ST. FRANCES CABRINI GRANBURY, TEXAS. ST. ROSE OF LIMA November 8 , 2015 GLEN ROSE, TEXAS. There will be a Mass on Friday, November 13th, at 7 SAINT ROSE OF LIMA, GLEN ROSE ST PM celebrating the Feast Day of St. Frances Cabrini. NOVEMBER 1 OFFERINGS After Mass we will have a pot luck dinner in the Regular Collection $2,007.00 Building Fund $1,496.00 Family Life Center. Bring you special dish and share with all. th Weekday Mass Intentions Monday/Lunes, November 9th 9:00am †Marie Liuzza (Bill & Irene Lemen) Tuesday/Martes, November 10th 9:00am P. Coggins & Family (Elsie Miller) Wednesday/Miércoles, November 11th 6:00pm †Raúl Espinosa (Celia Anderson) 7:00pm Miembros de Nuestra Iglesia Thursday/Jueves, November 12th 9:00am Shirley Schebe (Wright Family) 7:00pm Parishioners of the Parish (St. Rose of Lima) Friday/Viernes, November 13th 9:00am Parishioners of the Parish 7:00pm Feast Day Mass for St. Frances Cabrini <<<<<<<<++++++++++>>>>>>>>>> Weekend Mass Intentions Saturday/Sábado, November 14th 5:00pm †Ken Larson (Dolores Larson) Sacred Heart of Jesus (Celia Anderson) Sunday/Domingo, November 15th 9:00am Parishioners of the Parish 10:45am Parishioners of the Parish 12:30pm Miembros de Nuestra Iglesia Next Week Second Collection is for Mission Outreach St. Frances Cabrini Parish Mission Our annual Parish Mission will be held on November 9th -11th beginning at 7:00 PM. It will be held in the church. The Mission will feature Paulist Father Robert Cary and will reflect upon and celebrate the Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis. Please plan on attending this mission. This will be a great way to prepare for our Advent Season. Fifty Plus th 50 + will meet November 12 in the Family Life Center. A social starts at 5:30 PM followed by a pot luck meal at 6:00 PM. This evening is free for all parishioners over 50. Please bring a covered dish for the pot luck meal and join us for games afterwards. If you have any questions, please call one of the hosts: John and Annemarie Richmond 817-279-7082; Tom and Anna Clayton 817-991-3687; Dave and Pat Schreck 214-952-4159. Did You Know… One day when Francesca was 9, she was playing the “missionary game” on the riverbank. She would make paper boats and fill them with wild violets, pretending that the flowers were missionaries and she was their Mother Superior. She would put paper boats in the river and call out to them, “Bring Jesus and Mary to everyone you meet!” One day she fell into the cold, rushing water. Someone saw her fall and ran for help. When her uncle Luigi found her she was laying on the bank, cold and shivering. He asked her how she got onto the bank and she replied that her guardian angel picked her up and put her on the riverbank. As a result of this experience, Francesca developed a lifelong fear of water. Look for more about Mother Cabrini next week! Sabías Que… Un día, cuando Francesca tenía 9 años, ella estaba jugando el "juego misionero" en la orilla del río. Ella hacia barcos de papel y los llenaba de violetas silvestres, pretendiendo que las flores eran misioneros y ella era la Madre Superiora. Ella ponía los barcos de papel en el río y les decía, "! Lleven a Jesús y a María a todos con los que se encuentren!" Un día se cayó en el agua fría. Alguien la vio caer y corrió en busca de ayuda. Cuando su tío Luigi la encontró ella estaba tirada en la orilla temblando y con frio. Él le preguntó cómo había llegado a la orilla y ella respondió que su ángel de la guarda la levantó y la puso en la orilla del río. El resultado de esta experiencia fue que Francesca desarrolló un miedo permanente a la agua. Casserole Sale Casseroles will be available for sale & pickup November 21 & 22 after the 5 PM & 9 AM Masses. Choose from King Ranch, Chicken Enchilada and Beef Lasagna. Proceeds go toward scholarships for two graduating seniors. 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development Honoring our Veterans November 11th, 2015 Children’s Christmas Pageant The Christmas Pageant will be Sunday, December 13 @ 5:00 pm. Children meet to practice for the pageant in the church on the altar steps at 10:00 a.m. each of these Sundays: Nov. 15, Nov. 22, Dec. 6, and Dec. 13. We will practice for 30 minutes then escort your children to Sunday School Class. Questions? Call Deborah (817-219-3425 or Denise (817-326-2131) Mobile Health Unit. Bringing Breast Screening to You Fully funded mammograms for women without insurance. Monday, November 23rd, 2015 from 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM at St. Francis Cabrini. Call to schedule your appointment 800-405-7739 Unidad Móvil. Le Traemos Exámenes de Seno a Usted Mamogramas completamente patrocinados para mujeres sin seguro médico. Lunes, 23 de noviembre de 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM en la iglesia St. Frances Cabrini. Favor de llamar para hacer su cita 800-405-7739. Contamos con personal bilingüe. Our parish will hold the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) soon. The programs funded by CCHD change lives for the 46.2 million people living in poverty here in the United States. Your donation will empower local communities and strengthen families who are on the margins. People with disabilities will find affordable and supportive housing, men and women reentering society after incarceration will have the opportunity to learn new skills, and community agriculture projects will receive grants to become sustainable. Please help us continue this good work by supporting the collection for CCHD. La Colecta para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano Muy pronto nuestra parroquia realizará la colecta para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano (CCHD). Los programas que financia CCHD cambian la vida de los 46.2 millones de personas que viven en la pobreza aquí en los Estados Unidos. Sus donativos empoderarán a comunidades locales y fortalecerán a familias que viven al margen. Las personas con discapacidades encontrarán viviendas asequibles y propicias, los hombres y mujeres que reingresan a la sociedad después de su encarcelamiento tendrán la oportunidad de aprender nuevas habilidades y los proyectos agrícolas comunitarios recibirán subvenciones para que puedan sostenerse a sí mismos. Por favor, ayúdenos a continuar con esta buena labor apoyando la colecta para CCHD. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Jesus tells us of the widow who gave to God from her livelihood. Do we put our trust in God and allow him to be Lord in every area of our life like the widow did? Allow God to transform your marriage relationship. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on January 22-24, 2016. Dates fill fast. To apply, visit our website at: . For more information email [email protected] or call 469-444-0904. Para mas informacion de Encuentro Matrimonial en Espanol, escriba a [email protected] o visite