Readings for the Week of July 31, 2016

You have heard of a violation of our safe
environment policy - a parishioner has a
credible allegation(s) of sexual misconduct
with a child that occurred at our parish
during an evening meeting at which
children were being watched in a separate
room from the parents by volunteers. The original allegation dated
back many years. The alleged perpetrator has no ties to either the
Child Care Center or to Saint John School.
At Saint John the Apostle Parish we take very seriously the
mandate to protect children. To that end, we will institute
further policies to safeguard our children.
First, babysitting of children will no longer be supervised by
volunteers. During masses on Sunday children will be supervised
in our child care facility by paid professional child care staff
members, helped by responsible persons who have completed safe
environment training. We are evaluating how to provide some
form of child care for evening meetings.
Second, no child should be unaccompanied or unattended during
Mass. Parents if your child needs to use the rest room, they MUST
be accompanied by someone of at least high school age. Ushers
will send unaccompanied small children back to their
We will be hosting a Farewell Reception with refreshments for
Fr. Raul Martinez on July 31, 2016 after the 5:00 p.m. Mass in the
Gym. Please come to thank him for everything he has done for our
parish and wish him well on his next endeavor.
Vamos a tener una recepción de despedida con refrescos para
Padre Raúl Martínez el 31 de julio el año 2016 después de la Misa
de las 5:00 p.m. en el Gimnasio. Por favor venga a dar las gracias
por todo lo que ha hecho por nuestra parroquia y desearle lo mejor
en su próximo trabajo.
Applications are now being taken for an Evening Security /
Maintenance position. The hours for this position are from 6:00
p.m. – 10:00 p.m., weekdays and some weekends. Bilingual
preferable. For more information or to apply contact Byanka
Peffers, Saint John the Apostle Director of Operations, at (817) 2844811 ext. 220.
July 31, 2016
Readings for the Week of July 31, 2016
Ecc 1:2, 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14,17;
Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21
Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Mt 14:13-21
Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 29,
and 22-23; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14
Wednesday Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Mt 15:21-28
Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23
Na 2:1, 3, 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41;
Mt 16:24-28
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19;
Lk 9:28b-36
Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22; Heb 11:1-2,
8-19 or Heb11:1-2, 8-12; Lk 12:32-48 or Lk 12:35-40
Sat 07/30
Sun. 07/31
Mon 08/01
Tues. 08/02
Wed. 08/03
Thur. 08/04
Fri. 08/05
Sat 08/06
Sun. 08/07
VToni Rodriguez
Requested By
Rosemary Serrano
Donald Black (Sp. Int.)
Stephanie Bird
VClemente Velez
Leonor Casillas
(Pro Populo)
Luis Pulido Cervantes (Sp. Int)
Luis Pulido Lara
Kierstin Herd (Sp. Int.)
MaryAnne Lemmon
VIrene Meadows
Doris Lepine
VWilliam Hooper
VAnnamma Joseph
VTheresa Paris-Stefanik
VPaul & Teresa Maria Nguyen
Jesus Valadez (Sp. Int.)
VGlenna Touney
VDeceased Parents
VJoe & Minnie Gutierrez
V Phanxico Quan
VJenny Velez
VJose Barragan
Lauren Herd (Sp. Int.)
VPaul Duc Tran
Valerie Murphee
Francis Chacko
The Peffers Family
Anna Nguyen
Mary Christensen
Susan Nguyen
Gloria Ramon
Minh Le
Leonor Casillas
(Pro Populo)
Frausto Family
MaryAnne Lemmon
Tran Family
Please remember in your prayers all those listed in our book of the
sick located in the back of the Church. We pray for those who have
died especially VRobert Ramirez Jr.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Décimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Saint John the Apostle
Catholic School
Classes begin in August but trainings are being
held throughout the summer for new and
returning volunteers. Contact Irma Ramirez for
Pre-K - 5 or Shawndra Hall for Middle/High
School Youth for more information at (817) 284-4811.
Tendremos entrenamiento en agosto para todos los voluntarios,
si tienen preguntas favor de comunicarse con Irma Ramírez a
(817) 284-4811, ext. 203.
Deaf Ministry Program
The Deaf Ministry Program will be offering religious education
classes for deaf and hard of hearing students this fall at Saint John
the Apostle Catholic Church on Wednesday evenings from 7:00
p.m. – 8:00 p.m. starting September 14, 2016. To register your child
for Faith Formation, or for further information, please contact
at [email protected] or call (817) 945-9381.
Pre-K – 8th Grade
(817) 284-2228
School Summer Hours
The school office will be open Monday through Thursday from
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We will be closed on Friday.
What Our Parents Have to Say about SJS
“While the Blue Ribbon award demonstrates the schools academic
excellence, just as important to us is the schools commitment to
service. The friends we've made at Saint John have become like
family to us, and we look forward to many more years of
involvement at Saint John School.”
How to Become Part of the SJS Family
Let us introduce you to our community and answer your
questions. Call us at (817) 284-2228 to schedule a tour.
Próximamente iniciaremos el proceso
de RICA, este proceso es para todos
aquellos adultos que deseen ser parte
de la Iglesia Católica y recibir los
sacramentos de iniciación: Bautismo,
Confirmación y Primera Comunión o
bien deseen completar su iniciación
Cristiana. Se requiere una entrevista previa para iniciar este
proceso. Llamar a la oficina de la parroquia para tomar su nombre
y teléfono y alguien se contactará con usted.
Los reconocidos Talleres de Oración y Vida inician el martes 16 de
agosto a las 7:00 p.m. Estos Talleres le ayudarán a relacionarse más
íntimamente con Dios por medio de la Oración ayudándole a sanar
Horario para la Siguiente Semana
La oficina de la escuela abrirá de lunes a jueves de 7:30 a.m. a 4:00
p.m. Estaremos cerrados el viernes.
Testimonio de Nuestros Padres acerca SJS
“Tanto el premio a la excelencia académica “Blue Ribbon” de la
escuela de Saint John como el compromiso comunitario son
igualmente importante para nosotros. Las amistades que hemos
hecho en la escuela Saint John se han convertido en familia para
nosotros, y esperamos muchos años más de compromiso en Saint
¿Cómo Formar Parte de la Escuela Saint John the
¡Permítanos presentarle nuestra comunidad y contestar sus
preguntas! Llámenos, haga una cita para un recorrido guiado en
As the summer continues to heat up, our
need for food rises each day. We continue
to serve about 80 families per week so we
will need a steady supply to be able to
serve all of them. Please remember to bring
one of the following with you next weekend:
Canned meats
Green Peas
Canned Vegetables
Paper Bags
Spaghetti Sauce
Bread Mix
Bath Soap
Dried Beans
Toilet paper
Hamburger Helper
Baby World: We have been serving many
families this week and are running low on
baby shampoo and lotion.
We always
appreciate gently used clothing from
newborn to size 7 clothing.
Our parish has partnered with
Catholic Charities to provide a series
of parenting classes. We will begin in
August with Spanish parenting
classes. This is a series of nine classes
that will cover topics like discipline and communication. The
classes are free, babysitting is provided and each family will receive
a goody bag after each class. The class size will be limited. Please
contact Deacon Matias for more information at (817) 284-4811 or
[email protected].
Nuestra parroquia se ha asociado con Caridades Católicas para
proporcionar una serie de clases para padres. Es una serie de
nueve clases que cubrirá varios temas como: “disciplina y
comunicación.” Las clases son “gratis”, se ofrecerá guardería de
niños y cada familia recibirá una bolsa con regalos después de cada
clase. El tamaño de la es limitado. Favor de llamar al diacono
Matias para más información al (817) 284-4811 o
[email protected].
July 31, 2016
Jesus urges us to be rich in what matters to God. The
psalmist warns us against hardening our hearts. Are our
hearts open to what really matters?
Jesús nos urge a que seamos ricos en lo que es importante
para Dios. El salmista nos advierte en contra de endurecer
nuestros corazones. ¿Están nuestros corazones abiertos para
lo que realmente importa?
Our Stewardship of Treasure …
Our giving Your gifts helps us to
better serve our Parish.
Saint John the Apostle…
A Full Stewardship Parish….
2016 – 2017
WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE! What a great Saint John
Parish response to the plea for water for the homeless. We
delivered the bottled water last week at the DRC on Lancaster to
their amazed staff. They were running low on bottles at the most
critical time of the summer. Our donation was met with eager
volunteers who helped us unload all 40 cases of water. Thanks so
much to everyone who contributed to this project!
Would you consider, sharing an hour or so a week to
deliver communion to the homebound and elderly?
This is a rewarding way to support members of our
parish who are no longer able to be present at Mass. For more
information please call Denise at (817) 284-4811 or
[email protected].
Offertory Collection July 24th
Month to Date Collection
Monthly Offertory Collection Budget
Social Services
$ 35,041.93
$ 128,201.39
$ 134,680.26
“How shall I make a return to the Lord
for all the good He has done for me?”
Psalm 116:12
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Décimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Priest Care Fund Special Collection
“Care for those who care for us”
Your contribution to the annual Priest Care Fund Special Collection
on August 6-7, 2016 will help support the expenses of medical and
long term care for our retired and infirm priests. These expenses
are in addition to what is covered by their insurance, income
benefits or personal resources.
In addition to the Sunday
collection, donations can also be made online at
or Please give generously.
Colecta Especial para el
Fondo de Cuidado de los Sacerdotes
“Cuidar de los que se dedican a nosotros”
Su contribución a la Colecta Spécial Anual para el Fondo de
Cuidado de los Sacerdotes el don de semana del 6-7 de agosto, del
2016 ayudará a sufragar los gastos médicos y cuidado de largo
plazo de nuestros sacerdotes jubilados y los que están enfermos.
Estos gastos son adicionales a lo que está cubierto por el plan de
seguro médico, beneficios de ingresos o recursos personales.
Además de la colecta del domingo, se pueden hacer donaciones en
línea en o Por
favor, sea generoso.
FOR 2016-2017
The St. John Paul II Institute(SJP2), the diocesan lay ministry
formation school, is accepting registrations for both its basic twoyear program and its third-year “deepening program.”
For more information, contact Ms. Irma Jimenez (817) 945-9354,
[email protected], or Fr. Carmen Mele, O.P. (817) 945-9352.
"This retreat is something I was looking forward
to for quite a while. I was so blessed to be called to
spend this special time with Jesus. It renews you
spiritually, mentally and emotionally. It is
rejuvenation and recharging of your soul like
nothing else you have experienced before!"
Camille H. CHRP 7
You are invited to the Christ Renews His Parish retreat weekend.
It is a spirit filled weekend of fellowship and renewal.
Women’s retreat weekend August 20 – 21, 2016
Men's retreat weekend August 27 – 28, 2016
Sign-ups will be held this weekend after every mass. Applications
are also available in the Foyer and in the Administration Building.
Saint John the Apostle Parish welcomes recently registered new
parishioners. If you have the opportunity to meet any new
parishioners or visitors, please welcome them and make them
feel at home in our parish.
Barbara Chapman
Susan Baker
Stephen & Elizabeth O’Roark
Stephen & Monica Higdon
J. Guadalupe & Erika Hernández
Michael & Kelly Labrie
Joseph & Ariel Anzaldua
Sean & Lisa Eide
José Castro & Edén Martinez
Jesus Mora & Xiomara Rodriguez
La parroquia de Saint John the Apostle les da la bienvenida a
nuevos feligreses recién registrados. Si tiene la oportunidad de
conocer a nuevos parroquianos o visitantes, favor de darles la
bienvenida y hacerlos sentir en casa en nuestra parroquia.
Important Information!
Bulletin Articles: Contact Mary Turrubiates at
[email protected]. Submission deadline: Monday 10:00 a.m.
Please patronize our bulletin sponsors
Pulpit Announcements: Contact Lola Pasillas at
[email protected]. Submission deadline: Thursday 10:00 a.m.
Marquee Announcements: Contact Elvia Acevedo at
[email protected]. Minimum of 2 weeks advance notice
requested, subject to availability.
Website Announcements: Contact Megan McQuarie at
[email protected]. Minimum of 1 week advance notice
Knights of Columbus 21ST Annual Priest & Religious
Appreciation Dinner
Monday, August 8, 2016 from 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Location: Grapevine
The Knights of Columbus 21ST Annual Priest & Religious
Appreciation Dinner is Monday, August 8, 2016. Social begins at
5:30 p.m. with Dinner starting at 7:00 p.m. The dinner will be held
at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Grapevine. All Clergy and
Religious are invited and asked to RSVP to Pat Henz at (817) 4784540 or email, [email protected]. For others, tickets are $25 and
must be purchased by July 31, 2016. Please contact Pat Henz for
more information.
July 31, 2016
Catechetical Presentations by
Dr. Scott Hahn
September 9-10, 2016
All are welcome to attend two Catechetical
Presentations by Dr. Scott Hahn at St. Patrick Cathedral’s Pastoral
Center: Friday, September 9, 2016: Creed, Covenant & Conversion:
Catechesis for the New Evangelization and Saturday, September
10, 2016: The Father of Mercies and Evangelizing Catholics: The
Joy of the Gospel and the New Evangelization. This event is
hosted by the Diocese of Fort Worth. There is no cost to attend, but
freewill offerings are appreciated.
Empezando Una Vida Nueva
PARA 2016-2017
Escuela de Ministerio Laical
El Instituto San Juan Pablo II (SJP2) de la Diócesis de Fort Worth
forma a los católicos laicos para servir como ministros eclesiales en
sus parroquias. El programa enseña la Biblia y la doctrina cristiana,
ofrece entrenamiento en varias áreas de ministerio, y presenta
experiencias de desarrollo humano y enriquecimiento espiritual.
Los programas de SJP2 están disponibles en inglés y en español.
Para mas información, llame a Ms. Irma Jiménez (817) 945-9354,
[email protected], o Fr. Carmen Melé, O.P. (817) 945-9352.
Retiro de Búsqueda
Este eS un retiro de fin de semana en
español para jóvenes solteros de 18 a 35
años de edad. Los asistentes tendrán un
encuentro personal con Jesucristo, así como dinámicas y
actividades en grupo. Este retiro será en Centro Diocesano de
Formación y empieza el viernes 5 de agosto a las 6:00 p.m. y
termina el domingo 7 de agosto a las 3:00 p.m. Para mayores
informes con Olivia (940) 456-0115 o Flavio (817) 793-1644.
Desafortunadamente no hay guardería de niños. Para más
información comuníquese con Carmen Zacarías al (682) 472-8517.
Es un grupo de apoyo para separados, divorciados y viudos en
español que están pasando por el dolor de una perdida. El grupo se
reúne por diez semanas y su propósito es de compartir destrezas
de superación que otras personas han aprendido, con nuevos
amigos que caminan con ellos hacia un futuro mejor.
El programa empieza el lunes 15 de agosto del 2016, en el salón
parroquial de la Iglesia Todos los Santos, 214 NW 20th St. Fort
Worth, TX de 7:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. Hay un donativo de $20 por las
diez semanas para cubrir el material, el lugar y los refrescos.
Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether
visitors, long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. If you
are not registered at Saint Johns or are registered and need to make
changes, please fill out the form below and place in the collection
or mail to the parish office.
Name/Nombre: ____________________________________
Address/Domicilio: _________________________________
City/Cuidad: _______________________________________
Zip Code/Código Postal: ____________________________
Phone/# de Teléfono: (___) ___________________
( ) New Parishioner/Nuevo Feligrés
( ) New Address or New Phone Number/Nuevo
Domicilio o número de Teléfono
( ) Moving – Please remove from census list/
Mudándose Fuera de la Parroquia.