Mother`s Day: Jesus Gave Us His Mother

Mother's Day: Jesus Gave Us His Mother
hen Jesus saw His mother and the disciple there whom He loved, He said to His mother, "Woman,
behold, your Son." Then, He said to the disciple, " Behold, your mother." And, from that hour the
disciple took her into his home. (John 19:26,27).
This tender scene speaks to us of the depth of the Love which inspires, informs, and transforms all
human love,the Love Incarnate who gives us His Mother.
The Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick
raditionally referred to as Extreme Unction or Last Rites,
the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick was
previously most commonly administered to the dying, for
the remission of sins and the provision of spiritual strength
and health.
In modern times, however, its use has been expanded to
all who are gravely ill, or are about to undergo a serious
operation, and the Church stresses a secondary effect of the
sacrament: to help a person recover his/her health. Like
Confession and Holy Communion, the Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick may be repeated as often as
The essential rite of the sacrament consists in the priest
laying hands on the sick, anointing with blessed oil (usually
olive oil that has been blessed by the Bishop), and praying
"Through this holy anointing may the Lord, in His love and
mercy, help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the
Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up."
Only priests (including bishops) may administer the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, since, when the
sacrament was instituted during Christ's sending out of His
disciples, it was confined to the men who would become
the original bishops of the Church.
Received in faith, and in a state of grace, the Sacrament of
the Anointing of the Sick provides the recipient with a
number of graces, including the fortitude to resist
temptation in the face of death, when he/she is weakest; a
union with the Passion of Christ, which makes suffering
holy; and the grace to prepare for death, so that he/she
may meet God in hope rather than fear.
If the recipient was not able to receive the Sacrament of
Confession, anointing also provides forgiveness of sins.
And, if it will aid in the salvation of the soul, anointing may
restore the recipient's spiritual, as well as emotional and/or
physical health
© 2012
- By Scott P. Richert,
The Virgin Mary can easily be defined as the most
appropriate role model for women. As a motherly figure,
Mary exemplifies strength of godliness and maternal
instinct. Mary portrays traits of holiness,
piety, and humbleness. As a teacher,
Mary instructs
on the
importance oftrust and perseverance.
The most obvious role Mary plays in
the Bible is the motherly figure. One
might consider her to be the mother of
all mothers.
She received
reputation because she is the mother of
JI~SUSChrist. Women look up to her because she raised the
perfect man.
Another reason why Mary is considered to be the
ultimate mother figure is because she was hand-chosen by
Cod. Out of all the women in the world, He chose a
common woman who lived in the little town of Nazareth.
She wasn't a woman of great wealth or stature. God chose
Mary to be the mother of Jesus Christ because she
possessed traits of holiness, piety, and humility.
One of the most valuable strengths she possessed was her
ability to persevere, a trait exemplified in he way she coped
as her son faced persecution.
She watched Him carry His
cross, have nails hammered
into His hands and feet, and
finally, hang on the cross. It
must have been unbearable
for her to see Him experience a slow and painful death.
Yet, despite all this she persevered, never deciding, or
willing, to give in.
As a role model to women (and men), Mary teaches the
importance of trusting in the Lord. She knew God had a
plan for her. In the present, women (and men) should have
the same trust in the Lord that Mary did. God has a plan for
LIS just like he had a plan for Mary. He would not deny his
children any necessity.
The Virgin Mary
is the mother
of all mothers
The Virgin Mary is the ultimate role model for women.
She is, indeed, the mother of all mothers.
from Catholic Planet, by Shelly Vaughan
Dra de la Madre: Jesus Nos Dio a su Madre
uando Jesus via a Su madre y a 105 disdpulos a quienes EI amaba, Ie dijo a su madre, "Mujer, ahf
tienes a tu Hijo." Entonces, Elle dijo a sus disdpulos, " Ahf tienes a tu madre." Y desde entonces los
disdpulos se la lIevaron a su hagar. (Juan 19:26,27).
Esta tierna escena nos habla de la profundidad del amor que inspira y transforma todo amor humano,
el Amor encarnado que nos a dado a su madre.
EI Sacramento de la
Unclon de 105 Enferm05
conocida como la Extremauncion 0
Undon, el sacramento de la Undon de los Enfermos antes
cornunmente se administra a los moribundos, para la
remlsion de los pecados y la disposicion de la fuerza
espiritual y la salud.
En los tiempos modern os, sin embargo, su usa se ha
extendido a todos los que estan gravemente enfermos, 0
estan a punto de someterse a una operacion grave, y la
Iglesia hace hincapie en un efecto secundario de la Santa
Cena: ayudar a una persona a recuperar su salud. AI igual
que la Confesion y la Sagrada Com union, el sacramento de
la Uncion de los Enfermos se puede repetir cuantas veces
sea necesario.
EI rito esencial del Bautismo consiste en que el sacerdote
hace imposicion de manos sobre los enfermos, la uncion con
aceite bendecido (aceite de oliva por 10 general que ha sido
bendecido por el Obispo), y la oracion "Por esta santa uncion
que el Senor, en Su amor y misericordia, pueda ayudarte con
la gracia del Espiritu Santo. Que el Senor que te libera del
pecado te guarde y te guie. "
Solo los sacerdotes (incluyendo a los obispos) pueden
administrar el sacramento de la Undon de 105 enfermos, ya
que, cuando se lnstituyo el sacramento de Cristo durante el
envfo de sus disdpulos, se limita a los hombres que se
convertirian en los obispos originales de la Iglesia.
Recibido en la fe, y en un estado de gracia, el sacramento
de la Undon de 105 Enfermos proporciona al que 10 recibe
una serie de gracias, incluyendo la fortaleza para resistir la
tentaci6n frente a la muerte, cuando el 0 ella es mas debil,
una union con la Pasion de Cristo, hace que el sufrimiento
sea santo, y la gracia de prepararnos para la muerte, de
modo que el 0 ella pueda encontrar a Dios en esperanza y
no con miedo.
Si el 0 ella no ha recibido el sacramento de la confesi6n, la
unci6n tam bien ofrece el perd6n de los pecados.
Y, si va a ayudar en 10sa/vaci6n de/ alma, la undon puede
restaurar la salud espiritual, asf como emocional y / 0 fisica
del que la recibe.
Copyright © 2012
Por Scott P. Richert,
La Virgen Marfa puede ser facilmente definida como el
modelo mas apropiado para las mujeres. Como una figura
materna, Maria es un ejemplo de la piedad y el instinto
maternal. Maria es ejemplo de la santidad,
la piedad y humildad. Como maestra,
Marfa, instruye alas mujeres sobre la
la confianza
La funcion mas evidente que Maria
desemperia en la Biblia es la figura
Uno podrfa considerar la
posibilidad que ella sea la madre de todas las mad res. Ella
recibi6 esta reputaci6n porque ella es la madre de Jesucristo.
Las mujeres miran hacia ella, porque ella levant6 al hombre
Otra razon por la cual Maria es considerada como la
maxima figura de las madres es porque fue escogida por Dios.
De todas las mujeres en el mundo, escogi6 a una mujer
cornun que vivi6 en el pequerio pueblo de Nazaret. Ella no era
una mujer de riquezas materiales. Dios escoqio a Maria para
ser la madre de Jesucristo, porque tenia las virtudes de la
santidad, la piedad y la humildad.
Uno de los puntos mas valiosos que poseia era su capacidad
de perseverar, un rasgo que se ejemplifica en el modo en que
hicieron frente a su hijo
frente a la persecucion. Ella 10
vio lIevar la cruz, tiene clavos
enormes metidos en sus
manos y pies, y, finalmente,
colgado en la cruz. Debe
haber side insoportable para ella al verlo experimentar una
muerte lenta y dolorosa. Sin embargo, a pesar de todo esto,
ella persevere, y nunca se neg6 a dar de si misma.
Como un modelo para las mujeres (y hombres), Maria nos
enseria la importancia de confiar en el Senor. Ella sabia que
Dios tenia un plan para ella. En la actualidad, las mujeres (y
hombres) deberian tener la misma confianza en el Senor asi
como 10 hizo Maria. Dios tiene un plan para nosotros, al igual
que el tenia un plan para Marfa. EI no puede negar a sus hijos
de cualquier necesidad.
ILa Virgen Maria
es Madre de
todas las Madres
La Virgen Marfa es e/ mode/o definitivo para /as mujeres.
Ella es, de hecho, /0 madre de todas /as madres.
from Catholic Planet, by Shelly Vaughan