Boletin para el fin de semana del 3 de abril, 2106.

April 3th 2016 / Sunday of Divine Mercy
02 Saturday/Sábado
02 Saturday/Sábado
5:00 p.m. English
† Paula Reuschle (St. John´s Choir)
7:00 p.m. Spanish
† Amparo Mejía (Carlos Roldan)
† Roberto Courtade & Almas del Purgatorio (Vivian Courtade)
† Ken William Brown (Mercedes Trivino) † Hernando Gómez Santamaría (Myrian Jaramillo)
† Roselia Valle de Valencia (Hijos y Nietos) † Alfredo Antonio Naranjo (Marleny y Edy Garcia)
Accion de Gracias Marisol Orozco (Angel Contreras)
Acts/Hechos 4.13-21; 118.1+14-15,16ab-18,19-21; Mark/Marcos 16.9-15.
03 Sunday/Domingo:
9:30 a.m. English
Mass offered for the Parish Community
03 Sunday/Domingo:
11:30 a.m. Spanish Misa ofrecida por la Comunidad Parroquial
Acts/Hechos 5.12-16; Ps./Sal. 118.2-4,22-24,25-27; Revelation/Apocalipsis 1.9-11a,12-13,17-19
John/Juan 20.19-31.
3 de abril del 2016 / Domingo de la Divina Misericordia
04 Monday/Lunes:
Isaiah/Isaias 7.10-14;8.10d; Ps. / Sal. 40.6,7-8,9,10; Hebrews /Hebreos 10.4-10;
Luke/Lucas 1.26-38
05 Tuesday/Martes:
8:30 a.m. English
05 Tuesday/Martes:
7:00 p.m. Spanish
Acts/Hechos 4.32-37; Ps./sal. 93.1ab,1c-2,5; John/Juan 3.7b-15.
06 Wednesday/Miercoles:
8:30 a.m. English
Acts/Hechos 5.17-26; Ps/Sal. 34.1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8; John/Juan 3.16-21.
07 Thursday/Jueves:
8:30 a.m. English
† Jean Stemmler (Linda R. Stemmler)
07 Thursday/Jueves:
7:00 p.m. Spanish
Primer Jueves —Adoración
Acts/Hechos 5.27-33; Ps./Sal. 34.1+8,16-17,18-19; John/Juan 3.31-36.
08 Friday/Viernes:
08 Friday/Viernes:
8:30 a.m. English
7:00 p.m. Spanish
Acts/Hechos 5.34-42; Ps./Sal. 27.1,4,13-14; John/Juan 6.1-15.
09 Saturday/Sábado
5:00 p.m. English
† Margaret Dawson (St. John´s Choir)
09 Saturday/Sábado
7:00 p.m. Spanish Accion de gracias a Jesus de la Misericordia
Acts/Hechos 6.1-7; Ps./Sal 33.1-2,4-5,18-19; John/Juan 6.16-21.
Office Hours:
Tuesday to Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Every
Friday from 6:00 p.m.— 6:45 p.m.
and Saturday from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30
p.m. Any other time by appointment.
Horario de Oficina:
Martes a Viernes
8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Sacramento de la Reconciliación:
Todos los Viernes de 6:00 p.m.—6:45
p.m. y Sábados de 3:30 p.m. - 4:30
p.m. o con cita
Christ Jesus, I trust in you!
Jesús, en ti confío
Divine Mercy reaches human
beings through the heart of
Christ crucified: "My daughter,
say that I am love and mercy
personified", Jesus will ask Sr
Faustina. Christ pours out this
mercy on humanity though the
sending of the Spirit who, in the
Trinity, is the Person-Love. And
is not mercy love's "second
name", understood in its deepest
and most tender aspect, in its
ability to take upon itself the
burden of any need and,
especially, in its immense
capacity for forgiveness?
"Hija mía, di que soy el Amor y la
Misericordia en persona", pedirá
Jesús a sor Faustina. Cristo
derrama esta misericordia sobre la
humanidad mediante el envío del
Espíritu que, en la Trinidad, es la
Persona-Amor. Y ¿acaso no es la
misericordia un "segundo nombre"
del amor, entendido en su aspecto
más profundo y tierno, en su actitud
de aliviar cualquier necesidad,
sobre todo en su inmensa
capacidad de perdón?
"Humanity will not find peace
until it turns trustfully to divine
mercy". It is not a new message
but can be considered a gift of
special enlightenment that helps
us to relive the Gospel of Easter
more intensely, to offer it as a ray
of light to the men and women of
our time.
Jesús dijo a sor Faustina: "La
humanidad no encontrará paz hasta
que no se dirija con confianza a la
misericordia divina". No es un
mensaje nuevo, pero se puede
considerar un don de iluminación
especial, que nos ayuda a revivir
más intensamente el evangelio de
la Pascua, para ofrecerlo como un
rayo de luz a los hombres y
mujeres de nuestro tiempo.
Este mensaje consolador se dirige
sobre todo a quienes, afligidos por
una prueba particularmente dura o
addressed above all to those who,
afflicted by a particularly harsh trial
or crushed by the weight of the sins
they committed, have lost all
confidence in life and are tempted to
give in to despair. To them the
gentle face of Christ is offered; those
rays from his heart touch them and
shine upon them, warm them, show
them the way and fill them with
abrumados por el peso de los
perdido la confianza en la vida y
han sentido la tentación de caer
en la desesperación. A ellos se
presenta el rostro dulce de
Cristo y hasta ellos llegan los
haces de luz que parten de su
corazón e iluminan, calientan,
señalan el camino e infunden
Today, fixing our gaze with you on
the face of the risen Christ, let us
make our own your prayer of trusting
abandonment and say with firm
hope: Christ Jesus, I trust in you!
juntamente contigo, nuestra
mirada en el rostro de Cristo
resucitado, hacemos nuestra tu
oración de abandono confiado y
decimos con firme esperanza:
"Cristo, Jesús, en ti confío".
Cathedral Basilica of Christ
the King: The Cathedral Basilica
of Christ the King in Hamilton is
open each Saturday at 3:00 p.m.
until the conclusion of the 5:00
p.m. Mass, and on Sundays from
8:00 a.m. until 12 Noon and 3:00
p.m. until the conclusion of the
4:00 p.m. Mass.
Visitors are
welcome at the Cathedral during
these times, and may enter
through the Doors of Mercy
located between the Rectory and
the Cathedral.
visitors may wish to join us for our
next “Pilgrim Sunday” on May 15th
at 2:00 p.m. Beginning May 4th
we will open on Wednesdays from
12:00 Noon until 2:00 p.m.
Additional opening days will be
added during the summer months.
Horario en la Catedral de la
Basilica de Cristo Rey: La
Catedral de Cristo Rey en
Hamilton está abierto todos los
sábados a las 3:00 pm hasta
terminar la Misa de 5:00 pm, y los
domingos desde las 8:00 am hasta
las 12 del mediodía y a las 3:00
pm hasta terminar la Misa de
4:00 pm. Todos son bienvenidos
para visitar la Catedral durante
estos tiempos; pueden entrar por
las Puertas de la Misericordia
situadas entre la Rectoría y la
Catedral. Además, los visitantes
pueden unrisen para nuestra
próxima "peregrinación del
domingo" el 15 de mayo a las 2:00
pm. A partir del 4 de mayo se
abrirá los miércoles de 12:00 del
mediodía hasta las 2:00 p.m. que
Durante los meses de verano
habrá nuevos horarios
Second Sunday of Easter – April
3: Thomas believed because he saw
Jesus. If you feel God’s call to the
priesthood or consecrated life, visit.
El segundo domingo de Pascua – 3 de
abril: Tomas creyó porque vio a Jesús. Si
sientes el llamado de Dios al sacerdocio o a
la vida consagrada, visita.
Vacation Bible School: If you are between the ages of 6 and 10 years old,
you are invited to take part in the CatChat Vacation Bible School –
CATHLETICS! Training to be Champions for Christ – at St. Joseph Church,
148 Madison Ave. S., Kitchener. The bible school will be held from Monday
August 22nd to Friday August 26th, 8:50 am to 12:30 pm. Cost is $25 per
child, $65 for three or more siblings. To register, call the church office at
519-745-9302 by Monday June 27th. If you have questions, call Lisa Reitzel
at 519-749-2579.
St. John`s C.W.L. Executive Meeting
Tuesday, April 5th at 7:00 pm in the meeting room.
Abril 7 es el Primer Jueves del mes, habrá Misa en español
a las 7:00 p.m., continuando con Adoración al Santísimo.
Parenting Tip
Easter is a wonderful time to help our children understand the power
of love and forgiveness, shown to us by the death and Resurrection of
Christ. As children of God they too are called to love others, especially
their family members, and to offer forgiveness when someone hurts or
offends them. Remind them that Easter teaches us to remember that
when difficulties come into our lives, as they will, we must have faith
that life will get better. The message of Easter, through the
Resurrection, is that with faith and prayer, life’s crosses can be
overcome. A wonderful message for every child to understand!
Weekly expenses / gastos semanales:
Needs of the Church in the Holy Land $1190
Last week’s collection / donación de la semana pasada:
Suggested Offering: For those who are working, 1 hour of your income each week to
support our parish. For those who are not working, at your discretion.
Recuerde que la ofrenda de 1 hora de su ingreso cada semana apoya nuestra parroquia.