STUDY GUIDE- SPANISH 101 EXAMEN 3 - CHAPTER 3 (37 points) – Spring 2016
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Actividad A. Las materias. There are several courses at the university this semester. Listen
as your instructor reads some sentences describing the subjects. Make logical associations by
matching the picture with the sentence you hear. (4 points)
Study the vocabulary. pp. 79-80.
You hear: Antonio está en la clase de educación física.
You see: some pictures
You choose: the picture that best describes that class
Actividad B. ¿Dónde está? Many students are standing in line to buy tickets to the Rebels
football game. Describe where each person is by choosing the correct preposition. (4 points)
Study the vocabulary. pp. 92, 93, 94.
You see: Pedro está ___________ Cristina.
You look at the picture provided.
You choose: the correct preposition to complete the sentence (entre, lejos de, etc.)
Actividad C. Los números.
PASO 1 : Rosario is doing her homework for her history class. She needs help with some of the
years of some important events in history. Write the years requested with words. NOT
NUMERALS. (2 puntos)
Study large numbers. pp. 82- 83.
You see: a. La guerra civil, 1861:
You write: mil ochocientos sesenta y uno
PASO 2: ¿Cuántos años tiene? Your friend Alicia is talking about celebrities and wants to
know how old they are. Using the years provided, tell Alicia how old the following people are.
Write complete sentences. (2 points)
Study large numbers 82, 83
Study “Tener” and expressions with “Tener” pp 67, 87-89.
You see: Carlos Contreras (1970) _____________________.
You write: Tiene cuarenta años
Actividad D. ¿A quién se refiere? This is Pedro’s first semester at the university. He likes his
life as a student at Ole Miss. Read what he says to his friend Emilio and select the correct
possessive adjective in each case. (4 points)
Study “Possessive Adjectives”: pp. 84-86.
You read: El estudiante típico compra ________ libros en la librería de la universidad.
You see: a. mi
b. mis
c. tus
d. sus
e. nuestros
You choose: d.
Actividad E. ¿Quién lo hace? Raquel and her friends talk about their activities during the first
semester in college. Listen to the following statements your instructor reads, and indicate who
does the following activities. (4 points)
Study verbs “ir” and “hacer”: pp. 96, 97.
You hear: Por la noche van a la biblioteca a estudiar.
You see: a. yo
b. tú
c. María
d. nosotros e. Isabel y Eugenia
You choose: e.
Actividad F. ¿Qué tienen? Indicate how some people feel. Complete these statements with the
logical feelings. Don’t forget to use the correct conjugation of the verb (4 points, ½ point for
using the correct expression and ½ point for correct conjugation of the verb).
Study other expressions with “tener”: pp. 87-88.
You read: Son las siete y cincuenta y mi clase es a las ocho. Yo _______________.
You see: tener prisa
tener sed
tener miedo
You write: tengo prisa
Actividad G. En la fiesta. The party is at your house. Your mother calls on the phone and
wants to know what is going on. Describe the scene to her. Use ser, estar or hay as required (3
Study “ser” and “estar” on pp. 98, 101, 102.
You see: a picture of a party
You read: Ana _________ en el sofá.
You write: está
Actividad H. Composición. Write a paragraph about a given topic. Questions will be given to
guide you in your writing. Study vocabulary and grammatical aspects in Chapter 3. Paragraphs
with less than 45 words will receive a 2- point deduction. Paragraphs with less than 20 words
will not be graded. (10 points)