how to arrive? - Casa del Altozano

If you come by car, you must know that Spain have quite good roads. Here you have some
indications to arrive, however we recomended you to look up a roadmap.
Take the main N-VI road to La Coruña and then take the exit to Ávila-Villacastín; carry on towards
Ávila. Going out by a Coruña higway AP-6 up to Ávila-Villacastin exit, then by higway AP51 up to
Ávila. Go arround the city by N-110 Plasencia direction up to Arenas de San Pedro juntcion, then
turn left by N- 502 up to Venta Rasquilla (Km 54), then turn right Barco de Ávila direction by AV
941 up to Navarredonda de Gredos, Barajas.
1- Via Plasencia: take the N-110 road till Barco de Ávila and then take the C-500 road toward the
National Parador. We are located on the village of Barajas. Navarredonda de Gredos.
2- Via Trujillo: take the main N-V road towards Navalmoral and carry on; before arriving in Talavera de la Reina turn left toward Ávila. Carry on till Ramacastañas and then turn right toward Ávila.
After reaching the Pico Pass, in Venta de Rasquilla, turn left toward El Barco de Ávila (C-500 road).
Carry on 13 km till Altozano´s rural house. at the village of Navarredonda de Gredos.
Take the C-510 road till Piedrahíta, the Alba de Tormes road. In Piedrahíta turn right toward Barco
de Ávila and then take the C-500 road toward Pico Pass and National Parador. We are located on
the village of Barajas, Navarredonda de Gredos.
It is also possible to reach Altozano´s rural house via the Chía and Peña Negra Passes (See maps).
Take the road toward Talavera de la Reina. After this town turn right toward Ávila. In Ramacastañas
turn right toward Ávila. After reaching the Pico Pass, in Venta de Rasquilla, turn left toward El Barco
de Ávila (C-500 road). Carry on 13 km Carry on 40 km till the village of Barajas. Navarredonda
de Gredos.
Take the main N-V road and before arriving in Talavera de la Reina turn left toward Ávila. In Ramacastañas turn right toward Ávila. After reaching the Pico Pass, in Venta de Rasquilla, turn left toward
El Barco de Ávila (C-500). Carry on 40 km till the village of Barajas. Navarredonda de Gredos.