Grupos del 9 al 12
Profesora: Lorena Vicedo Latorre
1. Objetivos Generales
a. Que los alumnos adquieran una actitud positiva en relación al aprendizaje
del inglés u otros idiomas.
b. Que mejoren su autoestima y confianza a la hora de querer participar en
las actividades.
c. Que tomen conciencia de la importancia de compartir y trabajar en
equipo durante las clases, así como del cuidado del material a su
2. Objetivos específicos
a. Que los estudiantes aprendan a desenvolverse en inglés en situaciones
cotidianas gracias a la adquisición de vocabulario sobre diversos temas.
b. Que mejoren su fluidez y pronunciación en inglés gracias a las
actividades programadas.
c. Que refuercen y mejoren las diferentes destrezas (oral, auditiva y escrita)
mediante worksheets, listenings y juegos.
d. Que los alumnos tengan la habilidad de hablar y escribir sobre
acontecimientos pasados, presentes o futuros en inglés.
3. Contenidos
1. Meetings and Greetings.
.Giving personal information. Introduce others. Different buildings.,
Nationalities and Languages. Use of can and can’t to describe abilities.
2. How do you feel today?
Vocabulary related to feelings and emotions. Verbs and expressions to
describe likes and dislikes(love, like, hate,etc.)
3. Fantastic creatures
Vocabulary and adjectives related to the description of people, mythical
creatures or animals. The body. The pronouns. Comparatives and
superlatives.Create your own mythical beast.
4. What is he doing?
Present continuous.Demonstratives. Action verbs. Present continuous with
future meaning.
5. My town.
Vocabulary related to places in a town. Asking and giving directions. There
is/are/was/were. Present perfect simple and Past simple.
6. Let’s go to the mall!
Vocabulary related to the different shops in a shopping centre. Making
suggestions. How to deal with different situations in a shop.
7. What is it made of?
Materials and clothes. Adjectives to describe fashion.
8. Are you ready to order?
Food. Countable and uncountable nouns.
A Little/A few/ A loaf/ A slice of…
How to order in a restaurant.
9. Inventors and inventions
Vocabulary related to inventions. Past simple. Dates and numbers.
10. I’m going to an expedition.
Vocabulary related to expeditions. Future with going to.
11. How will be life in 2030?
Future with will. Vocabulary related to the future. Will vs. Going to.
12. New Technologies.
Vocabulary and vebs related to technological gadgets and internet.
13. I love summer!
Vocabulary related to the activities and different places to go on holiday in
summer. Vocabulary related to things we use at the beach. Describe a place.
4. Materiales:
 Flashcards
 Fotocopias para repasar lo visto en clase
 Presentaciones en PowerPoint
 Videos
 Canciones
 Juegos
 Roleplays