– ar verbs – er verbs – ir verbs – é – emos – ás – éis – á – án – é

– ar verbs
– emos
– ás
– éis
– án
– er verbs
– emos
– ás
– éis
– án
– ir verbs
– emos
– ás
– éis
– án
Add the above endings to the infinitive to get the future tense.
There are some irregulars in this tense. Remember the Hi Ho song: diré, haré, pondré y saldré,
tendré, valdré, vendré, podré, querré, sabré, habrá un test.
This tense is used when an action (or state of being) will take place sometime in the future.
A. An action or state of being in the future.
1. Lo haré.
I will do it.
I shall do it.
2. Nadaremos en la playa el sábado. We will swim at the beach on Saturday.
We shall swim at the beach on Saturday.
Also, in Spanish the future tense is used to indicate:
B. Conjecture regarding the present
1. ¿Qué hora será?
I wonder what time it is.
2. ¿Quién será a la puerta?
I wonder who is at the door.
Who can that be at the door?
C. Probability regarding the present
1. Será el mediodía.
2. Tendrá mucha tarea.
3. Pilar estará nerviosa.
D. An indirect quotation:
1. Pablo dice que saldrá mañana.
It’s probably noon.
It must be noon.
He probably has lots of homework.
He must have lots of homework.
Pilar is probably nervous.
Pilar must be sick.
Pablo says that he will leave tomorrow.
Finally, remember that the future is not used in Spanish after si if si means if.