Project AGUA Survey Results

100% of our participants would like to see this project completed. There were no additional comments for this section. Question2:Howimportantisthisprojecttothe
90% of our participants think that this project is “very important.” None of the participants think it is unnecessary; 100% of the attendees see the value of the project. Would you like to see this project completed? Total Yes 41
No 0
How important do you believe this project is to the community? Very Important Somewhat Important Nice, but not necessary Total 37
Many participants suggested the AGUA project would serve as a great model for the rest of the community by educating residents on being water wise gardeners. Others thought that it would beautify the areas surrounding the library. The most popular comments focused on saving water during the drought and encouraging others to do the same by setting an example. To see a full list of comments please see the attached comments. How important is this project to the community? Very
Nice, but not
Most additional commentary was focused on the aesthetic design of the project. Community members are very interested in the types of plants to be used as well as the way the garden will look. To view all of the additional comments please see the attached comments. Comments
We want to make our patrons become aware of the alternative plants that do not need H20. It would be helpful. It would be an easy way for people to understand the importance of conserving water. Well it’s important because we need a lot more plants here in Santa Ana. “Creará conciencia y los residentes abandonarán la noción de que solo el cesped es una opcion.” It will create awareness and residents abandon the notion that only grass is an option.
“Inspira a la comunidad a concocer los jardines del future.” It inspires the community to get to know the gardens of the future. I know this community is very garden oriented, and if it cuts some water consumption it with help. It is necessary to have plants that conserve more water. It can help the future generations understand how important it is to save water. People don’t know about drought resistant plants. “Para aurar agua.” To save water. It will teach all of us on how to use less water on plants and how to take care of them. It’s important because we don’t have water. It will benefit everyone. It symbolizes to use less water. We need to conserve. A droplet saved is a droplet earned! Teaching people about water = good. I think this project is important because it helps our community save water, and hopefully influence others to do the same. “Es muy importante.” It is very important. Saves water and educates the community. It makes the water last longer until a more permanent solution is brought up. 2 Comments
I just want water hungry grass gone. The reason I think this project is important is because we are in a drought. It is every beneficial not only for people but the ecosystem. Since water is so importantly needed, anything that saves water helps. “Para mejorar nuestro medio ambiente. Para dejarles un mejor planeta a nuestros hijos.” To improve our environment. To leave our children with a better planet Because its to help a little with the big drought that we have. That it will be very beautiful. It can show the community that drought friendly plants are beautiful as well. Because water is a necessity. “Para educar a la comunidad y cada hogar pueda hacer lo mismo.” To educate the community and every household to do the same. It helps us get out of this drought. Helpful against the drought in CA. “Para el mejoramiento de la ciudad.” For the betterment of the city. “Seria un ejemplo de variedad en plantas ahorrativas en el agua.” Would be an example of variety in water conserving plants. “Por que horraremos agua.” Because we would save water. “Porque en unos años posiblemente no tenemos agua.” Because in a few years we may not have water. It helps show how we can help save water by working together. The save water. To show people to respect nature. “Para ahorrar agua y enseñarnos como hacerlo.” To save water and teach ourselves how to do it. 3 Comments
“Que podemos enseñar a nuestros hijos como cuidar el agua” We can teach our children how to conserve water. I liked the live plants We definitely need drought tolerant gardens. “Poner en practica el cambio de plantas” Put into practice the change of plants. “Mucho desperdicio de agua en las bombas de agua (calle).” Too much water wasted on water balloons (street). A very great option for the city. “Más conferencias educativas sobre el agua para conservar el agua.” More educational conferences on how to conserve water. The catchphrase for AGUA should be “ Water you going to do to help our community” Loved the presentation “Me pareció muy interesante el tema, la comunidad tenemos que hacer consciencia que luego nos afecta a todos y por lo tanto tenemos que poner manos a la obra” I found the topic very interesting, we have to improve community consciousness because it affects us all, and therefore we have to get to work. Water need to be saved, so anyone that helps is helping a great cause. This presentation was good How expensive would it be for general public? If affordable community would be involved “Me gustaría saber sobre regulaciones para los contratistas de construcción” I would like to know about regulations for the construction contractors. Make future presentation use friendlier language! Would have loved to see more detailed plan of where each species of plants will be located in particular the bougan villia (there should be lots of that!). Does the Mansanita tree have apples? 4 Comments
I never knew plants needed so much water and that certain plants didn’t need that much. Broadened my knowledge of succulent plants. Can any of the plants be grown for edible reasons? I know the manzanita tree might have water, but I’m interest in helping out. “Piedras decorativas tierra de colores lugares de coopera con mejores precios” Decorative stones and colored dirt, places that cooperate with the lower prices. Interested in involvement in the project The only thing that worries me is the homeless people might mistreat it at night when no one is watching it I love plants ♥
Great Presentation 5 