Would you like to try an extreme sport? If so, which

Sentence translation (unit 3)
1. Acabamos de hacer puenting. Aunque es una actividad aterradora, ha
sido fascinante y estamos entusiasmados.
2. La caída libre es el deporte más emocionante que he experimentado
en la vida. Es la mejor manera de enfrentarte a tu miedo a las alturas.
3. ¿Has buceado alguna vez? Es muy interesante pero en realidad es
agotador también.
4. Nunca he estado interesado en la escalada pero el año pasado fui a
escalar y acabé (END UP) agotado.
5. La gente aventurera normalmente aprende técnicas de supervivencia
para enfrentarse a cualquier peligro y asumir riesgos en sus viajes.
6. Los deportes de riesgo siempre me han atraído pero nunca he tenido
la oportunidad de experimentar al menos uno.
WRITING (80-100 words)
Would you like to try an extreme sport? If so, which one(s) would you like to
try and why? If not, explain why and say which other sports or activities you
would rather try.
I have never tried an extreme sport but I would love to because taking
risks has always appealed to me. In my opinion, the most interesting
extreme sports are caving and skydiving.
On the one hand, the idea of exploring caves which few people know seems
fascinating to me. I think you need to be really adventurous and brave
to go caving as everything is dark around you while you are crawling over
the rocks or moving ahead lying on your stomach all along the narrow
tunnels and passages which form the cave. You do not really know what
dangers you might face, so it is a risky activity.
On the other hand, skydiving must be an unforgettable experience.
Jumping off a plane and falling at such a high speed must be really
frightening and exciting at the same time. Then your parachute opens
and you are flying like a bird while you enjoy the scenery beneath you.
I do not know if I will ever be brave enough to experience one of these
extreme sports but at least I will keep on dreaming about it.