THIS UJSSK November Hth- November llth $2 Jean Day on Tuesdays and Thursdays till November 19th MUST WEAR UNIFORM ImperlanI Dalei MOCK STAAR P.T.O. * Dec 1st 5pm /yieeting December 2nd-5th Peppermint Village * Peppermint Village Gift Shop December 4th * Dec- 2nd—5th Early Release at 12:30 Dec. 21st-Jan.5th Winter Break i* Brunch with Santa CHECK FOR THESE ATTATCHMENTS November Lunch Menu TRAFFICE FLOW REMEMBER THAT WHEN EXITING THE CAR LINE GETS FIRST PRIORITY, please refine from creating extra exit lines inside the parking lot. Itu MOCK (Practice) STAAR F" ' STAR state of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness mm i Pear Parents: Here is awonderful opportunity for your child to experience the joy ofgiving during the holiday season. Aholiday gift shop is the perfect way for your child to select holiday gifts for the entire family! The holiday gift shop will be supervised by parent volunteers who assist your child with making gift selections and managing money. Aholiday gift shop makes the holiday buying experience safe, educational and fun. While children shop for gifts, they will learn tobudget money and make purchase decisions. You will see the joy and excitement on the face ofyour child when you open your gifts IYou can bepart ofthe ftjn and learning by giving your child ideas on selecting gifts and suggesting ways for your child to earn extra holidaydollars! The holiday gift shop has provided amoney envelope for safety and convenience. Gift items range from $0.35 to SI0.00- SI5.00 with the majority of items between S0.35 and S6.00. This holiday seasonletyour childexperience thejoy ofgivingI Attention Parents & Grandparents: Sharethe fun and excitement by beinga CiftShop volunteer. Sign up atyour school today! Estimados Padres: Holiday Gift Shop vendra a laescuela de sus niho durante elanoescolar con muchos regalos paratoda la familia. Esta tienda es unica y esta bajola supervision de padres voluntaries. Sera una experiencia inolvidable para elagrado de todos. Sus nihos pueden escoger entre mas de 80 regalos diferentes con precios desde S.35 hasta S10.00 - S15.00 . Estos regalos han sidoseleccionados con lamejor calidad en mente Estos regalos son populares y de gran uso. Imaginese laalegria que sunino/niha sentira cuando usted reciba uno de estos regalos. Tanto los padres de familia como los maestros de escuela reconocen que esta es una de las actividades mas divertidas y desada durante el ano escolar. The "Gift List" es el sobre que contieneel dinero ya sea en efectivo o en cheque y debe estar complete y ser devuelto a la escuela en la fecha indicada. Muchas Felicrdades!