'no' [no]:no ->User name(Press SPACE key to clear)[]: ->Auth name(Press SPACE key to clear)[]: ->Password(Press SPACE key to clear)[]: ->Config other ports ?'yes'or'no'[yes]:yes ->Enter port index(0-2)[1]:1 ->Display name(Press SPACE key to clear)[]: ->Phone number(Enter SPACE key to clear)[12]:12 ->Wheter register or no 'yes' or 'no' [no]:no ->User name(Press SPACE key to clear)[]: ->Auth name(Press SPACE key to clear)[]: ->Password(Press SPACE key to clear)[]: ->Config other ports ?'yes'or'no'[yes]:yes MG6002#set local ->Use prefix in phone number[yes|no][no]:yes ->Prefix of gateway number []:4 -> Batch All Endpoint 'yes' or 'no'[yes]:no ->Whether display incoming number 'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->Send Caller ID 'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->FXS port's mode(0-Default;1-Hot line)[0]:1 ->Please input number for hot line[]:811 ->Whether display incoming number 'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->Send Caller ID 'yes' or 'no' [yes]:yes ->FXS port's mode(0-Default;1-Hot line)[0]:1 ->Please input number for hot line[]:812 MG6002#set gw -> Please input phone number(prefix):8 -> Is prefix'yes'or'no'[yes]:yes -> Specify number length'yes'or'no'[yes]:yes -> Number length[1]:3 -> Please input routing IP address[]: -> Peer gateway port(0-65535)[5060]:5060 -> Interception length of master phone routing [0]:0 -> Master phone routing need extra prefix'yes'or'no'[no]:no -> Extra Suffix'yes'or'no'[no]:no MG6002#set sipa ->Config all timer with default value?'yes'or'no'[yes]: ->Keep alive NAT(0--disabe 1--OPTIONS 2--PING)(0-2)[0]: ->Register-interval update auto?'yes'or'no'[yes] ->Support PRACK?'yes'or'no'[no]: ->Support TIMER?'yes'or'no'[no]: ->Reject unsupported extension?'yes'or'no'[no]: ->Use customized parameter in SIP URI coding?'yes'or'no'[no]: ->Enable global number support?'yes'or'no'[no]: ->NO audio when start faxing?'yes'or'no'[yes]: ->Use c= 2543) in SDP when callhold?'yes'or'no'[no]: ->Register with Full information ?'yes'or'no'[yes]: ->Support next nonce ?'yes'or'no'[no]: ->Support Service-route ?'yes'or'no'[no]: ->Support auth info with first reg request ?'yes'or'no'[no]: ->Support 3GPP header?'yes'or'no'[no]: ->Support Reg-subscribe ?'yes'or'no'[no]: Privacy type: 0 -- Disabled 1 -- Header 2 -- Session 3 -- User 4 -- None 5 -- Critical 6 -- Id ->Please choose the type of privacy(0-6)[0]: Precondition type: 0 -- Disabled 1 -- Segment 2 -- E2e ->Please choose the type of precondition(0-2)[0]: ->User-Agent header vlaue[Gaoke MG6002/1.16]: ->Hot line delay time(0-20s)[0]:0 ->Hot line active code(input space to disable)[]: ->Hot line Deactive code(input space to disable)[]: ->Is forking INVITE supported? 'yes' or 'no'[no]: ->Input RTP starting port(10000 - 14000)[12000]: ->Send unregister packet when recieving 403 in Register?'yes'or'no'[yes]: ->Dialog subscribe type£¨0-Call,1-Hook status)[0]: ->Your configuration will apply when restart! ->Really want to modify?'yes'or'no'[yes]:yes MG6004W#save save 11732 bytes into flash Save operation successful! MG6004W#reset Really want to reset? 'yes' or 'no' [no]yes þestarting system TERMINA CONFIGURACIÓN DEL MG6002