If the input file sets then the code will print you a tasty recipe

If the input file sets
CalculationMode = recipe
then the code will print you a tasty recipe, randomly selected from those available in the package. For example:
************************** Calculation Mode **************************
Input: [CalculationMode = recipe]
Info: Octopus initialization completed.
Info: Starting calculation mode.
Ingredients: For 4 persons
- 2 kg. of octopus
- 2 kg. of potatoes
- 100 grs. of paprika
- 100 grs. thick salt
- olive oil
Preparation: Wash the octopus in cold water. Place a copper (Cu) pan with water
on the fire, and when it starts boiling submerge the octopus, and remove
it again. Repeat this procedure 3 times, always waiting for the water to
start boiling. Then, boil the octopus for 20 minutes, remove the pan from
the fire and let it rest for 5 minutes. Remove the octopus from the water,
and cut it in thin slices with some scissors. It is served on wood plates,
spiced in the following order: first the salt, then the paprika and the
olive oil. It is served with potatoes.
DISCLAIMER: The authors do not guarantee that the implementation of this
recipe leads to an edible dish, for it is clearly "system-dependent".
There are currently recipes available in English, Spanish, Italian, and Basque. Which one you get is controlled by
the LANG environment variable, so if you run "LANG=es octopus", you may get:
Ingredientes: Para 4 personas
- 2 kg. de pulpo
- 2 kg. de papas / patatas
- 100 grs. de ají / chile / pimentón picante
- 100 grs. de sal gorda
- aceite
Preparación: Se lava el pulpo en agua fría, se pone una olla de cobre con
agua al fuego y cuando rompa a hervir se coge el pulpo, se mete y se saca
del agua tres veces dejando que en cada intervalo vuelva a hervir el agua.
Se deja cocer el pulpo durante unos 20 minutos retirándolo del fuego y
dejándolo reposar durante 5 minutos. A continuación, se quita del agua y
se corta en trozos finos con unas tijeras. Para servirlo se pone en unos
platos de madera condimentándolo por este orden: sal, pimentón, aceite y
se añaden unos cachelos (Patatas).
Contributions in other languages welcome!
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