Rollingergrund School

Ca s o d e e s tu d i o : Ro l l i n g e r g r u n d S ch o o l
S i ti o we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /e s p a n a /
Rollingergrund School
Tipo de pro yecto : Rehabilitació n
Tipo de edificio : Escuela, instituto ,
Año de la co nstrucció n : 19 75
Zo na climática : [Cfb] Marine Mild Winter,
warm summer, no dry seaso n.
Superficie útil : 1 46 0 m 2
Co ste de la co nstrucció n : 2 6 70 0 0 0 €
Número de unidades funcio nales : 1
Co ste/m2 : 1 8 29 €/m 2
Co ste/Estudiantes : 2 6 70 0 0 0
239 , rue du Ro llingergrund , L-2441
Luxembo urg, Luxembo urg
// Descripción
http://www.arco .lu/
Fiabilidad de lo s dat o s :
Aseso r
// Actores
Representante del contratista
No mbre : ARCO
Philippe Po ncé , PPo nce@arco .lu
Sitio web : http://www.arco .lu/
Contratista general
No mbre : Ville de Luxembo urg
Filo so f ía am bie nt al de l pro m o t o r : Go als:
- Energy perfo rmance co mparable to that o f a new co nstructio n
- maximum day light
- Optimal air quality
- Sustainable materials
- Sho rt co nstructio n phase
The so lutio ns :
- Remo val o f all damaged items and all thermal bridges
- Co nservatio n o f the basic structure as a suppo rt and mass sto rage fo r ho t and co ld
- Refurbishing o f the thermal envelo pe
- Co ntempo rary architecture co mbined with functio nal design
- Inside: bright ambience and natural materials
The existing building had a very po o r energy perfo rmance. Stro ng reductio n o f the energy co nsumptio n and use o f sustainable
materials will enable the reductio n o f maintenance co sts. The existing facade elements have been dismantled and
immediately replaced by new insulating wo o den elements partly prefabricated. This metho d allo wed to co nduct parallel wo rk
within the building and reduce co nstructio n time.
De scripció n de la arquit e ct ura : A new facade has been implemented to impro ve the building's energy perfo rmance.
Fro nt / Wo o d Elements: The unsealed and po o rly insulated existing co ncrete structure was co mpletely co ated with a new
thermal envelo pe made o f prefabricated wo o den elements with cellulo se insulatio n. The reached U value is 0 .15 W / m2 K ca.
External jo inery: To ensure o ptimal use o f natural light, the classro o ms were fit with glass in their entire length and height. The
wo o d-aluminium windo w frames, , with ventilatio n o pening, are equiped with a triple glazing. They reach a U value o f 0 .9 W /
m2 K. The external auto matic pro tectio n against the sun prevents o verheating in summer.
Ro o f: The existing flat ro o f was insulated with mineral wo o l, sealed with vegetated EPDM strips. It reaches a U value o f 0 .11 W /
m 2 K.
Ventilatio n: To ensure a high air quality in ro o ms, a central ventilatio n system with high heat reco very was installed. The
system is co ncealed in the false ceiling area abo ve the existing furniture.
Lighting: The lighting o f classro o ms was co mpletely dismantled in favo ur o f extremely efficient lights. Presence detecto rs and
auto matic respo nse to natural light is the guarantee fo r an eco no mic use.
// Energía
Consumo de energía
Ene rgía prim aria ne ce saria :
10 1,8 0 kWh PE/m 2 /an
Ene rgía prim aria ne ce saria po r un e dif icio e st ándar : 132,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /an
Mé t o do de cálculo : RGD du 31 ao ût 20 10 - bâtiment fo nctio nnel
Co st e de la e f icie ncia e ne rgé t ica de l e dif icio : 0 kWh PE / €
Co nsum o inicial : 0 kWh PE/m 2 /an
Comportamiento de la envolvente
Valo r de la U : 0 ,38 W.m -2 .K-1
Más inf o rm ació n : Rehabilitatio n and co mpliance o f the scho o l, in o rder to make it mo re attractive and get the energy
label A. Installatio n o f walls in timber frame with thermal insulatio n o f 36 cm cellulo se. Frame with triple-glazed windo ws.
Thermal insulatio n o f existing co ncrete walls with 20 cm thick ro ck wo o l. Cladding facades and cano py with Trespa panels.
Realizatio n o f a green ro o f with 28 cm o f thermal insulatio n and an Alwitra waterpro o fing membrane.
// Renovables y sistemas
// Comportamiento ambiental
// Productos
Trespa Météon
Pro duct o r: TRESPA
Co nt act o : TRESPA
Página we b: m/sites/default/files/co def240
Cat e go ría de l pro duct o : Obras estructurales / Estructura - Albañilería - Fachada
De scripció n:
An efficient design canno t be do ne witho ut efficient materials, finishing and systems. Trespa
Meteo n co mbines all these qualities.
Co m e nt ario s:
// Costes
Co ste de la co nstrucció n : 2 6 70 0 0 0 €
Costes de construcción y explotación
Co st e t o t al de l e dif icio :
3 20 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
// Entorno urbano
Ent o rno urbano : Ro llingergrund is lo cated in the no rthwest part o f the city o f Luxembo urg and is the seco nd largest area
after Cessange. Ro llingergrund is a very green area. It has many parks because o f its lo catio n in the valley. Many green areas
are scattered thro ugh the hills. The Bambësch fo rest is a part o f the natural heritage. It gives Ro llingergund an impo rtant place
in the city o f Luxembo urg, because it is the central area o f relaxatio n o f the capital.
// Calidad ambiental del edificio
Calidad am bie nt al de l e dif icio :
Eficiencia energética, la gestió n de la energía
// Concurso