Recent events I Reunión de la Comisión de Geología Sedimentaria

Recent events
I Reunión de la Comisión de Geología Sedimentaria de la SGE, Almazán (Soria, Spain)
19-20 Septiembre 2014
“Fluvio-lacustrine transitions in the Neogene succession of the Almazán basin:
sedimentology and sequential analysis”
Last September was hold the meeting
on the fluvio-lacustrine deposits in the
Neogene of Almazán basin (Spain). During
meeting the characteristics of the fluvial
transitions to the carbonate lacustrine
facies and the different lacustrine
associations were shown and discussed.
Furthermore, the sequential arrangement
of the stratigraphic succession and its
magnetostratigraphic correlation were also
put forward. More than 30 participants
from several universities and research
centres throughout Spain attended the
This activity of the RCANS and the
Spanish Commission of Sedimentary
Geology also served as a tribute to Gonzalo
Pardo Tirapu (Professor of Stratigraphy of
the University of Zaragoza, Spain).
Participants at the meeting in front of the Puerta del
Mercado, remains of the mediaeval city wall (S XII –XIII) of
Almazán Villa, Soria.