Phrasal Verbs 10

Phrasal Verbs 10
- throw about/around pasarse una pelota de una persona a otra
Why don´t we go to the park and throw the ball around?
- throw away /out
tirar a la basura
Don´t throw those books away/out. Someone might want them.
- throw back
beberse algo muy rápidamente
He threw back a pint of beer in a couple of seconds.
- throw sth back to sb tirar algo a alguien para devolvérselo
Come on, throw the ball back to me!
- throw sb off
despistar a alguien que te sigue o busca
She took a different bus that day to throw off her husband.
- throw off
quitarse la ropa rápidamente
Throw off your clothes and get into the shower!
- throw out
echar a alguien de un lugar; vomitar
He was thrown out of the pub for being drunk.
I ate so much that I threw up.
- throw together
preparar una comida rápidamente usando alimentos que ya se tienen.
I usually throw some food together when I´ve just arrived from a trip.
- tick off
irritar a alguien; poner una marca al lado de los puntos de una lista para
indicar que la acción ya se ha realizado.
He really ticks her off when he starts talking so loud.
At last I have ticked off all the items on my to-do list.
- try on
probarse (ropa)
I´d like to try on that dress in the shop window.
- try out
probar una máquina para ver como funciona
I love your car! Can I try it out for a minute?
- try out (for)
hacer una prueba para entrar en un equipo, orquestra, etc.
He sings so well he should try out for the choir.
- turn against
volverse en contra de
The dog turned against its owner.
- turn (a)round
girarse o girar algo
When I turned around I saw him coming towards me.
- turn away
negar la entrada a alguien; apartarse.
They were turned away when they tried to enter the pub.
He was going to kiss the girl but she turned away.
- turn back
volverse; atrasar (el reloj)
We had to turn back because of the bad weather.
We turned the clock 2 hours back when we arrived.
- turn down
bajar el volumen o la temperatura; rechazar
Can you turn down your hifi, please?
He turned down the job in spite of being a very good one.
- turn in
entregar, enviar; irse a dormir; entregar a las autoridades
I must turn in this report by Monday.
I´m exhausted, I think I´m turning in.
Fortunately the burglars were caught and turned in to the police.
- turn off
apagar (girando algo); repugnar, no gustar en absoluto
I turned off the oven half an hour ago.
Fish really turns me off.
- turn on
encender girando algo; interesar, gustar, excitar.
Do you want me to turn on the heating?
Good food always turns her on.
- turn out
producir; apagar (la luz); desahuciar; resultar
The company turns out over a million cars a year.
Please, turn out the lights before you leave.
The landlord turned him out for not paying the rent.
I didn´t want to see that film but it turned out really moving.
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